Showing posts with label Heard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heard. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2017

French Tennis Star Gael Monfils Hasn"t Heard Of Pepe Le Pew (SAD VIDEO)

Here’s a mind blowing video to make you rethink the direction of society … Gael Monfils, one of the biggest tennis stars in France, just told TMZ Sports he has ZERO CLUE who Pepe Le Pew is. For those of you who didn’t have a childhood either,…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Charles Oakley: I Don"t Know If Dolan Is Racist ... But I"ve Heard Things (AUDIO)

Charles Oakley says he will NOT definitively label James Dolan as a racist because he’s never personally seen him do racist things … but says he’s heard rumblings “over and over.” Oakley says he’s “heard stuff” about Dolan over the years — but…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Johnny Manziel Denies Charging Fans For Selfies: "Dumbest Thing I"ve Heard"

Johnny Manziel is refuting reports that he’s planning to charge fans $ 50 to take selfies at the Super Bowl … saying it’s “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Promo flyers circulated social media last week detailing Johnny’s appearance at several…


Johnny Manziel Denies Charging Fans For Selfies: "Dumbest Thing I"ve Heard"

Johnny Manziel is refuting reports that he’s planning to charge fans $ 50 to take selfies at the Super Bowl … saying it’s “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Promo flyers circulated social media last week detailing Johnny’s appearance at several…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Amber Heard & Elon Musk: Dating?!

Back in September, several media outlets reported that Amber Heard was essentially homeless following her disastrous split from Johnny Depp.

That’s probably an exaggeration, but it seems that Heard’s financial situation was indeed pretty dire in the wake of her divorce.

Fortunately, if the latest rumors about her love life are true, we imagine she’s not stressing too much about money these days.

According to the Daily Mail, Heard and Tesla/Space-X billionaire Elon Musk are an item.

“She was telling friends over Christmas how smitten she is with Elon,” one insider tells the tabloid.

“They are already planning a lot of adventures together and she’s relieved she can move on with her life,” the source added.

“It’s an exciting new chapter for both of them.”

Yeah, we imagine dating a billionaire tech genius makes for a pretty exciting chapter.

When most people say they’re planning an adventure, they mean they’re thinking of taking a road trip next summer.

When Elon Musk says it, he might actually be talking about going to the moon.

Anyway, the relationship couldn’t come at a better time for Amber Heard who’s coming off a very 2016 2016.

Her high-profile divorce from Johnny Depp was one of the ugliest celebrity splits in recent memory, and it doesn’t look like the battle is over quite yet.

Though Amber and Johnny reached a settlement back in August, the matter wound up back in court following a bizarre turn of events.

Amber announced plans to donate her settlement cash to charity.

When Johnny’s offered to write checks directly to the organizations of her choice, she claimed that it was a scheme to secure a tax write-off, and now the entire $ 7 million is still in limbo.

Of course, that’s chump change to Musk, who’s reportedly been pursuing Heard (undeterred by the fact that she was married) since 2013.

Both parties appeared in the film Machete Kills around that time, but they didn’t share a scene or meet on set.

Musk began emailing director Robert Rodriguez, claiming that he was “intrigued” by Heard, and asking him to set up a date. 

Amber reportedly agreed to a casual, platonic dinner, but then stood the mogul up.

But we guess it all worked out in the end.

Things tend to work out in your favor when you have a few billion in the bank.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Divorce Finalized!

Doesn’t it seem like years and years since Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, citing Johnny’s alleged violent tendencies as the reason she couldn’t stay married to him?

It hasn’t been years, of course — it’s just been about seven months — but the messiness really drags things out, doesn’t it?

In late May of last year, just a few days after Johnny’s mother passed away, Amber left him.

At the time, it was a little confusing, because who would be so low to file for divorce during a time that’s so heartbreaking anyway?

But then, just a few days after she filed, Amber went back to court to request a restraining order against Johnny because, according to her testimony, he’d been physically abusive.

The next couple of months were particularly nasty, with photos and text message exchanges and videos leaked to support Amber’s claims, and with almost no one believing them.

Apparently it was very hard for people to believe that Johnny Depp, very famous actor and attractive human being, was capable of such violence.

In August, they finally settled things: Amber withdrew her request for a permanent restraining order as well as the domestic violence charges, and Johnny agreed to pay her $ 7 million.

So it was all over then, right? No more drama, no more legal issues, everything was good.

… Not so fast, y’all!

The drama continued for a good while longer: reports began surfacing that the divorce left Amber so broke that she was homeless, and though Amber said she was donating her entire settlement to charity, when Johnny donated the money directly, things got ugly.

And, as it turns out, the divorce wasn’t even finalized. During all this time, Johnny and Amber remained legally married.

But, as of last night, that changed, And today, those two finally woke up single for the first time in years.

However, things weren’t quite that simple. They never are with these two.

Amber wanted to delay the finalization so that her legal team could take a deposition from Johnny, but the judge said no, hush, this is over.

Johnny wanted Amber to pay $ 100,000 for dragging things out, but the judge said no, hush, this is over.

And finally, Amber asked that Johnny be forced to pay her legal fees, but — you guessed it — the judge said no, hush, this is over.

Both of them had to pay for their own legal fees.

To celebrate the finalization of the divorce, they also went ahead and officially divided up their assets yesterday.

Amber got the dogs, Pistol and Boo, a horse named Arrow, and two cars, a classic Mustang and a new Range Rover.

Johnny got to keep all the real estate, and there were also 42 more vehicles between them, so he got to keep all those, too.

So far, he’s paid $ 200,000 of the $ 7 million settlement. He’s been ordered to pay Amber another million in the next few days and another in February.

He’ll give her one more million dollar batch in May, then 1.5 million in August, before finishing things up big with a 2.3 million dollar payment next February.

Johnny’s lawyer released a statement on his behalf, saying that “We are all pleased to put this unpleasant chapter in Mr. Depp and his family’s lives behind them.”

“Having his request for entry of dissolution judgment granted today made it a particularly lucky Friday the 13th.”

And Amber’s lawyer got extra dramatic, stating “It’s a great day. All Amber wanted was a divorce and now she has it. In the words of Gerald Ford, ‘Our long national nightmare is over."”

We’re not sure if that quote really fits the situation, but congrats to both Amber and Johnny on finally closing this ugly, ugly chapter.


Johnny Depp, Amber Heard Divide All the Goodies in Divorce

Johnny Depp gave Amber Heard more than $ 7 million in their divorce settlement … she’s also gets doggies Pistol and Boo, Arrow the horse and a Mustang (Ford, that is). Don’t feel too sorry for Johnny.  He keeps all of his properties, scattered…


Johnny Depp, Amber Heard Divide All the Goodies in Divorce

Johnny Depp gave Amber Heard more than $ 7 million in their divorce settlement … she’s also gets doggies Pistol and Boo, Arrow the horse and a Mustang (Ford, that is). Don’t feel too sorry for Johnny.  He keeps all of his properties, scattered…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Amber Heard, Johnny Depp Divorce Final, Finally

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard will be single before dinnertime, because the judge is about to seal the deal and make their divorce final. Amber was trying to delay the final divorce so she could take Johnny’s deposition, but the judge turned thumbs…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Johnny Depp: Amber Heard Doesn"t Want a Divorce! She Wants Drama!

Back in August, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard finalized their divorce with terms that were reportedly amenable to both parties.

After the deal was reached, however, in an unexpected twist, Heard announced that she would donate her settlement to charity.

The philanthropic act seemed to be at least partially motivated by Heard’s desire to refute claims that her primary motivation in accusing Depp of spousal abuse was to exploit him for cash.

As a counter-measure to what his team saw as an attempt at slander, Depp offered to donate the funds to the charities directly, rather than writing a check to Heard, who would then pass the money on.

Heard’s people weren’t having this, as they saw it as an attempt to steal her thunder and secure a tax write-off for Depp.

So, nearly five months after the settlement was reached, the two charitable organizations have only received the first of many scheduled payments, as the matter is once again tied up in court.

It now looks as though it may be several months before the issue is decided, and Depp says that’s by design.

According to the actor’s lawyer, famed divorce attorney Laura Wasser, maintains that Heard is dragging out the proceedings in order to remain relevant by keeping her name in the tabloid headlines.

“It is clear that she is intent on prolonging resolution and continuing litigation as long as the public’s attention will allow,” Wasser claims, in court documents obtained by TMZ.

Heard has already fired back in a deposition, alleging that this is simply another attempt by Depp’s team to destroy her public image.

“I want my life back. I want to be divorced from Johnny now,” she says.

Needless to say, it doesn’t look like this situation will be ironed out any time soon.

Expect Depp and Heard to continue taking shots at each other and filing petty legal motions for several months to come.

We hope the charities Heard selected were planning on receiving that cash in the near future.

We’ll have further updates on this increasingly bizarre story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Johnny Depp: Amber Heard is Using Me to Stay Famous!

Remember when we thought the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard had been settled, and both sides would be able to move on with their lives.

Yes, it was a simpler time, when the world occasionally made sense and Donald Trump was just a ex-reality show host with delusions of grandeur.

Looking back now, we realize what fools we were.

As you may recall, Depp and Heard reached a deal back in August.

Both parties agreed to the terms, and it seemed that one of the ugliest celebrity divorces in recent memory had finally come to an end.

Then, Amber announced plans to donate her settlement to charity.

It sounds like an innocuous enough plan, but her decision set off a new round of legal wrangling that shows no signs of letting up.

Many saw Heard’s public declaration of philanthropic intentions as a bald-faced PR stunt.

Depp’s team attempted to maneuver around it by offering to donate the cash directly to charity.

Heard’s people saw this is as an attempt to make Depp look like the good guy and score a nice tax write-off in the process.

For reasons that remain unclear, Heard went on to demand twice as much money as a result of Depp’s attempt to give to the charities directly, thus bringing her total settlement to $ 14 million.

It’s tough to say who’s right and who’s wrong, but either way, the real victim here … is the children.

No, but seriously, almost five months after the deal was reached the charities have only received one payment, because the issue has been tied up in court for the majority of that time.

Now, Team Depp is claiming that this whole situation is the result of Heard’s desperation to stay in the spotlight.

(“The spotlight” here meaning the tabloid headlines.)

Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, described Heard’s behavior as “a blatant attempt to extend her fifteen minutes of fame” and “an embarrassing grab for additional and unwarranted attorney’s fees.”

Harsh words, but there’s a reason TMZ calls Wasser “the disso queen.”

The reason is that Harvey Levin sucks at coming up with nicknames.

We like you, Harvey, and we hear you make a mean blueberry smoothie, but seriously, take that one back to the lab, homey.


Johnny Depp Tells Judge Amber Heard Just Wants Her 15 Minutes

Johnny Depp is scoffing at Amber Heard’s attempt to get more from him than they agreed in their divorce settlement, and he’s telling the judge she just wants to stay relevant and sway public opinion. Johnny filed legal docs saying a deal is a deal,…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Chelsea Houska Opens Up About Baby Name: It"s One We"ve Never Heard Before!

When we think of the Teen Mom franchise, we often think of the attention-grabbing trainwrecks like Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham.

But we like to think it’s the more stable, less psychotic moms who have kept fans coming back all these years.

At the moment, it’s hard to think of a more beloved TM couple than Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer.

Chelsea and Cole got married back in October, and their first child together is due in February.

There’s been the usual amount of fan scrutiny surrounding Chelsea’s pregnancy, but for the most part, and for the most part, Chelsea has been game to offer regular social media updates to her many fans.

We know the baby’s gender (It’s a boy!); we’ve seen Chelsea’s baby bump photos, and we even know the exact due date (February 14).

But there’s one detail Chelsea refuses to divulge:

Fans have been clamoring for the kid’s name, but the Housk won’t go any further than revealing that it’s something truly original.

“We do have a name picked out but we’re not going to announce it until he’s born but yeah, it’s been pretty funny to see the names people come up with,” Chelsea WetPaint during a recent interview.

She added that she’s had a good laugh at fans’ attempts to try and guess the mysterious moniker: 

“Cole Jr., Randall – that’s not even my dad’s name, it’s Randy, it’s not Randall!”

Chelsea has no problem offering fans a couple hints, but she seems confident that no one will guess her future bundle of joy’s name ahead of the big day:

“Last names as first names are my favorite!” Chelsea wrote on Twitter. 

“The name we picked is actually a fairly common last name that we’ve seen but rarely [heard as] a first name…We want something that we don’t hear much.”

She stated on Twitter that she and Cole both love the name they’ve chosen, but the selection process wasn’t always smooth sailing.

She revealed that at one point, she was pushing for the name Knox, but Cole was having none of it.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Mariah Carey: I"ve Never Heard of Ariana Grande or Demi Lovato!

Mariah Carey does not keep up to speed with who the biggest singers are on the planet.

Maybe she just does not want to admit that there is newer and better talent than her out there, or something, but her constantly saying she does not know people is getting a bit old. 

The Mariah’s World star hit up Watch What Happens Live last night and host, Andy Cohen had much to discuss with the singing sensation. 

He wanted to know whether Mariah’s pop culture knowledge had improved, or if it was the same as it was back in the 1980s. 

Basically, he wanted to know which celebrities she recognized, and which she did not. 

