Showing posts with label Rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rules. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Robert Valletta Blames Vanderpump Rules Cast For Scheana Marie Breakup: They"re Savages!

Long before Vanderpump Rules Season 6 debuted at the beginning of December, word got out that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta had broken up after just a few weeks of dating.

It’s a strange situation for viewers, who are just now getting their first real insights into Rob’s character and personality, despite the fact that he has no real ties to the cast any longer.

Of course, it sounds like if Scheana gets her way, he’ll soon be welcomed back into the fold.

Yes, as you may have noticed if you caught Monday night’s episode, Scheana–to borrow a phrase coined by Tom Sandoval–is a bit “Rob-sessed.”

At one point, she openly discussed her desire to marry Valletta, even though they’d only been formally dating for a few months and she was still married to Mike Shay at the time.

But the clearest indication that Scheana would lay down in traffic if Rob asked her to may have been her willingness to ignore the many obvious signs that Valletta was cheating.

In the past, Scheana has harshly criticized friends of hers for being naive about their boyfriends’ infidelity, but she was hearing none of it when several members of her inner circle tried to convince her that Rob had been unfaithful.

Even now that their relationship is over, both parties claim they called it off for reasons that have nothing to do with infidelity.

Scheana appeared on Watch What Happens Live Monday night, and Rob called in, seemingly for no other reason than to blame her friends for their breakup:

“The truth is, it’s really hard in her circle of friends,” Rob said. 

“Individually, when they’re by themselves, they’re really great people, but you put that group of people together and they’re savages. They come after you, and it’s really hard to have a successful relationship with those people coming and attacking you from all sides.”

“Friends say Rob is using her,” an insider claimed.

Here’s the thing:

Despite the fact that he’s the sort of unrepentant d-bag who toasts to “falling in love with something new every day,” we’re actually with Rob on this one.

Scheana’s friends are a pack of sociopaths, and we can’t imagine any healthy relationship existing in that environment.

But that doesn’t mean Rob isn’t shady as hell.

These days, Valletta and Scheana are friends with benefits, and those who know the couple best say he’s only maintaining ties with the SUR girl in order to help his career.

“Every single time Rob is in town, she invites him to an event with her,” one insider tells Radar Online.

“They know that they are much more in-demand together than apart.”

Sadly, it seems Scheana doesn’t see the situation for what it is, and in fact still looks at Rob as husband material.

“Scheana would marry him in a heartbeat if he wanted to marry her,” the source claims.

“But he’s told her that he does not want to be tied down, and she keeps telling him that he will regret it.”

Scheana, you’re helping this guy’s career and having no strings attached sex with him, all the while assuring him that you’ll happily settle down and get married if he ever decides he wants to.

Believe us when we say you’re not giving him a ton of incentive to hurry up and settle down.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more bad decisions and horribly unhealthy relationships.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Jax Taylor: Father of Vanderpump Rules Star Dies Following Battle With Cancer

Sad news out of the world of reality television today, as Ronald Cauchi, the father of Vanderpump Rules star Jax Taylor, has passed away following a battle with cancer.

Taylor broke the news to his social media followers with a heartfelt message last night:

“My heart is broken, I lost my best friend and the best man I have ever met last night, I love you so much dad I can’t even breathe anymore, only person not letting me fall right now is my amazing girlfriend. I love you dad,” Jax tweeted.

Taylor first revealed that his father was battling stage IV cancer earlier this month:

“Yes cancer f–king sucks, watching my father go through this is killing me.. prayers to all the families that have to deal with this awful disease,” he tweeted on December 4.

“I don’t wish this disease on my worst enemy. #f–kcancer watching your loved ones battle while I sit and watch is the worst feeling.”

In the weeks that followed, Taylor opened up about his father’s illness in a number of candid interviews:

“It’s rough, because my dad, he’s like my idol,” Jax told The Daily Dish on December 11.

“My dad was always the person who never got sick, I always looked up to him. … It’s hurt our family. It’s hurt everybody. It just really sucks. During the holidays, it doesn’t make it any easier.”

Shortly thereafter, he made similar comments in an interview with Us Weekly:

“What do I want for Christmas this year? I want cancer to be out of my father’s body,” he told the magazine.

“If I can ask for anything right now, I just want my dad to be better.”

