Showing posts with label Kardashians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kardashians. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Surrogacy Exposed

Sunday night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 17, Kim received some alarming news about her surrogate.

Meanwhile, the life and times of Lord Disick once again took center stage … and there is never a dull moment with him.

As you can see in the clip above, Scott opened up about how he’s dating Sofia Richie, and it was awkward. Very awkward.

Not just because he has three kids with Kourtney Kardashian and any new relationship would be somewhat awkward, but …

Sofia Richie is 19. Scott Disick is 34.

Nineteen. Naturally, eyebrows were raised – no small feat in a family where there are no taboos and Kylie had a baby at 20.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), there were other distractions going on … such as Kourtney’s house being infested with pests.

Just when she got rid of Scott too. Oh!

Most significantly, though, Kim Kardashian’s surrogate’s pregnancy leaked to the media, and this sent the star into a panic.

Incredibly, celebrity gossip site TMZ broke the news about her third child before Kimberly had even told people close to her.

“I honestly am absolutely fuming that there are all these articles coming out about our surrogate,” Kardashian said.

“People started to write me asking if it was true,” she added, “and I just said we don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Her surrogate’s information also leaked, which was a huge breach of privacy for anyone in that kind of situation.

Kim called it “so invasive and so frustrating,” and lamented that this was the reason she wanted to keep this on the DL.

Even Scott didn’t know (above) and he’s not that out of the loop. Then to make matters worse, it was Fashion Week.

That’s right, Kim found herself in front of swarms of media and paparazzi when she was there to support Kendall.

Unwilling to lie about it, but also unprepared to confirm or go public with the news, she was in a really tough position.

Fortunately, she saw Kendall in the Alexander Wang show and was able to dodge the issue … at least momentarily.

It’s not that Kim was trying to be shady or secretive, it was just a private matter – involving a third-party – within her family.

This should have been a happy time for everyone involved and instead it became a huge cause of stress and anxiety.

Sure, it’s par for the course in our celebrity culture, but people like Kim’s surrogate certainly aren’t used to being exposed.

All in all, she handled this about as well as anyone could have, and we know Chicago West is here and she’s beautiful.

Congrats Kim and family!


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Paris Hilton to Kris Jenner: PLEASE Let Me Be on Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

Remember back in the day when Paris Hilton was the most talked-about celebrity of them all?

Man, how times have changed …

Many, many years ago, you couldn’t look at a tabloid or a gossip site without hearing all about Paris and her shenanigans.

Everyone watched The Simple Life, everyone used her “that’s hot” catchphrase, and believe it or not, there were quite a few people who looked up to her.

But at a certain point, a little over ten years ago or so, all that began to change.

And that was because Kim Kardashian hit the scene hard.

If you know your Kardashian history, you know that back in Paris’ heyday, she and Kim were very close. Kim tagged along to many of Paris’ events, and she even worked for her for a while.

It was common to see paparazzi photos featuring Paris with Kim there in the background, but when Kim’s sex tape was leaked, things began to change.

A few months after that, Kim got her own show, and she started becoming the more popular one, because let’s be real, there’s only so many reality stars the average person can care about at any given time.

So after that, Kim didn’t need to work for Paris anymore, and she didn’t need her by her side to get attention.

At some point during Kim’s big rise to reality show glory, they had a falling out, and they’ve been enemies for years.

Like, their friendship was so dead that Paris once compared Kim’s ass to “cottage cheese inside a big trash bag.” The bad blood ran deep.

In 2014, they posed for a photo together, and many of us thought it was a sign that they’d made up, but in 2015, Paris was back to making shady quotes about Kim in interviews, so it was pretty hard to tell what was going on between them.

Until now!

Last week, photos from Kanye’s latest fashion campaign were released, and in some of the photos, Paris was featured looking pretty much exactly like Kim.

Eerily so.

Kim shared some of the photos on Instagram with the hashtag “forever the OG,” and Paris shared them as well, writing that it was “so much fun being a #KimClone.”

It certainly seems like their friendship is back on track now, right?

And according to a new report, that may be because Paris is looking to gain a little something from a renewed friendship with the Kardashian family.

“Paris really wants to appear on Keeping Up with the Kardashians as a regular, or even as a friend role,” a source close to the family claims.

“Kim and Kris feel bad for her and are considering offering her a contract to appear on the next season.”

That sounds absolutely amazing, doesn’t it? Just imagine: Paris back where she belongs, on reality television, being her gloriously ridiculous self.

It’s also a little sad if they’re offering her a contract out of pity — but it does sound like Paris is cool with it.

As the source says, “Paris thinks that they only have what they have because of her and has made this crystal clear to Kris.”

We’d argue that they “have what they have” because of Kim’s sex tape, and also because of the late Robert Kardashian’s O.J. Simpson connection, but Paris probably did help a bit.

On a bit of a happier note, the insider adds that “Paris and Kim are tight again in the sense that Paris has been kissing her butt lately.”

“The two of them have made amends for talking so much sh-t about each other. Paris even invited the whole family to her upcoming wedding.”

All’s well that ends well, we suppose.

And if it ends in Paris Hilton herself bringing her special brand of nonsense to Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

Even better.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tristan Thompson, Travis Scott and Scott Disick Have No Written Custody Agreement with the Kardashians

Three Kardashian baby daddies are all taking a leap of faith … that their baby mamas will give them proper custody and/or visitation without the benefit of a custody agreement. Sources connected to all three men tell TMZ, they never papered their…


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shows Off Kim Kardashian"s New Baby Chicago West in Pregnancy Video

Kylie Jenner didn’t just make a big news this weekend regarding her own birth … she also fully showed off Kim Kardashian’s new baby in the process. Kylie put newborn Chicago West on full display Sunday in a pregnancy montage video she posted as…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Kim Kardashian"s First Public Outing with Baby Chicago

Hellooooo, Chicago! Kim Kardashian loaded up her baby girl, and took her out in L.A. Thursday to visit the pediatrician. Far as anyone’s seen … this is Chicago West’s first public outing, and our first glimpse at her face. Kim pushed her in a…


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Kardashians Will Get You Kicked Out of NYC Bar, Literally

The Kardashians can get you kicked out of a bar if you say the magic words. The Continental bar in NYC posted a sign inside the joint … notifying patrons they have 5 minutes to finish their drinks and leave if they dare use the words, “I…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Bikini Pic in Mexico is Perfect for Hump Day

Kourtney Kardashian’s got a contest for you– try to find the chips and guac in this photo! We’ll give you some time. Kourt’s down in Punta de Mita, Mexico vacationing with her bf, Younes Bendjima … who we should probably applaud for snapping…


Kourtney Kardashian"s Bikini Pic in Mexico is Perfect for Hump Day

Kourtney Kardashian’s got a contest for you– try to find the chips and guac in this photo! We’ll give you some time. Kourt’s down in Punta de Mita, Mexico vacationing with her bf, Younes Bendjima … who we should probably applaud for snapping…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Lord Have Mercy

Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 16, Scott learned that Kourtney had a boyfriend and promptly freaked.

To the surprise of absolutely no one.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’re all too familiar with Scott’s erratic behavior and volatile mental state.

Still, he was in rare form last night.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 16 featured Kourtney venting to sister Khloe about a recent phone call with him.

After he called at 2 a.m., Kourtney revealed that she dropped the mega-bombshell on him: Younes Bendjima is the same of said bomb:

“I have a boyfriend. He’s 24 years old.”

Kourtney and Younes met in late 2016, but this had been somewhat on the DL until recently. Scott did not take it well, to put it mildly.

He hung up on her, at which point she shrugged, “I just thought he knew.” Seriously, does the guy not read any celebrity gossip or what.

Disick later lost his marbles a bit over Kourt’s relationship status, getting into another heated exchange with her. Apparently it was bad.

So had that Kourt asked her three-time baby daddy what he was “on” at the time, to which he allegedly responded, “f–king everything.”

Things got to the point where she visited his house to see if he was all right, but later the tensions appeared to have cooled down somewhat.

Scott arrived to pick up Mason for a sleepover and exchanged a light-hearted “Love you, partner” to Kourtney on his way out the door.

Hey, take what you can get, right?

Meanwhile, Kris’ old friend Faye Resnick confided in her that O.J. Simpson’s upcoming parole “Scares the death out of me.”

“I’ve been having nightmares about that,” added Kris, whose late husband, Robert Kardashian, was a friend of Simpson’s.

Jenner admitted to being “in denial” about O.J.’s parole, while also exploring the option of being cremated into a memorial diamond.

Guess it was a slow week in Calabasas.

After debating the idea with several of her kids to kill screentime, she shockingly decided against the idea of being made into jewelry.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kris Jenner Stocked Up on Pricey Strollers Ahead of Kardashians" 3 Births

Kris Jenner really is the super (rich) grandma we all wish we had … ‘cause she dropped close to $ 10k to make sure her 3 new grandkids will be strollin’ in the dough. Kris recently picked up 5 new pricey-as-hell baby strollers for Kim, Khloe and…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian"s NOT Dropping Baby Name Hints with Louis Vuitton Posts

The name of Kim and Kanye’s third child remains a mystery but, despite juicy Internet speculation, it has NOTHING to do with Louis Vuitton. We’re told Kim’s Instagram post of the iconic Louis Vuitton print Wednesday that whipped fans into a frenzy…


Kylie Jenner: Refusing to See Kim Kardashian"s New Baby?!

Kylie Jenner … well, she’s going through a lot right now, bless her heart.

Just think: she’s only 20 years old, she’s outrageously rich and famous, and she’s expecting her first child.

She’s always said that she wanted to be a mother, but she is starting a bit young, right?

She could have had years of living it up in luxury, doing all kinds of dumb stuff, but instead she got pregnant at 19 — remember, her birthday was in August, and at that point she was already pregnant.

To add another weird layer on top of all of this, it’s not even like she’s having a baby with a guy she’s in a stable relationship with.

Nope, instead she’s got Travis Scott, a guy she’d been dating for a couple of months (at most) when he impregnated her — and a guy who doesn’t seem all that psyched to become a dad.

It’s a lot, right?

And so it sort of makes sense why she’s hidden herself away for all these months.

She’s reportedly not into the way her body looks right now, and she doesn’t want anyone to see or photograph her in this state. She’s also certainly aware of what a ruckus a Kylie sighting would be right now.

We really don’t blame her for wanting to stay away from paparazzi at the moment, because let’s be real, it could be a legitimate health hazard.

But according to a new report from Radar Online, Kylie is apparently so intent on not being seen that she’s refusing to see Kim Kardashian’s brand new baby.

The nerve!

“Kylie has no plans to see the baby,” a source claims.

“She’s really tired of having to stay inside all the time, but she cannot bare to go out into the world and have photos taken of her looking like this.”

Kylie. Kylie, honey. No.

We get that she’s self conscious and all that, but where’s the line?

She does realize that whatever weight she’s gained is totally normal, right? And that it won’t magically fall off the second she delivers the baby?

Her sisters have always gotten back into shape astonishingly quickly after having their children, so we can’t imagine Kylie will be any different.

Why wouldn’t she want to get all the fawning that comes with pregnancy, as well as the awe that comes with that stupid quick snapback?

Also, like … she has a new niece? Is her image really more important than her family?

Right now, it seems like it.

The source says that Kylie is “thankful that Kim’s baby took the attention off of her for a second.”

Not thankful that the baby is healthy and that Kim is very happy to have a third child? Got it.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic of Kylie’s remarkable hiding skills, you know that photo that’s been floating around of a pregnant woman at a CVS in L.A.? The one everyone thinks is of Kylie?

Yeah, it’s not.

TMZ confirms that the woman is actually just someone who kind of looks a little bit like Kylie, and that the girl herself “almost never leaves her house.”

Kylie, baby … are you gonna be OK?


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Was She REALLY Kim Kardashian"s Surrogate?!

