Showing posts with label Actually. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Actually. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2018

Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley: Actually Back Together?!?

Perhaps Jen Harley is NOT such a giant cum dumpster after all.

This is what Ronnie Magro (or Ronnie Ortiz-Magro… or whatever he’s going by these days…) must be thinking, based on two rather intimate videos he shared with Instagram followers on Sunday.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Jersey Shore star paid tribute (in his own way) to the mom of his only child, which would have been a perfectly normal thing to do in his situation.

Except for one thing:

Just about a week before, Ronnie BLASTED Harley as a cheating “hoe” for keeping in her possession a sex tape of her and an ex-boyfriend… and also for actually cheating on her. 

The reality star and his girlfriend went back and forth in an epic online argument that included major insults and allegations hurled back and forth.

It culminated in either Ronnie quoting a friend who referred to Jen as a “cum dumpster” and/or in Ronnie actually threatening to beat his baby mama up.

We wish we were making this second part up, but check out the following video:

Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world on April 3, but parenthood didn’t ease any tension between the pair.

Neither side has really denied allegations of infidelity, yet some sort of significant truce appears to have been reached.

Just consider the two videos Ronnie posted over the weekend.

They both depict Harley fast asleep and snoring, with the MTV personality writing as a caption:

“Prank wars. Snoring so loud. I feel she’s the dog from ‘Little Nicky.’”


This was followed by a second piece of footage that featured Harley in the same situation, meaning she was lying in bed alongside Ronnie…

… meaning the fiery twosome were actually back together, despite previous reports to the contrary.

“Sounds like a bear having an orgasm. She always says I snore,” Ronnie captioned this second video.

(We must stop here and wonder: How would you know what a bear having an orgasm sounds like, huh, Ronnie?!? Anything you want to tell us?)


On Saturday, Ronnie and Jen were spotted out and about in Las Vegas with their daughter, apparently giving the whole co-parenting thing a try.

This comes as a rather huge surprise because we had heard just a few days ago that Ronnie was demanding a paternity test before committing fully to the raising of little Ariana.

Perhaps that claim was false, however.

“They are on speaking terms and things are better than anyone could ever expect,” an insider told Us Weekly back on May 3, adding:

“They have to be in order to coparent. Ronnie’s main priority is his daughter and that’s all he is concerned about at the moment – that she’s in the best situation.”

That’s quite the change from Ronnie writing online how one “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE” and adding that “if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter.”

Harley retorted during their viral tiff that Ronnie was a “coke head” who would never be a good father.

It’s all true.

You can relive the argument(s) below:

But, hey, if the stars have somehow found common ground and realize that being a romantic item is the best thing for their child?

More power to them.

We really do wish them the best of luck.

Maybe Ronnie was serious when he wrote the following after the first round of shade was thrown in each direction:

I want to apologize for earlier to my fans and especially to @tater_tot_kitty.

“I acted out of my gut and not rationally. I should’ve never acted in such a manor. My deepest apologizes.”


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Kylie Jenner Bodyguard Actually Addresses Stormi Paternity Rumor

Tim Chung would like to have a few words with the Internet.

Who, some of you may be wondering?

Tim Chung, the heretofore unknown bodyguard of Kylie Jenner who has become an Internet sensation of late for two reasons:

1. He’s very attractive.

2. He may be the biological father of Kylie’s daughter, Stormi Webster.

And, yes, we know what you’re thinking:

Wait, isn’t Tyga the biological father of Kylie’s daughter, Stormi Webster?!?

LOL, just kidding. (Even though this was also a rumor that spread around the Internet shortly after Kylie gave birth to her first child.)

For whatever reason, folks simply refuse to accept that Travis Scott is the person who impregnated Jenner…

… despite the rapper’s lengthy relationship with the star and despite photos of him at the hospital on the day Jenner became a mother.

They really think Tim Chung is the dad.

Is there any evidence behind this claim? Any rational reason to hold this belief?

Not really. Not at all, actually. But whatever, right?!? It’s fun to consider!

Not if you’re Tim Chung it isn’t.

This chatter has grown so strong and so loud that Chung actually issued a statement on Instagram in response to the rumor.

And he confirmed it!!!

Just kidding again.

“I am a very private person and would normally never answer to gossip and stories that are so ridiculous that they are laughable,” he wrote online, adding of this wild speculation:

“Out of deep respect for Kylie, Travis, their daughter together and their families, I would like to set the record straight that my interactions with Kylie and her family have been limited in strictly a professional capacity only.”

So he never got himself all up in there?

Not once?

“There is no story here and I ask that the media no longer include me in any narrative that is incredibly disrespectful to their family,” the bodyguard concluded.

chung state

Chung also said as a caption to the above screen capture that this will be his “first and last comment” on the topic.

Which we understand.

We can see how this has been an awkward situation for him to navigate, especially when his attention is supposed to simply be on keeping Kylie safe.

His defensive statement comes shortly after Instagram users flooded social media with side by side photos of Chung and Stormi to point out the resemblance they saw between employee and the three-month old.

During this same time period, Kylie and Scott made their red carpet debut as a couple, posing as follows at the 2018 MET Gala.

They don’t look like two people overly concerned with this rumor, do they?

But it took on a (funny!) life of its own over the past week, forcing Chung to step up and address it at last.

Still, even if he didn’t have sex with Kylie, it seems as if Chung could now have sex with, like, any single woman on the Internet.

One Twitter user recently looked at his photo and wrote:

“Whoooo is Kylie Jenner’s bodyguard AND WHY IS HE SO FINE.”

Another added: “Sorry I was late to work, I was busy reading about Kylie Jenners bodyguard on twitter.”

So don’t feel too bad for Tim Chung that he’s been at the center of this ongoing storm.

Dude is gonna be just fine in the end.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Actually Saved by NBC!!!!!

It’s a television miracle!

Just days after Fox broke the hearts of comedy fans everywhere, NBC has swooped in and rescued in and rescued one of our favorite sitcoms on television.

Indeed: Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been picked up for a sixth season!

To quote Captain Raymond Holt…. HOT DAMN!

Executive producer Dan Goor broke this amazing news late on Friday via Twitter, saying his series is coming back for at least 13 more episodes.

“Hey everyone, just wanted to say no big deal but…. NBC JUST PICKED #BROOKLYN99 UP FOR SEASON 6!!!” Goor wrote, adding:

“Thanks in no small part to you, the best fans in the history of the world! Nine-Nine!”

Television shows get canceled all the time, of course.

Overall, 20 were actually given the axe in just a 24-hour period yesterday.

But the outcry over Fox canceling Brooklyn Nine-Nine was especially loud this week, with fans (including some famous ones; see below) aghast that such a funny and optimistic and well-acted program no longer had a home.

“Ever since we sold this show to Fox, I’ve regretted letting it get away, and it’s high time it came back to its rightful home,” NBC entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt said in a statement.

He continued:

“Mike Schur, Dan Goor and Andy Samberg grew up on NBC, and we’re all thrilled that one of the smartest, funniest, and best cast comedies in a long time will take its place in our comedy line-up.

“I speak for everyone at NBC, here’s to the Nine-Nine!”

Fox put its own end to the cop comedy on Thursday, ending a five-season run.

However, viewers – including famous names such as Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Hamill and Guillermo del Toro – raised such an uproar on social media that NBC apparently took notice.


The show started as a vehicle for Saturday Night Live alum Andy Samberg, but has grown into one of the best ensemble comedies on television.

It co-stars Melissa Fumero, Andre Braugher, Terry Crews, Stephanie Beatriz and Chelsea Peretti, among others.

It really is very, very funny.

“#Brooklyn99 IS COMING BACK FOR SEASON 6 YOU GUYS ON NBC!!!!! You did this!!” Tweeted Fumero last night, adding:

“You got loud and you were heard and you saved our show!! Thank you!! Thank you to NBC!! NINE NINE!”

And there was this from Beatriz:


happy holt

We’re as happy as Captain Holt eating some kind of bland meal.

Or as thrilled as Terry opening up a brand new cup of yogurt.

Or smiling as widely as Jake thinking of the name of a friend’s sex tape.

