Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

Sister Jean Has No NCAA Title Game Party Plans, "Taking a Break"

Sister Jean needs a break — which means no raging party for the NCAA title game Monday night … so says a rep for Loyola-Chicago.  The 98-year-old superstar is apparently exhausted after rolling with the Ramblers during the team’s incredible…


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Toni Braxton Pulls Sister From Family Tour

Toni Braxton is caught in the middle of a new Braxton family feud, and it’s forced her to kick one of her sisters off her upcoming tour. Toni’s hitting the road with “Sex & Cigarettes,” her first solo album in 8 years, and sisters Tamar and…


Toni Braxton Pulls Sister From Family Tour

Toni Braxton is caught in the middle of a new Braxton family feud, and it’s forced her to kick one of her sisters off her upcoming tour. Toni’s hitting the road with “Sex & Cigarettes,” her first solo album in 8 years, and sisters Tamar and…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Sister Wives: Returning to TLC Despite Declining Ratings!

Great news for fans of reality TV’s most scandalous clan of polygamists!

Come to think of it … the Browns might be reality TV’s only clan of polygamists.

Anyway, it seems Kody and company will be back for another round of polyamorous hijinks!

TLC comfirmed today that despite poor ratings for Sister Wives, the show will be back for at least one more season.

“We’ve followed the Browns through plenty of ups and downs, but their story is far from over. We’re excited to share that ‘Sister Wives’ will return to TLC to continue following the journey of the Brown family,” 

The news comes as something of a surprise, as ratings for Sister Wives declined precipitously over the course of the past season.

While the show still manages a decent market share, the downward trend points to an uncertain future for the once wildly-popular series.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup the Sister Wives Season 9 premiere drew in 1.7 million viewers.

Not terrible numbers for a long-running basic cable series, but down considerably from the show’s series premiere, which drew in a whopping 2.2 million viewers.

And worse, it seems the numbers may be slipping as the show’s current season trudges on.

As for what viewers can expect from Sister Wives Season 10, well, TLC didn’t give much away in today’s announcement, but we have some predictions.

As those who follow the Browns closely already know, Kody and Christine’s daughter Aspyn Brown got engaged to Mitch Thompson in June.

News of wedding preparations has been kept largely under wraps, which leads us to believe the build-up to the big day will be the focus of Season 10.

But that doesn’t mean the older generation will be pushed to the margins completely. 

After much speculation that Meri Brown will leave Kody, it seems we finally know for sure whether or not she’s sticking around.

Meri tweeted last week that “not bailing” on her family, and would like the speculation to end.

So you can expect the ongoing drama between Kody and Meri (and all of his other wives for that matter) to figure prominently in upcoming episodes.

Frankly, we can’t wait!

Watch Sister Wives online to get caught up in time for what may be the show’s final season.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Meri Brown Finally Addresses Sister Wives Future: Is She Outta There?

You’ve likely been hearing the rumor for months.

But will it soon become a reality?

Will Meri Brown get up and walk out on Kody Brown, following endless chatter that the end of this relationship is both near and inevitable?

Meri herself has finally decided to address this long-gestating piece of gossip.

Consider what she wrote on Sunday night in response to what folks were talking about on Twiter:

Already starting the night with a blocking spree! Come on guys, I have a family, I’m not bailing! Sheesh!! #SisterWives

Oh, so there we go. Simple enough, we guess.

meri message

Concerns of Meri and Kody Brown’s romance for back a very long time.

Back in 2015, Kody filed to divorce Meri so that he could make Robyn is lone official wife.

Meri, however, remained very much in the picture; she was simply demoted from the status of Lead Wife in This Very Unusual Family.

Then, in May of 2016, Meri found herself at the center of one of the more unexpected celebrity scandals in recent memory, as she flirted hard with a man she met online.

Or at least she thought it was a man she met online.

She later learned that she had been catfished (that is, fooled and lied to) and that she had really been in contact with a woman who she met on the Internet.

