Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag

The horror continued on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 7 as Lena Dunham made her entrance as Valerie Solanas. 

When the episode got underway, it was 1968, and Valerie was not impressed with the fact she was being taken advantage of by the notorious Andy Warhol. 

She went at him with a gun, and she missed. 

“You had too much control over my life,” she yelled at him. “Down with the patriarchy! S–k my d–k, Warhol!”

When the action moved back to the present, Kai being shot paved the way for him to garner 20 more points in the poll, so the plan was a success. 

Who says taking a bullet is meant to be painful? He got the position at the city council, so everything was going his way. 

People wanted to join his party, and that could ultimately lead to the world domination he has been going on about for much of American Horror Story Season 7. 

Beverly was annoyed because of Kai’s raise of profile. She wanted it all to be a bout the slicing and dicing, but Kat had changed his stance on all of it. 

Beverly ultimately ended up talking someone named Bebe Abbott, who noted that the women were letting Kai become too powerful and wanted to teach them the error of their ways. 

Bebe opened up about being Valerie’s lover before her death, and that gave us her motive. She did not want history repeating itself, or it would present a lot more troubles for the women. 

Bebe successfully turned Ivy, Winter, and Beverly against the men in the cult. Their first order of business as the three most powerful women around was to kill Harrison after learning what really happened to Meadow. 

Beverly worked the media in the aftermath and even took some digs at Kai, but then we got the revelation that Bebe was working with Kai. 

What the hell is going on? We have no idea, but the drama sure is reaching dizzying heights. Bebe and Kai must have constructed the plan so everything could be pinned on them. 

Kai always has another plan, so they should have never discounted him. With only a handful of episodes left, how will the show end?

What did you think of the way the episode played out? Are you glad that the women turned on the villain?

Sound off below!


Monday, October 16, 2017

Lauren Holly Reveals Her Harvey Weinstein Bathroom Horror Story

Lauren Holly says Harvey Weinstein was all business during a meeting in his hotel room … right up until the moment he ripped off his suit and went to the bathroom in front of her. The actress, who now lives in Canada, went on daytime talk show…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Colton Haynes Praises "American Horror Story" Producers for Editing Shooting Scene

Colton Haynes couldn’t have said it better — it was great that ‘American Horror Story’ producers cut out a shooting scene in the wake of the Vegas massacre.  We got the ‘AHS: Cult’ star at LAX where we asked him about Tuesday’s episode…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"American Horror Story" Edited Mass Shooting Scene Airs on TV, Unedited Online

Producers for “American Horror Story” made good on their promise to edit a mass shooting scene for this week’s episode, but the carnage can still be seen online. FX aired “Mid-Western Assassin” Tuesday, and you can see they significantly pared it…


American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: Mid-Western Assassin

Well, Ally should have trusted her gut and remained a lone wolf. 

On American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 6, Ally joined forces with Meadow, but there was a little too much crazy from each of them for them to function as part of a team. 

Ally felt vindicated because she now knew she was not this crazy person everyone was painting her as, so she rushed over to find Meadow in the garage all tied up. 

It was not long before Harrison, and his beau noticed what was going on, but Ally and Meadow were on their way to safety, apparently. All roads lead to the Butcher on Main. 

What went through Ally’s mind for her to think that going there would solve any of the issues? Would that not be the first place for the cult to look if they wanted to dole out some horror?


Meadow spilled the beans about everything, even going as far as saying that Ally was just one piece of the puzzle and that multiple different plans were going on across the city. 

The end result? To scare everyone into thinking Kai was the man who was going to lead them through the fear. That’s not entirely a bad plan when you think about it, but it would take a master manipulator to carry it out. 

With Evan Peters’ Kai in the mix, what could possibly go wrong? He has all the traits of Charles Manson and has already proven he’s willing to cut his team members out of the equation. 

Meadow revealed that she loved Kai, but she quickly realized that was what he did to reel people into his cause before he ditched them and moved on to the next one. 

“There’s only way to stop him,” Meadow concluded. “We have to kill him.”

While all of that was playing out, Sally Keffler was trying her best to cause an uprising and take Kai down once and for all. After ridiculing him at a town meeting and gaining some support in the process, Kai knew he had to take her out. 

While Meadow was left with the crazy therapist aka Kai’s brother, Ally went to visit Sally, and they bonded over their mutual love for imported coffee from Italy. 

