Friday, October 23, 2015

Kristen Stewart & Lynn Gvnn: Dating?!

It’s only been three weeks since Kristen Stewart and Alicia Cargile broke up, but now it seems Kristen is already moving on with a new lady love.

Heat magazine is reporting that Kristen is dating Lyndsey Gunnulfsen – better known by her stage name Lynn Gvnn – the 21-year-old lead singer of the “post-hardcore” band PVRIS.

“Kristen and Lynn are dating,” a source confirms. “Kristen came to see Lynn when her band played in New York last week, and they were hanging out backstage. The whole crew knows they’re seeing each other, and they left together, too.” 

Stewart and Cargile dated for several months and reportedly even lived together, so it’s a bit surprising that Kristen has moved on this quickly, but, hey – it certainly wasn’t her most dramatic breakup!

Neither party has confirmed the relationship yet, but several Twitter users recently tweeted about seeing Kristen at PVRIS concerts and hanging out backstage after shows.

Lots of folks have also pointed out that Lynn bears a bit of a resemblance to Kristen, which is not terribly shocking.

After all, K-Stew isn’t exactly known for her modesty. In fact, a slightly more badass punk rock version of herself sounds like the ideal girlfriend for Kristen Stewart.