Showing posts with label Couple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Couple. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2017

Face of Jesus Appears in Sonogram, Couple Claims

Okay, bear with us please, because this is more than a little weird.

Just about every modern pregnancies comes with at least one sonogram, an image of a fetus in development that doctors use to monitor health and development. Parents use it to share their excitement.

But one couple spotted something a little odd on their sonogram. And it looked, to them, like Jesus.

You see it, right? Right there on the left.

You see what looks like a long-haired guy with a beard.

Culturally, we’re taught to recognize that, not as Poseidon or basically any dude from the 1970s, but as Jesus.

This sonogram was taken shortly before Briella was born.

Briella’s parents, Alicia Zeek and Zac Smith, were struck immediately by the distinctive image in their sonogram.

Alicia and Zac, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, spoke about the phenomenon.

“When they gave it to us… Umm, to me, it’s Jesus,” Alicia says. “And it looks like Jesus.”

At first, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“I blinked a lot, to kinda make sure I was really seeing it…”

Zac also spoke about it.

“This is distinct — I mean, there’s another face looking at my daughter!”

The couple say that they’re not particularly religious, but Zac describes a very emotional response to the image.

“When I seen it, it almost brought tears to my eyes… I was speechless, I just couldn’t believe it, I really didn’t believe what I was seeing.”

This from a couple who describe themselves as not being particularly religious.

Alicia Zeek

From people reporting that they’ve seen Jesus’ image appear “miraculously” on toast to pointing out that they see Jesus take shape around their dog’s butthole …

(Yes, really)

… it’s very common for people to spot what they’ll describe as an image of Jesus’ face on everyday items.

We’ll get into the psychology behind that in a moment, but we should acknowledge that it’s fairly widespread.

But many regard such appearances as novelty items.

(Though often devout Christians are irritated by what they see as frivolous claims of “miracles” that they feel embarrass their religious community)

For Alicia and Zac, however, this was a positive omen.

Zac describes his interpretation: “The angel or God or Jesus, however you want to propose it, I look at it as my blessing.”

Alicia and Zac had two very difficult pregnancies, with their first child being born with a series of complications and their second chidlbirth nearly claiming Alicia’s life.

Briella, who was born healthy, is their third child.

Zac Smith

We’re not going to tell anyone what to believe, of course.

The thing is that human beings are psychologically wired to pick out hidden faces.

This makes a lot of sense for the survival of our species — to recognize each other, but also to spot ambushes or other threats.

The same thing applies to recognizing familiar iconography.

Some images are so omnipresent in our culture that, regardless of someone’s beliefs, 

You can grow up non-religious in a non-religious household and still have angels and Jesus and everything firmly embedded in your psyche, because Christianity has dominated Western culture for a full millennium.

But Christians who believe that these apparitions — even the seemingly irreverent ones — are genuine omens would point out that just because the human mind constantly searches for “faces” doesn’t mean that a genuine face couldn’t show up.

That’s fair.

As for Alicia and Zac, we’re just glad that they found it comforting at the end of a very tense pregnancy.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson: The Couple That Prays Together ...

Can you believe we’re coming up on the one year anniversary of Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson?!

It seems like it was just yesterday when we saw their Halloween makeout session and thought “huh, another basketball player, really?”

But it’s true: it was early last September when we first heard that Khloe and Tristan were dating, which means that August of 2016 was when the magic happened.

And, according to all the gushing Khloe did in a new interview with the Daily Mail, it looks like all that magic is still happening.

“My boyfriend is very protective of me,” she says of Tristan. “Feeling loved and validated and secure is a huge thing.”

She adds that he’s also “protective of my entire family,” which she thinks is “beautiful.’

“And I love that everything we do is as a union,” she continues. “When he speaks, it’s ‘us’ and ‘we,’ and that’s important because it shows that you’re sharing life.”

“The best thing is that we’re able to communicate about anything, and I think a lot of relationships don’t flourish because people are afraid to voice their opinion, not wanting to rock the boat.”

