Showing posts with label Gushes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gushes. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Eminem Gushes About Hailie Jade Mathers: She"s Better Than Her Parents!

Eminem has been back in the news lately for an unlikely reason.

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past week, then you now doubt caught at least a snippet of Em’s blistering anti-Trump rap that debuted at the BET Awards.

Yes, Em has always been a rabble-rouser and a trash talker, but his barbs are usually aimed at fellow musicians.

(That mop-headed dude from NSync is probably still in therapy.)

This time, Mr. Mathers set his sights on a far more powerful opponent, tearing Trump down with a succession of scathing putdowns that would make no doubt rendered the Orange One as speechless as Anthony Mackie at the end of 8 Mile.

Best of all, the rapper released the acapella diss barrage with the full knowledge that many of his fans are also Trump supporters, exhorting red staters to pick a side in one of the track’s most memorable lines.

It was a pleasant for hip hop fans, as Em has reached the point in his career where he could never record another track and still be remembered as a legend of the genre.

But believe it or not, it’s not his music career that the 44-year-old emcee is most proud of.

(And no, it’s not his epic beard that somehow became a trending topic when he debuted it earlier this year.)

As Em is always happy to tell interviewers (on the rare occasion he grants interviews. Come to think of it, is he ever really happy?) his proudest achievement is raising his daughter Hailie.

(Who, as fans know, came well after he was harrassed daily by this fat kid named D’Angelo Bailey.)

Like we said, Marshall doesn’t speak to the press very often, but a source slose to the rapper says he gushes about his 21-year-old offspring every chance he gets:

“Eminem is really proud of Hailie, she’s the very best of him and Kim,” the insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Hailie is smart, popular, motivated, kind, and really down to earth. Eminem was determined that his daughter would be raised out of the spotlight, as the last thing he wanted was a ‘showbiz kid’, and he really did a good job—considering the problems that both her mom and dad have had, she’s incredibly well balanced. “

The source concludes:

“Hailie is really committed to her studies, she works really hard, and she has a great head on her shoulders.”

“Popular” might be a massive understatement, as new photos of Hailie go viral amongst Em obsessives about once a month.

We like to think they’re not being internet pervs and are just thrilled with the way she turned out, having essentially witnessed the girl’s upbringing through Em’s music.

While it’s the disses that might be most remembered by casual fans, those who have pored over the Detroit rapper’s lyrics know that family has always been one of his favorite themes.

In the early days, he argued (quite convincingly) that his lack of a healthy upbringing had left him permnanetly damaged.

These days, it seems he’s been rescues by his love for his daughter.

It’s a hell of a happy ending for a man who likely never would have predicted one for himself.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Gushes About Chris Lopez: Are They Dating?!

Trying to keep up with Kailyn Lowry’s love life is …

Well, it’s hard. Really, really hard.

She’s one of those people who don’t seem to enjoy being single — which is fine, of course, and it definitely makes for some solid reality show drama.

After breaking up with the father of her first child, Jo Rivera, she began dating a guy named Jordan, but they broke up when she cheated on him with Jo.

Shortly after that she met Javi Marroquin, and shortly after that they were married and expecting a child of their own.

There’s a little bit of confusion on this next part, but somewhere near the end of Kailyn and Javi’s marriage — either while they were legally separated or just before, depending on who and when you ask — she hooked up with someone else.

While he was deployed, it seemed clear that he didn’t really trust her to remain faithful to him, and there was also that “are they or aren’t they?” period with friend Becky Hayter.

Then of course, at some point during all that divorce drama, Kailyn started something up with Chris Lopez — something intense enough to get her pregnant.

It’s a little exhausting just to think about, isn’t it?

But still, this girl is out there, living her best life, and bless her for it.

Though it is pretty interesting that, in a new interview with In Touch, it seems like she may be thinking that living her best life means living a life with Chris Lopez.

But before she gets straight to Chris, Kailyn talks a little bit about what it’s like to be a mother of three boys.

Spoiler alert: it’s not easy.

As Kailyn says, her time right now is spent “trying to figure out time management, trying to figure out when I’m going to sleep, and if I’ll ever sleep again.”

Relatable AF, as the kids would say.

She also touches on the fact that she didn’t find out Baby Lo’s sex until he was born — she says that she wasn’t exactly surprised, because she thought she’d have another boy!

Adorably, she says that when she did find out he was a boy, she was so happy she cried.

When asked about the possibility of having a daughter someday, she said “I think I would want to have one, but I’m not deadset on trying to have one.”

