Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Fearing For Son"s Health, Feuding with Nathan Griffith?

Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans is constantly making headlines for stressful situations related to her children, and this one is no exception. 

Already the mother of two little boys and currently pregnant with a little girl, the Carolina Hurrican is constantly in and out of courtrooms.

To wit, she’s currently battling Nathan Griffith for custody over her younger son, Kaiser, following a recent string of alarming allegations.

Wild allegations between Jenelle and Nathan, who were once engaged, have been traded, and heated, since their split last summer.

Shortly after they split, Griffith returned to the resident they shared with his new girlfriend; Evans was arrested for assaulting Jessica Henry.

Jenelle was accused of throwing a glass at Nathan’s significant other, although eventually, Evans was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing.

While things have improved since (the bar was set very low), there’s still an enormous amount of tension between Kaiser’s parents.

Jenelle, who is expecting a girl with David Eason, has been sharing pregnancy news but is typically keeping a relatively low profile.

Sure, she deals with allegations of taking her son out in a hurricane or letting him play near a bonfire, but by her standards? Uneventful.

Griffith, on the other hand, reacted to her pregnancy with indignation and seems to delight in every chance he gets to diss her since.

While she hasn’t stooped to that level, she has expressed concerns about Kaiser’s safety with his own father, and is headed to court.

The above tweet speaks volumes about the situation.

Right now, things are tense between them, and Evans is not hiding that fact, though she’s also refrained from mentioning Nathan by name.

She hasn’t called him out or made any public allegations about what he is or is not doing, but is letting her actions speak for themselves.

Rather, she says she wants to keep Kaiser safe and she is willing to do whatever it takes for that to happen, even if she gets flak for it.

So what’s going on with Nathan, exactly?

Back when the couple first called off their engagement, they reached a deal in which Jenelle was given primary physical custody of their son.

Now she’s seeking sole custody.

According to court documents, Jenelle claims Nathan told her that his “mental health is not stable and that he is unable to care for” Kai. 

She also alleges that “he has plans to move out of the country in the near future” and is dealing with “multiple pending criminal charges.”

What’s more, Jenelle was informed, reports indicate, that Nathan has “a substance abuse issue and is unable to care for the minor child.”

Griffith “does not have a suitable and healthy home environment” and moreover, “does not regularly exercise his visitation with the minor child.”

This is all just borderline tragic.

At a time when Jenelle is 33 weeks pregnant and preparing to welcome her third child into the world, nothing about her situation is stable.

Yes, she’s in a committed relationship with David Eason and we can hope, against all hope, that this continues on a positive trajectory.

She already has one baby daddy who’s completely MIA and looks to be aiming to replicate that here, however, under the circumstances.

Stay tuned and pray for her.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Jenelle Evans: ANOTHER Custody Battle with Nathan Griffith?!

Does Jenelle Evans just like fighting over the custody of her children?

Because that’s really starting to look like the only logical explanation for what’s happening in her life.

Maybe she watched a little too much Maury growing up, you know? (Actually, that could explain a lot of things.)

Maybe when she gave up custody of her oldest son to her dear mother, Barbara, she did it in hopes that, one day, she could kind of, sort of get her life together just a tiny bit, then go to court and try to get the kid back.

“But wait,” she’d have thought to herself. “Better be sure to do heroin and get arrested at least a dozen times to prolong things.”

Maybe she likes feeling fancy, dressing up and talking to lawyers and judges. Maybe they make killer coffee at her local courthouse.

We don’t know. But with all the years the custody battle over Jace has dragged on, and with how she keeps choosing awful, awful men to have children with, she has to like something about all the drama.

Otherwise, nothing makes sense. Nothing is beautiful and everything hurts.

We’re theorizing about all this, by the way, because Jenelle has just launched yet another custody battle, this time with Nathan Griffith, the father of her younger son, Kaiser.

Yes, she’s still in the never-ending custody battle over Jace, too, and yes, she and Nathan had a previous custody battle that was settled back in May.

Back then, they agreed on joint custody, with Jenelle getting primary physical custody.

But now, Jenelle’s just not content with that agreement anymore.

She’s filed a motion to get sole custody.

According to court documents, Jenelle claims that Nathan told her that his “mental health is not stable and that he is unable to care for the minor child.”

Nathan also allegedly told her that “he has plans to move out of the country in the near future.” It was also pointed out that he has “multiple pending criminal charges.”

What’s more, Jenelle was informed that Nathan has “a substance abuse issue and is unable to care for the minor child” during the small amount of time he does spend with the kid.

He “does not have a suitable and healthy home environment to exercise visitation with the minor child,” and even if he did, he “does not regularly exercise his visitation with the minor child.”

And see, this is a tough situation, because while Jenelle is obviously awful, Nathan is just ridiculously terrible.

He’s been arrested so many times, and much more recently than Jenelle. For example, he was arrested in August for breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s house and choking her.

So yes, it’s tough to root for Jenelle, but really, let’s all root for Jenelle, just this once, OK?


Friday, December 2, 2016

"Andy Griffith Show" -- CBS Sues YouTuber for Stealing ... We"re No Deputy Fife!

A YouTube channel featuring TV classics like “The Andy Griffith Show” is run by a lowdown crook making money off other people’s work … according to CBS. In a lawsuit, the network says — run by Edward Heldman III — has racked…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Arrested For CHOKING Jessica Henry!

Earlier today it was revealed that Nathan Griffith was arrested on August 21st for aggravated assault and burglary.

Now, more details have surfaced as Radar Online has obtained a report from the Myrtle Beach Police Department.

Griffith’s ex-girlfriend, Jessica Henry called the police at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday claiming that Griffith had attacked her.

According to the police report, Henry was asleep when Griffith entered her bedroom.

“Upon arrival, the victim said she was asleep in her bed when the offender came in her home and jumped on top of her and pinned her down and started to yell at her saying ‘be with me!’ and yelling ‘look who is trying!’

“She [Henry] said the offender then started to choke her. She said well she was being choked, she started to [sic] gagging and was in extreme pain.”

Henry told police that Jenelle Evans’ ex “choked her until the point where she could not breathe.”

Henry explained that Griffith eventually let out and she was able to calm him down.  However, Griffith left before police arrived.

“The victim said the door must have been unlocked, but the offender was not invited over.

“The victim said that they have lived together before in the past for about two months at the incident location. The offender does not live there and gave his key up a month prior to the incident.”

Though there were no marks on Henry’s neck, photos were taken to be part of the file.  

Griffith has no priors for domestic abuse.  He was, however, arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct in June.

Last month it was reported that Griffith and Henry had broken up after more than a year of dating.

A few days prior to his arrest, Griffith posted this to his Facebook wall:

“If there was anytime that you were there and I didn’t hear your voice because I was stubborn, I’m sorry but now I’m on my knees asking you to be strong when I can’t, to help me survive just one more day, and to let me hear your voice of justice.”

Nathan Griffith: Arrested For Burglary And Domestic Violence!!!

Nathan Griffith has not had an easy 2016.  

For the second time this year, Jenelle Evans’ ex (and father to their two-year-old-son, Kaiser), has been arrested, this time on charges of “first degree burglary” and “criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravate,” Radar Online has learned from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina police reports.

Not a ton of details about the August 21st arrest are available at this time, but this comes two months after a visit to the slammer for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Griffith missed Kaiser’s brithday on June 29th, he and girlfriend Jessica Henry apparently broke up.

Since then, Griffith has reportedly move on (and in) with another girl.

Griffith’s social media posts have been borderline crazy as of late, with some being motivational, and others a littel bit biblical.

“If there was anytime that you were there and I didn’t hear your voice because I was stubborn, I’m sorry but now I’m on my knees asking you to be strong when I can’t, to help me survive just one more day, and to let me hear your voice of justice,” he wrote a few days before his arrest.

“There is a lot of evil out there God and I need you to deliver me from it now. Help me fight the ‘good’ battle!”