Will any other shows get saved by any new networks?

Here’s a look at what else got axed this season:


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Katy Perry Actually Sends Peace Offering to Taylor Swift, Is "Deeply Sorry" for Feud

Swish, Swish Bish has turned into…

My Bad, Taylor!

In a move that took many music and celebrity gossip fans by surprise, Katy Perry penned an open Instagram Stories letter to long-time rival Taylor Swift on Tuesday, just hours before the latter kicked off her “Reputation” stadium tour.

Perry and Swift, of course, have been engaged in a passive aggressive rivalry for years.

Neither has spoken much about it directly, but each has seemingly referenced the other in songs and in various interviews.

The beef goes back about half a decade and was allegedly ignited due to Perry’s stealing of a couple Swift backup dancers for one of her own international tours.

“She did something so horrible. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies.’ And it wasn’t even about a guy!” Swift told Rolling Stone of the subject of the track “Bad Blood” in 2014, never actually saying Perry’s name.

Added Taylor in this revealing exchange:

“It had to do with business. She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under… So now I have to avoid her. It’s awkward, and I don’t like it.”

We’ve loved it, however.

The feud has been a blast to speculate over and cover.

But now it’s come to an end?

Evidently so.

“Hey Old Friend – I’ve been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us,” Perry wrote in a letter we can see parts of via a Swift Instagram video.

The letter is partially obscured, but it also appears to say Katy is “deeply sorry” and wants to “clear the air.”

Included along with the letter, which was actually mailed to Swift, is a literal olive branch.

Panning over the gift in her dressing room in response, Swift says on social media:

“I just got to my dressing room and found this actual olive branch. This means so much to me.”

This is quite the departure for Perry, who tried to use her negative back-and-forth with Swift to promote her last album.

About a year ago, Perry said Swift tried to “assassinate my character” and didn’t sound anywhere close to someone willing to issue a Mea Culpa.

But then Swift released ALL of her songs on streaming music the same day Perry’s album dropped and Katy perhaps realized she was in way over her head.

Her album sales tanked, Swift was viewed as the Queen of Passive Aggression and here we are now.

Granted, it’s also possible Perry just wants to make up with Swift for personal reasons, not because she feels she’s been bested by her foe in the music world.

“I am ready to let it go,” Perry told Thrive CEO Arianna Huffington last summer, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her … I love her, and I want the best for her. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter.”

So we guess the action Perry took on Tuesday has sort of been a long time coming.

Perry added last year that she thinks she and Swift could put their differences aside and be “representatives of strong women.”

“Maybe I don’t agree with everything she does and she doesn’t agree with everything I do, but I just really, truly want to come together in a place of love and forgiveness and understanding and compassion,” the singer said.

Fair enough.

We’re willing to believe Perry is being sincere and we’re now hoping to see these two take the stage peacefully together at some point.

That would be fun to see, wouldn’t it?

Heck, perhaps an album of duets?!?

Okay, maybe now we’re aiming too high.

But in a polarizing country, where it seems like no one can get along, it’s nice to see Perry and Swift setting an example for the rest of us to follow.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

These Extreme Cut-Out Jeans Actually Exist, Cost $168

We’re old school here at The Hollywood Gossip.

We like our President to be honest. We like our Kardashians to be plump.

And we like our jeans to actually cover our legs.

We wouldn’t have thought this last point was worth mentioning… until came across something called Extreme Low-Cut Jeans from Los Angeles-based company Carmar Denim.

A model is rocking a pair above and below and we’re very confused by them.

We understand how they are considered “Extreme.”

And let there be no doubt that they’re also “Low-Cut.”

But “Jeans?” In what possible, sensible, rational, practical way could this piece of apparel be considered “Jeans?!?!?!?!?!”

There’s not enough material here to cover one’s thighs or rear end.

back view jeans

Carmar’s Instagram page recently posted a picture with this model donning its latest creation, including with the photo a caption that reads:

“The Extreme Cut Out Pant, for those who dare to bare. #carmardenim #extremecutout #mood.”

We’re guessing the only “mood” this person feels right about now is “very cold and embarrassed.”

And we’re not alone.

Pretty much everyone on the Internet is confounded by what they’re seeing here.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Make them yourself people…” one Instagram user said.

“Good thing they have a zipper and a button at the crotch otherwise she’d be over exposed,” said another.

“Who ever buys these jeans for $ 168 is out of their mind,” said another.

Oh yeah: Did we mention these pants are on sale for $ 168?!?

aghast over jeans

Know what the most frightening thing is, aside from the aforementioned price tag?

If Kim Kardashian shilled for these online, the entire stock would probably sell out in approximately 37 seconds.

We checked the calendar and it’s not April Fool’s Day, so these jeans really are for sale.

Would you consider buying them?

side view jeans

Or we being too prude here?

Are we just not up to date on the latest fashion trends?

Would these actually be considered “in?”

Or are you as perplexed and as irritated as we are that a company has gone out of its way to make these atrocities?


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Matt Roloff: Actually Moving Off the Farm?

Has the awkwardness finally gotten to Matt Roloff?

Has the Little People, Big World patriarch taken the step he has discussed for months now and actually moved farther away from his ex-wife than 500 feet?

Has has actually moved off the family farm entirely?

We have a strong reason to believe so.

Scroll down and all around to see what that reason is.

1. Wait, Why Would Matt Move?

Excited matt

Did you know he lives 500 feet away from Amy in a very small house? The arrangement “wasn’t supposed to be permanent,” Matt said on a recent Little People, Big World episode, adding simply: “It’s awkward.”

2. We Bet It Is!

Caryn chandler

Perhaps it was okay at first, but now Amy is seriously dating Chris Marek and Matt is with Caryn Chandler. Can you imagine living in this kind of set-up while being in a long-term relationship?

3. Are Matt and Caryn Engaged?

Caryn chandler

That’s the rumor. We don’t buy it right now because we don’t see why Matt would not announce it, but a proposal may be forthcoming.

4. And Just Who is Caryn Chandler?

Caryn chandler and matt roloff

She used to manage the Roloff farm. So she knows Amy well, which just makes this entire situation even MORE awkward and even less desirable for all involved.

5. Says Matt:

Matt roloff drives

“I’m either at a place now where I need to dig in my roots further on the farm and build a house that suits me, or I need to think about finding real estate off the farm. It’s not easy. I’ve been on this farm more than half my life.”

6. So… Has He Made The Decision?

Matt roloff speaks

It seems very likely. We think Matt is actually moving off the farm he helped make SUCH a success.

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry: Are They Actually Going to Fight?!

The next season of Teen Mom 2 hasn"t even started yet, and it"s already just filled to the brim with drama, huh?

Things are so good that we"re already on pins and needles waiting for the reunion.

With Teen Mom OG, all of the cast members have their own individual drama, and they"ve been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff — mental illness, drug addiction, worrisome pregnancies.

But for some reason, the Teen Mom 2 crew just loves getting involved in each other"s lives, for better or for worse.

Briana dated Javi, Kailyn"s ex-husband, and Kailyn and Leah went on a big vacation together — both of those things will be featured in the new season.

Another thing that will be featured?

The great big feud between Jenelle and Kailyn.

Let"s review how things got so bad between them, and while we"re at it, let"s see the latest updates on what"s shaping up to be a good old-fashioned throwdown!

1. A Long, Long Time Ago

Jenelle and kailyn

Believe it or not, back when Teen Mom 2 started, Jenelle and Kailyn were friends. Crazy, right? But there’s photographic evidence and everything.

2. Friends Become Enemies

Jenelle mug shot

We don’t know exactly what happened between them, but we do know that back when Jenelle was getting arrested every other day, Kailyn bailed her out once. It was before they made big money on the show, and Kail really struggled then, so this was a big deal. Jenelle never paid her back, and many people think that was where the feud began.

3. Getting Worse

Kailyn lowry death stare

A few years went by, and things were fine — or at least not terrible. But then Kailyn got pregnant with her third child, little Lux, and Jenelle somehow heard about it before Kailyn publicly shared the news.

