Showing posts with label Unexpected. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unexpected. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Unexpected Couple Alert!

Ready for some ROYALLY unexpected romantic news?

According to various outlets, Prince Harry is in a fairly seriously relationship with actress Meghan Markle.

We’ll wait for you to pick your jaws up off the floor before we continue…

The 32-year old member of the Royal family and the 35-year old actress met in May in Toronto when the former was on hand to launch the 2017 Invictus Games.

From there, Markle started following Prince Harry on social media, while also sharing many of her own photos from trips to London and Europe over the summer.

She was not posing with Harry in any of them; nor did she mention the gorgeous Brit by name.

But Markle clearly enjoyed herself on these trips.

“Gutted to be leaving #London – Thanks for a yummy breakfast @anderson_markus @sohohouse,” she wrote as a caption to the following image:

Newspapers in Great Britain say Harry is “besotted” with his brunette beauty.

“He’s happier than he’s been for many years,” a, insider told the Sunday Express and Daily Star, adding:

“They are taking each week as it comes and just enjoying each other’s company, but it’s fair to say that they love seeing each other and there’s a definite chemistry between them.”

Yup, that’s the L Word, folks! This may be serious!

Both Harry and Markle share a passion for humanitarian work.

Earlier this summer, the handsome prince spent nearly three weeks in Malawi, Africa, working there on the 500 Elephants initiative, which successfully moved 261 elephants from the Liwonde and Majete to the new Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve.

(The remaining 239 elephants are scheduled to be moved in the summer of 2017.)

Markle, meanwhile, also visited Africa, going there in 2015 as an advocate for the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.

During her inspiring trip, the actress met with female parliamentarians and visited the Gihembe refugee camp in Rwanda.

“I’m consistently asked how I keep a foot in two contrasting worlds – one in the entertainment industry, predicated on wealth and indulgence, and the other in humanitarian work,” Markle wrote on her blog just last week.

“To me, it’s less of a question of how can you do this, and more a question of how can you not?”

We can understand what Harry sees in her, can’t you?

Harry has dated such beauties in recent years as Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas.

Markle was previously married to Trevor Engelson before they quietly separated in August 2013 after nearly two years of being husband and wife.

Those who watch Suits online are familiar with Markle for her ongoing role as Rachel Zane, but she has also appeared on such hit programs as Lost, Castle and CSI: Miami.

When reached for a quote on this dating rumor, Kensington Palace told Us Weekly:

“We don’t comment on stories related to private matters.”

Well… we do! And we think these two make a lovely couple!


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Unexpected Couple Alert!

Ready for some ROYALLY unexpected romantic news?

According to various outlets, Prince Harry is in a fairly seriously relationship with actress Meghan Markle.

We’ll wait for you to pick your jaws up off the floor before we continue…

The 32-year old member of the Royal family and the 35-year old actress met in May in Toronto when the former was on hand to launch the 2017 Invictus Games.

From there, Markle started following Prince Harry on social media, while also sharing many of her own photos from trips to London and Europe over the summer.

She was not posing with Harry in any of them; nor did she mention the gorgeous Brit by name.

But Markle clearly enjoyed herself on these trips.

“Gutted to be leaving #London – Thanks for a yummy breakfast @anderson_markus @sohohouse,” she wrote as a caption to the following image:

Newspapers in Great Britain say Harry is “besotted” with his brunette beauty.

“He’s happier than he’s been for many years,” a, insider told the Sunday Express and Daily Star, adding:

“They are taking each week as it comes and just enjoying each other’s company, but it’s fair to say that they love seeing each other and there’s a definite chemistry between them.”

Yup, that’s the L Word, folks! This may be serious!

Both Harry and Markle share a passion for humanitarian work.

Earlier this summer, the handsome prince spent nearly three weeks in Malawi, Africa, working there on the 500 Elephants initiative, which successfully moved 261 elephants from the Liwonde and Majete to the new Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve.

(The remaining 239 elephants are scheduled to be moved in the summer of 2017.)

Markle, meanwhile, also visited Africa, going there in 2015 as an advocate for the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.

During her inspiring trip, the actress met with female parliamentarians and visited the Gihembe refugee camp in Rwanda.

