Friday, October 9, 2015

Kardashian Shot-Callers: Drawing Up $20 MILLION Contract to Silence Scott Disick!

The Kardashian brain trust (term used loosely) is in the process of drawing up a $ 20 million deal to buy Scott Disick’s silence, a new report claims.

Insiders say the Kardashians are increasingly concerned that The Lord might spill the beans in the light of his recent partying and erratic behavior.

After the perpetually drunk Disick posted a photo of Kourtney Kardashian nude out of the blue earlier this week, they might have a point.

Dude is a total loose cannon, to say the absolute least.

In this case, he heaped praise upon the woman he dated for nine years and spawned three children with. But what if he decided to turn on them?

Says an inside source close to the first family of reality TV:

“Scott’s just going from from bad to worse. He talks a good game, but the family has had enough, and they are all closing ranks around him now.”

That means buying him off and shutting him down STAT:

“Once he signs that $ 20 million settlement with all the bans on tell-alls and spilling family secrets firmly in place, they want to stitch him up.”

Meaning “he can no longer find any work in LA.”

Wait … Scott Disick “works” now? Who knew? We thought he just worked chicks like Lindsay Vrckovnik, got s–tfaced and posted on social media.

In any case, the family has been debating how Scott should be “handled” long before he re-grammed the photo of Kourtney naked a few days ago.

It’s believed that this was something of a digital olive branch, intended to lure his baby mama back, but whatever his motives, the Kards are pissed.

“Kourtney saw the Instagram message Scott posted, and she’s neither flattered or amused,” says the family insider of the 36-year-old.

“She feels like if he has something to say to her than he needs to call or say it to her face. She thinks he’s just trying to kiss up to her.”

“[This] after he went public with his new teenage muse … at this point, a compliment from Scott means absolutely nothing to Kourtney.”

“His words are empty and so are his promises!”

Not sure he’s really worth a $ 20 million buyout, but hey, whatever eases their mind. In the meantime, Kourt’s doing a bit of Instagram trolling herself: