Showing posts with label Makeup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Makeup. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Demi Lovato: Celebrates Blue Belt Status with No Makeup Selfie!

Demi Lovato has documented a lot of her fitness regimen on Instagram. 

As many DemI Lovato thirst traps and pics of her unstoppable cleavage as she’s shared with followers, Demi devotes a lot of her Instagram to sharing video of her martial arts training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Well, Demi just hit a new milestone and she’s celebrating with a makeup-free selfie!

If you want to learn something that’s straight-up self-defense, you probably want to learn something along the lines of Krav Maga.

That’s a fighting style that was literally invented to fight Nazis before the outbreak for World War II.

Others are looking for a fitness regimen and a martial arts discipline that can also equip them to defend themselves.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is at least as much a competitive sport as it is a method of self-defense.

Performance in competitions is required to demonstrate your ability and move up in belts.

In terms of self-defense capabilities, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu highlights ways in which a smaller person could overpower a larger and stronger opponent.

Demi Lovato is tiny, so that seems like a great fit for her.

She progressed to a blue belt, the second rank in terms of belt colors, after more than a year of constant training.

(Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is also known for being very reserved about granting promotions — it’s not something to sign up for if you want to get to call yourself a “blackbelt” after a couple of years of weekly classes, folks)

She celebrated with this makeup-free selfie.

She looks great, of course.

But we’re really captivated by how happy she looks.

That sense of accomplishment looks great on her.

She could hardly contain her delight in her lengthy, lengthy caption for the photo.

“I’m so beyond excited because I just received my blue belt in #brazilianjiujitsu!!!!”

Four exclamation points, like an enthusiastic teenager in 2002.

But you know what? She’s earned it.

“I fell in love with #BJJ over a year ago and have been training several times a week ever since..”

“BJJ” stands for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so please get your mind out of the bedroom, you pervs.

Also, that shows a lot of dedication.

Remember, Demi’s led a music career while also learning to master a martial art.

She gave shout-outs and thanks to the people who helped her reach this milestone.

“Thank you so much to @chilcote.dunn @captainHarlan_ @tarsisbjj for giving me my belt along with one of the most important and special women in my life today.”

“@officialdaniellemartin/@trueboundaries – I love you so much and couldn’t be more grateful for you [four blue heart emojis]”

Awww, she even made sure that the heart emojis fit her belt color.

“Also special shoutout to @jayglazer for flying in to give me my belt as well!!! Love you jay!!!”

Hey, when you accomplish something, everybody wants to be there to support you.

In less than a month, Demi Lovato’s new album comes out.

While we’ve yet to hear a Demi song that beats either “Neon Lights” or “Skyscraper,” which are for sure both her best songs …

(“Neon Lights” even made it onto one of our favorite Vines — remember Vine?)

… There are sure to be some bops on Tell Me You Love Me.

So, while we can’t imagine how she balanced an album and this level of dedication to a martial art, Demi’s going to have a lot more to celebrate in the near future.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kardashian Sisters Score Victory in Makeup Name Game

The Kardashian sisters’ 3 year-long war over their makeup line is finally over — and the ladies are coming out on top … partly, anyway.  Kim, Khloe and Kourtney were sued back in 2014 by the European branch of Kroma Makeup because the K…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kim Kardashian Stole My Initials for Big Business, Danish Makeup Artist Sues

Kim Kardashian has no right to her own initials … in the cosmetics world, anyway … according to the Danish makeup artist who’s now suing her. If you’re into makeup you probably know the name Kirsten Kjaer Weiss. She says she’s a famous makeup…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Kardashians React to Rob Drama with Sexy Selfies, Ice Cream Promotion and a Makeup Tutorial

According to a recent report, the Kardashians are very angry at the moment.

The entire family is basically irate at Rob Kardashian for taking a private feud with Blac Chyna as public as humanly possible, calling out his baby mama for allegedly cheating on him and even for supposedly taking a lot of drugs.

