Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Kate & Pippa Middleton: Feuding Over Meghan Markle?!

If you believe every tabloid story, Meghan Markle is creating more waves within the royal family than Henry VIII ever did.

Ever since Meghan and Prince Harry got engaged last month, the press has had Meg creating drama pretty much non-stop.

To hear the tabloids tell it, the royal family is like a soap opera with declining ratings, and Meghan is the sexy wild card that the writers bring in to stir things up.

First, it was widely reported that Meghan was feuding with Kate Middleton.

After Kate and Meghan were photographed together while apparently thoroughly enjoying one another’s company, the press was forced to change its tune.

Now, several outlets are claiming that Meghan and Kate are getting along too well–and Kate’s sister, Pippa Middleton, is not happy about it.

According to In Touch, Kate and Meg are inseparable these days, and the situation has Pippa feeling like the odd woman out.

“They used to do everything together and speak daily,” an insider tells the tabloid.

“But now that Meghan lives practically under the same roof as Kate at Kensington Palace, the dynamics have changed and Pippa feels shoved out.”

The source says Pippa voiced her complaint to Kate, but the Duchess was having none of it.

“Kate fought back and told Pippa that it’s her duty to make Meghan feel welcomed,” the insider claims.

Yes, apparently Kensington Palace is the coolest table in the cafeteria, and Kate is basically Regina George.

The situation may sound ridiculous, but so does the idea of a country having a royal family in 2017.

While all of this is going on, Meghan has her own drama back in the States, and no, we’re not talking about Suits.

Earlier this week, Harry threw shade at Meghan’s family, and now, the actress’ ever-shady half-sister Samantha Markle is publicly capping back.

Like we said, the reports about Meghan are sounding more and more like cheesy soap storylines, and we couldn’t be happier about it.

It’s not that we want her life to be filled with unnecessary drama; we just want her to suitably represent her homeland.

If our salty-ass president has taught the world anything, it’s that no one stirs up drama like Americans–and now, Meghan is driving that message home.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Going Broke? On Verge of Losing Kids?

According to a new report, Kate Gosselin is not enjoying a very merry Christmas.

And she may have an even worse new year.

The mother of eight (that’s still so very hard to believe… she’s a mother of EIGHT!) is allegedly suffering through some pretty severe financial hardships.

She somehow managed to convince TLC to air a new season of Kate Plus 8 this past year, but only three episodes aired over the summer.

Moreover, Gosselin does not have anywhere near the clout she once possessed.

Ratings haven’t been strong for that program for years now, meaning she couldn’t command a very high salary during recent negotiations.

Those three episodes didn’t yield Gosselin much in the way of revenue – and there are no plans, as far as we know, for any more to hit the air.

Don’t just take our word for these issues, however.

Their parents may suck, but these kids are adorable. We pray for their future.

This is what an insider recently told Life & Style:

“Kate no longer has the income she once had from the show. The money is running out fast …. Private school alone costs about $ 150,000 a year.”

Seriously, simply raising eight kids is a very expensive endeavor.

Many fans of the reality star likely aren’t even aware that Gosselin used to work as a nurse.

This has the potential to be a highly-paid occupation, but there’s one problem:

“She’s let her nursing license lapse,” the aforementioned source explains. “And she hasn’t been a nurse in so long anyway.

Not having enough money to afford basic needs for her kids is one thing; but Gosselin also now fears that her monetary situation will open the door to her actually losing her kids.

“That’s Kate’s biggest fear,” the unnamed insider alleges. “She dreads Jon will have more say and possibly even more custody which she’s fought nonstop to keep from him.”

Annoying ex-husband Jon is reportedly ready to pounce.

Said someone with knowledge of the circumstances to Hollywood Life in November:

“Jon’s one and only goal in life right now is getting more time with his kids. He’s doing everything he can to win their next custody battle.”

Indeed, things may soon get very explosive between the Gosselins.

It’s not as though they’re known for resolving disputes in an amicable and peaceful manner regardless of what’s at stake.

So you can imagine how ugly it may get when the future of their sons and daughters are up for legal debate.

Earlier this year, Jon took an IT job. He now has a steady flow of income.

