Showing posts with label Tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tattoo. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2018

Zayn Malik"s Chest Tattoo Eerily Similar to Gigi Hadid"s Eyes

Zayn Malik’s now under the watchful eyes of Gigi Hadid … if that new ink’s really her eyes tattooed on his chest. The former 1D singer celebrated his 25th birthday over the weekend and Gigi posted this video of her BF … shirtless and…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mel B Cuts Out Tattoo Of Ex-Husband"s Name

Tattoos aren’t forever … just ask Mel B, who literally cut a chunk out of her torso just to get rid of ex-husband Stephen Belafonte’s name. While the more commonly used method is laser removal, Mel took a more extreme approach to make sure…


Monday, December 18, 2017

LeBron James" Tattoo Artist Sues NBA2K17, You Jacked My Designs!

The famous tattoo artist who inks up NBA stars including LeBron James, Tristan Thompson and Danny Green is suing the company behind the NBA2K17 video game … claiming they used his art without permission. The man behind the suit is James Hayden –…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Blac Chyna Destroys Future Tattoo with New Dream

Blac Chyna ruined her future … and she did it on purpose. BC’s showing off the new tattoo she got over the one she partially erased – Future’s name. In its place, she put her daughter Dream’s name. That relationship should last…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Teen Mom: The Definitive, Tragically Trashy Tattoo Guide!

If you"re a fan of Teen Mom, then you know that many of the people on the show have tattoos.

You also know that a lot of the tattoos … well, they aren"t that great.

Some are poorly done, some are just kind of strange, and some are nightmarish and horrifying and just so completely, unbelievably bad.

So steady yourself, perhaps grab some smelling salts and some pearls to clutch, and let"s check out all the Teen Mom ink we can get our eyes on!

1. Amber’s Tattoo of Leah

Ambers tattoo of leah

Here, let’s just start with the worst of the worst, all right? This is Amber Portwood’s portrait of her daughter, Leah. It’s right on her stomach, it also features a gigantic rose, and it’s not finished. Will she ever get it finished? It’s hard to say. We will ever be able to get this haunting image out of our heads? Unlikely.

2. Choices


Since we’re already talking about Amber’s tattoos, she also got this matching tattoo with Matt Baier, back when they first started dating. It reads “vero amore,” which is supposed to be Italian for “true love.” So that’s embarrassing.

3. Speaking of Embarrassing …

Speaking of embarrassing

Matt also has this huge tattoo of Amber’s name right on his forearm. Just right there on his arm where he has to look at it all day, every day.

4. Ugh

Matt baier book cover

Matt actually has several tattoos, many of which you can see on his nude book cover. We won’t waste more time on him here, so if you feel the need to look more closely at his naked greasy bod here, then you have our blessing. However, we will say that on his other arm, he has a couple of Chinese characters that he says mean “clean and sober,” but that Teen Mom detectives have actually determined mean “Lisa.”

5. Why Though?

Why though

As hard as it may be to believe, Matt isn’t the only guy to get Amber Portwood’s name tattooed on his body — Gary Shirley made the exact same mistake. Thankfully he was smart enough (???) to get the tattoo on his shoulder instead of on his forearm though, and he’s since covered up.

6. It’s Gary Time

Its gary time

Gary also has a … what is that, a sun? A blob with tentacles? Whatever it is, he’s also got some tattoo right in the middle of his chest, peeking out through all his body hair.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Jill Duggar Shows Off TATTOO on Instagram!

It’s happening, folks.

Like Jinger and Jessa before her, Jill Duggar is finally defying the arch-conservatve views and arbitrarily strict rules of her upbringing.

And she’s giving us all a front row seat to the rebellion.

Last week, Jill’s nose ring stunned fans, who are accustomed to seeing the mother of two stick with the prairie wife aesthetic favored by her mother.

Considering Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were reportedly outraged when Jill’s sister Jinger started wearing pants, the decision to display a semi-permanent body modification on social media was a bold one.

Sure, the Duggar girls might sport pierced ears, and the Duggar dress code might not specifically address the issue of facial piercings, but Jill knew how her parents would react to the sight of her looking like a Hot Topic employee who moonlights at Claire’s, circa 1997.

Similarly, she knew how they’d react to her latest pic.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Jill Duggar’s tattoo:

Yes, that’s Jill’s hand sharing the frame with her youngest son, Samuel.

You may have noticed that Jill’s “tattoo” is stenciled in temporary Henna ink.

So yes, the reaction from her traditionalist parents probably hasn’t been as severe as if she were sporting permanent body art, but if you know anything about Jim Bob and Michelle, you know they’re not big on even mild displays of individuality and worldliness.