Sally agreed to help Ally prove what was going on in town, but they were interrupted by the cult. Sally was killed, and it was made to look like a suicide thanks to Facebook and Ivy gave Ally a last-minute reprieve. 

“No one’s going to believe that,” Sally tried to tell Kai, but his response was epic: “Of course they will — it’s on Facebook.”

This all came after Kai told Ivy he would help her get revenge on Ally for calling Ozzy “my son” after giving birth to him. So, are we to assume that Ivy still has some feelings for Ally?

You bet. 

We then picked up at the mass shooting and Meadow was the one firing the gun. As expected, it was all part of a ruse on Kai’s part, so Ally sounded crazier. 

So, Meadow signed over her life in the hope of meeting with Kai in the afterlife because of course, she did. 

Sigh. We thought Meadow was silly, but not this silly. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, October 9, 2017

"American Horror Story" Cuts Mass Shooting Scene After Vegas Murders

The producers of “American Horror Story: Cult” just announced they made major cuts to the opening scene depicting heavy gun violence in light of the Vegas mass shooting … a scene we obtained. FX Network said Monday it has “chosen to make…


Usher Accuser Said He Always Wore Condoms, But Changed Her Story in Lawsuit

Usher’s herpes accuser in Georgia, Laura Helm, insisted she ONLY had protected sex with him — even though she claimed otherwise in her $ 20 million lawsuit … but she had a good reason for lying, according to her attorney.  TMZ obtained a…


Saturday, October 7, 2017

"American Horror Story" Mass Shooting Scene Set to Air Tuesday

The folks at “American Horror Story” have a big decision on their hands … do they air a crowd-ambush scene reminiscent of Sunday night’s Vegas massacre, or do they scrub it from Tuesday’s episode? The scene was shot in the O.C. last month ……


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Who is Part of the Cult?

The scares were back in full force on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 5 as the cult put its next mission in play. 

When the episode got underway, the group met up to run down their next plan. Beverly was put on the spot because her boss would not air the Serena murder video, so Kai put a sick plan in action to kill Bob. 

But, before that all happened we got the reveal that Ivy has been in the cult all along and has been pretty much causing a lot of Ally’s episodes. It was not exactly surprising, and it made the whole thing make sense. 

When it came to killing Bob, all of them dressed up in their clown costumes. When they got to his house, he had a gimp in the attic. After back and forth, Kai killed the man who was strung up. 

Beverly took the final hit on Bob, and it was all caught on camera to leak to the news. The reason behind the whole thing was that it would allow Kai to move up the ranks of the council to secure the votes. 

Meanwhile, Ally struggled to come to terms with being alone and turned to the therapist to help her change her stance on things. She did not want to be the crazy mother any longer and thought it would be best to fix herself for her son. 

Back at the house, the curiosity got the better of her when she caught Harrison getting up close and personal with the detective. When she crossed over to the house, she found out that Meadow was alive and about to be killed. 

Ally ran home and called Ivy, but Meadow appeared at the window, screaming all the details about the cult and revealed that Ivy was part of it all along. This vindicated Ally because she knew she was no longer mad.

The biggest twist of all, however, came in the form of a flashback. Kai revealed that the therapist is his brother and that they covered up the murder-suicide of their parents so that they could continue with their lives. 

Oh, and Winter was the whiney sister who eventually played along with all of it to continue her time at college. 

The big finish involved Kai realizing that RJ needed to be taken out before he opened his mouth to the cops. This put Ivy in a tough position as she was forced to use a nail gun to hit him in the head. 

The cult took turns and killed RJ. 

Now, that’s how you shock the audience, American Horror Story. All of the twists were crazy!

What did you think of them?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Death Became Whom?

Kai is one of the most manipulative people in the history of television, and Evan Peters is playing him so well. 

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 4 got underway, we picked up with all of the characters voting in the election, and we got to see some mass hysteria at the polling station in the form of Chaz Bono’s character making his way to the station without his hand. 

But, how did that all happen? The episode took us all the way back and filled in a lot of the blanks. In a heinous move, Gary sexually assaulted Ivy during a rally. 

We got to see a much nicer and less paranoid version of Ally, and she did not want to attend the rally because she thought there was no way a reality TV star was getting inside the White House. 

She probably feels very silly right about now! Winter came to Ivy’s defense during the big ordeal, proving they knew each other Winter was hired to look after Ozzy. 

The pair joined forces and kidnapped Gary in the hopes of making sure he could not vote for Trump. Not one to miss out on a move, Kai joined in on the fun and helped Gary escape, but it involved letting the man cut his hand off. 