4. Bad Move

Jenelle evans is thick

Jenelle tweeted about it, confirming what, at the time, were just rumors. It was low, even for Jenelle, and Kailyn was forced to announce her pregnancy.

5. Keeping It Classy

Kailyn lowry pink hair

The pregnancy announcement thing was bad, but things really heated up a few months ago when these ladies began trading insults on Twitter. During the Teen Mom 2 season finale, the episode that featured Jenelle’s wedding, Kailyn tweeted “What a sh-t show of a wedding.”

6. Yikes

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

In a totally reasonable move, Jenelle hit back with “At least I didn’t go around telling everyone at the reunion a while back that you wanted divorce Javi to have a ‘black baby,’ like wow. Classy kail… right to me and my mom’s face lmao why didn’t they show that sh-t show?”

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Tristan Thompson Actually Speaks! And Plays!

Tristan Thompson balled out on Sunday afternoon.

By which, no, we don’t mean the dishonest baby daddy took some random Instagram model to a hotel room and railed her to orgasmic completion.

Instead, we mean the controversial power forward actually played meaningful minutes for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

As previously documented, Thompson had been essentially benched by Head Coach Tyronn Lue over the past few weeks.

Not because he cheated on Khloe Kardashian, as some outlets suggests, but because his limited skill set on the court negatively affected the Cavs’ offense.

However, in Game 7 of his team’s first round playoff series against the Indiana Pacers, Thompson was named a starter… and ended up rewarding his coach’s faith in his abilities.

Big time.

Thompson scored 15 pounds and grabbed 10 rebounds, helping the Cavs eliminate the Pacers and move on to face the Toronto Raptors in round two.

It’s VERY safe to assume Thompson will see many minutes tomorrow night in Game 1 as well.

In response to his breakout performance, Thompson took to Instagram for the first time since his Khloe cheating scandal broke about three weeks ago.

Did he apologize to his girlfriend?

Vow to be a better man?

Share a photo of daughter True Thompson?

No, no and no.

Thompson simply reference the game and the home crowd in his not-so-revealing message.

“WHAT AN ATMOSPHERE IN THE Q!! GREAT WIN #OnToTheNextOne,” wrote Thompson after Cleveland’s 105-101 victory.

post by tt

As you can see from one comment above, not all fans are ready to forgive Thompson just because he rolled hard to the basket yesterday, finished strong and used his hustle to assist on many second-chance points for the Cavs,

“You’re still fowl if the only thing that’s important,” reads one remark in response to his post.

“Those skanks won’t want to know you when you’re old and washed up. Your daughter probably won’t either.”

For the first time in awhile, however, Thompson’s name was trending on Twitter for a reason aside from his wandering penis and inappropriate behavior.

Folks were talking about Thompson for what he did on the court Sunday, although these exploits also led to many easy jokes for some to make on social media.

To wit:

thompson slams

LOL at Thompson playing hard because he doesn’t want to go home to Cleveland.

It is true that Tristan and his colleagues are now off to Toronto for the next two games in this second round series.

He gets to be in an entirely different country than Khloe for a few days! No wonder he wanted yesterday’s win so badly, right?!?

A previous report had alleged that Thompson is angry his infidelity has become so public. He’s not dealing with the hate very well, apparently.

But whatever, right? Khloe isn’t dealing with his cheating very well, either, we’re sure.

Should she finally end the relationship? Will she finally end the relationship?

We delve into those questions below:


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Farrah Abraham Explains Her Plastic Surgery and Porn Career, is Actually Articulate!

So Farrah Abraham … well, she’s sort of given us a gift.

And to be perfectly honest, you’re not even a little prepared for it.

A lot of things have happened with her in the past several months — her decision to get back into the adult industry with those webcam shows, and the way she was subsequently fired from Teen Mom OG, for example.

Now, in a new video she filmed and slapped up on YouTube, she’s telling the stories behind all that and more, in her own words, without producers or MTV cameras and without her trademark inability to communicate.

Yep, that’s right — there’s no Farrah word salad here at all. It’s very odd.

Really, it’s a 14-minute video in which she just talks and makes sense the whole entire time. 

We told you that you weren’t prepared.

