Showing posts with label Fail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fail. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Did Fans Just Catch Her in MASSIVE Photoshop Fail?!

In this world, there are a few facts that are undeniable.

The earth is round. Climate change is real. Kylie Jenner loves a good belfie.

And today, we’re going to be talking about that last one.

Kylie Jenner has probably shared somewhere around three billion selfies in her nineteen years of life, and in the past couple of years, they’ve gotten more and more scandalous.

She particularly enjoys the previously mentioned “belfie,” but she’s also down for some lingerie selfies, some bikini selfies …

Really, if it’s a selfie that will showcase her ever-changing body, Kylie is down.

And that’s why we’re in the predicament we’re in right now.

Last night, our girl shared this new photo. She’s rocking a long-sleeved tee and some Puma underpants, and she looks great, right?

Of course she does. As ridiculous as she can be, she is attractive, that much is indisputable.

But while Kylie looks good, unfortunately we can’t say the same for the space around her.

If you can tear your eyes away for just a moment, check out that big white thing on the left. See the way it bulges out, right where her waist curves in?

That, friends, is a pretty tale-tell sign of some amateur Photoshopping.

And her followers were quick to point it out.

“Poorly photoshopped babe,” one person pointed out. “We’ve all been there — but girl — you’re always taking pictures — you should be the queen at it now.”

“Pretty bad photoshop with that curve in the wall,” someone wrote, and another said “The wall is bending but okay.”

One particularly savage Instagram user wrote “Hahahaha when you’re 19, rich, and had so much plastic surgery yet you still need to edit your pics.”

Several people pointed out the issue with this photo, but others jumped to Kylie’s defense, saying that the white thing to her left isn’t a wall or a door frame, but a curtain.

And that’s true: Kylie posted another photo in the same “outfit” in the same place, and in that one it’s clear that she’s standing by a curtain.

But still, curtains don’t bulge like that, either.

Also, upon comparing the photos, it’s clear that the curtains don’t curve like that, and while her waist is obviously small, it’s not as small as it is in the supposedly altered image.

It’s just strange, because why would she even bother with editing her photos?

Like we keep saying, she’s gorgeous, and she has a great body, so why bother to make her waist look even smaller, especially when she’s not even going to put in the effort to do it right?

Just … just chill for a little bit, Kylie.

Take a break from the selfies and the belfies and all of this. Get some perspective. And perhaps some Photoshop tutorials.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jessa Duggar: Slammed For Parenting Fail on Instagram!

There was a time when Jessa Duggar was one of the more scandal-free Duggars, and even critics of the family agreed that she seemed to be among the least problematic of Jim Bob and Michelle’s many, many children.

But the past few days have been rough on Jessa, and now she finds herself on the receiving end of some harsh criticism.

Bizarrely, most of it has to do with clothing.

It all started last week, when we first learned that Jessa would be giving a lecture on dressing modestly at a women’s retreat in Middletown, Ohio.

Obviously, it’s more than a little weird and gross that the topic of her address sounds like something from a finishing school curriculum, circa a few years before women got the vote.

But fans were freaked out by more than just the content of the speech.

The whole thing was shrouded in a strange secrecy:

Girls under 9 and men of all ages were barred from attending, and a webpage about Jessa’s appearance disappeared shortly after the retreat began to receive nationwide media attention.

The situation served as a cringe-inducing reminder of the fact the Duggars have been accused of blaming the victims of sexual assault for dressing too provocatively.

Some objected to the fact that Jessa seemed to be using her fame to cash in on her younger fans in a somewhat shameless fashion.

(Tickets for the event sold for as much as $ 50.)

It’s a lesser concern, obviously, but it still points to some deeply troubling hypocrisy lurking at the intersection of the Duggars’ business practices and their religious beliefs.

Fortunately, Jessa’s latest sartorial scandal is far less nauseating:

That’s Jessa with her husband, Ben Seewald, and her sons, Spurgeon and Henry Wilberforce.

They’re about to attend Easter Sunday church services, and aside from the kids’ names (Just kidding, Jessa!) it’s hard to imagine what could possibly be wrong with this photo.

It seems the issue has to do with the children’s feet.

Yes, as you can see, Henry and lil Spurge aren’t wearing any shoes or socks, and in 2017, that apparently justifies a comments-section freak-out.

“Why do they not have shoes on?” one of Jessa’s followers wrote.

“The ground is not clean. Use your head Jessa. The boys need to wear shoes when outside.”

Amazingly, Jessa actually took the time to respond, writing:

“We try. Spurgeon took his shoes off in the car, so we didn’t bother to put them back on,” the mother of two wrote.

“He’s still a baby, so we carry him around most of the time when we’re out and about.”

They must be playing ice hockey in hell, folks, because we’re siding with Jessa on this one.

Look, we know there are a lot of people who have very justifiable beefs with the Duggars.

In fact, we can’t imagine how anyone doesn’t have beef with the Duggars.

But when you focus on the little mistakes instead of the big picture, you distract from what’s really important.

Sometimes you have to let the little annoyances go in order to save your energy for the stuff that really matters.

Call it tantrum-management in the age of Trump. 


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wheel of Fortune Fail Goes Viral, Stuns the Masses

We"ve documented our share of Wheel of Fortune fails over the years.

Remember the time Pat Sajak actually walked off the set because contestants kept talking about horses for some reason?

Or the time a contestant blew a very easy chance at $ 1 million?

These were both memorable moments, but they pale in comparison to what just transpired on the show for a man named Kevin.

Clearly not a fan of Tennessee Williams (or logic), Kevin was faced with the following puzzle after correctly asking for the letter "C" to be placed on the board:

When he chose to spin the wheel, despite missing just one letter from the answer, Sajak and viewers assumed that Kevin was simply a risk-taker who wanted to increase his pot.

But… nope.

He was just a guy who apparently had never heard of the play "A Streetcar Named Desire."

So he went ahead and guessed the letter "K." Which would have made the final answer "A Streetcar Naked Desire."

After his monumental failure, fellow competitor Lisa swooped in for the victory.

And Twitter was left to react in shock, anger, confusion and humor to what it had witnessed.

"I"m gonna go lie down," wrote one user very simply after explaining what happened on the game show.

Another invoked Joey from Friends:

And another sympathized with poor Kevin:

Was this the greatest mistake in the long-running history of game shows?

It has to be up there, right?

Watch the entire snafu play out below:

Wheel of fortune fail the most shocking of all time

"Wheel of Fortune" Contestant Suffers Most Epic Fail, Maybe of All Time (VIDEO)

A “Wheel of Fortune” contestant Kevin went down in game show history Tuesday night by flubbing a puzzle with just one blatantly OBVIOUS letter to go. Hilarious brain fart, Kev. Get your mind out of the gutter, and one more thing:…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Miles Teller Feels Sorry for Oscars Fail Accountants, "Sucks to Lose Your Job!" (VIDEO)

Miles Teller thinks PricewaterhouseCoopers is doing right by not firing the employees responsible for the Best Picture screwup, and for one solid reason. We got Miles and his hot GF, Keleigh Sperry, Thursday at LAX. When our photog told…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tom Brady"s Grammar Fail at Super Bowl Practice (PHOTO GALLERY)

Tom Brady is an apostrophe abuser. Here’s Tom at Super Bowl practice on Thursday rocking one of those QB wristbands — complete with what we believe to be some throwing motion notes. We don’t really know what “Light Light G.P.” means … but we DO…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ariel Winter: Photoshop Fail Draws Criticism

If you follow her on Instagram, you that Ariel Winter likes to show off her curves.

Obviously, we have no complaints about that whatsoever.

Unfortunately, it seems she’s currently experiencing some fallout from what seems to be an inevitable hazard for Instagram-happy young celebs these days.

The photo above is latest Ariel’s selfie, uploaded last night.

That is to say, we think it’s a selfie…

As you can see, Ms. Winter’s head has been cropped out for reasons that remain unclear, but there’s an even more curious detail that has some fans scratching their heads:

It seems many of her followers are convinced that those are not Ariel’s legs.

Or at least that Ariel’s legs have been severely digitally altered.

Numerous fans called her out in the comments, but it’s a testament to how well-liked Ariel is by her IG followers that even the shade they throw is mostly supportive.

“Stop with the photoshop. You don’t need it!!” one fan commented.

“Obviously photoshopped plz stop you are perfect without it,” wrote another.

Most heavily-photographed celebs will be re-touched at some point in their careers, but Ari’s case is made particularly awkward by the context of the pic.

For one, it’s on her Instagram page, which means that if she didn’t do the retouching herself, she was at least aware of it.

We’re used to Lindsay Lohan photoshop fails, but we figured Ariel was better than that.

On top of that Ariel has been a vocal opponent of online shaming and an advocate of body positivity for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, etc.

Some of her more impressionable fans might feel that altering her pics serves to undermine her message.

“I really had the greatest opportunity to have some wonderful role models, especially Sofia Vergara,” Ariel said in a recent interview.

“Working with a curvy beautiful woman that everybody looked up to and loved the way she looked.

“That was my inspiration to move forward and accept myself because that’s what matters.”

Of course, the most alarming thing about all of this is that Ariel’s bikini pics are flawless from the moment the digital shutter snaps, and altering them in any way is like adding one of those school photo day laser backgrounds to the Mona Lisa.

Yes, it’s amazing what technology can do these days.

But perhaps only nature can achieve true perfection. *wipes single tear from cheek* #Boobs


Monday, November 28, 2016

Mariah Carey Called Out for MASSIVE Photoshop Fail

If Mariah Carey is looking for a way to distract folks from her James Packer breakup and rumored relationship with a backup dancer, well…

… she has managed to do so successfully.

And also embarrassingly.

The singer spent Thanksgiving in Hawaii, alerting fans to her whereabouts via the Instagram photo featured above.

It depicts Care (and her ample cleavage) holding a pie and a can of whipped cream, while wishing followers a “#happythanksgiving” while she’s busy “#festivating.”

Is she under fire for making up a dumb word such as “festivating?” No, although we’d argue that she should be.

Instead, Carey is facing a lot of backlash for this image due to how clearly she has Photoshopped various parts of it.

“That’s got to be some of the worst photoshopping I’ve seen!” wrote one follower, specifically referring to the distorted mirror by Carey’s shoulder and the warped cabinet near her right knee.

maraiah evidence

“Should the cabinet door and mirror bend like that?” another person asked.

(We can tackle this one: No. They should not.)

Some fans did come to Carey’s defense (“Let her be she looks happy,” argued one very positive individual), while others simply want answers about her love life.

carey evidence

Carey and Packer called off their engagement a few weeks ago.

Initial reports alleged that Packer had grown sick of his fiancee’s notoriously diva-like behavior, but subsequent articles pointed to Packer’s mental instability.

There’s also been unverified talk that Packer is a violent individual and that he attacked one of Carey’s assistants on board a yacht in Greece.

Meanwhile, with the public wondering just why she called off her wedding, Carey has reportedly been spending a lot of time with backup dancer Bryan Tanaka.

A lot of naked time?

Was he with her on this holiday trip to Hawaii?

What, if anything, can Carey tell us about this alleged romance?

The artist sat down a few days ago with Entertainment Tonight to discuss. Watch and learn!

Mariah Carey will be starring in her very own reality show this December on E!.

Some say it is the reason why Packer called off their relationship; because he wanted nothing to do with such self-centered nonsense.

Will you be tuning in for it?


Friday, October 14, 2016

Jenelle Evans: ANOTHER Parenting Fail!

As the years go by, it becomes increasingly clear that Jenelle Evans is physically and emotionally incapable of being an OK person.

Specifically, she is incapable of being an OK parent.

We hardly have time to go through the many, many examples of Jenelle’s questionable parenting, so let’s just run through a few real quick.

One, Jenelle took her two-year-old son, Kaiser, to the beach during Hurricane Matthew last weekend.

Two, she’s currently dating (and expecting a child with) David Eason, a man who continually mocks her kids. In an episode from the last season of Teen Mom 2, he called Kaiser a “screaming little bitch,” and he told her older son, Jace, to “not scream like a little girl.”

Three, in another episode from Teen Mom 2, Jenelle ditched her kids to go on Spring Break. No, it doesn’t make sense, but yes, she really did do that.

Four, she’s been accused of neglecting her children, and there’s been evidence on the show that she is guilty of that.

Five, heroin.

You get the picture.

And if you don’t, then check out this controversial photo that Jenelle shared yesterday and see if you can understand why so many people are so done with her ridiculous behavior.

Yes, that’s Kaiser riding a dog like it’s a horse.

Come on, Jenelle.

There are a couple of things wrong with this photo, as her Instagram followers were quick to point out.

“He should not be sitting on him,” one user wrote. “Any weight on a dog’s lower back/hips is horrible for them.”

“Kid should be taught to not sit on a dog,” another tried to explain. “Not safe or fair to the animal. Knowing how well the kids are monitored there will be an accident with the dog and kiddos sooner than later.”

“Annnnd this is why dogs end up biting children and then get labeled as dangerous dogs and are blamed but the owners aren’t. Please use common sense, children shouldn’t be sitting on dogs.”

“I love you Jenelle but this is not ok. This is how children get bit. You need to teach your child manners and boundaries regarding animals.”

One commenter summed it all up perfectly with this:

“Jenelle, we know you don’t have any common sense, but come on. Do you want your dog to have back problems? People always have something negative to say because you do idiotic things regularly.”

Truer words were never spoken.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Google Apologizes for Major April Fool"s Day Fail

Oops, Google’s bad!

The global giant apologized on Friday after its April Fools Day prank went so off course that it actually got someone fired.

The company had tried to play along with the unique occasion via a temporary Gmail feature titled Mic Drop.

The feature was comprised of an orange “Send” button that would add to your message a GIF of a Minion dropping a microphone and automatically archive any responses.

This would thereby give you the impression of having the last word in any conversation in which you were a participant.


… this new button looked far too similar to the regular “Send” button. And it was also located right alongside the regular “Send” button.

And it also replaced a “Send and Archive” button that some Gmail users enable.

The catastrophic result was that many people sent a Minion GIF in a professional email by accident, including Andy Baio, former Kickstarter CTO and founder of XOXO Festival.

“I can’t believe how short-sighted Gmail’s “Drop Mic” April 1 joke is. It replaces the “Send+Archive” button, and attaches GIFs to sent mail,” he wrote in a critical Tweet today.

A writer named Allan Pashby, meanwhile, says he lost a job when he inadvertently used the Mic Drop feature to submit an article… didm’ hear back from his editor… and then received an angry voicemail about the prank.

“Due to a bug, the Mic Drop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs,” Google software engineer Victor-bogdan Anchidin wrote by way of apology.

“We’re truly sorry.”

The Mic Drop button, as you might imagine, has been removed by Google.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Khloe Kardashian"s Photoshop Fail on Gym Selfie: BUSTED!

Whoopsie. Khloe Kardashian just got caught committing one of the deadliest celebrity sins on Instagram…

Thou shalt not Photoshop. 

Oh, yes she DID.

Earlier today she posted a photo of herself in workout wear, flaunting her remarkably flat and toned abs.

But there was one dead giveaway elsewhere in the shot. Can you spot it?

Yep, straight lines in architecture are often the tell, and you can see a slight curve in the door jamb adjacent to the reality star’s thigh.

You can barely detect it, but Instagram trolls have sleuthing skills that blow Nancy Drew out of the water.

Khlo quickly deleted the pic, but she replaced it with the original along with a message.

“If only hatin burned calories how dope yall would be. Too bad it doesn’t. Here’s the OG shot. The petty movement ain’t cute. Oh and I almost forgot…. Namaste”

As you can see, the photos appear to be nearly identical save for the warped door, so we’re not sure what the Photoshopping was for.

I have to agree with Khloe. Haters constantly looking to take down others, famous or not, is just not something our society should be proud of.

Perhaps fans just expected more from Khloe. She’s been called the “realest” Kardashian and has shared ugly details of cheating exes or what she likes in bed.

Maybe if we were all a little kinder, Khloe wouldn’t feel the need to Photoshop her pics. 

And Khlo, well, we think you’ve learned your lesson.

Khloe Kardashian"s Photoshop Fail on Gym Selfie: BUSTED!

Whoopsie. Khloe Kardashian just got caught committing one of the deadliest celebrity sins on Instagram…

Thou shalt not Photoshop. 

Oh, yes she DID.

Earlier today she posted a photo of herself in workout wear, flaunting her remarkably flat and toned abs.

But there was one dead giveaway elsewhere in the shot. Can you spot it?

Yep, straight lines in architecture are often the tell, and you can see a slight curve in the door jamb adjacent to the reality star’s thigh.

You can barely detect it, but Instagram trolls have sleuthing skills that blow Nancy Drew out of the water.

Khlo quickly deleted the pic, but she replaced it with the original along with a message.

“If only hatin burned calories how dope yall would be. Too bad it doesn’t. Here’s the OG shot. The petty movement ain’t cute. Oh and I almost forgot…. Namaste”

As you can see, the photos appear to be nearly identical save for the warped door, so we’re not sure what the Photoshopping was for.

I have to agree with Khloe. Haters constantly looking to take down others, famous or not, is just not something our society should be proud of.

Perhaps fans just expected more from Khloe. She’s been called the “realest” Kardashian and has shared ugly details of cheating exes or what she likes in bed.

Maybe if we were all a little kinder, Khloe wouldn’t feel the need to Photoshop her pics. 

And Khlo, well, we think you’ve learned your lesson.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lamar Odom: Chance of Survival 50/50 After Multiple Organs Fail

Nearly 24 hours after Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada, doctors are still delivering mostly bad news about his condition.

First we learned that Odom overdosed and that “virtually every drug imaginable was found in his system,” according to hospital insiders.

Shortly thereafter, TMZ reported that an MRI revealed Odom suffered multiple strokes, meaning there’s very likelihood that he’ll fully recover.

Now, sources inside Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas – where Odom’s family and friends have gathered to be by his side – are offering their most grim prognosis yet.

According to TMZ, Lamar’s medical staff has informed his loved ones that the 35-year-old’s chances for survival are about 50/50.

Doctors say four of Lamar’s organs are failing, including his kidneys.

Odom has almost certainly suffered extensive brain damage, but the condition of his other organs makes it difficult to test his brain functioning.

Needless to say, the situation is grim, and the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan has reportedly assembled in Las Vegas to be by Khloe’s side at this unimaginably difficult time. 

The Revereand Jesse Jackson and Kobe Bryant have also visited the hospital in order to pray by their friend’s bedside.

We’ll keep you updated on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Kim Zolciak Photoshop Fail: What a WAIST!

Kim Zolciak‘s killer body is the result of some serious commitment to diet and fitness … and/or some seriously creative Photoshop use.

Most likely it’s the latter. See below …

In the past, we’ve heard Kim Zolciak deny plastic surgery rumors, but now that she’s out of Dancing with the Stars, she does have time on her hands.

Time spent doctoring her social media pics?

“The molding in the background by Zolciak’s right hip (left) isn’t straight, as it is towards the top of the image,” says a photo expert quoted by Radar.

This suggests that the Instagram image “was moved slightly inward in this area towards Zolciak’s hip to create a more pronounced angle.”

The photo on the right is even worse.

“The edge of Zolciak’s dress on the right side contains a slight blur; again suggesting this area was subtly manipulated in some manner.”

Lastly, Zolciak’s right elbow “appears slightly deformed and unnatural … suggesting this area near her hip was [likely] moved inward.”

Zolciak’s elbow “looks unnaturally warped … downward to move her right hip inward. Also, the edge of the black door is slightly curved.”

You be the judge … of these two apparently altered pics and many more Kim Zolciak body selfies that have to be seen to be believed:

Monday, September 28, 2015

Donald Trump -- Worst Protest Ever ... Floral Fail!!! (VIDEO)



A woman had a pretty creative idea … deliver a huge batch of yellow dahlias — the National Mexican flower — to Donald Trump‘s doorstep … but her protest fell apart in spectacular and hilarious fashion.

Estefani Mercedes struggled with her massive bouquet as she tried to navigate the revolving door at Trump Tower in NYC. She was carrying 1,000 flowers, each with a note from a Latin immigrant sarcastically thanking Trump for his views on immigration.

You gotta see the video. It looks like something Lucy Ricardo would do.

She walks away with a single dahlia, courtesy of Donald’s security.