Friday, October 9, 2015

Taylor Swift: First to 50 Million Instagram Followers!

It’s a week of firsts for Taylor Swift.

After covering her first-ever issue of GQ, Swift has now jumped online and thanked her fans for helping her achieve a milestone on Instagram:

She’s the first person in history to reach 50 million followers on that social media platform.

“50 million followers! Thanks so much guys. I’m pretty sure this is just because I have cute cats though,” Swift wrote as a cute message in celebration of the achievement.

Instagram actually turned five years old this week, meaning Swift has averaged 10 million new followers per year since the website went live.

That’s a lot.

The superstar solo artist now clocks in at a fan base higher than Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian, who have 47.5 and 48.4 million followers each, respectively.

And Swift has done it by keeping her clothes nearly entirely on, with the exception of those unexpected Taylor Swift belly button photos.

Click around below to take a long look through the types of pictures that have enables Taylor Swift to become so popular online and then place your bets:

The race to 60 million followers is on!