Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Conrad Hilton Violates Probation, Gets Jail Time Like Older Sister Paris

Guess what?  There’s no such thing as pretending you’re above the law.

Paris Hilton tried it out in 2007 after a DUI arrest; she drove with a suspended license, therefore violating the terms of her probation, and was sentenced to 45 days in jail.

Her younger brother, Conrad Hilton follow suit recently by violating his probation!  Hilton, according to People Magazine, admitted in court Monday that he had been using marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids and cocaine.

This isn’t the first time Hilton has violated the terms of his parole; in January he was sentenced to 90 days in rehab.

In 2014, Hilton verbally assaulted the crew on a British Airways flight from London to Los Angeles, to the point, according to records, where he made it impossible for them to do their job.

“I am going to f—ing kill you!” and “I will f—ing own anyone on this flight … they are f—ing peasants,” Hilton allegedly yelled at crew members, and smoked both pot and a cigarette in the lavatory.

Hilton also punched the bulkhead, and grabbed a flight attendant shirt and screamed, “I could get you all fired in five minutes. I know your boss! My father will pay this out. He has done it before. Dad paid $ 300,000 last time.”

Hilton’s attorney is none other than Robert Shapiro, a member of O.J. Simpson’s defense team, and portrayed by John Travolta in the FX miniseries, The People Vs O.J. Simpson.  Shapiro explained that Hilton’s behavior could have been the result of a sleeping pill he took.

2014 wasn’t the best year ever for Hilton; he also crashed his BMW on a freeway near Palm Springs after leading police on a chase and hitting a Volkswagon while trying to switch lanes.

He then collided with a tractor trailer, and had to be removed by the jaws of life.  

Hilton was reportedly driving at 200 mph before crashing, but police say neither drugs nor alcohol were a factor.

Hilton has until tomorrow to turn himself in.