Combined with Kate going in the opposite financial direction, the estranged former spouses may find themselves standing across from a judge at some point in the near future.

And, as previously reported, Jon will stop at nothing to crush his ex in court.

Buckle up, celebrity gossip fans.


Monday, December 25, 2017

A Royal Christmas: Meghan! Harry! Kate! William! Together!

Feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton?

What feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton?!?

In honor of Christmas on Monday, the former USA Network actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry walked to the Church of St. Mary Magdalene with Prince William and Kate Middleton.

This marked the first time all four have been seen in public since Markle and Harry announced their engagement.

And we"re got the photos to prove it!

1. Royal Foursome

Royal foursome

It’s a sight for eyes that care about the Royal Family: William, Harry and their lovely ladies are on the way into church for Christmas.

2. Off to Church

Off to church

It’s church time for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on Christmas Day. Good for them!

3. A Very Happy Christmas

A very happy christmas

Awww! Look how happy these Royals look together. We love it.

4. The Mark and the Midd

The mark and the midd

Well done, Harry and William. You have chosen wisely.

5. Fan Favorites

Fan favorites

This Royal quartet was greeted by a throng of fans as they made their way to church services.

6. A Classic Couple

A classic couple

Kate and William have made this walk many times in the past. They have this tradition down, folks.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton: Engagement Photo Face-Off!

It’s totally on once again between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton.

At least here at The Hollywood Gossip.

A few weeks ago, shortly after Markle and Prince Harry announced their engagement and then made their first public appearance as a betrothed pairing, we pitted the actress against the Duchess.

We asked readers to vote on which beauty looked best in her engagement dress.

And the winner was… FIND OUT NOW!

On Thursday morning, meanwhile, Harry and Markle unveiled their official engagement portraits, reminding our staff of two things:

1. Just how gorgeous each of these stars happens to be.

2. What Prince William and Middleton looked like in their official engagement portrait.

Seriously, are these four of the best looking people on the planet or what?!?

It’s only appropriate that they’ve found each other.

Markle and Harry posed for fashion photographer Alexi Lubomirski this at Frogmore House, Windsor for their portraits, with Lubomirski saying the following about the shoot:

“It was an incredible honor to be asked to document this wonderful event.

“But also a great privilege to be invited to share and be a witness to this young couple’s love for one another.”

Harry and Meghan will get married on May 19, 2018, which is just a month or so after Middleton is due to give birth to her third child.

So these two couples will remain linked for a long time to come.

We hear there’s a bit of tension between Markle and Middleton over the former sort of stealing the latter’s spotlight and thunder.

Is there any truth to this chatter?

Did the quartet recently go on a double date to squash the growing beef?

Expect plenty of questions along these lines, and plenty of rumors surrounding Markle and Middleton, to keep circulating online over the coming weeks and months.

It’s only natural for websites and/or tabloids to put the women against each other.

Which, we realize, we are about to do below.

Just in good fun, however. We adore both Meghan and Kate and are just legitimately curious whose engagement photo you like best.

Are you ready to play along?

Are you ready to make this pressing decision?

Compare. Contrast. And cast your VOTE now:

Fashion Face-Off!

It’s a battle royal between a pair of royals: Which of these women looked better in her engagement photo? View Poll »


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Lunching Together to Quash Feud Rumors?

Meghan Markle is a divorced American newcomer, poised to marry into the British Royal Family. Kate Middleton is pregnant with yet another hair to the crown.

As much as Kensington Palace tries to quash rumors of a feud between Kate and Meghan, people notice when one woman is stealing another’s spotlight.

And some wonder if Kate and Meghan’s “double date” with the Queen has less to do with family and is instead a calculated move to make the women seem like friends.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

She’s due in April, and while a third royal baby isnt’t the same as the first, well, we’re still talking about a royal baby, folks. It’s big news.

You know what else is big news?

Kate Middleton’s brother-in-law is engaged. Harry and Meghan Markle have even set the wedding date for May 19th.

As excited as people are for the nuptials … that is the month after Kate gives birth.

They couldn’t have put it off?

People reports that Meghan Markle joined her fiance Prince Harry on Wednesday for a yearly royal tradition.