Sounds like she’s really, truly in love, huh?

And we’ve barely even gotten started yet!

In relationships, Khloe says, “It’s good to find someone who has the same belief system and morals as you because it makes things easy.”

“Tristan and I are both Christians; we go to church, we pray, we’re vocal about God and spirituality.”

Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

“A lot of my girlfriends get pregnant without talking about things such as religion with their significant others and then find out they have different belief systems to them,” she says.

Speaking of getting pregnant, Khloe explains that she “definitely” wants to have kids, “but I don’t feel any pressure.”

“Tristan is a great dad and he definitely wants more children, but we both feel that it will happen when the time is right.”

“We’re still in a new relationship and I love us having time together,” she smartly says. “Once you have kids you can’t get back your non-kid years.”

We’d advise Khloe to consider getting back on birth control if she wants to have a few more non-kid years — pregnancy can sneak up on you otherwise.

But she says that she understands that children are a lifelong commitment, and that “you worry about your children for the rest of your life,” not just until they turn 18 and become adults.

“The concern I have is raising little human beings in a world that’s filled with such hate and terror,” she adds. “That seems very scary.”

Yeah, girl, it really, really is.

But thankfully, she says that she’s “in the best relationship I’ve ever been in,” and she adds that “it doesn’t take a ring for me to feel that way.”

“I believe in marriage and I want to be married again one day but I don’t have a time frame.”

“Why do people think that marriage equates to happiness?” she asks. “There are a lot of people in unhealthy marriages.”

And honestly, with the heartbreaking way things ended between Khloe and Lamar Odom, we’d say she knows that better than most.

Really though, she does seem very, very happy with Tristan — happier than she’s been since the early days with Lamar.

Nothing but the best of wishes to this adorable couple!


Friday, August 11, 2017

Aaron Carter and Chloe Grace Moretz: New Couple Alert?!

It sounds like things may be looking up for Aaron Carter!

Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.

Because come on, universe, can the guy get just one single break?

Aaron, as you probably know, has been having a rough time lately. A very rough time.

His father passed away in May, he was hospitalized in June after opening up about the horrific body-shaming comments he receives on a daily basis.

Then, in July, he was arrested for refusing to submit to testing for a DUI — it’s still not clear if he was actually driving under the influence or if he was telling the truth when he claimed he was driving poorly because of an issue with his car.

After the arrest, he gave a tearful interview about it all, and he also revealed that he suffers from an eating disorder.

And if all that wasn’t enough, we learned earlier this week that he and his girlfriend, Madison Parker, just broke up.

It’s a lot for one person to go through, especially just in one summer, right?

So hopefully this latest turn of events will work out for him — this latest turn of events being Chloe Grace Moretz showing interest in him in a new interview!

It’s true: when Chloe sat down for a chat with Variety recently, she mentioned that “When I was four years old, I thought Aaron Carter was so cool.”

She’s nine years younger than Aaron, so when she was four years old, he was right in the height of his fame. He actually was pretty cool then.

“My friend,” Chloe continued, “when we were both little babies back in Georgia, she liked Aaron Carter, too. We used to fight about who would date Aaron Carter one day.”

“Who knows?” she added. “Maybe we’ll meet.”

And judging by Aaron’s reaction to the quote on Twitter, he’s so down.

He replied to a page that had posted Chloe’s interview, writing “Mmmm may I take you to dinner @ChloeGMoretz?”

Then, just in case she missed the message, he tweeted “Hey @ChloeGMoretz – let’s set up a date. The crush is mutual.”

He even added that emoji with the heart eyes, so you know he’s serious.

So far, Chloe hasn’t responded, but since she did tack on that “Who knows? Maybe we’ll meet” bit at the end of her story, we’d say there’s a chance she could reach out to him.

If not for a genuine love connection, maybe just for a chat.

But, if they do have a love connection, hopefully Chloe would be cool with Aaron’s recent confession that he’s bisexual.

