Showing posts with label Weinstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weinstein. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

First Weinstein Co. Movie Released Post-Scandal Made Just $742

It would appear that Harvey Weinstein’s woes might’ve started to affect his business — the 1st Weinstein Co. movie released since his scandal made less than $ 1,000 in theaters. TWC’s “Amityville: The Awakening” — which stars Bella Thorne –…


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rose McGowan Says She Was Offered $1 Million in Hush Money from Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan says Harvey Weinstein offered her $ 1 million to keep her mouth shut before his 1st sexual harassment story broke — which she countered for far higher before ultimately shooting him down. Rose told the NYT someone in Weinstein’s camp…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Harvey Weinstein New Sexual Harassment Accuser to Appear with Gloria Allred (LIVE STREAM)

There’s yet another woman accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment … and TMZ will be streaming live when she comes forward to talk about the alleged incident. The new accuser is set to appear with her attorney, Gloria…


Harvey Weinstein Accuser Dominique Huett Addresses Alleged Sexual Assault (LIVE STREAM)

One of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault accusers is holding a news conference to discuss her lawsuit against him … and TMZ will be streaming it live. Actress Dominique Huett will appear with her attorney, Jeff Herman, one day after filing…


The Weinstein Company, Bankruptcy Inevitable, But Company Says BS

The Weinstein Company is in financial freefall thanks to the misdeeds of Harvey Weinstein and bad management, and the company is expected to file for bankruptcy within weeks … this according to sources who have had access to the company’s…


Mimi Haleyi: Harvey Weinstein Orally Assaulted Me While I Was on My Period

If we documented every sexual assault charge against movie producer Harvey Weinstein, we’d never have time to write about anything else at The Hollywood Gossip.

But the accusation leveled against Weinstein this afternoon by a former production assistant named Mimi Haleyi seems worth mentioning because it’s just so appalling.

And disgusting, to be honest.

An ex-employee of the Weinstein Co., Haleyi sat alongside attorney Gloria Allred in New York City on Tuesday and told the press that she met Weinstein at the 2004 premiere of The Aviator.

Two years later, at the Cannes Film Festival, Weinstein invited Haleyi to his hotel room to supposedly discuss business.

After “a few minutes of normal conversation,” he attempted to convince Haleyi to give him a massage, she explained.

But she declined and left the room.

“By that time I was crying, as I felt completely humiliated and stupid for having been excited about meeting with him,” Haleyi said.

Following this incident, Weinstein actually asked Haleyi to work on one of his television shows. After this jobs ended, he asked her to go to Paris with him.

This seemed like a “romantic” request, Haleyi said today, so she turned it down.

Angered that she would say no to him (twice, no less), Weinstein allegedly showed up to Haleyi’s apartment in New York and “physically forced himself in through the door, pleading with me to come to Paris,” she said.

But she did not give in.

After Weinstein returned from France, Haleyi said she wanted to “maintain a good relationship” with the producer, so she agreed to meet him at his Manhattan apartment.

They watched TV for a few minutes, but soon “he was all over me, making sexual advances,” she said, adding:

“I said, ‘I am on my period. There is no way this is going to happen. Please stop.’ He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Weinstein is then accused of backing Haleyi into what looked like a child’s bedroom.

“He held me on the bed, I tried to get him off me but … he was extremely persistent and physically overpowering,” she said.

“He orally forced himself on me while i was on my period. He even pulled my tampon out. I was mortified. I was in disbelief and disgusted.”

After the alleged assault, Haleyi said Weinstein rolled over on his back and asked: “Don’t you feel like we’re so much closer now?”

No, she replied.

Earlier this month, a New York Times article detailed eight separate settlements Weinstein had arrived at with women who accused him of sexual misconduct.

Since this article went viral, countless others in Hollywood have shared their Harvey Weinstein stories.

And many sound eerily similar to this one, with women saying Weinstein would invite them to his hotel room under the guise of business… only to force himself on them in various ways.

A spokeswoman for Weinstein has previously said that “any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied” by him.

As of this writing, 54 women have accused Weinstein of sexual assault or harassment.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Actress Dominique Huett Is Suing Weinstein Co. After Alleged Assault

An actress has sued The Weinstein Company, claiming what other women have alleged … that Harvey Weinstein lured her into the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, demanded a massage and then forced oral sex on her. Dominique Huett filed the lawsuit,…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Matt Damon Finally Talks About Harvey Weinstein ... "I Knew He Was an A**hole, But ..."

