Showing posts with label Stage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stage. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Sarah Stage, the Six Pack Mom, Reveals Her Pregnancy Weight!

Some women gain weight during pregnancy and never seem to be able to shake it — because pregnancy literally restructures your body, some more than others, all depending on your biological predispositions.

And then there’s Sarah Stage, the “Six Pack Mom” herself, a fitness model who looks the part — even 31 weeks into her pregnancy.

Would you care to guess how much she weighs while pregnant? Because you don’t actually have to guess.

Sarah Stage isn’t the only “fit mom” out there.

What we have to remember is that genetic predispositions from both parents are at play with pregnancies.

In many ways, how a pregnant person’s body is impacted by pregnancy has less to do with their own fitness and more to do with the demands that their fetus makes upon their body.

(Seriously, human pregnancies give way more power to the fetus than the pregnancies of many other mammals, but that’s a whole other conversation)

Some people swell up, gaining a huge amount of weight in their torsos and faces.

That weight may or may not go away after they give birth.

(Sometimes, even with exercise, it doesn’t go away — some physical changes that take place during pregnnacy are basically permanent)

Others barely see any changes in their bodies, and just look like they’re smuggling a basketball under their clothes.

And then there’s Sarah Stage and her tiny baby bump.

She’s in a whole other league of women who are typically fitness models.

She’s so physically fit that she’s been body-shamed, in 2015 and also this year with this pregnancy, over her visible abs and how little she’s “showing” of her pregnancy.

To be clear, just as a woman who puts on dozens and dozens and dozens of pounds while pregnant doesn’t deserve to be body-shamed, a woman who gains only a little weight doesn’t, either.

Different bodies work in different ways, folks.

(And those same women gaining or not gaining weight without being pregnant should also be free from criticism because their weight is none of anyone’s business, of course)

But we can still be amazed and perhaps a little shocked at this report on Sarah Stage’s weight, shared over Instagram:

Don’t worry, she’s not going to make you do math — she’s not a monster.

Sarah Stage weighs 137 pounds, which is not much at all, especially for such a muscular woman.

Especially for a pregnant muscular woman.

So far, throughout this entire pregnancy, the Six Pack Mom has only gained 18 pounds.

That’s only three pounds for each of her six abs, though obviously the weight is a little more, you know, baby-oriented.

Honestly, some people have mild pregnancies like that.

(Off of the top of my head, I know that my grandmother’s pregnancies were almost that mild)

Some look at this and worry if she’s malnourishing her baby or something, but … that’s a huge leap to make.

18 pounds is enough for a baby of a healthy weight, plus a placenta and amniotic fluid.

It doesn’t leave a lot of room for error or whatever, but unlike humanity’s ancestors, people in modern times don’t need to pack on weight in case food suddenly becomes scarce.

We’re not dependent upon the migration patterns of bison for our meals. Grocery stores exist.

We’re not suggesting that anybody try to emulate Sarah Stage’s physique, pregnant or otherwise.

Like most things, it’s not for everyone.

But please don’t freak out or, worse, mom-shame someone for looking like themselves even when they’re about to pop out a tiny human.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sarah Stage: Eight Months Pregnant with a Six Pack!

Get ready to have your mind blown!

Because Sarah Stage, the fitness model with the impossibly tiny baby bump, is now eight months pregnant … and she’s sharing bikini pics.

You weren’t ready, were you?

That’s seriously what Sarah looks like in real life right now, in her third trimester.

There are many women who have trouble moving when they’re as pregnant as she is now, let alone pulling on a bikini that shows off their abs.

Speaking of which, how on earth does this woman have a six pack right now?!

As we’ve discussed before, this just seems to be the way Sarah’s body works. She had a similarly tiny baby bump during her last pregnancy, and she gave birth to a big, healthy baby boy.

This time around, she’s got the same little bitty bump, and according to updates she’s shared, this new baby is just as healthy.

She may be so small during pregnancy because she’s so fit, and her strong abdominal muscles are better at keeping that uterus hidden.

Her uterus may also be tilted in a way that prevents her from growing a great big bump like most women get.

But, either way, it’s obvious that she’s taking care of herself and her unborn child, despite what the haters say.

And, as it turns out, Sarah has a message for those haters …

In a new post she made to Instagram, she wrote “As I’m nearing #8months I’ve wanted to share what’s on my mind.”

“Since I’ve announced my second pregnancy, I’ve had certain ‘Instagram medical experts’ tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

“And while I find some of the comments hilarious,” she admitted, “I choose to only listen to my OBGYN and of course I also listen to MY body.”

It’s actually pretty amazing that she’s able to laugh at the comments she gets, because people are astoundingly terrible to her.

Like, there are many, many people who actually tell her that she’s killing her baby, either by starving it or crushing it with all her exercise.

“Instagram medical experts,” indeed.

“If something feels off, I don’t do it!” Sarah continued. “I always do what’s best for my growing baby and put him first!”

“It’s a proven medical fact that continuing exercising while pregnant has many health benefits for you and baby.”

It’s true: doctors typically advise pregnant women that it’s fine to keep up with the level of exercise you were doing before pregnancy, provided you feel comfortable doing it.

And since Sarah makes a living by being fit and exercising, it’s easy to imagine that doing some home workouts is fine for her.

She continued her message with “There are also some people who assume that since I am exercising while pregnant, that I’m obsessed with how I ‘look."”

But meanwhile, over in reality, “I’m obsessed with maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will give my baby and myself the best possible quality of life.”

And since this woman is wonderful, she added “Alternatively, I don’t judge anyone who chooses not to be active while pregnant etc. as it’s their own life.”

“I’m just sharing my pregnancy journey and appreciate the positive support from most of you.”

She really does seem like a gem, right?

Thanks for everything, girl!


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sarah Stage: See Her INSANE Workout at Seven Months Pregnant!

Isn"t it so fun that Sarah Stage is pregnant again?!

Remember, we had such a fun time during her last pregnancy — the one with the mysteriously missing baby bump.

In case you"re not familiar with her, Sarah is a model who"s super into fitness, and during her first pregnancy in 2015, she got a lot of attention for her bump.

Or lack thereof.

Even when she was well into her third trimester, her stomach was tiny, and so many people were sure that her pregnancy was severely unhealthy.

But the haters were wrong: she gave birth to a healthy, good-sized baby boy, and he"s still healthy and thriving today.

It was a wild and crazy ride, and now that Sarah is expecting her second child, it"s happening all over again.

She"s been sharing selfies featuring her bump, which is still barely noticeable at seven months, and she"s been getting all sorts of horrific comments.

But, as she proves in this new video, she"s not letting the hate get her down.

In the video, she shows off her current workout routine, and in her caption, she explains it all — including her opinions on her naysayers.

"#7months pregnant & feeling great," she began. "I"m not sticking to at-home exercises."

She explained that she"s doing a routine from her fitness e-book 2-3 times a week, and that she"s "stopped doing crunches since I"m in my #thirdtrimester."

"Our bodies are truly incredible & I feel blessed to be able to grow another healthy baby inside of me!" she added.

"I choose to stay positive & I represent anyone who has dealt with doubters, trolls & bullies. It feels great to prove ignorant people wrong & even better to know that all you have to do is believe in yourself and trust your own instincts."

And that"s a lovely little message, right?

But still, she still got so many negative comments.

"You aren"t 7 months," one person informed her. "Your tummy would be bigger."

Another theorized that "Her babies must come out small and weird."

"Please do your research with working out this much with being 7 months pregnant," another person wrote. "I"m not trying to be mean but I hope the baby is okay. You"re really really skinny."

But the point is, just like it"s always been, that obviously Sarah knows her body better than we do.

She was this small with her last pregnancy and her son was very healthy, so why do people feel the need to bring her down?

