Showing posts with label Fans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fans. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ayesha Curry"s Houston Restaurant Attacked On Yelp By Rockets Fans

Houston Rockets fans are still so bitter at being knocked out of the playoffs by the Warriors, they’ve gone to Yelp to take out their frustrations on Ayesha Curry’s new Houston restaurant.  Steph Curry’s wife is opening “International Smoke” in…


Lauren Swanson Sports Short Skirt, Stuns Duggar Fans

It’s been three months since Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson got engaged, but thus far, the couple has managed to keep a tight lid on their wedding plans.

The upside of all that secrecy is that the young lovebirds won’t have to worry about party crashers whenever they tie the knot.

The downside is that it’s got fans obsessing over the couple’s every move even more than usual.

And it seems the situation is particularly burdensome or Lauren, who’s not accustomed to the sort of scrutiny that’s been a part of Josiah’s life since childhood.

Josiah posted the above photo to his Instagram page, and it quickly attracted a surprising amount of attention.

“I didn’t know badminton could make me break a sweat… until I played Lauren!” he captioned the pic.

So the soon-to-be newlyweds got in a round of badminton on his family’s compound.

Sounds innocent enough right?

(Well, except for the “compound” part. That’s just a sinister-sounding word.)

But as many fans were quick to point out, this pic is downright pornographic by Duggar standards.

If you’re familiar with the infamous Duggar dress code, then we probably don’t need to tell you what the issue here is.

Lauren’s skirt might not be short by the rest of the world’s standards, but in Duggarland, it doesn’t pass muster.

Until they’re married (at which point, their husbands decide what sort of attire is permissible), Duggar women are required to wear long skirts at all times, even when playing sports or engaging in other outdoor activities.

Fans quickly zeroed in on the violation, with many pointing out that Lauren gets by on a technicality — she’s not a Duggar …. yet.

But she has been approved by Jim Bob and Michelle, and she probably wouldn’t have passed that test if she didn’t share the majority of their fundamentalist values.

Of course, there have been reports about Josiah rebelling against his parents, so perhaps they had little say in his choice of life partner.

Whatever the case, it seems Josiah and Lauren’s wedding might be coming up much sooner than expected.

Despite rumors that the nuptials had been delayed until December, one commenter in a Duggar-related Reddit forum claims to have firsthand knowledge that the couple will be exchanging vows in the very near future:

“I met Jim Bob and Michelle yesterday, and Michelle mentioned a few times that Josiah’s wedding is in two weeks!” the user wrote.

We’d say Lauren better rock those short skirts while she can, but something tells us this couple won’t be eager to fall in line with Jim Bob’s rules.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

XXXTentacion Fans Create Memorial at Death Scene

Fans have been flocking to XXXTentacion’s South Florida death scene and lining it with balloons, flowers, candles and stuffed animals. TMZ has obtained several images taken Tuesday in the same spot XXX was gunned down just the day before while…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Jill Duggar Stuns Fans With Scandalous Swimsuit Pic!

These days, it’s not uncommon for Duggar children to rebel against the constraints of their ultra-strict upbringing.

In particular, Jim Bob’s offspring have been flouting the rules of the strict Duggar dress code by daring to wear pants — and now it seems Jill is raising the bar even further by showing off a little shoulder skin.

Jill posted the above photo on her Instagram page over the weekend with a caption reading:

“Nothing says summer like a relaxing family day at the pool! What do you enjoy doing with friends & family on summer days?”

We don’t know about you, but our answer is obviously “sit inside and devote far too much time and attention to Duggar Instagram posts.”

Anyway, you might not notice anything out of the ordinary about Jill’s attire here.

But if you’re a longtime fan of her family’s, then you’re probably aware that Duggar swimwear used to be much, much more conservative.

Like, imagine the leotard-like getups those old-timey mustachioed barbell guys used to sport in the ’20s.

Then throw a t-shirt on top, and you’ve got a pretty good idea of how Duggar women used to dress for the beach.

For the most part, fans were overjoyed that Jill is allowing herself (or being allowed by her husband) to dress like she’s going swimming, not scuba diving,

“Love the fact that Jill is wearing a swimsuit!!” commented one follower.

“Absolutely no judgment. Just a question. I think we’d love to hear your journey from skirts and wholesome wear swimsuits to pants and sleeveless suits,” wrote another fan.

The ultra-conservative swimwear that Jill and her sisters used to sport was not the result of personal choice, of course, but rather a consequence of their ultra-strict upbringing:

“The reason why we wear modest swimwear is we always want to be modest,” Jana once explained on Counting On.

