Showing posts with label Danica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danica. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Josh Duggar: Danica Dillon Admits to Lying, Then Takes it Back!

As we reported yesterday, adult film star Danica Dillon dropped her $ 500,000 lawsuit against 19 Kids and Counting star Josh Duggar.

Josh n

As part of the agreement, Dillon promised never to refile the case while Duggar agreed not to file documents “which the parties agree would conclusively prove that [Dillon’s] claims are fabricated,” according to court documents obtained by Radar Online. 

This basically means this case is closed for good, but it also means that Dillon admitted to the courts that at least part of her story was made up.

However, Dillon is singing a different tune on social media. 

Yesterday, she tweeted, “Just because something was dropped doesn’t mean it was a lie. #justsaying #thinkbeforeyoutweet.”

Danica Dillon tweets response to Duggar case

After being called a liar by members of the Twitterverse, she wrote a second tweet saying their words mean nothing, then attached an Instagram pic of herself flipping off the camera.

Danica Dillon tweets response to people calling her liar

Naturally, the admission to the courts versus what she is now saying online has left fans confused. Many have speculated that the Duggars paid her off to drop the case, while others are calling her an extortionist. 

Danica Dillon fan calls her liar on Twitter

Danica Dillon fan asks for explanation on Twitter

The court documents said nothing about Dillon staying hush on social media, so it looks like she’s sticking to her original story outside the courtroom.

Dillon had accused Duggar of physical and verbal abuse during two paid sexual encounters that took place last year. She said she suffered PTSD and loss of wages as a result of the incidents.

Josh claimed he had an alibi, receipts and flight records to prove he was in a different state at the time of the alleged trysts, however, we have not yet seen them.

We may never know exactly what happened between these two, but Dillon provided her side of the story in disturbing, graphic detail during an interview last month with Hustler magazine.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Josh Duggar: Danica Dillon Drops Lawsuit! Case Dismissed!

After months of scandals and public embarrassments, Josh Duggar finally received a bit of good news today.

TMZ is reporting that former adult film star Danica Dillon has dropped her lawsuit against Duggar and has vowed to never press further charges.

Dillon was suing Duggar for $ 500,000 for sexual assault, claiming that he manhandled and verbally abused her during two paid sexual encounters that took place last year.

Dillon alleged that Duggar was so brutal in his treatment of her that she’s been left with permanent injuries and emotional trauma.

Even though the case only reached the pre-trial hearing stage, there was serious some legal bickering involved, as Dillon stuck to her story, while Duggar claimed the two of them had never even met.

As recently as last week, it looked as though Duggar was planning to settle with Dillon in order to bring the case to a close. 

Then, in an interesting turn of events, lawyers for Josh announced that they would not allow Dillon to drop her case unless she retracted her allegations, issued a public apology, and agreed to never refile.

It appears that a compromise was reached, as the public apology and retraction do not appear to be forthcoming.

No one is quite sure what caused Dillon to drop her case, but one of the terms of the agreement is that Josh will not file documents which both sides admit prove that Dillon lied about her encounter with Josh.

In all likelihood, Danica was caught fabricating part of her story, and her lawyers reached an agreement that would allow her to avoid a countersuit or criminal charges.

Naturally, Josh still has a long, long way to go if he hopes to rebuild his reputation with the Duggar faithful, but his victory today certainly amounts to a small step in the right direction.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Josh Duggar: REFUSING to Let Danica Dillon Drop Her Lawsuit?

After weeks of publicly claiming that he had paid her for sex on multiple occasions, Danica Dillon sued Josh Duggar for sexual assault in November.

Dillon claimed that Duggar manhandled and verbally abused her during their encounters, leaving feeling as though she’d been raped.

She filed a civil suit requesting $ 500,000 in damages for the physical injuries and emotional trauma she’d allegedly sustained.

Dillon’s lawyers – like most who followed the case – seemed to be under the impression that Duggar would be eager to settle the case out of court in order to prevent the details of the accusations from being made public.

Instead, it seems that after months of public humiliation, Josh is happy for the opportunity to defend his reputation.

First, his lawyers petitioned the court to make Dillon prove she’d had sex with Josh by corroborating certain details of her story.

(Josh continues to maintain that he’s never even met Dillon.)

