Showing posts with label Really. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Really. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Adam Lind Signs Over His Parental Rights, Is Really Just the Worst

OK, so Adam Lind is a truly awful person with zero redeeming qualities.

We all know this, and we’ve known it for a very, very long time.

It would take forever to list all the ways he is the worst, but let’s at least go through a rundown of his greatest hits, all right?

The world was unfortuantely introduced to him because he impregnated Chelsea Houska, who had her own episode of 16 and Pregnant and then went on to be one of the mothers featured in Teen Mom 2.

They shared an adorable daughter, Aubree, but it was clear from the beginning that he was not exactly the world’s best dad.

Or a dad at all, really.

He wasn’t around too much after Aubree was born, or ever, as far as we saw.

He and Chelsea broke up, then got back together, and so on and so forth.

He was really cruel to her and obviously wasn’t too interested in their kid, but still, she kept taking him back pretty much until she met Cole DeBoer, an actual good person and now, her husband.

At some point in that mess, he also began seeing Taylor Halbur, and he had a baby with her, too — a precious little girl they named Paislee.

Adam wasn’t around for her, either, and it’s since become clear why.

As it turns out, he has a pretty big problem with addiction and domestic violence.

He’s been arrested plenty of times for DUIs and driving without a license, that sort of thing, but last year, he failed a court-ordered drug test.

Because of meth.

Yep, Adam was doing lots and lots of meth, and although he’s not on Teen Mom 2 anymore and hasn’t been for a while, we really don’t have any reason to believe he ever stopped.

He was also arrested more than once last year on domestic violence charges — his most recent ex, Stasia Huber stated in court documents that he broke her arm when he was high, then locked her in the house and destroyed her phone.

In other court documents for another case, Taylor claimed that he once killed two of her puppies, and that on another ocasion, he knocked her to the ground when she was holding Paislee.

So meth, breaking girlfriend’s arms, killing girlfriend’s puppies … how can it get any worse?

Oh, just you wait!

In one of Adam’s earliest appearances on MTV, he sent a text to Chelsea, who had just given birth to Aubree, to call her a “fat stretch mark bitch.”

He also wrote “tell me where and when to sign the rights over for that mistake,” and by “that mistake,” he meant their baby.

Now, all these years later, he actually did sign his rights over.

Not for Aubree, but for his other daughter, Paislee.

Yesterday, Taylor took Adam to court to get things done, as reported by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

It was hardly the first time Taylor took Adam to court — they’ve been many times to deal with custody arrangements, child support, visitation — but it was the last.

According to the report, Adam was asked several questions by the judge before everything was made official, and he was required to state that he knew his decision was permanent, and that from here on out, he’d have no rights to Paislee.

He did, and just like that, he signed away his rights to his youngest child.

As a bit of a happy ending to all of this, South Dakota state law requires that when parental rights are terminated, the rights get transferred to someone else, or to some authorized agency.

That was no big deal though, because Taylor’s husband adopted Paislee!

He’s been in Paislee’s life for a long time, and it seems like he’s been her dad during all that time anyway, it’s just official now.

Paislee Gets Adopted

Unfortunately, this doesn’t affect anything with Aubree.

If Chelsea wants Adam to terminate his parental rights to her, too, then she’ll have to get her own court date.

But in the past, she’s often followed Taylor’s lead — Taylor got a visitation center involved for Adam long before Chelsea did, for example — and they do speak with each other.

We have a feeling that if she wanted to do this, too, then Cole would happily adopt Aubree.

Honestly, it’s probably only a matter of time until that happens.

Can Adam get any lower than this?


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Beyonce"s 37th Birthday Reminds Us of How Great She Really Is

Beyonce turns 37 on Tuesday, so we thought we’d serve up 37 of her hottest photos over the years to celebrate the occasion — think of ‘em like birthday cupcakes! You’re welcome. Not that you’d ever forget, but Queen Bey’s been wowing fans for more…


Friday, August 31, 2018

Azealia Banks to Elon Musk: Sorry! You"re Not Really a Balding Drug Addict!

One of the most amusing gossip items of August had to do with the highly unexpected feud between Azealia Banks and Elon Musk.