As you’ve lkely heard by now, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child this week.

The baby girl was born via surogate, and the identity of the woman who carried Kim’s baby has been kept a secret.

So obviously it was Kylie Jenner.

We kid, of course, but believe it or not, the theory thay Kylie was Kim’s surrogate has gained traction on social media in recent weeks.

At first glance, the story seems ridiculous.

But we have to admit, the lunatic conspiracy theorist inside of us is slightly intrigued.

So let’s put on our tinfoil hats, flush our meds down the toilet, and go full Alex Jones with this thing, shall we?

The rumors began when fans started to wonder why Kylie was being so secretive about her pregnancy.

After all, this is a woman who doesn’t brush her teeth without Snapchatting about it, and now that she has something as interesting as a pregnancy going on, she disappears from social media entirely?

It doesn’t quite add up.

Sources close to the 20-year-old say Kylie is just self-conscious about her changing body.

Others apparently feel that if Kylie went out in public, her fetus might strike a risqué pose for Paper magazine, or snatch a microphone away from Taylor Swift, or otherwise give away its identity as Kim and Kanye’s child.

Whatever the case, the secrecy of Kylie’s prenancy coincided with the effort to keep the identity of Kim’s surrogate under wraps, and folks of a certain mentality (the type who would’ve used the term “grassy knoll” a lot in a previous generation) feel that’s simply too coincidental to be … a coincidence.

On Monday, several media outlets reported that Kylie had gone into labor, and while it those reports were later disproven, Kard clan fans rushed to social media to share the news that the jig was officially up:

“This is so weird.. Just 2 days ago it was reported that Kylie was in labor.. which they later said was ‘false.’ Now Kim & Kanye are welcoming their new baby into the world? So all this time Kylie was really the fucking surrogate?” wrote one twitter user.

“I love that @KylieJenner clearly had @KimKardashian child. Rumors Kylie went into labor a few days ago and now boom kim announcers her child was born Monday through surrogate,” commented another.

“Y’all find it a coincidence that Kylie was rumored to have gone into labor this weekend and then Kim welcomes baby #3 on Monday?” a third tweeted.

Again, we suppose it’s possible that Kylie was Kim’s surrogate … but it’s also possible that Ted Cruz’s father killed JFK.

Many of the surrogate truthers out there are neglecting one important fact:

Kylie has built a career on the strength of her surgically-enhanced physique.

Maybe she would sacrifice all that to carry her sister’s baby, but if she did, she’d be announcing her decision on the cover of People.

These are Kris Jenner’s daughters were talking about here, folks,

They know a thing or two about publicity.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 14 Recap: Bun in the Oven

It’s the reveal we’ve been waiting months for, and on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 14, Khloe Kardashian finally revealed the news to her family. 

While Khloe may currently be six months pregnant, the episode was recorded back when she was just six weeks pregnant. 

When the episode got underway, Khloe dished the good news to her assistant, Alexa Okyle. 

“I’m pregnant,” Khloe revealed emotionally, and you could tell she was excited, but cautious about the news. 

The Revenge Body host then went into detail about the moment Tristan was told the good news via Facetime.

“He was like, ‘Wait are you kidding or serious?’” she recalled. 

Instead of going guns blazing to tell all to her family, Khloe opted to hold off the news until an upcoming family barbecue. That meant just Khloe, Tristan, Alexa and some production members were in the know about it. 

Later, Kourtney Kardashian grew concerned over Khloe’s diet regime because Khloe had gained some weight. 

“You’ve gained a few pounds,” Kourtney said. “Have you amped up the eating since Tristan’s been back?”

Luckily, Khloe revealed all to her family shortly after. At the barbecue, Khloe cradled niece Dream Kardashian as she plucked up the courage to tell everyone. 

“We’re so lucky and blessed to have everyone here … we’re having a baby,” she said in a real tearjerker of a scene. 

It was evident Kris Jenner was ecstatic by the news, and it was almost like she breathed a huge sigh of relief when she got the news.

Either that or she realized she could make the family a whole lot of money from a dual pregnancy. 

