Thursday, October 1, 2015

North West and Ellen DeGeneres: Unexpected BFF Alert!

Well, this is downright adorable.

On the same day Kim Kardashian sat down with Ellen DeGeneres and talked to the host about Kanye West running for President, the comedian spent time backstage with someone especially close to her guest…

… daughter North West!

In one of the cutest Instagram photos ever shared by Kardashian, little North is playing My Little Pony with DeGeneres, who is very focused on the precious task at hand.

“Who saw @TheEllenShow today? Well this is right before I went on…Northie & Ellen brushing My Little Pony’s hair lol,” the reality star captioned the photograph.

Kim and Kanye, of course, are expecting their second child in December.

We know it will be a boy and perhaps we also now know what he will be named. Maybe.

“I do like the name Easton, Easton West,” the mommy-to-be said. “I don’t think my husband likes that name, but I do like it.”

Why not, Kanye? Just go with it at this point. Get as crazy as you can get.

The famous couple’s next child is actually due on Christmas Day.

Here’s a look at the best 50 – yes, 50!!!! – North West photos posted by her parents over the years: