Monday, June 13, 2016

Leah Messer & Jenelle Evans: Are They QUITTING Teen Mom 2?!

As we reported last week, Leah Messer and Jenelle Evans are not happy with MTV and the producers of Teen Mom 2.

Both women have accused the show of manipulating scenes to make them look like inept mothers.

Following an incident in which she was accused of negligent parenting, Leah slammed the show’s editors in an angry Twitter rant.

Just last week, Jenelle took to social media to complain to fans that the show is edited to maximize drama and make her look like a bad mother.

Showrunner Morgan J. Freeman responded to Leah and Jenelle’s allegations and insisted that the TM2 crew neither intervenes in the events that transpire on the show nor edits the footage to give viewers a false impression of what occurred.

It seems the show’s disgruntled stars weren’t satisfied with that response, however.

Evans has spoken about her plans to quit, and while the show’s been her primary source of income throughout her adult life, the 24-year-old’s notorious temper might lead her to make good on that threat.

Messer is less prone to fits of rage, but the show’s most recent season was tremendously hard on the young mother of three.

At several points during the season, she was the subjected to vitriolic attacks from fans who believe her to be an unfit, negligent mother.

Leah has expressed a desire to return to private life on several occasions in the past, and many fans now believe she’ll soon part ways with the series that made her famous.

In fact, there are rumors that one or both of the ladies will announce their departure on tonight’s season 7 reunion show.

That seems unlikely, as the episode was taped well before the tiff with Freeman took place.

So while the announcement probably won’t happen tonight, we wouldn’t be surprised if Evans or Messer decide not to return for an eighth season.

And if producers are left with the option of only depicting them in a flattering light or simply moving on without them, they’ll most likely choose the latter.