Rob has taken his venting to such an inappropriate (and possibly illegal) extreme that he got kicked off Instagram.

So it makes sense that Kris Jenner and company would be upset at Rob for two reasons:

1. He’s hurting their brand.

2. He may be hurting his relationship with seven-month old Dream in terms of how frequently Chyna will allow him to spend time with her going forward.

But while the anger on the Kardashian-Jenner side may be legitimate and present, you’d never know it by taking a look at various family members’ social media feeds.

We’ll start with Kylie Jenner.

A mere couple days after Rob blasted Chyna in a way rarely seen before in Hollywood, the teenage reality star acted like everything was just dandy and normal.

Just like she does nearly ever hour, Kylie shared a few racy images and videos on her Snapchat and Instagram pages, the most notable of which included her wearing a tight shirt and eating a banana,

Because of course, right?

Elsewhere, Khloe Kardashian shared a Twitter picture of herself pushing an ice cream cart. For some reason.

“Ice Cream Please!!!” Khloe penned as a caption to this seemingly random image, not really explaining why she posted it online.

And very obviously not saying a word about her troubled brother while doing so.

What about Kim Kardashian, you may be wondering?

She has often clashed with Rob, even giving him the boot from her wedding weekend a couple years ago after he allegedly caused some sort of scene.

It was this incident that prompted Kardashian to really withdraw from his family back in the day, as he left social media for about a year and went completely radio silent.

Ironically, it was his relationship with Blac Chyna that helped Rob get back on his feet, lose a lot of weight, gain self-confidence again and reunite with his loved ones.

But anyway.

Kim spent yesterday giving her Snapchat followers a makeup tutorial and pushing her new line of beauty products:

Rob, meanwhile, has not posted on Twitter since Wednesday afternoon.

He isn’t permitted to post on Instagram at the moment.

It’s possible he’s spoken to a lawyer and is finally aware that his actions crossed a few significant lines and we may not hear from him again for a very long time.

His relatives will just keep going about their regular, everyday tasks until then we guess, praying that Kardashian doesn’t do anything stupid, such as relapse or even attempt suicide.

The guy is very easy to make fun of and he screwed up royally in this case.

But it’s also pretty clear he has a few mental problems. He likely needs help. Let’s hope he gets it.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s Makeup Line: She"ll Make HOW Much in Minutes?!

Kim Kardashian is launching her own makeup line, Kim Kardashian West Beauty.

Even though, as people have already pointed out, Kim’s business could compete with Kylie Cosmetics.

But now that we’ve seen how much money Kim is projected to make … we totally get it.

Women’s Wear Daily projects that Kim Kardashian’s first product will rake in $ 14.4 million within minutes.

Just about anybody would sell out their sibling’s business for that kind of cash, right?

We’re kidding. Ish.

So, Kim’s new line drops its first product, a cream for contouring and highlighting that comes in four shades, on June 21st,

That’s the Summer Solstice, so we hope that the conspiracy folks who think that every Halftime Show is an Illuminati ritual have fun with that.

Kim Kardashian West Beauty is expected to sell all 300,000 of these kits in under 5 minutes.

Since each of them cost $ 48 and math exists … you get $ 14.4 million.

Well, Kim and other profit participants get that much.

They’re not pulling these numbers out of nowhere, either.

Apparently, when Kylie Cosmetics released KKW by Kylie, it was basically just a test run for Kim’s own line.

Which had to be weird for both of them, right?

300,000 of these lip kits sold out in minutes, and were $ 45 each … generating over $ 13 million.

Based on that test run — literally imagine making that much on a test run, holy crap — they expect for Kim’s own products to sell at least as well for her own brand.

And remember that some people only go to Kylie Cosmetics because they adore Kylie.

There’s no telling how quickly Kim might sell out to her own fans.

Given that level of cooperation, it sounds like they might not be competing after all.

Kim, at least, would have us think so, because that’s what she told WWD.

“I am older than Kylie. We definitely have a different audience.”