Not surprisingly, Jill’s fashion statement has garnered a negative reaction from some of her more conservative fans.

“My teenage girls looked to you as a role model and now the piercing and henna. Worldly worldly,” wrote one of Jill’s followers.

“Thankfully they don’t look to that way anymore. I think we were warned when you were broken-hearted about your hubby cutting off his long hair.”

“Isn’t that a little wild for a so-called ‘simple, modest girl?"” remarked another.

Tough crowd. 

Fortunately, many were appreciative of Jill’s ink, and praised her flare for self-expression.

“I LOVE the henna! Six years of being a hippy dippy midwife and I still haven’t completed that bucket list item!” one fan commented

“She is hated for her lifestyle regardless of what she does… what is wrong with people?” asked another.

As with all acts of Duggar rebellion, this one is pretty innocuous to those of us living in the modern world.

But what’s important is that Jill knew she might face backlash or even consequences, and she showed her new tatt off anyway.

Sure, the ink is temporary.

But the image will remain etched in the minds of ultra-conservative Duggar enthusiasts forever.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Post Malone Shows Off His Very Detailed Lil Peep Tattoo

Post Malone got some new ink last week to honor his late friend, Lil Peep, and flaunted it — in all its amazing detail — as he left Poppy in WeHo. We got Post Monday night and, as soon as we offered condolences … he stopped to pay tribute.…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Paul Wall Gets Huge Astros World Series Tattoo After Making Grillz for the Team

Making custom grillz for the whole Astros roster wasn’t good enough for Paul Wall … ‘cause he just commemorated the team’s first World Series with a HUGE back tattoo!! Wall rolled through G6 Tattoo Studios in Houston for the fresh ink –…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Paris Jackson: Sideboob Tattoo Revealed in Tree-Hugging Pic!

Whether she’s using her modeling work to promote body positivity or just showing off her new tattoos, Paris Jackson isn’t shy about sharing topless pictures.

In her latest photo, the 19-year-old actress and model proves that she’s a tree-hugger by literally hugging a tree.

And, in her shirtless state, she’s giving her fans a look at a tattoo that, well, you don’t normally get to see. And that’s not the only pic from her topless adventures in the great outdoors.

Don’t let us give you the impression that Paris Jackson never wears clothes.

She totally does.

Just recently, she wore a shirt while outside and enjoying some flowers, though the neckline was enough to give a good view of her new chakra tattoo, which runs down her sternum.

She also works, as a model but also as an actress (her first feature film comes out next year!). She also goes places and is a real person.

But she, and clearly some friends and loved ones who spend time around her, is totally chill hanging out in modes of dress that Instagram and maybe some prudish folks would find scandalous.

Honestly, good for her. More people should be comfortable with appropriate, non-threatening nudity.

That doesn’t mean that folks like Harvey Weinstein can undress in front of coworkers, mind you.

Consensual, non-sexual, non-aggressive nudity can be a wholesome thing.

And it can give us a look at more of Paris’ many, many tattoos.

Paris captioned this photo with the numeral, 1, enclosed within a box.

Are we to get the impression that this is the first of what will eventually be a sequence of photos?

We just don’t know.

What we do know is that, one, this is a wholesome photo.

Actually hugging trees can be therapeutic for some people (no joke); sometimes pregnant folks who are past their due dates hug trees to create just a little more pressure in the hopes of inducing labor.

Two, Paris is giving fans a rare glimpse of her sideboob tattoo.

There aren’t a lot of ways of naturally hiding a nipple to show off a tattoo. You’d need to, what, cover up your nip nop with the hand from the other side of your body, all while having a friend photograph you in the awkward pose?

Or you can just hug a tree from the right angle.

We love that the actual tattoo is of a little alien dude. She’s such a treat.

But her adventures in the great outdoors weren’t done.

Paris Jackson captioned this photo:

“Use mamas mud to wash off da filthy makeup from werkk.”

Actresses and models generally wear a ton of makeup.

We can’t speak to the efficacy (or safety) of using wild mud to remove makeup, but we know that people have used mud and clay to treat their skin for ages.

But it’s certainly a natural remedy. No debating that.

In fact, in that tree-hugging photo, it kind of looks like Paris’ arms might have a little mud residue on them, right?

Also, we have no idea what — if anything — Paris was wearing under that wrap around her waist.

But that’s her business.

Paris has spent a lot of time topless in the desert, so it’s good to know that she’s also comfortable being a little less dressed in a less extreme environment.

For Paris, there’s always a strong spiritual element to her nudity that you don’t always get from the #FreeTheNipple folks.

It’s not just about being progressive or about gender equality or whatever — it’s about being natural and following her life path.

Good for her, you know?


