Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Bachelorette Finale Recap: Who Did Rachel Lindsay Choose?

The Bachelorette has aired its iconic 13th season finale, and as the dust settles, we can finally confirm what we’ve known for weeks:

Rachel Lindsay has given out her final rose! But to whom?!

Viewers have waited all summer for the answer to this:

Were The Bachelorette spoilers we’ve been discussing for weeks – especially after the conventional wisdom changed – correct in the end?

And given many fans’ growing concerns regarding one of the three guys left in the running for Lindsay’s love, did we want them to be?

Might an epic twist rock Rachel, Peter, Eric and Bryan and end the season on a note that not even Bachelorette spoiler aficionados predicted?

To channel our inner Chris Harrison for a moment, this may go down as the most anticipated, controversial finale in Bachelor history.

The beautiful Dallas attorney, a veteran of The Bachelor, spent 11 weeks paring down 25 suitors to the three standing before her tonight.

All the while, dispatching the likes of DeMario Jackson, Lee Garrett, that Whaboom guy and some others who were actually tolerable.

So would Rachel give the final rose to Bryan Abasolo, the smooth-talking Miami doctor whose confidence has turned off many a competitor?

Or would it go to Peter Kraus, a guy who looks and acts the part of a swoon-worthy fiance – but who has expressed 11th-hour reservations?

Or would Eric Bigger, whose relationship with Rachel has developed slowly but powerfully, pull off an upset no one believed to be possible?

Yes, all three gentlemen met her family as Rachel grappled with what could be the most difficult and consequential decision of her life.

Who does she see a brighter future with – and can she trust that person with her heart, especially given the doubts surrounding them?

So which guy got the rose, if anyone? Did they get engaged – and perhaps most consequentially of all, are they still engaged right now?

Man alive, The Bachelorette producers sure can cut a slick series finale, keeping us guessing and slowly dialing up the drama to 11.

In the end, though, there was no major shocker:

Rachel Lindsay is engaged to Bryan Abasolo.

Yes, her first impression rose recipient all those weeks ago is now her fiance, having proposed (she said yes) at the end of the night.

But that doesn’t mean the road to Rachel Lindsay’s engagement ring was easy for her, or this wasn’t super painful for for Bryan to watch.

The finale focused heavily on fan favorite and eventual runner-up, Peter Kraus, and his lingering apprehension about popping the question.

Peter asked Rachel how she would feel if he couldn’t propose, which made her realize how strong her feelings actually were for him.

For Peter, that emotion “went a long way,” and he got invited to the Fantasy Suite, as did Bryan, obviously … but then things got a bit weird.

Bryan noticed that she was a little checked out, and Rachel admitted later that she was hung up on Peter and her complicated feelings.

In any case, Eric didn’t make it to the final two.

Bigger was definitely the bigger person in his heartfelt reaction to this, however; Eric thanked her and gushed about Rachel at length.

In a Bachelorette first, the show essentially scuttled the After the Final Rose special, splicing together the reunions with Monday’s finale.

That made for some crafty editing, as well as the revelation that Rachel’s choice – Bryan vs. Peter – would not come until the very end.

But which one would it be?!

For a time, it felt like the connection with Peter was just more real.

Stronger. More genuine and compelling. But for Rachel, Peter not saying he’d propose was brutal, and ultimately this couple’s undoing.

Peter then fully admitted he wasn’t ready to propose, while at the same time confusing her with his talk about building a future together.

Many mixed emotions, to put it mildly, on this finale.

Kraus said that he decided way too recently that he was in love with Lindsay; Peter didn’t want to lose Rachel, but also wasn’t ready.

Eventually, she felt she had to tell him goodbye, saying that if he proposed the next day, it was only ‘cause he knew she wanted him to.

Perhaps he just wasn’t meant for this show, or life.

Their live sit-down was painfully awkward and sad, but at least there was the actual proposal – almost an afterthought after all we just saw.

Fortunately, Rachel called Bryan the perfect foundation, and he pulled out a pear-shaped ring, and soon they were engaged. HOORAY!

We wish the couple nothing but the best going forward and everything, having just seen all this, you do have to wonder, though:

1. Will it last? Do people dislike Bryan for kind of no reason?

2. Did Bryan cover his ears during all the Peter scenes? If he watched, is he equally convinced that he was really her second option?

3. Did Peter just kill his chances of being The Bachelor?

4. How do you feel about Eric’s beard on the live show?

5. Does Chris Harrison have the best job on TV?

Hit the comments and let us know!


