Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux Eat Dinner Nude, Sleep in Separate Rooms, Source Claims

It’s only been three months since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux got hitched, but we’ve already heard a number of bizarre rumors about their marriage.

Several sources have claimed that Aniston and Theroux are leading “separate lives,” often spending several weeks at a time living apart as a result of work commitments.

Now, one insider is claiming that Jen and Justin maintain their distance from one another even when they’re both under the same roof – but apparently they make up for it but being intimate in other ways.

“There’s no doubt they love each other and really are best friends, but they’re careful not to spend too much time together,” the source tells Star magazine.

“They just enjoy their own space too much. They actually get along better when they’re on separate coasts. They flirt by text and love to send each other pictures of their wedding rings.”

The insider adds that on the rare occasion when they’re both at home, Justin and Jen sleep in separate rooms:

“Justin likes to read in bed, watch TV, browse the Internet and send emails—often all at the same time. He drives Jen nuts when she’s trying to get some sleep.”

But apparently, the fact that they sleep in different beds has not affected their sex life:

“She says their sex life is off the charts and that Justin is very adventurous,” the source claims. “Their new thing is eating dinner in the nude!”

We wonder if they eat naked meals when they’re on separate coasts and send each other pics of their nude noshes. It’s enough to make you pray for another Fappening!