To kick things off, she tells the story of how she found out she was pregnant with her daughter Sophia — she went to Planned Parenthood to get a refill on her birth control, and they told her she was expecting.

“My mom used to say if I ever got pregnant, I’d be kicked out of the house, so I was more than scared to tell my mother,” she recalls.

But instead of kicking her out, her mother, Debra Danielsen, “was like crying and said ‘you know, I raised you to not kill something that’s alive."”

Which was apparently the discussion about Farrah’s options with the pregnancy.

From that, she says she learned “that what you tell your kids really affects them and how they communicate with you.”

Now, see, that’s some classic Farrah delusion — she’s talking like she learned some big parenting lesson about talking to your children when she’s out here telling Sophia about her porn career and inviting her along for her various vagina procedures.

Next, she discusses Sophia’s late father, Derek Underwood, who passed away in a car accident when she was eight months pregnant.

She says that event “literally crushed my life,” and she even tears up talking about it all these years later.

On the topic of Debra’s arrest — the one where cops arrived to the house and Deb answered the door with knives in her hands — she explains that it happened because her mother had accidentally hurt Sophia.

We’ve heard that before, but it’s interesting to hear the story from this newly coherent Farrah!

What happened was that Deb was going through Farrah’s mail, and when she got upset about it, Deb threw the mail, which included a package, and it landed on Sophia, who was in her car seat at the time.

When Sophia started crying, Farrah admits she “snapped,” so she took her baby to a different room, and when she went back Deb started throwing the mail at her.

So to “break that cycle of abuse,” she called the police, and we know the rest.

For a while, Debra wasn’t allowed to be around Sophia at all, but after Derek’s mother took Sophia from a babysitter and somehow traumatized her — Farrah says “for two days she was traumatic” — she dropped the case against her and they became close again.

Elsewhere in the video, she talks about how difficult her childhood was, how her parents had a terrible relationship and also how her family was racist and wouldn’t let her be friends with anyone who wasn’t white.

She ended up getting baptized at one point, but then immediately after that she says that she found herself hanging with a lot of porn stars and drug users, and that she still doesn’t know how she ended up in that scene.

She says that she was “very vulnerable” at that time, and that being a porn star is not who she is.

“I’m sick and tired of trying to be so perfect to make the right choices,” she says through tears, “and there’s times when I was like ‘is God real, why is this happening to me?"”

But in the end, she says that all those struggles brought her closer to God, because “God was really the only person there through some crazy stuff.”

She finally breaks down here — she’s always said that she experienced some really horrific things around the time she made her sex tape.

On the topic of plastic surgery, she reveals that “I really beat myself up about my body,” and that she was able to find doctors who “will do whatever you want,” but that “sometimes it’s too much.”

“I found myself so insecure,” she admits. “I would literally stare at my face so much every day. That ate me up.”

“When you’re a shattered woman and picked apart to the core and you’re just people pleasing … I was falling apart.”

About being fired, she says that the crew had turned on her when Teen Mom first came back on the air, after her sex tapes, and that it was hurtful because she’d known most of them since the 16 and Pregnant days.

“I was always the villain,” she complains, because every time she filmed producers would “poke” and “push” her.

In another particularly tragic moment, she discusses Debra again and how much she loves her, but that Deb has told her “that I don’t love her and I don’t know what love is, I don’t have that in me.”

In closing, she says that she wants so much to break that kind of cycle for her daughter, and that she wants to be “an influencer that influences change.”

What a roller coaster of emotions, right?

It’s clear that Farrah has been through a lot, and that she’s still trying to work through all that. It doesn’t excuse the seriously awful things she’s said and done, but it does help explain it a bit.

Also, if she’s capable of communicating as clearly as she does here, then why has she made us suffer for years?


Monday, April 23, 2018

Sister Wives: Are Kody and Meri Brown Actually in Love Again?!

Who would have thought all those years ago when we first met the Sister Wives that this family would take us on such a roller coaster ride of emotions and drama?

Well, we probably all thought that — it was a reality show about a man with multiple wives and over a dozen kids, so there was never really a chance that it would be drama-free.

But still, the Browns have given us more reality show gold than we ever could have dreamed of, thanks in large part to Meri and her catfish.

