Showing posts with label Frankel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankel. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jason Hoppy: I Might Not Be Done Bothering Bethenny Frankel!

It looks like Jason Hoppy is still torturing Bethenny Frankel — this time, in the court room.

Be careful with whom you marry, folks.

Some people just cannot let go, and that relationship can haunt you for years.

It’s hard to forget that Bethenny Frankel’s ex, Jason Hoppy, is accused of harassing and stalking the Real Housewife.

Their marriage has been over for ages, but it seems like he can’t get over it.

Back in June, Jason Hoppy was arraigned for additional stalking charges against Bethenny, which is creepy and also unsettling.

(Like, if the first run-in with the law — remember, Jason Hoppy was arrested back in January — doesn’t get a guy to back off … you have to wonder what will)

It’s sadly not uncommon for men to stalk their exes.

In some cases, it’s an obsession where they can’t process that the relationship has come to an end.

In others, it’s outrage over a loss of control and a desire to reclaim control.

Often, it’s both.

It’s a little unusual for such a high profile ex couple to have this problem, but it happens at every strata of society.

The sick joke of prosecuting someone for stalking is that the person pressing charges — their victim and accuser — has to continue to be exposed to them throughout court proceedings.

Bethenny’s nightmare could end soon … but don’t hold your breath.

Page Six reports that prosecutors have offered Jason Hoppy a plea deal.

The deal sounds hella generous, in our opinion.

Reportedly, Assistant District Attorney Travis Wolf offered to have the charged dismissed if Jason Hoppy offers up a guilty plea and leaves Bethenny Frankel alone.

(For real, this time)

That’s … a sweetheart deal, right?

Sure, a guilty plea will go on Jason Hoppy’s record, but anyone can search his name and come up with “stalking” pretty quickly, even if they’ve just emerged from a cave and have never heard of The Real Housewives of New York City.

But no jail time? No ongoing prosecution?

All that he has to do is say “yeah, my bad” and leave his ex alone — which he should have been doing all along.

The only problem — the only thing stopping this battle from ending for Jason and for Bethenny — is that Jason Hoppy isn’t sure yet about accepting the deal.

Honestly, that makes us wonder if there’s something that we’re not getting.

It’s possible that Jason Hoppy’s goal is just to try to make Bethenny suffer — remember that their agonizing divorce lasted for three years.

Page Six reports that a source tells them that this recent restraining order has massively improved Bethenny’s life.

“The restraining order worked. Bethenny has been a different person. She’s been allowed to have a free and happy life.”

That’s super nice.

Especially talking about a woman who was recently described as not deserving love.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Bethenny Frankel SLAMMED by Millionaire Matchmaker: She Doesn"t DESERVE Love!

Bethenny Frankel is still feeling the torturous after-effects of her disaster of a marriage to Jason Hoppy, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t one day fall in love.

And sometimes people, celebrities and otherwise, need a little help — like with the help of a certain Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stranger.

Only … apparently that would never happen. In fact, Patti went off and shared exactly what she thinks of Bethenny Frankel.

Spoiler alert: Patti doesn’t paint a flattering picture.

Not only did Patti Stranger say that she would never take Bethenny Frankel as a client, but she says exactly why.

And it’s because she has a very low opinion of the The Real Housewives of New York City star.

At a WEtv event on Wednesday, Patti explained why she wouldn’t take the Real Housewife on as a matchmaking client.

“She’s not kind.”

Well … yeah.

It’s not that it’s impossible to be a reality TV personality without being rude.

But Bethenny is known for being a little sharp and maybe not aggressively sympathetic.

Which is sort of the stereotype for New Yorkers, but Bethenny takes it to another level.

What Patti then has to say is where this gets more severe.

“I used to date-coach her . . . When people are mean to other people, they don’t deserve love. Sorry.”


Patti’s saying that Bethenny’s general disposition and personality make her unworthy of love?

Has Patti Stranger never watched a damn Disney movie?

There are reality stars out there who don’t deserve love, but we’re not talking about Josh Duggar or Kate Gosselin right now.

Bethenny Frankel is a little intense and a lot catty, not some monster.