As he revealed in a recent interview, Madison Parker wasn’t cool with it, and that’s why they split.

“I had discussed it with my ex-girlfriend,” he said, “and she didn’t really understand it and she didn’t want to. And that was it. So we left it mutual and parted ways.”

See what we mean about this guy having a tough summer?

Come through, Chloe!


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Couple Gets Caught Having "Inexcusable" Sex at State Fair

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

So the maxim says in regard to relieving one’s bladder.

For Desiree Anderson and Robert Beasley, however, a similar, albeit very different saying also applies:

When you gotta go at it, you gotta go at it!

Hard. And in full view of little children.

The married 28-year olds were captured on camera over the weekend having sexual intercourse at the Wisconsin State Fair, with Robert evidently mounting his wife and doing her in the customary missionary style.

They were on the bleachers and Desiree’s hands were up over her head at one point.

We know this because someone actually filmed the raunchy action… and Robert waved at the witness while he ogled inappropriate boning with his cellphone.

We’re serious. See for yourself:

Anderson and Beasley were taken into custody on Monday and the case has been referred to the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office for potential criminal charges.

The footage was uploaded to Facebook, but it has since been removed. A Wisconsin State Fair spokeswoman told FOX6 that the incident was under investigation.

“We’re here for a horse show or a dog show – not to make babies,” a visitor named Morgan Hakenson said, making an inarguable point.

The aforementioned spokeswoman referred to the video (and the act depicted in it, we presume) as “appalling viral video” and added that “this incident is inexcusable.”

It’s also kind of hilarious, isn’t it?

Added another Fair attendee named Dawn Major, who had to be notified that she was sitting in the same spot with her son where the banging took place:

“I wouldn’t think you’d see something like that here. This is for families – not that! There’s a place for that. Go home!”

“Honestly man, I can’t believe they would do that here, but I guess that was their decision,” Sean Loehr told the local Fox affiliate, apparently unaware that plenty of celebrities have also had sex in public.

Some critics, meanwhile, think the person who filmed the very amateur porn should have put his or her phone down and done something aside from document the plowing.

“Stopped it? Probably. Told the State Fair Police maybe. It’s extremely inappropriate,” said state native Morgan Hakenson.

We guess. We mean, we can totally see this person’s point.

At the same time, with the Packers not even playing preseason games yet, wasn’t this the most exciting thing to happen in the area since the team lost in the playoffs last year?


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Counting On Cast: The Couple that Loves PDA the Most is ...

Jill & Jessa: Counting On has been renewed, against the better judgment of humanity and also against the wishes of numerous advertisers

TLC had some of the Duggars sit down and discuss a few things, including which Duggar couple most loves PDA.

The answer was basically unanimous:

Jill and Derick Dillard, say the siblings.

These two just cannot seem to keep their hands off of each other.

Of course, now that their family is growing, that may change.

More time with children means less time to hold hands and steal little kisses as you chase after youngsters or carry a baby around.

(And, generally, it means more exhaustion at the end of the day, so that once the kids are asleep, you want to sleep, too)

Though all of the siblings seem to enjoy a little PDA — only once they’re married, of course, because they live under Jim-Bob Duggar’s tyrannical rules — they all point the finger at Jill and Derick for being especially inseparable.

There are a few reasons for the very strict courtship rules that the Duggars and similar fundamentalist groups have in place.

First and foremost, they believe in “purity culture,” in which people but especially women are somehow “tainted” by non-marital sexuality.

There’s a lot of that sort of thinking within mainstream culture, which is why sex ed is so notoriously terrible in school and why so many fathers seem to think that they need to intimidate their daughters’ boyfriends.

It’s all very gross and patriarchal.

There’s more to it, of course.

There always is with something this insidious.

Courtship rules like the ones that the Duggars have basically guarantee that, thanks to human biology, most children who grow up with it will spend their teen years in a state of increasingly intense sexual frustration.

(Remember, the Duggars forbid masturbation and viciously punish their children for it, so it’s not like there’s a relief valve in place)

The result of that sexual frustration?

