Showing posts with label Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Center. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Nazi at Center of Protest is "Terrified" He May Get Arrested

A white nationalist who was featured prominently in a Vice News documentary about the "Unite the Right" really in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend is very scared.

He"s also very sad and surprised and really, really, really wants you to feel sorry for him.

In the following video Christopher Cantwell shared on YouTube, the racist protestor complains about his ongoing plight, breaking down on multiple occasions over the fact that he may get arrested.

“I have been told there’s a warrant out for my arrest,” he says while crying in the footage, adding: 

“With everything that’s happening, I don’t think it’s very wise for me to go anywhere. There’s a state of emergency. The National Guard is here!”

Cantwell was one of hundreds of white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville last Friday and Saturday to protest the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.

In response, counter-protestors who are NOT awful bigots took to the streets and voiced their own opinions.

Things turned chaotic and violent and a 32-year old woman named Heather Heyer was killed by a car due to the actions of one of Cantwell"s fellow neo-Nazis.

“I want to be peaceful. I want to be law-abiding. That was the whole entire point of this,” Cantwell says below.

“I’m watching CNN talk about this as a violent, white nationalist protest. We have done everything in our power to keep this peaceful!”

Addressing the police, Cantwell asked that they contact him about any warrant.

“I am armed, I do not want violence with you," he says. "I’m terrified, I’m afraid you’re going to kill me, I really am."

Previously, another protestor named Peter Cvjetanovic came out and also whined about the negative coverage he was receiving as a result of his role in  Charlottesville.

He claimed that he was a non-racist white nationalist.

"I honestly believe I have been law-abiding," Cantwell continues, explaining:

"I have been engaged in violence, I have, there’s no question about it and I’ve done nothing to hide that but it was in defense of myself and others and I would not have done it for any other reason."

Cantwell has been banned from Facebook and Instagram, while a page connected to his podcast was removed.

Watch his tear-filled video below and ask yourself: Do you feel sorry for this man?

Christopher cantwell white nationalist in charlottesville protes

Friday, July 28, 2017

Charlie Gard, British Baby at Center of Global Medical Drama, Dies

Charlie Gard, the British baby who had been at the center of a high-profile legal battle over his medical care, has passed away.

He was only 11 months old.


The child was born with a rare genetic condition and spent a majority of his life in the hospital.

Charlie’s parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, fought a lengthy and emotional legal battle to take their severely ill son to the United States for treatment, a move that was eventually denied by judges.

The tragic case made global headlines, with President Donald Trump Tweeting about it just a few weeks ago.

This is what he wrote at the time:

trump on gard

Pope Francis also weighed on the debate, with the Vatican saying the pontiff prayed for the parents and “their wish to accompany and treat their child until the end is not neglected.”

Around the globe, a countless number of supporters made their voices heard, earning the nickname “Charlie’s Army” in the process.

They raised over 1.35 million pounds online, but were unable to influence the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court… all of which ruled life support treatment should end and Charlie should be allowed to die with dignity.

He passed away while in a hospice facility.

Charlie Gard Protest

The couple ended its legal battle on July 24, in what they referred to as the “most painful of decisions.”

An end-of-life plan for baby Charlie was then approved on Thursday by High Court judge Nicholas Francis.

Gard was born on August 4 and inherited the faulty RRM2B gene that affects the cells responsible for energy production and respiration, leaving him unable to move or breathe unaided.

His parents yearned to give him experimental, unproven nucleoside therapy, provided by American neuroscientist Michio Hirano.

gard dies

Throughout the lengthy legal process – which saw an appeal rejected the European Court of Human Rights – physicians at Great Ormond Street maintained this treatment had little chance of success.

They said it would kinder for life support to be switched off.

Upon confirming the passing of her son, Connie simply wrote, “Our beautiful little boy has gone, we are so proud of you Charlie.”

May he rest in peace.


Monday, June 26, 2017

LaVar Ball Crashing WWE"s Monday Night Raw at Staples Center

It’s official: The WWE is about to get body slammed by the Big Baller himself. LaVar Ball — rockin’ a fresh Triple-B tee — was photographed backstage with WWE superstar, Titus O’Neil, at Staples Center … confirming rumors that…


Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Met & Lincoln Center Sued After Employee Allegedly Karate Chops Audience Member

The Met and Lincoln Center hired a wannabe Karate Kid who laid down a couple brutal strokes on a woman trying to enjoy the ballet … so she claims in a new lawsuit. Linda Kirsch claims back in June 2016 she was enjoying a performance…


Friday, June 16, 2017

"Wife Swap" Stockdale Family At Center of Double Murder Investigation

A family featured on “Wife Swap” is at the center of a double murder investigation after one of the kids allegedly shot and killed his mother, his brother and then turned the gun on himself. The Stockdale family, described on the show as “devoutly…


Saturday, May 20, 2017

NBA Center Enes Kanter Detained in Romania, Claims It"s Political (VIDEO)

Oklahoma City Thunder center Enes Kanter is being held up in Romania … and he thinks the Turkish government is behind it all. Kanter’s been posting about his experience all morning … claiming Turkey’s President Erdogan canceled his passport and…


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Bill Clinton Trolls Donald Trump By Saying Clinton Center is Bugged (PHOTO)

Bill Clinton’s got a new bug on the lawn of the Clinton Center … and a new joke for Donald Trump too. Bill posed with a big ole grasshopper recently installed on the premises in Little Rock. He tweeted … “BREAKING: We just learned that the…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Anne Frank Center Calls for Sean Spicer"s Job After Hitler Comment (VIDEO)

Sean Spicer should be fired for saying Syria’s president is worse than Hitler … so says the Anne Frank Center.  The Center’s executive director said Spicer’s statement is “the most evil slur upon a group of people we have ever heard…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Kim DePaola, Real Housewives of New Jersey Alum, at Center of Double Murder

Kim DePaola, a former cast member on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, reportedly finds herself caught in the middle of a double murder investigation.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly.

The ex-reality star is in this unexpected position after two bodies were found in a car owned by her that had been set on fire on Friday, multiple outlets have confirmed.

According to TMZ, an Audi registered to DePaola, yet mostly used by her son, Chris, was discovered horribly burned late last week… with two charred bodies inside of it in Paterson, New Jersey.

(No comment yet from the The Paterson Police Department regarding this scary incident.)

The victims have not been identified, but both were men and both were shot in the head, execution-style, authorities told NBC News.

One insider says the remains were so torched that investigators couldn’t even determine the race of the victims, nor could they determine the gender upon initial examination.

Authorities told that they were looking into the crime as a double murder.

“I can’t tell you why we are treating it as a homicide, but we are treating it as a homicide,” police Captain Richard Reyes has said on the record.

Neighbors, meanwhile, told NBC that they heard a pair of gunshots ring out prior to seeing the car go up in flames.

Firefighters were forced to cut open the roof of the car in order to pull the bodies out, per NBC reporting.

Details are still coming in, and we’ll relay them as soon as fresh news breaks, but TMZ adds that Chris was out of town after a friend dropped him off at the airport in the vehicle.

However, a source tells the website that this friend, Aaron Anderson, was not supposed to be driving the car around.

His parents tell NBC that they have not been in contact with Aaron since Friday, leaving them “concerned,” according to Anderson’s father.

“I’ve been calling him and it’s going to voicemail,” his mother told NBC. “I would have heard from him.”

No arrests have been made at this time; investigators are open to the possibility that drugs were involved in the crime/motive behind the crime.

DePoala appeared on The Real Housewives of New Jersey from 2010-2013.

She addressed the ordeal on Sunday, assuring social media followers that she and her son were safe.

“I am humbled by the outpour of love and support during this very difficult time,” DePoala wrote in a Notes screenshot on Instagram, adding:

“My son and I are both safe. Our deepest condolences of out to the victims’ families of this truly horrific tragedy.”

kim note

What an odd and frightening and seemingly tragic situation.

We’ll keep readers apprised as more information is made available to the public.


Friday, January 20, 2017

MMA Star Mayhem Miller"s "Golden Showers" Take Center Stage In Dom. Violence Case (VIDEO)

Jason “Mayhem” Miller’s domestic violence case just took a weird turn — his lawyer brought up his penchant for “golden showers” and freaky sex acts in open court.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Jennifer Lopez Front and Center New Year"s Eve for Drake

So this is interesting … JLo changed her mind about the whole “stay at home for the holidays” thing and headed off to Vegas to watch Drake perform. JLo’s sources told us a few weeks ago she was cancelling her lucrative appearance in Miami for NYE…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

UCLA Med Center on the Hunt for Massive Kanye Breach

Kanye West’s stay at UCLA Med Center had some staffers hunting for medical info, according to multiple people at the facility … who tell TMZ a slew of people couldn’t resist attempting to look at his info in the computer. Multiple sources tell us…


UCLA Med Center on the Hunt for Massive Kanye Breach

Kanye West’s stay at UCLA Med Center had some staffers hunting for medical info, according to multiple people at the facility … who tell TMZ a slew of people couldn’t resist attempting to look at his info in the computer. Multiple sources tell us…


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Josh Duggar -- Front and Center at Sister Jinger"s Wedding (PHOTOS)

Josh Duggar made a rare appearance Saturday at his sister’s wedding. Jinger Duggar tied the knot with soccer player Jeremy Vuolo at John Brown University in Arkansas. Josh was among the 1,000 guests and the wedding will be featured in a TLC wedding…


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gloria Govan at Center of Matt Barnes-Derek Fisher Fight

Matt Barnes and Derek Fisher have gone from teammates to rivals.

And not because their teams are battling for a playoff spot or anything.

Multiple sources have confirmed that Barnes, a small forward on the Memphis Grizzlies who recently lied about a Rihanna relationship, got into a fight this weekend with Fisher, the head coach of the New York Knicks.

And the source of their contention was none other than Gloria Govan.

The Basketball Wives cast member held a party on Saturday night, one attended by Fisher, who filed for divorce from his wife in March and who is believed to now be taking it to the hole with Govan (if you know what we mean!).

“Barnes was in Santa Barbara and heard that Fisher was in his house. He went crazy,” an insider tells The New York Post.

“He got in his car and went to the house and went after Fisher.”

For the record, that means Barnes drove 95 miles specifically to “beat the sh-t” out of Fisher, as explained by another source.

He apparently succeed, though Fisher does not plan on pressing charges and will not address the incident in public.

“Personal and private matters will remain private,” Fisher told reporters prior to a Knicks preseason game on Monday.

Perhaps this is actually a keen strategy by Fisher: Distract the media from how terrible his basketball team is by shifting national attention to his personal life instead.

If so, is it too early to award Derek Fisher Coach of the Year?