This was pretty darn awkward for all involved, not just due to the whole catfishing thing — but because Meri was seemingly out there, looking for love.

TLC, meanwhile, has teased various seasons of Sister Wives by hinting that break-ups and walk-outs were imminent.

This arrangement always seems on the verge of falling apart.

In December of 2016, however, Meri did assure Twitter followers that anything you hear from someone outside the family is “probably a lie.”

Probably, though.

That does leave some wiggle room, doesn’t it?

On the last season of Sister Wives, Meri and Kody attended therapy together in an attempt to move past the catfishing scandal and save their relationship.

In one emotional episode, Kody confronted Meri’s complicated situation and told her:

“You didn’t want to be out of the family, you just wanted to be out of your relationship with me.”

So now you can see where those Meri-Kody breakup rumors come from, right?

We aren’t just making them up, people!

One glance through Meri’s Instagram page does reveal a seemingly content individual, however.

It may very well be that TLC and the Browns themselves perpetrate these sorts of rumors in order to make headlines and remain relevant.

It wouldn’t exactly be the first time a reality television show did such a thing, would it?

Either way, we’ll continue to keep an eye on the many relationships of Kody Brown and report back if or when any does finally come to an end. 


Monday, March 19, 2018

Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 10 Recap: Did Meri Go Too Far?

If you watch Sister Wives online, you will already know that Meri Brown has been somewhat isolated from the rest of her family.

On Sister Wives 9 Episode 10, Meri learned that she was left out of the birth of Maddie’s child and that all of the other sister wives were present. 

The child was born at home, and Meri felt like she was purposefully left out because of everything that happened in the past. 

Was it a miscommunication? Was it intentional? Meri was determined to find out … even if that meant putting herself further at odds with the rest of her family. 

For Janelle, it seemed like a slight issue, and one she did not want to have hanging over the family like everything else. 

The family went to their usual group therapy session, and, well, it was clear there was some animosity with everyone because of what happened. 

“I’m trying to be rational, I’m really trying to let logic and calm thinking reign right now,” Janelle told the cameras.”But maybe because it’s involving Madison, but my mama bear…is uncaged.”

“This is my daughter, she’s giving birth,” she continued. “This is not about us, this is about her and the birth and protecting that experience for her. I’m kind of like, this is so idiotic that we’re dealing with this over a birth.”

Things went from bad to worse when the two women had a war of words about the situation at hand. The other wives reiterated that they had moved on from the past, while Meri seemed intent on dragging things out for dear life. 

“I just feel like I’m kind of over this,” Meri said before saying that Janelle is never there for her anymore.

“It was a miscommunication at the beginning, but now I feel like…you’re not there.” 

“The bottom line is we did not purposely keep Meri away from the birth,” Janelle added as a defense. “In fact, the whole time I was thinking where is Meri.”

Be that as it may, but if Janelle was really thinking about Meri, she would have made sure she was there. Pregnancies can be stressful times, but Meri was left in the dark. 

Meri could be compared to a hurricane. Her emotions are always all over the shop, so it makes sense that the family would want to keep her away from a birth. 

She has a knack for making things about her, and it looks like she’s doing the same this time around. 

But Christine was the one who doled out the harsh truth that she would not have allowed Meri near the bedroom if she was in charge of the whole thing.  

“You bring a lot with you when you come in a room, and you bring a lot of baggage when you come in the room,” she told Meri. “And I don’t know what to do with that.”

That was that, and the issue was far from resolved, but Meri made it clear she did not blame Maddie for all of the drama. 

“I’m not critical of Madison at all,” she said.

“Madison did nothing wrong. Madison brought a new life into the world, and I have absolutely no issues with Madison or any of that.”

“All I feel toward her is love, and all she’s ever done is welcome me and accept me as grandma to this baby.”

She continued: “The hurt that I felt had to do with sister wives and Kody, because there are four of them who could have said, ‘Hey, wait a second, an important piece is missing."”