In case you’re unfamiliar with those names, they perfectly represent the two main archetypes of American egomania:

Banks is the gifted artist whose rage over the fact that she still has to ride the subway like a plebe has driven her to repeatedly sabotage her own career.

Conversely, Musk is quite successful financially but is consistently driven mad over the world’s unwillingness to recognize him as the heir to Einstein, Edison, Henry Ford, and Jesus H. Christ.

In other words, they may not seem to have much in common — Banks is a self-made creative, whereas Mush is a left-brain cyborg who could’ve spent his entire life blowing his family’s emerald mine fortune.

But at the end of the day, Banks and Musk are just two sides of the same narcissistic coin.

Perhaps that’s why they clashed upon first meeting, then later realized they were destined to join forces.

Allow us to explain:

Earlier this month, NYC-based Banks spent some time in LA with the intention of collaborating on a song with Musk’s girlfriend, Grimes.

So she paid a visit to Musk’s sprawling mansion and found it to have less of a “Tony Stark” vibe and more of an “Allison Williams’ parent’s house in Get Out” feel.

In addition to comparing her experience to Jordan Peele’s horror classic, Banks says she witnessed a wealth of appallingly self-destructive behavior from both Musk and Grimes.

Banks referred to Musk as a “giant d–k” and a “beta male who took steroids and hair plugs to convince himself he’s alpha.”

She also accused Musk of conducting business while tripping on LSD, and Grimes of being a meth addict.

She later alleged that Musk had stolen her phone so that he could “delete evidence” of their encounter.

Needless to say, after all that it was quite a surprise to see that Banks had issued a public apology to Musk:

“I feel terrible about everything,” reads the now-deleted open letter that was posted to Banks’ Instagram page.

“Over the time spent liaising said collaborations [with Grimes], I was welcomed to a lot of personal information about you,” Banks wrote.

“The stuff made me feel awkward and uncomfortable about being privy to you, yet I never had the intentions of ever using the information against you.

She added:

“What started off as a cat-fight lead to some seriously unexpected consequences and I seriously apologize.”

Interestingly, Banks’ refused to use Grimes name throughout the letter, referring to her would-be collaborator only with a pair of empty quotation marks.

After posting the letter, Banks deleted her Instagram account, but now appears to have re-instated her account.

We’ll continue to monitor this weird-ass situation and let you know if it gets any weirder.


Ryan Edwards: Is He REALLY the Father of Mackenzie Standifer"s Unborn Child?!

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer … well, they"ve had an eventful relationship, we"ll say that much.

They"ve only been together for a couple of years, but boy, have they been through a lot.

And now, after two weddings and several arrests, they"re expecting their first child together, a boy due in October.

But could there be a chance that Ryan isn"t the baby"s father?

1. A Fairytale Romance (Or Not)

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

It feels like we’ve been hearing about drama centering around Ryan and/or Mackenzie for decades, but if you can believe it, these two crazy kids have barely been together for two years now.

2. Moving Fast

Mackenzie standifer pic

Yep, Mackenzie got divorced from her first husband in July of 2016, she met Ryan sometime after that, and by December, they were engaged.

3. Making It Official

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

They were married in May of 2017, a quick little affair down by the river for reasons we’re still not entirely sure about. Ryan was super high when it happened.


Mackenzie edwards pic

But at that time, Mackenzie insisted that she didn’t know Ryan was even using drugs, much less that he was shooting heroin. Like, he was arrested that March for having heroin and a bunch of needles in his car, but she claimed that she had no idea.

5. Anyway …

Mackenzie standifer and ryan edwards going strong

But regardless, they got married, then Ryan went to rehab, but he graduated from his program early, and Mackenzie seemed to think that was a good thing.

6. Cool, Cool


Oh, and during this whole time (and now, probably) Mackenzie blamed Ryan’s drug problem on Maci Bookout, because apparently she was a “trigger” for him, and also because she knew about everything and didn’t magically stop him somehow.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Is She Really PREGNANT?!

Over the summer, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra worked to save their marriage. And it paid off!

The couple, who have been together since childhood, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on Wednesday, August 22.

But as the couple celebrated each other on social media, Catelynn could not resist teasing that she has some exciting news.

Fans believe that she and Tyler are expecting another child.