It was the annual pre-Christmas lunch. It took place with Harry’s grandmother, the Queen.

And they were not alone.

Joining them were Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Now, the Royal family has been moving its members around secretly when needed for literal centuries. For this, though, no one made any apparent moves to keep things covert, and the whole world knows that Kate and Meghan were eating side-by-side.

Maybe it’s just tradition … or maybe they’re hoping that news of this family lunch at Buckingham Palace smooths all of those stories of resentment.

Even before Meghan Markle was engaged to Prince Harry or set her wedding date so close to Kate’s due date, Meghan was nudging the already publicly pregnant Kate Middleton out of the spotlight.

Anyone else remember that ridiculous story about Meghan Markle “curing” Kate Middleton’s morning sickness with some sort of home remedy?

At the time, Meghan was just Harry’s girlfriend, but rumors were already attributing magical healing powers to her.

Now that the two are engaged, some people are basically forgetting that Kate’s even pregnant.

As the wedding date approaches, discussions of Meghan Markle are going to grow more frequent, not less.

(Honestly, I predict that plenty of stories about Kate giving birth are going to be framed in a way that mentions Meghan)

Stories of royal resentment, true or not, aren’t going away any time soon.

So what makes the royal family so happy to have Meghan Markle join them?

A couple of things.

One, Prince Harry isn’t a some sort of royal colleague — he’s the prince. He lost his mother at a young age, and his grandmother adores him.

(Who doesn’t?)

So of course they’re happy to clear away some of the hurdles that stand between him and happiness. Honestly, restrictions on royal marriages should have probably gone away a long time ago.

Two, the British government and Kensington Palace know how to do math, and they’ve crunched the numbers.

It’s projected that Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry could rake in some serious dough for the UK.

How much dough, you ask?

$ 670 million.

With the UK bracing itself for losses during their Brexit nightmare, a wedding that draws in 1,000 times its cost is a big win.

And Harry’s happiness? Also a win.

Whatever issues Meghan and Kate might have — honestly, rumor tends to suggest that it’s Kate with the alleged gripes — shouldn’t matter when it comes to each other’s happiness. They’re about to family.

What’s almost certain is that, if these two really are feuding, it’ll stay quiet — expressed only as rumor.

Because the Royal Family would love to avoid scandals.

It would be so nice to believe that the four of them just had a nice lunch with their grandmother who’s also the Queen and that everyone was happy for each other.

Sadly, the world doesn’t always work like that.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Kate Upton"s Serving Aces for LOVE Advent Calendar

Kate Upton in a one-piece swimsuit bouncing cross-court and getting her sweat on is really all the setup you need for this video. The supermodel suited up for day 19 of LOVE Magazine’s Advent calendar … and we have to say … B-R-A-V-O. Kate…


Kate Upton"s Serving Aces for LOVE Advent Calendar

Kate Upton in a one-piece swimsuit bouncing cross-court and getting her sweat on is really all the setup you need for this video. The supermodel suited up for day 19 of LOVE Magazine’s Advent calendar … and we have to say … B-R-A-V-O. Kate…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Prince William and Kate Middleton Release World"s Most Perfect Christmas Card

It’s the most wonderful time of the year?

Maybe, to some.

But we’d like to make an addendum to this saying:

It’s the most ROYALLY wonderful time of the year!

This is now officially the case because Prince William and Kate Middleton have released their 2017 Christmas card and it featured their two children and it’s just so unbelievable cute and perfect that we want to squeal out loud.

In fact, we can’t help it. We’re going to do so:


Getty photographer Chris Jackson snapped the lovely portrait earlier this year and then posted it on Twitter on Monday, writing the following as he did so:

“Delighted that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen to use this family portrait I shot as their Christmas Card this year.

“Merry Christmas!”

The stunning snapshot depicts Prince George, Princess Charlotte and their parents wearing matching blue outfits.

Check it out here:

It should be noted that Jackson also took Prince George’s fourth birthday photograph this summer.

The Christmas card photograph was probably taken on the same day as Prince George’s birthday picture, considering he’s wearing the same outfit.

See it HERE.

For last year’s Christmas card, the beloved quartet used a candid shot Jackson took during the royal tour of Canada.

It marked the full immediate family’s first overseas trip together.

And, not that it even needs to be said, but the final product was downright precious:

About a year from now, of course, the 2018 version of this card will look very different… because Middleton is pregnant!

Heck, Middleton may even be pregnant with twins.

Whether it’s one additional child or two, however, expect another cute face to be added to this portrait in just a few months.

(Middleton is reportedly due in April; just a short while before Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle. It’s all VERY exciting!)

In addition to sharing their 2017 Christmas card, meanwhile, their Royal Highnesses also shared some exciting news today:

Charlotte will attend the Willcocks Nursery School in London!!!!!!

“We are delighted that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen the Willcocks Nursery School for Princess Charlotte,” a spokesperson for the school said, adding:

“We look forward to welcoming Charlotte to our nursery in January.”

George, in case you were somehow not aware, is currently enrolled at Thomas’s Battersea in London.


Friday, December 15, 2017

Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle: Royals DESPERATE to Quash Feud Rumors!

It’s a busy time of year, and not just because of the holidays. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding day will be here in 5 months, and it sounds like the Royal Family has its hands full.

Not just with preparing the wedding and the venue and the always-topical guest list.

But apparently they’re also doing their best to convince the public that Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle totally like each other. And it’s not an easy task.

Meghan Markle is engaged to Prince Harry and living her best life.

For months and months, their relationship — growing ever closer — was the subject of basically 90% of all conversations about the British Royal Family.

The remaining topics were usually about Princess Diana’s memory, about something random, or speculation about Kate Middleton.

But Duchess Kate is pregnant, folks. That made some serious headlines.

She’s due in April, and a royal baby would normally be the talk of the town.

Except that this is Kate’s third child. This isn’t going to bring the public jubilation that Prince George did, because excitement over babies comes with diminishing returns.

And look, here comes Meghan Markle — shiny and new and stealing Kate’s spotlight.

And, thus, the rumors of a feud between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

Whether Kate actually resents her or not, the fact that Kate won’t be in Meghan and Harry’s wedding party is raising some eyebrows (even if it’s probably just a matter of protocol).

And it’s not difficult to imagine Kate feeling jealous of this new, younger woman. Meghan Markle is a divorced, biracial, American actress who’s waltzed past barriers to marry Harry.

We can’t know Kate’s innermost thoughts, of course.

But even the mere rumor of a dislike between the women who will soon be family doesn’t look great for the royals. It only makes sense that they’d want to assure the public that everyone’s getting along swimmingly.

RadarOnline reports that Kensington Palace has a particular plan in mind.

Apparently, they’re desperate to get “natural money shots” (not how we’d phrase that) of Kate and Meghan, side-by-side and getting along.

That makes a lot of sense, right? You get some snaps of the two of them chatting or maybe laughing with each other and people are like “oh, they’re getting along! How nice!!”

There’s just one little problem, according to RadarOnline‘s insider.

It takes two to tango, and their source says that:

“Kate isn’t rushing to get the shot.”

Now … that could be unrelated towards her feelings regarding Meghan Markle. Kate’s a mother and she’s not only pregnant, but has some majorly rough morning sickness.

(It’s so severe that she had to be rushed to the hospital, which was was what tipped us off a couple of weeks before the pregnancy announcement)

So when Kate’s feeling well enough to get all dolled up and go outside and be photographed, we imagine that she wants to spend that on official appearances, not on making it look like she doesn’t despise her future sister-in-law.

That’s fair, right?

Either way, though, RadarOnline says that Kensington Palace is planning to photograph Kate and Meghan together over the holidays at Sandringham church.

When people aren’t sure of the friendliness between two women who are drawn close by circumstances, it’s often assumed that the women are feuding.

Whether they’re actresses on a set or two women who become indirect family, if two women aren’t joined at the hip, people seem eager to assume that they hate each other.

Some of that may be misogyny. At other times, though, it’s just reading between the lines.

Whatever the truth, we hope that Kate and Meghan become close. Their husbands are very close brothers, and we hope that they all get along.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kate Middleton: Pregnant with Twins?!

The Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton, has reportedly one-upped Meghan Markle. Or two-upped, as the case may be:

She’s pregnant with twins, allegedly!

As you can see by the cover of the always-reputable OK! Magazine above, the royal mum is now expecting a third baby … and a fourth:

“Kate’s Baby Surprise: Twin Girls!”

What more do you need to know?!

Especially since the “palace confirms” this, that must make it official, right? A celebrity gossip publication wouldn’t make that up, right?!

The tabloid reports breathlessly that “Duchess Kate and Prince William are expecting two girls,” which truly would be thrilling if correct.

Specifically, “word has leaked from Kensington Palace” about the baby news after Kate “recently confessed the news to a close friend.”

“She had an inkling it might be twins because she’s gaining more weight than she did during her previous pregnancies,” a source said.

“When she found out she’s carrying twins,” the source said, everything started to come together, and “it all made sense” to the 35-year-old.

Naturally, this was super awesome, and “the development came as a wonderful surprise to William” too. Then there’s the gender aspect.

The couple would’ve been over the moon anyway, but were even more so “when they learned that the babies are identical twin girls.” 

OMG! So many princesses!

We know they had one perfect name picked out for a girl, but now, let the Kate Middleton baby name speculation ramp up anew!

Queen Elizabeth II, for her part, is further described as “overjoyed” to watch two additional grandchildren grow into upstanding adults.

She will live forever, after all.

Don’t expect Kate or William to talk about this publicly, though, as “the couple won’t be releasing an official statement for some time.”

The publication’s source also says that “the families have been sworn to secrecy about this news,” which is a dubious claim, honestly.

As venerable celebrity news detectives at Gossip Cop point out, how can it be confirmed and secret at the same time?! It’s so baffling.

Talk of Kate Middleton pregnant with twins has taken the web by storm before. As in on multiple occasions with all three of her pregnancies.

It didn’t happen the first two times.

Moreover, the couple said this fall: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to confirm they are expecting a baby in April 2018.”

That’s A BABY singular. So …

While it’s certainly possible that they didn’t know it was twins at the time, or simply wrote it that way to keep things simple, we’re skeptical.

According to an earlier report, Kate has been working hard so George and Charlotte can “participate in making the baby feel welcome.”

Again, one little one.

And while Will “desperately wants to keep Kate happy but worries she’s overtaxing herself,” the source says, that would be true anyway.

Being pregnant with two little ankle-biters running around is taxing whether you’re expecting one or two more in the coming months.

All we can tell you is that, twins or not, between Kate’s family and Meghan marrying Harry, 2018 will be a joyous year to remember for the royals.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kate Middleton: Jealous of Meghan Markle?

With the revelation that, in all likelihoods, Kate Middleton won’t take part in Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry in any special role, rumors are heating up that the Duchess is harboring some ill feelings towards her brother-in-law’s fiancee.

And Kate is reportedly straight-up jealous of this American actress who’s waltzing across the pond and into the royal family.

Is there more royal drama brewing?

Almost everyone was overjoyed when they heard that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got engaged.

(Not, perhaps, the millions of women who grew up dreaming of marrying Prince Harry, though perhaps being grownups gave them the sense of perspective to be happy for the couple)

Though Meghan’s Suits costars are sad to see her go, they’re obviously happy for her.

And though the couple’s having to jump through a few more hoops — as Meghan Markle is divorced and also an American — Harry’s family has been overjoyed at the news.

But … is Kate Middleton sharing in her husband’s happiness for the newly engaged couple?

Or is she jealous of the “shiny, new royal,” and remembering how it’s been years since she made waves as a commoner marrying into the royal family?

Celebrity Insider recently wrote about Duchess Kate being resentful of being “pushed out of the spotlight” by Meghan Markle.

See it from her perspective, folks:

Back in September, the world learned that Kate Middleton was pregnant with baby number 3.

(Something that we’d already pieced together for you a few weeks earlier, based upon a number of very telling clues)

That’s welcome news, especially in the endless hellscape of 2017 where every day’s news brings fresh nightmares to haunt us all.

Even then, Meghan Markle — who was, officially, only dating Prince Harry at the time — kept her name in headlines, while people almost seemed to grow bored of the news of Kate’s pregnancy.

And keep in mind that Kate Middleton has particularly difficult pregnancies and morning sickness so bad that she sometimes requires hospitalization, so it’s not like this one’s easy just because it’s her third time at it.

(Yes, the morning sickness that one errant report claimed was cured by Meghan Markle’s home remedy, as if Meghan Markle is some kind of witch who can accomplish what the best doctors in the world cannot)

Celebrity Insider also points out that, though Kate is from a wealthy British family, Meghan Markle seems like such a natural in front of the cameras — for a very good reason:

“Kate was never trained to pose in front of cameras or speak before crowds in a way that can compare to the Suits actress.”

Kate Middleton is due in, what, March or April?

(Again, due dates are fickle things — a March due date can lead to an April baby. Sometimes, the reverse is true)

Well, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding date is in May.

Those are two big British royal family events, practically back-to-back.

Kate will, by this point, be a mother of three dealing with a newborn and two very young children and still recovering from childbirth.

Meghan Markle will be the blushing bride and newest member of the family, breaking barriers as a divorced American woman of color.

It’s clear that there is a lot of potential for resentment.

Ultimately, though, we think that this speculation might be putting words in the Duchess of Cambridge’s mouth.

(Or, at least, thoughts in her head)

There hasn’t been any actual indication that Kate Middleton feels that way.

In fact, Duchess Kate has expressed joy in public statements. Of course she’d be happy for Harry and Meghan!

And we’re talking about royals, not Kardashians — if anything, Kate is probably happy to catch a small break from tabloid gossip.

She might not really know Meghan Markle, but you don’t have to be joined-at-the-hip childhood friends with your brother-in-law’s fiancee to be happy that they’re getting married.

Speculation is fine, folks, but we shouldn’t let our imaginations run wild.


Justin Verlander: Pick Between Kate Upton and World Series? Hell No.

It’s Take 2 on one of the best sports questions ever …  Which is better — winning the World Series or honeymooning with Kate Upton?? We got to ask the one guy who would know the answer — Justin Verlander — as the Houston Astros pitcher…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kate Gosselin Dares to Share Pics of Daughters, Gets Dragged by Trolls. HARD.

Darn you, Internet.

You’ve really gone ahead and done it now.

You’ve made us feel bad for Kate Gosselin.

Over the past few weeks, hatred for the reality star and mother of eight has seemed to hit near-record numbers, as Gosselin cannot share anything online without hearing it from a bunch of trolls.

Just a few weeks ago, for example, Gosselin posted a few photos online of her kids in their Halloween costumes.

We’re pretty sure every single celebrity alive does this.

And yet followers called out Kate for the snapshots, mostly because they did not include son Collin, who has been enrolled in a program away from home for behavioral issues.

Details regarding his status remain scarce, which has prompted haters to bring up him every chance they get.

Gosselin even received backlash, as it relates to Collin, when she shared throwback photos of her twin girls on the occasion of their 17th birthday.

And now Kate has gone ahead and shared new throwback pictures, this time of daughter Alexis.

Along with the cute snapshot above, the Kate Plus 8 star wrote:

The girls and I were looking through old pics the other night together…reliving our MANY fun times over the years…

it’s cute when your teenagers screech about how cute they were and play argue over ‘who was the cutest.’

To me, they were and are all equally ‘edible’ and adorable and I told them so. They then tried to convince me to ‘eat them first’! It’s always a competition in a big family, I tell you!

Anyway, there are many, but these pics of Lex make me laugh every time I come across them! How can you not?

She’s always been the perfect dose of humor when I need it most… on this day, when she was 5, she entertained me while I showered!

Pretty basic and definitely harmless, right?

Nope, wrong apparently.

Yes, some followers showed Gosselin support and clearly appreciated this cute snapshot:

lex tweet

“She is so precious! Where did the time go?” asked another fan.

Others, however, definitely seemed to be focused on the wrong thing.

“Wait, you take your phone into the shower,” inquired a confused follower, while a second person chimed in with a similar take:

“You took your phone into the shower or bath? Um yeah ok kate.”

lex in shower

These, of course, are mostly mundane issues.