"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay Cuts the Last Black and White Guys in Finale, Settles for Colombian

Rachel Lindsay likes her fiancee the way she likes her coffee — Colombian, and there to wake her up in the mornings … which is why she chose Bryan on “The Bachelorette” finale. Rachel gave contestant Bryan Abasolo the final rose during…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Bachelorette Ending: Rachel Lindsay Gets the "Proposal From HELL!"

We know that Rachel Lindsay regrets at least one choice from her season of The Bachelorette, but surely you’d think that that by the big moment — the epic proposal — everything would be just as Rachel imagined.

Apparently not.

In fact, according to this report, it sounds like Rachel’s big moment was a nightmare.

If you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, you already know Rachel’s ultimate decision.

Before that, according to what an insider tells In Touch, Rachel Lindsay was extremely torn.

Because she: “fell in love with two of the men.”

Honestly, at the risk of sounding like Tina from Bob’s Burgers, we’re amazed that she didn’t fall in love with a lot more of them.

But knowing that she fell in love with both explains why the final breakup is so brutal.

“The fairy-tale moment that Rachel was dreaming of her whole life was a complete ordeal. It was the proposal from hell.”


That is just … really direct.

We don’t know how much of that will translate onto the small screen when we all get to see the finale, but 

“She even considered walking away from the whole thing because she was terrified of making the wrong choice.”

We actually knew that Rachel Lindsay thought about quitting The Bachelorette, so that makes a lot of sense.

It’s good to have context, though.

“In her mind, this whole thing was going to end differently.”

Well, as much as we might enjoy watching a spin-off along the lines of The Bachelorette: Polyamorously Ever After, the grim fact is that Rachel Lindsay went into this knowing that she’d have to settle on just one suitor.

So we’re not sure what she was expecting.

We think that what that source means is that Rachel Lindsay was expecting that just one suitor would rise above the others.

Like if she were in a room full of, somehow, dozens of copies of Trump’s adult sons but exactly one Michael Phelps and she had to choose which one to marry.

It turns out that dating in real life isn’t all that easy.

And choosing between a host of suitors isn’t as easy as it seemed when she wasn’t the one making the choices.

The Bachelorette‘s finale is several days away — somehow really soon and ages away..

Before we know it (and yet not a moment too soon), we’ll all get to see how this plays out.

Thanks to the Bachelor in Paradise scandal this summer spoiling the elimination of a The Bachelorette frontrunner after he was spotted down there, we know Rachel Lindsay’s choice.

It will be very interesting to see this dude, who was clearly overwhelmed with heartbreak after Rachel Lindsay didn’t choose him, nurse his wounded spirit on Bachelor in Paradise.

Honestly, we’d be surprised if he found love so soon after such emotional devastation.

Remember — the man who doesn’t become Rachel’s fiance reportedly broke down and cried after Rachel’s rejection.

No matter how happy Rachel may be now, this is going to be one bittersweet proposal.

(Or, possibly, just a bitter one)

This season of The Bachelorette is sure to go down as a controversial one.

Fans are definitely opinionated about the final suitors.

They don’t trust the Bryan Abasolo’s silver tongue and his promises to give Rachel everything that she’s ever wanted.

Bachelor Nation in general is enamored with Peter Kraus and are honestly terrified that 

Eric Bigger … hasn’t actually managed to inflame passions one way or the other. That’s actually not great for a show like this.

We may already know, but the world will find out soon enough!


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: I Admit it, I Regret My Choice!

The first and most important news out of The Bachelorette: Men Tell All was, of course, that Dean Unglert is a clear favorite and would be perfect as the next Bachelor.

We already knew that, because we have sense.

Rachel Lindsay, looking back on Men Tell All and the entire season of The Bachelorette, is admitting that she regrets one decision — and would do it differently if she could.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Rachel Lindsay says that if she could go back and change one thing, she would have kicked one of the suitors to the curb way, way sooner:

“If I’m just honest, I’m going to be 100 percent honest, I’m just going to say one word: Lee.”

That would be Lee Garrett, folks.

You know, the one who got slammed for racism.

“I would have sent him home sooner.”

We should hope so.

You might think that the first black lead on The Bachelorette (shameful that it took so many seasons, by the way) wouldn’t be an inviting bride for, you know, racists.

But racism and reality television are both much, much more complicated than that.

First of all, not everyone goes on reality dating shows to find the love of their life.

They can’t all win, and they go into the show knowing this.

Getting to appear on another show in the Bachelor Nation or even just getting more social media followers an exposure is an amazing opportunity.

So long as they make a good impression.

Lee Garrett did not seem like a good guy — we’re not sure what he was hoping for, unless he thought that The Bachelor was going to cast him to court Trump fans or something.

As far as the idea of a racist guy trying to win the heart of a black woman goes, well, racism doesn’t make people blind.

Having black friends doesn’t mean that someone isn’t racist.

Having a black girlfriend or wife doesn’t mean that someone isn’t racist.

(And yes, that gets extra screwed up when children enter the mix and one of their parents has all of these prejudices that apply to them, too)

So … it’s sadly no surprise that Lee Garrett was competing for Rachel Lindsay’s hand.

If you remember from our The Bachelorette: Men Tell All recap, Rachel Lindsay was part of calling out Lee Garrett for racism.

During the special, Lee Garrett  tried to defend his actions, which really didn’t help.

During The Bachelorette, he kept getting into heated conflicts with other suitors.

Those other suitors tended to have something in common with each other — they were black.

Fans noticed.

Just about everybody noticed.

Lee’s excuse that he was “uncomfortable” and trying to “joke” to excuse his behavior … didn’t go over well.

Lee wasn’t only controversial for his actions on The Bachelorette — he also got into trouble for his antics on social media before he even went on the show.

Specifically, Lee Garrett’s racist tweets landed him in hot water with fans and on Men Tell All.

(Dude, even if you’re going to tweet super offensive stuff for whatever reason, maybe go delete them before you become famous)

They weren’t even old tweets that someone dug up — they were from within the last year.

There’s just no excuse.

Considering what those of you following The Bachelorette Spoilers already know, there are plenty of fans who think that Rachel Lindsay made a bigger mistake than letting Lee Garrett hang around.

Not everyone, to be clear.

But more than a few.

Actually, you don’t even need spoilers to know that sending Dean Unglert home before narrowing her suitors down to three was positively foolish.

But Lee Garrett had to go, as much because he and she clearly wouldn’t work out as to demonstrate to viewers how unacceptable he was.

But, you know, hindsight is always clearer.

And Rachel Lindsay didn’t know as much about Lee Garrett at the beginning of the series as she does now.

In many ways, if there were viewers who saw some of themselves in Lee Garrett and his excuses, maybe his example served as a wake-up call to them about their own choices and behaviors.

Still, we wonder if, in a year or so, Rachel Lindsay won’t have a larger regret about this season.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay Calls Out Lee Garrett for Racist Tweets on "Men Tell All"

Rachel Lindsay finally called out “Bachelorette” contestant Lee Garrett for racist and misogynistic tweets he put out before his time on the show … and he owned up to it. Rachel confronted Lee on Monday night’s “Men Tell All” episode before next…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Rachel Lindsay Roasted by Bachelor Nation: She"s as Clueless as Andi Dorfman!

You only have to watch one of Rachel Lindsay’s interviews to know that she is charming and beautiful. Everyone who’s watched The Bachelorette is very aware of what a delight she can be.

But some have been questioning her judgment (especially if they’ve been following The Bachelorette Spoilers), and drawing some very unfavorable comparisons to a past Bachelorette.

We don’t just mean fans of the show — we mean the former Bachelor and Bachelorette personalities of the Bachelor Nation. They think that they know which way Lindsay is leaning, and they’re telling the world exactly what they think about it.

Thank goodness for Twitter, where we can see the thoughts of the Bachelor Nation in real time, from the comfort of our couches.

Tanner Tolbert, who was a contestant on a season of The Bachelorette, was making his opinion known on Twitter:

“So the lawyer #bachelorette likes the smooth talking guy from the southeast over the dude from Wisconsin? Feels like I’ve seen this one b4.”

That’s a clear reference to Andi Dorfman’s season of The Bachelorette, as she struggled to choose between Josh Murray of the southeast and Nick Viall of Wisconsin.

Bachelor Nation standbys Carly Waddell and Jared Haibon shared their appreciation in their replies to the tweet.

“Haha,” Carly replied — social media can make it hard to gauge sincerity.

Jared’s enthusiastic “GOT EM!!” is wildly unambiguous.

Nick Viall, who is clearly super relevant to this comparison, quoted the tweet with his own comment:

“Things have a way of working out.”