“A lot of swimwear nowadays is exposing parts that shouldn’t be exposed.”

Of course, Jill is a Duggar, so it’s safe to assume she had an agenda in mind when she posted this pic.

But it probably had nothing to do wiith whipping fans into a frenzy, and everything to do with rumors that her children are “sickly” and pale and seldom play outside.

We’re guessing this pic is Jill’s way of putting those rumors to bed — and showing off a little upper arm while she’s at it!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Conor McGregor Giddy In NYC, Thanks Fans For Their Support!

Conor McGregor’s quest to prove he’s nothing close to a violent beast continued outside of a swanky New York City restaurant Friday — when he smiled big for cameras and signed a TON of autographs for fans. The Irish superstar rocked a pink shirt,…


Johnny Depp: Hiding Deadly Disease From Fans?

Last week, fans were shocked by photos of Johnny Depp looking gaunt and frail while on tour with his band in Europe.

If you haven’t seen the image in question, just imagine what Johnny would look like if he had spent the past few months preparing for a live-action sequel to the Corpse Bride.

Or, ya know … you can just see for yourself in the pic below:

Look, Depp superfans are a real and terrifying bunch, and we know better than to needlessly provoke them, so before you scroll down to the comments to excoriate us for cracking jokes about a dying man, let us make one thing clear:

Johnny Depp is probably not dying.

In fact, he’s probably just fine.

In fact, his reps have already issued a statement claiming that he’s losing weight on purpose and is healthier than he’s been in years.

But none of that will stop the Australian tabloids from working their readers up into a lather with claims that Depp is on his deathbed.

In case you’re not familiar, Aussie tabloids make British tabloids look like freakin’ New York Times in terms of journalistic integrity, which is really saying something, as British tabloids have been putting US tabloids to shame in terms of, well, shamelessness for the past couple decades.

Basically, just think of everything Donald Trump has said about the mainstream media in the past two years and know that all of those things are actually true of the Aussie tabloids.

Anyway, one scandal sheet from Down Under has demonstrated an obsession with Johnny’s well-being that’s matched only by every single Hot Topic clerk on the planet. 

In a piece with the admirably restrained and subtle title of “What’s Killing Johnny?” a magazine that’s apparently known only as NW claimed that sources close to the actor are deeply concerned that he’s on his last (fatally skinny) legs.

“His friends are worried he’s keeping quiet about a serious illness,” says an almost certainly made-up “insider.”

“It’s well known that he’s a heavy drinker and the fear is his frail appearance could be linked to drugs or booze… or both.”

The insider claims that one illness in particular has Johnny fans concerned:

“Many are worried he possibly has liver cancer or something because he’s so skinny and has got, like, no hair now.”

Lol at the claim that “many” people jumped to that same ultra-specific conclusion.

“Johnny’s looking slimmer than usual. Must be the liver cancer,” cried the masses in unison.

We guess the folks at NW can skate by on a technicality here, as Johnny Depp will almost certainly not live forever, and is thus dying, in a sense.

But if we know Johnny — and we don’t — he’ll be shambling across the stage like the reanimated cadaver of his idol Keith Richards long after everyone has stopped caring or paying attention.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jenelle Evans SLAMMED by Teen Mom 2 Fans: Is She Abusing Her Kids?!

If you watched Teen Mom 2 this week, then there"s a good chance you"re not too happy with Jenelle Evans and David Eason.

Well, that"s probably the case if you watch Teen Mom 2 any week — Jenelle and David are always pretty awful — but stick with us here.

This week, the Easons took the kids on vacation, and things didn"t go exactly as planned.

Lots of people thought that Jenelle and David mistreated their children, and there"s just a whole lot of outrage right now about the whole thing.

Here, let"s get into the details …

1. A Birthday Trip

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

In the episode, Jenelle and David took the kids on a nice family vacation for Jenelle’s birthday. They stayed in a cabin, did some outdoor activities, and for a while, it looked like everyone was having fun.

2. Not for Long …

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

But then things started falling apart. Jenelle and David both became very short with the kids, and honestly it looked like they were overwhelmed to be caring for them all by themselves for an extended period of time.

3. Poor Kaiser

Kaiser griffith bruise photo

Like, in one particularly sad scene, the family sat down for breakfast, but Kaiser said that he had to go to the bathroom. David refused to let him go, but he also told him that he’d be in big trouble if he had an accident. It was weird and uncomfortable, and poor little Kaiser just couldn’t win either way.

