Showing posts with label Ryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryan. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: In Denial About Ryan Edwards" Drug Use?

Last week, Ryan Edwards was arrested in Tennessee for allegedly violating the terms of his probation.

There are conflicting stories regarding the nature of Edwards’ violation, but in the days that followed his arrest, several disturbing revelations about the life of the troubled Teen Mom OG star came to light.

First, we learned that Edwards has been using the dating app Tinder to try and cheat on his pregnant wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

Shortly thereafter, it was revealed that Edwards threatened to kill Taylor McKinney, the husband of his child’s mother, Maci Bookout.

It’s unclear if this threat constituted the probation violation that got Edwards arrested, or if the incident was only brought to authorities’ attention when McKinney and Bookout filed for orders of protection against Ryan after the fact.

Whatever the case, the events of the past week have left TMOG fans deeply concerned about Edwards’ welfare.

And for obvious reasons, many now believe the 30-year-old recovering addict is back on drugs.

Ryan checked into rehab last year shortly after getting married to Mackenzie.

Edwards was so high on his wedding day that he lost consciousness while driving to the church, but those who know him best say that he’s been taking his sobriety very seriously ever since.

Unfortunately, those who know him best may have been taken in by a disingenuous practicing addict.

“Mackenzie is in complete abject denial about Ryan’s drug addiction and issues surrounding how very, very serious it truly is,” a source close to the situation tells Us Weekly

“Mackenzie only wants to focus on having his baby and seems to be hoping that this will help him to be inspired to live a clean and sober life.”

Unfortunately, TMOG viewers know that Edwards is not completely sober, as he was spotted drinking before his second wedding to Standifer, which was scheduled in order to make up for the disastrous first ceremony.

However, the insider claims that Mackenzie fully believes Edwards’ explanation that he’s able to drink because he’s beaten his more serious addictions completely.

“Ryan denies the seriousness of the drug addiction, like any addict will do, and Mackenzie chooses to believe him,” says the source.

We may soon find out much more about the situation when the two-part Teen Mom OG reunion special begins next week:

“There was real concern for Ryan’s sobriety at the reunion and he was urged to get further treatment by close to the show off-camera, but refused,” the source explains to Us. 

‘There is a genuine and real fear that Ryan could die because of his drug addiction.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be a doozy of a reunion.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ryan Edwards Threatens to MURDER Maci Bookout"s Husband?!

Ryan Edwards … what can we say, the guy is an absolute mess right now.

Between his recent arrest, his problems with wife Mackenzie Standifer, and what many people think is a relapse, things aren"t as good as they could be, that"s for sure.

And with the orders of protection Maci Bookout recently filed against him for herself and her family, he"s falling even further in his downward spiral.

We"ve heard a few details of the kinds of things Ryan"s been doing that made Maci feel the need to take the matter to court, but this latest little tidbit of information?

It"s easy to see why Maci is taking action.

1. Where to Start?

Ryan edwards mug shot

So, uh, yeah, it’s not the greatest time to be Ryan Edwards right now, huh?

2. What a Mess

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Things have been unravelling very very quickly for him since last week, when we heard the news that he’d been arrested for violating the terms of his probation.

3. … Probation?

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Right, because apparently he was arrested last year for having heroin in his possession and somehow, some way, nobody heard about it. He was on probation for that, and he did something last week to mess it up, so he was arrested again.

4. Come On, Mack

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Mackenzie claims that the arrest was no big deal, that it was one of the terms of his probation that he’d have to be booked, but that doesn’t make sense. Why would he be handcuffed at his home a year after the original arrest, taken down to the police station, and held there for several hours until his family bailed him out if it was just some formality?

5. What’s the Truth?

Ryan edwards sad

Some reports have said that Ryan violated his probation by missing a mandatory drug test, but again, that doesn’t make sense — a big issue he’s had with Maci for a while now is that she wants him to take a drug test before he sees their son but he doesn’t want to do it. Why would it even need to be an argument if he was already taking the tests for his probation?

6. Hmmm …

Ryan edwards holds water bottle pic

We don’t have all the details yet, but he was on probation, he messed it up somehow, and now his whole entire life is falling apart.

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Maci Bookout: Ryan Edwards Threatened to Kidnap My Son!

Another day, another shocking revelation about Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards.

Over the course of the past week, Maci Bookout"s ex has been involved in half a dozen scandals, and fans fear the worst is yet to come.