That’s true. Kylie’s audience is, for the most part, people young enough that using Snapchat doesn’t make them feel like the cold hands of time are clutching at them and dragging them ever-closer to the grave.

They must think that it’s worth it to see Kylie pose in a sheer lacy bra that does nothing to hide her nip-nops.

Kim’s fans tend to be a little older — old enough that they can relate in some way to a woman who’s now a married mother of two.

“We do have a lot of similar things — but we aren’t doing the same products so we won’t run into that overlap.”

Kim Kardashian Beauty is supposed to just be concentrating on contouring and stuff instead of lip kits, but who knows how that might change?

Money changes people. Even when they’re already rich.

But Kim seems to thinkt hat it won’t be an issue.

“We’re really cautious of that. We work together to make sure that we don’t overlap like that.”

Keep your friends close and your sister closer, eh, Kylie?

We know that Kylie’s willing to go all-out to promote her products.

Usually that just means, you know, sexy pics with a caption here and there.

Kim’s has more experience at being a businesswoman — remember her video game? — and her brand is a little different.

But however she keeps people interested in her products over time, we’re sure that it’ll be hard to miss.

Maybe she and Kylie can both be makeup moguls.

We just hope that, with hundreds of thousands of women doing their makeup like Kim, Rob doesn’t bang any more Kim Kardashian lookalikes.

Because ick.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian: SLAMMED for Muscling In on Kylie Jenner"s Makeup Business

Remember how Kylie Jenner’s net worth is through the roof, since she’s been raking in the dough at a rate to make even her sisters blush?

Well, it looks like her sisters got the memo, because big sister Kim Kardashian is moving in on the makeup business.

And Kylie’s fans are not having it.

So, Kim Kardashian West Beauty — a name that makes Kylie Cosmetics sound like the most inspired, creative business name we’ve ever heard — is a thing.

For the moment, this brand’s focus is on contouring and highlighting kits.

But some of Kylie’s fans see this as a transparent move to butt into Kylie’s business.

They can just picture Kim looking at how much Kylie’s making, and her pupils turning into dollar signs like on a child’s cartoon.

Yes — even Kylie inspires brand loyalty.

Backlash can be entertaining, in this case, because the Kardashians aren’t vulnerable targets — Kim especially.

Like, she’s a grown woman. She has kids.

So we don’t think that we have to worry about her obsessing over the comments or slinking into a depression because of them or anything like that.

And, like, a lot of them are teens who idolize Kylie because they, too, want to get rich and also to shopping for mansions when they’re in their teens.

Hell, plenty of people would settle for just getting a tenth as many likes and favorites on social media as Kylie does — and some of those people are adults.

But there are a couple of issues with the Kim-is-totally-copying-Kylie negative, and we need to talk about those.

First of all, Kim is not hurting for cash. At all.

While Kylie’s officially the youngest person on the Fobes 100 Rich List, Kim has still been in the financial lead among her family.

A huge part of that is her comically lucrative video game from a few years back.

So, Kim’s doing alright.

And while some of the Kardashian clan can be pretty competitive, we just don’t see Kris Jenner allowing any blatant backstabbing or sabotaging.

The Kardashians are supposedly “all about family,” and it wouldn’t look great for Kim to hamstring Kylie’s business out of pettiness — even if she wanted to.

Secondly, even if Kim were to copy Kylie … it would be pretty fair.

After all, Kylie’s been repeatedly accused of copying Kim’s look, from how she wears her makeup to the proportions of her body.

The thinking is that Kylie’s catching up to her big sis using more than just genetics.

And you know Kim’s big video game app?

Kylie and Kendall have already walked in her footsteps there, with their own game.

So, like most siblings, it sounds like they sometimes latch onto each other’s ideas.

Plenty of businesses just do that, too.

It doesn’t mean that Kim’s trying to dominate the makeup market, like a pair of drug lords getting each other’s minions killed over who can sell lip matte kits on which street corner.

