Showing posts with label Didn't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Didn't. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tekashi 6ix9ine: No, I Didn"t Get My Ass Kicked to Impress Nicki Minaj!

Over the weekend, rapper Tekashi6ix9ine was beaten, robbed and essentially left for dead 

On the surface, it looks to be a terrifying and near-tragic situation — but fans think there’s something extremely suspicious about the circumstances of the attack.

If you’ve never heard of Tekashi, or you’re extremely confused about how to pronounce his name, you’re not alone.

The 22-year-old up-and-comer is a big deal in the world of pink-haired rappers with unpronounceable stage names whose style seems to be inspired by a street gang from Blade Runner.

But he has yet to cross over into the realm of mainstream success.

And many believe that the emcee’s recent brush with death was nothing more than a publicity stunt to designed to help him make it to the big time.

You see, Tekashi was hospitalized on the same day that his new single with Nicki Minaj dropped.

Fans were already suspicious of the timing, and Tekashi didn’t help his situation by taking the opportunity to publicly flirt with Minaj.

“You still love me after I got beat up?” he wrote on Instagram.

“Fa sho. True love lasts forever,” Minaj wrote back.

Now, faking your own ass-whupping just to promote your new and maybe score some pity sex might seem like extreme behavior — and it is — but you have to remember how much Tekashi stands to gain.

Fame, fortune, sex with Nicki Minaj — suddenly, a few bruises don’t seem like such a high price to pay.

We kid, of course, and Tekashi would be a truly repugnant SOB if he really faked this whole thing.

In fact, at this early stage in his career, he’d likely neve live it down, which might be why the young rapper is now in full damage control mode:

“It leaves me speechless for words,” 6ix9ine told TMZ in a recent interview.

“I wouldn’t want to set up a publicity stunt and lose close to a million dollars—you know what I’m saying?” he added, referring to the amount that was allegedly stolen from him.

“I’m like the boy who cried wolf, you know what I’m saying? Like the person who trolls…like, when it’s actually real, people just don’t believe it anymore because it’s like, ‘Oh he’s trolling.”

Well, if he is trolling, he’s certainly taken into new heights.

Again, the situation sounds absurd — but we wouldn’t put anything past a man with the number 69 tattooed all over his body.


Farrah Abraham: Relax, My Kid Didn"t Kill Our Dog!

Farrah Abraham … she’s just been going through a lot lately, you know?

Well, lately, for the past decade, whatever.

But while she’s been awful for a very, very long time, she’s really kicked things up a notch this summer.

Last month, she assaulted a hotel employee when he tried to escort her off the premises after running her mouth at other guests.

According to the poor employee in question, as well as several witnesses, she hit him in the face with her forearm, then grabbed his face and pushed it, because that’s how you treat people when you don’t get your way.

Then, when police arrived to deal with her, she went off on them, too.

We hear there were many cries of “go f-ck yourselves” and “don’t you know who I am?” — classic Farrah.

Last week, she was officially charged with battery and with resisting arrest, and she could face up to eighteen months in jail if she’s found guilty.

Fingers crossed!

A couple of weeks after that, she got herself into a feud with Drita D’Avanzo of Mob Wives fame, which was a bad idea, because the “mob” part of that show isn’t really a joke.

Drita definitely has a temper, and we’re kind of amazed that she hasn’t tracked Farrah down and smacked her yet, like she was threatening to do.

Last week, she continued her reign of terror by convincing her poor daughter, Sophia, to “prank” some people by telling them that her dog had died.

Because how funny is that, right?

But then, a couple of days later, her dog actually died.

And that’s what we’re talking about today.

Farrah announced the sad news in a bizarre video of Sophia crying over the dog’s dead body — again, classic Farrah.

In her caption, she explained, that the dog, a Pomeranian named Blue, died “after being put down around his dog door to go out to potty on his balcony.”

Then, “literally no noise! no signs! and Sophia sees him just stop moving and she’s trying to figure out what is going on & yells for me I’m in disbelief and she hands me my half limp Blue.”

“Thinking low sugar,” she continued, “we grab syrup and water, his eyes looking at me as if he’s talking but his tongue can’t move and his body can’t but I see in his eyes he loves seeing his water and good and light of all the good and I feel his heart beating and we’re giving him love but as his body goes limper we call the Emergency vet.”

She said that they rushed him to the doggy hospital, but “no heart beat found was found.”

And just like that, Blue was gone.

A lot of people were confused, because what happened to this poor dog?!

He was only five years old, and in Farrah’s story, it sounds like he just collapsed out of nowhere, for no reason at all.

As dark as it sounds, some people even believed that Farrah could have done something to the dog, after all the negative attention she’d been getting for the dead dog prank.

Things got even darker over the weekend, when Sophia seemed to insinuate that she was responsible for Blue’s death.

On one of her social media accounts, Sophia wrote “I was getting Blue to go outside and my only choice was to toss him outside.”

“And then I did but then he went into shock and 30 seconds later he passed with no heart beat.”

She’s pretty clear there, right?

Blue got “tossed” outside, and less than a minute later, he was dead.

And if you pair Sophia’s story with Farrah’s, it gets even darker, because Farrah definitely said that Blue was put out on a balcony.

So … did Sophia accidentally toss Blue off a balcony?!

Before you get too worked up about what could have happened to poor Blue, know that Farrah’s already done an interview explaining everything.

Except it just makes things even more confusing.

About Sophia’s statement, she says that her daughter was just “stressed from the unexplainable tragedy and like I at the time couldn’t say or process clearly.”

She didn’t mean it, guys!

Farrah also took some time to explain what really happened to the dog, saying that “Blue and our other Pomeranians have been stressed from construction at our building.”

On top of that, he had a “collapsing trachea issue” for the past two months, and “stress adds to this.”

“Blue actually went limp once Sophia picked him up, as he was having anxiety again because of construction and didn’t want to go to the bathroom on the balcony.”

According to Farrah, her vet “believed it was his trachea that had collapsed” because when they brought Blue in, it looked like “he had a lack of oxygen.”

“Blue was perfectly healthy and happy,” she adds. “His medicine had been helping him.”

She says the whole thing hasn’t been easy for Sophia, “but she is very excited to get Blue back once he is through the preservation process. We have to wait 6 months.”

Oh yeah, did we forget to mention that they took his remains to a taxidermist?

Because that happened.

“No one can blame a child who is the best child to their best friend Blue,” she concludes.

And while Farrah obviously intended to shut everyone up about the dog situation … sorry, it did not work.

In her original post about Blue, she seemed very confused about what had happened, and if Blue had been dealing with a collapsing trachea, wouldn’t she kind of assume that might have something to do with it?

And if the vet was able to tell that he hadn’t been breathing, again, why would she be so confused in her post?

There are still a lot of questions surrounding Blue’s mysterious passing, and unfortunately, we’ll probably never get any real answers.

But hey, in six months we’re almost guaranteed to get some creepy pictures of Farrah and Sophia with their stuffed dog.

And that’s something, you know?


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Congressman Matt Gaetz Explains Why Sacha Baron Cohen Didn"t Dupe Him

Congressman Matt Gaetz didn’t fall for Sacha Baron Cohen’s trap to promote putting guns in the hands of toddlers, but admits he was clueless about who he was talking to. We got the Florida Representative Thursday at Reagan National Airport, and…


Mark Zuckerberg: I Didn"t MEAN to Defend Holocaust Deniers!

Remember in late 2016 when it looked like Mark Zuckerberg was testing the waters for an eventual Presidential run? That ship has clearly sailed.

In a recent statement, Zuckerberg seemed to make excuses for Holocaust deniers on Facebook, claiming that the classic neo-nazi talking point is just an honest misunderstanding.

