Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Meghan Markle: Struggling With New Royal Dress Code?

As far as we know, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are not engaged yet.

But despite the lack of a ring on her finger, it seems Meghan is already feeling the pressure to conform to the royal rules of decorum.

Meghan is no stranger to being photographed on an almost-daily basis.

(When you’re the star of basic cable’s 6th highest-rated legal drama, you get accustomed to the spotlight.)

So in some ways, Markle has likely had an easier time than most with the difficult transition from civilian to royalty-in-training.

But there are some aspects of her new life that will likely present a challenge to the Suits star.

For example, the celebrated fashionista will now be strongly encouraged (read: forced) to follow a dress code of the Queen’s devising.

Obviously, one can’t show up to royal engagements in a hot wing sauce-stained bowling shirt, a la John Goodman in the 1991 film classic King Ralph.

But the dress code goes beyond the prohibition of attire that signals to the audience that you’re a working-class guy who don’t know nothing ‘bout this fancy royal stuff.

In fact, it seems the royals share at least one thing in common with reality TV’s most conservative clan, the Duggars:

Both the Queen and Jim Bob are firm believers that knees are for prayin’, not displayin’.

Yes, it seems Meghan’s days of shorts and above-the-knee skirts have come to an end.

According to Cosmo, Meghan has agreed to adhere to the royals’ strict “no knees” policy in her attire.

The rule is said to be the Queen’s invention, and while others in the family may find it a bit old-fashioned, for now at least, what QE2 says goes.

And it makes sense that Meghan wouldn’t offer any resistance.

After all, Markle needs the Queen’s approval in order to marry Harry, and fabric-covered knees are a small price to pay in exchange for a lifetime of being a freakin’ princess.

Speaking of knees, many are wondering when Harry will get down on one.

Rumors of Harry proposing to Meghan have been circulating for about a year now, but there’s still no official news of an engagement from Buckingham Palace.

It’s possible that the couple is secretly engaged.

But it’s also possible that Meghan is growing increasingly impatient.

We don’t blame her. It would suck to shell out for a bunch of floor-length dresses for nothing.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Meghan Markle: Pregnant with a Royal Baby?!?

We interrupt our daily speculation over the state of Meghan Markle’s ring finger to bring you something slightly different:

Speculation over the state of Meghan Markle’s womb!

Namely, we now have a reason to ask the following question:


We’ve wondered about this topic in the past, but now OK! Weekly has published a cover story that once again has the Internet buzzing.

How can it not be when the tabloid screams that a “NEW ROYAL BABY” is on the way and further teases “New Wedding Plans” will soon be revealed?!?

Of course, if you dig a little deeper, you find that this claim may not be entirely accurate.

First: That’s a photo of Markle from 2014.

She isn’t sporting a baby bump; she may just be exhaling deeply and/or just completed a big meal.

Second: A line from the affiliated article reads “palace sources are buzzing that the pair may be expecting their first child.”

Sure, they may be. But, hey, they also may not be!

An anonymous insider who editors want you to believe is totally real went on to allege the following:

“There are whispers that Meghan is as far as three months along! It’s unexpected, to say the least.

“To have a baby out of wedlock would risk creating quite a scandal for the royal family. But Harry and Meghan are eager to build a family together, and the sooner the better.”

Just a few days ago, Markle met with the Queen for a special visit.

This prompted further talk of an engagement around the World Wide Web, but it supposedly prompted talk of something else within the confines of the palace.

“The whole [place] was buzzing that they had told the queen of Meghan’s state,” this same insider says, adding that the Queen was pissed about the pregnancy:

“She didn’t mince words and told them it was ‘a most unfortunate situation."”

Yes. We’re totally sure that happened.

While pregnancy chatter may be a load of malarkey, it really does seem likely that Markle and Harry will get married someday.

The wedding will take place next June, a so-called Royal Expert recently guessed, but it’s difficult to know anything for certain before an engagement is even confirmed.

Other relevant issues at stake these days include:

  • Will Markle quit Suits?

  • Will Markle move in with Harry?

  • Will this pretend blow job be a problem for the couple at some point?

Stay tuned over the coming days, weeks and months to The Hollywood Gossip for every answer to every important and dumb question!


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prince Harry Cancels Royal Wedding, Angers British Peons

We have a new reason to believe that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may be engaged.

According to what has been described as a “well-sourced report” in The Daily Mail on Thursday, Markle sat with the Queen of England for tea last week, conversing with Her Majesty for approximately an hour.

Naturally, this sit-down has only fueled speculation that Markle is very close to becoming a part of Great Britain’s most famous family.

Royal expert Richard Kay filed the aforementioned report and claims that “everything about the tea-time meeting was deliberately informal” in a bid to “settle any nerves Meghan might have felt.”

This is supposedly the first time Markle has ever visited the monarch’s official residence.

And it arrived about a month after she and Harry were all lovey dovey with each other in Toronto at the Invictus Games.

For the past several weeks, nary a day has gone by without some entertainment outlet alleging Harry has already popped the question.

We keep waiting for that Internet-shattering announcement to be made, but we keep being disappointed every time we fire up our Internet machines.

However, a separate report claims Harry and Markle aren’t only engaged, but are already discussing marriage plans.

And what they have in mind may very well crush the hopes, dreams and spirits of millions in Great Britain.

Unlike Prince William and Kate Middleton, Harry allegedly does NOT want to get married at Westminster Abbey.

In fact, he wants such a low key affair that the traditional Royal Wedding Bank Holiday across the region would not be needed.

This possibility has left many British people angry and concerned because it means they would have to go to school and/or work on the day Harry gets hitched.

“Pomp and pageantry is the last thing he would want,” a source says of this handsome Prince, adding:

“I can see him wanting to get married at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

“It would stop it from turning into a total media circus and give the day a sense of privacy that Harry so badly craves.”

Moreover, yet another insider tells Us Weekly that Markle – who may be quitting USA Network smash hit Suits for her man – won’t make a giant deal out of their engagement, either.

“They will most likely hold a small photo call at Kensington Palace, with just one photographer and a journalist invited,” this tabloid writes.

“On the same day, they’ll do a TV interview that will be syndicated around the world.”

Perhaps they’ll also give The Hollywood Gossip an exclusive? Maybe there’s a small chance?

Okay, probably not.

But a website can dream, can’t it?


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Prince Harry: Nobody Wants to Be a Royal!

Prince Harry … let’s just tell it like it is, Prince Harry is dreamy.

He’s charming, attractive, good with kids and animals. He’s also an actual prince. What could be dreamier?

But as Harry reveals in a shockingly intimate interview with Newsweek, he actually doesn’t have much interest in being an actual prince, or in being a royal at all.

So is he really the dreamboat we always imagined him to be?

One particular quote from the interview has several people up in arms — a quote where Harry claimed that no one in the royal family is really all that into it.

“Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen?” he asks. “I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time.”

The issue is that Harry and his family live in a literal palace and have access to all sorts of servants and all sorts of admiration from the public.

From the moment they were born, they were set aside as special, and they never had to deal with so many of the struggles that everyone else faces.

So to hear him sound so unappreciative of all he’s been given in life … well, it’s rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.

But as he reveals in the rest of the interview, his statement comes from a deep desire to just be a normal person.

And that’s understandable, isn’t it?

“My mother took a huge part in showing me an ordinary life,” he explains, “including taking me and my brother to see homeless people.”

“Thank goodness I’m not completely cut off from reality.”

He says that “People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live. I do my own shopping.”

Harry admits that sometimes he gets scared that he’ll get too much attention while shopping for groceries, but “I am determined to have a relatively normal life, and if I’m lucky enough to have children, they can have one too.”

“Even if I was king, I would do my own shopping.”

He says that it’s “a tricky balancing act,” being royal and still trying to live a normal life, because “We don’t want to dilute the magic.”

“The British public and the whole world need institutions like it.”

But while he thinks the monarchy is important, he’s also intent on “modernizing” it.

He explains that while, by the numbers, he and William are doing much less work than the Queen, it’s because they’re putting an emphasis on quality over quantity.

“We use our time wisely,” he claims. “We don’t want to turn up, shake hands but not get involved.”

For Harry, using his time wisely means focusing on the kind work that Princess Diana would have wanted him to be involved with.

It also means doing something the royal family has never done: raising awareness about mental health and the importance of getting treatment when needed.

He says that after his mother died, he “shut down” for almost 20 years, and he struggled with being in the position he was in.

But William convinced him to get counseling when he was 28, and now he’s “fired up and energized and love charity stuff, meeting people and making them laugh.”

“I sometimes still feel I am living in a goldfish bowl,” he reveals, “but now I manage it better.”

“I still have a naughty streak too, which I enjoy and is how I relate to those individuals who have got themselves into trouble.”

So it seems that even though he may not have a desire to be king, he’s still embracing his role in his own special way.

And really, what more could we ask for?


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kate Middleton Gives Us Royal Wedding Flashbacks

It isn’t just that Kate Middleton looks stunningly royal in this white outfit for the Royal Ascot.

Though of course she does.

But her outfit seems perfectly tailored (literally) to be a callback to her wedding dress.

Her white lace ensemble isn’t identical to her wedding dress, but come on.

The similarities can’t be accidental.

She and William had one of the most famous weddings on the whole planet. Ever.

So no, we don’t imagine that a tailor was just sitting around trying out different designs and produced this by accident.

Or even unconsciously.

Whatever the motivation behind it, though, it’s a gorgeous design.

White can be a bold choice in the spring, but it tends to contrast better with rich greens and floral colors and helps you to stand out.

Not that Kate Middleton could ever just fade into the background.

There is one major difference that sets this apart from her wedding dress, and we don’t mean the lack of a veil.

She’s wearing a nametag.

Obviously, she wasn’t wearing anything of the sort on her wedding day.

That would have been silly — she was the bride!

Though … she’s still the Duchess of Cambridge … she’s married to Prince William.

She’s Kate Middleton.

Surely a name tag is just as ridiculous now as it was then.

Who on the planet, let alone who there at the Royal Ascot, is going to fail to notice?

But, if you think about it, maybe Kate was wearing one so that others wouldn’t feel discouraged about wearing theirs.

If Kate Middleton’s wearing a name tag, no one in the world should feel silly wearing one to the same event, you know?

And that seems in keeping with her character.

Though let’s not rule out that maybe she just thought that it would be hilarious if she wore a name tag.

Wearing white has traditionally been a bold statement.

And no, it has nothing to do with virginity — that association came in later.

No; wearing white was historically a status symbol.

Basically, it meant that you could have your clothing cleaned whenever.

Think back to times when clothes getting washed meant that they were scrubbed by the river.

Yeah — it’s hard to picture them getting as white as they first were, ever again.

Royal colors came from expensive dyes — that’s a different thing.

How white came to be part of wedding dresses is its own long story.

But Kate’s wedding dress is one of the world’s most famous.

And her Royal Ascot outfit is letting us relive that signature look.

The monarchy’s continued existence is controversial at best.

But wearing white is no longer indicative of wealth — or poverty.

Or anything silly like virginity — there aren’t many virgin brides around.

We just think that it looks nice on Kate.

But then, doesn’t everything?

She’s come a long way since the days when she was known as Squeak.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Royal Family Addresses Manchester Terrorist Attack, Sends Prayers

Mere days after the marriage of Pippa Middleton to James Matthews, members of the Royal Family have been forced to go from celebratory to melancholy.

On Monday night, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive inside Manchester Arena that took the lives of 22 people.