4. … But Why?

Jenelle evans just chills

When it was time for everyone to leave, Jenelle and David were both angry for no real reason. The kids weren’t really acting out, but they kept scolding them anyway, and they canceled their last activity because of their behavior, which again, wasn’t bad at all.

5. Easy, Killer

David eason on insta

When they all got in the car, David tried to turn the cameras off — not a great sign. When he couldn’t figure it out, he settled for lashing out once again at the kids, telling them “We’re going home because you don’t know how to f—king act right.”

6. Come On, Easons

Jenelle evans smirks

Obviously it wasn’t the most disturbing scene we’ve ever seen on the show, but it’s really seemed to rub a lot of people the wrong way.

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Christina Aguilera & Jimmy Fallon Surprise Fans in NYC Subway Terminal

Christina Aguilera and Jimmy Fallon tried going incognito (keyword: tried) during a surprise show for a throng of fans. Christina and Jimmy showed up in costumes at an NYC subway terminal Wednesday and filmed their surprise performance for a…


Loser Designer Blasts Selena Gomez as "Ugly," Fans React in Horror

You can say many things about Selena Gomez.

You can say you don’t like her music because you’re entitled to that opinion.

You can say you she has bad taste in men because Justin Bieber has never treated her well.

You can say she makes poor decisions with her hairstyle at times.

But you cannot say what Stefano Gabbana just said about the singer, not if you want to avoid very deserved backlash from millions of people on social media.

The Italian designer, who co-founded the fashion label label Dolce & Gabbana, went out of his way on Instagram this week to attack Gomez.

In the comments of a photo on The Catwalk Italia’s Instagram account, Gabbana wrote the following alongside a collage of Selena picture:

È proprio brutta!!!

This translates, very simply and extremely rudely, to: She’s so ugly.

The insult was many things; unprovoked, cruel, sexist and objectively untrue.

And while Gomez has thus far taken the high road, refusing to even acknowledge Gabbana’s existence, her friends and fans online have been unable to show similar restraint.

“@stefanobabbana you’re tired and over. your homophobic, misogynistic, body-shaming existence will not thrive in 2018,” Tweeted 13 Reasons Why actor Tommy Dorfman, who plays Ryan Shaver in the Netflix drama.

He added:

“it is no longer tolerable or chic. please take many seats.”

And then there was this from a Gomez follower:

“Shame on you for online bullying. Doesn’t matter if 1 million people see it or 1 person, it’s bullying. It’s wrong.”

And then this from another Gomez follower, who kept it short and simple and supportive:

“We love this beautiful queen.”

Julia Michaels, a singer-songwriter and close friend of Selena’s tweeted:

“@selenagomez just here to tell you that you are one of the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. I love you always.”

This really is true.

While the merits of what Gabbana said are really beside the point, it might as well be pointed out while we’re here:

Selena Gomez is a very pretty young woman. Full stop. This statement really can’t be debated.

Over the years, Gabbana has bullied stars on social media numerous times, including Kate Mossand Victoria Beckham.

Most recently, he went after Kate Moss on the same Catwalk Italia Instagram page, dissing a Saint Laurent look she was wearing … just because.

In 2015, celebrities such as Elton John, Courtney Love and Ricky Martin boycotted the fashion brand over insensitive comments Dolce and Gabbana made about IVF and LGBTQ families.

Moreover, the brand released a $ 245 “#BoycottDolceGabbana” graphic T-shirt inspired by the negative response to First Lady Melania Trump wearing their designs.

In other words: it courts controversy like this.

So the best thing to do is what Selena has done, which is to totally and completely ignore the misguided and pathetic messenger.

This will be the last time we write about him.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Bachelorette Fans Really Hate Donald Trump & Kim Jong Un

On Monday night, President Donald Trump shook hands with Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, as the heads of these countries met for the first time ever in an attempt to negotiate a nuclear arms treaty.

But ABC viewers didn"t care!

Becca Kufrin was playing football with her suitors and trying to determine who deserved an all-important rose!

Indeed, the network broke into The Bachelorette more than halfway through its latest installment in order to cover the aforementioned history meeting… much to the chagrin and extreme anger of many viewers.

Who cares about the fate of the free world when we aren"t certain yet of Jordan"s fate on Season 14?!?