Now, in one of the cases most shocking turns yet, Dillon has decided to drop the suit – but Josh isn’t having it.

According to TMZ, her attorneys approached Duggar’s lawyers looking to have the case thrown out with the option to refile at a later date. 

Josh’s lawyers rejected the offer, and it seems they won’t settle for anything less than total victory.

The attorneys want Dillon to surrender her right to refile, as well as to publicly apologize and retract the accusations she made on social media.

Dillon has reportedly refused, and sources tell the website that she and her lawyers believe Josh will regret being so stubborn.

The case almost certainly now proceed to trial, where Josh and Danica will tell two very different stories.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Danica Dillon to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: You Created That SEX MONSTER JOSH!

Danica Dillon, the porn star suing Josh Duggar, says Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are to blame for creating a sexual deviant monster.

Josh’s downfall from the golden child – the first of Michelle and Jim Bob’s 19 Kids & Counting – to a pariah has been swift and dramatic.

Molesting underage girls including his sisters, cheating on his wife, being addicted to porn, and being sued for giving a porn star PTSD?

Quite the resume he compiled last year.

To hear Danica Dillon tell it, this all comes from how he was raised and Michelle and Jim Bob are at fault for letting him off the hook.

Oh yes. To her, the issue is upbringing.

“Josh got away with molesting five girls without really getting the help he needed because of his parents’ cover-up,” she says.

“He has obviously gotten so used to people protecting him and lying for him that he feels he should be able to get away with [anything].”

By insisting on dealing with things “in house” and failing to get him the counseling he obviously needed, Danica says it’s all their fault.

She even takes it a step further.

Theorizing that if Duggar had received treatment from professionals and stuck with it, she would not have been assaulted, as she alleges.

Jim Bob and Michelle [Duggar] created a monster. If Josh had received [help then], maybe his attack on me never would have happened.”

For what it’s worth, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s marriage is in crisis, reportedly, over Josh, his bizarre behavior and the epic fallout.

Danica is currently suing Josh for $ 500,000, claiming that Duggar has caused her myriad difficulties, ranging from PTSD to lost wages.

Moreover, Dillon wants to have details on Josh’s sexual history publicized by getting a subpoena from psychologists, among others.

Might such material corroborate her claims of Duggar’s disgusting sexual antics that were recently revealed in court documents? 

Josh’s parents, alleges Danica, “made sure that no one would ever see [the reports of Josh’s past behavior from therapists].”

“People will see the pain these young girls suffered at Josh’s hands,” Danica says, if the full details of Josh’s past are revealed.

It should be noted that Josh insists he never even met her despite her repeated claims, and statements that observers saw the couple. 

Some reports have hinted at a settlement on the horizon, but so far, the respective legal teams have traded barbs with no end in sight.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Josh Duggar to Settle $500,000 Danica Dillon Lawsuit?!

Over the past few weeks, new information about Danica Dillon’s lawsuit against Josh Duggar has gone public and caused further damage to the former reality star’s already-battered reputation.

Earlier this month, lawyers for Duggar petitioned the court to make Dillon prove that her encounter with Josh took place as she claimed – a move they’re probably now regretting. 

Over the weekend, Dillon provided disturbing new details about her encounter with Duggar, and sources close to Josh say he’s coming to terms with the fact that if he continues to fight, he may end up doing further damage to his family’s public image, as well as losing the case.

According to Radar Online, a settlement conference has been scheduled for March 25, at which time, attorneys for Josh and Danica will attempt to reach an agreement.

The way things are going, it’s unlikely that Dillon will be doing much in the way of compromising, as Josh is very clearly in a bad position.

Duggar has previously stated that he would never settle, and the only thing that would prevent him from going to trial would be if Dillon retracted her accusations and publicly apologized.

Obviously, that will never happen, but we get the feeling that Josh won’t be so gung-ho about sticking to his demands now that the case is causing even more once-loyal Duggar fans to turn their backs on him.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Danica Dillon: DISGUSTING New Details About Josh Duggar Sex Scandal

This is incredibly disturbing.

Danica Dillon’s assault and battery charges against Josh Duggar are still being weighed by the court, but the porn star recently revealed some very sordid details with Hustler about her “terrifying” encounter with the reality star.