This is likely going to be the argument that pushes Meredith away from the family for good, but at least she has her bed and breakfast to keep her busy. 

What did you think of all the latest drama?

Hit the comments below. 

Sister Wives continues Sundays on TLC.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: The Longest Labor

A new baby joined the family on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9, and it made for one of the show’s most heartfelt episodes. 

When the episode got underway, everyone was preparing for the new addition to the family. 

If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that the family has faced their fair share of legal woes over the years, and that’s down to them living as a polygamous family. 

This presented Madison with quite the issue: She did not want to go to the hospital to give birth. The reason? She was worried that as soon as they heard who her family was, she would be scrutinized. 

It made sense. Kody Brown and his band of wives have been a staple on celebrity gossip sites, and that’s because of their lifestyle. 

Madison and Caleb were living with Janelle, and she was doing everything she could do to make them feel comfortable. She wanted to assign part of the house to them. 

What more could they want? More, it seemed.

Caleb was on the fence about having the child at home because he felt like the hospital was the best place to be in case there were any issues at childbirth. 

Things took a painful turn for Madison, and she wound up having a 36-hour labor. This was especially difficult for Madison because everyone kept telling her the baby was coming. 

However, the midwife was doling out the bad news like it was going out of fashion. We can’t begin to imagine how difficult that must have been. 

The child was finally born, and they named him Axel James. Ludicrous name aside, everyone was happy the labor was out of the way. 

Elsewhere in this episode, Meri continued to try and get her bed and breakfast idea off the ground, but that came at a cost: She had to take a trip with Kody to Utah. 

He was still not sold on the idea and worried that Meri would look to the family for help more often than not. That’s what families do, right?

In any case, Kody needed to know that it was financially viable, so they took a trip to the place. While there, he warmed to the idea of it and gave his blessing. 

But Meri was shocked to the core when Kody was on the phone and told a journalist about them going to therapy. Ever since the catfishing scandal, Meri has been trying to keep a low profile. 

So, this made her wonder whether their troubling times were really over. 

When they returned home, the other wives spoke out in support of Meri’s idea, but like Kody, they wanted to know it was going to make sense from a financial standpoint. 

What’s the point of creating a business if it’s going to fail?

Either way, we’re going to be in for a fun time when the family starts to run the establishment. Could we get a spin-off?

Quite possibly. 


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister: Exposed As Lying Opportunist By Ex-Husband?!

Royals have it easier than everyone else on the planet in pretty much every area except one:

When it comes to mate selection, their lives are far more complicated than most.

Centuries ago, royals kept it in the family, and we’ll never know how many are still padding around Buckingham Palace with webbed toes as a result of those incestuous decades.

Thankfully, these days, blue bloods dive into the peasant pool to find their better halves, but that practice presents its own problems.

You see, peasants have peasant families, and peasant families can be problematic.

Take, for example, Meghan Markle’s siblings, who have been a royal pain in the royal’s collective ass ever since the world learned Meghan is engaged to Prince Harry.

At first, it was just Meghan’s half-sister who insisted on making waves with her public attempts to tear down Harry’s betrothed.

These days, Meghan’s half-brother is also in on the act, though he hasn’t proven to be quite as adept in his shameless opportunism.

While Thomas Markle has granted a couple scathing interviews, it’s Samantha Grant-Markle who’s really cashing in.

She plans to publish a tell-all about Meghan, and she’s even collaborated with the folks at the Enquirer on a series of hit pieces about the half-sibling she barely knows.

Not bad for someone who no one had heard of a few months ago, and who most people wish would simply fade back into oblivion.

Now, Samantha’s ex-husband, Scott Rasmussen, is saying enough is enough by speaking out against his former wife’s conniving ways.

“Harry and Meghan need to know the truth about her. She’s the last person who should be at Windsor Castle,” Rasmussen told the Daily Mail in a recent interview.

