Friday, June 10, 2016

Nathan Griffith to Jenelle Evans: My Son Lives With Two Drug Addicts!!

The war between Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith is even worse than we previously thought, and we previously thought it was pretty damn grisly.

Earlier this week, we shared a preview clip of the Teen Mom 2 reunion in which the exes exchanged jabs, culminating with Nathan making a below-the-belt crack about Jenelle"s weight.

Now, we"ve got an extended version of the clip that includes even more insults thrown back and forth between the former couple.

First, Jenelle tells host Dr. Drew Pinsky that Nathan doesn"t have the supplies necessary to care for their one-year-old son Kaiser.

When Nathan insists he"s properly equipped, Jenelle said she asked for pictures as proof.

Nathan said he"d go to the store with Jenelle"s boyfriend David Eason (Jenelle and Nathan don"t communicate directly when not on reunion shows) to buy the stuff in front of him.

“He has no highchair, he has no sippy cups, he doesn"t have food for him, he doesn"t have anything," Jenelle insisted, which Nathan refuted with, "Yes, he does."

"He has a one-bedroom apartment," continued Jenelle. "He doesn’t even have a room for Kaiser.”

She also added that Nathan had lied about having a driver"s license, but he admitted to Dr. Drew that he still hadn"t gotten it back.

Obviously peeved about getting called out by his ex, Nathan went for the jugular.

"My son is in an unstable environment with two drug addicts!" he said. "Yeah, where you see weed in the background, smoking constantly."

"And now you have this mysterious illness," he added. "You"re not capable of taking care of him."

While she denies using drugs (this year), Jenelle"s mystery illness has stumped many medical practitioners, and we still don"t know what"s wrong with her.

But illness or no illness, it honestly sounds as though neither of these two are capable of caring for their son.

Perhaps Kaiser would be better off at his grandma Babs" house, alongside his brother Jace.


Nathan griffith to jenelle evans my son lives with two drug addi