Showing posts with label Suing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Chuck D"s Suing Company Producing Public Enemy Documentary

Chuck D’s getting screwed by a deal that’s shutting down his effort to tell Public Enemy’s story … so he claims in a new lawsuit. The legendary rapper’s suing Alt House Productions because he says he agreed to let the fledgling company…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar: Suing Cops For Releasing Josh Molestation Documents!

Four of Josh Duggar’s sisters are filing a lawsuit following the release of documents showing his molestation of the girls over a decade ago.

We’re surprised it took them two years to do so.

Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar are reportedly suing both city and police officials, along with a tabloid publisher, for damages. 

They’re going after In Touch magazine for releasing investigative reports detailing Josh’s now-admitted molestation of his four siblings.

The quartet of Duggars filed the suit against the city of Springdale, Arkansas over the 2015 police documents with shocked the world.

Court papers state that they spoke to police in 2006 about the molestations, which occurred a few years prior, when they were all minors.

(Jill, 26, Jessa, 24, Jinger, 23, and Joy-Anna, 19, talked to police a decade ago, and were even younger still when they were abused.)

In coming forward to speak on the record, they were assured their statements would only be shared with police and child service officials.

Obviously, that was not the case.

According to court documents, celebrity gossip magazine In Touch filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2015 to obtain the files.

In succeeding, the magazine published at least eight stories about the Josh Duggar investigation, blowing the lid off a massive scandal.

More significantly as it pertains to this legal case, rocking a family to its core, and victimizing the victims unnecessarily – and illegally.

The Duggar sisters’ lawsuit asserts that under Arkansas state law, the police are explicitly forbidden from disclosing any such information.

If that’s true, the girls could be due for a big time settlement – and again, we’re surprised it took them two years to pursue legal action.

Furthermore, they allege that the intense scrutiny of their family after the scandal blew up inflicted even more lasting damage on them.

That part could be tougher to prove from a legal standpoint, as the Duggars promoted themselves and their pious lifestyle relentlessly.

The carefully-fashioned self-image of a hard-working, old-fashioned, Christian family helped Jim Bob and company rake in millions.

Of course they’re under a microscope now, especially given Josh’s parents role in trying to handle the scandal “in house” for years.

It’s not only Josh’s actions, after all, but Jim Bob and Michelle’s means of addressing them that made the early 2015 story so explosive.

For the girls to say that such scrutiny of their lives is now unfair – or that the scandal is the reason for it – may be a legitimate gripe.

But is it grounds for a lawsuit? We’ll see what the city and state say about that (too bad they can’t list their parents as co-defendants).

In the months after the story, TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting, and Josh was shipped off to a Christian labor camp sex rehab program.

(The quote-unquote family values lobbyist was also outed as cheater in the Ashley Madison hack, which did not help the family image.)

Somewhat incredibly, the network rebooted the popular reality show in late 2015 as the confusingly-titled Jill & Jessa: Counting On!

Now rebranded as Counting On, the series follows the four adult girls suing over the Josh story. Josh personally is persona non grata.

TLC has gone to hilarious lengths to keep him off TV, even as producers film major family events where he attends (see gallery below).

Reports of Josh Duggar’s return to Counting On this season have raised eyebrows, as he hasn’t been seen with his sisters in years.

Josh and his long-suffering wife who somehow didn’t pack her bags after this, Anna Duggar, are currently expecting their fifth child.

His relationship with anyone in the famous family not named Anna is the subject of great debate these days, though he’s still on the outs.

As you can see in the video above, time may heal all wounds, but we’re talking about serious emotional wounds and a LOT of time.

But why a lawsuit against the cops and the tabloid, and why now, if the family would like nothing more than for this to go away forever?

In a statement, the Duggar girls said that they’re only suing to protect all children who are victims of abuse from experiencing this fate.