And just like that, Kai had a brand new follower. Gary was not his only new lemming, however. 

We got to see what really happened between Meadow and Harrison before they joined forces with the blue-haired world dominator. 

Harrison’s life was all over the place before Kai helped him see something better. It took Harrison killing his awful boss to understand just how powerful Kai was. 

Meadow was mad because Harrison did not satisfy her in the bedroom. That’s what happens when you make a pact to marry your Gay BFF. 

The odd thing about all of it was the Meadow did not seem concerned about Harrison slicing and dicing the corpse of his boss in a motel room. 

Harrison seemed like he wanted a sense of direction and that’s exactly what Kai gave him, so that explains why a lot of stuff has happened in recent weeks. 

Emma Roberts was also in the fold as Serena, who could easily pass as a brunette version of Chanel Oberlin from Scream Queens. She was the woman who was giving out oral sex to get to the top of the TV hosting game. 

Beverly was mad that Serena was getting her way, so Kai helped Beverly out by killing Serena and the cameraman live on air during a segment on dogs. 

So, Serena had a one-episode stint, and it advanced the plot in a big way. We now know a lot about Kai’s plan and that the clowns are very much real. 

The bigger question right now surrounds Ivy and whether she was having sex with Winter before hiring her. That would be messed up, especially when you consider her reaction to Winter getting hot and heavy with Ally. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!

American Horror Story airs Tuesdays on FX!


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner, First Photos Since TMZ Broke Pregnancy Story

Kylie Jenner’s got the mom-to-be look down pat … baggy pants, baggy shirt and food in hand, since she’s now eating for 2. Kylie hit up Malibu Wines Friday on the heels of our story that she’s expecting with BF Travis Scott.  As you can see…


Kylie Jenner, First Photos Since TMZ Broke Pregnancy Story

Kylie Jenner’s got the mom-to-be look down pat … baggy pants, baggy shirt and food in hand, since she’s now eating for 2. Kylie hit up Malibu Wines Friday on the heels of our story that she’s expecting with BF Travis Scott.  As you can see…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 3 Recap: Neighbors From Hell

Who would have thought American Horror Story Season 7 would emerge as one of the best seasons of the anthology series?

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 3 got underway, we got to meet a couple who were being a little too positive about things. They chatted to the Dr. Rudy about Rosie conquering her fears and returning to the person she once was. 

In true American Horror Story fashion, disaster struck when they returned home to celebrate with some red wine. Mark disappeared into the bedroom to retrieve a “surprise” for Rosie. 

Rosie heard a scuffle and went in to be greeted by two caskets, and a swarm of clowns invaded the room and put the husband and wife in an early grave. 

It was a little bit convenient that Dr. Rudy knew all of Rosie’s fears. We can put him at the top of the list of suspects. He is in a great position to terrorize people because he knows everything about them. 

When we returned to Ally, she was trying to put the pieces together about what happened with Pedro. She was mad Ozzy had to witness it all go down. 

Then, Jack revealed that Ally was not in trouble because of the law in Michigan states that you can defend your home against an intruder. 

Ivy was surprisingly okay with Ally having the gun. Maybe she felt bad about sending Pedro in the first place, but she did not exactly address that part of it. 

When the duo made their way to the restaurant, they were greeted with protests from the public because Ally murdered a man of color, so Ally stayed in the car. 

Kai appeared and promised he would find a way to make everything right again for her, and she seemed happy to have someone fighting in her corner. 

When she returned home, Meadow and Harrison appeared wearing sombreros to accuse her her of racism. They spoke about Taco Bell and other Mexican establishments to play the race card. 

“I’m 23 percent Mexican,” Harrison yells. “Does that make you want to kill me?”

The scorned husband and wife then thought it would be fun to make a fake Craigslist ad to get a horrible naked man to show up Ally’s home and demand oral sex. 

Winter let him in the house, and things got pretty awkward when Ally and Ivy appeared and witnessed the dude getting his rocks off. 

But then the neighbors decided to try and get Ozzy on their side and gifted him with a guinea pig named Mr. Guinea. The mothers were annoyed, and Ally said they were getting rid of him. 

Ozzy then said he wished his mother was leaving, so that caused a lot of drama in the house. But, the biggest twist of all was the poor guinea pig exploding in the microwave. 

This sent Ally on the rampage because someone had also marked the house with the smiley face. Meadow and Harrison said they were marked for murder now. 