Take a look and see why fans are getting hyped for a big announcement:

1. Are Catelynn and Tyler expecting?

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra 2018 selfie

Here is why some fans believe that Novalee Reign is getting a younger sibling. …

2. Nova would be overjoyed!

The baltierras

And so, of course, would her parents.

3. Especially after their recent heartbreak

Catelynn baltierra

It wasn’t even a year ago when we learned that Catelynn had suffered a miscarriage

4. The two of them worked through it

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell at the vmas

In fact, they’ve both been very honest about their coping strategies and mental health struggles in the aftermath of their tragic loss

5. So, why do fans think that Catelynn is preggo?

Cate lowell photo

Because she’s teasing some major good news

6. Catelynn stirred up this speculation

Catelynn lowell teases big news

There’s not much to go on here. This could be news about their reality careers or their children’s clothing line … or about their family.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Did He Really QUIT Jersey Shore?!

We’re just one day away from the return of Jersey Shore: Family Reunion, and in keeping with tradition, it seems there’s so much drama that no camera crew can keep pace.

And not surprisingly, much of it centers around the mascot for ‘roid rage himself, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

As you may recall from the first iteration of JSFV, agro Magro is pretty much “spiraling” non-stop these days.

Ronnie has broken up with Jen Harley about a dozen times in the months since they welcomed a daughter together.

Each split has been uglier than the last, and at one point, Harley dragged Ronnie with her car during a particularly intense fight.

Unable to restrain his rage, Ronnie got in a fight with a random fan while the show was filming in Vegas.

In recent weeks, Ronnie has largely been absent as his castmates continued to promote the show at various events, including Monday night’s 2018 VMAs.

Magro has also been uncharacteristically quiet on social media in recent weeks.

All of this sparked rumors that Ronnie quit Jersey Shore, possibly as a result of a legal battle with Harley.

Last night, Ron-Ron took to Instagram to finally address those reports.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with Ariana

“Everyone keeps asking where I’ve been, why wasn’t I at the VMAs or other ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ events with my lovely castmates,” he wrote.

“I’ve chosen to take some time off to be a father to my beautiful daughter,” Magro added.

“I’ve got to experience everything in my life thankfully because of ‘Jersey Shore’ and my fans, [but] there’s nothing that can replace the feeling of being a father.”

From there, Ronnie assured fans that all is well in Seaside Heights:

“Thank you for all the love and support, and no, I have not quit ‘Jersey Shore,"” he continued. “

“I am just choosing to take time so I can watch my daughter grow and be apart of [her] life…and be an amazing father. I rather be there for her in person than have to watch her grow through text messages and Instagram posts.”

Ronnie concluded the post with a touching tribute to his daughter:

“I can give her everything in the world, but if I can’t give her a relationship or a bond, than all of this is for nothing at the end of the day.”

And just so there’s no doubt about his involvement with the show, he tossed in a bunch of promotional hashtags, like “#PremiereThisJerzDay”

So there you have it.

Despite numerous reports to the contrary Rahn has not stahpped, nor does he have any intention of stahpping.

So mix up a batch of Ron-Ron juice and bust out your Sammi Sweetheart sex doll, because the stuff is about to hit the fan yet again.


Kim Kardashian: Is Baby #4 Really on the Way?

Kim Kardashian will never be pregnant again.

That womb-themed ship has sailed for the reality star due to a fairly serious medical condition.

But this unfortunate fact doesn’t mean that Kim and husband Kanye West are necessarily done having children.

Far from it, in fact.

According to a new report, Kim and Kanye may add an entirely new person to their family.

Seven months after daughter Chicago was born to the stars via a surrogate, an insider tells Us Weekly that Kardashian and West have “one last embryo left” if they wish to try for a fourth kid.

The Instagram model and the rapper, of course, are already parents to little Chicago, Saint, 2, and North, 5.

This tabloid alleges that the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star the volatile Grammy winner plan to have the embryo implanted in a gestational carrier “soon.”

In other words: they would bring on another surrogate to carry the child to term.

In a previous interview with Elle Magazine, Kim made it sound like she wasn’t anxious to go this route, not at this juncture at least.