Griffith and Evans did settle a custody agreement, with Kaiser living full-time with Evans, and Griffith getting visits every other weekend. 

“[Both the] parents agree to undergo testing for opiates, marijuana and steroid use, through a certified, third-party drug testing facility,” a judge stated while signing off on the custody agreement.

“The parents believe that each is an important continuing presence in their child’s life.

“[This] reflects the desire of both parents to create a positive environment for Kaiser’s development and to ensure each parent’s continuing relationship with him.”

Nathan Griffith: Arrested For Burglary And Domestic Violence!!!

Nathan Griffith has not had an easy 2016.  

For the second time this year, Jenelle Evans’ ex (and father to their two-year-old-son, Kaiser), has been arrested, this time on charges of “first degree burglary” and “criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravate,” Radar Online has learned from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina police reports.

Not a ton of details about the August 21st arrest are available at this time, but this comes two months after a visit to the slammer for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Griffith missed Kaiser’s brithday on June 29th, he and girlfriend Jessica Henry apparently broke up.

Since then, Griffith has reportedly move on (and in) with another girl.

Griffith’s social media posts have been borderline crazy as of late, with some being motivational, and others a littel bit biblical.

“If there was anytime that you were there and I didn’t hear your voice because I was stubborn, I’m sorry but now I’m on my knees asking you to be strong when I can’t, to help me survive just one more day, and to let me hear your voice of justice,” he wrote a few days before his arrest.

“There is a lot of evil out there God and I need you to deliver me from it now. Help me fight the ‘good’ battle!”

Griffith and Evans did settle a custody agreement, with Kaiser living full-time with Evans, and Griffith getting visits every other weekend. 

“[Both the] parents agree to undergo testing for opiates, marijuana and steroid use, through a certified, third-party drug testing facility,” a judge stated while signing off on the custody agreement.

“The parents believe that each is an important continuing presence in their child’s life.

“[This] reflects the desire of both parents to create a positive environment for Kaiser’s development and to ensure each parent’s continuing relationship with him.”

Friday, July 8, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Did Jenelle Evans" Ex Get DUMPED By Jessica Henry?

If you follow the many ups and downs of Jenelle Evans’ world, then you may be familiar with Jessica Henry.

Henry had the misfortune of dating Nathan Griffith immediately after he broke up with Jenelle.

As a result she was sucked right into the whirling vortex that is the Carolina Hurricane’s personal life.

Jenelle was arrested for assault after she threw a Mason jar at Henry’s head in what may have been the redneck-iest crime ever committed by a Teen Mom castmember.

(Which is really saying something.)

The matter was settled out of court, but the bad blood between Jenelle and Jessica persisted.

Teen Mom 2 fans may recall the scene from Season 7 in which Jenelle is less than thrilled to learn that Jessica gave her son Kaiser his first haircut:

Jenelle and Jessica’s lives became intertwined a third time earlier this year when Evans told the judge in her custody case that she believed Griffith and Henry were using steroids.

Considering Jenelle is permanently tethered to Nathan by the fact that they share custody of Kaiser, we imagine she was more than a little pleased to hear that Jessica kicked Nathan to the curb at some point in the past week. 

“Nathan and Jessica broke up,” a source close to the former couple tells Radar Online.

The insider adds that Jessica was the one who ended the relationship, and Nathan appears to have already moved on with someone new.

In addition to the fact that Jenelle pretty much openly despises both Nathan and Jessica, she has reason to be happy about the breakup, as Jessica has a no-contact order against her.

In the past, this complicated custody exchanges and even the taping of the most recent Teen Mom 2 reunion show in New York City.

“Producers have been speaking to Nathan about the Jessica going on the trip and they don’t want it to interfere with Jenelle’s no-contact order,” a source told Radar at the time.

“If Jessica goes to NYC, Jenelle can’t be in the same area as her. She can be arrested for being in the same area as Jessica.”

So for once there was some drama that actually simplified Jenelle’s life.