“If it happens then whatever, but I’m not actively trying to have one or anything.”

We’d hope not — it hasn’t even been two months since she gave birth.

But it is sweet to think about her adding to her brood in the future, isn’t it? Especially if she ends up having more kids with Chris Lopez!

About Chris, she says “He’s good, he’s really hands-on” as a father.

“He kind of just picked up on it right away. I didn’t have to help him hold the baby, he kind of just knew, and the same thing with diaper changing and stuff.”

“I had never seen him with babies before, but he kind of just knew what to do,” she says.

Then Kailyn was asked directly about the status of her relationship with Chris, and that’s when she got a little vague.

“Things are OK,” she says. “We’re getting along and so I just want to keep that going.”

She did say that she’s not “dating right now,” but that she and Chris are just “trying to figure out what works for us, whatever that looks like.”

It sounds kind of exciting, right?!

As she’s said, it was her choice to get pregnant with Chris while they weren’t in any sort of long-term committed relationship, so if that’s how things end up, obviously that’s just how they end up.

But wouldn’t it be cute if she was able to turn all that drama into a love story?

And more babies?!


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Audrey Roloff Gushes Over Daughter, Shares Precious New Pic

The longest wait of Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff’s life is over.

But it was so well worth it.

On September 10, more than a week after she was due to give birth, the Little People, Big World star finally welcomed her first child into the world.

As confirmed at the time by Us Weekly, Audrey and Jeremy welcomed Ember Jean into their universe on Sunday morning, telling the tabloid that they were “thankful for this little life we’ve been blessed with and cannot wait to see all that she becomes.”

Now, in more extensive comments posted on Instagram, both reality stars gush even harder over their incredible bundle of joy.

“Our precious baby girl – Ember Jean Roloff – is finally here!!! 7.13 lbs 20.25″ long and born on September 10th,” wrote Audrey along with the photo above, adding in amazement:

“Wow. Natural labor was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but holding our baby for the first time was undeniably the most empowering and rewarding moment of my life.”

Roloff continued:

“Of course, I wrote “always more” on my hand when I went into labor, but never have these words carried more meaning.

“The whole time I just kept reminding myself of the MORE that was within me through Christ – that I could keep enduring, surrendering, trusting, and pushing more and more because of Christ’s strength within me.”

Audrey, who was as patient as an expecting mother can be throughout her pregnancy, went on to write about how the pain of giving birth quickly turned into a feeling she had never experienced before in her life:

“The second she was out of my belly and into my arms, the tears of pain ceased, and Jeremy and I looked at our daughter and each other with tears of uncontainable joy.

“We are in complete awe of the miracle of life, and feeling so blessed to be entrusted with such a beautiful daughter.”

She concluded by addressing her newborn directly:

Sweet little Ember, may you always be a light in the darkness, glowing in all you do, enduring, feirce, and hard to extinguish.

May you always believe in the more that is within you, and when stoked and kindled by your Creator – may you be able to burn and glow even MORE than you ever could on you own.

We love you so much Ember Jean Roloff. Thank you for making us “mom and dad.”

Jeremy, meanwhile, also had a few things to say about his daughter.

After welcoming Ember to “planet Earth,” he could hardly contain himself on Instagram yesterday, writing the following:

“She’s absolutely beautiful – a face that draws you in. What a miraculous experience.

“So much to say, but for now we’re resting at home soaking In the present – honored that we’ve been entrusted with this little life.

“Welcome to our family Ember Jean, we’re so excited to meet you. May you be a glowing, fierce, and radiant light in this world.”

We could not be happier for the Roloffs.

Ember Jean is the second baby to grace their family in just a few months.

Tori and Zach Roloff became parents to a son named Jackson Kyle back in mid-May.

They’ve been very open with pictures of their child ever since, sharing new ones almost every week and keeping fans apprised of Jackson’s status.

As long-time fans of these TLC stars, we can only hope Jeremy and Audrey are equally candid and generous.

But, for now, we just hope they get some rest. They’ve earned it and they’ll need it!


Friday, August 4, 2017

Husband Gushes Over "Curvy" Wife, Divides the Internet

A writer named Robbie Tripp recently penned a very sweet message to his wife, a model named Sarah Tripp.

Due to Robbie’s very candid and sweet message, the Instagram post went viral.

But it didn"t receive over 20,000 Likes purely because it was an example of a husband gushing over his wife.

As you"ll find out below, the note stirred up quite a bit of controversy online because Robbie cited his wife"s curvy body as a major reason behind her appeal… and users were divided over how they felt about this description.

1. This is Sarah

This is sarah

She’s a model and fashion blogger who emphasizes the growing “body positive” movement in her posts and poses.

2. And This is a Photo of Sarah and Robbie

And this is a photo of sarah and robbie

The married couple is very much in love, as evidenced by a note Tripp wrote to Sarah as a caption to this snapshot.

3. He Likes Big Butts and He Cannot Lie!

He likes big butts and he cannot lie

Basically, Robbie explained in his love letter.

4. A Misguided Message

A misguided message

Robbie went on to explain that society sends a bad message about what true beauty is when it comes to the female form.

5. THIS is Sexy!

This is sexy

Sarah may never appear in Cosmo, Robbie says, but she’s featured where it matters most.

6. Curvy and Confident

Curvy and confident

These attiributes add up to real sex appeal.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Jillian Dempsey Gushes Over McDreamy McMarriage

To some couples, an 18th wedding anniversary may not be cause for celebration.

It’s not a round number or anything.

But Jillian Dempsey and Patrick Dempsey have a reason to celebrate any and all marital milestones these days…

… because they came very close to NOT being married at all in the semi-recent past.

In early 2015, the former Grey’s Anatomy star and his wife announced they were filing for divorce.

Wrote the parents of three kids in a joint statement at the time:

“It is with careful consideration and mutual respect that we have decided to end our marriage.

“Our primary concern remains the wellbeing of our children, and we ask with profound gratitude that you respect our family’s privacy at this very sensitive time.”

One year later, however, the split was called off and the twosome decided to give their relationship another shot.

What changed in that time? Mostly just Dempsey’s attitude.

“Our marriage was not something I was prepared to let go of,” the actor told ES Magazine awhile back, adding:

“I didn’t feel like we had done all the work. And we both wanted to do that work. That’s where it started.”

The pair also attended counseling sessions… and made a lot of love!

“You’ve got to communicate, and stay open and not get lazy. And not give up. And lots of sex!” Dempsey said last year.

Fast forward to this week and things are still going strong between Jillian and Patrick.

Stronger than ever, it seems.

“Happy 18th anniversary @patrickdempsey!” Jillian wrote as a caption to the first photo in this article, which features Patrick kissing her on the cheek as they relaxed on the beach in swimsuits.

“Through thick and thin….I love you,” she added, signing the loving message “wifey.”

Jillian and Patrick share three kids together: daughter Tallula, 15; and twins Sullivan and Darby, 10.

Jillian met the Sweet Home Alabama hunk when she gave him a haircut at an upscale Los Angeles salon in 1994; she filed to have her divorce filing dismissed in November 2016.

Back during the worst of it for the couple, a source told Us Weekly that Patrick took responsibility for the temporary break-up because he “was going through a bit of a midlife crisis. But he’s snapping out of it.”

We’re so glad to hear it!

We wish the best of luck to this cute couple!


Monday, July 17, 2017

Flea Gushes Over Lonzo Ball, "My Favorite Player On the Planet!"

Rock legend Flea — a die-hard Lakers fan — says he sees unparalleled GREATNESS in Lonzo Ball … and guarantees he’ll win Rookie of the Year. The Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist is no bandwagoner — the guy is a hardcore hoops fan. He regularly…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Jacob Roloff Gushes Over Girlfriend, Has Achieved Ultimate #RelationshipGoal

Jacob Roloff has come a very long way in a year.

Last summer, the ex-Little People, Big World resigned from his family’s reality show with a handful of scathing statements, calling out his loved ones as a bunch of phonies.

The youngest Roloff sibling blasted producers, his parents and his brothers for faking scenes and scripting storylines on a weekly basis.

But that was then.

And now?

Roloff has clearly found peace away from the camera.

He spends a great deal of his time on the road, traversing the Pacific Northwest with his girlfriend and his two dogs and even acknowledging that he may have misspoke a bit in the past.

“I remember at that time, I was causing strife,” Roloff said online about a month ago, adding:

“I said inflammatory things [last year]. Even as I said those things, I would admit that in about a year, ‘I’d probably regret some of this."”

Roloff went on to admit that he was simply rebelling back then and, simply bit, he “grew up” in a big way in the many months since.

Jacob isn’t all talk, either.

He has stopped by his family’s farm in Oregon on multiple occasions since Tori and Zach Roloff welcomed their first child into the world in mid-May, sharing numerous photos of nephew Jackson on Instagram and gushing over the precious bundle of joy.