The true trolls, though, didn’t just inquire about Collin and his whereabouts.

They accused Kate of not liking her sons as much as her daughters!

For real:

where are boys?

Look, it takes a lot for us to be on Team Kate Gosselin.

We mostly see her as a greedy, self-serving and manipulative annoyance.

But come on now.

We’re not gonna pick on Kate just because she shares some precious pictures of her kids.

What’s the alternative? What else would she do on Instagram? Go all Kylie Jenner on us and pose nearly naked?

God forbid, right?

So you see: it could be a lot worse. Remember that.


Kate Middleton: Taking NO Part in Meghan Markle & Prince Harry"s Wedding?!

Half a year from now, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will get married! It’s going to be a huge ceremony, obviously — because it’s going to be a royal wedding.

We can’t help but think back to when Prince William married Kate Middleton. The world collectively lost its mind over that union. Now that Meghan is joining the family, what role will Kate play at the ceremony that welcomes her?

A surprisingly small one, it turns out. But why?

After months of leaked reports, speculation, and rumors, Kensington Palace finally made the announcement to the world:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged!

Meghan Markle is a gorgeous actress. She and Harry are clearly in love, no matter what Wendy Williams says about the future Duchess.

Markle’s status as a divorced, biracial American makes her upcoming marriage into the British Royal Family a groundbreaking one and a sign of progress for the monarchy.

Harry has spent years and years as one of the most desired men in the world.

He’s also been a source of frustration for those who see him, Harry Styles, and Harry Potter and find themselves wishing that the UK would come up with some new names for their heartthrobs.

Their upcoming nuptials will be a welcome distraction from the endless hellscape that 2018 is bound to be, if 2016 and 2017 are any indication.

But what role will Duchess Kate play?

She and Meghan Markle are about to be in-laws.

And, not for nothing, but Harry and William are known to be very close brothers.

William and Kate have to be positively glowing with excitement about the wedding … right?

So, how big of a role will Kate play in her brother-in-law’s wedding? Will she be Meghan Markle’s maid of honor?

According to Cosmopolitan and to royals expert Marlene Koenig, probably not.

Koenig explains, a little bluntly, one good reason why Kate wouldn’t have a major presence in the bridal party.

“The Duchess of Cambridge barely knows Meghan.”

Well, that could apply to just about any family’s wedding, royal or not.

Koenig also describes a much more specific reason why Kate Middleton is very unlikely, in her estimation, to be a bridesmaid for Meghan Markle — or any other bride.

“For another, she is the future queen consort when William becomes king after his father, and would unlikely be an attending person to another royal bride.”

The translation?

The woman who’s slated to become queen can’t be seen playing second fiddle to a woman who, barring some tragedy, will never be queen.

So … is Kate being a snob?

Probably not.

Following certain royal protocols remains part of life for the royal family. That means all sorts of things, including avoiding things that are “unseemly” for a future queen consort.

A huge part of being a member of the royal family is keeping up appearances, which is why the royals can’t dress or act like normal people in the way that most other celebrities can.

While this sucks for people like William and Harry who were born into this very luxurious prison, Kate and Meghan both chose to enter this life.

So we don’t imagine that Meghan Markle’s feelings are going to be hurt.

Kate Middleton didn’t take part in her own sister’s wedding because she would have completely upstaged her (and, again, protocol). This doesn’t sound like it’s personal in the slightest.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Leah Has No Braces AND No Collin! Hooray!

Just because Kate Gosselin had her children celebrate without Collin on Collin’s birthday doesn’t mean that she doesn’t know how to celebrate milestones for her other children.

This time, it’s Leah Gosselin who’s being celebrated, as she finally got her braces off!

And while the photos are cute, reactions in the form of Instagram comments were all over the place.

It seems that Collin Gosselin is still missing, off at some dubious institution where Kate decided that he belonged.

But Kate does have other children who, in an indictment of our society’s inability to look after the well-being of children, remain in Kate Gosselin’s custody.

There are, however, some positive moments, even in that household.

And there are things to celebrate.

In the photo below, Leah Gosselin — who, like her fellow sextuplets, turned 13 over the summer — has finally gotten her braces off.

And she’s celebrating with an array of tasty desserts … among other snacks.

See how happy she looks!

Leah’s smile is bright and celebratory!

But still not quite as happy as her smile will be when she one day escapes from her mother and never looks back.

As you can see, her teeth are no longer imprisoned by a sharp metal tooth-corset, which, having had braces when I was about her age, is how I would describe braces.

You can’t see her food choices too well in this photo, so Kate, in either a rare moment of kindness or perhaps a desperate attempt to show that she can be “nice” and “fun” sometimes, really, she promises, shared another photo.

In it, we see cake, a number of candies, and popcorn … which makes us think that Kate must have actually enforced the orthodontist’s rules about what to not eat with braces.

(When I had braces, I avoided only popcorn. Gum actually helped me adjust to having the braces, and I never had any problem with gum or anything else)

But here are the treats that Leah got to enjoy:

Leah Gosselin treats

With both photos, Kate Gosselin included the caption:

“Somebody got their braces off today! [three grinning-face emojis] #CongratsLeah #BracesOffParty #GosselinTradition #BracesOnBracesOffConstantHere”

We’ll say this much about Kate Gosselin — having a braces-off celebration for your kids is a great idea.

That might be the only parenting advice that we’d ever take from her.

Various followers chimed in with well wishes:

“Hahaha … another constant is there’s always something to celebrate … no wonder everybody seems to be so happy …”

Instagram comments don’t  really need that many ellipses … but okay.

“That is so awesome! Kate, you’re always finding unique ways to make your kids feel special and I LOVE that! [red heart emoji]”

We weren’t the only ones who are still preoccupied by the fact that Kate decided to disappear her own child and keep him isolated from his siblings.

One commenter wrote:

“Collin doesn’t get braces.”

Point of fact, we don’t know that Collin does or does not have braces. But we don’t know because, well, he’s wherever Kate sent him off to.

Another commenter replied:

“Yeah, that poor child.”

Our only comfort is that Collin, though isolated from his siblings, is at least away from Kate.

When there’s nothing else that you can do, folks, you have to look at the bright side.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton: The Engagement Dress Duel!

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton are so much more than fashion icons.

Let us make that clear.

But try telling that to a majority of the free world, which has been picking apart Middleton’s style for years and will undoubtedly do the same to Markle now that she’s engaged to Prince Harry.

And the Winner is?

It’s a Royal rumble! Compare looks and decide which couple dressed best for their engagement pics? View Poll »

Yes, it’s true:

The Suits star* and the very handsome member of Great Britain’s Royal Family are planning to get married in May.

(*Well, ex-Suits star. She has confirmed that she’s moving on from acting now that she’ll be living the life of a quasi princess.)

Shortly after Kensington Palace announced that Harry had popped the question, the Prince and his soulmate made their first public appearance as an engaged twosome.

They held hands. They smiled for the camera. They made small talk.

And everyone started talking about the ensemble Markle was donning.

This is just the way the world operates.

Bundled up in a white wrap coat from Line the Label – a Canadian brand that’s based in Toronto – Markle rocked a green dress from the Italian brand P.A.R.O.S.H. underneath this outer garment.

“It’s… modern,” fashion expert Hilary Alexander told People Magazine, adding:

“This is stylish and continental. It’s easy chic, you throw it on and wrap it round, it’s very European looking.”

Middleton, meanwhile, wore nude heels for her engagement photos alongside Prince William, along with a royal blue wrap dress from the now-defunct brand Issa London.

The dress sold out online in a matter of minutes.

Remember this beloved number?

Thus far, Markle’s outfit of choice has not garnered the same sort of appreciation.

It’s not being discussed nearly as much as Markle’s engagement ring, for instance, likely because this ring is comprised of diamonds that once belonged to Princess Diana.

But we still think Markle looked beautiful during her photo shoot. Don’t you?

Did she outdo Middleton, however, who said on Tuesday she’s “thrilled” for Meghan and Harry and excited for their future as a couple?

This is what we’re asking you, dear reader.

Take a close look below at Markle and Harry’s pictures… analyze the former’s style… and then VOTE in the poll above:

Meghan Markle or Kate Middleton: Who dressed better?