Dillon says that when Duggar came to watch her dance at a strip club, he acted like sweet, adoring fan and showed no hints that he would turn into an abusive monster.

“He walked in and was like, ‘I’ve been a fan of your work… You’re so beautiful! I love you! You’re gorgeous!’ all night long,” recalls Dillon.

But his demeanor quickly changed once they got behind closed doors at her hotel room.

“He walked in and instantly was like, ‘Get undressed. Get on your knees.’ There was no intimacy, nothing,” she said.

“He grabbed my head and pulled me on to him and was doing a forced blowjob. I couldn’t breathe.”

She said she pushed him away and told him to calm down, which he did for a moment, but then started up again.

“He picked me up and threw me down on the bed and bent me over and was pulling my hair, calling me a dirty slut, telling me that I deserved it,” she tells the magazine.

She said he then put his hands around her neck and pushed down hard, leaving visible red marks.

“The whole time he’s degrading me and telling me I’m worthless,” she said.

“When I pushed him away, he pinched my lips together and spit on my face.”

She said the encounter lasted an hour and a half, and when he left he threw the money on the counter, $ 500 short of the $ 1,500 they had agreed to.

“How many other girls has he done this to,” she wondered. “Has he murdered anybody?”

When asked why she agreed to a second session with him, she said that he had come to the club and apologized profusely for his behavior, telling her “I want to show you that I’m a nicer person.”

She believed him and said that he wasn’t quite as rough the second time around, but was more verbally abusive, calling her a “slut” and a “skank.”

She is suing Duggar for $ 500,000 in damages and claims that she has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of his abuse.

However, when asked if she has any regrets, her answer is surprising:

“If I said that I regret it, then I wouldn’t be in the position that I am in now, to be able to speak out about sexual assault or sexual abuse.”

Duggar has denied all charges and claims to have evidence and an alibi that would prove him innocent.

The case is still pending.

Danica Dillon to Josh Duggar: I"ve Got PHOTOS From Our Sex Romp!

Yesterday, Josh Duggar claimed he has proof absolving him of wrongdoing in the $ 500,000 lawsuit brought against him by a porn star.

But Danica Dillon is firing right back, claiming she’s got photos to prove her claims – that they met for sex and that Duggar was abusive.

U.S. District Court documents filed by the troubled father of four’s lawyer confirm that Dillon’s attorney has offered to provide this evidence.

The contents of the photographs are unclear, though it’s interesting that Josh also claims to possess images that he says prove his case.

Duggar hasn’t provided those, instead offering Uber receipts and flight receipts proving (allegedly) he was not in Pennsylvania at the time.

Many took that as a sign that Duggar is winning the legal battle, though Dillon is showing no indication of backing off anytime soon.

Danica alleges that Josh choked her and called her demeaning names, giving her PTSD, during two rough, paid sex sessions last spring.

She alleged that they had met at a Pennsylvania strip club in March, and sources say Dillon is subpoenaing the strip club in question.

Along with various eyewitness accounts, “her team is confident they can get people to back up her story,” a case insider told Radar

Back on January 19, a judge ordered Dillon to provide medical and business records as proof of any physical and emotional damages.

Bottom line: The quest to prove or disprove that Danica and Josh had sex continues, with no end in sight and lawyers getting richer.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Josh Duggar: Here"s PROOF I Didn"t Have Sex with Danica Dillon!

Earlier this month, Josh Duggar claimed to have photos proving that he did not have sex with porn star and exotic dancer Danica Dillon, who has accused the 19 Kids and Counting star of assaulting her during their paid trysts.

We haven’t yet seen those photos, but now Radar Online reports that Duggar has Uber receipts and flight records that prove he was in Texas and Maryland during the alleged incidents, not Pennsylvania, where Dillon said they occurred.

In addition, Duggar’s legal team plans to subpoena the strip club and hotels where the two allegedly met, requesting surveillance footage and witness testimonies.

In a U.S. District Court document submitted Tuesday, Duggar provided this statement:

“Specifically, on March 12-14, 2015 or April 17-18, 2015, I was either in Texas, Maryland Washington, D.C, or flying to Texas from Maryland and provided evidence of that to my attorney.”

“…I was not in the District on those dates and never caused Plaintiff any injury anywhere.”

Dillon, on the other hand, has failed to produce court-requested evidence that would support her accusation – such as medical records and proof of lost wages.

