Thursday, October 22, 2015

Jeb Bush Thinks Supergirl is Super "Hot"

Throughout this Presidential campaign, Donald Trump has accused Jeb Bush of being a "low energy" candidate. He has said this over and over and over again.

But Bush has apparently been saving all his enthusiasm for a question at Libre Forum in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

Asked by a member of the audience for his favorite superhero, Bush veered awya from anyone in the Marvel universe and turned his attention instead to the small screen.

In the most awkward way possible.

"Supergirl is on TV. I saw that when I was working out this morning," Bush replied. "She looked pretty hot. I don’t know what channel it’s on, but I’m looking forward to that."

Yes, Supergirl premieres this Monday on CBS.

The title character is played by Melissa Benoist, previously best known for her role on Glee.

"That will make news," Bush laughed after giving his answer.

He"s right, though maybe not the kind of news Bush wants to make, considering Benoist is 27 years old and Bush is 62 years old.

But Jeb could use all the attention he can get these days, considering he"s somehow losing in the polls to both Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

As incredible as it may have once seemed, he may need a superheroic boost of his own in order to get back in the race for President in 2016.

As for which small screen superheroes we think are the hottest? Follow the preceding link for the answer!

Jeb bush thinks supergirl is super hot