Showing posts with label Carter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carter. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

T-Pain Sues Young Money for Royalties on Lil Wayne"s "Tha Carter III"

T-Pain wants to know if Lil Wayne “Got Money” for him … as in the more than $ 500,000 he says the rapper owes him for services rendered on “Tha Carter III” album. T-Pain’s company, Nappy Boy Productions, is suing Young Money … saying he…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Blue Ivy Carter Busts a Move at Cousin"s Birthday Party!!!

Blue Ivy Carter has a knack for stealing the spotlight … whether it’s ballet dancing or dabbing … and this video does not disappoint. Blue was at Solange Knowles’ son’s 13th birthday party over the weekend … and when Big Sean’s “Bounce…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Aaron Carter: Out of Rehab and 30 Pounds Heavier!

Just when you thought 2017 couldn’t get more eventful for Aaron Carter …

Wishful thinking, huh?

Throughout this year — specifically these past few months — Aaron has seemed to be on a terrifying downward spiral.

So terrifying that when he made an appearance on The Doctors last month, those doctors advised him that if he didn’t go to rehab to get his drug use sorted, he’d die.

His problems began (or at least we learned of the severity of his problems) in July, when he was arrested for a DUI and drug possession.

He and his then-girlfriend, Madison Parker, had marijuana on them, and he was seen driving erratically, though he did refuse testing at the time of his arrest.

After that, he felt the need to defend himself against what he said were false accusations, which resulted in an extremely emotional interview in which he revealed he suffers from an eating disorder and hates his appearance.

Then in September, he was visited by police four times in less than two days.

The visits were for welfare checks, as people close to Aaron had called in to report that he may be a danger to himself or others.

A couple of weeks later, police were called to his home again, and though we never heard many details on that visit, it seems to have been yet another welfare check.

Luckily, something seemed to click then for Aaron — after that, he went off to rehab.

In a series of tweets he made just before checking in for treatment, he explained that “this year has been crazy and I need some time off from it all.”

“Going to get strong,” he wrote, “and deal with my stress conditions and get better.”

He said that he’d be gone for “a while,” and that he didn’t plan on returning to social media until 2018 at the earliest.

But he’s baaaaaaack!

Yep, after just two weeks of treatment, Aaron is back at home.

And though that may be a little concerning — two weeks doesn’t sound like nearly long enough to address whatever it was that was troubling him — at least one good thing has come from his short time away.

Check out this transformation:

For the past few years, Aaron has gotten a whole lot of hate for his appearance. He was very thin, and lots of people speculated that his size was due to drug use.

He’s insisted that he’s thin because of a hiatal hernia that makes it difficult to eat, in addition to that eating disorder we already discussed.

But now he says he’s gone “from 115 to 145 in just three weeks” because he “needed some time to heal.”

He gained 30 pounds in three weeks, and he seems pretty pleased about it!

“Thank you to everyone who has continued to believe in me and stick by my side,” he tweeted after sharing the photo. “I will always aim to make you proud but this was for me.”

It also looks like he got his appetite back — he shared this photo of himself and asked “What’s for dinner? I’ll make both”:

As for his abrupt departure from rehab, his rep made a statement explaining that “Several legal and personal matters arose that required his immediate in person attention.”

“He is still very much committed to his wellness and will be continually working toward being the best possible person.”

We hope for his sake that that’s the case.

After the year he’s had, Aaron Carter sure could use a win.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Aaron Carter Leaves Rehab Early to Deal with Legal Issues

Aaron Carter has bolted out of rehab after less than 2 weeks because he has to deal with some urgent matters. Aaron’s rep, Steve Honig, says, “Aaron has left the facility where he has been working on his wellness. Several legal and personal matters…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Aaron Carter Talked Into Rehab After 2-Day Effort from "The Doctors"

Aaron Carter’s getting the help he desperately needs in rehab largely in part to precision, patience and execution from the guys at “The Doctors.” Sources close to the Carter family tell TMZ … “The Doctors” sent an interventionist to Aaron’s…


Monday, September 25, 2017

AJ McLean"s Reaching Out to Aaron Carter, Hopes to Help Him Get Sober

AJ McLean thinks he’s the guy who can take Aaron Carter under his wing and help him get back on the road to recovery … because he had to do it himself 3 times. We got the Backstreet Boys singer out at The Commons at Calabasas Friday … he tells…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aaron Carter FINALLY Checks into Rehab!

Great news — Aaron Carter is currently in rehab!