“My home and my heart feel really full right now, in the best way,” she told the publication, explaining in more detail:

“I don’t think I could handle more than that [four kids]. My time is spread really thin. And I think it’s important that in all couples, the mom gives the husband as much attention as the kids.”

That last comment got Kim into a bit of trouble, but it isn’t really our focus at the moment.

Back in April, an insider contradicted Kardashian a bit, stating simply that Kim and Kanye will absolutely have another kid.

At some point, that is.

“It’s always been a question of when, not if they’ll add to the family,” the person said in the spring, adding at that time:

“They’re confident they can cope with this because of the support they have with childcare.”

We also formerly reported that Kardashian spoke to the surrogate who birthed Chicago about doing the same thing for another baby somewhere down the line.

As has been documented in the past, Kim has been told by doctors that she should not get pregnant again due to preeclampsia and placenta accreta.

This is what she wrote on Instagram three days after Chicago was born:

“Doctors said that it wasn’t safe for my – or the baby’s – health to carry on my own.

“After exploring many options, Kanye and I decided to use a gestational carrier.

“Although I have used the term surrogate in the past, a gestational carrier is actually the technical term for a woman who carries a baby that she has no biological relationship to.

“A traditional surrogate donates her egg, is artificially inseminated with the father’s sperm and then carries the baby to term.

“Since we implanted my fertilized egg in our gestational carrier, our baby is biologically mine and Kanye’s.”

For those interested, placenta accreta is a serious pregnancy condition that occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall.

Preeclampsia, meanwhile, is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys.

In conclusion, only one question remains here:

If Kim and Kanye do have another child, what, pray tell, will they name him or her?!?


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Hills Reboot: It"s Really Happening! Watch the Teaser!

Are you ready for a new beginning

MTV surely is.

And the network is hoping viewers feel the same way.

On Sunday night, not long after Spencer Pratt and company came together on the red carpet of the MTV Video Music Awards for a reunion photo, MTV made the announcement many had been waiting to hear for months:


As you can see above, Spencer and Heidi Pratt, Audrina Patridge, Jason Wahler, Justin Bobby, Stephanie Pratt and Frankie Delgado all showed up for the annual awards ceremony, causing some fans to think this mere red carpet gathering would be the only reunion they"d see for awhile.

But they were sorely (and awesomely?) mistaken.

Midway through the VMAs, MTV ran the promo featured here.

It teased a revival of the former reality series that will apparently be titled The Hills: New Beginnings.

And why not, we guess, right?!?

Last Man Standing is coming back this fall. So is Murphy Brown.

Netflix has found success with Fuller House and MTV itself has found enormous success with Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

According to a network press release, this new version of The Hill will reunite original cast members, alongside their kids, friends and returning favorites, while following their personal and professional lives while living in Los Angeles.

It is scheduled to premiere in 2019.

In the first preview for the program, footage of Los Angeles plays as Stephanie is heard saying, “It’s like we’re all growing up. It’s weird.”

That"s not really weird. That"s sort of just how life works.

But Heidi and Spencer have a son now and that is really weird!

Only one question now remains: Will Lauren Conrad appear on the reboot?

It doesn"t sound that way.

"I don’t think I would do another show that involved my family,” Conrad told HuffPost earlier this year, adding:

“I spent a lot of years on a show focused on my personal life, so I don’t think I’d do it again."

Oh well. We"re still all in on a The Hills reboot. How about you?!?

The hills reboot its really happening watch the teaser

Monday, August 13, 2018

Colton Underwood: What Does He Really Think of Garrett Yrigoyen?

Colton Underwood does not know what it’s like to feel the warm, naked embrace of a woman.

As proudly admitted during his run this past season on The Bachelorette, Underwood is a virgin.

But while Underwood has never thrusted his unit into the precious depths of a companion, he has spent a lot of time with Garrett Yrigoyen.

So… what does Underwood think of the man who beat him out for Becca’s affection?

Who is now engaged to Kufrin?

Who many viewers have been disgusted by since it was discovered that Garrett Liked a bunch of intolerant and offensive memes that were anti-immigrant and anti-the LGBT community?

Colton, who seems almost too nice to be real, told The New York Post last week that he actually has no beef with Garrett whatsoever.