Among the victims was this eight-year old girl.

The attack took place toward the end of an Ariana Grande concert in Great Britain, causing 59 other people to be injured and mass panic to take over the country.

In response to the tragedy, Grande has Tweeted that she’s “broken” over what transpired, while countless other celebrities have also spoken out.

President Donald Trump called out the bomber, as well as ISIS members associated with him, as a total “loser” and British Prime Minister Theresa May referred to the mass murder as an “appalling terrorist attack.”

Now, with her nation scared and on edge, Queen Elizbaeth II has also issued a statement.

“I know I speak for everyone in expressing my deepest sympathy to all who have been affected by this dreadful event and especially to the families and friends of those who have died or were injured,” says the 91-year old Monarch, adding:

“I want to thank all the members of the emergency services, who have responded with such professionalism and care.

“And I would like to express my admiration for the way the people of Manchester have responded, with humanity and compassion, to this act of barbarity.”

Soon after these words were expressed, Prince William spoke on behalf of himself, his wife, Kate Middleton and his brother, Prince Harry.

“Like everyone, Catherine, Harry and I are left shocked and saddened by the tragedy that unfolded in Manchester overnight,” he said.

“Hundreds of friends, parents, children and partners are confronting unimaginable grief today, and we send our thoughts to them all.

“We also send our thanks to the people of Manchester for their display of strength, decency and community that is an example to the world.”

Authorities have confirmed that the attacker died in his own blast, but ISIS has claimed responsibility for the incident and a 23-year old has been arrested in conjunction with the killings.

One of the fans who was killed, meanwhile, recently shared on social media a photo she snapped Grande two years ago.

Here it is:

Among the most outspoken stars in the wake of these deaths was James Corden, who hails from London and did the best he could on air last night to offer hope to those affected by this tragedy.

“If it was even possible, the spirit of the people of Manchester will grow even stronger this evening,” he said, concluding as follows:

“My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Manchester tonight – all of the staff at the [Manchester Arena], all of the security teams, all of the emergency services, Ariana and her team, and all of those families affected by tonight.

“We’ll all go to bed holding our little ones even tighter this evening.”

You can watch Corden’s full speech below:

Elsewhere, a spokesperson for Manchester Arena issued an update and shared it via Twitter Tuesday morning.

Last night, our community suffered a senseless tragedy. Our entire team’s thoughts and focus are now on supporting the people affected and their families.

We are assisting the police in any way we can. We cannot praise the emergency services enough for their response and have been inspired by the way the people of this great city of Manchester rallied round last night and continued to respond today. It shows the very best of this city.

Again, our thoughts and deepest condolences are with all those affected by last night’s tragedy.

Grande, and the two artists who opened for her on Monday, are both okay. Physically, at least.

The young star has postponed the remaining European dates on her tour, however.

After initially sending a short and heartfelt Tweet, Grande and her team posted a longer message later in the day on Tuesday.

It reads:

“Tonight, our hearts are broken. Words cannot express our sorrow for the victims and families harmed in this senseless attack. We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act.

“We are thankful for the selfless service tonight of Manchester’s first responders who rushed towards danger to help save lives.

“We ask all of you to hold the victims, their families and all those affected in your hearts and prayers.”

We will continue to update this story as more news breaks.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Pippa Middleton"s Wedding at St. Mark"s Church with Royal Family and Roger Federer (PHOTO GALLERY)

Pippa Middleton’s wedding wasn’t technically royal, but there were still princes there … along with tennis royalty. Several members of the Royal Family — including Prince William and Prince Harry — arrived at St. Mark’s Church Saturday to see…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kate Middleton Will Post a Royal Comment on Your Mommy-Blog

Like all royals the world over, Kate Middleton is surrounded by yes men and women from the moment she sips her royal tea in the morning to when she stumbles to bed after polishing off her royal gin at night.

(We might be projecting on that last part.)