So are a lot of people.

She can find someone with whom she’s compatible.

Maybe one day Bethenny will find a Statler to her Waldorf.

And the two of them can hate things together.

It’ll be beautiful.

Before we try to pretend that Patti Stranger is some impartial judge, Page Six reminds us all that Patti is pretty close with Jill Zarin.

And, as we’re all too aware, Jill Zarin and Bethenny Frankel do not get along.

They also report that someone close to Bethenny didn’t think much, at all, of Patti’s statement.

In part because they don’t believe that Bethenny is in the market for any sort of matchmaker.

“[Bethenny] is doing just fine and doesn’t need anyone’s advice.”

Well, Bethenny certainly doesn’t need the help of someone who thinks that she doesn’t deserve love, right?

Considering that Bethenny’s ex Jason Hoppy was just arraigned for even more stalking charges, you might think that Bethenny Frankel would be looking for dating advice from anyone and everyone.

Like, forget the reality show drama for a hot minute — the stuff that Jason Hoppy’s been accused of is serious.

But Bethenny really seems to be the sort of person who wants to do things like this for herself.

She’s been perfectly happy giving romantic advice to Luann de Lesseps (advice that she only recently acted upon), but not everyone who’s good at dishing out advice is good at taking it.

But, yeah, Bethenny is gonna be fine without Patti’s services.


Bethenny Frankel: I Feel Really Badly for Luann de Lesseps!

Now that we’ve had a few hours to process the news that LuAnn de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino are finally over, we can circle back to Bethenny Frankel’s appearance on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen on Tuesday night. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will know that Bethenny has made it her mission in the past to drive a wedge between the couple, and part of that was down to the multitude of cheating allegations that surrounded the relationship. 

It became an obsession for Bethenny to bring the relationship to a close before it was too late for Luann. Bethenny knows all about toxic relationships, so it seemed like she was trying to save Luann from embarrassment. 

Bethenny’s chat with Andy came just one day before the big divorce announcement that shocked nobody. The topic of conversation was whether De Lesseps physically assaulted D’Agostino. 

The alleged altercation took place at a restaurant in New York in July, but we have no idea whether the incident did occur and if so, what caused it. 

“Didn’t she say that it was a love tap or something? Yeah, that’s what I heard,” the reality TV personality and entrepreneur said, defending her longtime pal. 

“I really feel badly for her because she’s living this totally out loud and I think, ‘you know, it’s personal.’ They got married, and I decided to stay out of it after that.”

Frankel then confirmed that after telling Luann of Tom’s infidelity on the Bravo show last season, that was her time to leave the situation in the past. 

“I decided once I had Miami [and] that happened about Tom, when she decided that she was marrying him, I’m out.”

We won’t be surprised if Bethenny is secretly parading around New York chanting that she was right because everyone loves to be right. 

It was definitely a good move for her friendship with Luann. They have been mostly united this season on the series, and it’s been rather refreshing. 

Despite Luann quashing the rumors that she hit her husband, people continued to question the state of the relationship. 

Rumors of unrest in the home were confirmed yesterday when Luann hit up Twitter to confirm the news that her marriage was coming to a close after just seven months. 

“It’s with great sadness that Tom & I agreed to divorce,” she tweeted.

“We care for each other very much, hope you respect our privacy during this sad time!”  

Dorinda Medley chimed in with some words of wisdom to US Weekly in the aftermath of the divorce announcement. 

“It’s always a sad thing when a marriage doesn’t work, and I hope everyone respects their privacy during this sad time,” she told Us Weekly. 

“I wish them both the best.”

What do you think of the divorce announcement?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Demands Payment for eBay Commercial, or Else

Bethenny Frankel never signed off on being in a commercial for eBay, but they went ahead and aired it anyway … according to new legal docs. Frankel’s camp claims she was in talks with eBay and an ad agency about running an ad featuring clips from…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Jason Hoppy: Arraigned For NEW Stalking Charges Against Bethenny Frankel!

Remember when Bethenny Frankel said that Jason Hoppy was torturing her, and that her life was hell because of it?