“In regards to who Garrett is, and I’m not defending his likes whatsoever, a lot of them were wrong, but that’s not who Garrett is, that does not define Garrett, and it should not overshadow their relationship,” Underwood said, adding of The Bachelorette and her fiance:

“This is a time when they should be celebrating their engagement and being happy.”

Nearly everyone is in agreement that what Yrigoyen supported on social media was pretty messed up.

To the Season 14 champion’s credit, however, Garrett never made any excuses for his actions.

He issued a mea culpa and, along with Kufrin, simply urged folks to keep an open mind.

“He’s owned it, he’s apologized for it, he’s made his statement. I think people need to realize that,” Underwood continued to Page Six, adding:

“It’s a mistake, you live and you learn, and Garrett has definitely learned from this.”

Like we said: Underwood is almost too nice to be a real person.

Or, conversely, if one wanted to be cynical, one could say that Underwood is simply positioning himself to be the next Bachelor.

Being kind is sort of his brand at this point and he may be thinking that the longer he rides it, the better chance he has of being selected by ABC.

Producers have admitted that Underwood is one of six men in contention for this coveted gig.

However, before it can even be a possibility, Colton must complete his ongoing run on Bachelor in Paradise.

“Coming off [The Bachelorette], I realized how cool and fun of an experience that was,” Colton says to Page Six of agreeing to be on this new program

“It was such a good time of my life to self-discover and grow as a person, and I wanted to continue that and to continue to find love.”

Bachelor in Paradise airs Mondays and Tuesday at 8/7c on ABC.

We really do hope that Colton finds what, or who, he is looking for.


Friday, August 10, 2018

19 REALLY Mean Things Meghan Markle"s Family Has Said About Her

Meghan Markle may have married Prince Harry, but it"s become apparent by now that this is actually NOT the star"s most impressive accomplishment.

No, her most impressive accomplishment has been managing to continually take the high road in the face of one personal attack after another — but members of her own family!

Markle"s dad, Thomas, has lashed out at the new Duchess as selfish and ungrateful.

Her half-sister, Samantha, has basically said Markle wants to murder puppies and should be held responsible for their father"s death, whenever it happens.

These are cruel and terrible people.

But don"t take our word for it. Take their own words for it!

Scroll down for a look at the harshest things Thomas Markle and Samantha Markle have said about our dear Meghan…

1. "It would be easier for Meghan if I died."

The royal bride

Thomas said this about his daughter toward the end of July, whining on this occasion to The Times of London.

2. "They have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, would have loathed. That’s not what Diana stood for."

Royally married

Yup, he went there. Thomas once said that the Royal Family should be ashamed for turning Markle into the anti-Princess Diana, who is considered to basically be the best person in human history.

3. "How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the royal family

Duchess of sussex

Thomas peered into the future for this quote to The Daily Mail, saying that Meghan and Harry will have a child someday and his daughter will keep his GRANDdaughter from him and that is (will be?) a shameful act.

4. "She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her."

Royal newlyweds together

This was a classic one, also told to The Daily Mail, adding in this summer 2018 interview: “Did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn’t even speak to me now. How cold is that?”

5. "I’ve seen her smile for years. I know her smile. I don’t like the one I’m seeing now. This is a pained smile."

As a duchess

Thomas has made it a mission to say as often as possible that Markle is basically being tortured by the Royal Family. He’s convinced she is unhappy and has basically joined a cult.

6. "She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country."

Samantha grant

Samantha said this after she was told that Markle preferred for her to zip her stupid mouth. She added: “This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. And, that’s all there is to it. She’s way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak.”

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian West in a Bikini Bouncing on a Trampoline ... That"s All, Really

Kim Kardashian West did a shameless promo … for gravity and, if you weren’t before … you’re about to be a big fan of it. Look, we’re not trying to score a Pulitzer here. It’s Kim. It’s a white bikini — a small bikini — a trampoline, and…


Kourtney Kardashian: Is She REALLY Pregnant With Scott Disick"s Baby?!

It’s been an interesting week in the life of Kourtney Kardashian.

First, Kourtney feuded with Kim Kardashian after a bizarre Keeping Up With the Kardashians scene in which Kim insulted her appearance.

Shortly thereafter, the world learned that Kourtney and Younes Bendjima have broken up.