That might actually be a first.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Did Nathan Griffith Skip Kaiser"s First Birthday?!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been two full years since Jenelle Evans welcomed her second child, a bouncing baby boy named Kaiser Griffith.

Unfortunately, as you probably know, the relationship between Jenelle and baby dady Nathan didn’t survive for long after Kaiser’s birth.

These days, Kaiser’s parents are in the midst of an ugly custody battle.

Last month, it briefly looked as though Evans and Griffith had reached an agreement, but then dual accusations of drug use set them right back to square one.

The last we checked in on these two, Nathan was accusing Jenelle of doing heroin and cheating on him with her ex on the Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

Needless to say, the whole amicable co-parenting thing hasn’t been going great.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Nathan was reportedly a no-show at Kaiser’s birthday party today.

One insider tells Radar Online that Nathan “didn’t ask if he could have special permission to see his son on his birthday,” but Jenelle assumed he would show up at the small gathering of family and friends she hosted at her mother’s house.

Instead, Kaiser got a phone call and the promise of a future present.

“Nathan called Kaiser and wished him a happy birthday,” the source says.

Sadly, those closest to Jenelle say they’re not shocked, as Nathan has allegedly gone months without seeing Kaiser.

The mother of two gushed about her youngest son on Instagram today, writing:

“Today two years ago my second baby boy was born. Since that very special day, he has definitely brought excitement and joy to my life. Words cannot describe how much I love you and cannot wait to see you grow up.

“Can’t wait to see what you want to be when you get older, or your first day of school, or the first girlfriend you choose. You’re growing up way too fast in front of my eyes and everyone else’s! Stop!!!  

“Anyways, I hope your many birthday wishes come true my booger butt.”

Well, she might want to take that nickname back to the lab, but it’s nice that for once Jenelle is coming off like the responsible devoted parent.

Let’s hope it lasts.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Agree to Drug Testing, Then Don"t Do So Obviously

Teen Mom 2 train wrecks Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith both agreed to drug testing as part of their recent custody settlement agreement.

The only catch? Neither one of them actually doing it.

As we reported yesterday, Jenelle quietly agreed to drug testing in the wake of the couple’s custody battle and reunion show fireworks.

On Monday’s Teen Mom 2 post-mortem with Dr. Drew, s–t hit the fan HARD between the combative duo, who share young son Kaiser, 2.

Griffith pointedly said that Evans and David Eason are drug addicts, saying he doesn’t feel Kai is safe with Jenelle and her new boyfriend.

Jenelle countered by calling Nathan a steroid abuser and saying that SHE is the one who worries about the little boy’s safety half the time.

Not content to let her have the last word, the always-classy Nathan also said Jenelle is painful in bed and has put in 30-40 pounds.

This was all taped awhile back, of course.

Since then, the parties settled their issues in court, with Jenelle receiving primary custody and Nathan visitation every other weekend.

As part of the custody pact, however, both parties agreed to drug testing before their agreement could be finalized. The language reads:

“[Both the] parents agree to undergo testing for opiates, marijuana and steroid use, through a certified, third-party drug testing facility.”

The deal also specified that the results of the aforementioned tests will be communicated with each parent’s respective legal counsel.

Makes sense, but the sad reality here?

After signing off on the documents, insiders say that neither troubled party ever followed through with the “expensive” testing specified.

According to Starcasm, the judge did sign off on the final agreement between Evans and Griffith, which says all the appropriate things.

The agreement reads in part: “The parents believe that each is an important continuing presence in their child’s life.”

“[This] reflects the desire of both parents to create a positive environment for Kaiser’s development and to ensure each parent’s continuing relationship with him.”

It’s not clear if Jenelle and Griffith have knowingly flaked on drug tests, or how often, and whether that may impact the deal’s future.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jenelle Evans on Nathan Griffith Arrest: I Fear For My Son"s Safety!

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show, Nathan Griffith absolutely went off on Jenelle Evans.

We don’t mean he laid into her in an amusing way, ribbing her about many arrests, her lack of parenting skills, her jailbird boyfriend or, well … just about any other aspect of her life.

No, instead Nathan chose to make fun of Jenelle’s weight and past drug problems.

“I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds,” he said at one point.

He went to claim that she’s a cutter and tell the world that she sucks in bed in a tirade that was at worst a stunning display of verbal abuse, and at best the sort of casual douche-baggery we’ve come to expect from Nathan.

Unfortunately for Nathan, karma is a bitch.

Not long after the reunion special was filmed, Griffith was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Obviously, Jenelle is no stranger to run-ins with the law, but with Nathan getting pinched just days before the special aired, she was finally to get on her high horse.

And we’re happy to report that she’s taking full advantage of it.

After years of having her parenting skills questioned by others, Jenelle is finally in a position to cast doubts on someone else, and she did exactly that in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“I don’t care that Nathan got arrested,” Evans said. “I care about the safety of my child.”

Yes, she’s continuing to play the role of the cooler head and the concerned parent.

And amazingly, she’s making it work.

“His behavior concerns me and I hope he wouldn’t be stupid enough to be like that around Kaiser,” she added.

We don’t even know exactly what Nathan’s behavior consisted of, but we do know that Jenelle is guilty of laying several grownup smackdowns on her infantile ex.

But for once, she won’t be getting locked up for her actions.

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evans Sucks in Bed, Deals Heroin, Cuts Herself & Bangs Kieffer Delp!

At this point, it’s become clear that Teen Mom 2 afterthought Nathan Griffith will say and do anything to tarnish Jenelle Evans’ reputation.

He only seems to be hurting his own cause, however.

We knew he would come out swinging on last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion, but we’re still shocked at how much he crossed the line.

Moreover, we’re stunned at how well she handled it.

To say Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith are involved in a custody battle – and that they do not like each other – is a massive understatement.

Nathan, who just got arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct, and apparently has no license, sought to trash his baby mama publicly.

(Always a move the courts really respect. Just FYI.)

Denying that he slapped her around – something he’s been accused of more than once – Nate insisted instead that Jenelle is a cutter.

“All of these boyfriends are supposedly abusing her,” he said. “Might want to show them that little cut on your wrist. You slit your wrists.” 

Griffith filed court papers in April claiming that Evans “threatened self-harm and/or suicide and did, in fact, slice her wrists with a knife.”

He then accused her of cheating on him with David Eason, her current boyfriend, and insinuated that the two of them are drug addicts.

With uncharacteristic calmness, Jenelle pointed out that her ex-fiance is a useless human who made outrageous sexual claims about her.

To his lawyer. Seriously. Watch:

Jenelle mentioned casually that Nathan said she’s “painful” at sex in court documents, and asked him why that was relevant whatsoever.

He … had no response essentially.

Grilled on why he’d mention that in any sort of legal documentation, He of the Wannabe Man Bun was even more coherent than usual.

When he attempted to shame her for talking about her sex life publicly, Jenelle shut him down, apologizing for “no longer being with you.”

As if that weren’t crazy enough, Nathan fat-shamed Jenelle (below) and ripped her for allegedly cheating again … this time with Kieffer Delp.

Yes … good ol’ Kieffah.

Did she really, though?

Incredibly, the original Teen Mom 2 bad boy is still in the picture, though only after she and Nathan split up for good, Jenelle insisted.

She responded, “We’re at my house. [Nathan] climbs in my bathroom window at 4 a.m. and bursts in my window after he moved out.” 

Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans, added that Griffith choked the s–t out of Kieffer when he caught them together during a “one-night visit.”

Really. This recently happened!

“Nathan was so angry he started choking Kieffer so bad he almost killed him. And then Kieffer left the next day and we never saw Kieffer again.”

But Griffith didn’t stop there, accusing the reality star of being a drug addict who shares a home with a known dealer in David Eason.

“You told CPS David was a heroin addict and sold heroin,” Evans said, refuting his claims that their son lives in an unsafe environment.

“I said you’re a repetitive heroin user and you’re living in the town you used to buy heroin from!” Nathan said, sinking lower by the minute.

We have no idea what to possibly add at this point, but when Jenelle Evans is the cooler head that prevails, that tells you everything.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Arrested For Drunk & Disorderly Conduct!

He may no longer be with Jenelle Evans, but he’s with her in spirit as Nathan Griffith continues to have his own troubles with the law.

The Teen Mom 2 star and father of Jenelle’s youngest son is giving her a run for her money in the ne’er-do-well department these days.

Starcasm broke the story of his arrest (his most recent of many) Saturday in Myrtle Beach, after which he was booked and charged.

Nathan allegedly is accused of drunken disorderly conduct and using profane language, though it’s not clear exactly what led to this.

It doesn’t sound like Jenelle was involved either; more on that shortly.

A representative for the Myrtle Beach Police Department reportedly said, “[It] looks like he had disorderly conduct and resisted arrest.”

No further details have been made available as of this report.

He is due in court today; Nathan and Jessica Henry, his current girlfriend, have been radio silent on social media since his apprehension.

Jenelle, meanwhile, couldn’t resist throwing a bit of shade:

Hey, when you’re Jenelle, you gotta revel in this a little.

She’s been on the other side (of a cell) enough to appreciate what he’s going through … or more accurately, what she’s not currently going through.

Based on her Twitter reaction, it looks like she found out about the news the same way we did, reading the good ol’ world wide Internets.

Definitely a positive sign if she wasn’t privy to this.

This isn’t to say Jenelle Evans’ next arrest is likely that far off, either; David Eason, her current boyfriend, is the epitome of a bad seed.

Combined with her track record? Just give it time.

For today, though, she can gloat all she wants – especially given the fact that the two are battling for custody of son Kaiser. This won’t help Nate.

In any case, Nathan sure is piling up the mug shots in a bid to catch his former fiancee, but as you can see … she’s got a head start.

On Griffith and most of humanity for that matter:

Nathan Griffith: Arrested For Drunk & Disorderly Conduct!

He may no longer be with Jenelle Evans, but he’s with her in spirit as Nathan Griffith continues to have his own troubles with the law.

The Teen Mom 2 star and father of Jenelle’s youngest son is giving her a run for her money in the ne’er-do-well department these days.

Starcasm broke the story of his arrest (his most recent of many) Saturday in Myrtle Beach, after which he was booked and charged.

Nathan allegedly is accused of drunken disorderly conduct and using profane language, though it’s not clear exactly what led to this.

It doesn’t sound like Jenelle was involved either; more on that shortly.

A representative for the Myrtle Beach Police Department reportedly said, “[It] looks like he had disorderly conduct and resisted arrest.”

No further details have been made available as of this report.

He is due in court today; Nathan and Jessica Henry, his current girlfriend, have been radio silent on social media since his apprehension.

Jenelle, meanwhile, couldn’t resist throwing a bit of shade:

Hey, when you’re Jenelle, you gotta revel in this a little.

She’s been on the other side (of a cell) enough to appreciate what he’s going through … or more accurately, what she’s not currently going through.

Based on her Twitter reaction, it looks like she found out about the news the same way we did, reading the good ol’ world wide Internets.

Definitely a positive sign if she wasn’t privy to this.

This isn’t to say Jenelle Evans’ next arrest is likely that far off, either; David Eason, her current boyfriend, is the epitome of a bad seed.

Combined with her track record? Just give it time.

For today, though, she can gloat all she wants – especially given the fact that the two are battling for custody of son Kaiser. This won’t help Nate.

In any case, Nathan sure is piling up the mug shots in a bid to catch his former fiancee, but as you can see … she’s got a head start.

On Griffith and most of humanity for that matter:

Friday, June 10, 2016

Nathan Griffith to Jenelle Evans: My Son Lives With Two Drug Addicts!!

The war between Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith is even worse than we previously thought, and we previously thought it was pretty damn grisly.

Earlier this week, we shared a preview clip of the Teen Mom 2 reunion in which the exes exchanged jabs, culminating with Nathan making a below-the-belt crack about Jenelle"s weight.

Now, we"ve got an extended version of the clip that includes even more insults thrown back and forth between the former couple.

First, Jenelle tells host Dr. Drew Pinsky that Nathan doesn"t have the supplies necessary to care for their one-year-old son Kaiser.

When Nathan insists he"s properly equipped, Jenelle said she asked for pictures as proof.

Nathan said he"d go to the store with Jenelle"s boyfriend David Eason (Jenelle and Nathan don"t communicate directly when not on reunion shows) to buy the stuff in front of him.

“He has no highchair, he has no sippy cups, he doesn"t have food for him, he doesn"t have anything," Jenelle insisted, which Nathan refuted with, "Yes, he does."

"He has a one-bedroom apartment," continued Jenelle. "He doesn’t even have a room for Kaiser.”

She also added that Nathan had lied about having a driver"s license, but he admitted to Dr. Drew that he still hadn"t gotten it back.

Obviously peeved about getting called out by his ex, Nathan went for the jugular.

"My son is in an unstable environment with two drug addicts!" he said. "Yeah, where you see weed in the background, smoking constantly."

"And now you have this mysterious illness," he added. "You"re not capable of taking care of him."

While she denies using drugs (this year), Jenelle"s mystery illness has stumped many medical practitioners, and we still don"t know what"s wrong with her.

But illness or no illness, it honestly sounds as though neither of these two are capable of caring for their son.

Perhaps Kaiser would be better off at his grandma Babs" house, alongside his brother Jace.


Nathan griffith to jenelle evans my son lives with two drug addi

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jenelle Evans BURNS Nathan Griffith After "Fat" Comment

Yesterday, we shared a clip of the Teen Mom 2 reunion in which Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith trade insults in front of Dr. Drew Pinsky.

The entire exchange was pretty silly and immature, but then Nathan took it to a new low.

The renowned d-bag actually criticized his ex for gaining weight.

“I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds,” he said.

The clip ended on a shot of Jenelle with steam coming out of her ears, but we didn’t hear a response from her at the time.

Now, she’s taken to Twitter to clap back at her ex for his rude AF comments.

“Like I said … Yeah I’ve gained weight but that’s becuz I’m happy and healthy in life.. Is he? Probably not,” she tweeted in response to a fan who was upset by Nathan’s insult.

She then took a jab at Nathan’s new wannabe man bun by tweeting a meme of a bulldog with its ears pulled into a similar style.

Jenelle, obviously fired up, also retweeted some fans who were on her team and made fun of Nathan.

The reunion was filmed several weeks ago, so seeing the clip now is likely re-igniting some angst for Jenelle.

It was also shot before Jenelle and Nathan reached a custody agreement for their son Kaiser, which was one of the uglier battles we’d seen.

And by the looks of things, the animosity between these two will not be dissipating anytime soon.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Nathan Griffith Calls Jenelle Evans a Fat Druggie on Teen Mom 2 Reunion

We knew the Teen Mom 2 reunion was going to get ugly, but we didn"t realize it"d be this bad.

Earlier today, we reported that Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith totally went off on each other on camera, and now we have the clip.

The reunion was filmed before the pair had reached a custody agreement for one-year-old son Kaiser, and the animosity between them was at an all-time high.

In the clip, Jenelle and Nathan trade insults as host Dr. Drew Pinsky sits back and lets them have at it.

"You are totally unstable with all these medical ‘illnesses,’ all these drug abuse problems, all these mental aspects,” Nathan starts.

"Just like your lawyer wrote on the complaint that my sex was painful, what does that have to do with Kaiser?" Jenelle shoots back.

"You probably shouldn"t be talking about your sex life on national television," responded Nathan.

Really, these two could be politicians the way they dodge questions and simply bring up unrelated zingers to hurl at the other.

"I"m sorry if it bothers you if I talk about my sex life," Jenelle replies. "Sorry, I"m not with you anymore."

Nathan then responded like a 12-year-old Neanderthal POS and took an irrelevant dig at his ex"s weight.

"I don"t want you to be with me," said Nathan.

"I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds." 

Um, wow. I mean, Jenelle isn"t exactly the model citizen but fat-shaming her only makes Nathan look like a total d*ck.

Not as if that was hard to do.

The clip ends with Jenelle looking rightfully pissed, but perhaps she clapped back with something about how Nathan"s steroid abuse must be causing roid rage.

Jenelle recently shared a bikini pic amid rumors that she was pregnant again.

She clarified that she was not pregnant and that the weight gain was "healthy weight," the product of a happy relationship.

Check it out the Jenelle-Nathan battle below:




Nathan griffith calls jenelle evans a fat druggie on teen mom 2

Nathan Griffith Calls Jenelle Evans a Fat Druggie on Teen Mom 2 Reunion

We knew the Teen Mom 2 reunion was going to get ugly, but we didn"t realize it"d be this bad.

Earlier today, we reported that Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith totally went off on each other on camera, and now we have the clip.

The reunion was filmed before the pair had reached a custody agreement for one-year-old son Kaiser, and the animosity between them was at an all-time high.

In the clip, Jenelle and Nathan trade insults as host Dr. Drew Pinsky sits back and lets them have at it.

"You are totally unstable with all these medical ‘illnesses,’ all these drug abuse problems, all these mental aspects,” Nathan starts.

"Just like your lawyer wrote on the complaint that my sex was painful, what does that have to do with Kaiser?" Jenelle shoots back.

"You probably shouldn"t be talking about your sex life on national television," responded Nathan.

Really, these two could be politicians the way they dodge questions and simply bring up unrelated zingers to hurl at the other.

"I"m sorry if it bothers you if I talk about my sex life," Jenelle replies. "Sorry, I"m not with you anymore."

Nathan then responded like a 12-year-old Neanderthal POS and took an irrelevant dig at his ex"s weight.

"I don"t want you to be with me," said Nathan.

"I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds." 

Um, wow. I mean, Jenelle isn"t exactly the model citizen but fat-shaming her only makes Nathan look like a total d*ck.

Not as if that was hard to do.

The clip ends with Jenelle looking rightfully pissed, but perhaps she clapped back with something about how Nathan"s steroid abuse must be causing roid rage.

Jenelle recently shared a bikini pic amid rumors that she was pregnant again.

She clarified that she was not pregnant and that the weight gain was "healthy weight," the product of a happy relationship.

Check it out the Jenelle-Nathan battle below:




Nathan griffith calls jenelle evans a fat druggie on teen mom 2

Jenelle Evans Goes OFF on Nathan Griffith in Teen Mom 2 Reunion Special

Ah, reunion shows.

They’re like Thanksgiving for reality stars – a time to gather together, air all the grievances you’ve been keeping to yourself for the past few months, and maybe even throw a chair or two.

Jenelle Evans posted the photo above in order to shill some sunglasses and inform fans that she and new boyfriend David Eason had recently wrapped filming on the Teen Mom 2 Season 7 reunion special.

Of course, it’s possible that the stylish Ocean Bay Co. eyewear is also covering up a black eye or two on David, because witnesses say he and Jenelle went on the attack against her baby daddy Nathan Griffith as soon as the cameras started rolling.

Last week, Jenelle and Nathan finally reached a custody agreement after a lengthy court battle over 1-year-old Kaiser.

At the time the special was filming, however, the two were still duking it out.

Witnesses say Jenelle and Nathan had a civil discussion for all of about four seconds before it broke down into a screaming match over visitation rights.

Apparently, Nathan wanted to see his son more, but refused to give Jenelle his address.

Things haven’t gotten much better in the days since, and the former couple is still fighting over Nathan’s refusal to pay child support.

Sources say at one point Nathan even took a shot at Jenelle’s weight, which may explain why she’s been posting so many bikini photos recently.

Insiders say David Eason got involved, but it seems that for the most part, host Dr. Drew kept the conversation between Jenelle and Nathan.

Maybe Dave was just preparing for next year’s reunion, where he’ll be the one butting heads against Jenelle.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive this tumultuous past season before the reunion.