Friday, October 9, 2015

Jeb Bush: I Did NOT Smoke Weed With Bill Belichick!

During the second GOP presidential debate last month, Jeb Bush admitted to smoking pot.

It wasn"t really a big deal, as his brother could"ve single-handedly kept Pablo Escobar in business (We"re hoping for a Dubya cameo in season 2 of Narcos.), and that didn"t stop him from getting into the White House.

In fact, the only results of Jeb"s admission have been a hilarious nickname ("Jeb Kush") and an interesting question from Fox Sports" Clay Travis.

It seems Bush attended high school with New England Patriots head coach and noted short-sleeved hoodie enthusiast, Bill Belichick.

Awesomely, Travis decided to ask Bush if he and Belichick ever burned one down together. Sadly, the former Florida governor says he never celebrated 4:20 with the brain behind Brady.

C"mon, Jeb! If you wanna take the spotlight away from Trump, you have to lie and say you did smoke with Belichick!

Then you have to follow it up with a joke about how the man cleared a bong like he was sucking the air out of a game ball.

That"s how you get elected president. Look it up.

Jeb bush i did not smoke weed with bill belichick