Sunday, October 22, 2017

"Sammy the Bull" Gravano Resurfaces at Old Haunts with New Tattoo Sleeves

Notorious Mafia hitman-turned-rat, ”Sammy the Bull” Gravano, has a gnarly new look after 17 years up the river — but he’s got the same taste in Italian food. Gravano resurfaced at Uncle Sal’s restaurant in Scottsdale on October 9 — a few…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Drake"s Dad Inks Monster Tattoo of Drake"s Face on His Arm

Drake’s dad is nothing if not proud of his son, and he’ll be reminding everyone of that … for the rest of his life. Dennis Graham got an enormous tattoo of his boy’s face on his right arm  … compliments of tattoo artist, Money Mike. We’re…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Paris Jackson Showcases New Tattoo with Topless Photos

Paris Jackson says that she has over fifty tattoos. Some she has to honor her late father. Others have more specific meanings, like the matching spoon tattoos that she got with Macaulay Culkin.

Now Paris is showing off a new tattoo that depicts her spiritual side.

Because this one runs down her chest, however, she had to get a little creative to make her photos “safe” to share on Instagram.

When we see Paris Jackson, we see an openly spiritual young woman who’s at peace with her body and who is living her best life — with more wisdom than most people have at her age.

Like so many young Millennials, she gives us hope for the future.

Paris Jackson’s love of being nude is well-documented.

Plenty of us may find that relatable, but few of us go naked on outdoor spiritual retreats.

Even fewer of us then share photos (with some careful censorship) with two million Instagram followers.

Paris Jackson got a new tattoo, and she wants everyone to see it. The tattoo runs down the middle of her chest, though, so she had to find a few ways to cover up to show it off.

The first photo, uploaded not to her story but simply as another Instagram photo, just uses a robe:

This tattoo depicts the seven chakras.

In a number of Indian faiths — including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism — the chakras are energy centers within the body that have specific associations.

The chakras play a role in a number of forms of Eastern medicine and many people’s spiritual beliefs, from a devout Hindu to someone who holds esoteric, New Age beliefs.

You might think of them as spiritual focal points for different types of energy, and believers see the chakras as intrinsically tied to mental, spiritual, and even physical wellness.

Paris Jackson is definitely the eclectic sort, as she also shared a photo of the Egyptian deity, Anubis — a photo that also featured Ammut the Devourer — on Instagram. Though it’s possible that she just liked the art — we’re not sure.

The tattoo looks great, there.

However, what with the shadows caused by the angle and lighting and the presence of the robe, you can’t really see the tattoo in all of its glory.

But you can in this photo:

Better lighting and no robe to obscure the tattoo!

Unlike Snapchat, Instagram stories — like the rest of Instagram — is terrified of a woman’s nipples, because society is ridiculous.

So Paris had to get a little creative, and used some emojis as if they were little pasties to obscure her nip nops for the pic.

(And let’s be clear, it’s Instagram who’s super uncomfortable about nudity, while Paris Jackson is a very free spirit)

Now you can see the chakra tattoos in all of their colorful glory.

We’ve seen some poorly done tattoos before, but these look beautifully symmetrical.

Paris Jackson’s gotten spiritual tattoos inspired by Eastern faiths before.

Paris and her brother, Prince, got corresponding Taiji tattoos (in the West people call it a “Yin Jang” which is … literally not what it’s called).

Paris got a Yin tattoo (that’s the black teardrop part of it, representing the more at ease elements of thought and action) and Prince got the Yang tattoo (the white part that kind of looks like a fang, representing action and haste).

Over the weekend, Paris posted a video to Instagram of an interview that Prince gave, and she wrote in the captions about how proud of him she is.

She then tweeted about having to shut down her “thirsty” followers who were apparently lusting after Paris’ brother, as she isn’t convinced that anyone could be good enough for him.

That is so cute, you guys. Paris is such a treasure.


Friday, August 11, 2017

The Rock Covers Up Iconic Bull Tattoo with Bigger Bull Tattoo

The reign of The Rock’s famous bull tattoo is OVER.  Long live the reign of his new one.  He calls it “Evolution of the Bull” — 22 hours of tattoo work to cover up the famous bull head he’s sported on his arm ever since he burst on to…


The Rock Covers Up Iconic Bull Tattoo with Bigger Bull Tattoo

The reign of The Rock’s famous bull tattoo is OVER.  Long live the reign of his new one.  He calls it “Evolution of the Bull” — 22 hours of tattoo work to cover up the famous bull head he’s sported on his arm ever since he burst on to…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Justin Bieber Flaunts Cross Tattoo Near His Eye

