Showing posts with label Bizarre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bizarre. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Joe McKnight Case -- Sheriff Drops N-Bomb, F-Bomb ... In Bizarre News Conference (VIDEO)

Sheriff Newell Normand is firing back at the people who have criticized him for the way he’s handling the Joe McKnight shooting investigation … and just read OUT LOUD some of the hateful comments he and other leaders have received, including the…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Kylie Jenner Strips, Makes Lasagna in Bizarre Snapchat Story

Do you ever wonder what’s up with kids today – what, with their sexting, and their Snapchat, and their … their baked Italian casserole dishes? 

Yes, proving once again that she’s both an innovator and a taste-maker, Kylie Jenner has combined social media, semi-nudity and lasagna in one of the most random-ass Snapchat stories in history.

Things started off routinely enough, with the sort of EDM soundtracked narcissism that Kylie is known for:

After that, however, things took a turn for the weird, as Kylie pulled a Walter White and decided to cook in her underwear.

Okay, so she didn’t completely strip down to her skivvies, a la Heisenberg, but this definitely isn’t the sort thing you see in your grandmother’s kitchen.

And if it is, your grandmother has some serious boundary issues:

Here, Kylie seems to be saying:

“Yawn, I just woke up from a dream where I was modeling sexy athletic wear, hence my casual, yet revealing attire. Did you know I recently signed an endorsement deal with Puma?

“Anyway, what are you doing in my kitchen, Mr. Photographer? Oh, you want to take my picture? Sigh, if you must.”

In this one, she’s all:

“Hey, all that photography must be making you hungry. Why don’t I whip something up while posing in various states of undress?”

In the pic below, Kylie proves she has an incredibly keen understanding of how the male mind operates:

She’s stripping down while almost subconsciously implanting thoughts of food into your brain.

If she had a beer in her hand and NFL Sunday Ticket on a TV in the background, this photo would cause men to slip into a trance-like state from which they might never recover.

Then, in case there was any doubt about what she’s really serving up here, Kylie hits us with this gem:

Yes, you’ve seen Kylie’s ass many, many times before, but have you ever seen it with the word “lasagna” written on it?

Possibly, if you had a really weird sex dream after eating too much cheese before bed, but that’s it.

So what’s to be learned from this slideshow of sex and Mediterranean cuisine?

Well, we certainly didn’t glean any knowledge about how to make lasagna, but we were reminded of one very important thing…

When it comes to marketing and manipulation, Kylie is like Don Draper combined with Sigmund Freud combined with dat ass.

One day, when she fully masters her powers, Kylie will occupy the highest office in the land after winning 100 percent of the popular vote in an uncontested election.

Then she’ll probably take a bunch of spread-eagled selfies in the Oval Office or something.

We’re not really sure what her endgame is.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Kylie Jenner Accused of Bizarre Animal Mix-Up: Fair or Fowl?

Kylie Jenner will likely never be awarded a Nobel Prize or a MacArthur Genius Grant, but in her own way, she’s a very savvy young woman.

Kylie lip kits are evidence that the girl understands her fan base and knows how to sell.

The fact that Kylie is slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian – while a tad unsettling – is further evidence of her ambition and willingness to do whatever it takes to remain a mega-star.

But we all have our intellectual blind spots, right?

Kylie may be an expert on self-promotion, with a keen understanding of what makes the social media world go ‘round, but not surprisingly, the girl has never spent much time on farms.

But even her sheltered, suburban upbringing doesn’t explain why she has a 2-year-old’s understanding of animals.

The video below has been receiving plenty of attention online, and … well, you’ll see why:

In the clip, Kris summons Kylie to the foyer (of course she’s one of those people who pronounces it foy-yay), where she’s holding a pig that she plans to present to her daughter as a pet.

In a truly baffling, bizarre moment, when Kris turns to show her the animal, Kylie excitedly exclaims, “Is that a chicken?!”

Yeah, it’s not like Kylie mistook a hen for a rooster.

We’re talking bird and mammal here.

The girl clearly needs to bone up on her delicious animals.

Or does she?

Kylie says the whole thing was a simple mix-up that could’ve happened to anyone.

She makes a surprisingly convincing argument in this Vine video:

If you’re not into listening to Kylie explain her barnyard confusion, here’s the most pertinent quote:

“So I love chickens, and my mom asked me what I wanted for my housewarming gift, so I told her, ‘I want chickens, I want a chicken coop, I’m dying to have a chicken,"” she says.