Jax’s co-stars have publicly offered their condolences and words of support on social media:

“Let’s flood @mrjaxtaylor with love and compassion. So sorry for your loss my friend,” tweeted VPR fan favorite Tom Schwartz.

“I’m so sorry brother,” remarked SUR restaurant manager Peter Madrigal.

Jax’s famous boss, Lisa Vanderpump, has urged fans to allow Jax his privacy and give his family time to heal.

Our thoughts go out to the Taylor family during this difficult time.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to remind yourself of how Jax became one of the reliably amusing stars in the reality TV galaxy.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Vanderpump Rules" Star Lala Kent"s New Man is Officially Divorced

Lala Kent’s new guy is free to date her or whoever the hell he wants — because he’s officially single in the eyes of the law. Hollywood producer Randall Emmett just finalized his divorce from his actress wife of eight years, Ambyr Childers. It…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: Is their PDA Breaking Royal Rules?

Stories like Meghan Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry aren’t just wonderful news — they’re a welcome distraction to many from the endless horror show that is 2017’s political news.

But there’s something about their engagement that stands out among other royal engagements, and it isn’t Meghan’s race or nationality or status as a divorcee.

And, though it’s a break from tradition, it’s actually incredibly sweet.

People have noticed that MegMar and Prince Harry are affectionate in public. They hold hands.

You know which royal couple we basically never see holding hands?

William and Kate. And, for that matter, Elizabeth and Phillip show an even greater degree of restraint.

This isn’t a Duggar fertility cult scenario where royal couples are restricted to side-hugs or anything like that. 

But there is a tradition of showing a “stiff upper liff” and displaying a degree of severity when you’re a member of the British Royal Family.

To a lesser degree, British culture is relatively reserved compared to US culture when it comes to emotional displays.

In both cultures, hand-holding is typically reserved for children and for romantic couples.

(In most places, hand-holding between adults is reserved for straight couples in particular, as there are many places where same-sex couples remain at risk of random acts of violence)

And, in appearance after appearance, Harry and Meghan seem to be almost physically inseparable.

Royal etiquette expert Myka Meier explains to People the significance of their public displays of affection.

“While Prince Harry and Meghan holding hands is atypical for royal engagements, it is a seemingly welcomed gesture to show unity and celebration of their engagement period.”

That’s a polite way of saying that perhaps Meghan Markle’s American-ness is rubbing off on Harry.

“There is no protocol that says they can not show affection on official engagements, and this gesture makes them relatable and lovable to the public.”

Relatable is a good word, there.

“Meghan and Prince Harry holding hands at a royal engagement is a refreshingly modern approach to their new role both as a couple and as representatives of the royal family.”

Many people feel that, just as British taxpayers should not be funding the royal lifestyle and security, those born to royal families should not have their entire lives predetermined by their birth.

Basically, Prince Harry holding hands is a welcome sign that the times are changing.

“It is rare to see royal couples holding hands on official outings.”


(Notice that William and Kate are friendly and cordial, but stand apart during most public appearances. Honestly, we’d never thought much of it until the contrast was pointed out, but now it’s hard to not notice)

The royal etiquette expert (we wonder how one becomes qualified for that and also how useful it is in real life, but we all have skills that you could say that about) continues:

“While we are much less likely to see The Duke and Duchess holding hands in public, we often see Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall holding hands.”

So Harry takes after his father, in that respect.

“It’s all simply a matter of preference for each couple and is also likely dependent on the nature of the event they are attending.”

That makes sense. Most of us let the event that we’re attending tell us how to dress and how much to drink, not whether we hold hands. 

But most of us aren’t in line to become monarchs.

“A more serious engagement would warrant a more serious level of professionalism, which each royal is sure to follow.”


Compared to the resurfacing of Meghan Markle’s “racy” pics or to the fact that she’s (gasp!) been divorced, a little hand-holding between engaged adults is not a big deal.

It is, however, a deviation from the norms and something that people are going to talk about.

In fact, as the royal wedding date approaches, all eyes will remain on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And you can bet that people are going to find more things on which to comment.

Remember that Harry isn’t just a royal — he’s handsome and considered so very desirable that there was once a reality competition series whose premise was that the winner would ostensibly marry him.

And Meghan Markle is a biracial, divorced, American actress. While none of those are bad things, they are different.

“Change” and “progress” aren’t usually words that people associate with monarchies. So people are going to take note when the Royals do things differently.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Stars Strip Down for PETA!