Whatever the reason, go ahead and watch this girl — who, again is seven months pregnant here — show off her workout in the video below:

Sarah stage see her insane workout at seven months pregnant

Monday, July 31, 2017

Treach Knocks Geto Boys" Bushwick Bill Off Stage

Apparently Treach has some questions about whether the Geto Boys’ Bushwick Bill is down with O.P.P. … so he pushed him off the edge of the stage they were sharing. We’re kidding about the reason, but Treach and Bill did take a…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Sarah Stage: Fitness Model Shows Off TINY Baby Bump!


Remember Sarah Stage, the fitness model who astounded the world a couple of years ago with her very, very tiny baby bump?

Even in the days right before she gave birth to her son, her bump was extremely small, and somewhat hidden by her abdominal muscles.

People were outraged by her photos, because as they said, there was no way she could have a healthy baby while looking the way she did.

But they were wrong: Sarah did give birth to a healthy baby, a boy named James who weighed in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces.

It was a crazy time, and she really did get so much hate for her selfies.

And now it’s happening all over again … because she’s pregnant with her second child!

Here’s what she looks like today:

Just to be clear, that is a photo of a woman who is six months pregnant with her second child.

Six. Months. Pregnant.

You can just barely see a bump, and really it’s not so much a bump as it is a little bulge behind her abs.

And, just like last time, people on the internet simply cannot believe it.

“Are you seriously 6 months pregnant?” one person asked. “Is the baby okay??”

“I’m not hating, I’m just confused,” another wrote. “I’m just hoping that the baby and you are healthy.”

“Wtf how?” someone commented. “How is this female pregnant? The baby is going to come out dented!!!!”

(She’s six months pregnant in the photo above, too, by the way.)

And in addition to the confusion, there was a whole lot of criticism.

“She’s not pregnant,” a stranger on the internet assured the rest of the comment section. “And if she is her baby is either gonna be born premature or very under weight.”

Someone else exclaimed “I feel sorry for your baby! You’re way too selfish and do not deserve to have one!”

One person actually wrote “You are a f-cking sick bitch and you damage your babys healthy if you ever are really pregnant. Get some psykhiatric help for yourself!”

Also, in a disgusting but sadly unsurprising show of how awful social media can be, several people actually told Sarah that her baby is dead because she’s too thin to support a healthy pregnancy.

(Six months here, too, and with her healthy toddler!)

Go ahead and take a moment to sit with your disappointment and shame for humanity. It’s OK.

It’s just sad because obviously Sarah here simply doesn’t carry her babies like many other women do.

She’s very, very fit, and it’s clear her ab muscles are strong, which plays a role in how her baby bump looks.

There’s also a chance her uterus is positioned in a way that keeps her from showing as much as other people think she should.

And just in case you’re still a little concerned about that baby in there, she shared a photo from an ultrasound she had done just yesterday.

“Doctors appointment went great today,” she captioned the photo. “Baby is weighing a little over 2lbs with a strong heartbeat and huge hands lol.”

If she’s 26 weeks pregnant and her baby weighs a little over two pounds, then that’s right on track.

Plus, you know, we have a feeling Sarah and her doctors know more about her pregnancy and health than people who spend their free time bashing a pregnant stranger online.

We’re sure that come this fall, she’ll give birth to another big, healthy baby.

Congrats, girl!


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Barbara Weldens Dies On Stage; Singer Was 35

Barbara Weldens, an up-and-coming artist from France, died suddenly this week while performing on stage at a church in the village of Goudron.

She was 35 years old.

According to The BBC, Weldens may have been electrocuted as a result of thunderstorms in the area effecting pieces of her equipment.

She is said to have suffered a cardiac arrest and medics called to the scene were unable to revive her.

Tragically, the singer had released her debut album, “Le Grand H de l’Homme,” just last year, as it went on to garner strong reviews and accumulate a number of awards for Weldens.

Based on her official website biography, Weldens grew up in the circus, where she learned juggling, acrobatics, and trapeze.

She later fell in love with music, learning how to play the piano and to write songs.

singer on stage

The organizers of the Pic D’Or prize, which Weldens won in 2016, said the following in a statement on Thursday:

“It was with great emotion that we learned this morning of the death of Barbara Weldens, our Pic d’Or 2016 at a concert last night in Gourdon in the Lot, obviously electrocuted.

