Showing posts with label Chrissy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrissy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Is Taking Beyonce Biter"s Name to the Grave

Chrissy Teigen knows who bit Beyonce on the face but she’s not ready to give up the culprit just yet … out of love. Chrissy’s been dropping more than a few hints she knows who dunnit, ever since Tiffany Haddish recounted the…


Chrissy Metz says No Way Jessica Simpson"s Hating on Mandy Moore

Chrissy Metz scoffs at the idea Jessica Simpson is jealous of Mandy Moore’s success. We got the “This Is Us” star out in NYC Monday and wanted to get her take on a recent report that Jessica’s raging with envy at Mandy’s…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Chrissy Teigen"s Beloved Dog Puddy Dies

Chrissy Teigen’s adored bulldog — who’d been with her and her family since the first year she began dating John Legend — “has gone on to the pup heavens.” Chrissy shared the sad news Wednesday, saying Puddy had passed after being by her side for…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Chrissy Teigen"s Scalloped Potatoes Made it Through TSA in Tupperware

Chrissy Teigen called an audible on an airport carry-on that paid off big time — ‘cause she was able to bring scalloped potatoes onto her flight without security gettin’ fussy.  We got Chrissy heading into LAX Saturday, where just hours…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Showing Extreme Cleavage for Commercial Shoot

Chrissy Teigen is on a commercial shoot … but from the looks of it, her dress is doing all the work. Chrissy, John Legend and daughter Luna all showed up Monday for the shoot, which apparently requires Mom to show off some MAJOR cleavage.…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Displays Baby Bump, Reveals Sex of Baby #2!

As we all know thanks to an adorable video featuring baby Luna, Chrissy Teigen is pregnant with Baby #2!

That’s wonderful news for her and for John Legend. And, for that matter, for Luna — who will turn 2 this April. And, some time in the next few months, she’ll become a big sister!

Well, following last night’s Grammy Awards, Chrissy took to Instagram to reveal the sex of the baby she’s expecting!

Chrissy Teigen and her husband, John Legend, attended the 2018 Grammy Awards.

Though the pregnant model and social media delight stepped out early (let’s not project our fury over Ed Sheeran somehow winning over much better artists and songs or over Lorde not being invited to perform), she had a treat for fans.

Sharing a photo of herself showcasing her baby bump in a glittering silver gown, Chrissy Teigen added the caption:

“Mama and her baby boy.”

Luna’s going to have a little brother!

Technically, this announcement isn’t the first time that Chrissy and John have revealed that Lune would have a younger brother.

The topic came up when Chrissy Teigen defended using IVF on social media after people said some truly vile things to her about not having tried to conceive naturally.

“Hi Linda, thanks for asking, you complete witch. I tried for about 9 years. Anything else, let me know!”

For the record, it literally doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t try, but of course Chrissy and John tried.

Chrissy decided to go ahead and nip the next big debate in the bud.

“Since this is coming up again, I said our next baby would be a boy because that is the embryo we have left. A boy. So. Yeah.”

John Legend has also spoken about the couple’s use of IVF, stating simply that they used IVF because traditional efforts to conceive — you know, banging — were not successful.

The technique, in which an egg is fertilized with sperm and then implanted to develop, is controversial in some communities.

For example, some people have a religious objection to some embryos being destroyed in the process, because those microscopic organisms could potentially become human life.

Others worry about a slippery slope. You can choose which embryo to implant, but some worry if it will lead to eugenics. Forget choosing if the embryo has an X or Y chromosome, and think of parents choosing eye color and height and even aptitudes.

Those are fine things to somehow choose for yourself, but troubling for parents to choose.

But none of that means that Chrissy Teigen deserves to be given any grief over it. She’s not producing a science experiment, she’s producing a child.

For some reason, even though Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are absolute darlings, people love to give them a hard time.

Part of that is that the two of them, like any responsible citizens, voice their political opinions and use their platform for good.