And now he’s doing the same thing when it comes to his girlfriend, Isabel Rock.

The 20-year old shared a photo of Isabel, sitting around a campfire on his Instagram page yesterday, looking all cute while cuddled up in a cozy blanket.

“Seriously dig this girl,” he wrote as a caption. “Life with her is a gift.”

How sweet is that?!?

When it comes to the proverbial #RelationshipGoals, it’s safe to say these two have attained the sort we all strive for.

Jacob and Isabel have been documenting their road trip on YouTube almost since the beginning.

They keep a running video blog that alerts fans to their whereabouts and serves as a general reflection on their lives.

“These videos are going to be kind of a mix of dog life, travel life, just talking and stuff,” Jacob said back when they started.

“We’ll pretty much just show you scenery and tell you what we’re doing that day or something and then also talks and stuff while we’re driving.”

In general, Jacob has been making a point to step back into the spotlight of late.

He’s been doing this partly to satisfy his base of followers, partly because he has things he wants to say… and partly because he actually has a new book out!

It’s true! Read all about it HERE and decide whether you want to purchase the memoir or not.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Audrey Roloff Gushes Over God, Jeremy Roloff

Talk about serious #RelationshipGoals.

No, really, let’s talk about them.

That’s exactly what Audrey Roloff is doing in her latest Instagram post, which makes a reference to the most important man in her life and also the most important higher power in her life.

The wife of Little People, Big World star Jeremy Roloff, Audrey recently made a major announcement on this same social media platform.

She explained a couple weeks ago that she and Jeremy just moved to Portland in order to be closer to their family farm in Oregon.

Now, as a caption to the very sweet image above, Audrey had gone ahead and moved many followers to tears instead.

“I didn’t fall in love with Jeremy by spending time with on Sunday mornings and thinking about Him on occasion throughout the week,” she wrote, elaborating as follows:

“Rather, I fell in love with Jeremy by spending time with almost daily and getting to know who he was, is, and wanted to become.”

While this sentiment is nice and very true, Audrey is actually using her romantic relationship to shed her light on a different kind of relationship:

The one she has with God.

“The more time I spent with Jeremy the better I knew him, and the more I grew to love him,” she continues.

“Falling more and more in love with God is no different. We do it by spending time with Him and reading His word in order to know who He was, is and will be!

“And the more we love God, the more we will be capable of loving others.

Audrey, who has always been very open about the role faith plays in her daily life, concluded:

“God’s love is infinite and ours is finite… God’s love is unconditional and ours expects a return… And yet, because of His great love for us and within us, we are able love like He loves.

“We are able to love without bounds. We are ALWAYS able to love MORE.”

Audrey included the hashtags “#alwaysmore #beating50percent #stayingido #journeyofjerandauj #alwaysmorelove” with her post.

In the past, Audrey’s strong beliefs have landed her in a bit of hot water.

She once likened marriage to war, for example, writing online about a year ago:

What are you doing to protect your marriage against the dangers of, porn, workaholism, worry, pride, stress, fear, loss, addiction, comparison, social media, emotional cheating, that girl at the gym, in-laws, hormones, or idolizing your kids?

“TO WIN A WAR, YOU HAVE TO KNOW YOU’RE IN ONE,” she added with emphasis.

She also once said that nothing is hotter than reciting your marital vows while having sex.

You can question some of these beliefs if you want.

You can disagree with a few of them, of course.

But there’s no real denying how happy Jeremy and Audrey appear to be.

Whatever they are doing in their relationship and whatever helps their love blossom, it’s been working for a very long time now.

Plus, the couple is expecting a baby in September! How exciting!

We send our very best wishes to the Little People, Big World stars.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Zach Roloff Cradles Newborn, Gushes Over Fatherhood

Simply put, it doesn"t get much more adorable than this.

On May 12, Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff welcomed their first child into the world.

His name is Jackson Kyle and we later learned that he does, indeed, carry the same gene as his famous father; despite measuring "normal" length at birth, he will grow up to be a Dwarf.

This will be a challenge, Jacob has openly admitted.

Speaking to People Magazine, the TLC star talked openly about his own difficulties as a child with this genetic disposition.

He was called names. He was chosen last for sports. There was no talk of him getting elected Homecoming King.

“I grew up with the name-calling,” Roloff said in a feature piece for the publication, adding:

"I look at my childhood and being a boy on the farm, it was a little tough because boys are very alpha-doggy and follow the pack.

"I was always chasing the back and way behind the pack. It was tough."