“Our team is deeply disturbed by the brutal disappearance of the artist who had appeared on the stage of the Theater des Nouveaux on May 20th, during our last edition.

“A radiant woman, full of energy and talented, and of course we think of all her family and her loved ones.”

Weldens was scheduled to continue her tour in Belgium and in other parts of France later this month.

“I’ve always written poems, even when I was little,” she told Midi Libre newspaper last month, adding:

“Then I took piano lessons as a teen. All I wanted to do was compose.”

No one from Weldens’ team or family has commented yet on her passing.

We send them our heartfelt condolences.

May the 35-year old rest in peace.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

XXXTentacion Knocked Out on Stage, One Person Stabbed

XXXTentacion got the shock of his life when he was knocked out during a performance on Wednesday night in San Diego. 

The rapper was performing on stage when an unidentified man appeared on the stage, and sucker punched him. 

The attacker then proceeded to get on top of XXX as he lay unconscious on the stage. Security was quick to swoop in to pull the attacker off. 

The 19-year-old rapper was carried off stage and allegedly remained unconscious for two minutes while a brawl ensued on the stage. 

That"s not the worst of it, however. 

After all of that went down on stage, someone was actually stabbed backstage. The odd thing about all of the random events was that the fans were chanting Rob Stone"s name. 

Stone is another rapper from San Diego, who apparently hates XXX. It"s such a horrible thing to happen during a show, but XXX took to Twitter following the attack to blame the venue and security for stitching him up. 

According to TMZ, no arrests have been made yet, and the cops want to speak with XXX for a statement. Will he want to chat to the police about it?

Something tells us he will if he wants to sue the venue and security for stitching him up. 

The rapper, born Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, rose to fame when his song, "Look at Me" managed to chart at number 34 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100. 

The story is still very much developing, and we"ll keep you updated on any new developments. 

Have a look at the full video of the attack below!

Xxxtentacion knocked out on stage one person stabbed

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Rapper XXXTentacion Goes for Stage Dive Crown, Your Move Wifisfuneral! (VIDEO)

XXXTentacion tried really hard to top his tour mate, Wifisfuneral, with 2 INSANE crowd surfing moments during a show in Scottsdale. XXX climbed about 15 or so feet above the crowd, before launching himself on top of his fans. We’ll say this ……


Monday, May 8, 2017

Big Sean"s Stage Suffers $60,000 Washout (VIDEO)

Big Sean’s latest concert was extremely expensive — not for fans — but for the bottom line on his tour … after a downpour seriously damaged his stage. Sean was a headliner at the Powerhouse concert in San Bernardino, CA — along with Lil Wayne…


Lil Wayne Stage Crasher Steps Up, Gets Beat Down by "Goon" Squad (VIDEO)

Some Lil Wayne fans just gotta learn the hard way … like this guy in Miami who jumped onstage and caught a beating at the hands and feet of Weezy’s bodyguards. Wayne performed at the Rolling Loud music fest in Miami this weekend, and some clown…


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Machine Gun Kelly Leaves Stage with Severe Chest Pain (VIDEO)

Machine Gun Kelly’s concert was delayed when severe chest pain forced him off stage to get medical assistance. MGK grabbed at his chest multiple times while performing at Seminole Casino in South FL … and eventually couldn’t stand the pain…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Radiohead Sound Cuts Off at Coachella Causing Band to Walk Off Stage Twice (VIDEO)

Radiohead had disastrous tech problems headlining the first night of Coachella … walking off stage not once, but twice. The sound glitches started early in the set … and only got worse. The first walk off went down after the sound cut out…


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mike Epps Shares Stage with Kangaroo, Some Claim Animal Abuse (VIDEO)

Mike Epps brought a kangaroo onstage that appeared to be in distress … now many of Epps’ fans are pissed, and some are even calling it animal abuse. Epps performed Friday in Detroit at the Festival of Laughs comedy tour, when a man came out with…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sib Hashian, Beloved Boston Drummer, Collapses and Dies on Stage

Sib Hashian, a musician best known as the drummer for classic rock band Boston, collapsed and died while performing on board a cruise ship Wednesday night.