Andi Dorfman was the lead on the 10th season of The Bachelorette

That was only a few seasons ago, but we get that they can all blur together.

Andi Dorfman was a Georgia prosecutor (a shockingly beautiful ADA, just like on Law & Order!)

Josh Murray was a smooth-talking, hunky baseball player from the southeast.

(He was actually born in New York, but he grew up in Florida — and went to college in Georgia)

Nick Viall was a charming, earnest man from Wisconsin.

And, not for nothing, but at least on camera, Nick Viall was definitely better looking than Josh Murray.

(You know it; don’t lie)

Andi Dorfman ultimately chose Josh Murray (it didn’t end so well — we’ll get to that in a moment).

Now days, those guys are both familiar fixtures for the entire Bachelor franchise, but Season 10 of The Bachelorette was the first time that they were introduced to the world.

The parallels are obvious:

Rachel Lindsay is also a lawyer from the south — she’s from Dallas, not Atlanta.

Bryan Abasolo is a beefy Florida chiropractor who seems to say whatever Lindsay wants to hear, or thinks that she wants to hear.

Peter Kraus is a charming, handsome man from Wisconsin who comes across as very honest.

Andi chose Josh Murray.

It didn’t work out — in fact, Andi Dorfman alleged that Josh was emotionally abusive during their relationship.

(She wrote a New York Times bestseller that contained the claims, titled: It’s Not Okay)

Lindsay has appeared to be leaning towards Bryan Abasolo, even though he keeps putting up red flags.

Fans in general don’t seem to like Bryan Abasolo at all, and it’s pretty clear that there will be uproar if Rachel chooses him.

(Thanks to Bachelor in Paradise accidentally spoiling a Bachelorette elimination, we were able to rule out a frontrunner pretty early on)

Clearly, the famous members of Bachelor Nation feel the same way.

You don’t compare somebody to Josh Murray as a compliment.

It is kind of unusual for anyone connected to the show to be so openly critical of the reigning Bachelorette.

To be clear, it definitely has happened.

Remember when Leah Block apologized for her racist tweet about Rachel?

But this time, we’re not dealing with racist criticism.

We’re dealing with people noticing some pretty major parallels.

And what really looks like it might be a parallel mistake.

(But it can’t be a mistake bigger than saying goodbye to Dean Unglert, who is too precious for this world, too pure)

Overall, it looks like Rachel Lindsay might be the only person who genuinely likes Bryan Abasolo.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Bachelorette Winner: Revealed By Rachel Lindsay Confidant & Former Competitor?!

It’s getting harder and harder to keep a lid on The Bachelorette spoilers over at ABC. Even people on the actual show can’t help themselves!

Today, it’s Rachel Lindsay’s close friend, and former competitor on Nick Viall’s season of The Bachelor, whose words are quite telling.

Again, if you’re the type of person who eats up Bachelorette spoilers around the clock, you’re well aware of the predicted outcome by now.

Still, those behind-the-scenes scoops come from shadowy sources whose intel makes its way to the Oracle of Spoilers, Reality Steve.

Good as Steve is, he’s imperfect, and there’s no way to truly tell if he’s right – or wrong, as he has been on occasion – until the show airs.

Which makes cast member “scoops” so interesting.

Yesterday, Dean Unglert’s comments on one of the remaining three suitors were interpreted as a giveaway of The Bachelorete ending.

Now it’s Lindsay’s pal Astrid Loch, a familiar face from Nick Viall’s turn as the Bachelor, whose off-hand comments may reveal a lot.

Naturally, Loch is dialed in to what’s going on with Rachel, and no doubt privy to who her friend and former competitor ends up with.

In describing Lindsay’s recent travel schedule, Astrid mentioned some very specific locales that Bachelor Nation sleuths seized upon.

With the season winding down, Loch was talking about Rachel’s pre-wedding festivities and may have spilled more than she intended.

“They are going to Dallas to have a party there. He gets to meet all of her friends and non-Bachelor people, too,” Loch told ET.

And then the kicker from the not-so-smooth friend: “They’re going to Miami after that to have an engagement party there, too.”

Only one suitor is from Miami …

Now, anyone could throw a “destination” engagement party in Miami, mind you … but that happens to be where Bryan Abasolo lives.

So while it’s far from a “spoiler” in the sense that it 100 percent proves Rachel and Bryan are engaged, it’s not difficult to assume that.

Loch didn’t mention Baltimore or Madison – the hometowns of Eric Bigger and Peter Kraus, respectively – and Dean dropped a key hint as well.