Scroll down to read through the funniest Tweets in response to this very rude interruption:

1. It Was Quite the Episode!

Becca kufrin ponders life

Two men went to the hospital! One man confronted his ex-girlfriend! Becca had very difficult decisions to make! You can read our recap HERE.

2. I’m Getting Mildly Upset!


This person had an admittedly “mild” response to the interrupting. But he appeared to be in the minority, as you’re about to find out.

3. Who Does ABC Think It Is?!?


A network in charge of its own programming and trying to bring as much important information to viewers as possible?!? Come on.

4. Trump, Schlump!


Can we please return to male model Jordan and all his hilariously ridiculous quotes? I watch TV to get away from the President, thank you very much!

5. It Was Just a Handshake!


What about Becca actually getting to first base with her suitors? At minimum!

6. So… Much… Drama


Some viewers at least recognized the drama between parties involved, even if there was no rose to be handed out at the end of this meeting.

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Monday, June 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I"m Hiding Stormi to Punish My Fans!!

Kylie Jenner shamed her baby daddy truthers, but it looks like she wasn’t content to stop there. It looks like she’s punishing all of her fans.

Take a look at this new photo of Kylie. She looks great sporting this natural look. But she puzzled fans when she cropped out her own daughter’s face.

If you think that the picture is weird, you’re right. But Kylie’s explanation is even weirder.

Kylie looks great in this picture. Her low-makeup look really lets her freckles show. Natural looks are a rare thing for Kylie, and fans are always happy to see them.

She captioned the image: “I spy with my little eye…”

But … though she definitely got compliments in the comments, fans were quick to notice that this is a very conspicuous pic.

It appears that she just … cropped baby Stormi out of the image altogether.

There’s a little bit of healthy vanity, which is usually fine, and then there’s whatever would drive a mother to excluse her precious baby from what could be a sweet mother-daughter photo.

What’s going on?

Fans were shocked and troubled by Kylie’s unexplained edit.


That comment reflects the shock and dismay that many fans experienced when they saw the photo.

“It’s okay you can still see her eyebrow.”

That comment, we imagine, was intended as sarcasm rather than comfort.

“It’s not her baby, I don’t think. It looks like North to me.”

That … is a bit of a reach. Especially since North is a good deal older than Stormi.

(In fact, North will turn five years old later this week, on June 15)

Kylie herself stepped in, writing:

“Yeah I cut my baby out. I’m not sharing photos of my girl right now.”

Kylie’s response was an explanation … but leaves fans with even more questions.

But looking back, this is part of a pattern.

Kylie hasn’t shared photos of Stormi in a while, and she’s even deleted some adorable photos of Stormi from her Instagram page.

In fact, the last time that she offered an almost-clear photo of her baby (that has not since been deleted) was on April 19.

Why is Kylie suddenly so shy?

We may have a theory.

It has to do with this guy, Tim Chung.

Now, we know that Kylie’s hot bodyguard is not Stormi’s father.

Unfortunately, some of Kylie’s followers latched onto the idea that he was secretly Stormi’s dad.

They made a show of fixating on certain facial features of Stormi’s (she’s just a baby!!) and comparing them to both Travis Scott and Tim Chung, a police officer and part time model who is also Kylie’s bodyguard.

But really, this “theory” that was barely even a rumor arose from two things:

One, fans were bored with Kylie’s happily-ever-after narrative with the baby daddy she’s only been seeing for about a year and her cute little baby.

Two, fans were thirsting hard after Chung. Just look at him. And they found it easy to imagine a gorgeous 19-year-old (at the time) Kylie spending some one-on-one time with her bodyguard.

But that, folks, is why fanfiction exists. When people project their wishes on celebrities publicly, things get awkward. And we no longer get cute Stormi giggling videos.

Those rumors really upset Kylie (and honestly could hurt Chung’s career!!).

So … Kylie’s not letting the public see Stormi right now.

Is it because she just wants to avoid giving rumor-mongers any additional fodder to compare to anyone other than Travis Scott?

Or is it because she wants to punish people who make up stories about her life?

Either way, we kind of doubt that it will act as an effective deterrent. People just love juicy rumors.

And sometimes those rumors make a lot more sense than reality. That’s what makes them so appealing to so many people.

In the mean time, though, fans can just enjoy photos of sweet baby Stormi here. Take a look:


Blac Chyna: Fans Think She"s Really Pregnant, For Real

Blac Chyna’s relationship with Rob Kardashian may have been one huge dumpster fire, but she did get a baby out of it. Sweet little Dream is growing up before our eyes.

