Showing posts with label Heroin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroin. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Did the Teen Mom OG Reunion Prove He"s Back on Heroin?

You know how Mackenzie Standifer is pretty much the most hated person on Teen Mom right now?

Yeah, that reunion special didn"t really help things much.

In both the first and second parts of the reunion, Mackenzie came on with Ryan Edwards to talk about his drug addiction and his coparenting relationship with Maci Bookout.

If you watched, then you know Mackenzie did most of the talking while Ryan sat beside her with those wild eyes of his.

They claimed a bunch of different things in their segments, but when you compile all the stories together, one thing becomes clear.

There seems to be a very, very small chance that Ryan is actually clean these days.

1. Lots and Lots of Drugs

Ryan edwards a photo

As you’ve probably heard, Ryan was dealing with a pretty severe heroin problem last year. He was shooting up, Mackenzie claimed he was spending around $ 10,000 a week on his habit, and at one point last spring he was even arrested.

2. Turning Things Around

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

But after nodding off while driving himself and his bride to their first wedding, he went off to rehab for a few weeks. Yep, just a few weeks — he checked out early, and after he did, he was seen knocking back beers and badmouthing Maci. Not a great look for someone in his position.

3. It’s All Maci’s Fault

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

But as soon as Ryan came home from rehab, he and Mackenzie both felt comfortable putting so much blame for everything on Maci. She triggered him into doing heroin, she knew he was doing heroin and didn’t directly discuss it with the people who lived with him and saw him regularly, so basically Ryan’s entire drug problem was her fault. Because that makes sense.

4. … Come On

Maci deshane mckinney

They slammed Maci for refusing to let Ryan spend time with their son until he was able to pass a drug test, and they even made fun of her for admitting that she’d cried many times over Ryan — because to them, that meant she was still in love with him, not that she was afraid her son’s father could die.

5. Hmmm

Ryan edwards not sober

Then, leading up to the season finale, Ryan began acting strangely — he seemed depressed about Mackenzie’s pregnancy news, telling her to call him when the kid turned three and even suggesting at one point that they separate for the duration of her pregnancy. He also complained of feeling sick, being very cold, and needing to lie down throughout her ultrasound.

6. Oh, Ryan …

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Considering all these things together, many Teen Mom fans became convinced than Ryan had relapsed. He may have been irritable because he’d rather be getting high, he was feeling sick because it had been too long since he’d doone drugs, that kind of thing.

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Monday, February 12, 2018

MLB"s Esteban Loaiza Arrested, At Least 44 Pounds of Heroin, Cocaine

Former MLB All-Star pitcher Esteban Loaiza was arrested Friday in San Diego with at least 44 pounds of heroin or cocaine … and could now face more than 20 years behind bars.  Loaiza, 46, is being charged with 3 felonies … 1) Possession…


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Former Faith No More Singer Died Of Suspected Heroin Overdose

Ex-Faith No More singer Chuck Mosley died of a heroine overdose — at least that’s what cops suspect after finding syringes next to his body, TMZ has learned. Mosley’s body was found last Thursday by a friend and his longtime partner, Pip…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I"ll Never Do Heroin Again, Dude!

So hey, just for a fun little change of pace, why don’t we try to say some nice things about Jenelle Evans? Show her a little love for once.

For example, she’s really pretty, isn’t she?

She’s managed to keep the two children she has custody of alive and healthy for their entire lives.

Oh, and here’s a big one: she used to do heroin a lot, but now she doesn’t, and that’s pretty impressive.

See, isn’t positivity fun?

And seriously, she really does deserve respect for how far she’s come from where she used to be.

In her book, Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom, she revealed that there was a period in time not too long ago when all she did was smoke weed and do heroin.

This was, of course, during the infamous Kieffer years.

One time, she said that she passed out and woke up later lying on the floor, and “I had no idea how long I was out or what I did during that time.”

“It was scary, not knowing.”

Yeah, we imagine.

And in a new interview with Us Weekly, Jenelle is opening up even more about those dark times.

To start, she recounts that scary heroin incident one more time, saying “I basically blacked out and woke up not remembering anything.”

“I was appalled — I couldn’t believe that happened. I really was so close to dying.”

After that, she called her mother, the long-suffering Barbara Evans, and asked her to come pick her up, which she did.

“I quit cold turkey,” Jenelle claims. “I just went to my mom’s house and rode it out. I started to go through withdrawals for the first time.”

“I didn’t know it would be like the worst flu I’ve ever had for seven days. First, you have insomnia, then you can’t eat, then you have panic attacks, then hot and cold sweats for a week, uncontrollable shaking and your joints hurt.”

“You can die from trying to withdraw on your own,” she adds. “I luckily did it safely.”

“But I said to myself, ‘I’m done. I can’t ever go through this again."”

And that, kids, is just a short list of reasons why you should never, ever do heroin.

It’s also a little confusing, because she did heroin when she was with Courtland Rogers too, right? And she was with Courtland after she was with Kieffer, and she moved on to Nathan Griffith pretty fast after dumping Courtland.

But we all know by now that Jenelle is a fan of rewriting history, so it’s hard to tell what the truth is here — let’s just let her have this one.

Admirably, Jenelle also says that she wants to “bring attention to how severe the heroin epidemic is. It’s horrible. It is like a disease and needs to be treated like it.”

She adds that she was originally “I was afraid to speak out and tell people that I was on drugs. People were accusing me of it, but I just thought, ‘Oh, they don’t know me. I have it figured out."”

“I was in denial.”

Thankfully she stopped with denial, at least about the drugs, and she’s obviously doing much better now.

But how about her relationship with poor Babs?

“I told her, ‘If you want to be in my life, you can give me back my son and we can start from there,"” she says.

“I can’t stand that a mother would do this to her daughter. I lost all respect for her.”

Where’s the eye-roll emoji when you need it, right?

About all the rumors about Jenelle being pregnant with her fourth child, she says that she’s actually “planning to get my tubes tied as soon as I get the time.”

She’s “75% sure” she’s going to get that done, “but I don’t want any more kids. The shop is closed for business!”

Finally, when asked how her life has changed since she began filming Teen Mom 2, she says that back then, “I watched myself really running with a bad crowd.”

“Now I’m settled in my house, I don’t go out partying. I’m not a bad kid anymore.”

And thank goodness for that.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jenelle Evans Opens Up on Heroin Overdose, Having More Kids

It’s been a rocky road, but against all odds, it seems Jenelle Evans has actually on the verge of her own “happily ever after.”

After years of arrests, assaults, substance abuse, and just about every kind of bad decision known to man, Jenelle Evans is engaged to David Eason, and seems to have settled into a life of domestic contentment.

Jenelle welcomed her third child earlier this year, and against all odds, it looks as though all is well for the Teen Mom 2 star once dubbed the Carolina Hurricane.

But that doesn’t mean Jenelle has forgotten about her painful past.

In a surprisingly candid interview with E! News, Jenelle opened up about her personal rock bottom:

“I think my low point was with my drug issue and the whole heroin thing,” Evans recalls.

“I almost overdosed and died. I was trying to run away from my problems.”

Jenelle tells the outlet that she almost overdosed on more than one occasion, but even those frightening incidents weren’t enough to get her to sober up.

“When I started withdrawing for the first time in my life, I was like, ‘This is not the way I want to live. This is scaring the s—t out of me, and I need to get help right now,"” Jenelle says.

These days, of course, things have settled down considerably, and most of the gossip in the 25-year-old’s life is centered around rumors that Jenelle is pregnant with her fourth child.

Evans addressed those reports in the interview, saying:

“I think we’re good,” she shared with us. “We have a lot of kids together.”

At that point, Eason chimes in, telling the interviewer:

“We already have so many kids and it’s really time-consuming, it’s hectic. We don’t get that much time for just ourselves.”

Normally, this would be the time when we would remind you that Jenelle denied her most recent pregnancy for months before she publicly admitted she was expecting.

So a denial from Jenelle doesn’t mean a whole lot.