“We had, like, over 10 conversations about it, so when I saw her downstairs, I saw something that was all wrapped up in her arms, and I was upstairs, of course I assumed that it was a f-cking chicken. I never asked for a pig.”

“I assumed it was a f-cking chicken” and “I never asked for a pig” are both incredible quotes that will hopefully end up on t-shirts and bumper stickers.

So Kylie swears she hadn’t laid eyes on the animal when she  hilariously branded it a chicken.

We still have our doubts.

Anyway, he main takeaway here is that if you eat breakfast at Kylie’s house, she might serve you turkey bacon without warning you.

And if that’s not illegal, it should be.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shares Bizarre Story of Fighting With Kanye at Chrissy Teigen"s Wedding

Back in 2013, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend got married, and naturally, some of Hollywood’s biggest names turned out to celebrate the union of two A-listers.

Unfortunately, one of the most famous invitees (who happens to also be one of Teigen’s BFF’s) was unable to attend – but that doesn’t mean she missed out on a minute of the action!

Allow us to explain:

The Teigen-Legend nuptials took place just three months after Kim Kardashian gave birth to daughter North West.

As we know, Kim likes to lay low until the baby weight is gone, so she wasn’t about to attend a star-studded and pap-friendly social event so soon after welcoming her first daughter.

But good luck keeping Kanye away from that sort of thing.

Yeezy attended on his own, which is only slightly weird.

The really weird part is that he texted Kim non-stop throughout the ceremony and reception to let her know what she was missing out on:

“I got in a fight with Kanye during your wedding,” Kim told Chrissy to promote … whatever crap one of them is promoting these days. 

“I didn’t go … [North] was just born and I was so fat, and I had nothing to wear, so then he kept texting me, ‘Babe, this is the most beautiful wedding,’ ‘Babe, this is so pretty. I really wish you were here at Lake Como.’”

“Literally a play-by-play text. We got into the biggest fight. ‘Just stop texting me. Go enjoy the wedding, you’re making me feel so bad!’”

It would be one thing if Kanye was checking in on his wife and three-month old daughter, but no – homey was giving detailed reviews of the bacon-wrapped scallops.

So yeah, Kanye sounds really annoying.

Fortunately, he’s spent his whole career bracing us for this reveal by being obnoxious every chance he gets.

Maybe it won’t be as hard for Kim and Taylor Swift to find some common ground as we thought!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Richard Simmons: Rushed to Hospital Following "Bizarre" Behavior

Alarming news for Richard Simmons fans.

The fitness guru was hospitalized on Friday after exhibiting “bizarre conduct,” reports TMZ.

Someone in Simmons’ Hollywood Hills home became concerned when they noticed the odd behavior some time before midnight and called 911.

Paramedics rushed to the home, performed a preliminary evaluation and determined he should be taken to the hospital for further analysis.

It is unclear whether he still remains in the hospital.

The concerning report comes just a few months after Simmons was thought to have been taken hostage by his housekeeper inside the mansion.

Simmons had disappeared from the spotlight for an extended period of time and those close to him were concerned.

However, after the report hit, he clarified to fans that he was fine and just taking a break from public appearances.

“No one should be worried about me,” he reassured fans during a phone interview.

“The people that surround me are wonderful people who take great care of me,” he added.

“But it was time for me to take some time to be by myself.”

Known for his perky personality and unstoppable energy, Simmons shot to fame in the 80s for his weight-loss programs and fitness videos, most notably his Sweatin’ to the Oldies series. 

“For the last 40 years I have been traveling, teaching classes, and I had a knee injury, so I had a knee replacement, which was very difficult for me,” Simmons added.

“I have really just been taking it easy, staying at home, working out in my gym and doing the things I haven’t done in a very long time.”

In 2014, the star reportedly fell into a deep depression following a knee injury and became uncharacteristically reclusive.

We will have more as this story develops.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Taylor Swift is a Neo-Nazi With Plans to Marry a Trump Son, Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Claims

Taylor Swift has reached that level of fame that no human being can really be comfortable with.

She laments the fact that she hasn’t been able to go on a drive by herself in seven years.

There are entire Facebook pages devoted to scrutinizing Taylor’s butt

Several-thousand-word thinkpieces have been written on the topic of Taylor’s squad, and leading feminists have debated whether the singer and her clique of gal pals are setting fantastic or terrible examples for young women.