Harvey Weinstein was proudly a bully and a womanizer — but kept his sexual preying on women secret from his inner circle … according to Matt Damon and George Clooney. Matt spoke out about the Weinstein scandal for the first time Monday on ‘GMA,’…


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mickey Rourke, I Feel Sorry for Harvey Weinstein, Not that "Piece of S***" Bill Cosby

Mickey Rourke feels badly for Harvey Weinstein … and it all has to do with Hollywood envy. We got Mickey in WeHo Saturday leaving Catch, and he told our photog … although what Weinstein did is “f***** up,” he’s done a lot of good, and when…


Billie Jean King Praises Weinstein Accusers, "That"s Progress"

Billie Jean King says society is making progress in the battle against sexism, and she’s pointing to the Harvey Weinstein scandal — and the women speaking out — as her proof. King is a trailblazer in every sense of the word, spending her entire…


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Guillermo del Toro Understands Why Quentin Tarantino Didn"t Blow Whistle on Harvey Weinstein

Guillermo del Toro is a strong defender of Quentin Tarantino, saying he understands why Quentin didn’t come forward years earlier to expose Harvey Weinstein. We got the famed director Friday heading into The Palm in Bev Hills, and he said he gets…


Harvey Weinstein Completes 1-Week Outpatient Program, Psychologist Says "He Took it Seriously"

Harvey Weinstein is leaving Arizona Saturday after completing a one-week program treating various psychological issues, and Weinstein’s psychologist tells TMZ the fallen mogul took it seriously. Weinstein gave his treating psychologist permission to…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Rape Accuser"s Lawyer Spills More Info at News Conference (LIVE STREAM)

The lawyer representing Harvey Weinstein’s rape accuser will speak to reporters at a news conference shortly … and TMZ will be streaming it live. Dave Ring represents the Italian actress/model who Thursday went to the LAPD and filed a police…


TMZ Live: Harvey Weinstein: Cops Concerned About Rape Accuser

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim & Kanye: Cars Trashed By Thief ‘Love & Hip Hop’ Star Goes On Homophobic Rant O.J. Simpson: Welcome To Hell Katy Perry: Concert Disaster! 


Kim Porter Reacts to Lupita"s Weinstein Claim ... He Didn"t Discriminate, But It"s All Bad

Kim Porter and her friends have an interesting take on Lupita Nyong’o’s encounter with Harvey Weinstein, and it’s basically … at least he included black women. If that sounds harsh, just watch the clip. Kim and co. were leaving Catch in WeHo when…


Lupita Nyong"o: This is What Harvey Weinstein Did to Me!

Lupita Nyong’o is a phenomenal actress, stunningly beautiful, and extremely likable. Seriously, you don’t get more endearing than revealing that you spent most of your first trip to America playing Final Fantasy.

Sadly, she has come forward as yet another woman in Hollywood with stories of her encounters with Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey Weinstein is being investigated for rape by law enforcement, but that doesn’t mean that women shouldn’t feel free to come forward with what they experienced. Every story helps. This is Lupita’s.

Writing in the New York Times, Lupita Nyong’o describes her Harvey Weinstein encounters in harrowing detail.

“I had shelved my experience with Harvey far in the recesses of my mind, joining in the conspiracy of silence that has allowed this predator to prowl for so many years.”

Not voluntarily or even really knowingly, however.

“I had felt very much alone when these things happened, and I had blamed myself for a lot of it, quite like many of the other women who have shared their stories.”

“Now that this is being discussed openly, I have not been able to avoid the memories resurfacing. I have felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I have felt such a flare of rage that the experience I recount below was not a unique incident with me, but rather part of a sinister pattern of behavior.”

Lupita describes her first encounter with the now infamous mega-producer, from when she was still a Yale drama student.

“I found him to be very direct and authoritative, but also charming. He didn’t quite put me at ease, but he didn’t alarm me, either.”

Lupita reports that she was invited to attend a screening with Harvey Weinstein and that he first took her to lunch, where he attempted to verbally strongarm her into drinking a mixed drink of diet soda and vodka.

Reflecting on this, Lupita didn’t first see it as a sign that he was attempting to groom her to follow his instructions.

“I found him to be pushy and idiosyncratic more than anything.”

After that lunch, however, at his house, they had an encounter that had nothing to do with the film.

“Harvey led me into a bedroom — his bedroom — and announced that he wanted to give me a massage. I thought he was joking at first. He was not. For the first time since I met him, I felt unsafe.”

We can imagine so.

“I panicked a little and thought quickly to offer to give him one instead: It would allow me to be in control physically, to know exactly where his hands were at all times.”

That was a smart way of exercising control, but she should never have been put in that position to begin with.

One, massages — like lunches and drinking — can be segues into sex but they can (and so often are) just massages and entirely platonic. Based upon numerous reports, it appears that to Harvey, they meant only one thing.

Two, while it’s not uncommon for people to invite someone over to watch something when they have more amorous intentions, Netflix and chill needs to be consensual. Like everything else.

Massages can be a great means of seduction, but if you’re planning on moving things beyond a massage or bringing nudity into the mix, you need to make certain that you’re both on the same page.

Lupita says that she didn’t quite know how to process that encounter.

“I reasoned that it had been inappropriate and uncalled-for, but not overtly sexual. I was entering into a business where the intimate is often professional and so the lines are blurred. I was in an educational program where I was giving massages to my classmates and colleagues every day.”

A lot of predators rely upon corrupting activities that are usually innocent and upon blurred lines in order to give themselves plausible deniability.

Beyond that, they rely upon the victims whom they are grooming to justify what they’re doing, for themselves.

There was at least a degree of conscious apprehension on Lupita’s part.