That said, David’s comment has us believing that these two are really okay with holding off on more kids for the foreseeable future.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of how far Jenelle has come.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Carrie Fisher Testing Revealed Cocaine, Heroin and Other Opiates in Her System ... Unclear If They Contributed to Death

Carrie Fisher had cocaine, morphine, codeine and oxycodone in her system when she was hospitalized after suffering a massive heart attack on board a flight to LAX. The L.A. County Coroner released its full autopsy, including toxicology, and it…


Carrie Fisher Testing Revealed Cocaine, Heroin and Other Opiates in Her System ... Unclear If They Contributed to Death

Carrie Fisher had cocaine, morphine, codeine and oxycodone in her system when she was hospitalized after suffering a massive heart attack on board a flight to LAX. The L.A. County Coroner released its full autopsy, including toxicology, and it…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Jenelle Evans Details Horrors of Past Heroin Addiction

In a newly-released excerpt from her upcoming memoir, Jenelle Evans opens up like never before.

The controversial Teen Mom gets as candid and as personal as can be when discussing her use of heroin and the sort of grip it held over her back in the day.

“My first trip was amazing. I won’t glamorize the drug by going into the long details of why people love it so damned much,” Jenelle writes in Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom, adding:

“Before I knew it, I was shooting up four or five times a day.

“I was hooked.”

But it didn’t take Evans very long to learn the consequences of a drug addiction.

Especially when it comes to relationships with your loved ones.

“The first thing I lost to the drug was my family,” Jenelle says, based on passages obtained by E! News.

“I disowned my mother and siblings and friends, but the truth is no one wants to talk to you when they suspect you’re a junkie.”

At one point in her downfall, Evans lost custody of her son, Jace.

As those who watch Teen Mom online know very well, Jenelle and her mother, Barbara, have clashed for years over the former’s irresponsible parenting.

Jace, who has largely been raised by his grandmother, has been at the center of their most intense and violent arguments.

“It hurt my heart, made me sick to my soul that I couldn’t see my son,” Jenelle explains in her book.

But she was an addict. She simply “filled that hateful void with more drugs,” as things grew worse before they got any better.\

“The drugs always made the pain go away. They didn’t turn on me or betray me,” she explains, elaborating as follows:

“I guess heroin was my first steady, dependable lover. It gave me what I needed to live and I gave it my life. By this entry, heroin was the only thing I had in my life that loved me.”

Evans got clean in 2015 and told People Magazine at the time that being sober helped her be “more active” in the lives of her kids.

What prompted this life change?

After blacking out from her drug use and realizing her boyfriend at the time “didn’t love me,” Evans checked in to a New Jersey hospital for detox.

Upon her release, she was stunned to find Barbara by her side.

“I ended up calling the last person in the world I expected to talk to, or expected would help me. My mother,” the Teen Mom star confesses.

“For all of our problems, I owe her for what she did that day. I called her and told her what kind of trouble I was in, and how I needed help.”

Jenelle also documents in the book why she could not call her father. Not then and not now. 

“Robert Evans was only in my life for a little while. For that short and glorious time, I was daddy’s little girl,” Jenelle writes of her father in the memoir.

Without warning, however, Evans’ dad “cut himself out of [her] life” when she was young.

This event likely contributed to Jenelle’s troubled future.

“Even now, as a grown woman, we don’t talk,” she writes in the book, adding:

“Maybe one day that will change. Maybe one day we can find one another, get to know each other, and he can finally be my father. Until then, he is just my biological dad.”

The reality TV star is now a mother of three: Jace, 8, Kaiser, 2, and Ensley, 4 months.

Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom will be released on July 25.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Artie Lange Says "Heroin Feels Amazing And That"s Why You Get Addicted" (AUDIO)

Artie Lange was brutally honest about his heroin addiction … as bad as it is, it’s irresistible.  Artie called into the “Len Berman & Todd Schnitt in the Morning” where he told the radio DJs about his struggle with heroin, calling…


Artie Lange Says "Heroin Feels Amazing And That"s Why You Get Addicted" (AUDIO)

Artie Lange was brutally honest about his heroin addiction … as bad as it is, it’s irresistible.  Artie called into the “Len Berman & Todd Schnitt in the Morning” where he told the radio DJs about his struggle with heroin, calling…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Artie Lange Arrested for Heroin and Cocaine Possession in New Jersey

Artie Lange was busted with heroin and cocaine in the parking garage of his complex in Hoboken, NJ … according to reports. The comedian and ‘Howard Stern Show’ star allegedly had several bags of drugs on him and more in his car and was…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Howard Stern "Wack Packer" Joey Boots Died from Accidental Heroin OD

Howard Stern ’Wack Packer’ Joey Boots died from an accidental heroin overdose. The Medical Examiner’s Office in NYC tells TMZ it’s determined his official cause of death is “acute heroin intoxication.” The 49-year-old’s body was…


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Macaulay Culkin: Not On Heroin, But High On Life!

He’s doing great, everyone.  Nothing to worry about.

Macaulay Culkin addressed rumors of drug use in an interview with The Guardian, assuring concerned fans that he’s healthy, happy and living his best life.

The France-based Culkin, now 35, doesn’t understand why the public is so fascinated with him.

“I was thinking about this the other day – I’d crossed the wrong street, picked up a tail, suddenly there’s a crush of 20 paparazzi,” he said.

“Then people with cameraphones get involved. I don’t think I’m worthy of that.”

Back in 2012, a photo of Culkin looking gaunt and pale made the rounds on the internet after he and Mila Kunis broke up, and concerned fans of the former child star.

Do they have reason to be alarmed?

“Not necessarily. Of course, when silly stuff is going on – but no, I was not pounding six grand of heroin every month or whatever,” Culkin explained.

“The thing that bugged me was tabloids wrapping it all in this weird guise of concern. No, you’re trying to shift papers.”

These days, Culkin is more into music, though he has lent himself to a few projects in the past few years (most recently, Zoolander 2).  He’s also signed to star in a few international commercials, once of which features two meerkats who treat him as though he’s still young Kevin McAllister.

Coming from a past as turbulent as his (a heavily-scrutinized friendship with the late Michael Jackson, emancipating himself from his parents at 14), does Culkin have any regrets?

“It’s allowed me to become the person I am, and I like me, so I wouldn’t change a thing. Not having to do anything for my dinner, financially, lets me treat every gig like it’s the last,” Culkin said.

“If it is, I’d think: Culkin, you had a good run.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evans Sucks in Bed, Deals Heroin, Cuts Herself & Bangs Kieffer Delp!

At this point, it’s become clear that Teen Mom 2 afterthought Nathan Griffith will say and do anything to tarnish Jenelle Evans’ reputation.

He only seems to be hurting his own cause, however.

We knew he would come out swinging on last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion, but we’re still shocked at how much he crossed the line.

Moreover, we’re stunned at how well she handled it.

To say Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith are involved in a custody battle – and that they do not like each other – is a massive understatement.

Nathan, who just got arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct, and apparently has no license, sought to trash his baby mama publicly.

(Always a move the courts really respect. Just FYI.)

Denying that he slapped her around – something he’s been accused of more than once – Nate insisted instead that Jenelle is a cutter.

“All of these boyfriends are supposedly abusing her,” he said. “Might want to show them that little cut on your wrist. You slit your wrists.” 

Griffith filed court papers in April claiming that Evans “threatened self-harm and/or suicide and did, in fact, slice her wrists with a knife.”

He then accused her of cheating on him with David Eason, her current boyfriend, and insinuated that the two of them are drug addicts.

With uncharacteristic calmness, Jenelle pointed out that her ex-fiance is a useless human who made outrageous sexual claims about her.

To his lawyer. Seriously. Watch:

Jenelle mentioned casually that Nathan said she’s “painful” at sex in court documents, and asked him why that was relevant whatsoever.

He … had no response essentially.

Grilled on why he’d mention that in any sort of legal documentation, He of the Wannabe Man Bun was even more coherent than usual.

When he attempted to shame her for talking about her sex life publicly, Jenelle shut him down, apologizing for “no longer being with you.”

