Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Kylie Jenner Pregnancy Reveal: This is How It"ll Happen!

The time is nearly here, good people of the Internet.

Your patience is about to pay off.

The questions will finally end and the rumors will cease to exist for much longer…

… because Kylie Jenner is about to reveal that she"s pregnant!!!!!!

Granted, we"ve been fooled before – most notably by the way the family drew out its Kardashian Christmas card reveal – but what other conclusion can be drawn from the following promo?

It was released by E! and it teases a very special, two-part, two-night episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

It will be an episode "“full of Kardashian surprises," the teaser states, adding:

“Because when it comes to making announcements, the family’s got news so big we need Sunday and Monday just to cover it."

In the 40-second preview, we see Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner reacting to some apparently quite shocking news from someone off-camera.

Khloe also cannot believe her eyes and/or ears:

We also see Kylie on FaceTime, seemingly lying in bed…and definitely excited over something.

Jenner, of course, has been pregnant for months. And the Internet has known about it for months.

Yet she hasn"t uttered a word about the child growing inside of her womb yet. Moreover, she"s barely been seen in public or on social media.

What"s she been waiting for, many have asked and wondered? Is she ashamed of being pregnant? Ashamed of her baby bump?

Might she be ashamed of baby daddy Travis Scott, who recently blew off questions about the pregnancy?

Again, no one really knows. Because neither Kylie nor any family member has said anything on the topic.

The 20-year-old reality star has been MIA from the reality show of late and didn’t appear in the family’s Christmas card, as previously mentioned.

Could this upcoming FaceTime session tell us more? We"ll need to tune in and find out!

(For the known record, Khloe Kardashian is also pregnant.

And she recently said she would reveal the gender of her child on a future episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. So, indeed, many surprises are in store!)

Do you agree that the Kylie reveal is finally happening?

Watch below and then chime in!

Kylie jenner pregnancy reveal this is how itll happen

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Travis Scott FINALLY Breaks Silence on Kylie Jenner Pregnancy

Travis Scott has done it at last.

He has spoken out on the baby Kylie Jenner is allegedly expecting as a result of the rapper and the reality star having had unprotected sex about six or seven months ago.

But did Scott actually say anything of substance?

Did he reveal his baby mama’s due date? Or the gender of the impending child? Or verify his relationship with Kylie is still going strong?

Or, heck, even acknowledge the 20-year old is pregnant?!?

Simply put: no, no, no and no.

“I don’t want to talk about that. They’re just guesses. Let them keep fishing,” Scott told Billboard this week when asked about becoming a father.

Doesn’t exactly sound like someone excited to welcome a new life into the world, does it?

Yes, the celebrity gossip community is “fishing” for information on Kylie’s pregnancy.

But this just means various rumors are floating around; from wondering whether Jenner is Kim Kardashian’s surrogate…to whether she contemplated an abortion… to whether she’s actually already had the baby.

You would think Scott or Jenner would want to clear this chatter up. To set the record straight.

For whatever reason, they are remaining totally mum on the topic instead.

Is this their right? Absolutely.

Does it make us sound hypocritical, that we’re so often mocking Kylie for being too open with her life… and now we’re giving her a hard time for staying private?

Not really.

Pregnancy is a HUGE deal!

With so many outlets having confirmed this news, no one is wondering any longer whether Kylie will have a baby this spring.

Instead, her silence has simply caused us to wonder just why she’s being silent.

She could release a brief statement and then go into hiding if she so desired.

But is she simply embarrassed by her baby bump? Could she be considering adoption for the child and then pretending that she never even had it?

No one knows.

No one even knows if Scott and Jenner are still together or if they broke up over Christmas, as has been bantered about.

For his part, Scott admitted to Billboard that he sees Kanye West “everyday,” but claimed the two never really talk about romance or parenthood.

He started dating Jenner in early 2017 and she’s supposedly due in February or March.

This would mean Kylie got pregnant just a couple months into the relationship, which makes us believe it was an accident.

This doesn’t mean Jenner won’t love her daughter or that everything won’t turn our great in the end.

But it would explain the awkwardness at play here; Scott is just 25, Kylie is just 20 – and both are focused on their careers.

We somehow doubt they really want a baby right now.