Interestingly, his eldest sister Jana Duggar, 27, is not a part of this lawsuit; Josh molested five people, four sisters and a family babysitter.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

United Passenger David Dao Not Suing Yet, Suffered Concussion and Major Facial Injuries (VIDEO)

Dr. David Dao and his attorneys aren’t suing United or the City of Chicago … YET, but they put intense pressure on them with a blockbuster news conference where they revealed Dao’s injuries. Attorney Tom Demetrio said, “We’re not ready…


United Passenger David Dao Not Suing Yet, Suffered Concussion and Major Facial Injuries (VIDEO)

Dr. David Dao and his attorneys aren’t suing United or the City of Chicago … YET, but they put intense pressure on them with a blockbuster news conference where they revealed Dao’s injuries. Attorney Tom Demetrio said, “We’re not ready…


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Daryl Hall Suing New York Town Over Occupancy at "Daryl"s House"

Daryl Hall wants to move the music outside for his hit show, “Live from Daryl’s House” — but first he’ll have to battle an upstate New York town in court. Daryl’s House, the venue where the show is taped, recently filed suit against Pawling, NY for…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

"Black Jesus" was My Idea, Claims Author Suing Adult Swim

“Black Jesus” on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim is an impostor of the original black Jesus — the one created by an author in 1999 (not the Bethlehem one) … according to a new suit. New York author Saint Solomon says “Black Jesus” — the live…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Johnny Depp Says Ex-Managers Suing Him Is a Joke, IRS Docs Prove It

Johnny Depp’s ex-managers have a collective brass pair for suing him … according to Johnny who says he has massive tax receipts to prove how much they screwed him. Depp and his old management firm, TMG, are locked in a huge legal battle — first,…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Michelle Pugh: Suing Kelly Osbourne For Tweeting Out Her Number!

She broke up a family and blabbed about her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, but Michelle Pugh refuses to be publicly shamed.

The colorist, who had a four-year affair with Ozzy, confirmed to People Magazine that she’s suing Kelly Osbourne for “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and public disclosure of public facts” after the TV personality shared Pugh’s phone number on Twitter back in May.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” Kelly tweeted, listing out Michelle’s number.

“I am a private individual. I am not a celebrity,” Michelle told People.

“My private life is off limits.”

Michelle said she sent Kelly a cease and desist letter in May after seeing the Tweet, but alleges it wasn’t immediately taken down. 

What’s more, Michelle alleges, she won’t tolerate being bullied or shamed for the affair.

“I am not asking for anyone’s approval, but the difference between someone’s disapproval, and shaming and harassing publicly, that’s verbal abuse,” Michelle said in response to her affair with Ozzy.

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are not allowed to bully other people.”

Ozzys’ reps have already responded to Michelle’s claims that theirs was a true love affair, suggesting that the she “took their relationship out of context.”


And so, as Ozzy reconciles with Sharon Osbourne, Michelle is left to pick up the pieces of her life that were torn apart by the public, thanks to Kelly.

“Not only have they stated their speculation, but they have come out and attacked me, berated me, and publicly shamed me on a global scale,” Michelle told people.

“Once it is on the Internet, it is out there for the whole world to see and it is always going to be there… The point is you cannot violate someone’s privacy like that.”

Friday, July 29, 2016

Kris Jenner: SUING Caitlyn Jenner Over Tell-All Book?!

Looks like an old rivalry is about to be re-ignited in a big way.

You may remember that shortly after Caitlyn Jenner “came out” on the cover of Vanity Fair last year, rumors that she wasn’t getting along with ex-wife Kris Jenner began to circulate online.

In fact, there was talk of a full-blown feud between Caitlyn and Kris, as the latter Jenner claimed she was lied to for years about her then-husband’s desire to transition. 

After a months-long truce, the between the exes started up again back in early June after Caitlyn claimed that Kris forbade her to dress as a woman during their marriage.