It would be kind of Kim or Kylie were to try to push Rob out of the sock business, since, poor guy, it’s kind of his only thing.

But Kylie’s brand isn’t going to crash and burn because her sister also sells makeup.

And, honestly, we feel like there’s only so much overlap between the two.

Admittedly, they both do their makeup like a 36-year-old, but Kylie’s fanbase is even younger.

They have to be, to keep pace with her Snapchat shenanigans.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mel B"s Makeup Artist Says Belafonte Brutalized Her and He Covered Up Injuries

Mel B’s longtime makeup artist says he’s been in on Mel B’s secret for years … because she’s confided in him that Stephen Belafonte caused many of her injuries he covered up with makeup. We’ve learned the makeup artist has contacted Mel B’s…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Nia Long -- "Empire" Hair and Makeup Lodged Complaint, Nia Threatened Suit

Nia Long was such a nightmare on the set of “Empire” … the hair and makeup folks lodged an official complaint against her, and Nia also threatened to sue the show over an improper goodbye … this according to well-placed production sources.…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kylie Jenner Gives Makeup Artist Something Better Than Money to Dodge Lawsuit (PHOTO)

Kylie Jenner’s using her considerable social media capital to settle a potential legal war with the makeup artist who claimed KJ stole her photos to promote her brand. We broke the story … Vlada Haggerty threatened to take action against Kylie for…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Amber Rose: No Makeup, No Problem!

Amber Rose is known in may circles not wearing a lot of clothing on social media.

She’s not shy when it comes to her body, that’s for certain.

However, the model and television personality is actually very well-covered in the following Instagram photo. She’s posing with many layers across her frame for a change.

But without any makeup on her face for a change! See for yourself:

In an image that showcases Rose’s natural beauty, the 33-year-old is rocking a classic white T-shirt while staring intensely into the camera.

She captioned the snapshot with a simple rose emoji.

Rose took a brief hiatus from social media toward the end of 2016, but has been active over the past few weeks mostly due to her burgeoning relationship with Val Chmerkovskiy.

Just after the calendar flipped, for example, Rose shared a photo of herself and the Dancing with the Stars professional swapping spit, writing as a caption to the image:

“My love.”

She also gushed over her new man during an episode of her podcast, Loveline.

“It’s amazing. It’s so good,” Rose told co-host Dr. Chris Donaghue. “It’s been four months and I love his family and everyone is great. Right now, it’s just absolutely amazing and I’m super, super happy.”

Yay! That makes us so happy to hear!

Rose and Chmerkovskiy, meanwhile, achieved official Celebrity Couple status on Monday afternoon.

They attended a New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden for some reason, watching the home team lose once again, this time by a score of 108-107 to the Atlanta Hawks.

But the trip was still worthwhile for Rose and Chmerkovskiy because they were actually captured on the official arena Kiss Cam.

The stars looked a bit embarrassed by the incident, not exactly taking advantage of it to go to town on one another’s tonsils.

But that doesn’t mean no smooch at all was exchanged.

“Why is he so cute tho,” Rose captioned her video of the footage, which we’ve included below:

The professional dancer also linked to the video, writing the following caption while doing so:

 “Jumbotron vibes with my boo.”

How precious, right?

Rose also said during a podcast this month that it can be challenging to date in the spotlight because fans ask about marriage almost as soon as any romance seems serious.

We can understand that.

But it certainly appears as if Amber and Val have found a way to have fun, learn a lot about each other and not bow to any public pressure.

We really hope they make it!


Friday, January 13, 2017

Kim Kardashian Draws Huge Crowd In Dubai For Master Makeup Class (PHOTO + VIDEO)

There wasn’t an empty seat in the house as Kim Kardashian took the stage for pal and makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic’s Master Class tutorial in Dubai. The townsfolk came a callin’ Thursday as Kim became a human canvas for her makeup lady who gave…


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Mariah Carey Called The Shots In MAC Makeup Campaign

It’s Mariah Carey’s world these days — and MAC is just living in it. Our cosmetics sources say Mariah’s new makeup line is all her doing … right down to the product names and how they’re marketed at MAC stores. We’re told she came up with…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Farrah Abraham Lets Her Kid Wear SO MUCH Makeup, Gets Trashed for It

Farrah Abraham is a terrible human being. That’s not even a little bit shocking.