But she’s coming, guys. Pretty soon, in fact.

So you better embrace that fact, get used to talking about it…and prepare to shower that child with all the love in your heart.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Leah Messer Fights to Prevent Teen Pregnancy: Hero or Hypocrite?

After years of turmoil marked by addiction, multiple divorces, and countless accusations of shoddy parenting, Leah Messer appears to have found a modicum of happiness and stability in her life.

And in admirable fashion, she frequently expresses gratitude for her good fortune.

These days, the MTV fan favorite is making it clear that her primary career goal is not lining her pockets, but setting a positive example for her millions of impressionable fans.

In the early days of the Teen Mom franchise, both stars and producers stated that their objective was not merely to entertain but to shed light on the difficulties faced by young first-time parents.

Obviously, in the years since, that intention has been overshadowed by the casts’ celebrity status and high-profile feuds.

But as a mother of three daughters it seems Leah is still focused on spreading the word about the perils of teenage pregnancy.

In recent weeks, Leah has been engaged in an ongoing open conversation with her social media followers about the importance of sex education and equal access to birth control.

“So proud of you!!! You are such a strong woman! From one teen mom to another I look up to you a lot. Thank you for being you,” one tweeted to Leah this week.

“You’re welcome! It’s not easy but I hope all of us girls can continue to prevent teen pregnancy by sharing our story/struggles! That’s the goal,” Leah replied.

Yes, Leah has eagerly reminded viewers of the show’s original mission statement several times in the past few weeks.

It seems that like many critics of the show, she now feels that Teen Mom 2 has had the opposite of its intended effect.

While teen pregnancies have been on the decline in recent years, there are certainly young viewers of the show for whom the prospect of getting pregnant at a young age has only become more attractive by MTV’s most popular shows.

Leah seems to be aware of this, and she also seems genuine in her hopes to dispel the notion that a teen pregnancy is something to aspire to.

For the most part, Ms. Messer has been lauded for her efforts.

Of course, her comments have attracted their fair share of criticism as well.

Some have derided Leah as a hypocrite and expressed their belief that a woman who welcomed three children before her mid-twenties and benefited enormously by doing so, she’s not the best representative of the dangers of teen pregnancy.

But Leah has repeatedly made it clear that good fortunate of the kind that she’s experienced is increasingly uncommon.

Hopefully, the same young fans who look at Leah’s life these days and see an aspirational figure will also bear in mind that Ms. Messer went through hell to get to where she is today.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Leah’s struggles.


Khloe Kardashian: I Don"t Need Pregnancy Advice! My Sisters Can Shut the F--k Up!

Khloe Kardashian is expecting, and that’s been out in the open for months, now. Khloe even finally confirmed her pregnancy.

And while Khloe melted the internet with her “mom” photo, she says that not everything’s quite perfect. Namely, she’s getting way too much family advice.

She wants one of her sisters in particular to “shut the f–k up.” Uh-oh.

Khloe Kardashian spoke to Entertainment Tonight and gushed about her pregnancy. And what’s been getting on her nerves.

For one thing, she’s pretty darn tired of hearing people tell her to stop her workouts.

“It’s bizarre to me that people don’t want me to be happy and stay healthy and fit.”

We don’t know that we’ve heard that sentiment from anyone … except maybe from Amy Schumer that one time.

But we guess that people have been concern-trolling Khloe about her workouts, saying that it’s “not good” for her pregnancy.

“My doctor wants me to work out everyday if I could, so I’m doing doctor’s orders and I feel good.”

We’ve seen countless “fit mom” pregnancies, and it never seems to harm the baby, folks.

In case some mothers read this and go “wait, the doctors never told me that,” Khloe explains why the doctors want her to keep working out.

“Whatever you do before you’re pregnant, you’re allowed to continue, and they say it leads for a better delivery.”

To clarify, she means in terms of fitness. Obviously, you don’t get to keep drinking alcohol.

“I feel great, and I would feel horrible if I was just sitting around, overeating all day…”

Ah, yes. What a nightmare it would be to sit and overeat. (That is sarcasm, folks)

“I don’t have swollen feet, I don’t have a lot of these things because I’m staying so active right now. So, as long as I can, I want to keep that up.”

Khloe then goes into talking about her show.

No, not Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The one you’ve probably forgotten about: Revenge Body.

“From season one to season two… we change the format a little bit, and also I now have celebrity guests that want to come on and join the show, which is cool.”

Honestly, the celebrity guests that she had on Kocktails With Khloe were a selling point, so this sounds like a good idea.

“There’s way more pressure for season two, I will say, but it’s exciting.”

And Khloe talks about the show’s title.

“I never thought of my body as revenge, I just did something for myself, but everyone else was like, ‘You have this revenge body.’ So I played with it.”

Success is the best revenge, folks.

“I was like, OK, cool let’s run with that.’ And now, I think the hardest thing is maintaining.”

Yep. One day we’ll all get patches or cybernetic implants to keep our flesh prisons looking how we want. In the mean time … we’re stuck with exercise.

“I think its important to show people you can turn your life around. You can go through hell and high water, and you can still come out and have a beautiful positive happy life.”

And then Khloe talks about a major pain in her pregnancy: getting advice from her family:

“[I got] a lot [of advice from my sisters]. Too much.”

She’s a first time mom, and her sisters include a couple of very experienced moms.

“I’ve gotten to the point… I’m like, ‘OK, shut the f–k up and take your own advice."”

That’s … pretty harsh. And Khloe singles out once sister in particular.

“Like, I love Kourtney, but… I’m going to figure it all out, I promise you. We’re all going to learn.”

Honestly, I’m going to figure it out is not a reassuring line from a soon-to-be parent. Also, Khloe’s never balked at giving people “advice.”

“So some advice is great, but it’s also not what you say, it’s how you say it.”

Speaking to Ellen, Khloe said that her pregnancy was miserable for the first trimester.

And she reiterates that point:

“The first few months is not sexy, because it’s like, you’re just a little chubby. No one will know you’re pregnant, they’re just like, ‘Oh, you should get back in the gym."”

Well, she kept it secret. Also, anyone telling you to get back to the gym is probably a terrible friend.

“And you just feel the worst. So I think now that I’m showing more I feel sexy.”

Uh, sure.

“Gosh, just having a family [is the most unexpected gift].”

Not too unexpected though, right? 


French Montana Thrilled Over Khole"s Pregnancy

French Montana clearly harbors no ill will or hard feelings after his breakup with Khloe Kardashian, because he couldn’t be happier she’s having a baby. We got French Thursday night in West Hollywood at the legendary Chateau Marmont Hotel on the…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Jinger Duggar Pregnancy Announcement: Her Family Reacts!

Yesterday, Duggar fans received news they’ve been anticipating for over a year:

The family announced that Jinger Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo 14 months ago, and Duggar women typically get to work on making babies shortly after the vows are exchanged.

Rumors of Jinger being secretly pregnant began to circulate almost immediately, but for reasons that still aren’t entirely clear, Jinger and Jeremy decided to wait.

Obviously, they don’t owe anyone an explanation, and fortunately, it seems fans and family members are too busy celebrating to ask for one.

The Duggars and their in-laws took to social media yesterday to share their elation over Jinger and Jeremy’s joyous news.

Interestingly, first up was Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard.

Derick was recently fired by TLC after expressing some wildly controversial views on social media.

This week, however, he’s been all positivity, wishing Jinger and Jeremy all the best on Instagram:

“Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy on expecting your first child! We are so excited for y’all and know you’ll make excellent parents! Israel and Sam are getting at least 43% more cousins in 2018 and they be excited like WOOO!!!” Derick wrote.

Yes, Derick is now using “urban slang.”

We guess that’s an indication of his excitement.

Not to be outdone, another of Jinger’s brothers-in-law Ben Seewald, who pointed out just how rapidly the Duggar clan is expanding:

“3 weddings in less than a year’s time, with @jeremy_vuolo & @jingervuolo, @austinandjoyforsyth, Joe & Kendra! 3 new babies (all boys) born in 2017, Henry, Samuel & Mason! And now… 3 new babies due in 2018! Boys or girls, what are your guesses?” Ben asked his followers.

On their official Facebook page, the Duggars themselves offered up the following message of congratulations:

“Congratulations Jeremy and Jinger!! We are so excited and can’t wait to meet this little one!”

Some fans are disappointed by the fact that the Duggars clearly have no intention of explaining why Jinger took so much longer than her other married siblings to start a family.