But sometimes Kate needs real answers from folks who aren’t just gonna tell her what they think she wants to hear.

And for that, she goes to the one place where you anyone can go for brutally honest advice and a little light name-calling.

We’re talking, of course, about Internet comment boards.

Kate welcomed Princess Charlotte back in 2015, and like anyone else who’s ever raised two toddlers, she reportedly finds the experience overwhelming at times.

Now, The Daily Mirror is reporting that 

“Kate has turned to websites like Mumsnet and BabyCentre for guidance,” a source tells the tabloid.

“She has adopted an anonymous name, and mainly posts questions about issues she and Prince William disagree on, like watching cartoons before bed.”

But while Kate may turn to the Internet for some unvarnished truth, it seems she mostly finds more of what she gets at home – folks lining up to tell her how right and awesome she is:

“Using these websites has really helped Kate, although she’d never admit to using the web for advice – the Royal Family tend to ‘just get on with it’ when it comes to raising children,” says the insider.

“But, since mums on the internet generally agree with her point of view and not Will’s, she will go right on posting!”

So apparently Kate’s encountered nothing but agreeable mums during her forays into the peasant’s web.

Either the Internet is very different in the UK or she’s doing something very right, because our experiences in comment boards have been very different.

Maybe Kate just asks really relatable questions.

Maybe when you ask what temperature baby formula should be people get all judgey, but when you ask what to do about the American legal drama actress who’s upstaging you with her philanthropy even though you could have her beheaded at any time, everyone’s super supportive. 

We’ll try it out and let you know.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Prince William, Harry & Kate Do a Royal Race Off (PHOTO)

Prince William might be first in line to the throne but he was second to finish during a practice sesh for the London marathon. Will, his wife, Kate, and Prince Harry squared off Sunday for an impromptu 100 meter sprint at the…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Kurt Angle Says There"s No Way He"s Wrestling At Royal Rumble (VIDEO)

WWE Hall of Fame inductee Kurt Angle says he ain’t ruling out a return to wrestling — but he’s adamant the rumors of a surprise appearance at this weekend’s Royal Rumble are simply not true. Angle recently pulled out of a Jan 28 wrestling event in…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Lord Snowdon Dies; Royal Rogue Was 86

The name Anthony Armstrong-Jones may no longer be widely recognized on this side of the pond, but there was a time when the Earl of Snowdon was a tabloid fixture with as firm a grip on the public’s imagination as the most scandalous stars of today.

The husband of Queen Elizabeth II’s sister, Princess Margaret, Snowdon lived out loud in a fashion that scandalized that royals and helped define the hedonistic zeitgeist of the Swinging Sixties.

A photographer and filmmaker and unabashed bohemian, Snowdon captivated Britons when he married Margaret in 1960, and his status as a relatable commoner amongst royals has earned him comparisons to Princess Di.

At first, Snowdon’s freewheeling lifestyle made him a perfect fit for the rebellious Margaret, and the British press fell in love with the young couple that was so unlike the more sedate Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. 

Eventually, however, Snowdon’s appetite for promiscuous sex (with women and men alike), hard-partying, and hob-nobbing with his era’s biggest celebrities put a strain on his marriage, and he and Margaret divorced in 1978.

In the years that followed, Snowdon was lauded for his indiscretion, turning down lucrative offers to pen a tell-all about his time as a royal in-law.

Lord Snowdon, Beatles

Eventually, however, the more lurid details of his wild life and times came to light:

Snowdon lived a life of extremes, at once both highly ambitious and accomplished (In addition to his artistic achievements, he received a patent for an electric wheelchair that he invented in 1971.), and given over to debauched behavior that’s shocking by today’s standards, let alone the stuffy mores of England in the early ’60s.

One of the more recent gossip items about his personal life came to light in 2008, when Snowdon admitted to fathering a daughter out of wedlock just months before marrying Princess Margaret.