As if that weren’t crazy enough, Nathan fat-shamed Jenelle (below) and ripped her for allegedly cheating again … this time with Kieffer Delp.

Yes … good ol’ Kieffah.

Did she really, though?

Incredibly, the original Teen Mom 2 bad boy is still in the picture, though only after she and Nathan split up for good, Jenelle insisted.

She responded, “We’re at my house. [Nathan] climbs in my bathroom window at 4 a.m. and bursts in my window after he moved out.” 

Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans, added that Griffith choked the s–t out of Kieffer when he caught them together during a “one-night visit.”

Really. This recently happened!

“Nathan was so angry he started choking Kieffer so bad he almost killed him. And then Kieffer left the next day and we never saw Kieffer again.”

But Griffith didn’t stop there, accusing the reality star of being a drug addict who shares a home with a known dealer in David Eason.

“You told CPS David was a heroin addict and sold heroin,” Evans said, refuting his claims that their son lives in an unsafe environment.

“I said you’re a repetitive heroin user and you’re living in the town you used to buy heroin from!” Nathan said, sinking lower by the minute.

We have no idea what to possibly add at this point, but when Jenelle Evans is the cooler head that prevails, that tells you everything.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Best Friend & Babysitter Arrested For Heroin Possession

Jenelle Evans scored a major legal victory last week when she was found not guilty of assaulting Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend in a trial that lasted less than a week. 

Now, however, it seems that the Carolina Hurricane’s celebrations may be short-lived, as her latest legal entanglement could make it that much easier for Griffith to prove that Jenelle is an unfit mother in their ongoing custody battle.

According to Radar Online, Tori Rhyne – Jenelle’s best friend and frequent babysitter to her son Kaiser – was arrested earlier this month for possession of heroin, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia. 

Rhyne was carrying more than half an ounce of pot, leading police to believe she was dealing.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’ve almost certainly seen Jenelle hanging out with Tori, who made her first appearance on the show back in season one, and has been a fixture ever since.

When Nathan called the CPS on Jenelle for allegedly kidnapping Kaiser back in November, it turned out that the boy was simply staying with Rhyne while Evans was out of town.

The agency paid a visit to Rhyne’s home and found everything to be in order”

“They just saw that Kaiser was okay and then they left,” a source told Radar at the time.

“CPS told Jenelle that they would talk to her when she gets back and that’s all, but that everything looked okay and everything was fine.”

Now, Jenelle’s inner circle is concerned not only for Kaiser’s safety, but for Jenelle’s sobriety.

After several stints in rehab, the mother of two reportedly appeared to be drunk at the MTV Movie Awards held earlier this month.

With the revelation that her closest friend has been using and possibly dealing, you can expect Jenelle’s sobriety to be questioned at her upcoming custody hearings.

Evans has yet to speak publicly about Rhyne’s arrest.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Courtland Rogers: Jenelle Evans" Ex Arrested For Heroin Possession

Back in Courtland Rogers married Jenelle Evans while they were both in the depths of serious drug addictions.

Needless to say, it didn’t end well, and Courtland and Jenelle got divorced after just 18 months of marriage. These days, Jenelle seems to have (mostly) cleaned up her act, but sadly, Courtland is still struggling.

According to TMZ, Courtland was arrested last night for heroin possession, failure to appear in court, and multiple probation violations.

Rogers and Evans were arrested together on a slew of charges just five months after they got married.

They parted ways about a year later.

Jenelle has her own long history of brushes with the law, but she’s managed to avoid being taken into custody for almost four months now!

Sadly, that’s an accomplishment in Jenelle’s world.

Evans was arrested in August for assaulting the girlfriend of baby daddy Nathan Griffith.

Though she was on probation at the time, it looks like Jenelle won’t have to serve any jail time for the incident.

Currently, Evans is dating David Eason, who also has a rap sheet a mile long, but sources say the that like Jenelle, the welder and dad has (for the most part) calmed down and sobered up.

Here’s hoping Courtland gets the help he deserves…and Jenelle avoids adding any new pics to her massive mugshot collection: