Monday, October 12, 2015

Kylie Jenner & Tyga: Entering Couples Therapy to Save Relationship?!

Over the weekend, Kylie Jenner and Tyga hosted a Q&A session that streamed live on Kylie’s wildly popular app and subscription-based website.

In their conversation with fans, T-Raww and Kylizzle discussed their approach to the negative rumors that have surrounded their relationship from the start.

They spoke of the importance of self-awareness and optimism, both sounding remarkably insightful and mature, particularly on the topic of the “haters” and the “false” reports of Tyga cheating on Kylie with a porn star.

Now it looks as though we may know the source of the couple’s positive outlook.

Radar Online is reporting that Kylie and Tyga have been going to therapy in an effort to keep their relationship together.

Unfortunately, all that upbeat talk might be part of the couple’s efforts to convince themselves that everything is cool, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

“It’s been hell,” one source claims. “Kylie’s not coping at all and Tyga is just as unhappy.”

The insider says Tyga and Kylie entered therapy at Khloe Kardashian’s suggestion, because “they’ve had to cope with a lot and could do with some emotional guidance.”

Interestingly, the source says therapy might be the first step toward Kylie and Tyga getting married.

“They do want to get married, but they want to be 100 percent sure and trusting of each other before they take that big step,” says the insider.

Yes, Kylie is already thinking about marriage, even though she’s still in her teens. We guess she really is turning into Kim Kardashian!