Monday, October 5, 2015

The Kardashians Cover Cosmo, Are Apparently "America"s First Family"

We’re very sorry, Barack, Michelle, Sasha and Malia Obama. But you have apparently been usurped as America’s First Family.

According to Cosmopolitan, that honor now belongs to the Kardashians.

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the publication has gathered Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie, Kendall and Kris together for their first family photo in four years.

It has dubbed this clan “America’s First Family,” while simultaneously telling readers to turn the page for the “Easiest Workout for an Epic Ass.”

Seems about right to combine these two, doesn’t it?

“No one could have predicted the Kardashians’ and Jenners’ success,” tells Cosmo in the article.

“But when you spend time with them, what resonates is the family unit. There are so many things about them that are glamorous, crazy, and unlike our lives, but the sense of family is universal.”

Seacrest, of course, produces Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

So he has a financial stake in talking up this family’s supposedly closeness and normalcy.

“They present acceptance,” Seacrest adds, explaining:

You look at Bruce and now [Caitlyn Jenner] – you see the power of a family to come together when it would be so easy to fall apart. There’s comfort in viewing that steadfastness of love.”

There’s also many ratings to be had and a great deal of money to be made.

This issue of Cosmopolitan will hit newsstands on October 13.