Obviously, there were bits of hyperbole thrown in there, but apparently she was super serious about parts of that.

Serious enough that ex Jason Hoppy’s had to make another court appearance.

This is actually pretty alarming.

Remember how Bethenny Frankel was granted a restraining order early this year after Jason Hoppy’s arrest for stalking her?

We sure do.

You know that they sure do.

Well, now Jason Hoppy’s facing new charges of stalking in the third and fourth degrees.

Now, we looked up exactly what those charges mean according to New York State law (so that you don’t have to).

Fourth degree stalking has a few definitions, but this is the one that we think applies here:

“Conduct consists of following, telephoning, or initiating communication or contact with such person, a member of such person’s immediate family or a third party with whom such person is acquainted, and the actor was previously clearly informed to cease that conduct.”

Apparently Frankel’s attorney provided the court with documents, including 160 unwanted texts from Hoppy.

That’s more unwanted texts than there were first-generation Pokemon, folks.

Third degree stalking is a little more complicated, because a lot of it has to do with prior acts of fourth degree stalking as precedents.

But third degree stalking could also mean taking action that might make Bethenny fear for her safety.

Look, Bethenny Frankel says dumb things sometimes, mostly because she forgets that things that don’t impact her at all can be life-and-death for others.

But that doesn’t mean that she deserves to be harassed, hounded, and stalked.

Jason Hoppy’s vow to destroy Bethenny Frankel is honestly pretty terrifying.

Like, that kind of line is dramatic and a little goofy on soap operas.

In real life, like … that can mean everything from a harmless feud to the kind of obsessive hatred that ends in a murder-suicide.

Nobody needs that in their lives.

Unfortunately, stalking is a hugely common problem.

New York and LA have laws in place that cover these situations much better than some places.

All over the country, a lot of women deal with threats of violence that they receive online from people whom they’ve never met.

Unfortunately, many police departments don’t know what to do about that, many law codes haven’t been updated to cover physical threats made online.

And a lot of women don’t have the resources to protect themselves or pursue restraining orders.

But just because Bethenny Frankel is a woman of means doesn’t mean that she’s impervious to harm.

Harassment is a very real crime that can impact just about anyone.

And, honestly, if there are threats of harm involved in these recent charges, those should be taken seriously, too.

Just because Jason Hoppy isn’t an axe murderer doesn’t mean that his words should just be brushed off as “talk.”

A lot of horrible acts start off as “talk.”

Threats and harassment are not the way to handle your divorce, folks.

And we totally get why Bethenny’s describes her experience as “torture.”

Whatever Jason Hoppy’s alleged actions that led to these charges, she might have some very real and very understandable fears.

That’s what the legal system’s supposed to be there for.

Let’s hope that this gets resolved in court.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: FURIOUS Over NeNe Leakes" Fat Paycheck!

Most of the time, Real Housewives feuds are limited to their respective shows.

Teresa Giudice doesn’t flip tables on The Real Housewives of Orange County. Lisa Rinna doesn’t smash wine glasses on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

But even from New York, Bethenny Frankel is reportedly fuming at a certain Real Housewives of Atlanta star star … for a very big reason.

Remember how we already told you about NeNe Leakes’ big fat paycheck?

The reality personality confirmed her return to The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but apparently it came at a steep price for the network.

As in, 2 million dollars for one season.

She’s an original cast member of that show and she’s a big name, even outside of the Real Housewives fandom.

So, we get it.

Some actors are extremely well-paid for television.

And reality stars are definitely actors, too.

But at the same time, that’s a huge amount of money.

And apparently none of the other Real Housewives of Wherever are getting that much.

Reportedly, Bethenny Frankel is furious about this.

“Bethenny saw reports about what Nene is getting and is livid.”

Yeah, apparently Bethenny Frankel can’t stand that Nene Leakes is getting paid more, according to RadarOnline.

“She wants to be the best paid housewife!”

Don’t we all?

Well, give or take the housewife bit.

Now, the report doesn’t state that Bethenny is planning to take any particular action.

So we’re not expecting, like, a walkout or, worse, for her to speak about it publicly.