But do you know what is shocking?

The way Farrah insists on showing off her awfulness at every available opportunity.

It seems like the girl can’t even open her mouth without some form of hate or ignorance falling out of it — and if something is able to climb out of the dark pit of silicone and shame that is Farrah’s mouth, then you know it must be serious.

She’d dumb and gross, that’s what we’re saying.

She proved it earlier this week when she shared a seemingly innocent photo of some Elves on Shelves that turned out to be a little bit racist.

And she’s proving it again today with this sincerely insane photo of her poor seven-year-old daughter, Sophia.

Brace yourself, because this is pretty overwhelming:


Yeah, so that’s a little girl in foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and some seriously bold lipstick.

And she’s not at home playing with her mother’s makeup, she’s posing for promotional photos at her very own clothing boutique.

Do you see something wrong with this picture?

Though really, it would probably be easier to ask you if you see anything right with this.

It doesn’t matter, it’s a trick question anyway: Farrah is horrible, her parenting is horrible, everything is horrible.

And, lucky for the future of humanity, everyone seems to be in agreement on this.

When she posted the photo on Instagram, she got a few hundred comments. on Sophia’s makeup alone.

A few people thought she looked cute with all the makeup, a few made some unnecessarily hateful and cruel comments about this kid’s appearance, but most tried to offer some constructive criticism.

“That lipstick color is a little grown for a 7 year old,” one kind soul advised, just in case Farrah wasn’t aware.

“Let your daughter be a child and wipe that sh-t off her mouth before she turns into you!” another said.

“Omg your child looks older than you!!” one comment read. “What’s wrong with you as a mother???? I’m sure if her father was alive, she would not wear that RED LIPSTICK!!! SMH!!!!!”

Another commenter wondered “Why does she have that awful color lipstick on at her age? My 13 year old isn’t even allowed to wear anything but gloss. Stop sexualizing her, you’ll regret it.”

Yeah, we doubt there will ever come a day that Farrah regrets anything.

But it sure is nice to think about, right?


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Kylie Jenner -- Makeup Artist Threatens Cosmetics Lawsuit (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kylie Jenner specializes in makeup, so she may want to seriously make up with one woman who’s threatening to drop the legal hammer on her for ripping off her photos to promote Kylie’s cosmetics line. A woman named Vlada Haggerty says her…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Lindsay Lohan SLAMS Ariana Grande: You Wear Too Much Makeup!

Lindsay Lohan is one of those celebrities who has no compunction with trashing another celebrity to get in the spotlight. 

It’s pretty desperate, but it’s kind of what she does. 

Her latest target is Ariana Grande and she decided to shade the singer in the most pathetic way

Ariana shared a picture of herself and a gal pal posing. The pair looked great, but there’s always that one person who causes drama for nothing. 

“Too much makeup,” Lohan commented on the picture. 

This is a bit rich coming from the likes of Lindsay, who could have fooled us for a comic book character with the amount she has caked on her face over the years. 

Calling people out for the way look also kind of shows that kind of person Lohan is. 

It would be completely different if she said something about Grande looking better without makeup, but the fact she left a cryptic response trashing her was a bad move.

Have a look at the picture and the comment below:

There’s no denying that Lindsay is acting pretty pathetic, but it does not seem like Ariana even cares to comment back to the blatant trolling. 

However, Grande’s fans were quick to jump to her defense and sent some digs back Lohan’s way. 

“Why are u so mean to her?! What did she ever do wrong to u?!?! She is soooo kind with a pretty heart,” one fan said. 

“Too much drugs, too much makeup, too much Botox, too much stupid.” 