Another part of that may be accessibility. Chrissy and John are active Twitter users and engage with followers and replies. Sometimes, that makes trolls want to use that to upset them.

Sometimes, the internet is a treacherous place. Remember when Chrissy Teigen livetweeted her flight from LAX to LAX?

Some truly deranged, disgusting conspiracy theorists tried to use that as evidence that Chrissy and John were “secretly arrested” (what?) and were prevented from leaving the country.

The demented “reason” for their supposed criminal status was being part of some sort of child-abuse cabal that some very paranoid people had imagined for, essentially, any celebrities they didn’t like.

Contrary to what absolute lunatics who listen to Illuminati/pizzagate conspiracy theories might think, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are great parents to Luna and will make great parents for this new baby, too.

As for Chrissy Teigen ducking out of the Grammy’s early … that’s no real surprise.

It’s better than, say, falling asleep at an awards show.

You know, hypothetically.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Shows Fans Her Baby Bump & Bare Breasts!

A lot of celebrities have a lot of fans, but few are more beloved for their social media presence than Chrissy Teigen.

Fans rejoiced at the news that Chrissy Teigen is pregnant with baby #2, as shared on Instagram by not Chrissy or John … but by her young daughter, Luna.

Now Chrissy Teigen is giving fans a look at how far along she is by showing off her baby bump … and baring her breasts in the process.

Chrissy Teigen has never been shy about sharing her life with social media.

It wasn’t so long ago that she turned to social media in order to obtain bananas for a recipe on which she was working.

Even more recently, Chrissy livetweeted her and John’s flight from LAX to LAX after their plane was bizarrely turned around, 4 hours into an 11 hour flight, after a passenger on the plane was discovered to not belong there.

(An odd solution, to be sure, but not as odd or upsetting as the Illuminati/pizzagate conspiracy theories that echoed around the bonkers side of Twitter, espoused by people who believe that Chrissy and John are part of some New World Order child sex trafficking ring and were trying to flee the country)

But people adore Chrissy for not only what she chooses to share, but her wonderful sense of humor.

In a short video shared her fans and followers, Chrissy Teigen offered a behind-the-scenes look at how she prepares for Lip Sync Battle Live.

As her stylist applies bits of tape, Chrissy Teigen covers her breasts with only her hands and narrates, saying:

Lip Sync Battle Live, baby! Tricks of the trade, little tape, little tape.”

As you can see in this photo, she’s also wearing some maternity shapewear.  

That didn’t stop her baby bump from showing as she was photographed, of course.

But it’s not like Chrissy Teigen’s pregnancy is exactly a secret.

She announced it to the world by letting precious little Luna talk about it, on camera.

Chrissy looks great, both in and out of her dress, showcasing her baby bump and her radiant smile.

it’s no surprise that she looks gorgeous, though — she’s a model.

Chrissy Teigen isn’t just funny, though.

She and John Legend are genuinely good people, and we aren’t just saying that because they both regularly use their celebrity platforms to slam Donald Trump and his supporters.

Just this week, Chrissy Teigen offered to pay McKayla Maroney’s $ 100,000 fine so that McKayla could offer a victim impact statement at Dr. Larry Nassar’s sentencing.

As a result of celebrities like Chrissy applying pressure, plus public opinion and perhaps even a decision to do the right thing, USA Gymnastics opted to waive the NDA and therefore McKayla’s fine, allowing her to speak up.

That is part of how we know that Chrissy and John Legend are good parents for Luna and will be good parents for this child.

Chrissy Teigen’s public visibility does come with downsides.

We mentioned the conspiracy theorists, but there are much more mundane social media interactions that show the cost of her celebrity status.

During her first pregnancy, people were shaming her over her diet — accusing her of “poisoning” her unborn child (Luna) by eating cereals with artificial flavors.

At the risk of oversimplification, Luna didn’t come out rainbow colored. She’s fine. People are absurd.

Chrissy Teigen makes it well known that she doesn’t drink while she’s pregnant, because she’s not a monster, so for people to suggest that she endangers her own pregnancies by eating anything other than organic droplets of rain is … gross.