Asked about Samantha’s nickname for Meghan, “Princess Pushy,” Rasmussen said it’s simply a result of projection:

“Samantha’s the pushy one,” he said.

“I believe she resented Meghan because she had the life Samantha always wanted and she was jealous.”

Like Samantha, Scott hasn’t spent much time with Meghan since she was in her late teens, but he says he remembers her fondly from those days:

“She was all class and so polite,” he said. “Everything Samantha wanted to be.”

No rebuttal yet from Scott’s ex-wife, who we assume is currently in recovering at a nearby burn unit.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 8 Recap: The Truth Comes Out

It was all joy for the cast of Sister Wives when Maddie returned home for her baby shower, but as is always the case on this series, nothing ever goes to plan. 

When Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 8 got underway,  it was all about Mariah and her relationship with Audrey. If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that Meri has never had the best relationship with her daughter. 

Seriously, it seemed like hell was going to freeze over before they ever got on good terms again. 

But here we are, and Meri is trying to plan a family dinner to introduce Audrey to the wild family formally. Surprisingly, Audrey got along with EVERYONE. 

If you thought Kody would be complaining about the things his family has faced over the years, you were sadly mistaken. Instead, Kody was open and honest with Audrey, and she respected that. 

Caleb and Maddie were also at the event, and it allowed them to show off the baby bump. The size of the bump was the topic of the conversation, and many wondered whether she had more than one child. 

Madison was letting the comments get to her, and she told them to stop talking smack, or she would have to make them pay for it. 

Elsewhere, we learned the sad news that Ysabel’s scoliosis was causing her trouble. At the time of the diagnosis, she was told to wear a night brace to try and reduce the issues with her spine. 

This was not good for Ysabel because she found it uncomfortable, but Christine found a program that had success with helping to reduce the issues. 

While Christine and Kody had to agree about the best course of action for their daughter, it was clear they were still having problems int their marriage. 

As such, they continued to go to therapy on a regular basis. Then there were the issues between Kody and Meri. Meri still wanted to buy the bed and breakfast. 

In Kody’s defense, he felt like Meri would turn to the family for financial help if anything went wrong with the venture. He wanted to know that Meri could sustain it all on her own. 

At therapy, the pair reached an agreement, and Kody said he would try to offer as much support as he could to her, but he stopped short of saying he would like to get intimate with her. 

At Ysabel’s appointment, we learned that the doctor was ready to follow through with surgery and that meant she did not need to wear the brace anymore. 

However, she had to build up muscle memory because she was going to be in a tough position after it with physiotherapy. 

All of this resulted in Kody and Christine getting closer together, and that made them happy. It’s been a long time coming, but they are finally back together and showing a united front. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, February 26, 2018

Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 7 Recap: Risking Arrest

The Brown family learned the hard way on Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 7 that their fortune was going to get worse before it got better. 

If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that the family only moved to Las Vegas after being forced to leave the state of Utah. 

This was because they were polygamists. There was the possibility that they were going to lose their kids, and even find themselves in jail. 

Thankfully, the family got out in the nick of time. Thus, they wound up in Las Vegas. 

With the family winning a lawsuit against the state of Utah for the way they were treated, it seemed like they could return whenever they wanted. 

However, the family heard of a new legislation that was being floated by the state of Utah, and that it would affect them in a big way if they ever decided to return. 

But Kody was not ready to accept defeat. His friend, Joe Darger had organized a march for polygamists, and he wanted the family to attend. 

In Kody’s defense, he was tired of having to accept whatever the state decided and felt like it was time for him and his family to get the upper hand. 

It was time for war. 

While Meri and Janelle were on board, Christine and Robyn were very much against it. Simply put, they all had differing views and that made sense. 

They ran the risk of being arrested and everything taken for them because they did not know the ins and outs of the latest legislation. 

In a surprising turn of events, Paedon spoke up because he was older and wiser than when they ran away from Utah before. He wanted to remain in Las Vegas. 

Elsewhere, Robyn was also worried about it. She was scared she was taken, and the kids were left without parents. Mariah showed up to march with her girlfriend. 

Mariah was unsure at first whether to go, but she decided it was best for her to help out with her family. Mariah had grown up a lot in the spotlight due to the family polygamy. 

That’s why she wanted to press on and help out. In the end, the family marched, and it all seemed to go well. There was a police presence, but they did not get in the way of the reality TV cameras. 

Will everything continue to go well for the family?

Hit the comments with your thoughts on the latest episode. 

Find out next Sunday when Sister Wives airs a brand new episode!


Monday, February 19, 2018

Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 6 Recap: Meeting Mariah"s Girlfriend

Mariah and Meri Brown have been on the outs for some time now. 

On Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 6, Mariah invited the family to join her and her girlfriend on a march for women in D.C. 

When Mariah confirmed to her nearest and dearest that she was gay, Meri did not take it all that well. 

If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that Meri has been an emotional wreck ever since the catfish scandal rocked the family a few years back. 

This changed Meri’s stance with the family forever, and she has yearned to branch out and forge her own path ever since. 

Meri felt like she should have been told about Mariah’s sexuality sooner, and that’s why there are still issues in the mother-daughter relationship. 

Despite this, Mariah wanted to work at the relationship, and Meri and Janelle were invited along to the march. 

Enter Kody, who was not impressed to hear about the march. The reason for all of it was that his friend was pressing on with a march of his own about legalizing polygamy. 

Without thinking, Kody admitted that the LGBTQ community already had more rights than their family and that they would be wise to focus on legalizing polygamy. 

Meri was not about to allow Kody to mess with her relationship with Mariah, so she told him she would be going to help Mariah out.

There was also the issue of their being drama between Janelle and Meri. The family will likely never get over the catfishing scandal, and that’s why Meri is ready to move on. 

However, Janelle shocked everyone when she did not invite Meri to a family gathering for her son coming home on leave. That was another insight into just how fraught Meri’s relationship with the family is. 

Because of all of the drama, Meri and Janelle debated whether they should even attend the march together. The last thing they wanted was to find themselves in a fight. 

The two women decided to air out their thoughts about everything that had been happening. It was a therapeutic process, and the pair seemed to put the past behind them. 

It was about time. They attended the March and were introduced to Audrey, Mariah’s girlfriend. It all went well, but Mariah was on edge. She expected something to go wrong. 

It’s always tricky meeting the parents, but Audrey was lovely, and the mothers could openly admit that. They were even happy with Mariah’s signs. 

While some were out there, Mariah kept hers reserved because she wanted to send a message to the people they were protesting about. 

How long will it be before the drama kicks off again?

Hit the comments below. 

Sister Wives continues Sunday nights on TLC. 


Monday, February 12, 2018

Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 5 Recap: PolygaMexicamist Wedding

It was finally time for the big day!

On Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 5, Mykelti and Tony tied the knot, but the day was not without its fair share of drama. 

The episode kicked off with the family meeting up at the Country Club to get things sorted for the wedding.  

Mykelti decided to keep Kodi away from the early preparation. The reason?

Because she did not want her overbearing father complaining about every single thing she did. Weddings are stressful enough, so we are inclined to agree with Mykelti on this one. 

This wedding has been talked about for quite some time now. If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that the family balked at the idea initially. 

That’s because both Mykelti and Tony did not know enough about each other to be getting that close so swiftly. 

While the wedding was scheduled to go ahead outdoors, they were forced to rethink that because the weather was just not going in their favor. 

They would have benefited from running through all of the possible things that could go wrong on the day, so they were prepared, but they did not. 

Luckily, the duo managed to find ways to keep everyone warm despite the horrific weather. They did the best they could with what little time they had. 

Just when it seemed like everything was going well, we got the revelation that Christine had forgotten Kody’s shirts. Yes, you would think these people would be more prepared. 