Sometimes all that you can do when you’re pissed is just seethe about it.

And maybe quietly start badgering the network for a bigger cut.

Honestly? We have our doubts.

Bethenny’s always seemed us to be a grounded person.

Relative to other Real Housewives, we mean.

Not so much in the real world.

Like, Eileen Davidson is nuts enough to be a Real Housewife, right?

But opposite someone like Kim Richards, Eileen has this glacial calm.

Bethenny falls into that category.

Her zingers can be a bit much sometimes, but that’s part of her job.

That means that she’s usually one of the people you want to root for.

But not necessarily one of the ones who hooks people’s attention in a must watch kind of way.

But even people who are otherwise pretty chill can totally change when we’re talking about money.

NeNe Leakes is expected to have a central storyline in the upcoming season of RHOA.

Stars who get more airtime generally get paid more.

And the “storyline” bit is a great reminder that every single reality show is a story sculpted by producers, carefully crafted in the editing room.

Not to mention the fact that everyone in front of the cameras is very conscious that they’re there.

So if Bethenny wants to push for more pay for herself, she might need to get herself a central, compelling story.

As we said, we don’t expect Bethenny to openly talk about this money situation.

Though it does occur to us that “Real Housewife jealous of another’s income” wouldn’t be the worst supervillain origin story we’ve ever heard.

She’d be called “Fake Housewife,” of course.

We’re just not sure that Bethenny Frankel has that kind of disposition.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: Mystery Man Revealed!

Bethenny Frankel has a new man in her life, and no, despite her obsession with Tom D’Agostino, it’s not him.

He’s currently on 9877th chance with LuAnn De Lesseps.

It’s been weeks since it was confirmed that Bethenny’s relationship to Dennis Shields was over, but the reality TV star seems to have moved on already. 

Just last week, Bethenny was spotted in The Hamptons at an event with a new mystery man, who was said to be considerably younger than her. 

Now, thanks to Daily Mail Online, we can confirm who the mystery dude is.

His name is Russ Theriot, and he’s an entrepreneur who resides in New York City.

It didn’t take long for Bethenny to get back into dating, but we must stress we have no clue whether they are, indeed, dating, or if they are just friends. 

Based on the pictures from the 37-year-old’s Instagram feed, he likes to work up quite the sweat. 

In the pictures over at Daily Mail, the pair is enjoying a relaxing stroll on the beach and don’t look best pleased about the cameras on them.

If Bethenny did not want to let the cat out of the bag so soon, she should have been more discrete about it.  

In any case, Bethenny has had terrible luck with men. She was embroiled in many legal battles with ex, Jason Hoppy before she finally got him out of her life with a restraining order. 

This all came after the lunatic was arrested for stalking her. It was a toxic situation, and we’re just happy Bethenny has moved on from it. 

But we’re intrigued to find out what went wrong with Dennis. Did he get sick of all the hollow threats Jason was sending their way?

Was Bethenny the one to call it off? We’ll probably never know. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you are probably questioning whether we will find out any answers to the above questions on the show. 

Don’t bet on it. The series is way too perplexed with rumors surrounding whether Tom has been cheating on LuAnn De Lesseps. 

Yes, we’re tired of it all. 

In any case, we’re sure Bethenny will confirm the news soon enough… that’s if she doesn’t find someone she likes better in the meantime. 

However, one of Bethenny’s friends confirmed the dating news. 

“She is having fun doing her thing and is keeping busy with her daughter and work, the source dished.

“She is dating, but there is nothing serious.”

What do you think about all of it? 

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 10 Recap: Ramona Singer v. Bethenny Frankel

Considering the way we left things on last week’s episode, The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 10 was all about picking up the pieces. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny Frankel and Ramona Singer were still going at it. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will already know the ladies have been bickering for quite some time. 

The reason? Ramona thought Bethenny was not there for her when she needed her the most and wants everyone her to cut the crap and apologize. 

Bethenny decided the best course of action was to list all of the crappy things Ramona did to her over the years. Things took a desperate turn when they bickered over who was the most successful. Yes, that is not a word of a lie. 

Ramona then claimed Bethenny was “an opportunist” who “uses people” and told her she was screwed up. “I feel sorry for you,” Ramona said. “You are a bitch. You’re Bethenny, the Bitchy Witch. That’s who are you. Good luck to you.”

Yes, Ramona was very drunk during the exchange, but at least she knows how to cause some drama for the cameras. Bethenny grew tired of being put on the spot so went to tell Carole she was leaving and they both left. 

Ramona then rehashed her version of the argument to LuAnn and Sonja, and both women could only look on in shock at what they were hearing. 

“I feel bad that every time she comes to my house, it’s a nightmare for her,” Dorinda Medley said to the camera. “To be honest, I wish Ramona were leaving.

Ramona then focused her attention on Carole, claiming that Bethenny was just using her as a friend for a short while. This did not go down with Bethenny, who said: “

You and I will never speak again. “You and I will never be on the same sidewalk ever again,” Bethenny screeched at her former friend. It looks like they are not friends anymore. 

The next morning, Tinsley and Sonja packed up to leave for New York, and could not stay civil to each other. Sonja wanted Tinsley to know that she was not to use her “house guy” as her own personal slave. 

After some back and forth, the ladies made nice with each other, but that did not stop Tinsley from looking at apartments to get away from Sonja. 

Meanwhile, Jill Zarin made her triumphant return to the series, with her husband in tow. Dorinda, however, could not shut up about Bethenny being targeted by Ramona. 

Tom then revealed that Ramona had been calling his friends to try and get the gossip on his past. 

“Her life is in such a mess that she wants everyone to be a mess. Misery loves company,” Jill said.

The episode concluded with LuAnn and Tom heading out for their wedding, but did it go without a hitch?

Tune in next week to find out!


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: Jason Hoppy is Still Torturing Me!

The Real Housewives of New York is full of reality personalities who leave an impression, but Bethenny Frankel is a fan-favorite.

Despite some difficulties in her life, she’s had an exciting career and she really seems to reach through the screen and win people over.

Now she’s saying that she’s in hell.

She says that following her feelings and instincts is what got her there.

“My heart and gut and instinct got me in the toilet bowl,” she tells costar LuAnn de Lesseps in last night’s episode of Real Housewives Of New York City.

“The worst situation of my entire life.”

She does not mince words, huh?

“I’m literally in a dungeon and torture chamber, and that is because I just went with my heart and my gut and could never have imagined what happened. That is real.”

It doesn’t take an expert to read between the lines and know that she’s talking about her wildly contentious divorce from ex-husband Jason Hoppy.

It makes sense that she’d still have strong feelings.

After all, this is a relationship where the marriage lasted only a couple of years before separation, but the divorce took four years before it was finalized.

Anyone who’s been divorced, known someone who got divorced, or just has any kind of grasp of what that entails knows that divorce is a nightmare.

When the process lasts twice as long as the marriage itself, you’re talking about someone who’s been through the wringer.

And has some serious regrets.

“You have no idea what I’ve been through, and hopefully you’ll never know.”

But Bethenny doesn’t talk about this as all being in the past, either.

“I didn’t ‘go through’ s—, I’m in s—. I’m not done — I’ll never be done.”

That sounds serious, especially after the divorce was finalized.

“It’s not your gut and your heart and all this s—; you have to be smart. Because I’m in goddamn hell.”

She doesn’t sound optimistic, either.

“And it’ll never end.”

This harrowing description of her life — which contains a little hyperbole, to be sure — came up because of LuAnn drama.

LuAnn married Tom D’Agostino in June 2016, and her friends and costars recounted how many times he’s cheated just during the short time of their relationship.

Basically, they describe a grown man who’s now married who keeps stepping out on LuAnn as if he’s a college student spending a summer abroad.

LuAnn defends herself saying that she’s going to follow her feelings and her gut.

But Bethenny Frankel warns her that she needs to be smart.

It doesn’t sound like LuAnn is willing to listen, but maybe Bethenny sharing her story will lead to some members of the audience making better choices.

After all, divorce isn’t just miserable — it’s expensive.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Lands New Reality Show: What Is It About?!?