“I’m consistently asked how I keep a foot in two contrasting worlds – one in the entertainment industry, predicated on wealth and indulgence, and the other in humanitarian work,” Markle wrote on her blog just last week.

“To me, it’s less of a question of how can you do this, and more a question of how can you not?”

We can understand what Harry sees in her, can’t you?

Harry has dated such beauties in recent years as Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas.

Markle was previously married to Trevor Engelson before they quietly separated in August 2013 after nearly two years of being husband and wife.

Those who watch Suits online are familiar with Markle for her ongoing role as Rachel Zane, but she has also appeared on such hit programs as Lost, Castle and CSI: Miami.

When reached for a quote on this dating rumor, Kensington Palace told Us Weekly:

“We don’t comment on stories related to private matters.”

Well… we do! And we think these two make a lovely couple!


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kim Kardashian vs. Taylor Swift: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Forget Trump vs. Clinton, Cavs vs. Warriors or Batman v. Superman. (Actually, you’ve probably forgotten that one already.)

The real clash of the titans this summer is between Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian.

Yes, two of the most important women in Kanye’s life (for very different reasons) may be soon to butt heads, after Kim fired some shots at Taylor in a recent interview.

As you may recall, Kim appeared nude on the cover of GQ yesterday.

Obviously, naked Kim Kardashian is no longer Internet-breaking news these days, but Kim’s comments in the accompanying interview are raising a lot of eyebrows today.

Asked about Taylor calling out Kanye West for what she described as sexist, bullying lyrics, Kim went off on Yeezy’s on-again, off-again rival:

“[Taylor] totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t,” Kim told the men’s mag.

“She totally approved that [line in the song about Swift]…. I swear, my husband gets so much s–t for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved. What rapper would call a girl that he was rapping a line about to get approval?

“She totally gave the okay. Rick Rubin was there. So many respected people in the music business heard that [conversation] and knew. I mean, he’s called me a bitch in songs.

That’s just, like, what they say. I never once think, [gasping] ‘What a derogatory word! How dare he?’ Not in a million years. I don’t know why she just, you know, flipped all of a sudden.

“It was funny because [on the call with Kanye, Taylor] said, ‘When I get on the Grammy red carpet, all the media is going to think that I’m so against this, and I’ll just laugh and say, ‘The joke’s on you, guys. I was in on it the whole time.’ And I’m like, wait, but [in] your Grammy speech, you completely dissed my husband just to play the victim again.”

Asked if she’s had any contact with Taylor in the months since the Grammys, Kim dropped another bomb:

“No. Maybe an attorney’s letter she sent saying, ‘Don’t ever let that footage come out of me saying that. Destroy it.’” 

Whoa. The past 24 hours, have not exactly been kind to Taylor’s reputation as one of the more authentic A-listers.

First she was accused of staging the now-famous photo of her kissing Tom Hiddleston by just about everyone who saw it, now Kim Kardashian is alleging that the singer threw a fellow celeb under the bus just to make herself look like a victim.

We’re guessing Taylor will comment on these developments some time today.

We’re hoping her comments take the form of shade thrown at Kim because, well … we’re shameless when it comes to a good celebrity feud, and this one is as big as it gets.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Azealia Banks vs. Sarah Palin: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Azealia Banks and Sarah Palin may not seem like the most likely rivals, but when you think about it was inevitable that they would eventually butt heads, not because they’re so different – but because they’re so strangely similar.

Like the notorious Alaska-governor-turned-Trump-hanger-on, Banks tends to rush headlong into random situations and offer her (usually outraged) two cents without doing a lick of research.

This recently landed the rapper in trouble when she called for Palin to be gang-raped by black men, after mistakenly believing a satirical news article to be factual. 

The fake article claimed that Palin blamed blacks for willingly “accepting” slavery.

She may have said some truly ridiculous things in her day, but she never said that, and Banks never apologized for tearing Palin a new one in a since-deleted Twitter rant.

Here’s where this story really gets shocking. Palin defended herself today in an astonishingly articulate statement (that was almost certainly written by someone else):

“You’re obviously not exercising enough intelligence to acknowledge you’ve been sucked into believing some fake interview,” Palin (or somebody in her camp) wrote.

“Why don’t we strengthen both our platforms and work together on something worthwhile – like condemning racism.