Now, he’s trying to walk back his statements … but not doing a great job of it.

On a Wednesday appearance on the Recode Decode podcast, Mark Zuckerberg reminds listeners: “I’m Jewish.”

That is definitely relevant to the conversation of Holocaust denial and other abhorrent content that spreads via Facebook.

“And there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened,” Zuckerberg admits.

“I find that deeply offensive,” he says.

For the record, saying that Holocaust denial is offensive kind of misses the point.

‘But at the end of the day,” Zuckerberg continues. “I don’t believe that our platform should take that down.”


He does explain his point of view.

Zuckerberg says that he doesn’t want to block thta content “because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong.”

Some would argue that people who believe evil, untrue things are never intentionally getting it wrong. Other say that most Holocaust deniers are deliberately lying.

“It’s hard to impugn intent,” Zuckerberg says. “And to understand the intent.”

Many would say that the intention behind spreading such misinformation doesn’t really matter.

“I just think, as abhorrent as some of those examples are,” Zuckerberg says. “I think the reality is also that I get things wrong when I speak publicly.”

Zuckerberg sent a follow-up email to clarify his wildly controversial statements.

“I enjoyed our conversation yesterday,” his email begins. “But there’s one thing I want to clear up.”

A lot of people are better-spoken in emails than they are in interviews.

“I personally find Holocaust denial deeply offensive,” Zuckerberg repeats. “And I absolutely didn’t intend to defend the intent of people who deny that.”

That’s … reassuring?

“Our goal with fake news is not to prevent anyone from saying something untrue,” he clarifies. “But to stop fake news and misinformation spreading across our services.”

That sounds like a subtle distinction for those who don’t actively work in social media.

He goes on to explain how he hopes that Facebook will accomplish this goal.

“If something is spreading and is rated false by fact checkers,” Zuckerberg describes. “It would lose the vast majority of its distribution in News Feed.”

“And of course,” Zuckerberg continues. “If a post crossed line into advocating for violence or hate against a particular group, it would be removed.”

That is probably welcome news to the people who have reported direct threats against them on Facebook only to have Facebook respond with the formal equivalent of a shrug.

“These issues are very challenging,” Zuckerberg admits. “But I believe that often the best way to fight offensive bad speech is with good speech.”

“I look forward to catching up again soon,” he concludes. “Mark.”

There are a few issues with his statement.

First of all, addressing direct and explicit violent threats just allows people to play word games. Holocaust denial is a popular word game.

A number of white supremacist groups enjoy presenting the Holocaust as a fabrication, concocted by an all-powerful Jewish cabal in order to procure international sympathy.

Zuckerberg himself is unlikely to be impacted by the spread of anti-semitism, because his status as a billionaire means that he does not face the everyday experiences that non-billionaire minorities do.

And that goes for his entire family.

He might be offended by their rhetoric, but he is not the person who is likely to have his home or place of work vandalized by someone who worked themselves into a frenzy after consuming hour after hour of conspiracy theories.

Many have pointed out that Zuckerberg cares more about making money off of avowed racists on his platform than he is about the real world consequences of helping nazi ideology to spread.

In Zuckerberg’s defense … he’s not the best at public speaking.

Also, YouTube’s video suggestion algorithm, which points so many teens to a cesspool of conspiracy theoriest and white nationalist media, is definitely worse.