He was 67 years old.

According to TMZ, per Sib’s son Adam, the veteran drummer was taking part in the Legends of Rock Cruise and was doing his typical thing on stage when he suddenly collapsed.

An onlooker says CPR was administered and a defibrillator brought out and used Hashian… but to no avail.

It was too late. He had already passed away.

This unique sea adventure set sail on March 18 in Florida; it is scheduled for stops in such places as Puerto Rico and the Bahamas.

Initial reports indicate that the cruise will continue as planned, with other musicians set to perform tributes to Hashian on Friday and with Sib’s wife actually being the person who insisted the trip not come to an early end.

The singers on board paid tribute to Hashian via a memorial service this morning.


He had been booked for the cruise along with ex-Boston member Barry Goudreau and a roster that included Lou Gramm, former Beach Boy David Marks and ex-Kansas singer John Elefante.

Hashian joined Boston during sessions for the group’s first LP, after band leader Tom Scholz hired him to replace original drummer Jim Masdea.

Hashian then returned for the follow-up effort, 1978’s “Don’t Look Back,” but left during the making of their next release, 1986’s “Third Stage,” and was replaced at that time by Masdea.

Along with his talent on the drums, Hashian also gained a fan following for his very impressive afro.

It is on full display in this group photo:

After leaving Boston, Hashian remained on solid terms with a number of his former bandmates.

Over the years, he continued to work with other veterans of the group, drumming on guitarist Barry Goudreau’s solo LP, for example, and occasionally gigging with bassist Fran Sheehan and singer Brad Delp.

Sib is survived by his aforementioned wife and two daughters, Aja and Lauren Hashian.

The latter is in a long-term relationship with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson; she’s the mother of his second child and is often seen on his arm during red carpet appearances.

Expect to hear a statement later today from Johnson and others who knew Hashian well.

We send our condolences to Sib Hashian’s family members, friends and loved ones.

May he rest in peace.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Jagged Edge Boots NFL"s Nick Fairley From Show ... "Get Your Big Ass Off the Stage, N**ga" (VIDEO)

A live war broke out between beloved R&B group Jagged Edge and NFL star Nick Fairley — when the Saints star hijacked their concert … and the singers told him to get his “big ass” off the stage.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ariana Grande Stage Crasher Says He Made a Connection, Just Wanted a Hug (VIDEO)

The kid who crashed Ariana Grande’s Philly concert says he’d locked eyes with her, and only got onstage to meet her because he thought the show was over. 15-year-old Phil Conley told us he was waiting patiently at the back of the stage while she…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ariana Grande Hosts a Stage Crasher But Handles It Like a Pro (VIDEO)

Ariana Grande never loses her cool in the middle of a performance … even when creepy dudes crash her stage and get rushed by security. Ariana was putting on a show Wednesday at the Wells Fargo Center in Philly, where some bro somehow got onstage…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscars Stage Prop Crashes Down (PHOTO)

Part of the Oscars stage was left in shambles Sunday morning when a prop crashed down during rehearsals … and TMZ got this photo of the damage. The accident happened around 11:30 AM on the stage at the Dolby Theatre — just hours before the award…


Oscars Stage Prop Crashes Down (PHOTO)

Part of the Oscars stage was left in shambles Sunday morning when a prop crashed down during rehearsals … and TMZ got this photo of the damage. The accident happened around 11:30 AM on the stage at the Dolby Theatre — just hours before the award…


Friday, February 24, 2017

Chief Keef Nearly Cracks Skull in Stage Fall, Court Trouble Lurking? (VIDEO)

Chief Keef took a leap onstage that turned into him taking a huge dive offstage … and coming dangerously close to busting his ass and his head. If not for the speedy reflexes of a dude working security, Keef would be in a hospital right now. As…