The result is that “you have to encourage a dwarf child a little more because it will take them five steps to do what others can do in two,” Roloff said a few weeks ago.

Now, about a month into fatherhood, Zach has talked once again about this life-changing experience.

In new footage for his vlog with Tori – aptly named “Z and T Party of Three” – he discussed the first few days at home with the baby.

“It felt super surreal and natural the first time I held baby Jackson,” says the Little People, Big World star below, going on in a bit more detail as follows:

“Infants, I always thought, were fragile and hard to hold, but with your own child, it’s super confident.”

It"s strange, but true. Only parents can really understand this.

As for Jackson being born with achondroplasia?

“Baby Jackson came in as [a little person] — just like me,” the new dad says, emphasizing:

“We’re super excited for it, though. We’ll hope to just give him a healthy, happy life and support him in every way.

"He can experience as much as the world as Tori and me have been able to and hopefully much more.”

And look how cute he is!

Check out the full video and see what else Zach and Tori have to say about their son right now:

Zach roloff cradles newborn gushes over fatherhood

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sharna Burgess Responds to #CrotchGate, Gushes Over Bonner Bolton

Sharna Burgess and Bonner Bolton expected to be asked about their Cha Cha following the premiere of Dancing with the Stars Season 24.

They did not expect to be asked about Sharna’s, well… cha cha. 

If you know what we mean.

But the professional dancer and her bull riding partner found themselves at the center of an unexpected controversy Monday night, after footage surfaced of the pair backstage.

They were sitting around with other contestants, waiting for Erin Andrews to interview Nick Viall following his first performance, when Burgess saddled up close to Bolton.

As you can see below, it certainly appears as if Bolton then moves his hand over Sharna’s thigh and down to her crotch.

She responds buy gently and casually placing it elsewhere:

Did Bolton feel up Sharna against her will? We strongly doubt it.

Did his hand linger in that forbidden area for a few nanoseconds by sheer accident? That’s very possible.

But so is this: 

Bolton and Burgess are both single. Their chemistry on screen was so palpable that both stars were asked about it after they left the dance floor.

Perhaps the two are simply hooking up, Bolton wanted to be affectionate and Burgess quickly corrected him, essentially saying: Not now, darling.

“Obviously we have chemistry,” she told E! News last night, adding:

“We’re not going to stand here and lie and say we don’t, but everyone made such a big deal tonight that I didn’t really know what to say to it… I’ve never blushed on this show, ever in my life, and I legit blushed tonight.”

And then there was this from Bolton, to People Magazine:

“I was telling her before we started tonight, ‘I can’t look at you for too long. I might get distracted. That’s why I might miss some of my steps.’ She’s obviously beautiful.”

Is there any doubt these two are doing far more than the Waltz behind closed doors?

In response to the video above and the photo below, however, Sharna took to Twitter this morning and cleared up all the rumors.

She made it as clear as she could that Bolton did NOT act in an inappropriate manner.

“Anyone who has the ridiculous idea that it was intentional…is straight up stupid,” Burgess wrote, adding:

“As in lacking [the] intelligence to realize it was innocent. @bonner_bolton’s a true southern gentleman & was so embarrassed that it even happened let alone got caught on camera for gossips to gawk at.”

An insider, meanwhile, tells E! News that Bolton and Burgess are” really enjoying to get to know each other.”

We can only imagine!

On the actual dance floor, however, they only scored a total of 22 points for their opening number.

So the duo better step it up if they want to return in subsequent weeks.

Or they shouldn’t bother, if their goal is to actually get off the show as quickly as possible in order to have alone time, where Bolton can touch whatever body part of Burgess he wants to, far away from the camera.

If you know what we mean.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jamie Lynn Spears Shares Video of Daughter, Gushes Over God

Jamie Lynn Spears has a reason to be grateful this week.

A very cute, very precious, very special reason, we should say.

Just over two weeks ago, the former actress’ only child was involved in a scary accident.

Little Maddie Aldridge, at only 8 years old, was driving around her family’s property in a child’s ATV when she swerved to avoid a drainage ditch.

But the maneuver caused the vehicle to flip over, landing Maddie face-first in a pond.

Jamie Lynn and her husband, also named Jamie, rushed over to rescue their daughter, but were unable to free Maddie from her seatbelt.

Fortunately, paramedics arrived quickly on the scene… got Maddie loose… loaded her into an ambulance … and rushed her to a local hospital.

For the first couple of days, it was unclear whether the little girl would survive.

“The Spears family asks that everyone respect their privacy during this time and appreciates all the prayers and support for their family,” said a spokesperson soon after news of the crash went public.

