Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dustin Johnson: Cheating on Paulina Gretzky with Alli MacKenzie?!

Is PGA Tour star Dustin Johnson cheating on Paulina Gretzky with Alli MacKenzie, a former model and formerly his (rumored) married mistress?

According to Radar, two months ago, Johnson reunited with MacKenzie, now the former wife of Will MacKenzie, also a member of the pro golf tour.

Johnson and MacKenzie met at a Publix supermarket in South Florida behind the back of Paulina Gretzky, Dustin’s fiancee and the mother of his son.

The eighth ranked player in the world was seen lovingly putting his arm around Alli as they pushed separate carts down the grocery store aisle.

Says a witness who saw the whole thing go down that day:

“They looked super flirty, and like they were going to kiss.”

MacKenzie admitted this happened, but says it was innocent.

“I ran into an old friend buying baby food for his son at Publix,” she said. “I wish Paulina, Tatum and Dustin the very best start in their lives together.”

Johnson, 31, was accused last summer of a “sexual indiscretion with at least one wife of a PGA Tour player,” reported at the time to be MacKenzie.

They both denied an affair, and Paulina stood by him.

In July 2014, amid a failed drug test (reportedly his third since 2009), Johnson took a leave of absence from the sport to deal with “personal challenges.”

Soon after that, Paulina got pregnant with their first child, born in January of this year. He returned to PGA play in 2015 and had a strong season.

The golfer’s reps now insist that he is “living a happy and healthy life and is totally committed to Paulina, Tatum and the life they have built together.”

Yet a Radar source cautions: “Dustin is the next Tiger Woods! It’s time for an intervention … otherwise he’ll be rocked by another [epic sex scandal]!”

Come on. Nothing will ever top Tiger.