Of course, Taylor is arguably the biggest pop star that the Information Age has seen thus far, so we guess a heretofore unseen level of obsession over every detail of her life is to be expected.

What no one could’ve seen coming, however, is Taylor’s popularity amongst online neo-Nazi hate groups.

Yes, for bizarre reason, modern white supremacists are under impression that Taylor is secretly one of their own, and she’s planning to wait until Donald Trump is elected president to reveal her true beliefs to the public:

“Firstly, Taylor Swift is a pure Aryan goddess, like something out of classical Greek poetry. Athena reborn. That’s the most important thing,” said white supremacist blogger Andre Anglin in a recent interview with Broadly.

“It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world.

“Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump’s son, and they will be crowned American royalty.” 

Uh-huh. Sounds reasonable enough if you ignore the fact that Taylor has befriended and collaborated with artists of color throughout her career, and while she keeps her political under wraps, she once told Rolling Stone that she “never saw people so happy” as when President Obama got elected.

But Anglin and his ilk (Astonishingly, there’s a Facebook page devoted to Taylor’s “fascist” beliefs that has nearly 20,000 likes.) insist that’s all just part of the long con she’s playing with America.

So how did Taylor get branded as a Nazi icon against her will?

As far as anyone can tell, it started with a Pinterest page that jokingly attributed Hitler quotes to Ms. Swift as a means of poking fun at all those historically inaccurate Marilyn Monroe and Gandhi memes that pop up in your newsfeed.

Some folks didn’t get the joke (and liked the idea of a blonde, blue-eyed icon espousing their Aryan ideals), and as is so often the case on the Internet, an absurd idea found surprising popularity.

Thus far, Taylor hasn’t even dignified this whole thing a response, and we don’t blame her in the slightest.

Here’s hoping she can just shake this one off.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Stacey Dash Offers Bizzare Explanation for Bizarre Oscars Appearance

While certain moments from the 2016 Academy Awards left us crying and/or cheering, one moment left the television universe in absolute befuddlement.

Early on in the ceremony, Stacey Dash was dubbed the “director of our minority outreach program” by host Chris Rock.

The former actress and current Fox News contributor than walked out on stage, gave some kind of maniacal laugh and simple said:

“I cannot wait to help my people out. Happy Black History Month.”

No one in the audience laughed.

But everyone in the theater and everyone watching at home wondered the same thing:

What the heck was Dash doing there?!?

This is the same Stacey Dash who recently slammed the controversy over no African-Americans getting nominated for any acting awards at the Oscars… while campaigning against Black History Month and BET.

It would have been one thing if Dash made some kind of joke at her own expense.

But she didn’t do anything of note or or humor at the event. She just came out, uttered two sentences and walked away.

Following the incident, Dash took to to explain the “Why” and “How” of it all of her very odd cameo.

After reminding readers that she recently spoke out against both Black History Month and the #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Dash added:

When they added ME to increase the diversity, I’m sure many black people rolled their eyes. I’m not “black enough,” they say. But guess what?

I’ve heard that all my life. I would rather be a free thinking, black than a cookie cutter black who thinks – and votes – just like all my friends.

That statement doesn’t really strike us as an explanation for “Why” or for “How.”

But it does jibe with the confusion of the entire thing. So we guess it makes sense in that regard.

Relive the most memorable moments from the 2016 Oscars below:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kris Jenner: Her Bizarre Trick to Force Kylie and Rob To Make Up

Ah, moms.  They’ll do just about anything to make sure there’s no animosity between their children.

When your family has made a bunch of money from creating products, you use said products to bring everyone together.

Kris Jenner is so over Kylie Jenner fighting with Rob Kardashian over his relationship with Blac Chyna, but she’s also a savvy business woman.

“Kris is forcing the two of them to make up for the sake of the show,” a source told Radar Online.

The youngest jenner is putting together 50 “Valentine’s Day Kraft Kits by Kylie’ for patients at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, so “Kris made Kylie include Rob’s sock line, Arthur George, as part of her Valentine’s Day packages,” a source said.

Whether or not she put up a fight is anyone’s guess, but Kylie did include items from Rob’s business in the bags.

 “She had no other choice,” the source added.

This however, may not help the cause.  In fact, Kylie might be pissed that she had to promote her estranged brother’s own endeavors.

“Kris has tried several times to get Rob and Kylie together to discuss the situation, but neither of them want any part of it,” the source told the site.

Oh, and it looks like Rob resents Kylie big time.

