Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Johnny Depp: Caught Cheating on Amber Heard Prior to Separation?

As you’ve probably heard by now, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are getting divorced.

But this isn’t just any A-list breakup.

No, the former couple is currently in the midst of one of the ugliest celebrity splits in recent memories, and the tidal wave of damaging information about both parties shows no signs of letting up.

The first and most egregious leak had to do with Heard’s allegations of abuse against Depp. 

The 30-year-old actress claims that Depp is a violent alcoholic, who physically assaulted her on more than one occasion.

There have been conflicting reports about the causes of the couple’s frequent arguments, with several claiming that Depp suspected Heard of cheating on him.

Now, however, E! News is reporting that the Depp and Heard’s “biggest fight” occurred after she accused him of cheating:

“Johnny had a night out and Amber had a feeling he had been with someone. She questioned him about it and he blew up at her, got in her face yelling, chased her upstairs. Amber was scared,” says one insider.

The source adds that Depp “didn’t admit to anything,” but later apologized for blowing up at Heard.

“She ultimately forgave him,” the insider says.

It’s unclear when exactly this fight occurred, but the source seems to believe it was one of the final straws for Heard.

She says Depp attacked her last month in a violent rage that left her with facial bruising and other injuries, but by that time, the couple was already living separate lives and had reportedly had no contact with one another in over a month.

Heard filed for divorce and requested a restraining order against Depp just days after the alleged assault.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.