Friday, October 16, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Pissed at Kate Middleton?!?!

We’ve reported on many unexpected celebrity feuds over the years, but the alleged beef between the Duchess and the Badonkadonk might be the most random to date.

Yes, according to Star magazine, Kim Kardashian is royally pissed that Kate Middleton won’t give her the time of day. 

“Kim is obsessed with Kate—she keeps up with her every move,” says one insider. “She wants nothing more than to be a part of Kate’s circle.”

Rumors about Kim being obsessed with Kate have been circulating for years, and some insiders have even claimed that Kim timed her pregnancies to coincide with Kate’s.

Unfortunately, Kim’s requests for an A-list playdate have been repeatedly rebuffed.

“Ever since Kate’s son, Prince George, was born, Kim has been badgering the Duchess’ people about setting up a public playdate between him and North, but Kensington Palace keeps telling her in no uncertain terms that it won’t be happening,” the source claims.

“Kim is annoyed that she hasn’t been able to contact Kate directly and is frustrated with getting the cold shoulder. Kim thinks she’s the most famous person in the world and simply cannot fathom why anyone would not want to be her friend.

“Kim and Kanye have been trying to finagle invitations to events where Kate and William are supposed to be,” the source says. “They’ve actually become pretty aggressive about it.”

Well, there’s no denying that Kim is one of the most famous women on the planet, but it’s important to remember how she gained fame.

The Kim Kardashian sex tape might be the least royal thing in history. Are British people even capable of the things Kim did with Ray J? We’ll look it up and get back to you.