According to Unglert, the fourth-place finisher this season, he wants Kraus to be The Bachelor (though Dean himself is a favorite now).

So while no one has come out and said that Rachel ends up engaged to Bryan Abasolo, it’s beginning to look like a pretty decent bet.

You never know, though.

Could Eric pull this out?

Will fan favorite Peter overcome the hurdles of this week, when he candidly told Rachel he wasn’t quite there in terms of a proposal?

Or is Bryan THE guy?

It will all play out in the coming weeks, but as of this minute, you’d be crazy not to assume Bryan is the slight favorite, if not a heavier one.

Whether fans are happy about that is another story. Kraus seems to enjoy the lion’s share of the popularity among Bachelor Nation.

Where do you stand?


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ben Affleck to Lindsay Shookus: You Need a Makeover & Botox!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he reportedly met while rehearsing one of his appearances on the show.

(There are conflicting reports about how long Affleck and Shookus have been dating, and the fact that Ben’s made several appearances on SNL over the years makes it difficult to pin down an exact date.)

Now, Lindsay is in the industry, but she works behind the camera.

So she probably doesn’t indulge in the sort of vanity we expect from people who drive around with trunks full of head shots at all times.

(Read: every single human living or working in Hollywood.)

Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she was likely raised on a steady diet of chicken wings, Canadian beer, seasonal affective disorder, and football-related depression.

And though Ben still dusts off his Bah-ston accent for the occasional Dennis Lehane adaptation, he’s been in Hollywood for pretty much the entirety of his adult life, which means he probably cares more about climate than about important stuff like hating the Yankees.

Lindsay is an attractive woman by any standards, but she’s probably never had anything weird injected into her face for the purpose of plumping something that’s not as plump as she’d like it to be.

And if the rumors are to be believes (a big “if,” as always), that just doesn’t fly in Ben’s world.

One insider tells Radar Online that the actor feels Lindsay has not quite at the “Ben Affleck arm candy” level of hotness.

“Ben takes his image incredibly seriously, and while he adores Lindsay he’s aware she’s not quite the glamour puss of say, Emily Ratajkowski or Blake Lively [two of his rumored former conquests whilst he was married to Jen Garner],” the source claims.

The insider adds that Ben “wants Lindsay to seize the moment and get herself a brand new wardrobe, even some fillers if necessary.”

“She’s totally smitten and dancing to his tune, so expect her to follow through and vamp up her image big time,” the insider adds

Seize the moment and make yourself hotter for me!

That might have been the sort of thing Ben could get away with saying before he got fired as Batman.

So we’ll know if this rumor is true if Affleck steps out rocking a massive shiner sometime this week.


Rachel Lindsay Defends Response to Peter Kraus" Bachelorette Bombshell: Editing, People!

As The Bachelorette spoilers predicted, Rachel Lindsay’s final three men all went to Dallas and Spain with her on the penultimate episode.

What no one could’ve predicted was the scrutiny Rachel would face for her response to Peter Kraus’ thoughts on (not) getting engaged.

Monday’s dramatic ending of The Bachelorette featured none of the three remaining men being eliminated, but Peter dropping a bombshell.

Kraus’ doubts about marriage and uncertainty about the engagement that typically comes at the Final Rose ceremony were a shocker.

It’s not that anything Peter said in particular was all that shocking, but in the context of The Bachelorette, such candor is unheard of.

To make a long story short, Peter told Rachel that he only wants to get engaged once, because he sees marriage as a given after that.

Furthermore, he didn’t know if they were there yet as a couple, despite the fact that things are moving very positively in that direction.

Sounds reasonable, right? So what’s the problem?

Well, if you ask Rachel … the editing is the issue.

Lindsay’s response, as seen on ABC, was basically saying that an engagement wasn’t marriage, and that she’s not looking for a boyfriend.

Plenty of fans on Twitter immediately questioned why she didn’t think an engagement is akin to marriage, prompting her to reply.

Rachel addressed that as such on Twitter:

“This was the chopped and screwed version of my response. Obviously engagement means marriage 2 me. It’s all I talk about.”

Some people defended her. One said:

“I understand what Rachel means she’s not looking for a boyfriend. She wants an engagement with someone who is sure about her.”

Another Lindsay fan added, “That has to be so frustrating. I couldn’t imagine saying one thing and it being portrayed completely differently.”