She’s moved on, but she’s been dogged by reports that she’s pregnant with 18-year-old YBN Almighty Jay’s baby.

And now, fans think that she’s trying and failing ot hide a baby bump. Is this really happening?

The pregnancy rumors about Chyna and YBN Almighty Jay were so intense that it appeared that the two briefly broke up before reconciling.

That would be understandable. What 18-year-old is prepared to be a father, or would imagine that his 30-year-old girlfriend would get pregnant so easily?

But it has now been a little over a month since those reports of pregnancy came out.

Many had assumed that they were false.

But some fans — and The Shade Room — noted that, in her recent outings, Blac Chyna may be sporting a baby bump.

They also note that her appearances out in public are now less frequent than they once were. Curious, from the camera-friendly Chyna.

A recent example is that Chyna showed up to her son, King Cairo’s, graduation from kindergarten.

While she was said to be sporting balloons, eyewitnesses were more focused on her abdomen.

Perhaps she had just eaten and was not wearing spanx before slipping on a very tight dress.

But … it sure sounds like she may have been sporting the beginnings of a baby bump.

That said, some have pointed out that, if she were really pregnant, that she would have taken more steps to hide that. That could be true.

And if she’s put on, like, three pounds, that might explain why she’s been a little less visible for eagle-eyed photographers in recent weeks.

Now, another sizable counter-argument is that Chyna has been posting photos to Instagram recently.

The photo where she stands in the sunlight is one of her most recent pics.

The one in which she’s curled up with a stuffed bear is almost as fresh.

In neither of them do we see any signs of a baby bump.

But … we don’t actually know that she took these pictures all that recently. She could easily have taken any number of photos in various outfits back in April or early May and been posting those photos as “new” pics ever since.

Chyna is a professional model; we’re sure that she could pull off a marathon of photoshoots and then stretch them out over months.

Some fans believe that she may be doing this — and, after Kylie Jenner hid her pregnancy for months in 2017, many are on the lookout for any celebrity trying to pull the wool over their eyes in the same way.

Besides, in that photo where Chyna is curled up with the bear? That would be a perfect pose to conceal a baby bump.

Why would Chyna hide a potential pregnancy?

Perhaps it’s a publicity stunt that she has worked up.

Many people believe that she leaked her own sex tape, even though it shows her being awful at oral sex, as a ploy for added attention.

Viewed through that lens, many fans could easily see her waiting until the perfect moment to reveal that she’s expecting a baby with her hunky teenage lover.

But … it may very well be that Chyna is not pregnant at all and has not been since she gave birth to Dream.

If so, are these fans engaging in accidental body-shaming by pointing out what they believe to be a baby bump?

Chyna is one of those very complicated public figures. One never truly knows what she is thinking.

Because of that, it’s anyone’s guess.

Some fans believe that she is not pregnant, but is taking the baby bump rumors and running with them — deliberately making them look more likely — as part of some scheme for her brand.

Because Chyna is so inscrutible, many find it easy to believe that everything that she does is a scheme.

But we would remind people that some things, with bad optics and worse business ramifications, were probably not planned. Like her Six Flags throwdown.

Chyna’s a human, and sometimes, humans get pregnant. Or get a bit of a belly. We probably don’t know which is which with Chyna untils he’s ready to clear things up.

All that we do know is that, based upon her track record, if Chyna really is pregnant, she’s likely to produce a very cute baby.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Leah Messer to Teen Mom 2 Fans: Shut Up About My Daughter!

Leah Messer just can"t seem to catch a break.

The Teen Mom 2 star has gone to great lengths to create a healthier life for herself and a more stable environment for her family in recent years, but fans of the show are still quick to criticize her every misstep.

Even when Leah takes steps to ensure the best possible future for her kids, she still can"t catch a break from the constant trolling, as evidenced by this week"s episode in which she decided to enroll her daughter Aleeah in a therapy program — and was promptly roasted for it.

Fortunately, the shrinking violet Leah is a thing of the past, and these days, Ms. Messer isn"t tolerating anyone"s crap.

1. The Messer Squad

Leah messer and her daughters

Leah is extremely close with all three of her children, and she’s clearly made their happiness her top priority. But Teen Mom 2 fans just won’t cut her some slack when they disagree with her decisions…

2. A Courageous Struggle

Leah messer and ali simms selfie

Ali Simms, one of Leah’s daughters from her first marriage, suffers from muscular dystrophy — a condition that, sadly, might cause her health to further deteriorate with age.