“And now I’ll go through my young daughter’s playlist to make sure there hasn’t been any inadvertent addition of any anti-woman, pro-rape garbage that you seem to endorse, which perpetuates the cultural challenges we face in America.”

Wow. Looks like Ms. Banks should stick to feuding with Iggy Azalea.

As it is, she’s forcing us to side with Sarah Palin, and that’s just not cool.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Traffic Reporter Pays Unexpected Tribute to Phife Dawg

As previously reported, Phife Dawg passed away this week at the age of 45.

The world of music remains in mourning over the loss of the A Tribe Called Quest founder, but the impact of his death extends to some places you might not have expected.

Like to Atlanta news station WSB-TV.

In the following video, we see reporters Mark Arum and Fred Blankenship pay impressive tribute to the late rapper by brilliantly inserting lyrics into their traffic reports.

"This rush hour couple of more hits than the Braves or the Yankees," says Arum at the outset of the footage.

He goes on to references more of Phife Dawg"s memorably beloeved verses as he checks in with a reporter in the WSB Radio SkyCopter:

"Mark McKay, are things ludicrously speedy or infectious with the slo mo?" he asks.

On Wednesday, after learning of Phife Dawg"s passing, Arum took to Facebook and wrote the following:

"I am stunned. And shook. Most times I have to do a mic check I quote my man Phife: "Microphone Check, 1,2, what is this? The five-foot assassin with the roughneck business!" #‎RIPPhifeDawg."

Pretty cool, huh?

Check out the awesome tribute below:

Traffic reporter pays unexpected tribute to phife dawg

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Adam Lind and Nathan Griffith: Unexpected BFFs Alert!

Adam Lind and Nathan Griffith may both be members of the Teen Mom 2 Douchey Exes Club, but despite appearing on the same series, Adam and Nathan have little contact with one another.

After all, they live in completely different parts of the country, and there have long been rumors that Lind and Griffith’s ex Jenelle Evans do not get along.

So with Nathan in the midst of a bitter custody battle with Jenelle, perhaps it’s not surprising that he looked to Lind for a bit of roid-fueled bro-support.

“Adam and Nathan are planning to hang out,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine. “Nathan tried to cut Jenelle’s ties with Adam.”

The insider described the new bromance as “totally odd,” but admitted that Lind and Griffith do have a lot in common:

“They are both gym junkies who only care about themselves,” says the source. “They should be focusing on their kids and nothing else.”

Though both are distant memories for the women who made them famous (Lind’s ex Chelsea Houska recently got engaged to Cole DeBoer.), they’ll likely continue to make appearances on the show as long as they’re able to drum up drama.

Maybe Lind is planning to teach Griffith how to catch the Internet’s attention with a nude photo scandal.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Nathan and Adam’s douchiest moments.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Kylie Jenner vs. Kylie Minogue: Unexpected Feud Alert!

You might think that aside from their first names, 18-year-old Instagram queen Kylie Jenner and 47-year-old Australian pop star Kylie Minogue have very little in common. And you would be right.

However, it looks like their shared monikers might soon be enough to land the moguls in court.

As you probably know, Kylie has been marketing everything from “lip kits” to waist trainers to hair extensions online.

With an audience of 50 million Instagram followers, many of whom would wear burlap sacks to school if Kylie declared it the in look for spring, it’s not hard to see why everything she touches turns to gold. 

Now, however, it looks rapidly-growing multi-media empire has encountered its first speed bump.

According to several sources, Kylie recently filed paperwork to trademark her first name so that she can go the mononym route for marketing purposes, a la Cher or Madonna.

Unfortunately for Ms. Jenner, there’s another famous Kylie, who’s not willing to take a back seat to the teenage sensation.

Kylie Minogue – who just got engaged to Joshua Sasse last week – has filed a legal opposition to KJ’s trademark attempt, and yesterday, the singer even threw some shade on social media, tweeting:

“Hello….. My name is KYLIE #lightyears.”

The tweet is an allusion to Minogue’s 2000 single “Light Years,” but it may also refer to the fact that the elder Kylie has been in the business for about 3 decades longer than Jenner.

It’s not every day that a member of the Kardashian clan gets a lesson in humility, so we’re definitely Team Minogue on this one.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Chrissy Teigen vs. Floyd Mayweather: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Even though Chrissy Teigen is pregnant with her first child, that doesn’t mean Mrs. Legend will stop speaking her sassy mind on social media any time soon.

Chrissy’s latest Instagram dust-up is with an unlikely opponent – boxing champ Floyd Mayweather – and it started in the most random way possible  – with Floyd posting a photo of his pet tiger.

Apparently, someone gave Floyd a pet tiger as a present, which seems like a bad idea, because celebs and exotc pets almost never make a good match. (See: Justin Bieber’s monkey. No, that’s not a euphemism for his dick pics.)

Also, Floyd is kind of an idiot and probably shouldn’t be trusted to care for a regular-ass cat, much less a furry killing machine.

Predictably, PETA slammed Floyd and asked him to turn the cub over to a sanctuary. 

In her signature style, Chrissy took a more sarcastic approach to the problem:

“I’m okay with people having pet tigers because it increases their chances of being eaten by a tiger,” Teigen tweeted yesterday.

Floyd responded by playing dumber, of course, this is Money Mayweather we’re talking about, so maybe we shouldn’t assume he was playing:

The thing is I’ve never had anything negative to say about John Legend. I really don’t even know what his wife does, whoever she may be. I’ve never seen John Legend’s wife in my life. If I did, I probably just don’t remember it.

But the thing is this, I’m pretty sure she has a lot going on in her life, but, you know, I’m something to talk about, so that can be something else. I am something to talk about.

“You see, when she spoke on me, she got her name in the public eye, so that’s kind of cool for her.”

Yes, we’re sure Chrissy (with her 4 million Instagram followers) needs to slam Floyd Mayweather to get attention.

That said, we’re hoping she continues to trash him, because this could get seriously entertaining.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Iggy Azalea vs. Erykah Badu: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Iggy Azalea. She’s still around; she still sucks; and she’s still picking fights with people who have the audacity to point out that she sucks.

Last we checked on Iggy, she was feuding with Rita Ora for reasons that we still don’t understand. Before that there was an Iggy vs. Britney Spears beef following the failure of the single on which they collaborated. Now Iggy is taking things to the next level by challenging a true music legend:

It all started last week, when Erykah Badu slammed Iggy in her opening monologue while hosting the 2015 Soul Train Music Awards.

The diss was pretty mild. Badu merely pointed out that Iggy’s music is “definitely not rap,” which is pretty much an objective fact at this point.

Still, it was enough to prompt Iggy to return from her self-imposed social media exile to post a series of angry tweets:

“Hi guys i know it’s been awhile,” Iggy wrote, as acknowledgement that she’s been radio silent for over a month.

“We are days from 2016, but i came online today and saw its still cool to try and discredit my 2014 accomplishments. LOL, f–king hell.”

While she doesn’t mention Badu by name, Iggy began tweeting the morning that the Soul Train Awards clip went viral, and it seems like she’s pretty pissed.

Not surprisingly, Erykah has yet to respond. R&B queens generally don’t concern themselves with the opinions of pseudo-rap peasants.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Taylor Swift vs. Adele: Unexpected Feud Alert!

In October of last year, Taylor Swift’s 1989 broke every sales record in the book, and it looked as though Taylor would reign supreme at the top of the charts for the foreseeable future.

Then Adele said “Hello” and it all came tumbling down:

In the weeks since her latest album and single were released, Adele has set records for digital sales, Vevo views and (we’re guessing) gallons of cathartic tears shed.

Not only has she claimed her place as the current queen of pop music, Adele has taken subtle shots at Taylor in interviews and cordially turned down opportunities to heap fawning praise upon Swift like the rest of the world.

Naturally, all of this has led to rumors of a rivalry.

You might think that there’s plenty of room for two songstresses at the top, but those closest to Taylor say that she’s competitive to a fault, and it seems she’s more than a little bummed that Adele has taken her spot as the number breakup balladeer.

In addition, fans have noticed that Taylor has been much quieter than usual on social media in recent weeks. 

Sources say she’s been keeping a low profile during the final weeks of her 1989 tour, and she even went so far as to cancel a planned appearance at a New Zealand awards show without providing a reason.

All of this has coincided with the release of Adele’s 25 album, but obviously, it’s possible there are other reasons that Taylor is keeping a lower profile these days.

Still, Taylor is usually the first to praise other artists, and many have pointed out that she’s been uncharacteristically quiet on the topic of Adele.

So until Ms. Swift starts singing Adele’s praises – or, better yet, invites her on stage – we think it’s safe to say this could be another instance of bad blood between Taylor and a top-selling rival. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio vs. Johnny Depp: Unexpected Feud Alert?!

It’s tough to believe, but Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio don’t have a single Oscar between them.

Depp is generally more concerned with important matters like how many skull necklaces one should rock for a Tuesday lunch meeting, but DiCaprio really wants a little gold guy – so much so that he’s reportedly planning to steamroll the reputation of anyone who stands in his way, including his old friend Johnny. 

You see, Depp and DiCaprio both portrayed real-life historical figures this year, and short of playing a mentally challenged AIDS patient with a passion for ballroom dancing, that’s pretty much the best thing an A-list actor can do to ensure that he’ll be recognized by the Academy.

In fact, the consensus around Hollywood seems to be that DiCaprio gained 50 pounds of fat and 40 pounds of beard for The Revenant mainly because he thought the part had “Oscar” written all over it.  

For his part, Depp played Whitey Bulger in Black Mass and made the odd choice to play the monstrous Boston gangster with all the scenery-chewing swagger of Captain Jack Sparrow – yet somehow made it work.

Anyway, both men will almost certainly receive nominations for their respective roles – and if you believe Star magazine, that really pisses DiCaprio off.

“Leo is so hungry for the Oscar that he can practically taste it,” a source tells the tabloid. “He sees Johnny as his only real competition.

“Leo has been trashing Johnny’s flops, like The Lone Ranger and Mortdecai. This goes all the way back to when they both starred in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, which Leo feels he carried.”

Leo’s not wrong on that last point. Depp sort of monotone Depped his way through Gilbert Grape, whereas DiCaprio turned in one of the most memorable performances of the ’90s at the tender age of 19.

Anyway, this might be the most one-sided rivalry since Drake vs. Meek Mill, as the part of Depp’s brain that cares about awards was probably fried out of existence during a 4-day bender with Keith Richards sometime in 2004.

In fact, Johnny recently said he “doesn’t want to win one of those things ever” when asked about his Oscar chances.

Leo, on the other hand, does care, and as anyone who’s ever seen one of his movies knows, when Leo cares about something, he gets pissed…then does that thing where he twists his face up like he’s trying not to cry.

Hopefully, the Academy will eventually take notice.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lil Wayne vs. Diddy: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Can someone tell Diddy that he’s a little old to have so many damn feuds?

Last year, the 45-year-old hip hop mogul fought Drake outside a club in Miami. Over the summer, a beef between Diddy and 50 Cent erupted, apparently as a result of the fact that the rappers endorse competing brands of vodka.

Now, TMZ is reporting that Diddy and Lil Wayne nearly came to blows inside the VIP room at LIV nightclub in Vegas last night.

It seems Wayne approached Diddy to say hi, but was stopped by Diddy’s security team, who insisted on frisking Wayne’s entourage.

Weezy didn’t take kindly to this and threw his drink at one of Diddy’s bodyguards.

A scuffle ensued, with both Wayne and Diddy getting involved. Fortunately, the melee lasted only a few seconds before the rappers themselves put a stop to the situation.

Thankfully, Diddy didn’t put anyone in the hospital this time around, but it sounds like things could have gotten seriously ugly.

Mr. Combs might still be facing charges for attacking his son’s football coach back in June, so another arrest could have resulted in some major legal troubles.

We’d like to take this opportunity to encourage Diddy to cool it a bit.

You helped introduce Biggie to the world, you banged J-Lo, and you’ve made hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of your career. You have nothing left to prove!

Start acting like Puff Daddy, not Puff Baby!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Iggy Azalea vs. Rita Ora: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Last year, Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora recorded “Black Widow” together.

You might remember it as that song that no one liked, but that received constant radio airplay because a lot of influential people invested a lot of money in making these two “happen” as artists.

Anyway, having apparently not learned her lesson the first time around, Rita recently expressed an interest in collaborating with Iggy again.

Unfortunately for the woman who might be best known for cheating on Rob Kardashian with “20 dudes,” Iggy has no interest in stepping back into the recording booth with Rita, which of course has led to rumors that these two just don’t like each other.