But for now, the Vuolos are clearly only interested in receiving one kind of message from fans–words of congratulations.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Chip & Joanna are Actually Getting Dragged for Their Pregnancy

Well… this is a new one.

As previously reported, Chip and Joanna Gaines are expecting their fifth child.

The Fixer Upper made this announcement via a very cute photo (below) and most fans are extremely excited for them.

Most fans. But not all fans.

Some folks out there are giving the Fixer Upper stars a hard time for procreating once again, and you won"t believe the reason(s) why.

Scroll down to find out…

1. We’re Pregnant!

Chip and joanna gaines announcement

This is how the couple confirmed the exciting news, with Chip writing as a caption: “Gaines party of 7.. (If you’re still confused.. WE ARE PREGNANT) @joannagaines”

2. When Did This Happen?

When did this happen

Chip has actually gone ahead and revealing the night that some music led to some love making, which led to a baby. He’s the best, isn’t he?

3. The Ultrasound

The ultrasound

Joanna chimed in on the pregnancy with proof… and with another funny comment by Chip.

4. So… What’s the Problem?

Joanna and chip gaines on tv

We should all just be happy for Chip and Joanna, shouldn’t we? They really do seem like such a fun and living couple.

5. Okay, Slow Down

Okay slow down

We’re all happy for Chip and Joanna. But we were happier when people we actually knew had this news. Still: this is the right sort of response.

6. This Isn’t About You

This isnt about you

But still. At least this person is happy for Chip and Joanna, however. Well done.

View Slideshow

Khloe Kardashian Celebrates Pregnancy Milestone, Can"t Wait to Be "Mom"

Khloe Kardashian is officially the anti-Kylie Jenner.

Whereas the reality star’s half-sister is doing everything she can to avoid the spotlight these days and remain mum about her pregnancy, Khloe is now going in the opposite direction.

She’s embracing every aspect of this whole expecting thing.

On Tuesday afternoon, Kardashian shared a couple of very sweet images on her Instagram account, both in celebration of a big milestone.

The mother-to-be is now six months along, as she confirmed in a very simple caption that accompanied the picture above.

This means she’s headed into her final trimester and will likely give birth in late March or early April. How exciting!!!!!

Khloe, of course, did keep quiet about this major news for awhile.

But she finally let loose about the bun growing in her oven back on December 20, sharing an adorable photo of her baby bump along with a lengthy caption.

“My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby!” gushed Khloe at the time, adding in her extreme excitement:

“I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing.

“I simply had to trust in Him and be patient. I still at times can’t believe that our love created life!”

It certainly is true that Khloe has been open over the years about her desire to procreate.

It didn’t work out with Lamar Odom due to his drug habit, and then she was never serious enough with rebound lovers James Harden or French Montana.

But it’s been clear for awhile now that the romance with Tristan Thompson is legitimate and serious; both seem pretty darn psyched to become parents.

“For six months, you a fine six months, baby. I’ll tell you that,” Tristan told Khloe in a Snapchat video this week, while the latter wrote as a romantic caption to the following photo:

Mom and Dad.

That really does say it all, doesn’t it?

So, why is Khloe being so open about her pregnancy, while Kylie is basically in hiding?


  • She’s very clearly with her baby daddy, while the relationship status between Kylie and Travis Scott is unknown.

  • She’s 33, while Kylie is 20.

  • Khloe cares about her body, but she hasn’t made a living off sharing sultry images in the way her sibling has, which would explain why Kylie is ashamed over her shape these days.

These are all just guesses, of course.

We can’t say for certain what’s going on with either of these women. We can only post what we see online and hear about from various sources.

Whatever the case may be, we simply wish a healthy pregnancy fo both Khloe and Kylie, along with very happy and healthy babies.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kendall Jenner Shuts Down Pregnancy Rumors with Bagel Explanation

Kendall Jenner is NOT the 4th Kardashian who’s expecting a bundle of joy — she’s just got a bun in the oven … otherwise known as a bagel. Kendall posted a mirror selfie Saturday and almost immediately had to respond to rumors that she was…


Gilbert Arenas Jumps in Tamar Braxton War and Attacks Laura Govan, Vincent Herbert Over Pregnancy Rumors

Gilbert Arenas has jumped into the Tamar Braxton/Laura Govan fray by calling out his baby mama for accusing him of starting false rumors Tamar’s husband got Laura pregnant.  You following this? Gilbert lashed out at Govan by saying, “…my BM…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Brielle Biermann Explains Kim Zolciak Pregnancy Prank: I Wanted Revenge!