“I always thought that Khloe would may be one of those women who never had kids,” Kris confirmed to the cameras. 

The topic of conversation quickly turned to the due date, and Khloe confirmed, “I’ll be six weeks on Tuesday.” 

Given that the show is far behind on the pregnancy news, we may need to wait a long time to see the offspring on KUWTK. 

Kylie Jenner did not grace her family with her presence at the event, so she was told the news via Facetime. Kylie seemed overjoyed but continued to remain coy about her own pregnancy. 

Seriously, what’s the holdup, Kylie? 

Maybe we’ll get another two-night event to confirm the 20-year-old has a bun in the oven. Either that or she’ll use it to plug Life of Kylie because that show did not exactly kill it in the ratings. 

The other big shocker from the episode did not involve any pregnancy news. It was all about Kim Kardashian. 

The 37-year-old confirmed that her glam squad would continue to work even she was in a coma. The reason? 

Kardashian had glam squad requests in her will. Yes, it makes sense that Kim would want to continue to look good when she has no control over her body. 

Aside from those two developments, the producers could have easily added five minutes on to Sunday’s episode with all of the details. 

What did you think of the reveal?

Hit the comments below!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians continues Sunday on E!


Monday, January 15, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 13 Recap: Mime Over Matter

Were the family even bothering about the continued drama with Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna?

That was a hot topic on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 13 as family opened up about their thoughts on the troublesome couple. 

Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian discussed the whole Rob and Chyna legal drama. 

Khloe said that the positive to the drama was that “there’s no way Rob and Chyna could get back together,” but “the negative is all of this other [expletive] right now.”

Kim was critical of Rob for posting the nudes of Blac Chyna online. 

“The negative is that as Rob having sisters, he should just know better,” she said. “He should have just like controlled himself.”

“Rob and Chyna have officially broken up, but they obviously still have to communicate for the custody of Dream,” Khloe began in a confessional.

“They’re still having a hard time getting along. The legal battle that has been going on between the two of them has been super frustrating.”

“I feel like this is escalating to a place that none of us could have ever imagined.”

Khloe then told Kim, “He’s made out to be this bad guy when she’s taunting him… You don’t [expletive] with someone’s heart and emotions.”

Khloe and Kourtney then got Rob on the phone to get an update on what was happening with Chyna with regards to the custody situation with Dream. 

He did admit that he could take Dream to their houses for a visit, but that was about it. 

“I know this is super hard for Rob because he was so in love with [Chyna] and this is not how he thought the relationship was going to end,” said Khloe in a confessional. 

Well, Rob did leak the nudes, so maybe he should have thought about that before worrying about a custody battle. 

Khloe knew the situation was getting to her mother, so she chatted with her about it. 

“There’s just a lot going on with Rob and the whole custody thing,” said the family matriarch. “It’s just wild. It’s stressful because I’m trying to help him navigate this.”

“You can’t let it consume you. You’ve got to just smile and enjoy life,” Khloe said to her mother. Kris decided it was time to leave the conversation because it was all getting too much. 

To cheer Kris up, Khloe thought pranking her would be the best foot forward. Khloe hired a mime, and he showed up at the house to handcuff himself to her. 

“I know Khloe’s wants me to lighten up, and I get what she’s trying to do, but I don’t think she understands how packed my day is,” Kris said to the camera. 

The mime annoyed Kris because he was doing silly stuff while he was out with. Kris decided it was time to part ways with the mime and her assistant cut her free. 

“By the end of the day, I got to say it was really fun. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life,” Kris admitted. 

In the end, Kris managed to return the favor by showing at Khloe’s house dressed as a mime. 

“Mom, this is really your look! I think you should do this all the time,” Khloe said to her mother before turning to a konfessional to reveal her thoughts on her mother’s new look. 

“I am so happy to see my mom as this light, fun Kris Jenner. This is the Kris Jenner that I know, so the next time things get crazy, pull out that face paint and your mime costume. You’re good to go.”

Meanwhile, Kourtney revealed that she was traveling to Egypt with Younes Bendjima, but she felt guilty about leaving her kids behind. 

“I’m proud that you’re doing something for yourself,” said Khloe who wanted her sister to have fun.

“There was a time when I wouldn’t even sleep out for one night,” Kourtney responded before saying that she wanted to keep her relationship separate from her kids. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Keeping Up with Kardashians continues tonight!


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Blac Chyna: The Kardashians are Evil, Vindictive Liars!

Back in the day, Blac Chyna used her bush to lure in Rob Kardashian.

Now, in excerpts from a lawsuit, the former reality star is not beating around the bush when it comes to her feelings about her ex-lover’s family.

In legal documents obtained by TMZ, the mother of two (including Rob’s first and only daughter, Dream) alleges that the Kardashians and Jenners flat out sabotaged the series Rob & Chyna because they didn’t want to see Blac succeed.

This is what Chyna claims in the lawsuit she has filed, regarding E! highest-paid stars:

“The unwritten rule no one told (her) when she began her relationship with Kardashian is that the entire family will come after you if you leave, using their fame, wealth and power to take you down.”

How so?

Chyna says the family made sure her television show got “cancelled (despite great ratings)” and that they “spread lies” about her, “even funding a bogus lawsuit about a crumbled gingerbread house.”

Wait… what?

Come again, regarding that last part cited?

In September of last year, Rob went public with the allegation that Chyna once beat him up pretty badly.

This including choking Kardashian with an iPhone charging cable, striking him frequently in the head and, yes, smashing a gingerbread house.

Chyna is saying in these new documents that such an attack, at least against the gingerbread house, never took place.

Blac, who was very good friends with Kim Kardashian a long time ago, goes on to say the famous family was dead set on destroying her career because they feared she would not compete with them commercially and on social media.

She filed her lawsuit back in October, claiming at the time that Kris Jenner and her daughters used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season.”

How have the Kardashians responded?

By asking a judge to throw out the lawsuit for two reasons:

1. The show garnered terrible ratings. That’s just a fact.

2. Chyna has filed for a restraining order against Rob, making it legally impossible for him to film scenes with his baby mama.

The restraining order was asked for due to Rob sharing naked photos of his ex-girlfriend, prompting a discussion around the Internet about revenge porn and whether Rob would actually go to jail for his actions.

It’s been pretty darn ugly between these parents for a long time now.

But that’s the thing: they are parents. They will always be parents.

Little Dream was born in November of 2016 and the most important thing here is that she be raised in as healthy an environment as possible.

Many fear, however, that it’s too late.

Thankfully, to date, Chyna has not asked to restrict Rob’s access to his child. The stars are sharing custody and, at the very least, not slamming each other left and right online.

That is progress to some degree for the pair.

We don’t know what will happen with this lawsuit…

… but we do know Dream deserves to have both parents in her life. Let’s hope Chyna and Rob both keep this in mind going forward.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Blac Chyna Says Kardashians Using their Power to Destroy Her

Blac Chyna says leaving the Kardashians is like leaving Scientology … they make your life hell. Chyna just filed legal docs in her lawsuit against Kim, Kris and Rob, claiming they sabotaged the reality show, “Rob & Chyna.”   Chyna…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Kim Kardashian"s Topless Photo is the Friday Motivation You Need

Kim Kardashian’s Friday morning got off to a racy start … not that we’re complaining.  Kim posted this topless photo with her ass nearly all out in all its glory. She captioned the photo, “Rise & Grind.” If you needed a little motivation…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Blac Chyna Claims Kardashians Have No Right to Trash a Domestic Violence Victim

Blac Chyna is irate over the Kardashians’ claim she’s responsible for the cancellation of her reality show with Rob, and she thinks they’re sending a terrible message to women that getting a domestic violence restraining order is a bad thing…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kardashians Fire Back at Blac Chyna, You Ruined Your Reality Show, Not Us

The Kardashians have come out swinging in Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against them in which she claims the fam sabotaged her reality show with Rob, saying it was all her doing. As we reported, Chyna is suing Rob, Kim and Kris claiming they orchestrated a…