Anytime anything happens to anyone who doesn’t like it, they always hide behind editing; Rachel may have a legit gripe here, however.

Without a doubt, it’s a popular show with a vested interest in keeping viewers hooked, and that was tailor made for a dramatic cliffhanger.

As for Peter’s comments, many viewers applauded him for his honesty, and speaking his mind despite it breaking with show tradition.

Rachel’s parents seemed skeptical that one can fall in love and commit to marriage after two months, but rarely does a suitor say this.

While tons of people gave Peter props, others were suspicious, accusing him of leaving himself an out or “playing the game” with this.

There’s talk (largely due to his high school yearbook comment that he would be The Bachelor) that he wants to be the next Bachelor.

He may well get to live that dream.

Regardless, however, it’s a bit of a stretch to think he choreographed that scene last night just to give himself some more wiggle room.

As for whether this dooms Peter’s chances, Rachel wasn’t divulging any Bachelorette spoilers (follow the link for those if you like).

She did Tweet a finale teaser:

“I want somebody who wants what I want AND wants it with me… Stay tuned to see who I found that w/ on the finale 2 weeks!”

You can bet that we will.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Rachel Lindsay Talks Plans After the Bachelorette, Considers The Real Housewives of Dallas

Those of you who keep up with The Bachelorette spoilers know already, but Rachel Lindsay has yet to reveal to the public who her fiance is. She doesn"t want to spoil the finale, of course.

Now that she"s found the man of her dreams on reality television, however, people are wondering if she"ll take the plunge and commit to starring on an ongoing reality series.

Like, say, The Real Housewives of Dallas. And Rachel Lindsay already knows her answer, as you"ll see in the video below!

Rachel lindsay in red

Her answer isn"t no.

Not quite, anyway — she does start out by saying "no."

And then she backtracks.

See, Rachel Lindsay values a degree of privacy during her everyday life.

That might sound bonkers coming from someone who just found her fiance on a reality show.

(Though, if you"ll recall, at one point Rachel Lindsay wanted to quit The Bachelorette rather than go on and make her decision — though we"re sure that she"s glad that she stuck with it)

But the way that she explains it, a reluctance to appear on The Real Housewives of Dallas or a similar show is totally sensible.

It"s about priorities, really.

She starts her answer to the Housewives question, however, by acknowledging that she"d surprised herself by being The Bachelorette.

Rachel lindsay at billboard music awards

"No. No. … I said I would never do reality TV, yet, here I am."

That"s almost a record for how quickly someone walked back a "no" by immediately acknowledging that people shouldn"t count her out just because she says that she isn"t interested.

Then she starts explaining why The Real Housewives of Dallas, for the moment, might not be the best place for her.

"But I kind of don"t want my personal life to be, you know, out there so much."

It"s hard to get more personal than a show where you sort through an array of guys to find the man of your dreams, but she does get more specific.

"Housewives is a little different. You"ll know where I live, you"ll know what I drive, you"ll know who I hang out with."

That makes sense.

There"s a difference between appearing on location for a season and broadcasting your everyday life to the world.

"I like to keep that secret."

Totally understandable.

After mocking the Real Housewives intro gimmicks and catchphrases, Rachel does admit that she"d be great in the role:

"I really am. I secretly am a Housewife."

Rachel lindsay picture

Does this mean that Rachel Lindsay is done with reality television altogether?

"I mean, I hate to — never say never."

Her interviewer tries to push her to appear on Dancing With The Stars.

"I do love to dance."

She appears to be a little reluctant — possibly at the prospect of doing so much hard, physical work and performing for so many people.

(That gives a lot of celebrities pause)

"I"m a never-say-never type person, so we"ll see."

Right now, however, she has other priorities.

"I want to be with my fiance."


Rachel lindsay waves

We"ve all seen relationships wither and die while being broadcast over reality television.

That"s almost certainly what caused the famous split between Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey.

Omnipresent cameras so early into their relationship also prompted Laura Bushnell and Ben Higgins" breakup, and that was way more recent.

If the secret to a healthy relationship is honesty and communication, then not being able to speak to your loved one in private is going to kill a marriage.

Maybe even before you ever say "I do."

Rachel Lindsay is playing it smart.

She"s already caused some heartbreak — she doesn"t need any for herself.

Watch her fun interview!

Rachel lindsay talks plans after the bachelorette considers the

Ben Affleck to Lindsay Shookus: Let"s Have a Baby!

It’s only been two weeks since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating.

But depending on who you believe, the couple may have been together much longer than that.

In fact, some say Affleck and Shookus have been together for years, dating back to when they were both married to other people.

That may just be the tabloid media doing what it does and making up a salacious angle for a tame story.

Or maybe Affleck and Shookus really did leave their spouses for one another.

We may never know for sure, but whatever the case, this is clearly more than a rebound fling.

Sources close to the couple say Ben and Lindsay are both in it for the long haul.

Affleck reportedly has yet to pop the question, but it seems he and Lindsay are very much planning a future together.

One insider has even gone so far as to claim Ben and Lindsay are planning to start a family together.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Shookus is not yet pregnant, but there could be another Batfleck on the way very soon.

“They’re actively talking about having a baby,” a source close to Ben tells In Touch.

“They’re ready to start a family.”

The same insider says the couple’s only concern is how Ben’s ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, will react to the news.

“This is going to be her biggest nightmare,” says the source.

The problem it seems, isn’t that Garner begruges Affleck his happiness, but that she’s worried about how her children will react to seeing their newly-single dad with a pregnant girlfriend/

The tipster says Shookus’ pregnancy is sure to cause “a lot of drama” within Ben’s family.

Affleck and Garner finalized their divorce less than three months ago, so it’s safe to assume those close to Ben didn’t expect him to move on this quickly.

That said, the couple separated in 2015, so it’s not really all that surprising that Ben has moved on to another serious relationship.

Sources close to Garner say she wasn’t surprised that Ben is dating someone new, as he’s never been single for very long.

Tellingly, the actress has kept mum on the question of whether or not Ben’s new relationship overlapped with his marriage.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: I Wanted to Quit The Bachelorette!

Rachel Lindsay has faced some hard choices this season, but you usually think of competition on The Bachelorette being hardest for the men.

Doesn’t everyone fantasize about being the center of attention?

But apparently there was something this season that was so hard on Rachel Lindsay that she considered quitting.

Ahead of The Bachelorette‘s hometown dates, boyishly charming Dean Unglert pleaded with fans to please be nice about his dad, who is a Sikh and is, unrelatedly, pretty eccentric.

(It was a great way to address discrimination)

Rachel was totally nice to Dean’s dad on the date, and even tried to mediate between the father and son.

(Those two have had some issues regarding emotional distance and old resentments)

But … Rachel ultimately ended up saying goodbye to Dean Unglert.

Dean had admitted that he was starting to fall in love with Rachel, so we can only imagine his heartbreak.

And that’s to say nothing of countless fans who were captivated by him and were rooting for him to at least make it past his hometown date.

Apparently, this was all very hard for Rachel.

It’s one thing to say the qualities that you’re looking for in a man. …

In Rachel’s words, from the beginning, she’s been seeking a man who is: “confident, very self-aware, direct, honest and a man who knows where he’s going,” adding that she “loves ambition.”

(And, you know, who doesn’t want to meet the Slytherin of their dreams?)

Now that Dean has been sent away to live on a farm upstate where he can run around with other suitors, Rachel is down to three options.

There’s Eric Bigger, a charming motivational speaker who is handsome but not quite the fan-favorite.

There’s Bryan Abasolo, who’s been shaded by the others but who wowed Rachel with how he treats her and who promised her a “fairy tale ending.”

(So who’s going to show up to curse their firstborn?)

And then there’s Peter Kraus, an energetic personal trainer who is honestly just way more handsome than any of his competition.

One of these final three was spotted on Bachelor in Paradise, spoiling that he doesn’t get the spot.

And if you’ve been keeping up with The Bachelorette spoilers, you already know which of them is going to win.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Rachel Lindsay says that she wanted to quit The Bachelorette at times because the decision was so rough.

“I connected with each guy and that made this so hard.”

That’s the danger, you know?

It’s like going to adopt a puppy and falling in love with all of them.

(Or if you’re not a pet person, going to the buffet line and only having so much room on your plate, whatever)

“Honestly, I wanted to quit and run away rather than proceed.”

We cannot even begin to imagine the fallout if she’d tried to quit. Can you?

But, Lindsay says, she persevered.

“I was like, ‘the greater the risk, the greater the reward.’”

That makes sense. if she’s falling that hard for each of them, then the best of them has to be a super close bond, right?

“I knew what I wanted and I couldn’t quit.”

She’s engaged now, so clearly she’s happy that she stuck with it to the end.

Even if you’re great at making decisions, this would have to be difficult.