The child – conceived during an alcohol and amyl-nitrate-fueled threesome – was born while Armstrong-Jones was on his honeymoon with Princess Margaret.

It was only when she was in her late forties that the woman learned Snowdon was her father via a DNA test.

Just months after his marriage to Margaret ended, Snowdon married Lucy Lindsay Hogg, who gave birth to his daughter, Frances, in 1979.

Margaret never remarried, and died of a stroke in 2002.

Though he’ll likely be best remembered for his involvement with the royals and his decadent lifestyle, those who followed Snowdon’s career say that he had a tremendous impact on the arts scene in London throughout his multi-decade career.

The many famous subjects who sat for photo sessions with Snowdon say his charisma, warmth, and sense of humor made for a relaxed environment that resulted in uniquely intimate images.

Sources say he passed away peacefully at home.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Royal Caribbean Cruises Sued for Jamaican Bus Ride from Hell

Royal Caribbean Cruises put a bunch of tourists in a death trap by setting them up with a reckless Jamaican bus driver who ended up getting into a huge wreck … according to a new lawsuit. The 8 passengers suing were aboard the Independence of the…


Monday, January 2, 2017

Queen Elizabeth II: Health Concerns Arise After Monarch Misses Royal Engagement

Last month, Queen Elizabeth II postponed her annual holiday train voyage to Sandringham Hall due to illness.

The Queen and Prince Philip made the trip by helicopter 24 hours later, and the delay was downplayed by royal sources who claimed that the monarch was simply waylaid by a bad cold.

But now it seems the Queen’s illness may be more serious than we’ve been led to believe.

The 90-year-old was scheduled to participate in her final royal engagement of the holiday season on Sunday – a church service at Sandringham – but she wasn’t feeling well enough to attend.

“Her Majesty The Queen will not attend Sunday worship at Sandringham today,” a statement from Buckingham Palace released yesterday read.

“The Queen does not yet feel ready to attend church as she is still recuperating from a heavy cold.”

A Palace spokesperson later went into slightly greater detail in response to a query from People magazine:

“Her Majesty The Queen will not attend Church at Sandringham this morning,” the statement read.

“The Queen continues to recover from a heavy cold and will stay indoors to assist with her recovery. Her Majesty will participate in the Royal Family Christmas celebrations during the day.”

The Queen has not made an official public appearance since December 9, when she hosted the ambassador of Liberia.

While Palace officials continue to insist there’s no cause for concern, at 90 there’s no such thing as a minor health problem.

Anyone who’s looked at last year’s list of royal engagements knows that the Queen keeps an incredibly busy schedule and very rarely cancels appearances.

Perhaps that hectic lifestyle has simply caught up to her.

Or perhaps there’s reason to be worried about the world’s longest-reigning autocrat.

Just last week, the Queen was the subject of a viral death hoax on Twitter, which prompted thousands of re-tweets and one harried denial from the Palace.

Sources close to the royal family say 95-year-old Prince Philip has also taken ill.

We will have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Kate Middleton: Is She the LAZIEST Royal Ever?!

Kate Middleton is unquestionably one of the most beloved and obsessed-over royals in recent history.

But most of the press coverage centering around the Duchess of Cambridge focuses on her style, her charm, and her home life.

Obviously, that’s been the case with most of her predecessors, as well, but there are those who feel that the role of royals in the 21st Century should be to serve as their nation’s most high-profile philanthropists.

Many also feel that in that respect, Kate simply isn’t doing enough.

Is it Kate’s fault that the media chooses to focus so much on her appearance?

Certainly not, and there may be little she can do to change that.

However, a common criticism these days is that Kate is little to shift the public’s attention to more important matters, and now there are numbers to support that argument.

The royals are intensely scrutinized by the British media, as probably should be the case with a group of people whose lavish lifestyle is supported by taxpayers.

As a result, media outlets in the UK compile an annual list of how much actual work (humanitarian campaigns, royal tours and engagements, etc.) each member of the royal family puts in each year.