Thankfully, however, Maddie not only survived the ordeal; she recovered faster than anyone could have imagined.

Five days after the frightening crash, Jamie Lynn’s daughter was headed home.

And now, 19 days after the incident, she’s resuming nearly each of her activities, as evidenced by a new video Spears shared on Instagram:

“1st Basketball practice today #Godisgood,” Spears captioned the above footage of her child practicing passing drills with her team.

Pretty good form there, Maddie!

“When she woke up… everybody was crying because it was such a miracle,” a friend of Maddie’s father, Casey Aldridge, told People Magazine.

There really was a period there when Maddie’s loved ones feared the worst.

“The doctors did a lot of tests before she woke up, and it was encouraging, but still – no one knew for sure,” this friend said., adding:

“Everyone was really worried because they didn’t know how bad the brain injury was. They didn’t know if she was going to recognize them or if she’d ever be the same.”

So far, however, so good.

Maddie is not all the way back to her old self, but she got to hand out Valentines at school last week and she most definitely recognizes all her relatives.

God really is good, isn’t he?

We continue to send our very best wishes to Maddie, Jamie Lynn and everyone close to this family.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ben Affleck Gushes Over Jennifer Garner... and Taylor Swift?

Ben Affleck sat down for an interview with Ellen DeGeneres yesterday and gushed over two very important women in his life:

  1. Jennifer Garner.

  2. Taylor Swift.

Wait… what?!?

First, the actor spoke at length about brother Casey Affleck and how proud he was that Casey was Best Actor at the Golden Globes the night before.

From there, Ellen asked Ben about the holidays and the ski trip his family took with the families of Casey and Matt Damon, which prompted the comedian to ask who had the best behaved child on the vacation.

Not him, Affleck replied, referring to his three kids: Violet, 11, Seraphina, 8, and Sam, 4.

But that was certainly not due to a lack of impressive effort from estranged wife Jennifer Garner, with whom Affleck maintains a healthy relationship.

"I have the world’s greatest mom [for my kids], but even she cannot conquer the obstacles there," Affleck said.

It"s been impressive, really, how Affleck and Garner have kept up a strong relationship, despite the former being accused of drinking and partying too much and even cheating at one point.

They"re doing it for the kids.

Something else Affleck does for the kids?

Listen to Taylor Swift. A LOT.

But click Play on the video below to find out what he thinks of the singer. (Spoiler Alert: he"s a huge fan!)

Ben affleck gushes over jennifer garner and taylor swift

Monday, January 9, 2017

Ryan Gosling Gushes Over Eva Mendes at Golden Globes

Ryan Gosling is many things:

Gorgeous. Talented. Funny. Humble. Smooth.

And did we mention gorgeous?

But one thing Gosling has also been well known for is his privacy.

The actor has been linked to Eva Mendes for years. The stars have one child together and a second on the way and yet… do you ever see them in public? Do you ever hear one talking about the other?

Not really, right?

At the 2017 Golden Globes, however, Gosling earned the trophy for best actor in a musical or comedy for his role in La La Land.

After joking about Ryan Reynolds, Gosling turned serious, talking at length about Mendes, even without mentioning her by name.

"I just would like to try and thank one person properly, and say that while I was singing and dancing and playing piano and having one the best experiences I’ve ever had on a film, my lady was raising our daughter, pregnant with our second and trying to help her brother fight his battle with cancer,” Gosling said while accepting the award.

“If she hadn’t taken all that on so that I could have this experience, would surely be someone else up here other than me to today. Sweetheart, thank you."

Pretty amazing, no?

As for who Gosling dedicated the victory to?


Ryan gosling gushes over eva mendes at golden globes

Friday, December 16, 2016

Tarek El Moussa Poses with Daughter, Gushes Over Christina

Tarek El Moussa is pretty good at renovating houses.

But it turns out he’s even better at reconstructing the narrative around his crumbling marriage.

The Flip or Flop star has spoken out about his estranged wife, Christina, on social media, coming to her defense against an influx of online haters.

Even as word spreads that Christina is now dating Gary Anderson, the family contractor.

The HGTV personalities have been in the news for several days now; not due to any great deal they made on a home, but due to some serious drama surrounding their relationship.

It has come to light, for example, that Tarek fled his house in May, taking a gun with him into the woods and prompting a frantic 911 call from Christina… who thought he might kill himself.

While Tarek told authorities at the time that he was simply safeguarding himself from wild animals, the publicized incident forced these reality stars to admit they’ve been separated for months.

“Like many couples, we have had challenges in our marriage,” the pair said in the statement last week, addressing the dramatic incident without detail.

“We had an unfortunate misunderstanding about six months ago and the police were called to our house in an abundance of caution.

“There was no violence and no charges were filed.

“During the process, we are committed to our kids and being the best parents we can be.”

It has since been confirmed that HGTV will continue to air new episodes (and maybe even a new season) of Flip or Flop, while Tarek and Christina are seeing other people.

They actually seem to be on very good terms.

This point was driven home on Thursday after Tarek shared a cute photo of himself and his daughter, six-year old Taylor.

They are posing near some boats that are decorated with holiday lights.

“Me and the #love of my life #crushing it!!!” Tarek wrote as a caption, making a reference to his separation and adding:

“It’s been a #crazy few days but we #love our kids soooo #much!! My #heart and #soul.”

Tarek and Christina also share 15-month son Brayden.

They will continue working together as business partners, at the very least, with Tarek not taking kindly to one comment left by a user in response to the photo above.

“Christina your [sic] a phoney,” this person wrote to Tarek on Instagram.

“She’s a great person and mom,” Tarek responded. “We have had many many struggles that’s all.”

According to an incident report obtained by E! News in regard to what took place in May, Christina said Tarek “took a handgun, put it in his backpack and ran outside” their house in Orange County.

He reached a state park, where cops, aided by one of their helicopters, tracked him down.

They later found five firearms in the house and he relinquished them voluntarily for 30 days as a precautionary measure.

It sounds pretty crazy, but who are we to judge?

As long as Tarek and Christina are both happy and both doing the best job they can as parents, we’ll gladly sit back and watch as they flip, flop and pretend to get along on camera.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Gushes Over Boob Job, Nose Job: Look at Me Now!

Any time we watch The Big Bang Theory online or on television, we laugh at the actions of Kaley Cuoco.

She cracks us up on that CBS sitcom!

Similarly, any time we listen to Cuoco speak, we nod in approval of her openness and her honesty.

Once again, for example, the beautiful actress has talked candidly about her history of plastic surgery.

“Years ago I had my nose done,” Cuoco tells the magazine for its December 2016 issue.

And she doesn’t stop there, adding:

“And my boobs – best thing I ever did. Recently, I had a filler in a line in my neck I’ve had since I was 12. As much as you want to love your inner self… I’m sorry, you also want to look good.”

Cuoco has never been one to hold back her opinions, even when they get her in trouble.

Remember when Cincinnati Zoo officials were forced to shoot and kill a gorilla named Harambe after a toddler fell into his habitat and onlookers feared for the child’s safety? 

She argued that the gorilla was clearly holding the young boy’s hand and said this was “another senseless horrendous animal being killed over people not using their brains.”

As she expected, Cuoco received a lot of backlash for this point of view.

She may also receive some for her plastic surgery admission, but she doesn’t care.

Kaley makes it clear that she isn’t changing how she looks for anyone but herself.

“I don’t think you should do it for a man or anyone else,” she says to Women’s Health. “But if it makes you feel confident, that’s amazing.”

Moreover, it’s not as if Cuoco doesn’t work very hard on her figure. She doesn’t let a knife do all the work.

See the well-sculpted abdominal muscles in the photo above, for example?

“I’ve cried numerous times in yoga [to get those],” she says, laughing: “The best part is, I’m sweating so bad no one can tell.”

When not at the gym or on set, Cuoco is almost always riding horses. It’s her biggest passion in life – and it’s how she met boyfriend Karl Cook.

“Literally, we bumped arms at a horse show,” she explains. “We each said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry’ – and everything changed. I looked at him and he looked at me…”

How romantic!

Having previously questioned whether or not she would ever be capable of love again after a painful divorce, Cuoco now says her relationship has once again established her faith in “the sanctity of marriage.”

And not just married!

Cuoco says she would “absolutely” consider exchanging vows again at some point in the future.

Furthermore, she’s even thinking about the possibility of starting a family, explaining, “I’m meant to be a mom.”

She’d have such beautiful kids, too! We really hope this happens for her.

Why do we love Kaley Cuoco so much? Click around above and find out!


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ryan Lochte Gushes Over Kayla Rae Reid, Shares Proposal Secrets

Ryan Lochte may have earned 12 medals over an impressive Olympic swimming career, but the controversial athlete has never felt more like a winner than he does right now.


Because Lochte proposed to his girlfriend of about nine months over the weekend… and Kayla Rae Reid said yes!

The news went viral on Monday, with both the athlete and the former Playmate of the Month (July 2015) sharing photos from the proposal.

“Memories forever!!! #thelochtes #LA,” Lochte wrote as the caption to his image, while Reid added:

“Speechless. Absolutely beautiful.  So in love with YOU.”

A day after his life-altering question was popped and answered, Lochte spoke backstage at Dancing With the Stars, gusing over his new fiancee and revealing precisely how he was feeling just prior to getting engaged.

In short?

It sounds like Lochte felt more pressure being down on one knee than he felt in any Olympic starting block.

“I couldn’t really focus, I couldn’t concentrate,” Lochte told Us Weekly of trying to practice for the ABC competition hours before the proposal. “I’m just happy everything worked out.”

It sure did.

As for details of the romantic proposal, Lochte was happy to spill a few secrets now that it was done and over with.

“We were in a helicopter and we went down around West Hollywood and Hollywood, and then we flew over Santa Monica and the pier, and we went up the coast in the helicopter,” Lochte explained.

He continued;

“Then they landed us on top of a mountain in Malibu, and on the mountain there was a picnic that had roses and champagne, and she was like, ‘What’s going on?’

“And so we got out and that’s when I got down on one knee. But I was messing up! I had practiced it so many times in my bathroom, I had my suit, my jacket on, and I was pulling the ring out, and everything was perfect.

“Then when it actually happened I couldn’t get the ring out of my pocket and I was stumbling over all of my words! And I was just so clammy and nervous – but then I finally got the courage to ask, ‘Will you marry me?’

“And she said yes! And I was like, ‘Yeah! My life is complete!"”

Wow. Nice. Sort of makes us with Ryan Lochte had proposed to us!

Not much was known about Kayla Rae Reid prior to news of her engagement making headlines yesterday.

Yes, she flew to Brazil and cheered Lochte on this summer, but the two kept their relationship on such a down low that Lochte joked prior to the Olympics that he was on Tinder.

You can get to know Reid a lot better below, however:

Lochte and Reid started dating in March.

Things turned very serious very quickly.

The swimmer went through some very challenging times over the past few months, being caught in a lie about an armed robbery in Brazil and then getting suspended for 10 months due to these actions.

But there was a silver lining to this low point: it solidified his relationship with his now-fiancee.

“She’s stuck behind me this whole entire time when I was at my darkest point and she was my rock,” Lochte says. “That’s when I knew, I’m not letting this one go!”

Lochte, meanwhile, is still alive on Dancing with the Stars.

Check out his latest routine with Cheryl Burke below and then respond: 

Do you think he can win?


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Jinger Duggar Gushes About Jeremy Vuolo: We Can"t Wait to Have Kids!

Earlier today, TLC released a promo for Counting On Season 2 that contained some unexpected surprises.

We knew the reality show’s second go-round would focus on Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo’s courtship, but we didn’t know that there was a time when her family was skeptical about Vuolo’s prospects as a suitor:

But while her parents and siblings may have had their doubts, Jinger says she was certain about her fiance from the start.

Though she claims that growing up, she was not the type of girl to sit around and dream about her wedding day.

“I was never one of those girls to sit around like, ‘Oh, I want this proposal, this ring, this wedding,’” Jinger recently told Us Weekly.

“I always thought, ‘Whatever this young man does, I’m sure I’ll be so in love.’”

In case that didn’t make it clear that Jinger is head-over-heels for Jeremy, the gushing continued from there:

“It’s an answer to my prayers,” Jinger went on.

“I asked God for this in a future spouse, and He has done far above anything I could have ever imagined or dreamed in bringing Jeremy into my life.”

Naturally the talk eventually turned to Jinger and Jeremy’s plans for procreation.

And naturally, they both seem pretty psyched about the idea of having lots of kids:

“Well, I love kids,” Jinger said. “I’m excited for the future, when Jeremy and I are married, to start a family.”

Echoing these sentiments, Vuolo added:

“We haven’t talked about size, but I know we both love children. They’re a joy. We’ll have to see what the Lord provides.”

He certainly has his Duggar talking points down.

Thus far, little has been revealed about Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding plans, but the couple shared some minor details with Us”

“We’re trying to keep it intimate, between family and friends,” Vuolo reveals, adding that they’ve yet to set an official date. “We want to be very intentional with who we invite.” 

Bear in mind that “intimate” is a relative term.

Both Jill and Jessa Duggar invited over 1,000 guests to their respective ceremonies.