Each of the Wiltons made their way to Kai and made it clear they resented the other, and it gave Kai all the leverage he needed to cause some horror for them. 

Harrison allegedly woke up to find Meadow dead in bed next to him after a brutal murder. He blamed Ally in full view of the police just moments after Ivy found a video of Ally getting close to Winter. 

On top of all that, someone was spraying the neighborhood with poisonous gas that was killing all the wildlife, so are we to assume that Kai is doing everything in his power to destroy Ally’s community?

It certainly seems that way. Oh, and it also seems like Harrison was having an affair with Jack, so that’s another reason Ally and her family should probably escape while they still can. 

What did you think of all the action?

Sound off below!

American Horror Story continues next Tuesday on FX!


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Jay-Z Dedicates "The Story of O.J." to Colin Kaepernick During Live Show

Colin Kaepernick’s plight in the NFL has seeped into the upper echelons of hip-hop … ‘cause Jay-Z dedicated 1 of his most racially charged songs to the QB during a live show. Jay Z Dedicates “The Story Of O.J.” To Colin Kaepernick And…


Jay-Z Dedicates "The Story of O.J." to Colin Kaepernick During Live Show

Colin Kaepernick’s plight in the NFL has seeped into the upper echelons of hip-hop … ‘cause Jay-Z dedicated 1 of his most racially charged songs to the QB during a live show. Jay Z Dedicates “The Story Of O.J.” To Colin Kaepernick And…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Don"t Be Afraid of the Dark

Ally is not mad after all. 

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 2 got underway, we got to see the aftermath of Ally waking up in bed with the clown. 

We totally thought that was going to be one of her night terrors, so it was a welcome change of pace. She rushed downstairs screaming the odds at poor Ivy who had no idea what was going on. 

Being the doting wife, Ivy played along with what she probably thought was a charade and started waving a knife around the house, looking for the clown. 

Ivy admitted that she thought Ally was just paranoid… until Ozzy got a fright of his own when the same clown and Twisty ambushed him.

Was it a night terror? Was it real life? He had no idea, but his claims were not entirely taken seriously, which could also explain why he’s putting a lot of trust in Winter. 

Remember that scene from American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 in which Kai shared a pinky promise with Winter and told her to tell him the truth?

Well, Winter did the same thing to Ozzy this week, and it now looks like she’s recruited her first minion. Ozzy was scared about everything that had happened, but Winter managed to take the fear away from him. 

Her first order of business was to introduce him to the new neighbors who swiftly moved into the house the Changs were murdered in. 

They are played convincingly by Billy Eichner and Leslie Grossman, and it was evident from the get-go both actors were having a thrilling time playing the roles. 

Ally was skeptical of them because of how quickly they moved in, but they put her fears to bed when they told her they had “credit issues” and the owner of the house signed the lease over to them. 

Ally noted that she did not know the Changs were renters, so something tells us Harrison and Meadow Wilton are not supposed to be taking up residence in it. 

It was difficult to keep up with the pair’s knowledge of the latest pop culture, but I was sold when they noted their love for Beyonce and ETSY. They are most definitely keepers.

But they seem like the kind who will chop you up in your sleep, so it was probably a good idea that Ally reinforced the house. 

Yes, she got bars put across the doors and windows. She may seem irrational, but her latest act came on the heels of her finding one of the restaurant’s employees on a meat hook after being called to the place in the dead of night by a shoddy security system. 

It just so happened that the deceased employee was racist, and was seen earlier in the episode threatening a worker named Pedro. 

The sketchy detective pointed the finger at Pedro, much to the dismay of Ally and Ivy. Ally had already told him about the big argument in the kitchen, so it was kind of her fault. 

Fearing for the safety of her family, Ally turned to Harrison and Meadow for some support, and they gifted her with a firearm. Yes, we are not kidding. 

Ally being in possession of a gun is scarier than any other season of this show. She’s far too irrational. We would trust the boy more with the gun than her. 

The next big drama for Ally was Kai standing on her doorstep and trying to fear monger her into joining his cause. Thankfully, she remembered him as the person who yelled “Enjoy your latte, bitch!” at her on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1. 

“It’s so easy until it’s you they’re coming for,” he said menacingly, after she declined the invitation to have her fear taken away from her.

In the end, Winter decided it was time to give her new employer a hot bath and maybe some under water loving. But then the power went out, and the clowns appeared. 