Dillon is suing Duggar for $ 500,000 for allegedly inflicting physical and verbal abuse during a sexual encounter in which she claims he choked and manhandled her.

A pretrial conference between the two parties was scheduled for this afternoon.

Stay tuned to see what comes of it. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Josh Duggar: Winning Legal Battle Against Danica Dillon?

It looks like things might be going Josh Duggar’s way for the first time in a very long time.

As you may have heard, Duggar is being sued by Danica Dillon for allegedly abusing the former adult film star during a paid sexual encounter. 

Earlier this month, Duggar’s lawyers asked the court to force Dillon to prove that the encounter took place, as Josh says he wasn’t even in the same state as Dillon at the time she says they crossed paths.

The court agreed, and last week, Dillon was asked to furnish evidence that certain parts of her story (Josh frequenting the strip club where she worked, offering her money for sex, etc.) had taken the way that she said they had. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the deadline is today, and Dillon has yet to provide the proof that may be necessary for her case to continue.

Dillon’s lawyers have requested an extension that would allow them to compile the medical records, lost wage information, and text messages necessary to prove the nature of her interactions with Josh.

Josh’s attorneys argue that she’s had plenty of time with which to get her papers in order. Court documents filed by Duggar’s lawyers and obtained by Radar read as follows:

“It appears that in the days since her Complaint was filed, Plaintiff has found the time to bowl at Admiral Robinson Recreation Center in San Diego, California, ride a helicopter in Kauai, Hawaii, attend a San Diego chargers game, and to publicize photographs of herself undertaking those activities on Instagram.”

Thus far, Dillon has provided the court only with a $ 900 contract from the Pennsylvania strip club where she was once employed.

“That information alone is not sufficient to determine the wages lost to date in light of her alleged inability to work since mid-April,” Duggar’s lawyers claim.

So barring a last-second miracle for Dillon, it looks as though the case against Josh may be thrown out as early as today.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Danica Dillon: Judge Requests Proof She Had Sex With Josh Duggar

Josh Duggar may have just scored a major victory in his legal battle against Danica Dillon – or he mught be on the verge of being exposed as a liar, as well as a cheater.

As we’ve previously reported, Duggar is being sued by Dillon for allegedly manhandling and verbally abusing the former adult film star after paying her for sex.

Duggar says he’s never even met Dillon, and he insists that she’s merely attempting to extort him.

Last week, Josh’s lawyers petitioned the court to make Dillon prove that Duggar assaulted her.

Now, according to legal documents obtained by Radar Online, Josh’s attorneys have essentially gotten their wish – but there’s a good chance that their request could backfire.

The documents reveal that the court has asked Dillon to file a “sworn Certification” showing “a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claim occurred in this District.”

Obviously, she can’t prove what exactly went on behind closed doors, but she will need to furnish evidence that other parts of her story took place (Josh frequented the strip club where she works, gave her money in exchange for sex, etc.), presumably by providing a deposition and witnesses who can corroborate her version of events.

Ultimately, the move boils down to a high-stakes gamble by Josh’s legal team.

If Danica can’t provide the proof the judge is looking for, the case will be thrown out.

If she can, then not only will that severely hurt Josh’s chances of winning the case, it will essentially render him guilty in the court of public opinion.

We already know that Josh has perpetrated a number of horrific misdeeds in the recent past.

If Dillon can prove that even after months of therapy and rehab, the ex-reality star is willing to slander an abused mom just to keep from having to shell out a settlement, the damage to his reputation may prove irreparable.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Josh Duggar to Danica Dillon: You Can"t PROVE I Assaulted You!

As his court battle with Danica Dillon draws closer, Josh Duggar’s lawyers are doing everything in their power to try and discredit  the former adult film star.

Dillon claims Duggar paid her for sex, then manhandled and verbally abused in her such a way that she suffered physical injuries and permanent emotional trauma.

Duggar now claims he’s never even met Dillon, and his attorneys reportedly plan to argue that she’s extorting their client in hopes that he’ll pay her off in order to avoid further negative publicity.

Josh claims he has photographic proof that he was not with Dillon on the day in question, but clearly his lawyers aren’t taking any chances, as they’ve asked the judge to make Dillon furnish evidence that she was abused before the trial proceeds.

