Showing posts with label Said. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Said. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia"s Hookers, According to Comey Memo

Donald Trump said Vladimir Putin boasted to him about the quality of hookers in his country … this according to one of James Comey’s memos. Several media outlets have obtained the memos by the ex-FBI Director, and one of them is already…


Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia"s Hookers, According to Comey Memo

Donald Trump said Vladimir Putin boasted to him about the quality of hookers in his country … this according to one of James Comey’s memos. Several media outlets have obtained the memos by the ex-FBI Director, and one of them is already…


Monday, April 2, 2018

UFC"s Brian Ortega: I Said "Hell Yeah" to Khabib at UFC 223, Still Want Him After Max!

UFC star Brian Ortega told Dana White ‘HELL YEAH” when he called and offered him the chance to fight Khabib Nurmagomedov for the 155-pound title at UFC 223. Of course, that shot ended up going to Max Holloway … who Ortega…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kelly Clarkson to The Voice Contestant: You Said WHAT About Me?!?

Kelly Clarkson is not one to stir up controversy.

She’s not one to engage in any feuds or get herself involved in really any scandals at all.

But the singer has felt the need to speak out against an accusation no one could have seen coming.

On last night’s edition of The Voice, an aspiring artist named Molly Stevens was shown the door… and she wasn’t happy about it.

The contestant, who is openly gay, wrote in a since-deleted Instagram post that she was upset by a comparison Clarkson made during the battle rounds.

For those who missed the episode, Kelly said Stevens reminded her of the Indigo Girls and Melissa Etheridge, which Stevens referred to as a “labeling trap” and “small minded.”

This is what she wrote in its entirety:

While I’m extremely honored to be in that category of talent, I do believe that comment did us all a disservice and only threw us into a labeling trap

It felt small minded to me and exactly what I feel we need to bring attention to the world. I am a singer-songwriter who happens to be gay.

And so it @melissa_etheridge and @indigogirlsmusic… But it’s a common stereotype that happens too often. People put us in boxes.

How about for today I am just Molly Stevens and you be you too.

clarkson accuse

As you can see above, Stevens also thanked her preacher for giving her the courage to make this statement.

But it’s not a statement Clarkson believes she deserves.

“Wow. This really bums me out,” the original American Idol Tweeted upon being informed of Stevens’ critique.

She continued, in her own strong defense:

“I need everyone to hear me and hear ALL OF THE WORDS I SAY.

“I compared Molly to Melissa Etheridge, Patty Griffin (a name that was left out conveniently), and the Indigo Girls purely because of the rasp in her voice and that she’s an amazing storyteller.”

kelly writes back

We tend to believe Kelly.

She’s never shown any hints of homophobia or of any kind of “small-minded” thinking.

She’s always seemed incredibly open and laid back and accepting, never really changing at all through the years, even as her fame sky-rocketed to very impressive levels.

Before this issue was brought up, the only thing Clarkson had ever gotten into trouble for was admitting she sometimes spanks her kids.

And even the reaction to that remark seemed a tad overblown.

What do you think of this so-called scandal?

Is it even a scandal?

Did Clarkson misspeak?

Or did Stevens just react in a bitter manner that she later thought better of upon deleting her comment and this really isn’t a story at all?

Sound off now!


Friday, March 23, 2018

Michael Bennett Said "I Could Own This Mother F***er" Before Pushing Elderly Woman In Wheel Chair

Michael Bennett yelled “y’all must know who I am. I could own this mother f***er” before pushing an elderly paraplegic woman, injuring her shoulder … according to cops in Texas. Houston PD just held a news conference to discuss the Michael Bennett…


Michael Bennett Said "I Could Own This Mother F***er" Before Pushing Elderly Woman In Wheel Chair

Michael Bennett yelled “y’all must know who I am. I could own this mother f***er” before pushing an elderly paraplegic woman, injuring her shoulder … according to cops in Texas. Houston PD just held a news conference to discuss the Michael Bennett…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Tito Ortiz Calls BS on Chuck Liddell: I Asked to Fight You, UFC Said You Can"t

If Chuck Liddell wants an opponent, it looks like he’s got one — ‘cause Tito Ortiz says the Iceman’s claim that he’s ducking him is pure crap.  “Funny thing is, I told UFC to put the fight together and they said you were incapable to…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Jackson Roloff Just Said His First Word... And We Have It On Video!

Jackson Roloff is back with another milestone.

Mere days after the eight-month old showed off his first tooth on Instagram, the adorable Little People, Big World cast member now has something else to brag about.

In fact, the adorable Little People, Big World cast member now has something else to say.

Yes, we wrote say.

As further proof that Jackson is growing up way too quickly, Zach Roloff has shared a video on social media of his first child saying his first word.

And you’ll understand why Zach is especially proud of this utterance after you learn exactly what it is.

Click PLAY on the following piece of footage to find out for yourself:

“Excuse me! Jackson has something to say,” an excited Zach wrote as a caption to the video.

It’s quite precious, isn’t it?

Doctors have explained that kids do often make the sound of “Dada” very early on in life, before they really know what it means.