“I didn’t know how to proceed without jeopardizing my future. But I knew I would not be accepting any more visits to private spaces with Harvey Weinstein.”

That was smart.

Lupita describes innocuous encounters that she had with Harvey Weinstein in which he seemed to be immensely charming and non-threatening.

She was always careful to meet him with groups of people.

Like Lena Headey describes of Weinstein, Lupita had come to believe that the man was respecting her boundaries.

And then she describes meeting him for a meal that she had assumed would include others, and waiting with one of Weinstein’s assistants who, to Lupita, appeared adjitated.

At the time, Lupita chalked it up to working for a busy, powerful man. Obviously, in light of what we have all now heard, perhaps 

“Again he was offended by my nonalcoholic beverage choice but he didn’t fight me on it as hard.”

Here’s a tip, folks: if someone seems genuinely put out that you’re not drinking, there’s definitely something going on. Maybe it’s just alcoholism or maybe the person’s a strict traditionalist, but it could be something way worse.

Be careful.

“Before the starters arrived, he announced: ‘Let’s cut to the chase. I have a private room upstairs where we can have the rest of our meal."”

Oh goodness.

“I was stunned. I told him I preferred to eat in the restaurant. He told me not to be so naive. If I wanted to be an actress, then I had to be willing to do this sort of thing.”

Lupita declined, despite what she says were fairly blunt offers to boost her career.

At that point, the two of them were done. She left without eating, and Weinstein said that she, personally, would be fine, but he didn’t know about her career.

In a statement to E!, Harvey Weinstein’s spokesperson responded to Lupita Nyong’o’s allegations:

“Mr. Weinstein has a different recollection of the events, but believes Lupita is a brilliant actress and a major force for the industry.”

So … whatever that’s worth.

(Now would not be a great time to be that guy’s spokesperson, you know?)

We’re so glad that Lupita shared her story.

We do worry, however, that some women who haven’t yet come forward about Harvey Weinstein sexual assaults might actually feel further undeserved shame when they read these stories of the women who got away.

But every story helps shed some light on the culture of harassment and sexual predation that has infested so many parts of our culture.


Harvey Weinstein: Investigated For Rape By LAPD

The astonishing downfall of Harvey Weinstein continued this week with still more allegations of appalling sexual misconduct from the producer who was once considered one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.

The unraveling of Weinstein’s lifetime of lies began with a New York Times exposé detailing decades of sexual assault and harassment allegations.

Once the floodgates were open, dozens more accusations followed.

Actress Asia Argento claimed she was raped by Weinstein when she was just 21 years old.

Shortly thereafter, Rose McGowan stated that she too was raped by Weinstein early in her career.

Weinstein’s accusers now number in the dozens, and there’s no telling how many have yet to come forward.

As with the case of Bill Cosby, the public call for a criminal investigation quickly became deafening, and now it appears that multiple law enforcement outfits are now attempting to determine if Weinstein can be prosecuted.

The Los Angeles Times is reporting today that the LAPD has launched an investigation following a Thursday morning meeting with an Italian model-actress who claims she was assaulted by Weinstein.

There are now six active criminal cases against Weinstein, with New York police investigating two different allegations, and London officials gather information from three Weinstein accusers.

The Los Angeles case could prove especially troubling for Weinstein, as the accusation falls within the 10-year statute of limitations, thus making the 65-year-old liable for prosecution.

Defense attorney and former LA County sex crimes prosecutor Dmitry Gorin told The Times that the latest charge against Weinstein could “open the door to a prosecution if the evidence exists.”

Weinstein has yet to respond to this most recent allegation.

Speaking with the press today, Weinstein’s rep Salle Hofmeister stated, “I can’t respond to some anonymous complaint.”

The accuser, a 38-year-old woman who has asked not to be identified in order to ensure her children’s safety, offered a detailed and harrowing account of Weinstein’s attack:

“He … bullied his way into my hotel room, saying, ‘I’m not going to [have sex with] you, I just want to talk,’” the woman told The Times.

“Once inside, he asked me questions about myself, but soon became very aggressive and demanding and kept asking to see me naked.”

She added:

“He grabbed me by the hair and forced me to do something I did not want to do,” she said. “He then dragged me to the bathroom and forcibly raped me.”

We will have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Harvey Weinstein, Rape Accuser"s Lawyer Touts New Client on Website

The lawyer representing the L.A. woman who is now accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape is determined to let the world know … he’s her lawyer. Attorney David Ring has already updated his website, boasting his new client … “David Ring of Taylor…


Harvey Weinstein Rape Accuser, LAPD Concerned She"s Already Courted Media

Harvey Weinstein’s rape accuser already has the LAPD worried, because she orchestrated an interview with a newspaper immediately after going to the cops with her story. Sources familiar with the investigation tell us, detectives think the almost…


Lupita Nyong"o Claims Harvey Weinstein Assaulted Her Too

Lupita Nyong’o just joined a long list of women accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct … claiming he tried undressing in front of her in a bedroom. Nyong’o says she met Weinstein in 2011 at an awards ceremony in Berlin while she was still…