3. A Sister’s Guilt

Aleeah sims photo

In an emotional scene that aired last season, Ali’s loving twin sister, Aleeah “Gracie” Simms, stated that she feels personally responsible for his sister’s condition.

4. A Heartbreaking Scene

Leah messer and daughters

“Is it because I crammed her up? Because I squished her?” Aleeah asked.

5. A Mother’s Pain

Leah messer sad

“It had nothing to do with you.” Leah replied. “You’ll learn when you get older, but it’s not your fault.”

6. The Right Decision

Leah messer cries in the car

Acutely aware of her daughter’s grief, Leah recently made the decision to enroll Aleeah in therapy. And believe it or not, some fans were highly critical of that decision …

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Taylor Swift: Fans Rave at Her Speech for Pride Month!

June is LGBT+ Pride Month, and Taylor Swift knows exactly how to acknowledge her fans.

Her Reputation Tour came to Chicago over the weekend.

As you"ll see in the video below, Taylor walked out on stage and delivered a heartfelt speech.

She addressed her fans who have come out of the proverbial closet. She also addressed those who are not yet "out" and have to hide their authentic selves from at least some of the people in their lives.

Taylor reminded her cheering audience that, as worthy of celebration as the many strides towards equal rights the LGBT+ community has made, there is still a long way to go.

She"s absolutely right. When people come out, it"s often lauded as a "brave choice." Being yourself should not require any bravery, but it does for millions of people.

As you"ll see, Taylor"s fans gave major heart eyes to this thoughtful speech. Take a look:

1. Here’s the speech itself

Taylor swift celebrates lgbt pride month on her reputation tour

You can hear the audience cheering!

2. Taylor’s fans were overcome with emotion

Taylor swift pride 2018 01

This is a big deal, especially as the LGBT+ continues its fight for equal rights and for acceptance.

3. Tweets echoed Taylor’s words

Taylor swift pride 2018 02

Taylor’s speech didn’t include nearly as many rainbow emojis as the tweets about it did. One day, we’ll have that technology.

4. Some tweets were very thoughtful

Taylor swift pride 2018 03

Others were less coherent, and that’s okay.

5. This person expressed their joy very well

Taylor swift pride 2018 04

Sometimes, it takes multiple tweets

6. Fans were really touched by it

Taylor swift pride 2018 05

A lot of Taylor’s fans are young, but even older fans like to be acknowledged

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Demi Lovato: Fans Accuse Her of Sexual Harassment After Prank-Gone-Wrong

Demi Lovato decided to hold a Q&A session with fans on Twitter.

It didn"t go so well after Demi answered an innocuous question with a story that shocked and horrified a sizable chunk of her fans.

Demi tells fans that she once pulled a prank on her bodyguard by hiring a sex worker to surprise him.

She says that the sex worker groped his genitals during the process.

Demi shares this in a single tweet — and we do have to remember that sometimes people leave out important details while condensing a story.

But, to many, it sounds like she solicited someone to sexually harass one of her employees, and ultimately shares the blame for him being groped.

Though the bodyguard himself defended Demi, fans point out that an employee defending his boss isn"t exactly surprising.

The discourse among fans is actually really interesting, and both sides make really good points. Take a look.

1. This is how it starts

Demi lovato discourse tweet 01

We’re not sure why Demi decided to be this honest in answering the fan Q&A. She could have said something less controversial. She has since deleted this tweet.

2. Demi did not like the responses

Demi lovato discourse tweet 02

Fans, as you can imagine, did not like Demi comparing a story about sexual harassment to, uh, jellybeans. So … technically, she was right — people were pretty pissed about her jellybeant weet.

3. Demi tried to defend herself

Demi lovato discourse tweet 03

Wiord to the wise: “I was abused” is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Unfortunately, some people who survive abuse can be very problematic as adults.

4. Demi then "apologizes"

Demi lovato discourse tweet 04

This, folks, is not an apology. She’s sort of saying that she regrets that other people reacted negatively to her statement. We’ve all “apologized” like this and we know that it’s what you say when you think that what you did was right.

5. The bodyguard spoke up

Demi lovato discourse tweet 05

Before he saw the discourse, Max just replied with a see-no-evil monkey emoji. Given the context, it sounds like he was not especially bothered by the prank.

6. Max then defends Demi

Demi lovato discourse tweet 06

When someone sexually harasses another person, is it sexual harassment if they say that it’s okay? Is that still the case if the person is an employee? The world is complicated.

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