Almost exactly one month ago, Brielle Biermann tweeted that Kim Zolciak was pregnant with baby #7. It was a strange, weird claim.

At the time, we theorized that she was pranking her mother to get revenge for her mom’s Snapchat antics, but Brielle didn’t exactly explain herself … until now.

As it turns out, 

So, back in November, Brielle Biermann took to Twitter and shared that her mother was pregnant with what would be her seventh child.

She deleted the tweet without explanation and Kim clarified that she was not, in fact, pregnant.

At the time, we guessed that perhaps Brielle was getting back at her mother for sharing a Snapchat video of Brielle flashing her boob. It had been part of a conversation (with Khloe Kardashian), and clearly not something that Brielle had wanted to go public.

But we were just speculating.

Now, Brielle Biermann tells TooFab the reason why she tweeted that goofy claim about her mom.

“My mom posted a video of me on her Snapchat that really irritated me, so I was sitting downstairs with two of my best friends, and I was like, you know what, I’m gonna tweet that she’s expecting.”

We told you so.

“I didn’t think it would take off as quick as it did, but within 10 minutes, it was everywhere.”

Well, yeah. Kim Zolciak’s easily one of the most famous Real Housewives. And, again, this would have been her seventh child.

Brielle was entertained, and she also describes how her mother reacted.

“I was dying laughing. She wasn’t even mad, she was just like, ‘What the f–k is wrong with you?"”

To us, that sounds like a pretty healthy response for a mother to have to her (adult!) daughter.

In fact, Brielle has a very succinct statement for anyone who doesn’t like how close she is with her mom.

“F–k off.”

In general, she’s noticed that there are a lot of people with opinions about her.

“It’s my life, and I don’t know why people are so concerned with it.”

True — though if they were less concerned with her, she might have a harder time doing product endorsements on Instagram.

She understands that, though, and is grateful to have a balance. She’d just rather that people not get upset.

“I understand I’m in the public eye and people are interested, but my life does not affect you, and until it does, just let me live my life the way that I want to.”

Brielle actually talks about her mother-daughter dynamic.

We didn’t really expect to be saying this, but Brielle seems to have a pretty good grasp of healthy family bonds.

“People see my relationship with my mom as too friendly, but I don’t think you could ever be too friendly with your parents.”

Personally, I agree. Especially when we’re talking about adult children.

“I think some parents aren’t close enough with their kids, and communication is key in my family.”

You’d need a lot of it, in a family of 8.

“My whole life, I’ve told her everything that goes on, even stupid things or things she may not be comfortable with hearing.”

Wow. A lot of families would love to have that honesty. But you’d need a parent who is really, truly trustworthy.

“She is truly my best friend, and I hope that it stays that way.”

That’s so sweet!

“I tell her all the time, I’m like, ‘I know I’m your favorite."”

We wonder what Kim would have to say about that.

“We’re super close, and I just like to f-ck with her.”

Brielle’s pretty conscious of her role as a young, hot reality star.

But she says that people don’t necessarily know the real her.

“People see only 30 minutes of my life once a week for like 12 weeks and that’s it.”

To be fair, plenty of people also see her on social media. But that, too, only shows part of the story.

“They don’t really know me, they don’t know what goes on behind the scenes and they don’t see what really happens.”

Of course.

“They feel like they know us because they see the show, but that’s not who I really am.”

She’s not just a gorgeous party girl with an unnecessarily hot boyfriend, but we kind of figured that.

“There’s a certain image I want the world to see and a certain image I have for my family and friends.”

We all wear different masks with different people.

And Brielle knows that, to a certain degree, we all play different roles in different environments.

“I feel like everybody needs that balance.”

So what is she or isn’t she?

“I’m not this ditsy, crazy girl that has no goals in life. I’m just struggling to find my passion.”

That’s totally normal — especially for a young woman in her twenties.