On Friday, Duggar’s lawyers filed papers with the following request:

Presumably, if this matter is of such importance to her that she would file a public complaint, make accusations about Defendant on national television and demand more than half a million dollars, producing some documentation of her losses and injuries and the names of people who have knowledge about her allegations within the time set by this Court and required by its rules should be feasible.”

Legal experts say Josh’s lawyers were hoping to stop the proceedings before they even reach the pre-trial conference stage, but it seems the judge wasn’t having it.

The motion was rejected, and both parties are still scheduled to come face-to-face for a conference that’s scheduled for January 21.

You can expect Josh’s lawyers to continue pulling out all the stops between now and then.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Josh Duggar: I Have Photos to Prove I Didn’t Abuse Danica Dillon!

Whoa. This Josh Duggar porn star scandal has more twists and turns than a cornfield maze.

Yesterday we learned that Duggar claimed he never met, much less paid for sex with and abused Danica Dillon – and now Radar Online reports that he has photographic evidence that proves he wasn’t even in Pennsylvania when the alleged incident took place.

Duggar has been accused of assault and is being sued by Dillon, an exotic dancer and adult film actress who claims the former reality TV star paid her for sex and inflicted physical and verbal abuse on her during their encounter.

New U.S. District court documents submitted by his attorneys state that Duggar “and his counsel have already provided more than one hundred pages of alibi documents to Plaintiff’s counsel, as well as video footage and photographs. Defendant also supplied the contact information of many eyewitnesses to ensure that substantive initial disclosures were produced.”

Duggar’s defense team also asked the court to demand that Dillon supply proof of the $ 500,000 in damages she incurred due to the alleged abuse, including wage information and medical costs.

But here’s the part that leaves us scratching our heads.

In a final blow, Duggar argues that Dillon’s assault and battery claims should be dismissed “because Plaintiff was engaged in illegal activities at the time she sustained the injuries alleged.”

Soooo, first he insists that the incident never happened, then he says that the thing that definitely didn’t happen was illegal, so her accusations shouldn’t count.


Did it happen or not, Josh? If it didn’t happen, it seems that last part should be totally irrelevant, right? 

And by the by, if that thing that didn’t happen DID happen, A) you were also engaged in said “illegal activity,” and B) if a second, and incidentally more severe, illegal act (i.e., physical abuse) occurs simultaneously with the first offense, you don’t get off scot-free.

A pretrial conference is scheduled for January 21. But we have a feeling more will surface between now and then.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Josh Duggar: I"ve Never Even MET Danica Dillon!

Back in August, adult film actress Danica Dillon claimed that Josh Duggar paid her for sex on multiple occasions while his wife was at home, pregnant with the couple’s fourth child.

In November, Dillon filed a lawsuit against Josh, claiming that the sex they engaged in was so rough that she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and felt as though she’d been raped.

Now, Josh is seeking to have the suit dismissed, and if he’s able to prove his argument, his lawyers should have no trouble convincing a judge that Dillon’s suit is bogus:

The 27-year-old former reality star now says that not only has he never had sex with Danica Dillon – he’s never even met her.

According to TMZ, attorneys for Josh claim that he was not in Pennsylvania on the night that Dillon claims they had sex, and he’s never even set foot inside the Philadelphia strip club where she says they met.

Before the case goes to trial, Josh’s lawyers will attempt to prove that Duggar has never been to any of the locations where Dillon says their interactions took place, including the hotel where she alleges the traumatizing sex occurred.

Josh has been keeping a low profile for several months, and he enrolled in a rehab program for sex addiction shortly after Dillon’s accusations were made public.

In addition to the unspecified damages sought by Dillon, Duggar may face criminal charges if testimony reveals that his actions amount to sexual assault.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Josh Duggar Seeks Dismissal of Danica Dillon Lawsuit: She Consented! There"s No Proof!

Josh Duggar has filed a motion to dismiss Danica Dillon’s lawsuit against him, claiming that there’s no evidence of wrongdoing, whatsoever.

Legally, anyway.

The disgraced Duggar doesn’t deny Danica’s claims that they engaged in rough sex in hotel rooms a couple of times early last year.

However, he disputes Danica’s allegations of sexual assault or that he intentionally inflicted emotional distress during their encounters.