But it sure does appear as if Jackson is well aware that he isn’t just saying “Dada” for no reason in this video… he’s actually addressing his Dada!

Over the past several months, Tori and Zach have done an outstanding job of keeping followers updated when it comes to their baby.

Just over a week ago, for example, Tori posted a picture of Jackson upon his eight month birthday, telling fans that he has four teeth and can sit up on his own for 20 seconds.

Here’s a look at what else he can now do…

Prior to giving birth to Jackson, Tori Roloff was not a major social media user.

But she simply can’t help herself these days.

She just has so many amazing things to say about motherhood and her son.

“I have such FOMO when it comes to this kid,” Tori recently wrote, for instance, elaborating as follows:

“I am so obsessed with every move he makes. His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile…

“He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves. I love being this kids mom.”

How sweet, right?

On a recent episode of their vlog, Z and T Party of Three, Zach opened up about raising a child with achondroplasia, which is the same form of dwarfism he also has.

“Baby Jackson came in as [a little person] – just like me,” said the TLC star.

“Yeah, we’re super excited for it, though. We’ll hope to just give him a healthy, happy life and support him in every way.

“He can experience as much of the world as Tori and me [sic] have been able to and hopefully much more!”


Check out these delectable photos of Jackson below and prepare to swoon!


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Enzo Amore Accuser Speaks Out, "I Said "No" Countless Times"

The woman who claims she was raped by WWE superstar Enzo Amore tells TMZ Sports … she repeatedly told the wrestler to back off and leave her alone — but he refused to stop.  We spoke with Philomena Sheahan — who gave us permission to…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Selena Gomez vs Her Mom: Selena Said WHAT Nasty Thing to Mandy Teefey?!

Selena Gomez is seeing Justin Bieber again. While the rest of us are content to whisper “I wish you made better choices but I love you” at our screens as we like her Instagram photos, her mom is not taking it well.

In fact, Selena’s mom got so upset that she had to be hospitalized. But recently, there had been signs that things were improving.

Now, though, this mother-daughter feud is worse than ever. And we know why.

Recently, we saw signs that perhaps Selena had settled her feud with mom Mandy Teefey.

So, after Justin saw that Selena had gotten a kidney transplant, it apparently occurred to him how much he loved Selena. That it took her brush with death to make him realize that is … one of the most dumbass things I’ve ever heard.

Anyway, Justin called Selena’s mom and begged her to put him in touch with his ex. Mandy apparently didn’t see the harm. She must be regretting that right about now.

Whens he realized that Selena and Justin are in couples counseling together, it finally hit her that this Jelena reunion is for real. Like the rest of Selena’s family, she doesn’t like Justin and worries about his effect on Selena.

But when Selena posted this photo, many hoped that this was a sign that mother and daughter had patched things up.

Selena isn’t sitting on just any ol’ porch in this pic.

She’s sitting on the porch of her childhood home. Other people live there now, which must be weird on a few levels.

But the fact that Selena clearly had her childhood home in mind suggested to a lot of people that perhaps she had patched things up with her mom.

Sometimes, people who experience strong negative emotions just have tempers flare and it takes a few weeks or even a few months for the people involved to cool off.

Plus, family tends to push your buttons more than anything else. But, with rare exceptions (like abuse or other toxic family things), usually people end up setting aside their differences because of their family bond.

So, did Selena and Mandy mend their fences?

Maybe they had … but that’s definitely no longer the case, according to this report by RadarOnline.

Apparently, things were going better between Selena and her mom … up until New Year’s Eve.

Because, per this report, Mandy was very unhappy that Selena and Justin went to Mexico to ring in 2018 instead of Selena spending time with her family.

(Honestly, it’s weird to imagine that Selena would have welcomed 2018 with her family anyway; she has a whole gaggle of friends and she’s a young, beautiful celebrity)

And then things got worse.

RadarOnline‘s source reports that Selena and her mom “have been going back and forth with each other over Justin, and Selena doesn’t want to hear it anymore from her.”

And it was what Selena said in response that really made things worse.

“So after Mandy came for her once more, Selena hit below the belt with a nasty insult over her failed relationship with Selena’s father. That was the last straw.”


“Selena and Mandy are not on talking terms right now.”

Yeah, we’d think the f–k not.

Adult kids really know what to say to go right for the jugular. Most of us don’t, though.

(I could watch a train wreck or surgery or whatever, but seeing my mom cry kills me)

But it’s been reported before that when Selena and her mom argue, it’s no-holds-barred and they both blow up at each other … and eventually reconnect.

That sounds … perilous. You never know when something will be, you know, too much. They could ruin things permanently.

Let’s hope that Justin Bieber, of all things, is not something that causes irreparable damage to Selena’s relationship with her mom.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Billy Bush Pens NYT Op-Ed on Trump: Yes, You Said That

Billy Bush is calling out Donald Trump … asserting that was, in fact, him on the Access Hollywood tape, and he DID say “Grab ‘em by the p****.” Bush penned an op-ed for the New York Times Sunday with the title “Yes, Donald Trump, You Said…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Pamela Anderson Said WHAT About Harvey Weinstein Accusers?!?