Bethenny Frankel is sticking around the reality the world of Reality TV. 

The 46-year-old has joined forces with Million Dollar Listing New York’s Fredrik Eklund for a new series that will find the pair flipping houses. 

Bethenny and Fredrik Property Project is the working title for the series, which will debut later this year. Something tells us that title will be changing because it’s awful. 

It certainly sounds like Bravo is trying to capitalize on the success of HGTV’s Flip or Flop, but that show’s popularity exploded when series stars Christina and Tarek El Moussa confirmed their relationship was over. 

Bethenny previously departed The Real Housewives of New York City to front Bethenny Ever After, but returned to the former when her show flatlined in the ratings. 

There’s no word as of yet on what this means for her participation on RHONY, but there’s every reason to believe she’ll be back. The series took a nosedive in the drama department without her. 

Whether she’s telling LuAnn de Lesseps that Tom D’Agostino is cheating on her, or throwing shade at the other housewives, she’s always been a delight to watch on TV. 

That’s not to say the current season of the Bravo hit is good. In fact, the drama has been pretty much non-existent, but Tinsley Mortimer looks poised to send the drama into overdrive. 

Bravo also confirmed renewals for every currently airing show in The Real Housewives franchise, Vanderpump Rules, Shahs of Sunset, Below Deck, Summer House, Flipping Out, Don’t Be Tardy, Married To Medicine and Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles.

Bravo knows that its audience loves trashy reality series, so all of the renewals were no-brainers. 

What do you think about Frankel’s new show? 

Will you watch?

Sound off below!


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Hits The Beach In Miami (PHOTO GALLERY)

Bethenny Frankel clearly hasn’t skipped out on any gym days recently … showing off her washboard abs in Miami. The “Real Housewives” star hit South Beach Saturday in nothing but a bikini, shades and a stare that could kill. Friendly reminder ……


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kylie Jenner"s Soho Pop-Up Gets Bethenny Frankel Aroused! (VIDEO)

Bethenny Frankel’s Valentine’s Day ended with something long and hard. Bethenny had to jump 2 fences to reach her $ 5 million Soho apartment Tuesday night. It was blocked by barricades which corralled a crowd trying to reach Kylie Jenner’s pop-up…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Jason Hoppy: I Will Destroy You, Bethenny Frankel!

What the heck is wrong with Jason Hoppy?

This is question many fans of Bethenny Frankel have been wondering for ages.

The ex-husband of this beloved entrepreneur and reality star has seemingly gone off the deep end over the past several months, demanding an obscene amount of money from Bethenny in court and then getting arrested this past Friday.

Yes, Hoppy actually got arrested on stalking charges after he allegedly approached Frankel outside of their daughter’s school and loudly threatened her.

Witnesses on the scene in New York claim Hoppy screamed “I WILL DESTROY YOU” at Bethenny, leaving many to wonder whether or not Hoppy is simply nuts.

But he’s not, according to Radar Online.

His behavior can be justified (in Hoppy’s mind, that is) by a very rational and thought-out plan:

He really does want to destroy Frankel.

A source familiar with the situation puts it in simple terms when speaking to Radar Online.

“He wants to get her FIRED,” this insider says of Hoppy, explaining why he’s been all up in Bethenny’s life ever since the two broke up.

Along with literally telling Frankel he plans to “destroy” her last week, Hoppy supposedly said the following:

“You can get all the lawyers you want. You’ve been warned.”

This was a reference to a cease-and-desist letter fired off by an attorney for Frankel’s boyfriend, Dennis Shields, toward the end of last year after Hoppy reportedly sent Shields and Frankel an endless number of harassing emails.

But that’s not all.

Radar writes that Hoppy also sent emails to Frankel’s “friends and business associates at Bravo” at various points over the past year.

In October, he allegedly sent a message to Frankel that read: “Your definition of harassment is comical. I will continue to communicate with you as I see fit.”

This, at least, stopped being the case after the aforementioned attorney contacted Hoppy and said a lawsuit would follow if he didn’t stop acting like such a crazy person.

Still, Hoppy remains a frightening thorn in Frankel’s side.