The only thing better than getting naked is getting naked for a good cause. Or maybe the only thing better than supporting a good cause is supporting it while you"re naked?

Either way, three of Vanderpump Rules" hottest stars are teaming up and stripping down to protest against orcas being held in marine circuses like SeaWorld.

And, as you"ll see in the video below, they"re wearing some very interesting body paint. …

Peta slash vanderpump rules 2

For those of you hoping to see Lisa Vanderpump wearing nothing but body paint … we"ve very sorry to disappoint.

But we hope that Ariana Madix, Lala Kent, and Scheana Shay won"t leave you disappointed.

Nudity isn"t inherently sexual, but it sure does grab people"s attention. 

Just look at how good Scheana Marie Shay looks in body paint:

Scheana shay nude in body paint

If your message is important, you might want to make sure that you hook people"s attention.

Controversial animal rights organization PETA, which has been slammed in the past by political opponents but also by big-time proponents of animal rights who accuse PETA of hypocrisy and of misguided practices, uses nudity a lot.

PETA even made some weird bestiality posters in a recent push to promote veganism.

Sometimes the message gets lost.

But when it comes to this particular campaign, it"s not difficult to agree with PETA or these three Vanderpump Rules beauties.

Peta slash vanderpump rules 3

The video below isn"t just skin and body paint (though those are also factors). It"s also 

Ariana Madix makes sure that their goals are clear, saying:

"Today we"re here with PETA shooting a campaign to release the orcas into seaside sanctuaries from SeaWorld."

Her costar, Scheana, adds some grim information about the prospects for captive orcas:

"Orcas have died at SeaWorld and the fact that none of them died from old age is just insane."

That is so, so sad.

Peta slash vanderpump rules 5

Lala Kent shares how the release of captive orcas from marine circuses like SeaWorld is important to her.

"When I saw the documentary, Blackfish, it literally changed my entire life."

That documentary did wonders for raising awareness.

"I found my passion and I found my voice and I will not stop until any place like SeaWorld is completely shut down."

That"s a powerful personal cause to have.

"Places like SeaWorld or the Miami Sea Aquarium … it is the equivalent to me of taking a baby and putting them in a bathtub and having them grow up there."

That might be a bit of a stretch — maybe forcing a baby to grow up within a single room, also unforgivably awful, would be a better analogy.

(We"re not blaming Lala for that — PETA has compared meat-eating to rape in the past; being inflammatory is arguably part of their brand)

Peta slash vanderpump rules 4

Lala continues:

"When you take a mammal of that size and put it into basically a swimming pool, you can"t expect it to do anything but self-destruct."

Sadly, we know of countless instances of orcas doing just that. They lose their minds.

Ariana provides her own thoughts:

"Orcas are very social animals and they"re very intelligent animals."

That"s very true.

Peta slash vanderpump rules 6

"Each pod has their own language. So you have orcas from all different pods who are living in these bathtubs."

Conflict in that situation seems inevitable. And so does misery.

"They"re fighting with each other because they have no way of communicating, they"re confused, and they"re full of anguish, and it shouldn"t be that way."

As far as PETA advertisements go, this one is solid. It"s an idea that we can all get behind.

Shout-out to these three Vanderpump Rules stars for using their platform for good!

Vanderpump rules stars strip down for peta

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Matt Lauer Had Free Reign Because "Today" Sets Its Own Rules

Matt Lauer was able to get away with a lot at the “Today” show for decades… because the show made its own rules, and routinely ignored its bosses at the network. Sources connected to both “Today” and NBC tell TMZ, a number of NBC News…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Duggar Courtship Rules Reveal Dark Side of Counting On Clan

If you"re a fan of their popular TLC reality series, then you"re almost certainly aware of the Duggars" courtship rules.

But while you may be familiar with the family"s infamous code of conduct, you might not be aware of where the bizarrely stringent regulations came from, or why they"re so strictly enforced.

So join us as we explore one of the strangest and least-understood aspects of life inside the Duggar compound.

And don"t forget, you can always watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic to stay up to date on reality TV"s largest and most controversial family.


1. A Quiverfull of Duggars

Duggars in 2014

The Duggars belong to the controversial Quiverfull movement, which holds that procreation is the primary purpose of life on earth, and it’s the sacred duty of all women to birth as many children as physically possible.