Harrison appeared through the bars as though he had been waiting on cue for the power to go out, clutching two candles and saying that it could be a terrorist attack from Russia, ISIS or even North Korea. 

He also revealed that eight states were facing the same issue. With Ally looking at Winter for support, Winter departed the home to salvage all of her belongings. 

Ally’s phone ran out, so Ivy sent Pedro over with a charger and some condiments, but Ally got a fright and shot him with her handgun. 

If American Horror Story wanted to prove it was going for the shock factor this season, this was the best installment to do it, but Ally shooting Pedro made it all seem a little forced. 

It was still the best episode of the series since American Horror Story Season 2, so there’s that. 

What did you think of it? 

Sound off below!


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 Recap: Election Night

American Horror Story is back, but was the Presidential Election-infused opener a worthy hook for the iconic drama series?

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 kicked off, it was election night, and things were not going well for some of the initial characters we got to meet. 

Ally was freaking the hell out because Donald Trump was set to become President of the United States. Her wife, Ivy, seemed more concerned about Ally’s reaction to the result as opposed to what actually transpired. 

While everyone seemed to be going out of their mind at the result, the patriarch of the Chang family was not impressed that his wife did not vote. 

He blamed her for making things difficult for Ally and Ivy, and the poor woman looked like she was going to burst into tears. FYI: The post-election paranoia and satire are what makes this season so great. 

While all of those characters were genuinely scared for what would become of America, Kai was happy. He sat watching the TV and started humping it when the results were announced. 

“The revolution has begun,” he yelled, but what, exactly, was he up to?

He made a break for the blender with a bag of Cheetos and smeared the paste all over his face. He was obviously going for the Donald Trump look. 

He made his way into Winter’s (Billie Lourd) bedroom and sat on her bed as she bickered with someone on the phone about wanting someone else to win the election. 

The person on the other side made it clear that Winter was NOT to hurt herself. But Kai offered up a pinky, so it seemed like they were gearing up to work together. 

We then got to see Twisty the Clown kill his first victims of American Horror Story Season 7, and it was such a throwback to American Horror Story Season 4

Remember he preyed on the people having sex in the woods? Well, he’s doing the same thing this time around, and we’re totally okay with it.

But was that scene REALLY happening? Oz was reading a comic book about the clown, so are we to assume that Twisty is actually someone who was created?

Or was he real, and the legend has lived on for all of those years? We have no idea, but Oz sure is creepy if he’s that young and reading comic books about people getting butchered by a clown. 

Ally finds the book and goes bat$ hit crazy, so Ivy confiscates the book, and we’re actually happy. There’s something seriously wrong with that kid, and we don’t think it’s anything to do with his mother being a nervous wreck. 

Ally took herself to her therapist to get some clarity on what was going on with her. Her main issue seemed to be that her fears were elevated since the big election. 

She was given drugs and sent on her sweet, merry way, but she knew there was something seriously going on and she wanted to get to the cause of it. 

We then got to see Mr. Chang at a local council meeting, and Kai is there to veto the plans for security at a local Jewish center. He wanted to use fear to control people. 

Like, is this dude seriously related to Trump? It sure seemed that way. 

Anyway, Mr. Chang and the board are not impressed and opt against Kai’s idea of using violence to cause a world of trouble for the Jewish center. 

As if that could not be bad enough, Kai is then seen filling up a condom with urine, before lunging it at a group of Hispanic men. Yes, they got him back by kicking the crap out of him. 

But who was recording the whole scene? Is Kai trying to make it look like the Hispanic men attacked him first? 

Ally entered a dimly lit, and genuinely terrifying grocery store. Gary (Chaz Bono) puts on his “Make America Great Again” hat and Ally immediately pooped her pants. 

She encountered clowns having sex in the fresh food area, and some crazy clowns following her. It resulted in a huge meltdown in her car as Ivy worried what the heck was going on. 

After the police checked the footage, it emerged that no clown had been in the store and Ivy was at the end of her tether with her wife. Things took a turn when Winter was hired to be the new nanny. 

Winter noticed Oz drawing a scene out of the Twisty comic and showed him videos of people being murdered. Before long, an ice cream van appears, and clowns emerge. 

They were the same as the as the group Ally found in the store, so it sure seems like Ally is telling the truth and everything is being covered up. 

When Ally and Ivy returned home, they found out the Changs had been murdered, and Oz gave a colorful story of how Winter let him watch the murders taking place. 

But instead, Winter lied and said he was talking crap and that Ally’s drama was clearly having an effect on his well-being. Well played, Winter. 