“I’m forgetful. How am I to know?” Carey asked at the beginning of the game. 

Cutting to the chase, Andy was quick to question whether Mariah now knows Jennifer Lopez. If you recall, Mariah famously claimed she had no idea who the heck Jenny from the block was. 

Mariah looked uncomfortable and rolled her eyes at the very thought of Lopez, while someone in the audience shouted out “No.” 

Andy then revealed that Ariana Grande was like Mariah in her early years, prompting Mariah to claim she does not follow pop music. 

“I don’t know when early in the career was… Honestly I’m not familiar, I listen to hip-hop more than I listen to pop music.”

Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry all got free passes, with Mariah throwing loads of praise Gaga’s way. 

“She came to my show, she was very sweet. She came to the Christmas show at the Beacon Theatre and we had a nice conversation… We’ve met…I enjoyed the moment.”

That solid praise was met with much more shade when Demi Lovato was brought up. 

“I don’t know her either, so I wouldn’t say anything to her,” she said.

“She should come up, introduce herself to me, say ‘Here’s my opinion, what do you think about it?’ That’s how you handle s**t.”

It sure seemed like Mariah was on a mission to roast everybody in sight. 

Addressing her relationship with Bryan Tanaka, Mariah revealed that she wanted fans to watch the show to find out what went down that brought them together. 

“’Reveal’ is such an interesting word,” Carey replied.

“I want people to watch the show because honestly, I don’t want to go into it but when something is real, and it’s a beautiful thing, you don’t want to trash it up. It is what it is.”

What do you think about all of this?

Did Mariah go to far with her shade?

Hit the comments. 


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Johnny Depp: Refusing to Finalize Amber Heard Divorce Deal?

Back in August, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard reached a settlement after one of the ugliest celebrity divorce battles in recent memory.

However, like every other development in the bitter breakup, the deal was quickly revealed to be more far more complicated than it initially seemed.

Ironically, the trouble started when Heard vowed to donate her settlement cash to two charitable organizations.

Some saw the move as an effort to wring some good from a bad situation.

Others viewed it as a giant middle finger to Depp and those who claimed she had leveled abuse allegations in order to score a larger settlement.

In what was perceived by many as an effort to call Heard’s “bluff,” Depp offered to donate directly to the charities himself, rather than cut a check to his ex so that she could pass along the seven-figure gifts.

Before the deal was approved, Depp went ahead and paid out the first installments of the plan to the ACLU and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, the two charities selected by Heard.

Heard’s lawyers viewed the move as an effort to rob her of positive press coverage and score a massive tax write-off for Depp at the same time.

Now, the deal is back in court to be subjected to another round of wrangling.

Thus far, only the first round of $ 200,000 payments has been received by either charity.

New legal documents obtained by E! News reveal that Heard penned a declaration to the court, intended to clarify that she feels Depp is solely responsible for the fact that the cash has not been delivered to its intended recipients

“When Johnny learned that I planned to donate my entire marital settlement to charities, Johnny purported to satisfy his obligation to pay me by supposedly paying the charities I selected instead of me,” Heard writes.

“He also claimed that I violated the confidentiality provisions of the [Deal Point Memorandum] by announcing that I was donating my settlement to charities.”

She adds:

“In fact, I made those donations in good faith and I was responding to the leaks by Johnny’s agents bragging that I had settled for substantially less than a reported, earlier offered sum and attempting to label me a gold digger.”

The actress goes on to accuse Depp of planting defamatory tabloid stories in order to damage her career.

Depp has yet to respond to Heard’s latest allegations.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Amy Duggar: Forget What You Heard, My Marriage Is Great!

Amy Duggar has always been known as the least sketchy Duggar, the most relatable member of the whole family — probably because she wasn’t raised by Jim Bob and Michelle.

But right now, Amy is on Marriage Boot Camp with her husband of one year, Dillon King.

And we are concerned.

On the show’s site, a description reads that “Upon arrival, their lack of respect for each other is apparent,” which obviously doesn’t sound all that great.

But in the trailer, Amy claims that “He picked me up by the throat, all the way up to the ceiling.”

Sounds pretty terrifying, right? Also, it sounds like Dillon just might be an abusive asshole.

But, as Amy reveals in a new interview with People, all may not be as it seems — yep, she’s denying that the incident described in the trailer has anything to do with Dillon.

“Dillon’s character is upright and he’s a good man who loves me well,” she says.

According to the celebrity news publication, when Amy was talking about someone who “picked me up by the throat, all the way up to the ceiling,” she wasn’t talking about abuse, “she was referencing a challenge during the clip that happened on the show and it was with Dillon.”