Not surprisingly, that news was followed by rumors that Kourtney was planning to get back together with Scott Disick, the father of her three children, who’s currently dating Sofia Richie.

It’s a lot to keep up with, and believe it or not, Kourt’s life is about to become even more bonkers.

According to a new report from Hollywood Life, Kourtney is pregnant with her fourth child.

And insiders say the baby is Scott’s.

The rumors began when Kourtney sported “what appeared to be a bump” during a recent social outing in LA.

“It was strange to see because she’s usually so perfectly svelte,” a source told the outlet.

A different source stated, “Everyone is whispering that she’s pregnant with her fourth child.

“They’ve been meeting up on the down-low for a while now,” the insider claims.

One source adds that Scott’s relationship has not prevented him from hooking up with Kourtney.

Rumor has it the former couple has been secretly sleeping together during family vacations.

“They made it look like a family trip because their kids were there, but they hooked up,” the source said before adding,

“Everyone is buzzing that she’s carrying Scott’s baby.”

A wild report, to be sure, but it’s lent credence by recent rumors about Sofia being wary of Scott’s relationship with his ex.

“[Sofia] wants to live a life with Scott, have a future with Scott and have kids with Scott,” says a source close to the couple.

“So if he is thinking of getting back with Kourtney she wants none of it.”

Does Sofia have reason to be suspicious?

Well, if Kourt is really rocking a bump already, we may find out in about in six months.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Garrett Yrigoyen: Really, I"m Sorry for That Instagram Scandal!

On Monday night’s season finale of The Bachelorette, Garrett Yrigoyen won over Becca Kufrin.

Following an emotional two hours that saw Blake Horstmann break into tears and Becca nearly breakdown from having to make a decision, Yrigoyen was selected as this edition’s champion and he responded in the most appropriate way possible…

… by getting down on one knee and asking for Kufrin’s hand in marriage!

But just because Garrett knows one thing:

He still has to win over Bachelorette Nation.

The controversial contestant may have proven his decency to Becca over the course of his run on the series, but many viewers still think of Yrigoyen NOT as someone romantic and well-meaning.

But as someone who Liked a number of offense and inappropriate social media messages many months ago.

Back in late May, it came out that Garrett seemingly approved of Instagram posts that were anti-immigrant, anti-feminism and anti-LGBT rights.

He issued an apology shortly after this troubling scandal broke, telling critics:

“I am sorry to those who I offended and I also take full responsibility…

“I am not perfect, and I will never be anywhere close, but now I will always be more informed and aware of what I am liking and supporting, not just on Instagram, but in life.”

Fast forward all this time later and Garrett’s Likes are back in the news because he is back in the news, as the brand new fiance of Becca Kufrin.

He’s therefore being prompted to address his views on minorities and those who have a different sexual orientation.

Without getting into these kinds of specifics, the Season 14 winner simply says in the latest issue of People Magazine:

“It was tough. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.

He also tries to make it clear that the tap of one button on his computer or his phone does not sum up his world view when it comes to these societal topics:

“Just because I Liked it, doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.

“I was raised in a very open-minded family that was accepting to everybody. We’re very non-judgmental. I’m genuinely sincere.”

Becca asked viewers this spring to remain “open-minded” about Garrett, likely because she was already engaged to him at the time.

Now, though, Garrett says this idea of being as open and as candid with each other is exactly why their relationship works.

“We started a foundation of being honest and open and transparent,” he tells People, adding:

“Anything that’s come about, or just dealing with anything, that’s how we address it: head on. It makes our relationship so much stronger, and we continue to grow together.”

That all sounds well and good — but, as you might expect, quite a few fans think Becca has made a mistake.

Tweeted one disgruntled Bachelorette fans, not even bothering to make a quip or a snarky remark:

Reminder: A man who joked about throwing immigrant children over trumps wall is about to win  #TheBachelorette and some of these children will likely never be reunited with their families.

@thebkoof choosing him is her being complicit and taking the easy and privileged way out.

If it makes this individual feel any better, Becca will likely NOT end up with Garrett, just based on the history of Bachelor and Bachelorette couples.

Or do you think these two crazy kids can buck that tradition?

Continue to follow our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out and then vote below:



Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Kailyn Lowry vs. Briana DeJesus Fight Details: What REALLY Happened at the Teen Mom 2 Reunion?