As 2016 comes to a close, many are expressing astonishment over the fact that, according to the Daily Mail, Kate only worked a total of 63 days.

For comparison, her husband, Prince William, worked 80 days, while his brother, Prince Harry, worked 86 days.

Princess Anne was once again the busiest royal, putting in 179 days of work.

Prince Charles worked 139 days, the Earl of Wessex worked 118 days and the Duke of York worked 112 days, all of them trouncing Kate by a considerable margin.

Other media outlets chose to report the royal workload in terms of the number of engagements undertaken by the members of the Windsor-Mountbatten clan, and those numbers tell a very similar story:

Kate carried out 115 engagements, while he husband notched 204, and her brother-in-law tallied 166.

Here again, Princess Anne has offered a master class in work ethic, carrying out more than 500 engagements in 2016, despite battling a bad illness in September.

90-year-old Queen Elizabeth undertook 385 engagements, while her husband, Prince Philip, carried out 336.

It’s worth noting, of course, that Kate is a mother of two, and she was on maternity leave for the first months of 2016.

However, it’s also worth pointing out that this is the sixth year in a row that she’s been determined to be the least busy member of the royal family.

There may be a perfectly good reason for why Kate participates in far fewer engagements than the rest of the royals.

But as long as that reason remains a secret, reports like this will likely lead to further rumors about Kate feuding with the Queen and the rest of her in-laws.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Royal Family Wears Ugly Christmas Sweaters, Wins the Holidays Forever

The Royal Family is known for many reasons around the world:

Its possession of wealth. Its powerful and yet completely powerless position in Great Britain. The way certain members make sweet and passionate love to Meghan Markle.

But Queen Elizabeth II and her loved ones are not typically known for having a great sense of humor.

Until now, that is! Sort of…

The Internet was ablaze on Tuesday night with photos of Prince William, Price Harry, Kate Middleton, the Queen and a few others rocking ugly Christmas sweaters for an unexpected family photo.

The image was hilarious. It was shocking. It featured Queen Elizabeth II in a corgi-inspired ensemble!

Alas, it was also mostly a fake.

As in: these are fake representations of the most famous Brits on the planet (no offense, Adele).

Madame Tussauds London went ahead and unveiled a special version of the royals’ wax figures on Tuesday, featuring each member in very festive attire.

We probably should have known that it wouldn’t exactly have been a dignified move for the Royals themselves to dress this way.


HOWEVER, these famous relatives did grant permission for Madame Tussauds to dress their wax figures in such Christmas-inspired jumpers.

The display is part of the Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day campaign on December 16.

As you can read more about via the above link, this occasion encourages people to wear “silly festive knits and donate to save children’s lives.”

It’s a great cause and Madame Tussauds will be asking visitors to pay an extra two pounds on December 16 in support of it.

“We are delighted to support Save The Children by having our royal wax figures join in with the Christmas Jumper Day campaign in a seriously stylish way,” said Edward Fuller, general manager of Madame Tussauds London.

It’s hard to discern just which wax figures look the ugliest; i.e. the most amazing.

The Queen’s corgi sweater is hard to beat, especially when the photo also includes actual corgis.  

But Prince William and Princess Kate are sharing a sweater built for two, while Prince Harry is proudly smiling in his green penguin jumper. Swoon.

sweater tweet

Wonders Helena Wiltshire, from Save The Children:

“Who knows, maybe the Queen will feel inspired to do her annual speech in a more laid-back get-up this year?”

Yeah. We doubt it. We can envision Kate Middleton actually being pregnant with her third child before we can envision the Queen going out in public in an ugly Christmas sweater.

But still.

These wax figures will be on display throughout December and museum visitors will be encouraged to snap selfies with them.

So hurry up and get over there, London residents.

What other photo are you going to put on your 2016 Christmas card, one of you and your family NOT posing with these awe-inspiring, fashion-defying figures?!?



Thursday, June 16, 2016

Watch Royal Pains Online: Check Out Season 8 Episode 5

We’re inching ever closer to the series finale of Royal Pains.

First, however, USA Network aired Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 5 on Wednesday night.

During this fun hour of television, Hank treated an overworked Keller.

Elsewhere, Divya went ahead and met Hank’s mentor, although he was significantly changed due to a medical issue.

Also, Evan and Paige struggled with the demands of IVF… and Jeremiah made a video for Divya’s baby shower.

In other words: A LOT took place. You can relive it all when you use the video above to watch Royal Pains online now.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Prince William Makes History As First Royal To Cover Gay Magazine

It"s an incredibly powerful statement to make, and one that could not have come at a better time.

Today, Attitude magazine revealed Prince William as their July cover star, a huge step towards promoting acceptance and support of LGBTQ"s global community.

On May 12th, the Duke of Cambridge invited a few staff members from the gay publication, as well as members of LGBTQ, to Kensington Palace, where the group discussed bullying based on sexual orientation and its mental health consequences.

William is the first royal to be on the cover of a gay magazine, something everyone in the world sorely needed to see after the mass shooting in Orlando on June 12th.

A day before the cover was unveiled, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge signed a book of condolence at the U.S. Embassy in London.

There, they chatted with members of LGBTQ group Gliffa, and William revealed that he was doing something special with Attitude (neither Kensington Palace nor Attitude would comment on the project at the time).

When the May 12th meeting wrapped, the Duke released the following statement:

“No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason and no one should have to put up with the kind of hate that these young people have endured in their lives.

“The young gay, lesbian and transgender individuals I met through Attitude are truly brave to speak out and to give hope to people who are going through terrible bullying right now. Their sense of strength and optimism should give us all encouragement to stand up to bullying wherever we see it.

“What I would say to any young person reading this who’s being bullied for their sexuality: don’t put up with it – speak to a trusted adult, a friend, a teacher, Childline, Diana Award or some other service and get the help you need.

“You should be proud of the person you are and you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Watch the video for behind-the-scenes footage at Kensington Palace.

Prince william makes history as first royal to cover a gay magaz

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Watch Royal Pains Online: Check Out Season 8 Episode 4

Congratulations are in order for Royal Pains.

On Tuesday night, the USA Network hit aired its 100th episode!!!

And just what went down on Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 4? We’re so glad you asked…

On the latest installment, Hank worked in the ER for the first time in many years, having trouble following Evan’s orders during a quarantine situation that involves Jill.

Elsewhere during a fun hour of television, Jeremiah bonded with a patient; and Divya had concerns about Lena.

What were they? How did the episode come to a conclusion? Use the video above to watch Royal Pains online and find out now!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Watch Royal Pains Online: Check Out Season 8 Episode 3

Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 3 was titled “Fly Me to Kowloon.”

What took place on the latest installment of this USA Network hit?

During this fun hour of television, Hank discovered romance while in Hong Kong, attempting to prevent the theft of Boris’ medical records.

Elsewhere, while this was taking place, Divya treated a repo man whose target was a yacht… and Paige convinced Evan to rethink their parenting path.

Where did these storylines go in the end? What made us want to tune in against next Wednesday night?

Use the video above to watch Royal Pains online and find out now!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Watch Royal Pains Online: Check Out Season 8 Episode 2

Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 2 was titled “Palpating the Orbital Rim.”

That felt worth pointing out. Because it’s pretty darn awesome.

As for what actually took place on the latest installment of this USA Network hit?

Evan dealt with a cyber-attack on Hamptons Heritage when Diana’s hacked records went viral. You can imagine the sort of issues this caused, can’t you?

Elsewhere, Divya helped Jeremiah and his parents with family issues; while Hank and Jen went on a date.

How did it go? And where might things go from here? Click on the video above to watch Royal Pains online and find out now!