… What?

On Marriage Boot Camp, the couples often do certain challenges to help them work together as a team, and some of those challenges are physical.

So is she saying that Dillon picked her by the throat as part of a challenge?

It’s hard to say. It doesn’t really make sense, so it looks like we’re just going to have to wait for more information before we can decide if Dillon is actually a monster or not.

In the meantime, let’s check out more weird quotes from Amy!

About the couple’s decision to go on the show, Amy says “We know it’s kind of more of a wild show than we have ever been on, but we just decided it might be a really good opportunity to work out some of our kinks and grow out relationship.”

But filming was rough — she says that “There were a couple of times that were really intense and there were tears. I experienced every emotion I could while I was there.”

Don’t worry, though, their marriage was pretty much perfect before they even decided to go on a reality show designed to save marriages.

“For us,” Amy explains, “it was nothing more than we need to learn to communicate. Dillon has a tone that drives me up the wall sometimes and when we bicker, we have to learn how to talk to each other.”

She says “We were friends for so long before we got married, so we always joked and said things to each other because we were just friends.”

“Now that we are married, it’s a whole new level of respect that we had to learn.”

But while things were good before the show, now they have the best marriage out of all the marriages.

“I have never been more grateful for going on the show,” Amy gushes. “Dillon and I are on cloud nine.”

“We are really happy we learned how to communicate in a healthy way and we’re completely in love with each other. We are in a very good place.”

Whatever you say, girl.

We’re still going to hold off until we get a full explanation for that sketchy choking story, though.


Ronda Rousey -- I Heard The Critics ... WATCH ME PROVE YOU WRONG! (VIDEO)

Here’s Ronda Rousey’s badass comeback “Rocky” style montage — complete with grueling workout sessions, full-speed wind sprints … and a sick look at her mansion in the hills.  It’s all part of the new promo for UFC 207 on Dec. 30 in Vegas –…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Amber Heard -- Paid ACLU $350,000

Amber Heard paid the ACLU $ 350,000 3 days after she struck a $ 7 million settlement deal with Johnny Depp … TMZ has learned. Amber said she would give the entire $ 7 mil to Children’s Hospital and the ACLU domestic violence unit, in equal shares,…


Monday, November 28, 2016

Amber Heard: Stiffing Charities Out of Johnny Depp Divorce Settlement Cash?!

Shortly after Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, it became clear that the situation would be much uglier than your typical celebrity split.

Depp was accused of domestic violence, and Heard’s camp painted a picture of the beloved actor as a drunken abusive monster.

As is often the case in high-profile celebrity breakups, Heard was accused of going after Depp’s bank account.

She responded to those accusations in deft fashion by promising to donate her divorce settlement to two charities: the ACLU and Los Angeles Children’s Hospital.

The move was interpreted by many as a middle finger to both Depp and his supporters, Heard’s way of deflecting criticism and sending a clear, unmistakable message that she wasn’t in this for the money.

There were even reports that Heard was broke and essentially homeless as a result of her pledge, but remained unwavering in her intentions.

Now, however, TMZ is reporting that more than three months after the divorce was settled, neither charity has received the $ 7 million that Heard was awarded.

The site claims that each organization did receive an initial installment of $ 200,000, but that money was apparently sent to them directly by Depp, not Heard.

After Heard declared her plan to donate her settlement, Depp’s lawyers stated that the actor would cut out the middle man by issuing checks directly to the Children’s Hospital and the ACLU.

Heard was reportedly furious, as she not only felt that the move was Depp’s way of making himself out to be the good guy, she also saw it as an effort to score a massive tax write off.

Her attorneys put the kibosh on Depp’s plan to donate the cash himself, and neither organization has seen a dime in the months since.

It remains unclear, however, if the money dried up because it’s in Amber’s possession, or because it’s tied up in the appeals process.

Heard’s lawyers claim the couple has not signed settlement deal, but that they’re expected to do so this week.

After months of PR nightmares, we’re sure they’ll be signing some iron-clad non-disclosure agreements, as well, so we may never find out exactly how this plays out.

But whatever the case, two worthy organizations are about to receive two very large checks.


Amber Heard -- Children"s Hospital Money MIA

Amber Heard vowed to stuff the coffers of Children’s Hospital and the ACLU’s domestic violence unit, but more than 3 months after she struck a $ 7 million settlement … she hasn’t given them a dime … TMZ has learned. Heard and Johnny Depp struck a…