At this point, you"re probably aware that Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus "fought" at the taping of this year"s Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

Now, as another season comes to an end and another reunion show approaches, new details are emerging about exactly what went down between the longtime rivals.

Did Kailyn and Briana really come to blows?

Was one of their castmates so disgusted by the escalating violence that she threatened to quit the show?

Is Bri"s sister really the ultimate attack dog?

Join as we answer these questions and more in our breakdown of this long-awaited title fight.

1. Kail on the Side

Kailyn lowry on insta

Sources say Kail had resolved to distance herself from the drama at the taping that took place back in May. Obviously, that was an unattainable goal.

2. Spilling the Tea

Kailyn lowry podcast

Kail opened up about the events of the reunion on a recent episode of her Coffee Convos podcast, and as you may have guessed, things got seriously ugly.

3. The Showdown

Briana dejesus a selfie

According to both reports from both women, Briana and Kailyn nearly came to blows on two separate occasions.

4. Backing Down

Kailyn lowry looks sad

The first such occasion saw Kailyn approach Bri and threaten her. But when the time came to “throw hands,” as Bri puts it, Kailyn simply wasn’t up to the task of socking one of her co-stars in the face … or so DeJesus says.

5. Growing Up?

Kailyn lowry on a couch

That’s a good thing, obviously, as violence that’s not in self-defense is generally something only crazy people resort to. Which is why producers keep Jenelle Evans around.

6. Round 2

Briana dejesus snapchats

The Second time they came face-to-face, Briana reportedly attacked Kailyn. And this time, there was no backing down …

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John Cena Was "Really In Love" with Nikki Bella, Says Ex-WWE Star JTG

John Cena isn’t putting on an act — he was REALLY in love with Nikka Bella and it “sucks” that she kicked him to the curb … so says ex-WWE superstar JTG.  “I know John Cena was really in love with her. I’ve never seen him like that,” the…


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Josiah Duggar Reveals What Marriage is Really Like

The truth has finally come out.

In an exclusive interview with Josiah Duggar, the 21-year comes clean about what it’s like to live life as a married man.

He and new wife Lauren Swanson surprised fans late last month by getting married in Arkanas, not long after we were led to believe that the ceremony would be delayed until December.

So, is this union everything Josiah thought and hoped it would be?

Yes, he tells the aforementioned tabloid.

Interviewed together for one of the first times as husband and wife, Lauren and Josiah say they are “loving every minute” of wedded bliss, adding simply:

“Time has flown by.”

That must mean they’re having fun, based on a certain classic saying.

Duggar and Swanson exchanged vows at at John Brown University Cathedral of the Ozarks in Siloam Springs.

Unlike other members of Josiah’s famous family, he didn’t reveal the wedding date ahead of time, leaving followers guessing and wondering just when the twosome would make their romance official.

That is, when they would kiss for the first time, per Duggar family dating rules.

“What a joy it is to be husband and wife!” Josiah and Lauren told People Magzine at the time, adding to this publication:

“We are so thankful the Lord has brought us to this place and we can’t wait to begin our journey as husband and wife!”

The wedding was actually officiated by Lauren’s father, Dwain Swanson, while Lauren was accompanied by eight bridesmaids.

It was a beautiful scene, said everyone in attendance on this special day.

For weeks prior to their wedding, rumors circulated that Swanson might be pregnant.

This would a bit scandalous under any circumstance, to be expecting prior to tying the knot…, but for the Duggars?!? 

Engaging in premarital sex is basically the biggest sin one can commit.

As of this writing, however, neither Lauren nor Josiah has confirmed (or denied) this pressing piece of chatter.

Lauren and Josiah started courting in January and got engaged in March, at the exact spot where her parents were engaged, interestingly enough.

Since their nuptials, the famous pair have turned its attention to making plans for the future.

One has to imagine that an impending baby will be announced some time very soon, perhaps as soon as you read this.

“It’s been especially fun to simply work on setting up our house together and just settle into life,” the couple told Us, concluding:

“We’re enjoying dreaming and thinking of the future together.”

The new season of Counting On premieres on TLC Monday, July 30th at 9/8c. Will you be tuning in?