Lamar Odom: CRUSHED, Hurt by Khloe Kardashian"s Pregnancy!

She waited until three months after the news broke, but Khloe Kardashian confirmed her pregnancyfinally. And she even showed off her baby bump.

Khloe is overjoyed. Tristan Thompson is overjoyed.

But Khloe’s ex, Lamar Odom, is having a very different reaction.

Before we talk about Lamar Odom’s response, we need to talk about how Khloe made her big announcement.

Because what Khloe had to say … is very, very relevant.

“My greatest dream realized!” Khloe wrote. “We are having a baby! I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along.”

She writes more about how she finds religious significance behind her pregnancy.

“He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient.”

But this is no immaculate conception, and Khloe talks happily about her baby daddy.

“I still at times can’t believe that our love created life! Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do!”

Tristan Thompson penned his own tribute to Khloe’s pregnancy, of course.

“Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! Tristan, most of all, Thank you for making me a MOMMY!!!”

She’s clearly very excited.

“You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love!”

Khloe included this photo of her baby bump. Finally!

She also gives a shout-out to fans.

“Thank you to everyone for the love and positive vibes!”

And there’s acknowledgement that we’ve all known about Khloe’s pregnancy since September.

“I know we’ve been keeping this quiet but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately. To enjoy our first precious moments just us.”

That’s odd for such a public person, but … sure.

“Thank you all for understanding. I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed and scared all in one! But it’s the best bundle of feelings I’ve ever felt in my life!”

That’s a lot of happiness!

But you know who isn’t feeling the joy?

Lamar Odom.

HollywoodLife reports that Lamar Odom is wounded by Khloe’s wording.

Lamar is happy for Khloe but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t hurt.”

Famously, Khloe and Lamar tried to get pregnant. Though … Khloe has suggested that she wasn’t trying in earnest, once she saw their relationship deteriorating.

“It’s heartbreaking for him that she’s having a baby with someone else.”

Which means that he still has feelings for her.

He‘s not over Khloe.”


“Their divorce is still a painful subject for him and one of his biggest regrets is that he wasn’t able to get her pregnant.”

Well, surely he should be happy that he didn’t get her pregnant, or they’d be putting a child through a divorce.

(Unless he believes that a baby would have fixed their relationship. It doesn’t work that way, folks)

“And now that she’s having someone else’s baby it’s a big reminder of how he failed.”

Failed in their relationship.

But also, in his mind, failed as a man.

You know how it’s been suggested that Lamar Odom is sterile?

Since Khloe is pregnant, apparently that rumor is picking up steam. And Lamar’s not loving it.

“People are giving him grief over it too, saying this proves all their fertility troubles were his fault; it’s humiliating.”

“And the things she said in her announcement only makes this worse.”

Certain phrases in particular.

“The stuff about how God’s timing was right all along might be true but it’s still a huge slap in the face to Lamar.”

Basically, she was saying that not only was her relationship with Lamar not meant to last, but divinely ordained to end.

He wishes she could have been more thoughtful about the words she chose.”

You know what?

As happy as Khloe is and as much as what she does with her uterus is absolutely not Lamar Odom’s business, that last bit sounds fair.

It never hurts to be thoughtful.

It can be so easy to get carried away, telling a joke or celebrating something in front of someone for whom it’s a sore subject.

Choose your words carefully for your audience, folks. It’s part of being a nice person.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Tristan Thompson SLAMMED After Khloe Kardashian Pregnancy Reveal!

Did you hear the good news?!

Or rather, did you hear the confirmation of the good news that we’ve known for months now?!

Yesterday, Khloe Kardashian hopped on Instagram to let us all know that she is, in fact, pregnant!

She shared that cute little photo of her boyfriend and baby daddy Tristan Thompson holding onto her greased up baby bump, and she wrote a darling little message to go along with it.

“My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby!” she wrote. “I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what he was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient.”

“I still at times can’t believe that our love created life!” she continued. “Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do! Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages!”

“Tristan, most of all, thank you for making me a MOMMY!!! You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time!”

Khloe also thanked her fans “for the love and positive vibes,” and explained that they’d waited to confirm the pregnancy “to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately.”

And that’s definitely fair.

She closed her precious little message by saying that she’s “so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed, and scared all in one! But it’s the best bundle of feelings I’ve ever felt in my life!”