Kody needed to be at the event on time because he was the one to walk Mykelti down the aisle. In short, the day could not have gone any worse. 

The wedding kicked off, and all seemed right in the world. They quickly got the wedding over and done with, but there was drama afoot. 

Kody was worried about any of the kids getting sick due to the adverse weather and made his thoughts known to Mykelti. 

Even though it seemed like everyone but Toni was worrying initially, we later found out that Toni was petrified of them running out of food. 

You can’t have a wedding without food, right?

Christine later got to belt her heart out to a song that her grandfather would sing to her grandmother. It was sentimental for sure, and it gave Mykelti a good feeling. 

Christine has been critical of the union for some time now. It was her way of confirming she was good with it. Christine had been battling anxiety over the performance for weeks. 

It took a lot from her, and she was happy she followed through with it. 

The rest of the day seemed perfect. It may have seemed like the whole day was going to be as horrible as Kodi’s relationship with Meri, but it all came together in the end. 

What did you think of it?

Sound off below!

Sister Wives continues Sunday on TLC!


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sister Wives: Is the Show as Dead as Kody Brown"s Marriages?!

Things aren’t looking so good for the Sister Wives crew …

Or, well, they haven’t been looking good pretty much since the first moment we were introduced to them, so maybe it would be more accurate to just say that things are looking worse.

Way, way worse.

We’ve been hearing for months and months now, maybe even years, that the four wives of Kody Brown — Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn — are unhappy with him and with their situation.

Combine that with all the cancelation rumors that had been going around about the show before the trailer for the new season dropped, and it’s clear that things aren’t well in the Brown family households.

It’s a lot for one family, right?

Even one family that’s sort of branched out into four different families, because polygamy.

And now, according to a sad new report, things are about to get even worse.

As the Sister Wives insider explains, ratings were down last season, and TLC was “less than impressed” by the amount of viewers the family was pulling in.

So this time around, for the current season, “Kody told them he’d be willing to have the network slash his family’s pay from $ 180,000 for each adult to $ 180,000 total if it meant they could make season 12.”

“He put everything on the line to convince them it could still work.”

It seems like there could be a little bit of negotiation somewhere in there, right? If Kody did offer that pay cut, then that’s $ 720,000 less that the adults are making this season.

But then again, maybe it was smart for him to get as much money as he could for a show that’s been doing so poorly that it’s been on the brink of cancelation for over a year now.

“Three years ago,” the source says, “the show could command 2.5 million viewers, but now fans are leaving the show in droves.”

“TLC has broken the news to Kody that it plans to cancel Sister Wives after the current season because ratings have been so tepid. Kody can kiss any hope of a Season 13 goodbye.”

And it’s not just his reality television career that’s failing — another source claims that his “spiritual marriages” are also close to being canceled.

“His only real connection seems to be with Robyn now,” and “the other wives have all but given up on him.”

“They mostly see him as an ex-husband who turns up to help with the children,” the source adds.

It turns out that this issues are sort of tied together — in the beginning, Sister Wives viewers were intrigued by what seemed to be happy family living the polygamist lifestyle.

But now, “TLC has discovered you can only pretend things are all rosy for so long. Fans now realize the Browns are anything but a happy group.”

The plan going forward, the insider says, is to develop a new show focusing on the Brown children — so sort of like how 19 Kids and Counting morphed into Counting On.

If this were to happen, then Mariah, the only child of Kody and Meri, would be heavily featured, because “she’s a favorite with fans because of her maturity.”

“But will Meri will make the occasional appearance on the show, there are no plans to feature Kody,” because “for him, things are very much over.”

Is anyone else disappointed that since the show would be canceled, we won’t be able to see episodes featuring the drama caused by the cancelation?