Still … defending Holocaust deniers isn’t a great platform for a political run. Unless you’re Trump, apparently.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Paul George Didn"t Want to Play In Kobe"s Shadow, Says YG

They’ve partied together … they’re fans of each other … and now rapper YG says he knows why Paul George ultimately decided NOT to sign with the Los Angeles Lakers — Kobe Bryant.  It’s not a personal thing … YG says PG knows the…


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Babyface Sides With Ed Sheeran, Says He Didn"t Rip Off Marvin Gaye

Babyface says it’s a serious stretch to say Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” rips off Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” … and the evidence is right there for anyone to hear. The singer and mega producer — who knows all about creating hit…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Cardi B & Offset"s Officiant Didn"t Sign NDA to Marry the Rappers

The minister who officiated Cardi B and Offset’s wedding says the rappers never made her sign a non-disclosure agreement to keep it all hush hush … she’s just really good at keeping a secret. Minister Melinda…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Pusha T Says He Didn"t Go Too Far with Drake"s Baby and Blackface Pic

Pusha T says he has no regrets about hitting Drake with some very low blows about the child he had with an ex-porn star and taking a pic in blackface. Push spoke with Charlamagne tha God, Angela Yee and DJ Envy on “The Breakfast Club”…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Paris Jackson: I Didn"t Even Know Janet Jackson Would Be Performing ...

Fans and viewers watched in awe as Janet Jackson totally owned the stage at the Billboard Music Awards.

But when the camera panned to some of her family in the audience, some folks were surprised and even saddened to see that Paris Jackson was nowhere to be seen.

Paris responded to the flurry of questions, but she’d really prefer for intrusive fans to mind their own beeswax. That’s fair.

Taking to social media, Paris writes:

“Dear social media followers, friends, stalkers, lovers and haters, and fellow moonwalkers:”

That is such a sweet and fun way of addressing everyone, including fans of her late father.

“Please do not tell me/demands/try to control how I handle my relationship with the people in my life.”

That is a very fair boundary to set with her fans. And she gets more specific.

“Specifically my family.”

Though she has used social media to clap back at family members who think she’s going to die, that was her conversation to reveal.

She says that her family’s highs and lows are very personal.

“As amazing and as s–tty as things can be, it is no one’s business but ours.”

But she acknowledges why so many fans lose perspective when it comes to the Jackson family.

“I understand that some of you feel some sort of connection or need to be a part of our lives considering you watched us grow up.”

She understands, but she’s very politely laying down the law.

“However, I am handling my situation exactly how my father did.”

Meaning that she is not going to spill specific details about family troubles.

“And I am happy keeping it that way.”

She emphasizes that, even when there are problems (which she isn’t denying), she loves her family.

“I will always have love and respect for my family. ALWAYS.”

Speaking to her fans who want to know more, she makes it clear that even a family that is considered American Royalty has normal family problems.

“Every family has their moments of trauma, heartbreak, separation, love, oneness, tribe, pain, everything. EVERY FAMILY.”

But because she is famous, their issues are consumed by millions.

“My family, specifically, and a good number of others … well, our drama is broadcasted worldwide through media.”

Just because something is widely reported does not make it unusual, however.

“But that doesn’t mean our family issues are any different from yours.”

Except, of course, in one major way.

“Ours are just made public.”

Paris continues, saying:

“Every level has another devil.”

That is a quote that is sometimes attributed to Tyrese Gibson.

“Every life has their own s–t to deal with.”


“We ain’t inferior or superior to y’all. We’re all f–king human.”

She then takes that we’re all human line to shame the people who are demanding that she divulge family drama.

“So let’s act like it.”

She emphasizes that she loves her fans, however.

“I appreciate any and every person reading this.”

She also makes it clear that she’s not whining about her life, in case there was any doubt.

“And I’m grateful for everything in my life, positive and negative.”

When one tabloid took to Twitter to say that Paris’ statement hadn’t really cleared up anything, Paris responded.

Understandably, she got a little heated.

“And you clearly didn’t get the message. mind. your. own.”

Business. That’s what she wants people to mind.

“Should i spell it out for you in wooden alphabet blocks?”

We somehow doubt that this would make it clearer.

“No one told me about the performance or award. not my family or my management so take a hike dude.”

She has revealed recently that some members of her family have not called or otherwise contacted her for some time.

For those still curious about her business, Paris did offer a little further context to why she isn’t always in the loop on every single thing that members of her extended family get up to.

“i also have like a job and like a life i’m trying to provide for myself n my doggo.”

She’s a model and an actress, folks.

It is totally okay to wonder about what’s going on in the family of people whom you admire.

But when all that’s going on is some behind-the-scenes family drama and nobody’s getting hurt, try to avoid demanding answers from your faves.

They’re real people with real feelings.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Teairra Mari"s Ex Swears He Didn"t Leak Sex Tape, Plans To Countersue

Teairra Mari’s ex-boyfriend, Akbar Abdul-Ahad, says she’s pointing her finger at the wrong guy when it comes to who leaked her sex tape … because it’s not a guy at all … it’s a woman. Akbar is being accused of hacking into Teairra’s…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Tyron Woodley Rips YouTube"s Vitaly, Lucky I Didn"t Beat Your Ass!

Tyron Woodley came thiiiiiiis close to beating the dog snot out of YouTube star Vitaly when a stupid prank crossed the line … and Tyron’s still fuming about it. FYI, Vitaly is famous for screwing with big stars like Kim Kardashian — but…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Raquel Pennington "Glad My Corner Didn"t Let Me Quit"

UFC fighter Raquel Pennington says she would have been “devastated” if her corner would have thrown in the towel during UFC 224 … saying, “I’m glad they didn’t let me quit.” Pennington’s corner has been under fire for not throwing in the towel…


UFC"s Tim Kennedy Says Waterboarding Didn"t Hurt, "Not Real Torture"

Ex-UFC star Tim Kennedy said the reason he decided to get waterboarded was to show the world, “We’re not a bunch of spineless cowards” … and insists it didn’t even hurt.  Kennedy — a U.S. Army Special Forces veteran — let his friends…


UFC"s Tim Kennedy Says Waterboarding Didn"t Hurt, "Not Real Torture"

Ex-UFC star Tim Kennedy said the reason he decided to get waterboarded was to show the world, “We’re not a bunch of spineless cowards” … and insists it didn’t even hurt.  Kennedy — a U.S. Army Special Forces veteran — let his friends…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Bill Belichick Says Patriots Didn"t Know About Matt Patricia Rape Case

Bill Belichick says the New England Patriots didn’t know about Matt Patricia’s 1996 rape case … but is voicing his support for the Detroit Lions head coach. “The New England Patriots were not aware of the matter which recently came to light,”…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Beyonce"s Hair Didn"t Get Stuck in SoulCycle Bike

Beyonce was not left shaking after her hair got stuck in a SoulCycle bike … because IT NEVER HAPPENED. Our sources say a story floating around that Bey’s weave got tangled up in a bike back in February at the L.A. studio — requiring staff to…


Beyonce"s Hair Didn"t Get Stuck in SoulCycle Bike

Beyonce was not left shaking after her hair got stuck in a SoulCycle bike … because IT NEVER HAPPENED. Our sources say a story floating around that Bey’s weave got tangled up in a bike back in February at the L.A. studio — requiring staff to…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Adrien Broner Didn"t Cancel NY Event Over Tekashi69 Threat, Showtime Says

Adrien Broner did not back out of an NYC event to promote his fight over threats made by East Coast rapper Tekashi69 … at least that’s what Showtime tells TMZ Sports.  Broner was supposed to attend an open workout on Wednesday to…


Tim McGraw and Faith Hill Stand with Ed Sheeran, WE Didn"t Steal "Rest of Our Life"

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are standing by their man, Ed Sheeran, and insist one of their hit duets — which he wrote — was not a rip-off of an Australian hit song. Faith and Tim say they lawfully licensed their song, “The Rest of Our Life” ……


Tim McGraw and Faith Hill Stand with Ed Sheeran, WE Didn"t Steal "Rest of Our Life"

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are standing by their man, Ed Sheeran, and insist one of their hit duets — which he wrote — was not a rip-off of an Australian hit song. Faith and Tim say they lawfully licensed their song, “The Rest of Our Life” ……