“Rob thinks that Kylie is everything that is wrong with their family.

“He also feels that the fact that Kylie really feels that the fact he got together with Blac Chyna has anything to do with her just goes to show how egotistical she really is.”

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Martin Shkreli Threatens Ghostface Killah in Bizarre Video, May Want to Leave New York ASAP

Of all the strange news stories that went viral in 2015, perhaps none featured as many unexpected twists and turns as that of the so-called "Pharma Bro," Martin Shkreli.

It all started when Shkreli jacked up the price of Daraprim – a life-saving medication used by HIV and cancer patients to prevent Toxoplasmosis – by more than 5,000 percent.

Naturally, Shkreli made a lot of enemies as a result of his abject greed and callous disregard for human life, including Vermont senator and current presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, whom Shkreli attempted to engage in a bizarre online feud.

But the 32-year-old"s latest beef has nothing to do with his unethical business practices, or even his recent arrest for securities fraud

You see, instead of attempting to win over his many, many critics through some sort of philanthropic endeavor, Shkreli recently went on a wild spending spree, scooping up a number of wildly ostentatious status symbols, including a $ 2 million Wu Tang album.

The iconic hip hop crew only pressed one copy of the disc, with the expectation that whatever well-heeled fan purchased it would happily release it to the public.

Unfortunately, they didn"t account for the possibility of someone like Shkreli buying the record.

Shkreli seems to have made the purchase for no other reason than to play an absurdly expensive game of keep-away with the hip hop community.

He"s boasted about owning the album, but seems to have no plans to make it available to anyone else. In fact, he recently threatened to erase it.

Wu Tang members the RZA and Ghostface Killah have expressed their distaste for Shkreli, and the former pharmaceutical exec has responded by issuing a series of threats on social media, culminating in the video below.

The clip – which was posted just moments ago – features Shkreli launching into a bizarre tirade while a bunch of masked goons pose menacingly behind him.

It"s truly obnoxious, but we suggest you check it out. After all, it"s not every day that you get to hear what may be a man"s last words.

Martin shkreli threatens ghostface killah in bizarre video may w

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kendall Jenner: Naked, Stalked By Shark in Bizarre New Video

Last week, we showed you photos of Kendall Jenner dressed as a seductive shark for the annual Love magazine advent calendar.

As the advent countdown begins today (Happy Yet Another Unofficial Start to the Holiday Season!), Kendall has given us an early Christmas present in the form of a seriously random video involving nudity and hammerhead sharks.

Okay, it"s not a real shark; it"s just Kendall rocking an assless shark costume and creeping on herself in the shower.

Like we said, it"s pretty random, but that"s exactly what we"ve come to expect from the Love"s increasingly freaky advent calendars.

You may remember, that last year gave us such memorable sights as Kendall being spanked by Santa and Kris Jenner getting kinky with a candy cane.

Of course, those videos were at least holiday themed. We guess they"re going with more of a "David Lynch fever dream" motif this year.

Anything that involves nude Kendall and a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan actually displaying a sense of humor is fine by us.

Anyway, enjoy the sight of shark Kendall perving on naked Kendall. If you can figure out what the hell it might possibly have to do with Christmas, feel free to let us know in the comments.


Kendall jenner naked stalked by shark in bizarre new video

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bella Thorne, Bella Hadid & Gregg Sulkin Endured A Bizarre Flight Delay Trying To Get To London This Weekend

At least they know how to laugh it off?!

Bella Thorne, Bella Hadid, and Gregg Sulkin were trying to get to London on Saturday afternoon when their plane leaving New York City had a very random and bizarre accident!

Related: Uh-Oh! Bella Feels The Wrath Of The Internet!

The flight was pulling out of the gate at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City when one of its wings struck the blast fence!

Obviously you probably shouldn’t be flying after that, even if the damage looks minor, and so Thorne, Hadid, and Sulkin were all grounded at JFK!

Luckily, they made up for it by passing the time together in lounging luxury! Ch-ch-check out how they passed the time during the aftermath (below):

A model, my handsome boy, and the freak in the middle … Hmm … What to do when your plane crashes into a fenced wall and you have 12 hours to kill at the airport?A photo posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on Sep 19, 2015 at 11:15am PDT

That caption is EVERYTHING!

Seriously though, glad to see it was such a minor bump on a fence and not a bigger airplane problem! The trio got to London just fine later Saturday night.

[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]