The problems began when Ryan was arrested for a probation violation stemming from a heroin possession arrest last year.

Every day since, we"ve seen some sort of stunning development in the ongoing saga of Ryan"s downward spiral, and it seems today is no exception.


1. Happier Times

Maci bookout ryan edwards and bentley

Ryan and Maci are parents to 9-year-old Bentley. Though their relationship has often been contentious in recent years, this week, it took a sharp turn for the worse that no one saw coming.

2. Ryan’s Rock Bottom

Ryan edwards mug shot

The latest round of troubles began when Ryan was arrested for a probation violation. The probation stemmed from a 2017 heroin possession arrest that Ryan somehow managed to keep hidden from just about everyone, including Maci.

3. Legal Protection

Maci deshane mckinney

Shortly thereafter, Maci filed for an order of protection. She requested that the court order Ryan to keep his distance not only from her, but from her entire family, including Ryan’s son, Bentley.

4. Order Granted

Maci tells it like it is

According to Radar Online, a judge granted Maci’s order of protection yesterday. Her husband, Taylor McKinney, filed a separate request, and his case has yet to be heard.

5. Bad News For Ryan

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

The order is now in effect, and will remain so until at least May 21. “The temporary protection order will stay in effect until their court hearing,” said the judge in Maci and Ryan’s case.

6. A New Low

Ryan edwards sad

Yes, it seems Ryan has managed to locate yet another rock bottom. And now, we’re getting details about just what he said and did that was so bad the courts decided that he should be forbidden to see his son.

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Monday, April 2, 2018

Ryan Reynolds Responds to Blake Lively Divorce Rumors

Ever since Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively got married back in 2012, the actors have served as the embodiment of #CouplesGoals.

Aside from the fact that they’re both absurdly photogenic, Ryan and Blake seem to have the kind of lighthearted rapport that enabled A-list couples to navigate the rough waters of Hollywood monogamy.

But despite – or perhaps because of – the fairytale appearance of Blake and Ryan’s marriage, a new tabloid report has the couple on the verge of calling it quits.

According to OK! magazine, Reynolds and Lively are contemplating divorce due to the strain placed on their marriage by his work schedule.

“The past few years, Ryan’s been working out of town while Blake stays home with the kids,” a source tells the tabloid.

“The distance between them has taken its toll.”

A believable enough scenario, we suppose.

But if there’s any truth to OK’s claims, it comes as news to Reynolds, who denied the report in the sarcastic fashion that’s long made him one of the most amusing celebs on social media.

“I wish,” Reynolds tweeted in response to the article.

“I could use a little ‘me time."”

Reynolds’ sardonic tone might come as a surprise for those who don’t follow him on Twitter and who know him best from his pre-Deadpool work as a lead in romantic comedies.

However, those who have enjoyed his social media antics know this is all very on-brand for the actor.

This is, after all, the same purveyor of comic gold who’s been known to make fun of his fans’ crappy boyfriends and encourage followers to get his name tattooed on their ass.

Needless to say, Ryan’s tweets are not to be taken too seriously.

By all accounts, however, Ryan and Blake take their marriage and their duties as parents quite seriously.

Late last year, lively opened up about the struggles of raising two children despite a pair of very hectic work schedules.

“My husband and I don’t work at the same time, so we all go together as a family,” Lively told People magazine.

“If we’re away as a family, it’s never more than for a day. We stay together.”

Sounds like Lively and Reynolds won’t be calling it quits anytime soon – but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop lovingly roasting his wife on Twitter.


Mackenzie Standifer DUMPS Ryan Edwards Following Arrest, Cheating Scandal?

The hits just keep on coming for Ryan Edwards, who"s currently rivaling Adam Lind as the most troubled baby daddy in the Teen Mom franchise.

Last week, Edwards was arrested for allegedly violating his probation by skipping a scheduled drug test.

Shortly thereafter, the world learned that Edwards had used Tinder to try and cheat on his long-suffering wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

Sadly, all of this happened within days of news that Mackenzie is pregnant with Ryan"s child.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Standifer has finally had enough…

1. A Troubled Marriage

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer pic

Mackenzie and Ryan had trouble from the start, but their marriage has recently gone downhill much more rapidly than anyone could have expected.

2. A Bad Omen

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Teen Mom OG fans will likely never forget the sight of Ryan losing consciousness while drivng to his own wedding. The scene prompted many viewers to warn Mackenzie about the dangers of entering a marriage with Edwards. Now, it seems their worst fears have been confirmed.

3. Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards mug shot

Last week, Ryan was arrested in Tennessee and held on $ 5,000 bail for an alleged probation violation. The probation stemmed from an April 2017 arrest for heroin possession.

4. A Misleading Statement?

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Mackenzie addressed the matter publicly in a way that only left fans more confused. She insisted that Ryan was taken into custody simply so that he could be booked … one year after his initial arrest. She’s since been criticized for lying to the public, but it’s possible that Ryan lied to her.

5. The Truth Comes Out

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Yes, for a full year, Ryan and Mackenzie kept the the news of his possession arrest a secret. It seems even Ryan’s baby mama, Maci Bookout, was kept in the dark. Maci has filed for an order of protection against Ryan after learning of his arrest and ongoing legal troubles.

6. And There’s More…

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer

To make matters worse, Ryan got caught up in an entirely different sort of scandal just days after his arrest. This one involved allegations that he’d been unfaithful to Standifer yet again…

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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Is She Divorcing Ryan Edwards?!

There’s been a seriously overwhelming amount of drama going down with Ryan Edwards this week, huh?

It’s all been very interesting, but once you remember that he’s a real person with a real family and not just a character on a television show …

Well, it gets a whole lot more depressing, we’ll say that much.

To recap, Ryan was arrested earlier this week at his home in Chattanooga for violating his probation — because oh yeah, he was also arrested last year.

Unlike Mackenzie Standifer — or as Maci Bookout likes to call her, “his snake of a wife” — said, he was arrested last March, not last April, for simple possession of heroin.

He was pulled over and found with the drugs and with some needles, which is definitely not legal, so boom, arrested.

After that, he was put on probation, and a few reports have been claiming that he was required to take regular drug tests, but he missed his test this week, which was why he got arrested this time around.

This part still doesn’t make total sense, because if he was getting regular drug tests anyway, why would such a big plot point in this season of Teen Mom OG be about him failing to take a test to see Bentley?

Anyway, he was arrested, and whatever the exact reason, it’s not good news.

Also this week, there was another Tinder scandal — a woman came forward with screenshots of a flirtatious exchange she had with him, just like last time.

And in the middle of all this, it was revealed that Ryan and Mackenzie are expecting their first child together.

See what we mean when we said this was an overwhelming amount of drama?

And to think, it’s already getting a whole lot worse.

As we said, Mackenzie made a statement in which she claimed that Ryan’s arrest was nothing to be worried about, that it was just a sort of follow-up arrest from the heroin thing that happened last spring.

According to her, he still needed to be booked an entire year later, and that’s why cops showed up to their house, handcuffed him, and got him that cute mug shot.

It didn’t really make sense, but we just assumed it was a lie — even if it wasn’t, in saying that he was arrested last spring before their wedding, she showed she was lying about the timeline of his drug use.

Who could forget that insane letter she read to Maci at the last reunion special, the one where she claimed she had no idea that Ryan was doing drugs until their wedding in May, two whole months after he was arrested?

We’re getting off track though.

The point is, Mackenzie made a point to tell us all that “everything is fine,” when obviously things are the opposite of fine.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, things seem to be so far from fine that she’s left Ryan.

A source close to her told the site that “Mackenzie boarded a flight to go to New York yesterday without Ryan.”

Not only that, but “she left her son during her scheduled time” to do so — she gets adorable little Hudson from Friday to Tuesday, and his father has him the other days.

Radar says that Mackenzie herself confirmed to them that she’s in New York, but she didn’t offer any additional details.

Could it be possible that she’s finally realizing how bad her situation is? That perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to be impregnated by an intravenous drug user who’s been trying so hard to cheat on her?

Could she be filming an additional little something for the show now that so much has happened?

Or are we way off — maybe she’s finding a dress for a third wedding Ryan won’t be sober for.

Whatever’s going on, we hope everything’s all right. But considering the circumstances, that does seem like a pretty high hope.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Maci Bookout Files For Restraining Order Against Ryan Edwards!

Earlier this week, we reported that Ryan Edwards had been arrested in Tennessee in connection with a probation violation for an April heroin possession arrest.

While Edwards" struggles with addiction have been well-documented, fans were not previously aware that he had been arrested for possession or that he was on probation.

And it seems this all came as a surprise to Ryan"s baby mama, Maci Bookout, as well.

Now, Maci is taking action to ensure that Ryan won"t be allowed anywhere near her family…

1. Hard Times For Ryan

Ryan edwards closeup

Ryan was arrested earlier this week in connection with a previous charge that fans weren’t aware of. It was widely assumed that he’d suffered a relapse, but his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, says that that’s not the case, and she insists Edwards was simply taken into custody to be re-booked.

2. More Bad News

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

But Mackenzie probably won’t be defending Ryan for much longer. Just days after news of his arrest went public, several media outlets reported that Edwards had been caught using the dating app Tinder to seek out potential cheating partners.

3. Grinding It Out

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Mackenzie is reportedly planning to remain married to Ryan … for now. But we imagine he’ll have to make some major changes if he’s hoping to keep his pregnant wife by his side.

4. Maci’s Surprise

Maci bookout and ryan edwards

All of this has reportedly come as a huge shock to Ryan’s first baby mama, Maci Bookout. Bookout reportedly thought she knew all about Ryan’s checkered past and was blown away by the indiscretions he’d managed to keep buried.

5. Change of Plans

Maci tells it like it is

Maci and Ryan have been locked in a custody battle over their 9-year-old son Bentley for several months. Maci had previously allowed Ryan to have supervised visits with Bentley, but now it seems those days are done.

6. Not Messing Around

Maci bookout tattoos

In fact, Maci has taken legal action to ensure that Ryan won’t be allowed anywhere near her or her family for the foreseeable future.

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Gets in on Ryan Edwards Drug Drama, Slams Mackenzie Standifer!

Kailyn Lowry is on Teen Mom 2, obviously, but just like so many of us, she can"t seem to escape all that"s going on with the OG crew.

Which makes sense — there"s a whole, whole lot going on with those crazy kids.

For example, this week Ryan Edwards has provided us with enough drama to last a whole entire year, at least, with the news that he impregnated Mackenzie Standifer.

Which, of course, was followed swiftly with the news that he was arrested for violating his probation.

Like we said, there"s a lot going on, and with Kailyn throwing herself in the middle of it, there"s so much to discuss.

So let"s get right into it!

1. Unfortunate

Ryan edwards mug shot

So things aren’t going so great for Ryan Edwards right now, as you can probably tell by that new mug shot of his.

2. Tsk Tsk

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Earlier this week, Ryan was arrested at his home for violating his probation, because apparently at some point in time he was arrested for possession of heroin. He was just in jail for a few hours before being released on bail, and from over here, it looks pretty bad.

3. Hmmm …

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

But as Mackenzie explained in a statement, “everything is fine,” because the original arrest, the one for possession of heroin, happened last April, and as for what just happened, it was all planned because “part of his case was he had to be booked.”

4. Sure, Mackenzie

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Obviously that makes absolutely no sense at all — he was arrested for violating his probation, so why would that be part of the original plan? And if it WAS planned, why wouldn’t he surrender himself to police, why would they have to come to his house to arrest him? In what way is any of this fine?

5. Oh Girl …

Mackenzie standifer picture

It’s also odd because at the last Teen Mom OG reunion, Mackenzie claimed that she had no idea that Ryan was doing drugs until that fateful scene when he was nodding off on the drive to their wedding, which happened in May. So what, did she just miss his arrest the month before that? If you’re going to lie, Mack, at least try to come up with a decent story.

6. What is the Truth?!

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Also, a news station from Ryan’s hometown of Chattanooga reported that the original arrest for heroin happened on March 12th, so perhaps he’s not as sober as Mackenzie would like us to think.

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Janice Dickinson Sues Ryan Seacrest"s Co. Over Romper Controversy on "Shahs of Sunset"

Janice Dickinson is suing Ryan Seacrest’s production company, claiming a storyline on “Shahs of Sunset” that she stole a romper from GG was manufactured and just plain false. Janice’s beef is over an episode where Janice was backstage at a…


Ryan Edwards: Caught LYING About His Arrest & Addiction?

Yesterday, we reported that Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards had been arrested for a probation violation.

The arrest came less than 24 hours after the world learned that Ryan"s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with her and Ryan"s first child together.

The news of Ryan"s legal trouble was shocking for a number of reasons, not the least of which was that fans had no idea that Edwards was on probation or that he"d been taken into custody back in April.

It"s enough to make you wonder what else Ryan and Mackenzie are concealing – and it turns out the answer to that question is "quite a lot."