Duggar’s lawyer Jeffrey A. Conrad said simply that “the Plaintiff has not alleged that Defendant attempted by force to do injury to her.”

Danica’s lawsuit hinges on Josh wanting to abuse her, then following through on that nefarious plan – one his camp adamantly denies.

“Assault requires intent to place Plaintiff in imminent apprehension of harmful or offensive contract,” he says in response to the suits.

Rather, in her lawsuit, Danica Dillon “did not provide anything more than a formulaic recitation of the elements of assault and/or battery.”

The attorney then zinged Danica – who says Josh Duggar manhandled her in bed and verbally abused her – and her admission of prostitution:

“Her labels and conclusions are not adequate, particularly because she states that she consented to physical and sexual contact [for money].”

It was one night in Philadelphia following her March 2015 strip club appearance that Dillon first boned Josh, and says it was horrible.

“Plaintiff felt as if she were being raped by the Defendant,” her attorney wrote in court documents ahead of a January 21 pretrial hearing.

Dillon first came forward in August, after Josh was outed as an Ashley Madison user and subsequently admitted his addiction to porn.

Not only did he mess around online, Josh confessed to cheating on wife Anna Duggar (he has not confirmed he did so with Dillon).

He has been in a Christian-based rehab center in Illinois ever since the scandal broke, though rumors say he may have secretly left.

As for reports of Josh headed to prison for hurting Danica, that speculation is a bit of a reach at best, given that this is a civil complaint.

Stay tuned, though. After the year Josh and the rest of the Duggars just had, we would not be surprised by a whole lot else at this point.

Oh, and despite all he’s put her through, the long-suffering Anna Duggar appears poised to reconcile with Josh, if she hasn’t already. Sigh.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Josh Duggar and Porn Star Danica Dillon: Lawyers Set Hearing!

Josh Duggar’s past will follow him into the new year.

In early 2015, Duggar was accused by porn star Danica Dillon of battery during sex.

The two met up twice at a Pennsylvia hotel, and Duggar got stingy with the $ 1500 he agreed to pay her prior to the romp.

According to Radar Online, Duggar’s lawyers want to move the case from state to federal court, since neither party resides in Pennsylvia.   

A judge has since ordered both sides to meet at a pretrial conference on January 21st in Philadelphia.

Duggar’s lawyers will attend the hearing, since he will be in treatment until February.

Dillon’s lawyers filed statements pertaining to the case on November 17th.

“Defendant manhandled Plaintiff and physically assaulted her to the point of causing her physical and emotional injuries,” the documents stated.

“Indeed, Plaintiff felt as if she were being raped by the Defendant.”

It’s been reported that Anna Duggar visited her husband at his Illinois treatment center over the holidays.

Twins John David and Janna Duggar are both licensed pilots, and aviation records show that the family’s plane did make a trip from Arkansas to Illinois.

The family has not released a statement in regards to this report.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Josh Duggar: Broke? Selling Home to Settle Danica Dillon Lawsuit?

Currently, Josh Duggar is still in rehab undergoing a controversial faith-based treatment for his addictions to sex and pornography.

But while Josh has been out of public eye for almost three months now, the drama in his life has continued to mount, and he may be on the verge of losing everything.

Last week, we reported that porn star Danica Dillon is suing Josh for assault, claiming that their sexual encounters left her “physically and emotionally injured,” and made her “feel as though she’d been raped.”

It was initially reported that the Duggars planned to do everything in their power to settle out of court, as Dillon’s lawyers promised to dredge up the ugliest parts of Josh’s past if the case went to trial.

Now it seems that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are finally refusing to help Josh buy his way out of trouble, and the 27-year-old father of four is being forced to resort to desperate measures in order to pay off Dillon.

According to Radar Online, Josh sold his home in Tontitown, Arkansas back in August, just days before Dillon went public with her accusations. 

Insiders believe he did so either in preparation for the inevitable lawsuit, or in hopes of paying Danica to keep quiet.

Either way, it seems Josh is extremely hard up for cash.

Sources say he  accepted the first offer that came and sold his and Anna Duggar’s “dream home” for just $ 75,000.

As Dillon is suing for a whopping $ 500,000, Josh still has a long way to go if he wants to keep this thing out of court – and out of the tabloids.