And if that wasn’t sweet enough, Tristan commented on the photo, thanking Khloe for “allowing me to be apart of your journey and entering your life.”

“I’m soo happy to be on this journey together with you and creating this angel from the man above,” he told her. “Everyday I give thanks to him for bringing us together.”

“I love you soo much and I know our little angel feels the love we share together and will know that mommy and daddy loves them unconditional and forever and ever amen.”

So this is all very, very cute, right? They’re obviously in love and so happy to be having a baby together.

But let’s not forget that this time last year, Tristan had just had his first child with his ex-girlfriend, Jordy Craig.

He left Jordy while she was pregnant to get with Khloe, which … well, it’s not great.

And Twitter is not willing to anyone forget this little hiccup in Tristan and Khloe’s love story.

“Tristan Thompson is GARBAGE,” one person wrote. “Khloe Kardashian get pregnant and be ready to conquer the world. But wasn’t even there for his first born.”

“Okay sorry but I won’t get over the fact that Tristan Thompson left his PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND for Khloe and left her to raise their baby boy by herself,” another stated.

Khloe herself wasn’t free from criticism either — someone tweeted “Don’t see how y’all support Tristan Thompson & Khloe Kardashian’s relationship. He left his baby’s mother mid pregnancy & Khloe still got with him knowingly… disgusting & trifling on both ends smh.”

And if you wanted to see an even lower blow, one person wrote “I wish Tristan Thompson’s bitch ass loved his pregnant girlfriend and son the way he ‘loves’ OJ’s daughter.

Does Tristan deserve all this hate?!


Khloe Kardashian Confirms Pregnancy: Check Out My Baby Bump!

Khloe Kardashian has made it official.

And officially beautiful.

The long-time reality star has finally come out and made the worst kept secret in Hollywood into… well… a reality:


About two months after multiple outlets confirmed the pregnancy news, E! personality herself has at last issued a statement in regard to her womb.

And it’s so lovely and heartfelt that we may just collapse in a pile of tears.

“My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby!” wrote Khloe as a caption to the image below, adding:

“I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient. I still at times can’t believe that our love created life!”

The picture, as you’re about to see, features Kardashian’s baby bump, along with her boyfriend’s hands wrapped about his lady love’s growing stomach.

“Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do! Thank you for treating me like a Queen!” Khloe continued.

“Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! Tristan, most of all, Thank you for making me a MOMMY!!!

“You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time!

“Thank you for making me so happy my love!”

Khloe has made no secret over the years of her desire to start a family.

She had wanted to make a baby with ex-husband Lamar Odom, but his drug habit ruined any chance of that happening (along with the couple’s marriage, of course).

Since then, Khloe has dated James Harden and French Montana, but it was pretty clear throughout those romances that Khloe was looking for something more.

And she’s found it with Thompson.

The two have been very hot, heavy and adorable for well over a year now.

They have no plans to marry, as far as we know, but they are in this for the long haul.

Here is how Khloe concluded her major reveal:

Thank you to everyone for the love and positive vibes! I know we’ve been keeping this quiet but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately.

To enjoy our first precious moments just us. Thank you all for understanding. I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed and scared all in one!

But it’s the best bundle of feelings I’ve ever felt in my life!

We’re so very happy for her.

At some point in the next month or so, Kim Kardashian will welcome a third child via surrogate.

Moreover, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first baby!

Amazing, right?

While we wait to see how Kylie will confirm her own major piece of stunning news, we’d just like to say the following:

Congratulations, Khloe and Tristan!!!!!!!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jinger Duggar Pregnancy: Fans Demand an Announcement!

Just three months after getting married, Kendra Caldwell is pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby!

Plenty of people are congratulating the couple, including fans and fellow Duggars.

But seeing Jinger Duggar celebrate the good news has fans demanding to know when Jinger will make a pregnancy announcement of her own.

You certainly don’t have to be a member of the Duggar fertility cult to face expectations that you’ll get pregnant and have a baby soon.

Plenty of people from normal families dread the holidays and family gatherings because they’re tired of questions about when they’ll put their uterus to work because some other relative wants grandkids or niblings or whatever.

Obviously, that’s not fair — your body is your own, and you don’t owe anyone grandbabies.

With the Duggars, however, these expectations are taken to greater extremes.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have 19 children. 19.

They expect for all of their brood to not only continue to live their lives by Jim Bob’s fundamentalist beliefs about male supremacy and rejecting most of society, but also to follow their parents’ footsteps in having as many children as possible.

In other words, Jim Bob and Michelle are expecting literally hundreds of grandchildren.

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married back in September.

It’s December and Kendra is already pregnant with the couple’s first child.

Considering that the average fertile couple has to try for about a year to create a viable pregnancy, that’s pretty fast. (That’s average, though, meaning that some people take a couple of years and others get it on the first try)

While Joseph and Kendra perhaps didn’t conceive as quickly as Joy-Anna and Austin (who may have broken courtship rules and had a shotgun wedding), that’s still fast.

The Duggars, of course, gave Joseph and Kendra’s good news a very public shout-out. Jinger said:

“Congratulations, Joe and Kendra. We’re so excited for you guys.”

Jeremy Vuolo added: “We cannot wait to meet the little one. We’re so grateful to God for giving you a little baby so soon. We love you guys, and hope to see you soon.”

When fans saw Jinger Duggar publicly congratulate her brother and her sister-in-law on their pregnancy, they had questions.

Namely: why was 19-year-old Kendra Caldwell having a baby before 23-year-old Jinger Duggar?

In the real world, those would both be somewhat young ages for pregnancy. Actually, with a 19-year-old, you can lose the “somewhat.”

Fans took to Facebook to offer their hopes, prayers, and encouragement that Jinger and Jeremy will become parents.

One fan wrote: “Praying for you Jinger. Hope you get pregnant soon. Your babies will be gorgeous too”

Another asked: “When is Jinger going to announce she’s expecting?”

That second comment may be a reference to the commonly held belief that Jinger Duggar is already pregnant.

Of course, other fans were quick to remind people that Jinger and Jeremy may be taking their time.

Jinger Duggar wears pants — because Jeremy Vuolo allows it. She also listens to (gasp!) secular music.

It may be that she and Jeremy are using some form of birth control.

It’s also possible that they’re just … not pregnant. They’ve been married for, like, a year. They may just have bad timing, or one of them may struggle with fertility issues. It happens.

The only thing that we know for sure is that fans pushing Jinger to get pregnant soon isn’t going to do any good.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Confirming Pregnancy With Latest Instagram Pic?

For over a year now, Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Thus far, there’s been no official word from Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo about whether or not they’ll be expanding their family anytime soon.

But in recent, weeks many fans have become convinced the couple is slyly hinting that there’s a bun in the oven.

The speculation began when Jeremy posted pic of Jinger enjoying this week’s unexpected snowfall in Laredo, Texas.

Fans were convinced that Jinger was sporting baggy clothes in order to conceal a baby bump.

At one point, Jeremy posted a video clip that seemed to show Jinger rubbing her belly, and that really set Duggar obsessives off.

At this point, they’ve stopped just short of picking out names and knitting booties.

Tellingly, Jinger and Jeremy did not issue a denial amidst all the pregnancy rumors.

Instead, they posted the pic below, which a lot of fans believe is loaded with hidden meaning:

On the surface, it’s just a photo of a married couple enjoying a tender moment.

And in all likelihood, there’s nothing more than that going on here.

But that hasn’t stopped Jinger pregnancy conspiracy theorists from reading way too much into this thing.

Their theory is that the couple’s silence on the matter speaks volumes.

And this pic, presented without comment, is being interpreted as the Vuolo’s way of subtly confirming that the fans are correct in their assumptions.

It’s a a long-shot, maybe, but it’s not as ridiculous as it might seem at first.

After all, if and when Jinger does get pregnant she likely be able to share the news with fans until her father Jim Bob (aka “the Kris Jenner of Arkansas”) figures out a way to use the reveal as a ratings booster.

Jinger being the resident rebel in her family, it would come as much of a surprise if she figured out a way to defy Jim Bob without actually going against him in such a way that might jeopardize her future earnings.

Again, it’s important to note that many assumptions are being made on the basis of single, innocent-seeming Instagram pic.

That said, it’s far from the craziest theory Duggar fans have come up with.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