Now, it looks as though the Battle of the Jenners may soon land Kris and Caitlyn in court:

According to Radar Online, Kris is outraged over reports that Caitlyn is planning to write a tell-all book.

“The sh-t has already hit the fan over this book and it isn’t even being written yet!” says one insider.

“Kris is telling people she wants to fire off a preemptive cease and desist letter to Caitlyn over this, and she’s insisting that she get first read before it is published.”

We figured it was only a matter of time before we’d see a memoir from Caitlyn, but it seems that if Kris has her way, the book will never see the light of the day.

If there’s any truth to this rumor, the situation could get ugly in a hurry.

Obviously, Caitlyn is unlikely to back down without a fight.

And the press will probably be brutal to Kris if she really tries to block a memoir from the world’s most famous trans woman.

Looks like Keeping Up With the Kardashians might actually get interesting again!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Kanye West: DUMPING Kim Kardashian, Suing for Custody of Kids??

For weeks, we’ve heard rumors that Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West was on the rocks.

The majority of these reports claimed that Kim was fed up with Kanye’s ballistic rants and public outbursts, which have caused her so much embarrassment she threatened to sue for divorce.

But an inside source now tells InTouch that it is Kanye who’s giving Kim the boot – and he plans to serve up divorce papers as a prezzie on their second wedding anniversary next month.

“Kanye has had enough, and he is going to dump her on their second anniversary in May,” the source told the magazine. “Kim will be mortified; it will be the ultimate humiliation for her.” 

I bet. Everyone knows it’s better to be the dumper than the dumpee.

But that’s not the worst of it. The mag says Kanye also has designs on taking away their kids, North and Saint.

“He plans on going for custody of their two children,” a source alleged. “He wants to take them to Paris, where he has a home, for half the year.” 

“He’s told Kim as much too, and even said he has enough dirt on her to ensure the legal system would be lenient toward him when it came to custody.”

Riiiight. Because the courts love it when celeb dads have a public meltdown every other week.

Earlier this week we reported that Kimye’s relationship was orchestrated by none other than momager and PR pro Kris Jenner, who wanted to repair Kim’s reputation after her marriage to Kris Humphries ended after just 72 days.

But what did Kanye get out of it? According to InTouch, the rapper wanted children, and to protect his own rep as well.

“[Kanye] wanted children and had been dogged for years by spurious allegations that he was either gay or bisexual,” the source revealed.

Ahhh. Now we’re beginning to understand his reaction to Amber Rose’s #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch tweet.

And speaking of “spurious allegations,” we think that may be the perfect way to describe this entire story.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Erin Andrews: Suing For $75 MILLION in Nude Peephole Case!

Fox Sports beauty Erin Andrews is still pushing for justice after a pervy peeping tom secretly videotaped her in her hotel room back in 2008.

Peep Dis

The Dancing with the Stars co-host and veteran sports reporter filed an amendment to her ongoing, 2011 lawsuit against Marriott hotels.

For $ 75 million dollars!!

It seems almost quaint now, in a post-Fappening word where hacking is standard, and where high production value porn is the new sex tape.

But back in the day, the Erin Andrews peephole video was a very, very big deal, and some clown even went to prison for taking it. Prison.

The year was 2009.

Michael David Barrett put a camera in the peephole of her hotel door and got a grainy video of Erin Andrews nude as she got dressed.

Footage of the blonde “leaked” online, but unlike the complex iCloud breaches nowadays, the FBI tracked down Barrett fairly easily.

Given that he was, you know, in the room next to her filming Erin naked, it wasn’t too hard to figure out. Should’ve just turned on Cinemax.

Andrews sued Marriott, claiming its employees were negligent in giving Barrett the room next to hers, at his request, no questions asked.

Defense attorneys wanted her to be specific about what she’s seeking in damages, and she obliged, saying $ 75 million will do the trick.

Whether she gets anywhere near that sum is not the point … Marriott is in some hot water and will be setting in the millions of dollars.