Sure, it would have been better news if had happened months ago, before his DUI arrest and very public meltdown.

But still, this is a wonderful development, and we should all be very, very proud of this guy.

If you pay even the tiniest bit of attention to celebrity gossip — which obviously you do, otherwise why would you be here? — you know that Aaron’s had a tough time lately.

There was that previously mentioned DUI arrest that happened back in July. He was also charged with drug possession then.

After the arrest, he gave seriously intimate interviews about his life, including details about his poor health and his eating disorder.

This month, police have visited him multiple times on welfare checks — people have been calling and calling authorities out of concern that he’d kill himself or hurt someone else.

Some of the calls, which were recently released, claimed that he suffers from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and that he’d been talking about purchasing a gun.

He also made an appearance on The Doctors this month, and during the interview he was told by those doctors that if he doesn’t go to rehab soon, he could die.

So thank goodness for this statement Aaron’s rep made on Friday:

Aaron has decided to enter a facility to improve his health and work on his overall wellness. He is going to do this privately and focus all his attention on being the best person and performer possible.

He is grateful for the support and love from his fans and looks forward to coming back stronger than ever before.

Shortly after the statement was released, Aaron himself hopped on Twitter to further explain things.

“Only I can change my life,” he wrote. “No one can do it for me.”

“I would like to tell all of you that I will be disappearing for a while to work on myself,” he told fans, adding that though he’d be “disappearing,” he still had plans to release new music this fall.

“My stressors haven’t subsided with family and this year has been crazy and I need some time off from it all.”

“Going to get strong,” he wrote. “And deal with my stress conditions and get better.”

In additional tweets, he said that he wasn’t planning on using social media again until next year because he’s “taking a break from this sh-t.”

“And FYI,” he continued, “MY FAMILY has nothing to do with this. I’ve actually had to cut them all off unfortunately and it’s gonna stay that way.”

“We can talk about this when I’m done taking care of myself. That goes to everyone especially the medias. I’m gonna have a lot to say. Thanks.”

Aaron wrote that he is “strong,” and “that’s why I made this decision. No one could’ve forced me. None of you even know my reasons for this. It’s called stress.”

“It’s time to say goodbye,” he finished. “I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello t a new adventure and a stress free life.”

Here’s hoping that whatever is troubling him gets better soon.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Aaron Carter 911 Call, He Didn"t Qualify for Involuntary Commitment

Aaron Carter was in his right mind — relatively speaking — when authorities rushed to his home Thursday for a welfare check. TMZ broke the story … law enforcement rushed to Aaron’s home after getting a call from someone who felt he was slurring…


Aaron Carter On His Way to Rehab

Aaron Carter is finally giving in and checking into rehab, TMZ has learned, the day after police rushed to his home to do a welfare check. TMZ broke the story … cops in Florida responded when someone reported Aaron seemed high on something during…


Aaron Carter Visited by Police AGAIN: What"s Wrong with Him?!

2017 hasn’t been very kind to Aaron Carter.

Or perhaps we should say that in 2017, Aaron Carter hasn’t been very kind to himself.

Though he has been experiencing more than his fair share of tragedy — his father passed away in the spring, and he’s been open about his health problems — many of his issues seem to be somewhat self-inflicted.

In July, he was arrested for a DUI and for drug possession while cruising around Georgia, and things kind of went downhill from there.

The arrest got him some serious attention, so we saw him doing tearful, emotional interviews about how innocent he is.

(This is also when he revealed his eating disorder and his self-hatred, because sure, what’s a little more sadness at this point?)

Shortly after that, he came out as bisexual — an admirable thing to do, especially considering some of the hateful reactions he received — and shortly after that, his girlfriend, Madison Parker, broke up with him.

He said it was because of the bisexual thing, but she’s denied that.

It was a fair bit of drama, but nothing like what happened earlier this month.

Because earlier this month, Aaron was visited by police four times in the span of 34 hours.

The whole mess started because he’d gotten into a car accident — a bad one. He was uninjured, but he totaled his car.

The first police visit was a welfare check, because whoever called had told officers that he’d been doing drugs and drinking a lot lately, and he’d also been talking about buying a gun.

He didn’t answer the door, and a couple of hours later they returned after receiving a call that he needed a psychological evaluation because he refused medical attention after the accident.

The third call was because Aaron was “not in a safe mental state” and had “threatened to harm family and others.”

And then the fourth call was someone claiming that he’d threatened to kill himself.

Nothing came from any of these visits — police just showed up to make sure he was OK, and he obviously was, so they let him be.

But last night, police were called to Aaron’s house again.

We don’t have much information about this visit yet, but Aaron’s local police department has stated that “We responded to a welfare check at his home this evening.”

“Our officers went out there and found he was not in need of any assistance.”

Interestingly enough, just a few hours before the latest Aaron Carter welfare check, some of the 911 calls from his earlier welfare check extravaganza were released.

And we’re more worried about this guy than ever.

In one of the calls, an unnamed woman claims that Aaron crashed his car after getting high from “inhaling computer duster,” and that he’s “very, very ill, he’s on the verge of death.”

The woman begged them to arrest him, because she’d “rather see him go to jail than die.”

“He’s been driving drunk all night,” she reported. “I’m sure he was driving fast and intoxicated.”

This woman believed things were so serious that she told police that the next time they pay him a visit, “it’s going to be finding him dead.”

She also mentioned that he’d been abusing his pets, which is a whole different level of awful.

In another call, a woman tells police that Aaron is “schizophrenic and bipolar” and that “he’s been trying to purchase a gun and threaten people.”

Yet another concerned person in Aaron’s life called and recounted the story of Aaron’s recent appearance on The Doctors — the one where the doctors in question told him that he could die if he didn’t go to rehab.

This woman says that she’s “tried” to tell him to follow the advice and head off to rehab, but “he won’t listen.”

“He thinks he’s invincible and he’s so far gone. He doesn’t listen to anything I say.”

At this point, we can only hope that sometime very, very soon, Aaron starts to listen to all these concerned people around him.

Because whatever is happening in his life right now sounds downright terrifying.


Aaron Carter Raises Drug and Suicide Fears, Cops Rushing to His Home (UPDATE)

3:37 PM PT — Cops are on the scene, and according to a neighbor it appears Aaron is fine. He was seen answering the door for the responding officers. No word on whether he was under the influence, as the concerned caller claimed.Cops are rushing…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aaron Carter Admits to Drug Problems, Storms Off Set on The Doctors

Former child star Aaron Carter appears to have hit quite a rough patch in recently.

Last week, police visited Carter"s house four times in just 34 hours in response to requests for welfare check-ins from concerned loved ones.

Prior to that, Carter was arrested for DUI and drug possession after being pulled over for driving erratically in a Georgia suburb.

At the time, Carter insisted that he was not drunk, and was simply having a bad reaction to prescribed medications.

To prove to fans that the reports of his hard-partying ways have been greatly exaggerated, Carter sat down with the hosts of The Doctors today.

First the good news:

Host Travis Stork confirmed that Carter is taking a number of prescribed drugs to treat a persistent anxiety and pain disorders, but does not appear to be abusing any substances.

The bad news, however, is that Stork cautioned that the "mixture of benzodiazepines and opiates" found in Aaron"s blood is a combination that frequently results in accidental overdoses.

Carter"s sister, Leslie Carter, died of an overdose, and the singer says he lives in fear of a similar fate.

At one point in the episode, Stork described Carter as "malnourished," noting that his BMI "is in a very scary range" with a score of just 17.

(18.5 to 24.9 is considered a healthy range.)

Doctors on set reportedly advised Carter to check into rehab immediately, but according to TMZ, the 29-year-old stormed off set and drove from all the way from LA to his home in Florida.

Reps for Carter say the report is bogus and contend that Aaron "quietly and professionally" left the set more than half an hour after he completed filming.

Check out a clip of Carter"s appearance on the show below:

Aaron carter admits to drug problems storms off set on the docto

Aaron Carter Stormed Off "The Doctors" Set at Mention of Rehab

Aaron Carter is willing to talk about his prescription drug abuse, but bolted as soon as the topic of rehab came up on “The Doctors” … according to family members. Aaron agreed to a drug test when he taped the show about a month ago — it…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Aaron Carter Deflects "Suicide Concerns" Reports

Aaron Carter’s is seeing phantom objects in the sky … or it’s just a diversionary tactic. We got Aaron out at Times Square in NYC Tuesday night and asked about reports his family had suicide concerns. But Aaron wasn’t having it, so he threw…


Aaron Carter Deflects "Suicide Concerns" Reports

Aaron Carter’s is seeing phantom objects in the sky … or it’s just a diversionary tactic. We got Aaron out at Times Square in NYC Tuesday night and asked about reports his family had suicide concerns. But Aaron wasn’t having it, so he threw…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Aaron Carter Shuns Family Concerns About Suicide, "I Don"t Speak to My Family"

Aaron Carter’s family is full of crap and merely trying to keep him down on his knees … according to Aaron. Aaron was in NYC Monday evening when a photog asked him about police coming to his home 3 times in one day. As TMZ first reported, at…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Aaron Carter: Visited FOUR Times by Police in 34 Hours!