An eagerness to get married and continue their parents’ tradition of pumping out babies and espousing horrible beliefs.

Most parents want their children to have their own lives and develop their own ideas.

To the Duggars, that idea is horrifying.

By forcing their children to be so far removed from actual society that they’ll feel that they can’t fit in, they isolate them and make them rely upon living as their parents taught them.

The courting rules and the very young marriages that follow are a big part of that.

Sexually repressed young people are, of course, going to be extra excited (if also extra clueless).

So it’s no surprised that Jill and Derick can’t keep their hands off of each other.

(And, honestly, we didn’t really need the Duggar kids singling out this couple to know that they were PDA’s biggest fans)

As sweet as their affection for each other is, it’s sad.

We can’t help but think of the kinds of lives that these two — and all of their siblings — could have led if they’d grown up in normal, non-abusive homes and had the chance to date and fall in and out of love.

If they’d had a chance to be their own people, really.


Enormous Spider Stalks Couple, Scares Bejeebus Out of Internet

A couple in Queensland, Australia is here to frighten us all.

The man and woman have shared a number of photos on Facebook of a huntsman spider and how it recently tried to make its way inside their home.

This type of animal will bite if agitated, so the man and woman were careful in their attempts to shoo it away.

But you need to this thing. It"s huge. It"s enormous. We"re trembling just writing about it.

Scroll down (if you dare!) and learn more about this scary story below…

1. Why, Hello There!

Why hello there

The man and woman were making dinner when they looked out their glass door and saw THIS.

2. Got Room for One More?

Got room for one more

Sorry, but: NOOOOO!

3. Humans vs. Spider

Humans vs spider

Lauren Ansell and her boyfriend told followers they were locked in a vicious stand-off with the frightening creature.

4. This is a Photo of Aragog

This is a photo of aragog

“We nicknamed the spider ‘Aragog’ from Harry Potter,” said Lauren. You can see why above.

5. Scariest. Close. Up. EVER.

Scariest close up ever

Yes, we were trembling when we posted this picture.

6. Scariest. Close. GIF. EVER.

Scariest close gif ever

And now we’re trembling even more.

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Couple Gets Wasted, Somehow Spends Date Night at Target

Tony and Alyssa Serafini are the parents of two little girls.

They are also both teachers.

So this husband and this wife spend a lot of time around kids.

With the exception, that is, of a recent date night in which they hired a babysitter and hit up a restaurant called Gibbet Hill Grill because they had a gift card for it.

The alcohol soon flowed, one thing led to another and the couple ended up at… Target?

Wait, what? Huh? Why?!? Read Tony"s hilarious account of the evening below…

1. But… WHY?

But why

Tony runs the Facebook page “Bottlerocket” and got the attention of his followers with a post that started out like this.

2. Blame the Alcohol!

Blame the alcohol

“They have this drink called 10 Years Rum Punch that comes in its own little bottle,” Tony explained. And his wife downed two of them.

3. Down the Hatch!

Down the hatch

Tony likely had certain ideas of where the night was headed. We doubt one of those ideas was a giant retail store.

4. On Target. Really.

On target really

“My wife got two of them and then wouldn’t stop talking about back to school shopping at Target, but I didn’t want to do that because it’s still July,” Tony wrote on Facebook. (And also because… who yearns to go to Target on date night?!?)

5. Can You Find Me?!?

Can you find me

“We ended up at Target, and walked around shopping and taking pictures, like teenagers,” Tony explains, making it clear via the photo above that at least this wasn’t their a basic, boring shopping trip.

6. This is… Fun?

This is fun

For one half of the couple, at least, it seemed.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tinder Couple: After Three Years, Watch Them Meet for the First Time!

Remember Josh and Michelle, the Tinder couple who kept a joke running for three years without meeting? After screenshots of their exchanges went viral, Tinder offered to send them on a dream date.

But while they haven"t gone on that date to Maui yet, the world gets to watch them meet for the very first time on video, which you can see below.

Honestly? Josh and Michelle have to feel a little overwhelmed, but they are so cute and compatible and their chemistry is palpable.

So, a quick refresher:

Michelle and Josh attended the same university and matched on Tinder a few years ago.

Josh messaged Michelle, and she didn"t respond for ages, finally apologizing as if her reply had come a few hours late instead of taking much, much longer.

Josh replied a couple of months later, as if he, too, had only had a momentary delay.

And so it began — they"d check in every few weeks or months with another joking excuse for why they"d taken so long.

Their senses of humor seemed to really match up.

(The video will walk you through it)

They managed to keep this going for three years before Josh finally posted screenshots of their exchanges to Twitter.

The tweet went viral and the story took off.

We wrote about it.

And then Tinder took notice and, delighted at the free publicity and seeing an opportunity, offered them a dream date to anywhere that they wanted.

It"s a pretty good sign that they could agree on Maui — there are married couples who can"t agree on where to go on just a regular date.

Now, this video is going to be a little awkward in a couple of places, for one simple reason:

Josh and Michelle are not reality stars.

They"re not actors.

They"re not celebrities.

We"re not used to seeing people spend this much time being interviewed like this unless they have some experience with it or always aspired to show up on camera.

A lot of that awkwardness melts away when they see each other, though.

Then they just seem more excited.

It"s almost enough to make you believe in love at first sight.


Are you ever in the position where you love ways in which society has changed and evolved and you love technology but you step back and acknowledge that certain situations are super weird?

This is one of those.

Like, love is beautiful and Tinder is an amazing tool.

But also this feels like the premise for an episode of Black Mirror.

(And not a really good episode, like "San Junipero")

So, in the video below, you"ll see Josh and Michelle looking super nervous but excited.

(Josh, bless him, has a lot of restless energy and keeps moving around on his stool and licking his lips — we all have nervous habits)

They get asked some questions and they seem super compatible, giving similar answers if not the same ones even before they"ve laid eyes on each other.

And once they do meet, some of that nervousness goes away.

They both seem excited.

They keep exchanging glances, they keep half-moving to hug after their first hug.

Josh and Michelle really seem to have chemistry on camera together.

Also, Josh is at least a foot taller than Michelle. Bless.

Hopefully, they"ll have plenty of chemistry one-on-one, too.

Obviously, we have no idea where this relationship is headed.

In many ways, the whole thing is a lark.

But they did match on Tinder, and they"re both super attractive and their interests mesh really well.

Also, Josh mentions that his brother met his fiancee on Tinder.

So Tinder matches are no joke.

And these two are adorable.

Tinder couple after three years watch them meet for the first ti

Monday, July 24, 2017

This Couple Was Having Hot Sex. Then, Its Toddler Walked In.

The following story does not require much set-up.

A woman and her husband were recently going at it, tearing each other"s clothes off and set to engage in some very hot and extremely heavy intercourse…

… when the couple"s three-year old daughter walked in the bedroom.


We"ll let the wife/mother explain in hilarious detail, courtesy of her viral Facebook post, where things went from there:

1. Say Hello to Emma Lou Harris and Her Husband

Say hello to emma lou harris and her husband

This was the photo Emma Lou Harris, a native of Ireland, posted along with the following tale of eroticism and embarassment.

2. First, The Build-Up…

First the build up

“There’s an inevitable moment in every parents life when your children catch a glimpse of something you’d much rather they didn’t,” she wrote to open her Facebook post. “Something that the retinas of any grown adult human would need a full lifetime and then some to erase from their traumatised memory boxes but your own child? Fortnightly shrink sessions for life and replacement eyes are a must. And I would give serious consideration to hypnosis.”

3. Alcohol and This Husband-Executed Task?!?

Alcohol and this husband executed task

I’d had two full beers that night and Joe had emptied the dishwasher without having to be asked. I knew right then and there it was game on. Pants . Off!

4. We’re Off to Sexy Town!

Were off to sexy town

We shipped the kids to bed as quick as lightening and the very moment they slipped into a slumber, Mission slipping into other things commences for us as we hopped on straight down to sexy town.

5. We are DOING This… and We’re Doing It Well!

We are doing this and were doing it well

Things were getting heated. We were just getting to the bit of the act about half way through where you actually consider going professional and you wonder why you ain’t teaching these kinda moves on some sort of intense weekend course for beginners. Ye know, your about 2 mins in and all of a sudden bitches be thinking they some sort of Christian and Anastasia yoga instructors.

6. Right. So THIS is Why We’re Married.

Right so this is why were married

It was getting hotter then Satan’s ball sack and I was trying to hold in the noises . There was nails digging and hair pulling and and headboards knocking and we were JUST about to be reminded whyyyyyyyyy the HELL I ever put up with this bollox leaving his crap all over the house when suddenly… Mammmmmmmmy??????????

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"Bachelor in Paradise" Stars Robby Hayes & Amanda Stanton Scream New Couple Alert

Robby Hayes and Amanda Stanton are now a thing, thanks to “Bachelor in Paradise.” Oh, and … spoiler alert. Amanda and Robby were hand-in-hand for a weekend stroll in WeHo. We’re not judging, but seems like they’re already coordinating their…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Little Couple Fights for Medicaid, Joins Healthcare Debate

As previously reported, The Little Couple will return to TLC this fall.

Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein have relocated to Florida, however, and will allow cameras to follow them and their two children around their new home state, which the reality stars selected because Arnold was offered a pretty awesome job there.

A doctor, Arnold was previously the medical director of the Simulation Center at Texas Children’s Hospital and the Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology at Baylor College of Medicine.

But she’s now working at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg.

She has dedicated her professional life to the well-being of her young patients, while the practicing neonatologist also has an important personal reason to take an interest in children’s healthcare:

She, her husband and their two kids all have skeletal dysplasia, commonly known as dwarfism.

As you may have heard, there is an ongoing debate over a plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something called the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.

You don’t read The Hollywood Gossip to delve into the nitty gritty of this proposed legislation, but numerous politicians have come out against this legislation because it cuts Medicaid by billions of dollars.

Because Medicaid goes a long way toward helping kids with disabilities, Arnold is strongly opposed to the plan.

As a result, she, Bill, their five-year old and their six-year old visited Capitol Hill last Thursday to join the Children’s Hospital Association for a day of meetings with members of Congress.

“My goal of putting our lives out there is to raise awareness, so whenever I have opportunity to use this platform … well, that’s why I put up with TV cameras in our house,” Arnold explained at the time.

She and her family are talking to Representative Pete Olson of Texas in the above photo, doing all they can to explain their point of view on health insurance.

Arnold spent her day last week talking to Republicans who have supported the proposed cuts to Medicaid.

“The timing is critical,” she said, adding:

“The BCRA is scary – it would cut $ 43 billion in Medicaid funding, which would more negatively affect kids than adults. We have to speak out. We have to talk to our congresspeople.”

Arnold shared the same sentiment on social media.

As a caption to the photo shared at the outset of this article, she wrote the following:

Please get involved & remind your congress leaders to put kids’ health first! Great time meeting with members of congress to talk kids’ healthcare coverage! @speaknowforkids #littlecouple.

We aren’t about to tell readers what to think when it comes to this topic.

But we can all likely agree that it’s refreshing to see a reality star use her platform for something she truly cares about, for something that affects millions of people, as opposed to simply shilling for her own lip kit, right?

Well done, Dr. Arnold.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Tinder Couple Who Kept a Running Joke Going for Three Years Will Finally Meet on a Dream Date!

Tinder isn"t just an app for hooking up (or finding a genuine romance, if you"re into that); people can and do make lasting friendships without ever meeting.

But this is the story of a couple of attractive young people, Josh Avsec and Michelle Arendas, whose running joke of delayed replies to each other via Tinder ended up going viral on Twitter in a big way.

You know how sometimes you"ll miss a message and reply to it a little late? Well, after one missed connection, Michelle and Josh started replying to each other, taking weeks or even months between replies in the messages that you"ll see below.

Each time, they"d make an endearing fake excuse — the sort that would explain a delay of a few hours or a day, not of a few months.

A sense of humor is a great relationship builder.

After Josh posted screencaps, the internet collectively delighted in their messages, and folks started retweeting them. That"s when the story started to blow up.

In fact, so many people passed around screencaps of their exchanges around that Tinder took notice, and opted to send the couple on a dream date — wherever they wanted. So now they"re planning a date in Hawaii.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Josh and Michelle were tweeting about sportsball and regular stuff. They had no idea that their story would have people rooting for them from all over the world.

So, you know, no pressure. …

1. This Is Josh

This is josh

He’s a good-looking guy, trying his luck on Tinder.

2. This is Michelle

This is michelle

She’s as lovely as her sense of humor.

3. These two matched on Tinder three years ago

These two matched on tinder three years ago

A Tinder match doesn’t tell you everything, but it’s a start.

4. It started with "Hey Michelle" and one very delayed reply

It started with hey michelle and one very delayed reply

We’re guessing that she saw the message later and thought that it was new.

5. Then they started running with the joke

Then they started running with the joke

It’s really heartwarming to see how the two started playing off of each other with this joke.

6. The joke became more elaborate over time

The joke became more elaborate over time

They’re such goofballs.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Fixer Upper Couple: We Were Deceived by Magnolia Realty!

A couple that appeared on Season 3 of Fixer Upper has lashed out at Chip Gaines, Joanna Gaines and the real estate company they run.

Last Saturday morning, Waco, Texas residents Ken and Kelly Downs made headlines in the Waco-Tribune Herald for an unfortunate reason:

A drunk driver named Allen Wayne Miller lost control of his vehicle and plowed through their house.

Neither half of the couple was hurt, according to the newspaper, but photos posted on Twitter made it clear just how much damage was done to the home they had renovated by Chip and Joanna.

See for yourself below:

waco house

While most home owners who appear on Fixer Upper are satisfied with the results of their redone residence, the Downses say they’ve experienced nothing but significant trouble since they moved into their North Waco neighborhood.

They’re not sure now if they want to repair the destroyed home or sell it.

“It’s like the Wild West here. There’s been a lot of commotion coming from the bars and the store across the street,” Kelly said in an interview with the aforementioned newspaper, adding more forcefully:

“It’s been a problem from the beginning. We’ve lived here a year and a half and we feel deceived by the city of Waco and Magnolia Realty.”

That’s a pretty major accusation.

It’s unclear just how Chip and Joanna allegedly deceiver this couple.

Those who watch Fixer Upper are aware of how the series works: the hosts take a couple around town, giving them a look at three different houses and explaining the renovations each residence could benefit from.

The couple then chooses a home and Chip gets to work renovating it, while Joanna get to work designing the interior.

Ken and Kelly Downs admit they love what their home looks like, they’ve just been bothered by the community in which they reside.

“We have been intimidated and harassed,” Kelly says. “People have complained about their taxes going up because we moved here. Store owners have complained about taxes…

“There’s a big problem here. It’s not safe. This is a Fixer Upper gone bad.”

That’s a catchy quote, but Chip and Joanna can’t exactly be held accountable for the actions of people in a neighborhood.

We doubt any sort of legal actions will result from this accident and/or this complaint. Which is a welcome change for the HGTV stars.

As reported in April, Chip is facing a lawsuit from ex-business partners who allege he committed an act of fraud when he forced them to sell him their shares in Magnolia Realty.

Back in December, meanwhile, Chip and Joanna weren’t accused of anything themselves.

But a story went viral in which their pastor in Texas made some anti-gay quotes and the HGTV hosts were caught in the crossfire, as critics wondered where they stood on this issue.

Chip called for respect amidst this scandal and the couple came out of it unscathed.