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Prince"s Sister Tells Haters to Chill Over Justin Timberlake"s Halftime Tribute

Prince wouldn’t be pissed at Justin Timberlake for using his image and voice during the Super Bowl halftime show, at least according to Prince’s sister … who wants JT’s haters to back off. Tyka Nelson tells TMZ … she was…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Arielle Kebbel: Asking For Help Finding Missing Sister

You might recognize actress Arielle Kebbel from any number of roles, from playing Lexi on The Vampire Diaries to her appearance in the upcoming Fifty Shades Freed.

Arielle’s sister, Julie Kebbel, is missing in L.A. and she is begging fans and followers to help locate her.

Over the weekend, Kim Cattrall’s missing brother was found dead at 55. Let us hope that Arielle’s sister is found alive and safe.

Arielle Kebbel took to Instagram to post:

“ALERT! My SiSTER Julia Kebbel is MISSING. Her Instagram and Twitter is @jkebbz pls go there to see more pictures of her.”

(We have included multiple reference photos of Julia in this post)

“If you have seen her or know anything about her, pls DM me, contact the police, or pls call Dennis at 407-739-8991 . Pls RT share this info with everyone.”

The post has been spread and circulated by fans.

In a lengthier, more informative post, Arielle writes:

“My SiSTER JULIA KEBBEL is MISSING. Pls REPOST. She was last seen in silver lake, walking her chocolate lab, Cindy, at 11 pm wed night. 1/31/18.”

Silver Lake is an Eastside neighborhood in L.A. This information is followed by a physical description.

“She is 5’3 . Weighs about 105 pounds. Fair skin. Bleach blonde short hair. She has tattoos on both [forearms].”

We’re talking about a very tiny woman, folks. We hope that nothing awful has happened to her.

Arielle goes into further detail about her sister’s tattoos.

“She has a spiritual symbol w/ a key and the words promise on one fore arm and a blue Phoenix rising on the other.”

Here is a photo:

Julia Kebbel Tattoos

Those tattoos are beautiful and unique and should be fairly easy to recognize.

“Pls scroll through pictures to see details. Her chocolate lab is named Cindy Crawford. She is chipped. If anyone finds the dog or has seen her, pls let us know.”

If someone found a dog wandering around without her human, they might take her to a vet to see if she can be identified and reunited. That could provide clues as to Julia’s location.

(Though of course we all hope that Julie and Cindy are both together and safe)

“Julia’s Instagram and Twitter is @jkebbz pls go there to see more pictures of her. If you have seen her or know anything about her, pls DM me and call 911.”

This is the missing poster:

Julia Kebbel Missing Poster

In a statement that Entertainment Tonight obtained, Arielle Kebbel pleads for help finding her sister.

“My family and I are asking for any and all information that may help in our search for my sister, Julia.”

It’s good that she’s using her platform to share this message.

“We are so grateful and touched by the incredible support we have received from everyone.”

Other actors have also echoed her posts.

“We are hopeful that she is safe and will not stop looking until she is back home with us.”

The fact that Arielle is describing the tattoos could mean that she’s hoping that someone noticed such unique tattoos and remembers seeing a woman matching that description.

It could also mean that she fears that her sister may be unable to respond to her own name and might need to be identified using only visual cues.

That is a horrifying thing to contemplate.

Like Arielle, we hope that Julia is found safe and healthy with her dog, Cindy.


Monday, January 29, 2018

David Eason"s Sister SLAMS Jenelle Evans: Feed Your Son!

Not all that long ago, it looked like the feud between Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s sister, Jessica Miller, might finally come to an end.

After months of truly nasty exchanges on social media, Jessica was arrested for assault, and insiders said the incident prompted her to re-evaluate her priorities and attempt to turn her life around.

We assumed the self-improvement campaign would involve no longer engaging in petty online beefs with her brother’s wife.

Obviously, we were wrong.

Not only is Jessica still taking shots at Jenelle, she’s stepped her game up and is now peddling anti-Jenelle merchandise!