Once again, things are not looking good for Aaron Carter.

The former teen heartthrob has been plagued by struggles with both his mental health and physical health. It sounds like things are getting worse, and not better.

In fact, Aaron Carter’s home was reportedly visited by police four different times … during a single 34-hour stretch.

Aaron Carter has had a very eventful year.

Prior to this latest tumultuous turn of events, Aaron Carter was arrested for a DUI and drug possession last July.

(Technically, he refused to take the test for a DUI, which just about amounts to the same thing)

As worried as some people were about his arrest (though Aaron Carter claimed that he doesn’t drink), fans and concerned onlookers were even more concerned about the 29-year-old’s worn, worse-for-wear appearance.

This led Aaron Carter to lash out before admitting to having an eating disorder.

Then, during August, the “Aaron’s Party” singer seemed to take a turn for the better.

Aaron Carter came out as bisexual, and was welcomed into the LGBT community with open arms.

Aaron’s been working on new music for the first time in ages, and things have seemed to be going well for him for the first time in many, many years.

It’s not unusual for someone’s mental health and overall happiness in life to improve when they come out and are able to live freely and openly as themselves.

Unfortunately, some personal struggles are more complex than being closeted, and some demons are harder to exorcise. …

Us Weekly reports that police visited Aaron Carter’s home for four separate gun and safety checks within a single 34-hour period.

Most people don’t get that many police visits during their entire lives.

First of all, the necessary backstory — Aaron was in what he described as a “serious” car accident on Tuesday.

Aaron himself said that he was mostly okay, though he received some small cuts and also totaled his BMW in the process.

The first call to police came at 11:47am that day, following the accident.

The welfare check report indicates that the caller claimed that Aaron Carter had been abusing drugs and alcohol and also “trying to buy a gun for the last couple of weeks.”

That’s not usually a great combination.

No one answered the door when police arrived at Aaron’s home in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The second call came two-and-a-half hours later, alleging that Aaron needed a psychological evaluation because, despite having been in a car accident just hours earlier, he was “refusing medical treatment.”

The third call came on Wednesday at 4:18am.

The caller claimed that Aaron was “not in a safe mental state” and had been “engaging in drug activity,” which sounds like something that a little old church lady would say but could still be worrisome.

Plenty of people do drugs or have mental health struggles, but the caller had concerns beyond just, like, narcing on Aaron, as they alleged that Aaron had “threatened to harm family and others.”

There’s no telling what form that alleged threat took. Aaron may have just said hostile things to his brother, as Aaron and Nick don’t get along so well.

The fourth call came at 9:46pm last night.

The caller claimed that Aaron had threatened to kill himself, that he was no longer responding to text messages, and that he had “threatened” to take Xanax and Klonopin.

Alprazolam or clonazepam might have been just what Aaron needed and they might even be things that he’s been prescribed (benzodiazepines can work wonders when used as directed), but no one should take too much of any medication.

Aaron was at no point arrested or taken into police custody.

Welfare checks are just that — police show up and see if you seem okay or if anything seems to be amiss.

It sounds like Aaron had one friend or loved one — or perhaps more than one — very, very worried. Worried enough that they’d reach out to police and risk Aaron never forgiving them.

We hope that Aaron Carter is doing okay. He has a lot of supporters who love him and want him to stay around.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Aaron Carter Gets Visit from Cops 3 Times in a Day for Gun, Safety Concerns

Aaron Carter’s trying to buy a gun and has threatened to harm family members … at least according to anonymous callers who got cops to visit Aaron’s house 3 times in a 24-hour span. According to docs obtained by TMZ … someone called St.…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Aaron Carter Files Police Report Over Harassing Texts, Calls and Attempted Burglary

Aaron Carter got a 2-for-1 deal when he called cops to report harassment and hate-filled texts … ‘cause they also found evidence of someone trying to burglarize his home … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Aaron called…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Aaron Carter Brags About Getting Oral Sex While on Date with Porcelain Black

Aaron Carter is a man who just came out as bisexual but is now in hot pursuit of women who will pleasure him. The singer was leaving Delilah in WeHo Thursday night with fellow pop star Porcelain Black when he was mum on everything except oral…