1. A Surprising Arrest

Ryan edwards mug shot

Ryan was taken into custody in Red Bank, Tennessee after a petition to revoke his probation was issued by a judge. Edwards was on probation in connection with a heroin possession arrest in April.

2. Terrible Timing

Mackenzie and ryan edwards

News of the arrest came just 24 hours after the world learned that Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant. It will be the second child for both partners and their first as a couple.

3. Lyin’ Ryan?

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Edwards gave viewers the impression that he had been completely honest about his drug and legal problems. However, this was the first the public heard about his probation and April arrest.

4. Mackenzie Comes Clean

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Ryan has remained silent in the day since his arrest, but Mackenzie recently opened up to Radar Online about her husband’s legal troubles. “Possession of heroin was the original charge from April before he went to rehab,” she told the site.

5. No Cause For Concern

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

Perhaps troublingly, Mackenzie seems completely unconcerned about Ryan’s latest brush with the law. “Part of his case was he had to be booked. Everything is fine,” she assures TMOG fans.

6. Off the Wagon?

Kenzie standifer

Regarding her husband’s sobriety, Mackenzie seems completely untroubled, and her comments on the situation have led some fans to believe she’s being naive…

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Ryan Edwards: ARRESTED One Day After Learning Wife Is Pregnant!

It looks like more hard times are ahead for troubled Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards.

Radar Online is reporting today that Edwards has been arrested after allegedly violating his probation.

The news comes just one day after the world learned that Edwards" wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is expecing the couple"s first child together.

Ryan"s probation stems from a recent arrest on possession of heroin charges, leading many fans to fear that the former addict has suffered a relapse.

Here"s what we know so far:

1. Ryan’s Difficult Road

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Ryan has given fans plenty of reason to be optimistic in recent months. Sadly, it seems all the progress that he’s made may have just come crashing down.

2. Another Mug Shot

Ryan edwards mug shot

According to Radar Online, Ryan was arrested on March 27 for an undisclosed probation violation. Details about his infraction are unknown at this time.

3. Awaiting Trial

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Prison official confirms that Ryan has been released on bail. “He was held on $ 5,000 bond,” a spokesperson for Hamilton County Jail in Tennessee exclusively told Radar. “He was bonded out at 10:15pm.”

4. Keeping Mum

Ryan edwards sad

Ryan has not spoken publicly on the arrest since his release last night. His silence has fans fearing the worst.

5. Awful Timing

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Ryan’s legal trouble comes just one day after fans learned that his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is expecting his child.

6. A Dark Future

Ryan edwards closeup

Currently, little is known about why Ryan was taken into custody. Fans have several theories, and none of them bode well for Edwards’ future…

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"Teen Mom" Star Ryan Edwards Arrested Day After Wife"s Pregnancy News

“Teen Mom” star Ryan Edwards really killed the mood — one day after he and his wife announced they’re expecting their first child, he went and got his ass arrested. Law enforcement sources tell us … the 30-year-old was busted Tuesday at his…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ryan Edwards & Mackenzie Standifer: Baby on the Way!

Big news out of the tumultuous world of Teen Mom OG today!

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer are expecting their first child together!

The news has been verified by several media outlets today, and sources say Ryan and Mackenzie are overjoyed.

Fans have been mostly positive in their reactions to the news, but given Ryan"s troubled past, there were bound to be some thaters.

Here"s everything we know so far about Mackenzie and Ryan"s big news:

1. A Growing Family

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Ryan and Mackenzie both have kids from their previous relationships, but this will be their first together. Fans learned of the big news in unusual fashion.

2. The Big Fake Out?

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

A preview for next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG shows Mackenzie waving around a positive pregnancy test. The shot was initially dismissed by fans as a “fake out.”

3. The Real Deal

Kenzie standifer

However, sources such as The Ashley’s Reality Roundup have verified that Mackenzie is expecting. She and Ryan are said to be overjoyed by the big news.

4. Reunion Surprise!

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer pic

Sources say Ryan and Mackenzie confirmed the news during the recent taping of the annual Teen Mom OG reunion show.

5. The Big Reveal

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

“That’s when most of the cast and even some of the crew found out Mackenzie was pregnant,” a source close to the situation tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

6. No Secrecy Here

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer

Ryan and Mackenzie haven’t made an official public announcement yet, but sources say they’ve been very open when discussing the pregnancy with their friends, family, and castmates. In fact, there’s already been a considerable amount of discussion about the baby’s gender…

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