2. The Supreme Leader

Bill gothard

The Quiverfull movement and its affiliated Institute for Basic Life Principles have been described as “cults” by former members. The leader of these cults–and the man most responsible for the courtship guidelines followed by the Duggars–is a man named Bill Gothard.

3. A Fallen Minister

A fallen minister

Gothard resigned from his post in disgrace following dozens of sexual assault and harassment allegations from former male and female employees. Though he seldom appears in public these days, it’s been rumored that Gothard still exercises a tremendous amount of control over the organizations he founded.

4. Josh’s Downfall

Anna and josh duggar photograph

Gothard, of course, isn’t the only sexual predator with close ties to the Duggar clan. In May of 2015, the world was shocked by news that Josh Duggar had molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

5. A Culture of Abuse

Joy anna duggar austin forsth and family

The back-to-back scandals brought a new level of scrutiny to the Duggars “courtship” rules, which had previously been viewed as more humurous than harmful.

6. A Systemic Problem

The duggar family picture

Some fans didn’t like what they saw on closer inspection, and many realized that Josh and Gothard were symptoms of a much deeper issue…

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 6 Trailer: Is Scheana Being Cheated On?!

Well, fall is here again, which means it"s time to find out exactly how the men and women of SUR effed their lives up over the summer.

Yes, another season of Vanderpump Rules is upon us, and things are a little different this year.

For one thing, Season 6 doesn"t debut until December (boo).

But on the bright side, Lala Kent will return after abruptly quitting the show last season (yay).

As for your favorite couples–we"re afraid we have some bad news.

With the exception of Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix, it seems just about anyone everyone on the cast has endured a breakup since last season.

The dissolution of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright, of course, was chronicled in the little-watched Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.

(Count your blessings if you skipped that ill-conceived slog.)

The rest of the splits, however, will apparently be documented on VPR.

The trailer focuses primarily on the Scheana Marie-Robert Valletta breakup what we learned about last week.

One scene explains the split by showing Lala inform Scheana that Robert cheated on her.

A bit ironic, perhaps, given that Lala walked away from the show last year due to scrutiny of her love life, but whatever.

As long as there"s drama we"re happy … and it certainly looks like this season delivers.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Season 6, and check out the full trailer below:

Vanderpump rules season 6 trailer is scheana being cheated on

Monday, October 30, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Rules at Halloween, Coparenting!

Recently, Kailyn Lowry treated Lux to his first Disneyland trip. As a mom, she makes sure that her sons experience the joys that life and childhood have to offer.

Over the weekend, she and her sons enjoyed an early Halloween celebration. And yes, of course there are pictures.

On top of showing that she knows how to do Halloween right, Kailyn Lowry also made it very clear that she’s totally nailing this whole coparenting thing.

First of all, look at these three precious boys and their mom.

Kailyn is positively glowing with maternal joy.

Remember — we all love Halloween as adults, either because we like the parties or because we like the movie marathons or because we like yard decorations or we like this time of year or it’s Gay Christmas or we just love any excuse to dress up and drink.

But children? Halloween is a truly magical, wonderful night as children.

It’s an adventure.

You get to dress up and go to people’s houses and get free candy.

As adults, we can all just buy candy. Kids don’t have that luxury.

For them, especially at the ages of Isaac and Lincoln, Halloween is a miracle.

But Kailyn’s sons weren’t the only kids invited to the pre-Halloween festivities.

Here, we see Isaac and Lincoln posing with Vivi.

Who is Vivi, you might ask?

Jo Rivera and his fiancee, Vee Torres, were hanging out with Kailyn because Isaac is Jo’s son, too.

Vivi is that couple’s young daughter.

Coparenting is not always easy, but unless there are very good reasons to do otherwise, kids might be better off spending a holiday with both parents (if they’re getting along amicably) than being juggled back and forth between alternating holidays.

And yes, Javi Marroquin was also there — which is no surprise.

Kailyn and Briana DeJesus are feuding over Javi, if reports are to be believed, so we’d say that Kailyn cares about him quite a bit.

Let’s not politicize Isaac and Lincoln’s meeting with this police mascot, folks.

It’s not a political statement. Also, children need to know how to interact with and, usually, to trust police.

(You can make all of the furry jokes that you like, though)

Sadly, Lincoln and Isaac might have more police contact than any child should need to if Chris Lopez, Lux’s father, doesn’t change his ways.

We’ve all learned the scary reason Kailyn keeps Chris Lopez away, and it’s about so much more than unsigned paternity papers.

Reportedly, Chris Lopez has been physically abusive towards Kailyn, even going so far as hitting her while she was holding their baby.

So Chris Lopez is conspicuously absent from this photo — with good reason.

A shame that things were too awkward and Javi Marroquin couldn’t bring his alleged girlfriend Briana DeJesus.

(Kidding! But can you imagine?)

No, but seriously.

Not all families look like a creepy 1950s fantasy with a man and a woman and 2.5 kids.

It’s fine if they do, but a lot of families are a lot more complicated. What matters is that you find a healthy and safe way to make it work, and that you always put the kids first.

And that’s what Kailyn Lowry is clearly doing with two of her baby daddies.

Happy pre-Halloween, everybody.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Marshawn Lynch"s High School Practice Violated State Rules, Officials Investigating

The organization that oversees high school football in California tells TMZ Sports the Oakland high school that allowed Marshawn Lynch to participate in a full-contact practice violated state rules. Lynch posted the video himself — showing the…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell Accused of Breaking Courtship Rules!

It’s only been six weeks since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but already, the newlyweds find themselves at the center of a controversy.

The latest Duggar mini-scandal has nothing to do with the Joe and Kendra’s actions since saying “I do,” however.

Instead, it seems fans are irate about something that took place before their massive wedding.

TLC recently uploaded a video taken just days before Joseph and Kendra exchanged vows.

The footage shows the young couple enjoying a picnic and discussing their plans for married life.

“I think it’s gonna be exciting to move into our first house together,” Kendra says at one point.

“And doing some of the ministry stuff again … Doing the singing and the outreach. It’ll be great to get back.”

Kendra adds:

“I think I’m also looking forward to getting back into a normal schedule. Maybe cook some meals together.”

For his part, Joe says simply:

“I’m looking forward to making more memories like this with you.”

So what’s so controversial about that?

Well, nothing really, but the outing appears to differ from Joe and Kendra’s other dates in one significant way:

In the past, Joseph and Kendra’s dates were chaperoned by members of his massive family.

In fact, the Duggars proved the lengths Joe and Kendra went to to safeguard their own chastity by posting footage of a rollerblading date on which the pair was kept in line by the presence of Joe’s younger brothers.

(Fact: no rollerblading date has ever resulted in sex.)

Fans believe the pre-wedding picnic presented in the new clip shows Joe and Kendra on an un-chaperoned date, which would put them in violation of the Duggar rules of courtship.

(No, camera crews don’t count as chaperones according to the Duggar Code of Conduct.)

Naturally, critics have been quick to attack the young couple for their alleged hypocrisy.

But we’ve gone full Zapruder film with this footage, and after hours of painstaking frame-by-frame investigation, we now believe Joe and Kendra are being unfairly criticized.

In the first several seconds of the video, an unidentified third party can be seen following close behind Joe and Kendra.

We don’t know who it is, but it’s worth noting that woman is dressed according to the Duggar rules regarding female attire.

Is it one of Joe’s sisters?

A trusted family friend, perhaps?

We don’t know, but we’re guessing it’s safe to assume Joe and Kendra didn’t give into their biological urges right there in front of the cameras.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial couple. 


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Lala Kent: Returning to Vanderpump Rules!

We’re just weeks away from the premiere of Vanderpump Rules Season 6, and it seems fans can expect plenty of drama when the SUR crew makes its long-awaited return.

Relationship changes have dominated the off-season with non-stop bad news about several established couples.

In August, Stassi Schroeder revealed that she’d been dumped by Patrick Meagher on what was supposed to be the former couple’s fourth anniversary.

Shortly thereafter, news that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney were headed for divorce began to circulate on social media.

(The couple has yet to confirm that they’ve called it quits, and it seems they’ve recently decided to “keep up appearances” on social media.)

Last week, we learned that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta have split up after less than a year together.

And just yesterday, it was confirmed that Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright have called it quits.

But it’s not all bad news and breakups in West Hollywood.

In a recent interview with Too Fab, Vanderpump stars Tom Sandoval, Ariana Madix and their pet sh-t weasel, James Kennedy, confirmed some big-but not entirely unexpected news–about the show’s upcoming season:

It seems that after a one-season hiatus, Lala Kent will be returning to the series that made her almost famous.