Despite all of that, Chrissy continues to give everyone regular glimpses into her life. Because she’s a delight.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

McKayla Maroney Facing Huge Fine For Testifying Against Dr. Larry Nassar, Chrissy Teigen Offers to Pay

Even though Dr. Larry Nassar has been convicted of child porn and is accused of molesting over 140 girls, the fact remains that Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney is not exactly free to testify about his alleged crimes against her.

If she does, the non-disclosure agreement that she signed years ago would reportedly subject her to a $ 100,000 fine.

But one famous and beloved celebrity, Chrissy Teigen, is offering to foot the bill.

Back in October, McKayla Maroney courageously revealed that her team doctor had molested her when she was a minor.

All of those famous moments of her in the Olympics? Those were when she was under the power of Dr. Larry Nassar.

Nassar would allegedly give his young female patients “treatments,” using the pretense of medical care to molest them.

The abuse went on for years.

Since McKayla spoke up, numerous teammates including Gabby Douglas and Aly Raisman, have accused Dr. Nassar of similar, heinous abuse.

All told, the number of women who accuse Larry Nassar of sexual abuse number over 140.

Early Tuesday morning, The Daily Mail published that McKayla Maroney is effectively barred from testifying at Dr. Larry Nassar’s sentencing.

To be clear, though he has confessed to a “small” number of sex abuse charges …

(Small only in contrast to the volume of his accusers)

… Dr. Nassar’s sentence of 60 years in prison came from his possession of a truly alarming volume of child pornography.

Dozens of women are scheduled to speak at Nassar’s sentencing, but McKayla Maroney may be barred from giving her own victim impact statement.

We know that this is strange, since McKayla shared her story in a very public manner, months ago.

McKayla is currently suing USA Gymnastics, accusing them of knowing about Dr. Nassar and covering up his crimes (presumably to protect themselves from sharing in the blame).

Oh boy, has that not gone well.

What led to McKayla signing the NDA in the first place was desperation. She was suffering psychological problems as a result of years of trauma from sexual abuse. Unfortunately, receiving her much-needed treatment costs money.

But there are multiple legal challenges to NDAs, particularly when such an agreement appears to exist in order to cover up a crime. We’ll see how that goes.

In the mean time, McKayla is a successful Olympian, but probably not in a position where she could just pay $ 100,000 like it’s a parking ticket.

In the mean time, however, there’s a much more direct and simple solution to McKayla Maroney’s dilemma.

Chrissy Teigen shared the article about how she might be fined, and tweeted:

“The entire principle of this should be fought – an NDA to stay quiet about this serial monster with over 140 accusers, but I would be absolutely honored to pay this fine for you, McKayla.”

That’s such a good move and a very generous offer.

$ 100,000 is a lot of money, but Chrissy Teigen can definitely make good on it, even if you don’t factor in that her husband is John Legend.

But hopefully she won’t have to.

There’s bad press, and then there’s millionaire celebrities had to step in because of our NDA that protects a serial sexual predator bad press.

USA Gymnastics would be smart to wave the NDA. It would make them look better. (Remember how celebrities spoke out, with some like Taylor Swift writing checks, in defense of Kesha? Even Sony was feeling the pressure. That can happen for USA Gymnastics, too)

As of yet, we haven’t seen a public response from McKayla, who seems to no longer be on Twitter and Instagram. (Which we absolutely understand)


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Slams Seal For Oprah-Bashing Meme

There are random feuds, and then there’s whatever the hell this is.

As you may have heard, millions of grownups want Oprah to run for president because she made a nice speech at the Golden Globes, and having a former TV star in the White House is currently working out so well for us.

But apparently Oprah only managed to win over roughly 99.99999 percent of the Earth’s population.

Sadly, she’s missing the all-important Seal vote.

Yes, Heidi Klum’s ex holds opinions on matters other than which flower is the most kissable.

(Surprisingly, it’s the one with all the thorns.)

For instance, he belongs to the microscopic minority that believes Batman Forever is the finest superhero film ever produced.

And he also thinks Oprah needs to sit her ass down because she’s just another Hollywood heathen.

Oprah Meme

Seal posted the above meme to Instagram this week, and in case it was too subtle for you, he did whatever the British equivalent of spiking the football is with this scathing caption:

“Oh I forgot, that’s right…’d heard the [rumors] but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young [starry]-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad. #SanctimoniousHollywood.”

Yes, Seal is accusing Oprah of being complicit in the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals.

Because now is a great time to dogpile on women and blame them for the revolting actions of a disgusting dude.

Fortunately, powerful females like Oprah and Meryl Streep–both of whom have been crucified for having once associating with a guy who was later accused of rape–have an equally powerful defender in Chrissy Teigen.

You may be thinking that Oprah can certainly fight her own battles, and you would be right.

But she also can’t stoop to the level of being with freakin’ Seal on Instagram.

For that, she needs a pitbull like Chrissy in her corner.

The model and media personality basically burned Seal to the ground with a single comment on his dumb anti-Oprah meme.

“Hmm. Let’s just say we’ve all heard things about each other, haven’t we?” she wrote.

Teigen didn’t go into detail, but clearly, she’s got the goods on ya boy Seal.

Here’s hoping he tries to call her bluff and she pulls the trigger.

Or should we say … seals the deal?

We’ll show ourselves out.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Logan Paul Apologizes Again, Gets Defended By Chrissy Teigen

If you’ve been anywhere near social media today, then you’re probably aware that Logan Paul apologized in the most half-assed fashion imaginable after posting a video that seemed to have no purpose other than traumatizing his mostly teenage audience.

Not surprisingly, Paul decided (no doubt after a lengthy consultation with his management team) to issue a second mea culpa.

This time around, he went with less of a “self-satisfied douche” tone, and more of a “oh, sh-t, I put a dead body on YouTube! My career might really be over, so I’m genuinely contrite!” vibe.

“I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize,” Paul told the camera in a brief video clip posted to his Twitter page.

“I should’ve never posted the video. I should’ve put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through. There’s a lot of things I should’ve done differently, but I didn’t and for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”

Many have taken issue with the fact that Paul is still acting like he recorded an impromptu video and then hit “send,” when in reality, he went to a part of the world famous as a site of numerous suicides, found exactly what he was looking for, and then edited the incident into a video intended both to shock and to boost his public profile.

Paul has found an unlikely defender in Chrissy Teigen, who tweeted a reluctant message of empathy for the controversial YouTube star.

“Re: Logan Paul, something I always think about is when people make…ethical mistakes, as in, not-illegal, should we really be trying I ruin their lives and end their careers or accept the apology, personally make a choice to stop watching, and move on,” she wrote.

“I’m not saying what he did wasn’t sick and stupid and his videos aren’t or haven’t been stupid, I’m saying…a lot of you don’t know what it’s like to have a campaign to end your entire being.”

At this point, Chrissy might be more famous as a social media firebrand than as a model, so when it comes to bearing the brunt of public outrage, she knows whereof she speaks.

But it’s important to point out that none of the sane people who have been involved in this debate are calling for Logan to be publicly executed.

The consensus seems to be that he should simply go away for a while, as he’s proven that he’s not the kind of person who should be generating content for impressionable young people.

In his second apology, Paul stated that he doesn’t “expect to be forgiven,” but that’s clearly not the case.

He wants this to be over as quickly as possible so that he can continue making obscene amounts of money with cruel and problematic “prank” videos.

No PR magic is going to make the public forget that Paul mocked a suicide victim in front of an audience of millions.

Fellow YouTube star Nate Garner tweeted that Paul should donate his 2018 YouTube revenue to suicide prevention charities.

That’s a start, but we’d prefer that Paul donate his 2017 revenues, take 2018 off entirely, and come back when he learns the difference between comedy and exploitative cruelty.


Monday, January 1, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Craving to Do More with New "Cravings" Trademark

Chrissy Teigen built a massive following with just 1 cookbook … and now it looks like she’s ready to build an empire around it. The supermodel just applied to lock down the trademark, “Cravings,” to use on a bunch of home goods. The name…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Chrissy Teigen"s Japan Flight from Hell, Passengers Get 30,000 Yen as Apology

The airline responsible for Chrissy Teigen’s flight from hell loaded passengers up with 30,000 Japanese Yen just to try and make nice. One of Chrissy’s co-passengers tells us when All Nippon Airways flight NH175 from LAX to Tokyo landed in Japan,…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Livetweets 8-Hour Flight From LAX to ... LAX

Chrissy Teigen livetweeted her eight hour flight that took her absolutely nowhere.

The whole adventure is a wild ride from start to finish, and should make you glad that social media exists.

See, she and John Legend were on their way to Tokyo, which is where they plan to welcome in the New Year. Good for them.

Chrissy is pregnant with baby #2, if you"ll recall. New Year"s is a pretty different experience when you can"t drink, but Chrissy opted for sushi, which sounds like a great plan.

Unfortunately, her plane got turned around while over the Pacific … and the eight hour journey ended exactly where they"d started. Why? Allegedly over one passenger who seemed to be 

And the "adventure" wasn"t over yet.

Chrissy, being an absolute treasure, livetweeted her experience, turning a massive inconvenience for 150 into a source of entertainment for millions.


1. Here’s how it started

Teigen lax tweet 01

Few things make a plane turn around 4 hours into a flight, and people STILL have questions about what happened.

2. As you can imagine, there was some confusion.

Teigen lax tweet 02

She meant to write “neither do they.”

3. Here’s what that flight path looked like

Teigen lax tweet 03

LAX to Tokyo became LAX to LAX. Yikes.

4. Chrissy Teigen shared the map with fans

Teigen lax tweet 04

It can be frightening when you don’t know what’s going on with your own flight.

5. Such a huge waste of time

Teigen lax tweet 05

Well, Gran Torino was a better film before we knew as much as we now do about Clint Eastwood’s personal life.

6. One passenger didn’t belong there

Teigen lax tweet 06

Chrissy Teigen will elaborate, but it seems puzzling that one passenger out of place would make the whole plane turn around instead of just, like, nabbing them at the Tokyo airport and sending them back on a plane to LAX.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 7, 2017

"RHOA" Star Cynthia Bailey Gives Chrissy Teigen Fire Evacuation Tips

Cynthia Bailey and Chrissy Teigen are alike in a lot of ways — ‘cause they’d both be super moms in an emergency fire situation. We got the ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ star at LAX and briefed her on the latest news about the L.A. fires and people…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Chrissy Teigen: My Daughter Luna is a Buzzkill!

Chrissy Teigen is an internet darling. She’s gorgeous, she’s funny, she’s a good person — and so is her husband.

She’s also a mom to precious baby Luna, and just last week we all learned that Chrissy is pregnant with baby #2! Congrats to her and to John!

But … now Chrissy’s stirred up a bit of outrage over her comments about Luna. Did she go too far?

Just over a year and a half ago, in April of 2016, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend welcomed their first child: an adorable baby named Luna.

Even during her pregnancy, Chrissy would get mom-shamed over doing things like eating cereal (because the artificial coloring would allegedly hurt her unborn child).

She also tweeted about how spending her 2015 Thanksgiving completely sober was a less than fun experience.

Chrissy Teigen has admitted to drinking too much, though we don’t think that she actually has a problem.

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell with her where the humor ends and the truth begins.

And that extends to her comments under an otherwise innocuous post.

A post about her birthday party.

Chrissy and John, as always, look stunning in this photo.

Chrissy included the caption:

“The best bday party I’ve ever forced anyone to throw me.”

“[multiple emojis] Thanks to everyone who came ready w polyester prints, bubblegum cigarettes and 60s-acceptable sexual innuendos.”

If you’re not familiar, old-timey innuendo is really funny in a modern context.

“I really love you guys. I feel like a very lucky 32yr old girl for so many reasons.”

Remember when people used to call her “mom” on Twitter and she said that it was fine, but reminded people that she’s not actually old enough?

(That trend died down a little after the Ultimate Space Mom, Carrie Fisher, tragically died)

Chrissy’s caption continues:

“Thanks @chefemklein for making one of theeeee best meals I’ve ever had (on both the ground and in the sky), the team at Lip Sync Battle for making my Bingo dreams come true, @panamexperience for truly having the most entertaining crew imaginable,” she said.

And she saved the best for last:

“And my husband for indulging me in every way possible.”


But here’s where she gets controversial.

“Everything is better with you and Lu.”

Okay, technically, the controversial part starts with the next line.

“Well, not everything is better with Lu…”


“Honestly kids can kinda be a buzzkill sometimes.”

That’s hard to dispute, right? But it’s what stirred up some self-righteous anger.

“But we won’t tell her and I’ll delete this before she can read.”

That is an adorable solution.

While we’re glad that the angry reactions were drowned out by positive reactions (wishes of happy birthday, compliments on her look, etc), we don’t think that he mom-shaming was warranted.

Children can and are buzzkills. They interrupt sex, and their developing brains don’t handle feelings very well and their clumsy squishy bodies don’t cooperate with them very well.

That doesn’t mean that they aren’t lovable or cute or precious or smart. Just that they can be, you know, a major change to your life from what it was like before.

She’s not shaming Luna or whatever, and this is the sort of sentiment that a teenage Luna — who’ll be an older sister — will absolutely share.

So let’s not mom-shame Chrissy Teigen for saying something that’s funny, true, and not actually hurtful.

Also, some of the negative comments were comparing that photo of Luna and John to The Get Out because there were a lot of white people. Don’t do that with real people, folks. Casts of TV shows? Sure. But not real people with real friends.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Chrissy Teigen & John Legend Announce Second Pregnancy

Chrissy Teigen has another baby in her belly, and she let her daughter, Luna, help announce it to the world. This is Chrissy and John’s second child together. Congrats!


Chrissy Teigen: Pregnant With Baby #2!

You know, back in August, Chrissy Teigen admitted that one of the reason that she"s such a delightful oversharer is that, well, she might drink a little too much sometimes. Lowered inhibitions can lead directly to tweeting all sorts of things.

But has anyone else noticed a drop-off in Chrissy Teigen"s TMI tweets? Sure, she"s on Twitter plenty, but she hasn"t told us anything about what sex positions John Legend can do in a while.

And now we know why: she"s pregnant! Watch the video of the announcement below!

Chrissy teigen and cute daughter

Chrissy Teigen is one of social media"s true gems.

We"ve heard that John Legend fell in love with her through her tweets and, honestly? Same.

John Legend has some great tweets of his own and an entire music career, but we don"t think that he minds that, to many of us, he"s "Chrissy Teigen"s husband."

Chrissy is a model and television host, but she"s been a source of entertainment for years — and a voice of reason on Twitter in this topsy-turvy world in which we find ourselves in 2017.

A lot of that just means tweeting about how unlikable Trump is. But that can be reassuring in a world gone mad.

It"s no surprise that Chrissy Teigen"s pregnancy announcement was both adorable and funny.

Chrissy teigen luna announce chrissys second pregnancy

Recognize this little cutie?

This is Luna, Chrissy and John"s first child.

Luna is adorable and she"s growing up so, so quickly.

As you"ll see in the video below, Chrissy Teigen let Luna make the announcement.

She invites Luna over to see Chrissy"s belly, and asks her what"s inside.

Luna knows that it"s a baby. She"s about to become a big sister!

Chrissy teigen and john legend at 2017 met gala

Like we said, Chrissy was also funny about it.

Her caption for the video, which she shared minutes ago on Instagram?

"It"s John"s!"

As happy as we always are to get official confirmation of the identity of the baby-daddy of any celebrity child, we … kind of figured.

We should mention that Chrissy Teigen knows that pregnancy isn"t all fun and bigger boobs.

After giving birth to Luna, Chrissy Teigen experienced post-partum depression. That"s no joke.

But, when you look at Luna, you can see that it was worth it.

Luna from chrissy teigens instagram

Chrissy has also gotten drunk and tweeted photos of her stretch marks

Stretch marks are part of having human skin and definitely part of pregnancy, so she has more of that to look forward to.

But this time, Chrissy knows what to expect from pregnancy.

And Luna gets to be excited about getting a precious little baby sibling.

Congratulations to John Legend and Chrissy Teigen!

Also, this video is just all kinds of cute:

Chrissy teigen pregnant with baby number 2

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Says She"d Leave Another $1,000 Tip

Chrissy Teigen has a tipping point when it comes to leaving $ 1,000 tips and it has nothing to do with what’s on the menu. We got Chrissy at LAX Monday and asked her about the monstrous $ 1,000 tip she left a waitress at an Ohio Outback Steakhouse…


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chrissy Teigen: Tabloids are Dumb, John Legend Still Loves Me!

It would be hard to name a celebrity couple more lovable than John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

Because, come on … it’s John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

John is so talented and adorable, Chrissy is so beautiful and so real. They’re a truly wonderful match.

Who could forget that delightful moment when Chrissy revealed that she didn’t realize John could see her butthole in certain sex positions?

Or what about the time that he told us all that she’d been teaching their adorable daughter, Luna, how to mock him?

And speaking of their adorable daughter Luna, seriously, have you even seen her?

They’re just the best, the very best, and that’s why it was so upsetting earlier this week when we heard that there may be some trouble over there in that lovely paradise.

According to that tragic new report from In Touch, Chrissy and John “are having real marriage problems.”

So many problems, in fact, that “They have been in marriage counseling for the last six months.”

Their alleged issues include Chrissy’s admitted drinking problem, as well as her struggle with postpartum depression.

Because if we’re to believe this report, John is willing to end their marriage and tear their family apart because of issues Chrissy developed after carrying and giving birth to their child.

See why we called this mess “tragic”?

“They are fighting nonstop,” the report continued.

But, on the bright side, “They’re trying very hard to make their marriage work.”

The whole thing is very depressing, and while we wouldn’t imagine it to be true, we wouldn’t have imagined many celebrity splits that have happened this year.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris? Fergie and Josh Duhamel?

It’s a bad time to be a long-lasting celeb couple.

However, before you get too upset, know that Chrissy has addressed this rumor not once, but twice.

And both statements are, in typical Chrissy Teigen fashion, simply delightful.

First, she shared a photo of the In Touch cover on Instagram — the cover that advertised an “exclusive” about “Chrissy & John: On the Brink of Splitting.”

“Oh in touch go f-ck yourselves, you exclusively dumb pieces of trash,” she wrote in the caption.

Then yesterday, paparazzi got video of Chrissy and little Luna leaving LAX, and they managed to get a few colorful comments out of her.

First, a photographer told her that if she and John did ever split, he’d “lose all faith in love.”

In response, she laughed and said “We’re not even close!”

He asked her why people are writing things about their split then, if they’re so happily married, and she said “Well, In Touch is f-ckin’ stupid.”

She also said that she has “no idea” where they get their stories from, but maybe “They’re bored. No news. Slow news day.”

Chrissy, gem that she is, then revealed the secret to successful Hollywood relationships: “I think enjoying yourself, having fun, realizing it’s all bullsh-t.”

Oh, girl. Never change.

Not that you would.


Chrissy Teigen Scoffs at John Legend Breakup Rumors, Here"s Why We"re Staying Together

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend aren’t going the way of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck and Jen Garner, Fergie and Josh Duhamel … they’re in it for the long haul, according to Chrissy. We got Chrissy coming out of LAX Friday with baby…