Yes, Jessica is selling t-shirts inspired by her feud with Jenelle on the Tee Spring website.

Act now, because supplies won’t last.

Not because they’ll sell out, of course, but because Jenelle will probably sick her lawyers on Jessica and shut this whole operation down any minute now.

As you can see, one of the shirts references the controversy over Jenelle allegedly failing to feed her son Kaiser.

Another shirt–which has apparently already been removed from the site–shows two stick figures having sex in front of a video camera, with a caption reading, “Makin’ My Family on the Lannndd.”

As Teen Mom 2 fans are aware, Jenelle and David refer to their property as “the Land” for reasons that are apparent only to them.

So yes, it does appear that Jessica is suggesting that Jenelle and David have made a sex tape.

Why that’s a fact she felt the need to immortalize on a t-shirt is anyone’s guess.

But Jessica claims (probably because she has to for legal reasons) that the shirts aren’t intended to make fun of Jenelle.

She insists she simply posted an online poll, and these were the concepts that fans liked the most.

“I asked for requests and ideas and most of the requests were very similar,” Miller tells Radar Online.

“There was an overflow of expressions and references. Most of them were #FeedMe related.”

Never mind the fact that the only reason Miller has “fans” is because she gets into a public war of words with Jenelle about once a week.

We’re sure the “I was just giving the fans what they want” excuse will fly with the judge in Jessica’s assault case.

For once Jenelle might actually have the upper hand in a court case.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the absolutely bonkers life of the Carolina Hurricane herself, Mrs. Evans-Eason.


Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 4 Recap: Meri"s Crazy Idea

It seems like Kody Brown and his family are talking about weddings every single episode. 

But here we are. 

On Sister Wives Season 9 Episode 4, the family continued to prepare for Mykelit’s wedding to Tony, and Kody had a lot to say about the looming nuptials. 

“My baby girl’s getting married today,” the patriarch of the Brown family said. 

“[Your] wedding’s gonna come together, you guys are gonna do your ‘I Dos’ without a hitch, and even if you have a hitch, if the cake falls over, if drunk cousins come, nothing’s gonna ruin this day for you guys if you two stay connected in each other’s eyes,” he said.

Maybe Kody forgot that his very public arguments with some of his wives have made the news over the years, but he was still acting like he knew everything. 

Should we have expected anything less from this man? Probably not. 

But it did show that he was at least trying to be positive about the wedding because a lot of fans have been critical of the wedding. 

Mykelti and Tony have had demands for the big day that would send the wealthiest of families towards bankruptcy, but Kody and his wives seemed to try and accommodate the demands of the kids. 

As we said before, it must be difficult when it seems like there are weddings happening every few weeks on the show. 

The wedding rehearsal seemed to hit a lull pretty much off the bat, and that’s not a good thing. 

As expected, Mykelti was starting to feel the heat. She and Tony had all of the visitors gearing up to attend the event, but what if something ruined the big day?

Thankfully, Kody’s speech helped quell fears that the day was going to be a disaster and it helped everyone move past it. 

That’s not to say Meri was off the hook, however. 

If you watch Sister Wives online, you will know that Meri has been struggling to find her place in the family ever since her daughter went off to college. 

Given that highly publicized catfish scandal and the drama that came with it, Meri has seemed like a perpetual outsider, and it makes sense that she would want to branch away from the family. 

That’s why she was rolling full steam ahead to open Lizzie’s Heritage Inn. Yes, she seemed to brush off what her family said about the bed and breakfast. 

Could this foreshadow Meri’s exit from the series? If anything, she had had some very public meltdowns on the camera, and she likely wants to move past it. 

That could explain why her family was worried about her buying the new business in the first place. It ruins the purpose of the show if one of the wives leaves, right?

In all honesty, not much happened in “Meri’s Crazy Idea.” It was 120 minutes of filler in preparation for the wedding episodes which look sure to be filled with drama. 

Sister Wives continues Sunday on TLC. 