During his confrontation with Frankel at daughter Bryn‘s school last week, the 46-year-old allegedly said to Shields that “she’s pure evil,” adding ominously:

“You’ve been warned. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Frankel told police afterward that she feared for her safety – and it’s easy to understand why.

Jason and Betheny were only married for two years, yet they battled over details in their divorce for FOUR years, finally ending the marriage for good in the summer of 2016.

Issues at stake during their back-and-forth courtroom fights involved alimony payments, child support payments and custody arrangements for poor little Bryn.

According to this Radar insider, Hoppy is dead set on making a name for himself in reality TV and on stealing his ex-wife’s spotlight … once and for all.

“He’s obsessed with her and still has pictures of her around his apartment,” the source says. “He buys every magazine that she is in. He’s coming fame obsessed…

“He now has her passion for public attention and wants his own reality show.”


Hoppy is due in court on March 13 to answer for this stalking charge.

In the meantime, Frankel has been granted an order of protection against him.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Granted Restraining Order Against Jason Hoppy After Stalking Arrest

Bethenny Frankel has been granted an order of protection against her ex-husband Jason Hoppy, according to multiple media reports.

A spokesperson for the Manhattan District Attorney’s office confirms that the order was sought after Jason Hoppy’s arrest for stalking.

According to TMZ, the order forbids Hoppy from contacting Frankel and orders him to stay away from the reality star’s place of residence.

He is also not permitted near her business, or their daughter’s school, for six months. The order also requires Jason to stay radio silent.

That means no communication with Bethenny whatsoever.

The only exception for Hoppy, obviously, is if a judge allows him access to locations where the two are trying to reach a custody arrangement.

(How hard they’re trying to actually reach said agreement, versus just spiting the other and racking up billable hours for lawyers, is debatable.)

Additionally, Jason is not permitted to have any “third party contact,” with Bethenny, though the order does not specify what that means.

It seems safe to assume, as TMZ notes, that it includes Bethenny’s boyfriend, Dennis Shields, who was with her when Jason got arrested.

Hoppy, 46, was arrested after he contacted Frankel, 45, “numerous times via email and FaceTime, and approached [her] making verbal threats.”

According to the New York Post, Hoppy was arrested after he allegedly showed up at six-year-old daughter Bryn’s Manhattan school.

That was on Friday, and he allegedly threatened Frankel.

During the confrontation, he supposedly claimed he would “destroy” her, and sources say he previously sent a series of abusive emails.

After emails and FaceTime calls “numbering in the hundreds” and after a cease and desist letter was sent” last fall, authorities made an arrest.

According to the crazy NYPD report filed afterward:

“On Friday, January 27, the suspect approached her and a friend at her child’s school at around 8:15 a.m. and tried to provoke a fight.”

“He said, ‘I will destroy you, you can get all the lawyers you want, you’ve been warned,’” and hours later, Hoppy was charged with harassment.

Hoppy also faces charges of stalking in the fourth degree, a spokeswoman for the NYPD says; Hoppy denies all charges against him.

His attorney Robert C. Gottlieb said, “There are no words to express how saddened Mr. Hoppy is over his ex-wife’s unjustified actions.”

“His only concern is his daughter and intends to vigorously fight these false charges … we fully intend to do our talking in the courtroom.”

Frankel finalized her divorce from Hoppy in July 2016.

It was a contentious, four-year court battle, unlike almost any we’ve covered – and we’ve seen a lot of nasty splits, by celebrity standards.

“The hardest parts have been anything that seems negative for my daughter,” she said last year, calling it “really challenging for me.”

“You know, you kind of have to look inside, find your strength,” Frankel added, insisting she is committed to putting her daughter first.

The couple, whose romance, marriage and road to parenthood were documented on RHONY and two spinoffs, both fall short of that.

Why do we say that? Isn’t it obvious?

If they really wanted to, couldn’t they stop fighting, strike a peace treaty or a non-aggression pact and move forward without this ordeal?

Or are they so pridefully stubborn they will stop at nothing – even sacrificing Bryn’s long-term happiness in the process – to “win” this?

Think about it.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jason Hoppy Ordered to Stay Clear of Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel now has a powerful weapon in her arsenal in her post-divorce war … there’s a restraining order against ex-hubby Jason Hoppy. The order was issued in conjunction with Hoppy’s arrest Friday for stalking and harassment. He confronted…


Jason Hoppy Ordered to Stay Clear of Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel now has a powerful weapon in her arsenal in her post-divorce war … there’s a restraining order against ex-hubby Jason Hoppy. The order was issued in conjunction with Hoppy’s arrest Friday for stalking and harassment. He confronted…


Jason Hoppy: Arrested for Stalkig Bethenny Frankel!

Jason Hoppy has finally gone too far with Bethenny Frankel.

One could easily say, of course, that Hoppy went too far many times in the past with Frankel.

Back in November, for instance, Hoppy was accused by Frankel’s then-boyfriend, Dennis Shields, of sending dozens of emails with “increasing frequency and hostility.”

Those were the words of Shields’ attorney at the time.

The emails in question last fall referred to Frankel as old and ugly and warned Shields that she would soon leave him, just as Bethenny supposedly left all the other men in her life.

That was bad.

But the latest allegation against Hoppy is even worse.

According to The New York Post, Hoppy was arrested for stalking Frankel after her allegedly turned up outside the school of the couple’s daughter on Friday and screamed four words at his ex-wife:


The New York Police Department has confirmed the arrest and said it relates to the aforementioned email scandal.

After Hoppy sent nearly 50 threatening emails to Shields and Frankel over the span of about three months last year, he was issued a cease-and-desist letter.

Those past instances, combined with what happened late last week, gave the police ammunition to charge Hoppy with stalking.

Said a NYPD spokeswoman to the newspaper:

“On Friday, January 27, the suspect approached [Bethenny] and a friend at her child’s school at around 8:15 a.m. and tried to provoke a fight.

“He said, ‘I will destroy you, you can get all the lawyers you want, you’ve been warned."”

The spokeswoman adds that Hoppy denies this account and was placed under arrest on Friday afternoon and charged with harassment in the first degree and stalking in the fourth degree.

Hoppy and Frankel are parents to a six-year old named Bryn.

They were married for two years prior to getting embroiled in one of the ugliest, most bitter divorce and custody battles on record.

The divorce was not even made official until July 2016, at which time it was believed Hoppy was awarded a ton of money in spousal support.

“Jason is thrilled that this chapter of his life is over; he is extremely pleased with the settlement that was reached,” an attorney speaking for Frankel’s ex said last summer.

In addition to a custody debate, the angry lovers endured conflict over who could live in the Tribeca apartment Bethenny bought in 2001.

Unable to decide on ownership themselves, the two actually lived for years under that same roof, despite their public and nasty breakup.

Frankel later referred to this arrangement as “brutal” and “horrendous.”

“I have cried enough tears to fill the Hudson River,” Frankel said last year of the split “I’d think, how could this go on for so long? Four years on a two-year marriage!”

Neither Frankel nor Hoppy has commented on this new arrest and the new stalking charge.

We aren’t going to choose a side in their ongoing drama.

We’re just going to say that a little girl is caught in between and we hope both sides remember that.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Sues Lawyers Over Divorce Condo

Bethenny Frankel got screwed in her divorce — once by her ex-husband and once by her own lawyers — so she claims in a new lawsuit. According to the lawsuit, back in 2011, Bethenny bought a Manhattan condo for $ 5 million. Jason Hoppy, her hubby at…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Bethenny Frankel -- Get It Together, Girls! (PHOTOS)

Here’s Bethenny Frankel trying her best to relax poolside in Miami. Bethenny to friend: Does this bikini make my boobs fall out?Friend: Yes. Bethenny: Perfect.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bethenny Frankel -- Ex-Hubby Says I Need a Relationship with Your BF

Bethenny Frankel’s ex-husband is bristling over threats by her current boyfriend to sue him for trashing her in emails, saying he’s forced to interact with the BF because the guy’s constantly around his daughter. Jason Hoppy fired off a letter to…