“Election Night” was a solid return for the FX drama. It was the best premiere since American Horror Story Season 2

What did you think of it? 

Sound off below!


American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1: Watch Online!

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 premiered on FX on Tuesday night.

And, so far, the drama is focusing on its scariest subject to date: The 2016 Presidential election!

Set the night before the country decided to elect Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief, the first installment centered more on story, character and mystery of straight up blood and gore.

Will this change as the season progresses? Probably.

The series is known for going in a million different direction as episodes unfold.

As for what specifically took place this week? As for what the heck Evan Peters’ character is up to?

Go ahead and click on the video here to watch American Horror Story online now!


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: His Side of the Story

After the first rose ceremony of the season and a shocking new arrival, what did Bachelor in Paradise have in mind for a Tuesday encore?

Picking up where the previous evening left off, Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Episode 4 saw a whole lot of filler … then DeMario Jackson.

Bottom line, with all due respect to Evan Bass and Carly Waddell, and everyone else in Paradise right now, this was all filler last night.

The DeMario sitdown was the main event, everyone knew it, and the show was intent on exploiting its own scandal for ratings (strange).

Better than sweeping it under the rug and appearing as if there were something to hide, we suppose. In any case, out he came. Finally.

DeMario recalled meeting Corinne on the first day of filming, getting “turnt up” and going into the pool, where things got super “intense.”

The next day, after her vagina being thrust in his face, and him unable to get it up, things were fine, he said, until a “third party” complained.

A producer who didn’t see the encounter, he said.

At that point, Bachelor in Paradise was shut down, after which DeMario felt terrible that all the crew members wouldn’t be getting paid.

The worst was yet to come, though, for Jackson.

“Did you have any idea what you were going home to?” Chris Harrison asked, and DeMario said he still didn’t realize how bad it was.

He just didn’t grasp the gravity of the situation, which was driven home by a video of DeMario with tears in his eyes while he was watching.

Jackson said the low point of “what he had to deal with” was when he read an article that said he was banging an unconscious Corinne.

That never happened. The Daily Mail reported it, and most people never believed it, but it was nevertheless a headline on the Internet.

“How did you feel about Corinne in all of this?” Chris asked, and DeMario wished he could’ve talked to her, as she too was being shamed.

All in all, Jackson came off looking pretty good in all of this, and it’s clear the show still has his back to a large degree. Can we move on?

No, not until next week, which is Corinne’s sit-down, which will be interesting, to say the least, since we haven’t heard from her yet.

She lawyered up, and implied she was a victim, but only vaguely. If she says nothing happened, then nothing happened and it’s over.

If she says otherwise … we don’t even know.

As always, follow the link to watch Bachelor in Paradise online to see the latest twists involving your favorite the Bachelor Nation rejects.


Monday, August 21, 2017

American Horror Story Promo: Hillary! Trump! Dead Dogs!

Over the years, American Horror Story has centered seasons on witches, circus freaks and killers in black leather sex suits.

But the upcoming season may be the strangest and scariest to date… because it will focus on the 2016 Presidential Election!

Sort of!

Creator Ryan Murphy has teased that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will both play some kind of role on American Horror Story: Cult, with the just-revealed opening credits sequence featuring characters donning the masks of both these polarizing figures.

There are also bees depicted below, along with many creepy masks and dead dogs.

What else do know about new fall episodes?

Ryan has previously teased a "love story for the ages" between Sarah Paulson"s character and that of Evan Peters… although Paulson will be married to a woman played by Allison Pill.

"I think it"s going to reveal itself in surprising ways," Paulson said at the 2017 TCA summer press tour of her romance.

Billie Lourd, Cheyenne Jackson, Colton Haynes, Billy Eichner, Adina Porter and Leslie Grossman will also star in the new season; while Lena Dunham, Frances Conroy and Mare Winningham will make appearances.

"We"ve got bloody tension, a well-cooked meal, an exciting trip to a grocery store,” previewed executive producer Alexis Martin Woodall this summer of what’s on tap,adding:

“I just think it is true to our brand, which is you"re going to be in a whole new world all over again and fall in love with these really special characters and hate yourself for watching it right before you go to bed and love."

The 11-episode season will be set in Michigan and take place the night of the 2016 presidential election.

American Horror Story: Cult premieres Tuesday, September 5 at 10/9c on FX.

Check out the teaser below:

American horror story cult teases hillary trump and dead dogs