That was a few years ago, but the family is still dealing with the issues it raised — issues like all the ones that exist in Meri"s marriage to Kody.

There have been rumors upon rumors that their marriage is over, that she"s leaving the family, that they want her to leave …

But are things actually looking up for them?!

1. Struggles

Meri brown with kody

Kody and Meri have been having problems for a long, long time. Like, all the way back to the very first season of Sister Wives.

2. Problems with Polygamy

Meri brown on instagram

Back then, Meri struggled with the idea of Kody getting a fourth wife — the first season was based on him getting engaged and married to Robyn, in case you forgot.

3. More Sadness

Meri brown from sister wives

She’s also always had a hard time dealing with the fact that she was never able to have another child after giving birth to her daughter while Kody’s other wives have had oodles and oodles of kids.

4. Uh …

Meri brown and kody brown

In one especially memorable moment from that first season, Meri had a private conversation with Kody about how she sometimes resented the fact that he had other wives at all. She asked him how he would feel if she had multiple husbands, and he told her the thought was disgusting. Because hypocrisy.

5. More Problems

Meri brown poses with a chair

As the years went on, Meri still expressed how difficult it was for her at times to share her husband, and she and Kody argued about whether or not to begin fertility treatments to see if they could have more children together. But for the most part, things went on as normal.

6. One and Done

Kody and his sister wives

Meri eventually decided against having any sort of fertility treatments, and she made peace with not having anymore children as Kody went on to have a few more with Robyn.

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Beyonce Fans Actually Whined Over Second Coachella Performance

To paraphrase Kanye West from many years ago:

We"re gonna let all others artist finish, but Beyonce put on the greatest Coachella performance of all-time on the opening weekend of this music festival.

It reunited Destiny"s Child. It lasted over two hours. It included references to the Black Lives Matter movement and other important cultural touchstones.

Fans went understandably crazy over it, in the positive sense.

But when Beyonce repeated this same set, in a different set of costumes, a week later?

Fans went crazy in a different sense. Scroll down to see what we mean:

1. This Was the Initial Set

Beyonce reunites with destinys child yes this actually happened

Check out the above video to relive a portion of the most memorable Coachella set EVER. It included a reunion we had been waiting years to see!

2. More of the Same?


Despite all the time and effort Beyonce put into this set, fans were aghast that she dared to repeat it.

3. And We Mean AGHAST


Twitter blew up in response. Folks just expect so much from Beyonce these days, it’s really not fair.

4. Whoa There!


Comparing her to Mariah Carey, considering all the issues she has had performing live? Cold, Twitter user.

5. Yes You Did


And you ought to be grateful for it!

6. Yes, This Perform Used a GIF of Tiffany Pollard to Complain


We give props for the randomness of it, but not for the complaint itself.

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Kim and Kanye Actually Make Out in This Video!


In the sort of footage we don"t often see of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, the famous couple is featured below in a video that was recorded at Kourtney Kardashian"s birthday party this week.

It features Kim walking up to her husband, while wearing a two-piece strapless top and skirt, and asking him the sort of question that can only be asked of big-time celebrities:

"Babe, do you want to go to Dave Chappelle or do you want to go to the studio?”

That"s a tough one, isn"t it?

Who among us has not been forced to contemplate two such choices?

Just as Kardashian poses this question to Kanye, she sits on his lap and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

The rapper responds by kissing his wife passionately on the lips.

“You guys are the best married couple I know," says film producer David Maisel in the background.

This sort of video would not be worth publishing when it comes to most Hollywood couples.

But we don"t typically get such a candid look at Kim and Kanye.

These days, though, the twosome is showing more signs of being affection and cute in front of their fans.

Not only did Kim share this video, she also recently shared the adorable selfie above.

Moreover, she made some funny jokes on Twitter about Kanye and her marriage, something we never would have imagined Kim doing just a few months ago.

We"re liking this laid back, jovial side of Kim!

Almost as much as we like the naked side of Kim!

Click PLAY on the video below to watch Kardashian and West totally make out!

Kim kardashian and kanye west make out in rare intimate video