Showing posts with label Lamar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lamar. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lamar Odom & Tristan Thompson FIGHT Over Khloe Kardashian!

It’s been about six months since we first learned that Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson are dating.

In that time, the couple has moved extremely fast, and though they’ve made no official announcement and they started out under unusual circumstances (Tristan recently became a dad by his previous girlfriend), by now just about everyone has come to terms with the fact that Khloe and Tristan will get married sometime in the near future.

Everyone, that is, but Lamar Odom …

Lamar is reportedly extremely angry that Khloe moved on so quickly after their latest reconciliation attempt, and insiders say he was inclined to dislike Thompson from the start.

Perhaps unwisely, Khloe arranged a meeting between her current boyfriend and her ex so that they might try and make peace.

We’re not sure why she cares (It’s not like she and Lamar have kids together.), but the sit-down went about as well as you would expect.

And by that we mean punches were thrown almost immediately.

“Khloe arranged for the guys to meet at her home a few weeks ago, because she wants to stay on good terms with Lamar and thought he and Tristan would keep things civilized,” a source tells Radar Online.

One insider tells the site that Lamar was supposed to arrive solo, but instead he “rocked up with a couple of his buddies.”

From there, the situation deteriorated rapidly.

“She didn’t count on how snarky and hostile Lamar was going to be, plus how super-protective Tristan acted in return,” says the source.

“Lamar’s friends had to pull them off each other once things got really bad.”

The insider adds:

“Khloe now realizes they can’t be in the same room ever again.”

Um … we could’ve told you that from the start, Khloe!

When has a meet and greet between two huge dudes who both have feelings for the same woman ever ended well?

To the untrained eye, it might seem that Lamar committed a fatal error by showing up with his crew and escalating the conflict before a single word was spoken, but really, that’s the smartest thing he could’ve done.

Tristan and Lamar are about the same size, but one is 25 and in the prime of his playing career, while the other is 37 with several years of retirement and a long history of substance abuse behind him.

It sounds like Lamar planned on talking smack from the start.

And this fight would not have gone well for him one-on-one.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Lamar Odom: Dating Khloe Kardashian Look-Alike?!

Khloe Kardashian"s reclusive ex-husband Lamar Odom was spotted over the weekend … with a girl who looks pretty much just like Khloe.

Seriously, you"ve got to see her. Guess the guy has a type?

The former NBA star had fans seeing double on the streets of Beverly Hills, Calif., where he was walking around with some friends.

Some friends, including a mysterious Khloe-esque blonde.

Photos snapped by paparazzi show the 37-year-old wearing dark jeans, a short-sleeved, red hooded sweatshirt and a Chicago Bulls cap.

The Khloe lookalike wore … what Khloe wears.

According to People insiders, the woman in question is actually Odom’s personal assistant, which poses a couple of interesting questions:

1. Why does Lamar need an assistant?

2. Is "looks like Khloe" a prerequisite?

Odom has been rebuilding his life after a near-fatal drug overdose in October 2015, and his subsequent falling off the wagon since then.

He and Khloe tied the knot in September 2009, but things took a turn for the worse after Odom cheating on Khloe and his drug abuse.

Kardashian filed for divorce in 2013, called it off following Lamar"s overdose, then filed papers again and finalized the split at last in December.

Since they split for good, Khloe has worked on her revenge body … both literally and on the TV show with that name, Revenge Body.

She"s also dating Tristan Thompson, following an eight-month relationship with James Harden (she also has a type, i.e. NBA players).

Odom, meanwhile, has been working on a revenge body of his own – ironically with the help of his Khloe-like assistant, we"re guessing.

Back in shape after recently completing a 30-day rehab program, Odom recently discussed his addiction in an interview with The Doctors.

“The most important thing I took away from [rehab] is that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for being,” he said to Dr. Travis Stork.

He opened up about Khloe – the real one, not his replacement: “I want my wife back. Other than that, I just want to live a happy, healthy life.”

“When you’re doing drugs, you become distant to everything,” Lamar continued. “Even your feelings, you become numb to everything."

"Just to reinstate what we had as a family, it was important to me. Khloe is important to me. She’s been through all this with me."

"She stood by my side. I just want to repay her.”

Sounds like someone may not be over his ex.

Lamar odom dating khloe kardashian look alike

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Lamar Odom"s Got a Faux Khloe By His Side (PHOTO)

Lamar Odom took a stroll with a woman who could in almost every respect be mistaken for ex-wife Khloe Kardashian. Turns out it’s Lamar’s assistant, but boy … talk about having a type.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tristan Thompson to Lamar Odom: Leave Khloe Kardashian Alone!

Khloe Kardashian seems to have a situation on her hands.

It involves two professional athletes, intense, unresolved feelings, and some good old-fashioned jealousy.

Yeah, it’s probably one of the biggest messes Khloe’s ever found herself in. Poor dear.

As we all know, Khloe’s divorce from Lamar Odom was finalized last month — three years after she originally filed.

The divorce took so long because Lamar refused to sign the papers for a long time, and after he overdosed in 2015, Khloe called the whole thing off so that she could make medical decisions for Lamar as his wife.

They were friendly for a while last year, but then it looked like Lamar was back on his downward spiral, so Khloe cut ties and filed for divorce once again.

Then — what a roller coaster this is, huh? — Lamar went to rehab in December to really get straightened out, once and for all.

After spending 35 days working on his issues, he left treatment and immediately did an in-depth interview, all about his drug use and his struggles.

And, wouldn’t you know it, the topic of Khloe came up.

“Honestly, I want my wife back,” he revealed.

He said that “When you’re doing drugs, you become distant to everything. Even your feelings, you become numb to everything.”

But still, he said, “Just to reinstate what we had as a family, it was important to me. Khloe is important to me.”

“She’s been through all this with me,” he continued. “She stood by my side. I just want to repay her.”

So that’s sweet, right? It’s a nice sentiment.

But Khloe’s current man, Tristan Thompson, disagrees.

According to a source who spoke with Life & Style, “Tristan went ballistic. He called Lamar and told him he acted foolishly, and he warned him to stay away from Khloe or else.”

The issue, however, is that Lamar “believes he still has a chance with Khloe.”

Yeah, here’s where it gets extra messy.

“Lam needs TT to know how madly in love he still is with Khloe and wants Tristan to understand that he and Khloe have unfinished business,” a source claims.

“Lam doesn’t want to disrespect what they have, but he thinks Tristan is just like James Harden and French Montana — a place holder in her life for when he returns.”

Meanwhile over on Tristan’s side, he “knows Khloe would never take back Lamar, but he is concerned that his girlfriend will fall for Lamar’s pity pleas and feel pressured to be there for him in case he goes off the rails again.”

“Tristan doesn’t want any drama in his life. Khloe is his woman, and there’s no way he’s going to allow anyone to get in the way of his relationship.”

So what’s going to happen? Is Khloe really Tristan’s woman? Is Tristan just a place holder for Lamar?

Only time (and lots of storylines on Keeping Up with the Kardashians) will tell.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lamar Odom Reveals Tragic New Details About His Overdose

No one can break our hearts quite like Lamar Odom.

He’s just been through so much, you know? He’s a good guy fighting a hard battle.

A battle he very nearly lost in October 2015 after he suffered an overdose in a brothel in Nevada.

We all remember what happened after the infamous incident: he was rushed to a hospital, Khloe Kardashian rushed to be at his side.

At one point, reports claimed he’d been declared brain dead, and at another, reports claimed that he was actually dead.

We heard that his organs were shutting down, that Khloe and his family were preparing for the worst, that even if he somehow managed to survive, he’d never be able to walk or talk again.

But Lamar’s had a recovery that’s been nothing short of miraculous — at least when it comes to the way his body bounced back from the brink of death.

Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for his struggle with the disease that put him there in the first place.

Since the overdose, he’s still battling addiction. He’s been spotted at bars, and some friends once allegedly found drug paraphernalia at his home last summer.

It’s hard to tell the rumors from the truth, but we do know for sure that Lamar checked himself into rehab last month as a sort of preventative measure, a way to make sure he stays “on the right path.”

He spent 35 days focusing on his health, and now that he’s out, he’s sharing some really insightful details about his issues.

Insightful, but so, so hard to hear.

In a new interview he did that aired yesterday on The Doctors, he got real about his rehab experience, saying “When I went to treatment before, I was a boy. When I left treatment this time, I left a man.”

“In order to get through this process,” he explains, “I had to tap in on the inside to see who I really was and what I was really made up of.”

“I was able to do that on the inside. It was a spiritual thing for me as well to find my higher power and to become closer to Him.”

He continues “These 30 days that I’ve been here, I’ve learned a lot. First, I’ve learned to be a good selfish — how to take care of myself and put myself first.”

“I did this for me. No one else. You can’t do it for no one else if you want to live a sober life.”

But while he went to rehab for himself, he says that his children “were really happy that I went through the process,” which is obviously a perk.

“I was thinking a lot too much about how they would think of me,” he says, “but once I let down that guard, let them in and let them know everything I was going through, I think it helped build our relationship to tell you the truth.”

“Our relationship before that point, we were struggling.”

Lamar also opened up about life before rehab — like, way before rehab.

“Do I feel ashamed by some of the choices I made?” he asked about life before his overdose.

“Hell yeah. They were despicable. I was basically just committing suicide.”

So sad. But Lamar says that “Being that I know it’s a disease, it allows me to forgive myself a little bit more.”

And just in case all that wasn’t upsetting enough, he also touched on the actual overdose.

“I wasn’t it a good place mentally before the incident happened,” he recalls. “My wife at the time, we were going through some things. And I was in a dark place.”

“It’s crazy because that night,” he says, referring to the night in the brothel, “I didn’t do any coke or anything like that. So I was kinda confused too about how I got like that.”

“I didn’t know until Khloe told me that I was in a coma. I couldn’t even speak at the time. I couldn’t talk. So I was scared.”

About Khloe, he adds that “Honestly, I want my wife back … When you’re doing drugs, you become distant to everything. Even your feelings, you become numb to everything.”

“Just to reinstate what we had as a family, it was important to me. Khloe is important to me. She’s been through all this with me. She stood by my side. I just want to repay her.”

Finally, Lamar says that “The most important thing I took away from rehab is that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for being.”

He sounds great, right? Like he’s really worked through some issues and is ready to be healthy and happy.

And thank goodness for that.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lamar Odom Apologizes to Khloe for Drug Benders ... But Vows to Get Her Back (VIDEO)

Lamar Odom says he’s grateful to Khloe Kardashian for staying by his side through his drug addiction and recovery … and he wants her back. Odom opened up about his battle with drugs on “The Doctors” — and after completing a 30 day stint in…


Lamar Odom: "I Was Basically Committing Suicide" Before Rehab

Lamar Odom says he was in a “dark place” before his 2015 drug overdose in Nevada … and admits his addiction was so bad he was “basically committing suicide.”  Odom opened up about his past on “The Doctors” … saying, “I wasn’t in a good…


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Luke Walton Doesn"t Say No To Lamar Odom Joining Lakers" Coaching Staff (VIDEO)

Luke Walton really wants the world to sweat over the possible introduction of Coach Lamar Odom to the LA Lakers … ‘cause now they’re grabbing dinner together. We got the former Lakers teammates leaving The Lobster in L.A. Saturday night, with…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Lamar Odom: My Overdose Was a Suicide Attempt!

Doesn"t your heart just break into a million tiny pieces whenever you see Lamar Odom?

Don"t you just want to scoop him up — or scoop him up as much as you can scoop a man who is just under seven feet tall — and give him a great big hug?

He"s messed up in his life, sure, and he"s done things that greatly hurt other people.

But addiction is a hell of a disease, and these days, he"s trying his hardest to better himself.

He recently spent 35 days in rehab, not because of a relapse, but to continue working on his issues. 

And now he"s gone and done another in depth interview for The Doctors, and if you thought he was heartbreaking before, well, just hold onto yourself.

In this new teaser for the interview, which airs on Tuesday, Lamar touches on the overdose he had in October 2015 that nearly killed him: specifically on the choices he made leading up to it.

"Do I feel ashamed about some of the choices I made?" he asks himself.

"They were despicable."

And then, for the kicker, Lamar reveals "I was basically just committing suicide."

We hope that Lamar really is feeling better these days, and he"s able to make peace with everything.

See the upsetting interview footage below:

Lamar odom my overdose was a suicide attempt

Friday, January 13, 2017

Lamar Odom: I Want Khloe Kardashian Back!

Lamar Odom is trying to turn his life around, but is sure seems like he"s doing it to try and win Khloe Kardashian back. 

Lamar"s divorce to the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was finalized in December. 

Odom will be appearing on The Doctors on Tuesday, January 17 as part of an exclusive interview. 

The show is drumming up interest for the interview by airing segments of the episode. 

“Going forward, when you look at your life ahead of you, what are you looking forward to?” host Dr. Travis Stork asks Odom in the clip.

After a brief pause, Odom reveals, “Umm, honestly, I want my wife back.”

Umm, that might be a tough thought for Khloe to even think about entertaining because she"s head over heels in love with Tristan Thompson. 

Lamar and Khloe married in 2009, but the marriage was littered with drama.

After some very public arguments, the couple called it quits due to Lamar"s cheating and his increased reliance on drugs. 

When it seemed like the pair were really over, Khloe called off the divorce proceedings due to Lamar almost dying of an overdose. 

That gesture of goodwill did not last long, with Kardashian reinitiating divorce papers in May, 2016. 

While Lamar seems eager to have Khloe back, it"s pretty much a given that she"ll be sticking out her relationship with Tristan. 

She seems happier than ever right now and she won"t want any Lamar drama messing that up. 

Have a look at the full clip for the interview below!

Lamar odom i want khloe kardashian back

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Lamar Odom Says He Wants To Coach On the Lakers (VIDEO)

Lamar Odom says he’s still intent on returning to the NBA … but on the sidelines … telling TMZ Sports he’s reached out to Lakers coach Luke Walton about a spot on the staff. Odom’s been intent on getting back in the league, saying at Kobe’s…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Lamar Odom Reality Show: Coming Soon?!?

As previously reported, Lamar Odom is out of rehab and trying to stay sober.

But is he also trying to jump back into the spotlight?

The former NBA star and ex-husband of Khloe Kardashian just spent 35 days inside a facility that was meant to help him overcome his issues with substance abuse.

These issues played a role in shortening Odom’s basketball career and crested in October of 2015, when he nearly died after an overdose in Las Vegas.

It was a seriously scary incident that landed Odom in the hospital for several weeks.

It took him a very long time to regain all of his mental and physical capabilities, with doctors saying he only had a 50 percent chance to live after he was initially brought in.

But Odom defied the odds and recovered entirely.

Sadly, however, even a brush with death could not cure Odom of his drug and alcohol dependence.

Not long after emerging from a coma and trying to rebuild his life, Odom once again fell off the wagon, although at least he seemed to grasp the depths of his problem.

It took getting kicked off a plane for being drunk… and it took more dangerous partying with strippers… but Odom eventually relented and checked into rehab.

Which brings us to this week.

While out shopping in Beverly Hills on Thursday, Odom was stopped by TMZ and asked about his post-rehab plans.

At first, he said he just wanted to “live life,” but he then mentioned the possibility that he would return to reality television.

Check out his response below:

We can’t pretend to know the particulars of all Odom has gone through.

Maybe he really needs money. Maybe it will be cathartic for him to tell his story in front of a reality television camera.

But it seems unlikely, doesn’t it?

How often does anything positive come out of one appearing on a reality TV show?

Don’t the odds of Odom faltering under the pressure of Hollywood and the limelight seem a lot higher than the odds of him harmlessly anchoring his very own program?

We’re just concerned here.

By all accounts, Lamar is a terrific guy.

Even after all he did to Khloe (lying, cheating, doing drugs), Kardashian stuck by his side.

Maybe not in a legal sense; their divorce was finalized late last year. But in an emotional sense, and even a physical sense if you include all the time she spent by his hospital bed after that scary incident in Vegas.

Khloe has always maintained that Odom is her true love.

Moreover, go ahead and ask any former NBA teammate of Odom. He’s universally adored in the NBA. Everyone who has ever worked with Odom wishes him the best.

And so do we.

That’s why we’re so afraid that he is being given bad advice in this situation.

Yes, a reality TV show may make Lamar rich. We’d have to guess that any number of networks would line up to sign a deal with the trouble star.

But would a reality TV show make Lamar rich in spirit? Would such attention really be beneficial in the long run?

It’s just something to think about.

We wish you very well, Lamar.


Lamar Odom Says Rehab Was "Life-Changing" ... Mulling Reality TV Comeback (VIDEO)

He’s only been out of rehab for a few hours, but Lamar Odom says he’s already thinking about his next professional move … a new reality TV show. Odom completed a 35 day stint at a San Diego treatment center on Thursday and immediately hit up…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lamar Odom: Out of Rehab, Trying to Stay Sober!

Last month, we reported that Lamar Odom had checked into rehab after struggling with his sobriety in very public fashion.

Today, TMZ is reporting that Odom has been released from the facility where he spent the past 35 days receiving treatment.

And it’s not hard to see why those closest to the former NBA star are already concerned about the possibility of a relapse.

The severity of Odom’s struggles with substance abuse first came to light when he overdosed at a Nevada brothel in October of 2015.

After emerging from a coma, the 37-year-old reportedly promised family and friends that he would swear off alcohol and drugs for good.

Unfortunately, it seems his resolve didn’t last long.

Prior to checking himself in for treatment, Odom suffered several relapses, and was spotted in public several times in various states of intoxication.

His return to his dangerous old habits culminated in Odom being removed from a plane after he vomited and stumbled into other passengers prior to take off.

Sources say Odom’s relapse was triggered by the anniversary of the 2006 death of his son.

He reportedly checked into rehab out of fear that his situation would only get worse as the date of his son’s passing drew closer.

Insiders TMZ that Odom completed his 35-day program with little difficulty, and he now looks forward to maintaining his sobriety in the new year.

For obvious reasons, of course, his family and friends remain vigilant in their efforts to keep him away from booze and drugs.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Odom completed treatment only to return to his hard-parting ways shortly thereafter.

Even after his near death experience he was unable to stave off temptation for long.

At that time, his estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, was by his side nearly 24/7.

These days, Khloe is dating Tristan Thompson, and the two are rumored to be talking wedding plans.

For obvious reasons, that could easily serve as a trigger to Lamar.

Here’s hoping Odom is able to find the support he needs in order to resist falling back into his old habits.


Lamar Odom Checking Out of Rehab ... "Doing Much Better"

Lamar Odom has completed a 35 day stint in rehab and will be heading back to his home in L.A. today … TMZ Sports has learned. Lamar initially checked into the San Diego treatment facility last month as a preventative measure fearing the…


Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rob Kardashian Blanketed with Same Good Luck Charm as Lamar Odom (PHOTOS)

Rob Kardashian’s hospital visit had a flash of Lamar Odom’s near-death ER trip … based on a revealing pattern. Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble showed up at the West Hills Medical Center Wednesday night with a leopard print blanket in tow … and it…


Monday, December 19, 2016

Liza Morales Praises Lamar Odom, Burns Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian may have played a vital role in saving Lamar Odom’s life, but there’s still not a lot of love lost when it comes to his ex.

The reality star’s ex-wife, and his previous ex, Liza Morales, have been at odds in the past, and it looks like emotions are running high again.

Following Odom’s return to rehab last week, she posted a message on Instagram following the former NBA star’s decision to get help.

The 37-year-old, who shares two kids with Odom (and had a third who died, which we’ll get to shortly), made a statement in the post:

“Instead of directly responding to each of the media outlets that have sent emails and dm’s,” Liza Morales began.

“Let me express how proud we are of Lamar for taking the necessary steps in his life’s journey.”

“This is a private situation that has become public for observation, speculation and judgement.”

“This may be media fodder for some, but Lamar is a father, kin and a friend.”

Morales Tweet

“Anyone that has dealt with (or is still dealing) with the same situation with a loved one or friend knows it’s one day at a time.”

“In the meantime, Destiny, Lamar Jr and I send light and positivity to their dad and hope you can do the same.”

Morales’ supportive message could be interpreted as a dig at Khloe Kardashian, even though she nursed him back to health last year.

Khloe, some fans believe, led Lamar to believe they would get re-married, then dropped a bombshell by re-filing for divorce in May.

Morales, meanwhile, flies under the radar, but has continued to be a part of Odom’s life and include Lamar in more family events.

All while Khloe gets hot and heavy with Tristan Thompson, and flaunts it online. That’s just one interpretation, but it’s not entirely invalid.

Moreover, Kardashian revealed just days ago that her entire famous family updated its wills so that she would be their medical adviser.

“This is kind of dark, but after that, my whole family changed all of their wills so that I could be their medical adviser,” she told Health.

“Because you don’t know how someone reacts until you’re put in that situation,” Khloe said, patting herself on the back a bit perhaps.

Odom, to be fair, was not a good husband to Khloe; Kardashian, to be fair, went above and beyond the call of duty when it came to his care.

Still, Morales’ passive-aggressive dig is likely rooted in animosity over how Khloe handled things publicly over the course of the ordeal.

As for why Lamar is in rehab, Liza is connected to that too.

Earlier this month marked the ten-year anniversary of the death of the couple’s baby son, Jayden, who passed away from SIDS in 2006.

The couple’s daughter Destiny was born in 1998, Lamar Jr. was born in 2002, and Jayden four years after that, but he died within months.

At the time, sources explained that Odom’s decision to get help was “his own decision” and preemeptive “work on his mental and physical health.

Good as that sounds as a PR line, it’s rarely that simple.

Sources close to Odom have suggested that the little one’s death was one of the reasons he started doing hard drugs in the first place.

Those same sources also claim that compounding this issue is the fact that Lamar is having a hard time dealing with the end of his marriage.

To Khloe, which was finalized at long last this fall.

With all of these factors building up and coinciding with the holidays, it’s a shocking amount to place on one man’s shoulders.

Especially one with a long history with addiction.

In any case, we do send best wishes to Lamar, and commend him for deciding to get help, which is never an easy decision to make.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Lamar Odom Inspired to Save Himself By Attempted Murderer (PHOTO)

Lamar Odom was inspired to turn his life around by a prisoner serving hard time for attempted murder. The former NBA star flew to Delaware back in Sept. to visit childhood friend William Gregory, who’s serving a 26 year sentence.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Lamar Odom"s Overdose Gave Me Strength!

Khloe Kardashian has been through a lot in the 32 years she’s been on this planet.

She’s gone through many very public struggles with Lamar Odom, she’s struggled with body image and self confidence, she’s related to both Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner.

Horrors upon horrors, right?

But another thing about Khloe is that she’s always been an open book, ready and willing to share her feelings and her experiences, no matter how personal or how dumb they may be.

And that’s admirable. So admirable that we’re kind of loving her after reading this new interview she did with Health magazine.

Khloe kicks off the interview by talking about her denim line, Good American, and how important it was for her to offer a wide range of sizes without referring to any of them as “plus size.”

She says that she did that because when she was bigger — she was a size 12 at one point, “god forbid!” — people would “shun” her when she was trying to shop for clothes.

She then inexplicably added that her denim line offers jeans with contoured waistbands for women with smaller waists and bigger hips, because “We have booties and hips, and that’s what being a woman is all about.”

Sure, girl, whatever you say.

But then things get a little more personal. Khloe reveals that she started going to the gym in the first place because “I was going through my divorce, and I just really needed an outlet.”

“I would go there and put my headphones on and get on the elliptical or the stairs,” she says, “and no one would bother me or ask me questions — because even at Starbucks, I would get ‘I’m sorry …"”

She says that she “escaped” to the gym while she was having issues with Lamar Odom, and “as a by-product, I started losing weight.”

Poor Khloe got some hate from people who told her “It took you so long to lose weight,” and she also got it from people who told her “I liked you better when you were fat.”

Hilariously and/or depressingly, she adds that “I get body-shamed now that I work out!”

It turns out that running is Khloe’s least favorite activity, even though, as she says “I don’t even have big boobs!” She explains that “Losing weight, I’ve lost my little chichis. But that’s OK.”

But then the interview took a different turn when Khloe was asked about a different kind of strength — the strength she showed when Lamar overdosed and nearly died last year.

On that subject, she says “This is kind of dark, but after that, my whole family changed all of their wills so that I would be their medical adviser, because you don’t know how someone reacts until you’re put in that situation — God forbid.”

“No one should be put in those situations, but with that, I found strength from within. I was super calm, and I was more like, ‘It’s greater than you,’ and you just get strength.”

“I pray a lot,” she adds. “And I talk to my dad a lot.”

That’s not the only time during the interview that she got personal though — she also talked about her boyfriend, NBA player Tristan Thompson.

“My boyfriend’s a cutie, so I do like big men,” she explains. “I’m five-ten, and he’s six-nine. I love athletes.”

“Someone who has the same interests as me, who likes to work out, like that’s their hobby or their job, that’s fine. Tristan is who I’m into. He’s a little cutie.”

So that’s sweet, right? It sounds like, after all she’s been through, she’s feeling peaceful and happy these days.

Let’s just hope it lasts.


Kurt Angle Says His Addiction Recovery App Could Save Lamar Odom (VIDEO)

Ex-WWE star and recovering addict Kurt Angle says his new addiction management app could “save” Lamar Odom by putting him on the path to healthy and sober living.