As you may recall, Lala quit Vanderpump abruptly last season after butting heads with her female castmates.

Of course, triumphant returns aren’t unheard of on VR, as Stassi previously left the show, moved to New York, and was brought back in response to popular demand.

(It seems the forgotten Vail Bloom now has the dubious honor of being the only regular cast member to make a permanent departure from the show.)

“Me and her are a very dynamic duo on the show, obviously,” James said of Lala at a Halloween event sponsored by Maxim last night.

“We like music together, so it’s good to have her back.”

Ariana chimed in with a breakdown of the ways in which life has changed since we last checked in at SUR:

“Dynamics are shifting,” Madix said.

“Things are growing and changing. Things are maybe falling apart, getting put back together. Just when you think that there’s not gonna be any more drama, you think like, ‘Oh, they’ve done it all.’ No, there’s always something else.”

Kennedy also revealed that he’s been re-hired at SUR after being ousted for his boozy behavior last year.

He also hinted at at least one more major surprise for fans this season:

“That’s a secret,” he added, thus begging the question of why he brought it up at all.

“That’s a surprise to the season. We can’t give that out yet. People have been waiting for me. They thought I’d be left in the dirt, but it’s good to be back at SUR. Lisa’s amazing.”

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up on Season 6 and enjoy more of James shamelessly kissing his boss’ ass.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Derick Dillard: Breaking the Duggars" Rules, Partying Behind Jill"s Back (Report)

Over the past few weeks, Derick Dillard has set himself apart as something of an unexpected rebel within the Duggar family.

Now, we should note that we mean Derick’s behavior is rebellious only by Duggar standards, which means he adheres to Jim Bob’s strict fundamentalist views, he just occasionally expresses them in unorthodox ways.

Most of the controversies surrounding Derick have had to do with the 28-year-old’s social media presence.

Back in August Derick attacked Jazz Jennings on social media, tweeting that his fellow TLC star, who’s also a transgender teen, is starring in a deceptive “reality show that’s based on a non-reality.”

Dillard added that “gender is ordained by God.”

Earlier this month, Dillard stirred further controversy when he tweeted about racism in America, informing his followers that it’s virtually non-existent.

It seems Derick has enjoyed stirring the pot on social media lately, but one of his latest posts attracted negative attention from fans for reasons that Dillard probably didn’t anticipate:

Derick posted the above video earlier this week along with a caption reading:

“Had a blast getting to hang out with international friends at the international bonfire last night! #intlbonfire17 #internationalstudents #danceparty #southasianstyle”

It may seem innocent enough–and it is–but according to the Duggars’ mindset the most innocuous activities can hide the greatest temptations.

The Duggars are strictly opposed to all forms of dancing, believing, as Michelle Duggar once explained, that it promotes promiscuity by stirring up “sensual” feelings.

“I thought they didn’t approve of dancing? Looks pretty wild,” commented one fan.

“I didn’t know you danced. I know Jim Bob has strict opinions about dancing and defrauding. Where is Jill?” remarked another.

The video above is still live, but Derick deleted a second clip that shows students dancing to the Luis Fonsi hit “Despacito,” after his followers pointed out that the song contains sexually explicit lyrics.

Interestingly, the uproar comes on the heels of reports that Derick is cheating on Jill Duggar, a rumor that Dillard has yet to address directly.

Thus far, the father of two has responded to the speculation only by tweeting several Bible verses about the evils of adultery, a move that’s only added fuel to the fire, as many fans believe the tweets to be Derick’s way of confessing.

If there was any extramarital activity on Derick’s part, the Duggars are no doubt doing their best to sweep it under the carpet.

But if the Josh Duggar sex scandals taught us anything, it’s that there are some stories that even the Duggar PR machine can’t bury.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Still Wearing Shorts, Living By Her Own Rules

If you’re a longtime fan of the Duggar family, you may be familiar with the Free Jinger movement.

Named for a non-profit website that hoped to rescue Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughter from a lifetime of servitude under a patriarchal belief system, the movement eventually expanded its goals, seeking to call attention to the abuses that often take place in the name of religious fundamentalism.

While that remains an important objective, Jinger has shown a surprising streak of independence and may be the Duggar least in need of saving.

Yes, her forms of rebellion might seem quite tame by the usual societal standards, but in her way, Jinger is striking out on her own and thumbing her nose at some of her parents’ more asinine beliefs.

The most obvious way in which the 23-year-old has departed from the strictures of her upbringing has to do with fashion.

That may sound silly, but when Jinger began wearing pants, it was widely interpreted as a bold, public rejection of her parents’ rule that women must dress in floor-length skirts at all times.

Shortly after stirring controversy with that wardrobe choice, Jinger wore a pair of shorts in a photo that earned her applause from Duggar supporters and detractors alike.

One of the more absurd aspects of the Duggar dress code is that women and girls are forced to wear long skirts even when playing sports or engaged in other physical activity.

As you can see, Jinger recently demonstrated that she’s bucked that trend completely.

And yet again, she’s being praised by those who have advocated for the rights of women in fundamentalist communities:

“Finally, a Duggar girl is wearing what she wants and NOT what her family thinks she should wear,” commented one fan on the above photo, adding:

“I always thought that Jinger was the most sensible of all the older girls!”

We’re sure Jinger appreciates the adulation, but it seems these days she’s intent on showing fans that she’s striking out on her own in ways that go beyond her choice of attire.

Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo have made a point of supporting their local arts community in Laredo, Texas.

Over the weekend Jinger posted the above photo, with a caption reading:

“A lovely evening enjoying the arts to support a dear friend.”

Fans applauded Jinger not only for taking in interest in cultural pursuits, but also for the quality of the photo.

“Lovely photo,” wrore one fan. “You really ought to pursue photography professionally!”

The Duggars don’t explicitly forbid their children from engaging in artistic activities, but Jim Bob and Michelle frequently encourage their children to spend their time on more “practical” pursuits.

(Many would argue that devising an elaborate dress code so that no one will see your daughters’ ankles isn’t the most practical use of one’s time, but that’s a conversation for another article.)

Jinger often expressed interests in music and photography as a child, and now it seems Vuolo is encouraging her to hone her crafts.

Jim Bob and Jeremy have butted heads several times over the years, and we’re guessing Jinger’s emboldened behavior isn’t exactly endearing the Texas pastor to his domineering father-in-law.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: YES, We Broke the Courtship Rules!

If you watched last night’s episode of Counting On, you know those Duggars were up to their old tricks.

(Read that last part in a Waylon Jennings Dukes of Hazzard voice for maximum effect.)

There was courtin’, there were roadtrips, and there was even some very, very mild rebellion …

As you may have heard, Joy-Anna Duggar is currently pregnant with her first child.

The news created a bit of a stir amongst Duggar fans, as she had only been married to Austin Forsyth for three months at the time of the announcement.

Naturally, there was talk of a “shotgun wedding,” and many fans were convinced that Joy-Anna and Austin had engaged in premarital sex.

Obviously, that’s a pretty big deal in a family that literally has rules about the length of time that non-married couples are allowed to hold hands.

In the past, Joy and Austin confessed to breaking courtship rules, but they never specified exactly what they meant by that.

Finally, in a scene from last night’s episode, Austin broke down and confessed that prior to their marriage, he and Joy had stayed out all night … conversing.

“The only time that I can think of when I overstepped my bounds with my future father-in-law was probably staying up talking past curfew,” Forsyth admitted.

“Just letting time slip past you and being in a good conversation – it’s really easy to do,” he added.

“That and probably going over the three-second hug. That’s easy to do.”

Whoa. Pretty serious stuff right there.

Someone go to Web MD and let us know if four-second hugs can result in pregnancy.

We’d do it ourselves, but we’re feeling entirely too shook right now.

In all seriousness, it’s interesting that Austin felt the need to address this on the show.

Clearly, the Duggars are well aware of the rumors, and this is their way of clearing the air.

Of course, they probably think this will put the matter the rest, which leads us to believe they don’t spend much time on social media, where nothing is ever put to rest.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Lisa Vanderpump Opening New Restaurant with Tom and Tom from "Vanderpump Rules"

Lisa Vanderpump is expanding her empire, and she’s counting on a couple of Toms to make it happen. Our “Vanderpump Rules” production sources tell us … the groundwork’s been laid for Lisa to open up a new dining spot in West Hollywood, the same…


Lisa Vanderpump Opening New Restaurant with Tom and Tom from "Vanderpump Rules"

Lisa Vanderpump is expanding her empire, and she’s counting on a couple of Toms to make it happen. Our “Vanderpump Rules” production sources tell us … the groundwork’s been laid for Lisa to open up a new dining spot in West Hollywood, the same…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Anna Duggar: Is She Refusing to Follow Josh Duggar"s Rules?

Back in April, a photo of Jinger Duggar wearing pants surfaced on social media, and many fans posited that the pic signaled the start of a rebellion for Jinger and her long-oppressed sisters.

Months later, however, the revolution seems to have stalled, as the women of the Duggar clan have chosen to stick to the draconian dress code devised by their parents.

But that doesn’t mean that Jinger’s gesture of independence hasn’t planted the seeds of insurrection elsewhere in her family.

The above photo was posted to Jinger’s Instagram page earlier this week.

It’s one of many pics that Jinger posted from her recent visit to Little Rock.

The woman who accompanied her to the Arkansas State Capitol Building remains unidentified, but some fans have a theory about Jinger’s pants-clad traveling companion.

“Girl on left – Anna???” commented one fan.

“Anna could be a fit for the woman on the left. But I doubt, she would ever wear pants!” wrote another.

Yes, many believe they’ve solved the mystery of “the girl on the left” (probably also the title of a bestselling thriller hitting bookstores this fall).

We know that Jinger spent some time with Anna during her trip to Little Rock, and the photo above is being cited as further evidence that Josh’s wife has joined the Pants Party.

That’s Josh and Anna’s daughter Meredith seen rocking a pair of tiny jeans in 2015.

It’s hard to believe, but typically, the Duggars’ no-pants rule extends to very young children.

So Anna allowing her daughter to wear jeans may be an indication that she agrees with the rest of the world that Jim Bob and Michelle’s dress code is completely idiotic.

And if anyone would have reason to reject some of the rules and values with which the Duggar children were raised, it would be Anna.

Despite the frequent Josh and Anna divorce rumors, the couple is still together and expecting their fifth child.

But now that her husband’s been caught engaging in multiple acts of sexual impropriety (some of them criminal), it stands to reason that Anna would start making some changes in their relationship and, quite literally, wearing the pants.

So is that really Anna rocking a pair of Levi’s next to Jinger in that photo?

We may never know for sure, but we’re cheering her on if it is.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Danny Dias From MTV"s "Road Rules" Died from Complications of Chronic Substance Abuse

Former “Road Rules” star Danny Dias died of complications from chronic substance abuse, and the lacerations found on his forearm had nothing to do with his death … TMZ has learned. The Chief Medical Examiner in NYC tells us Danny…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth Confess to Breaking Courtship Rules

From the time they started dating, rumors about Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth breaking courtship rules began circulating online non-stop.

Some of the claims were ridiculous (a false report that Joy-Anna was pregnant before marriage briefly made the rounds on social media), but it turns out, at least one them was legit.

In a preview for Monday night’s Counting On after-show, Joy-Anna and Austin reveal that they did, in fact, violate her family’s rules for pre-marital dating.

But it wasn’t the sort of behavior that results in a shotgun wedding.

In an interview with Daphne Oz, Austin confirms that he and Joy-Anna … front-hugged.

Yes, the Duggars allow only side-hugs before marriage, because it’s well known that Jesus wanted young people to spend their lives in a constant state of sexual frustration.

Austin opened up about his dance with the devil, saying:

“We’re humans and sometimes we don’t always abide perfectly by our rules. We try. That was a real hard try.”

A real hard try.

The real sin here is that no one jumped in and shouted, “Phrasing!”

The young couple also opened up about the moment that Austin proposed to Joy-Anna, a moment that, of course, was captured by a TLC camera crew.

Testing the gullibility of even the most naive Duggar fans, Joy-Anna claims she was so caught up in the moment she didn’t even realize she was being filmed.

“I didn’t even notice that they were there,” she explains.

“I thought it was just us there, and that was really special.”

Austin chimed in with:

“Those cameramen looked like trees.”

Quite the wit, that guy.

Look, we all suspend our disbelief when we watch reality television.

We pretend people actually start conversations with “So what’s going on with [absent cast member]?” and that guys who work in pawn shops routinely engage in wacky bets like they’re on a particularly lame ’90s sitcom.

But we don’t believe for a second that Austin’s proposal was spontaneous, and a camera crew just happened to be following him and Joy-Anna through the woods that day.

You could practically see those two reading their lines off cue cards.

Watch Counting On online for more deception from the Duggars.