Pamela Anderson doesn"t have much sympathy for the women who have accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment or assault.

Several weeks ago, countless alleged victims came out and claimed the movie producer made unwanted passes at them or forced them to take part in unwanted sex acts.

More than one has even claimed she was raped by Weinstein.

Thanks to these courageous women, numerous others have come out and leveled charges of similar mistreatment against such stars as Louis CK, Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer.

But Anderson doesn"t see Weinstein"s accusers as brave or courageous.

She sees them as… stupid?!?

"It was common knowledge that certain producers or certain people in Hollywood or people to avoid, privately," Anderson told Megyn Kelly on Friday morning, adding:

"You know what you"re getting into if you"re going into a hotel room alone."

Did they, though?

Did these young women, many of whom were just starting out in Hollywood, really know Weinstein was such a monster?

And what is Anderson"s general point here anyway? Is she really placing even an ounce of blame on the victims of sexual assault?

Saying you should have known better after someone gets raped is never a good look.

The ex-Baywatch star went on to say women need the "ability of self-protection."

Meaning what, exactly?

"There are a lot of self-protection courses. There is even a well known story of suffragettes learning martial arts."

Asked about her comments by TMZ, Anderson insists she was "not victim blaming."

Weinstein is absolutely "a sexist pig and a bully," she added and the women did not deserve what he reportedly did to them.

Still, she says she won"t be "coerced into apology" and she stands by her original comments to Kelly.

Watch them in context below.

What do you think?

Pamela anderson to harvey weinstein accusers wth were you thinki

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Katie Couric in 2013 said Matt Lauer Pinched Me on the Ass a lot

Katie Couric straight-up said Matt Lauer pinched her on the ass a lot during their 9-year run on the “Today” show. Katie appeared on Andy Cohen’s “Watch What Happens Live” back in 2012, and during a segment — Plead the Fifth — Andy…


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Joe Jonas Gets Engaged to Sophie Turner: She Said Yes!

Joe Jonas is an engaged man — ‘cause he just announced he proposed to girlfriend Sophie Turner … and she said yes! Joe posted the news on social media Sunday with a photo of Sophie’s hand over his with a sweet rock on her ring…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Texas Tech University on Lockdown After Active Shooter Said to be at Large (UPDATE)

6:54 PM PT — A campus police officer has reportedly been shot and killed, according to a local NBC affiliate. A SWAT team is currently looking for the shooter, who is described as 6 feet tall, 140 lbs with red hair and blue eyes wearing a white T…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Usher Accuser Said He Always Wore Condoms, But Changed Her Story in Lawsuit

Usher’s herpes accuser in Georgia, Laura Helm, insisted she ONLY had protected sex with him — even though she claimed otherwise in her $ 20 million lawsuit … but she had a good reason for lying, according to her attorney.  TMZ obtained a…


Monday, September 11, 2017

Kate Hudson Said WHAT About Getting a C-Section?!?

Kate Hudson isn"t typically known for stirring up controversy on the Internet.

There was once a rumor that she was dating Brad Pitt, but 1. It wasn"t true and 2. Could you blame her if it were?!?

But now many Twitter users are fired up over something Hudson said to Cosmopolitan, something she perhaps joked about when it came to giving birth.

Scroll down to see what we mean…

1. Hudson Has Two Kids

Hudson has two kids

They are named Ryder and Bingham and often shares photos of them on Instagram.

2. More Background:

More background

Ryder is her 13-year old son with ex-husband Chris Robinson and Bingham is her six-year old son with ex Matt Bellamy.

3. For the October 2017 Issue of Cosmo, Hudson Filled Out a Questionnaire

For the october 2017 issue of cosmo hudson filled out a question

And many people honed in on her response to the “laziest” thing she ever did. Get a C-Section?!?

4. WHAT?


This sums up how many folks on the Internet reacted to Hudson’s classification of a C-Section.

5. A C-Section is Major Surgery

A c section is major surgery

Many women tried to make this clear to Hudson.

6. Bum AF!

Bum af

Hudson didn’t have to push, we guess? We’re not sure what her reasoning was here.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mystikal Rape Accuser Said It Never Happened, Alleged Accomplice Claims

The woman wanted by cops for allegedly being an accessory to rape involving Mystikal says she can prove the alleged victim wasn’t sexually assaulted by the rapper.  Tenichia Wafford is wanted because cops say she tried to strong-arm…


Mystikal Rape Accuser Said It Never Happened, Alleged Accomplice Claims

The woman wanted by cops for allegedly being an accessory to rape involving Mystikal says she can prove the alleged victim wasn’t sexually assaulted by the rapper.  Tenichia Wafford is wanted because cops say she tried to strong-arm…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Mike Vick Regrets Kaepernick Hair Comments: "Truly Sorry For What I Said"

Mike Vick says he never should’ve suggested Colin Kaepernick cut his afro to look more presentable to NFL owners … and admits he “should’ve used a better choice of words” when addressing the free agent QB. Vick’s been under fire since he made…