It all started when Rita stated in an interview that she’d like to remake “Lady Marmalade,” the 1974 LaBelle hit that was already remade by Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim, Mya and Pink in 2002.

“I’m trying to round up the troops – I think it would be me, Miley [Cyrus], Charli XCX – she’d be fun – and Iggy [Azalea],” Rita told NME.

Iggy, clearly no fan of the idea, did what she does best and threw a tantrum on Twitter.

“Please leave me out of the whole Lady Marmalade conversation,” she tweeted. “I have nothing to do with ritas ideas & agree it should be left alone. Thanks”

When a lot of people, including Rita, pointed out that Iggy could’ve just politely declined or said nothing instead of publicly trashing the idea, the Aussie one-hit wonder got even more angry:

“Girl bye, dont be pissy because i disagree with someones idea. lol,” Iggy tweeted as Rita.

Yikes. Considering the state of Iggy’s career these days, she should probably work with anyone willing to give her the time of day, but of course, she wouldn’t be Iggy Azalea if she didn’t shoot herself in the foot at every opportunity.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

North West and Ellen DeGeneres: Unexpected BFF Alert!

Well, this is downright adorable.

On the same day Kim Kardashian sat down with Ellen DeGeneres and talked to the host about Kanye West running for President, the comedian spent time backstage with someone especially close to her guest…

… daughter North West!

In one of the cutest Instagram photos ever shared by Kardashian, little North is playing My Little Pony with DeGeneres, who is very focused on the precious task at hand.

“Who saw @TheEllenShow today? Well this is right before I went on…Northie & Ellen brushing My Little Pony’s hair lol,” the reality star captioned the photograph.

Kim and Kanye, of course, are expecting their second child in December.

We know it will be a boy and perhaps we also now know what he will be named. Maybe.

“I do like the name Easton, Easton West,” the mommy-to-be said. “I don’t think my husband likes that name, but I do like it.”

Why not, Kanye? Just go with it at this point. Get as crazy as you can get.

The famous couple’s next child is actually due on Christmas Day.

Here’s a look at the best 50 – yes, 50!!!! – North West photos posted by her parents over the years:

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Allison Williams, Star Of HBO"s Girls, Weds Boyfriend Of Three Years In Unexpected, Star-Studded Wyoming Ceremony!

So happy for the couple!

Allison Williams, the star of HBO‘s Girls, and Ricky Van Veen wed in an unexpected, star-studded ceremony on Saturday in Wyoming!

[ Photos: Allison Williams & The Girls Are Headed To The Simpsons! ]

The two, who had been dating for three years and were engaged in February, had kept their wedding plans pretty quiet right up until now.

The event was an affair for the stars, with Katy Perry, John Mayer, Bruce Springsteen, Andy Cohen, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, and Lena Dunham in attendance at the wedding on the frontier!

Ch-ch-check out an adorable pic of the couple on their wedding day (below) via Instagram:

9.19.15 Dress by Photo by @christianothstudioA photo posted by Allison Williams (@aw) on Sep 20, 2015 at 12:05am PDT

Stunning!!! Williams wore a handmade couture gown made by Oscar de la Renta — not exactly roughing it out on the Great Plains of Wyoming!! LOLz.

We’re very happy for the couple!

[Image via Alberto Reyes/WENN.]

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kim Kardashian and Courtney Love: The Unexpected Selfie

Kim Kardashian shared a selfie on Instagram this weekend with someone whose lips may actually rival those of Kylie Jenner.

Who even knew the reality star was friends with Courtney Love?!?

The paths of these two stars crossed on Friday at a New York Fashion Week event, with Kim posting the photo and including with it a simple heart emoji as a caption.

The expecting mother has her hair slicked back and is rocking a bead necklace. And, in a stunning turn of events, Kim is also showing off some cleavage.

“One of the best shows I’ve ever seen!” Kardashian captioned a separate Instagram image of her and Kanye West ater they arrived at a celebrity-studded Givenchy event in The Big Apple.

Half-sister Kendall Jenner walked the runway at that event.

“Kendall really worked the runway and looked amazing,” an insider told Us Weekly, adding:

“Kim and Kanye were smiling and chatting with each other and they both looked very proud of her.”

Take a look back below at many past selfies in the Kim Kardashian photo collection: