Friday, October 9, 2015

Justin Bieber: Sort of Cool with Nude Photos Because Junk is MASSIVE

Justin Bieber’s lawyers are threatening lawsuits against any outlets who post nude photos of the singer, but Bieber himself isn’t all that upset.

Why? Because the pictures show what he’s packing!

Yes, his legal team is irate over the invasion of privacy and well within its rights to demand the removal of Justin Bieber nude photos online.

Yes, Bieber was frolicking nude with Jayde Pierce and has a right to be pissed that paparazzi exposed that sort of intimate moment as well.

Yes, Twitter reacted with a predictable onslaught of hilarious jokes, memes and #whatdoyoupeen hashtags at the pop superstar’s expense.

All of that doesn’t change how endowed he is!

Bieber dong. It’s not just for Jayde Pierce (or Selena Gomez, or Hailey Baldwin, or Kendall Jenner, or a harem of VS models) anymore …

Bieber sources say you better believe he was upset at paparazzi who, armed with long telephoto lenses, snapped the scandalous photos.

(The images show a naked Bieb in Bora Bora, right before getting in the pool and likely getting it in with Pierce in the not too distant future.)

Justin’s rage dissipated, though, as the pics hit the web and he realized that there’s no taking them back … and his d–k is enormous.

The world knows it, and it could be a lot worse.

As for his legal team, they’re just doing their job in sending the message that Justin’s not okay with this and to take down the pics ASAP.

Multiple cease and desist letters have been fired off to news outlets, decrying the images taken without Bieber’s knowledge or consent.