Justin Bieber seems to be reaffirming his dedication to Christ by showing off one of his more recent tattoos — one that proves his eye is on the prize. Justin posted an extreme close-up of this tiny tattoo of a cross next to his left eye,…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Drake"s New Lil Wayne Tattoo Is Old News But Weezy-Approved

Lil Wayne was completely caught off guard by Drake’s new tat honoring him when his prodigy sent him a photo of it … 5 months ago!!! That’s right … Drake’s new arm ink went unnoticed for almost a half a year, at least to the general…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Blac Chyna"s New Tattoo Explains Who She Really Loves

Blac Chyna’s new tattoo paints a very clear picture of who comes first in her life, and it’s not her new aspiring singer boyfriend. As we previously reported … Chyna’s new boo, Mechie, got her initials tatted on his neck last week.…


Ariel Winter Has a Butt Tattoo & She Wants You to See It

If you follow her on Instagram, then you’re probably familiar with the sight of Ariel Winter naked.

Okay, not “naked,” exactly, but in various states of undress. 

It’s like every day, Ariel starts getting dressed, gets distracted by her phone, takes a selfie, then finishes getting dressed.

Everyone’s talking about her nudity, when really, we should be focusing on her lack of an attention span!

Priorities, people.

Anyway, most of the time, Ariel is naked just because, but there are times when she strips down with a purpose.

Sometimes, she’s bringing attention to an important cause, like the fact that her Instagram hasn’t been getting as many likes as it used to.

Other times, she’s displaying some new ink.

Yes, Ariel has several tattoos, and it seems like she’s one of those people who would corner you at a party and tell you what they all mean.

Her latest is at butt-level, which is good, because it’s a bit on the corny side, and Ariel will likely be happy that it’s easy to cover up when she’s no longer 19.

“Love risks everything and asks nothing,” Ms. Winter’s latest tatt reads.

It’s a nice idea, along the lines of “love means never having to say you’re sorry,” but it’s ultimately a bunch of BS.

After all, sometimes love means asking someone to rinse their damn dishes before they put them in the sink, or apologizing because you didn’t rinse your own dish, and now those effing fruit flies are back.

Sorry, we got off topic.

These days, the love in Ariel’s life is her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, whom she appears to have been dating for about nine months.

Though they haven’t been together terribly long, Ariel and Levi live together, and their relationship has already been a source of controversy.

The main issue is that dude turns 30 in six weeks, and Ariel’s still in her teens.

It’s not criminally creepy, but it’s creepy.

Pro tip: If you often find yourself using the “hey, it’s legal!” defense, you’re probably doing something pretty messed up.

Even Tyga and Kylie weren’t this far apart in age.

Fame gap was about the same, though.

Just sayin’.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Blac Chyna Cuddles Up to New Man (Check Out His Tattoo!)

Let us be clear:

In no way, shape or form did Blac Chyna deserve to have her naked photos released to the public by Rob Kardashian.

She didn"t deserve for him to rant and rave against her earlier this month, either, not when Rob stooped to such a level that he was calling his baby mama out as a plastic surgery-obsessed drug addict.

Kardashian was very much in the wrong here.

However… it is worth remembering, to some extent, that Rob"s diatribe stemmed from a video Chyna sent him of her and another guy (later identified as a rapper named Ferrari) making out.

Might Chyna be better served keeping her romantic dalliances private? Probably.

But she apparently has not learned this lesson.

On Friday morning, the reality star shared footage of her and a new man (some singer named Mechie) getting up close and pretty darn friendly.

There"s some touching, some kissing and one rather noticeable tattoo on Mechie"s neck.

Oh, yes, that appears to be a "BC" tattoo, which is exactly what Chyna wrote as a caption to this video: BC.

According to TMZ, Mechie and Chyna have been hooking up for about two months.

In the video below, she can be seen playing with the camera and locking eyes with her apparent new lover as Yo Gotti and Mike Will Made-It"s "Rake It Up" plays in the background.

That track features Nicki Minaj, with whom Chyna is collaborating on a new music video.

So, could this be all in good fun? Might it be some kind of promotion for that video? We guess so. It"s possible.

And, for the sake of Mechie, Pilot Jones would say it better be the case.

But how would that explain the BC tattoo?

Check out the quick piece of footage for yourself and see if you can judge whether the feelings between Mechie and Chyna are real or not…

Blac chyna cuddles up to new man and you wont believe whats on h

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Kid Ink Makes Tattoo Bet With TMZ Photog: Clippers Better Beat the Heat!!

Rap star Kid Ink better hope the L.A. Clippers can win without Chris Paul next year, ‘cause if they don’t … he’s gonna become a walking TMZ billboard!! The “Supersoaka” spitter is a HUGE Clips fan! Our camera guy, a big Miami Heat supporter. So…