No, this isn’t Sophie’s Choice — the suitors get sent home, not killed.

(Has that already been an episode of Black Mirror? Probably)

Though maybe one day we’ll have a series as part of the Bachelor Nation that will allow or even focus upon polyamory.

Allowing “multiple winners” might seem like a cheap move, but consider this:

All of that undercutting of each other that suitors do early on the show?

That won’t work if two would-be finalists are feuding at the end and can’t get along.

We wonder if, whenever a show like that comes around, Rachel will look back and wish that she’d gotten to enjoy the best of both (or more than two) worlds.

But if she’s happy with her choice, she’s happy with her choice.


Lindsay Shookus: Did She Cheat on Ben Affleck With Jon Hamm?!

When the world first learned that Ben Affleck was dating Lindsay Shookus, many applauded the non-tabloidy nature of their relationship.

After all, Affleck’s divorce from Jennifer Garner had been finalized; the former couple had been separated for more than two years; and the timng seemed right for Ben to move on with someone new.

Then the tabloid media started doing some digging and they found, well … a lot.

For starters, several outlets claimed that Garner and Shookus had an affair for several years before coming out as a couple.

This is a bit of a problem, as until relatively recently, both were married to other people.

It later came out that Garner confronted Shookus after learning of the affair, which she found out about after noticing some expensive jewelry purchases on Ben’s credit card statement.

As for Shookus’ ex-husband, Kevin Miller, he reportedly just fouhd out about the affair a few months ago, and now believes it was the cause of his divorce.

(According to People and Us Weekly‘s timelines, Shookus began her relationship with Affleck just a few months after welcoming the her and Miller’s first child.)

Now, London’s Daily Mail has done even more digging into the Lindsay’s past and found that the SNL producer has a history of dating famous men.

The tabloid reports that Lindsay engaged in a low-key affair with Sex and the City actor Chris Noth, though Noth’s reps deny the claim.

Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that Noth would’ve already been involved with his current wife at the time.

Interestingly, the tabloid claims that Ben and Lindsay went on a break at at one point.

(Yes, if the timelines are accurate, they’ve been together long enough to have gone on a break.)

During that time, it seems Lindsay got involved with another respected actor with a famously messy personal life.

The Mail claims Lindsay dated Jon Hamm during this time, and news of the relationship royally pissed Ben off.

Affleck and Hamm are friends and they worked on the 2010 film The Town together.

They both got out of very longterm relationships around the same time, and it seems Shookus knew just how to make Affleck jealous.

It’s anyone’s guess as to how much of the Mail‘s report is accurate, but one thing’s for sure:

It doesn’t look like Ben will be able to leave his tabloid staple status in the past any time soon.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Is Ben Affleck"s Girlfriend Pregnant?!

Regardless of what’s actually going on in their relationship, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus’ romance is moving at breakneck speed in the pages of the world’s most salacious tabloids.

It was just last week that we learned Affleck and Shookus are dating, and already, rumors about flying about the couple taking major steps forward together.

Of course, it’s been widely reported that Affleck and Shookus dated in secret for several years, but that’s a topic for another time.

The big Shookfleck news of today comes from an Australian tabloid called Woman’s Day, and should thus be taken with several grains of salt.

The magazine claims that Shookus is pregnant and Ben’s ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, is “devastated by the news.”

An insider explains to the outlet that Ben and Lindsay decided to stop being secretive about their relationship after learning they’re expecting.

The source says Ben recently broke the news to Jennifer, who was understandably less than thrilled:

“Ben told her they’d just had their first doctor’s appointment,” claims the tipster.

Now, in all likelihood, this is a load of bull, but a Batfleck baby would explain a lot.

The normally secretive and downcast-looking Affleck has been out and about with Lindsay in plain view of the paparazzi in recent weeks, and what’s truly amazing is that he’s often smiling.

Of course, the most likely explanation is that he’s simply happy to have found love again after one of the most high-profile celebrity splits in recent memory.

Affleck and Garner separated back in 2015, but only finalized their divorce earlier this year.

There were rumors that they were trying to sort things out, and the actors were even spotted attending church and couples counseling together.

It was a dark time for both, no doubt, but after two years of darkness, it seems they’re both finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

Affleck is newly sober after completing a stint in rehab, and friends say they haven’t seen him this happy in years.

Both he and Shookus are already parents, but if the relationship is progressing as rapidly as some claim, we wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a baby in their future.

We just doubt it’s in their immediate future.