Lindsay has had a tough time of it recently.

She’s slowed down on the partying, but she seems to be turning to trashing other celebrities to pass time. 

She was fired and slammed by her publicist earlier this month due to her erratic behavior and just generally being a diva. 

It was only ever a matter of time before it happened, so it was hardly surprising. 

No matter how many times the star tries to stage a comeback, something always happens to screw it up. 

It’s getting more difficult for her by the day. The longer she’s away from hit movies, the less chance she’ll ever be in one again. 

She really needs to take a long look at herself in the mirror and get herself together before it’s too late. 

Maybe staying away from the public eye for some time would help, but it seems like she’s grasping at anything and everything she can to be talked about. 

She probably thinks being dropped by her publicist was good publicity, or something. 

We’ll keep you updated on whether Grande responds, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim. 

Ariana has some shiny new awards to look at.

Meanwhile, Lindsay will be sitting refreshing her email, hoping for an email confirming a Mean Girls sequel. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, August 26, 2016

Carrie Underwood Without Makeup: Unrecognizable, Still Hot

Even if you’re not a fan of her music, you’ve probably been seeing a lot of Carrie Underwood lately.

During NBC’s Olympics coverage, the singer seemed to pop up crooning about the importance of Sunday night football at just about every commercial break.

The network is trying to make Sunday night into the new Monday night for NFL fans, and they’ve been clinging to the effort for years, like Gretchen Wieners trying to make “fetch” happen.

No one’s “waitin’ all day for Sunday night,” NBC! There’s football all day on Sunday!

Anyway, Carrie Underwood.

She’s been the voice of the network’s NFL broadcast for several seasons now, and that’s not the only way that sports plays a big role in her life.

She’s been married to hockey player Mike Fisher for six years now.

The couple recently celebrated their wedding anniversary in Mexico.

And of course, anyone who’s taken notice of the 33-year-old’s physique recently can tell that she’s no stranger to the gym.

And when Carrie works out, she goes hard, as evidenced by her latest selfie:

“I’m a sweaty mess, but I’m a sweaty mess in an adorable tank!” Underwood captioned the pic, giving a (possibly sponsored) shou-out to the designer of her top.

As you can see, it’s not the usual glammed-up Carrie were used to seeing on stage (and in commercials).

But not surprisingly, she still looks great.

Clearly married life, motherhood and a grueling work schedule agree with Carrie.

She’s one of those people who seem constantly busy, yet are still in flawless shape.

Carrie credits her veganism and, we’re sure. her work ethic when it comes to burning calories.

The whole thing would be very annoying if she weren’t so damn likable.

Amidst all of this, she still finds time to support important charities and speak out in favor of animal rights legislation.

And of course, by all accounts, she’s one of the nicest celebs out there.

Why are we not surprised?

Like we said, so great she’s almost annoying.

Check out some of the more memorable pics of Carrie in the gallery below:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Kylie Jenner Launches Latest Makeup Product, "Kyliner"

Kylie Jenner is hoping that you’ll want to make your eyes as large as your lips, and she’s created an eyeliner kit to do just that.

Kyliner launches today at 3 p.m., and includes an eyeliner pencil and a pot of gel eyeliner.

The new product joins the growing list of Kylie Cosmetics’ empire, which includes the famous lip kit and eye shadow palette.

Three weeks ago, Jenner sold a special birthday edition of the eyeliner kit, which was gold-infused for an extra kick.  The product sold out almost immediately.

Back in December, Jenner’s conversation sort of contradicts this huge business she’s trying to build.

“I would never wear makeup, because I honestly hate wearing makeup,” she said.

“Lately, I’ve just been so over it. I feel like I’m way too young to wear such heavy makeup all the time. It’s just bad for your skin, but I’m always doing photo shoots or red carpets and events, so I just obviously want to look good.”

Good thing she started a makeup line.

On the other hand, maybe Jenner is a chip off the old block and loves growing a business.

In the August issue of Allure, Jenner was interviewed by her older, sister Kim Kardashian, who asked the 19-year-old what she wanted to be when she grew up.

“My main focus is my cosmetics line,” Jenner said.

“I’m putting all my energy toward that and making it the best I can.”

Jenner’s success with Kylie Cosmetics has not been without a dash of controversy here and there.  

Earlier this summer, the Better Business Bureau gave Kylie Cosmetics an F due to a large number of customer complaints relating to delivery and product issues.

“I’ve sold millions of lip kits and any complaint we’ve received to date has been addressed in a timely manner,” Jenner said in response to the grade, which was changed from an F to “No Rating” due to it only being in business for less than a year.

“I’m sick and tired of people coming for my business. I love everything about Kylie Cosmetics and I will do anything in my power to protect and improve it every day and make you guys happy.

“I don’t want to respond to the haters but you guys deserve an answer and to know the facts. I love you and apologize to anyone who felt the urge to complain and didn’t receive the service they deserve.”

So, carry on, and buy the Kyliner because it sells out faster than a hot cake.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Makeup Artist Transform Into Ron Swanson: WATCH!

It"s always interesting to see stars with no makeup on.

They really do look very, very different.

But what about when someone goes in the opposite direction?

We"ve already seen the stunning transformation of one makeup artist into members of the Kardashian family.

And now we"re here with a video that is equally cool and different… and amazing.

In the following piece of footage, makeup guru Katelyn Galloway needs just four minutes to go from your basic very pretty female..

… to one of the funniest characters in sitcom history.

We"re talking about the very serious and very manly Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation fame.

“I don’t have a lot of words to preface this video,” says Galloway, hilariously, at the beginning.

“But I will say this-the list of my favorite things that I have ever made goes as follows: 1. My child. 2. This.”

Swanson was portrayed by Nick Offerman throughout the hysterical run of the aforementioned NBC series.

He was known as a man who hated government… loved woodworking… and could eat all the bacon and eggs in a diner"s kitchen during a single sitting.

And we mean ALL the bacon and eggs, in case that wasn"t clear.

Swanson also once said "Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing."

Galloway is clearly heeding that advice in this mesmerizing video.

Check it out now.

Makeup artist transforms into ron swanson

Monday, July 25, 2016

Kylie Jenner Cakes On Makeup, Looks Middle-Aged

The girl isn’t even 19, and she could easily pass for 40.

Not because of wrinkles, but because she wears so much damn makeup.

Kylie Jenner either wants to be transformed back to the ’80s so she can don mink coats and apply four to five layers of heavy Revlon foundation, or she believes all the world is her stage (or probably both).

Fishwrapper first noticed Jenner’s jump from teen makeup entrepreneur to Joan Collins look-alike, wondering why in God’s name anyone would want to press the fast-forward button.

Retain your youth, Kylie! 

Over the weekend, Jenner and on-again boyfriend, Tyga brought his three-year-old son, King Cairo to Magic Mountain, a theme park just north of Los Angeles.  

She also got in some pool time with model Hailey Baldwin.

It was recently revealed that Jenner works with Ukraine-born photographer Sasha Samsonova for her “impromptu” photoshoots.

“She reached out to me about a year ago,” Samsonova told People.

“She found me — she wanted to do a shoot and obviously I really wanted to do a shoot with her. We got together and we did a shoot that came out on her birthday last year. The one with all the colorful wigs. That’s what we did. That was so much fun.

“It was really, really great working together so we just continued doing that.”

Jenner reached out to the 25-year-old via Instagram, and from there it was pure magic.

“She is great. Super creative. I love working with her,” Samsonova said.  “She knows her body well, and knows how to move and what to do with it.”

Samsonova then explain what she thinks makes Jenner such an influencer.

“She has really great taste,” Samsonova explained.

“The coloring is always great. Everything just looks perfect and exactly how it should. I don’t think it’s only about being famous.

“There are a bunch of famous people on Instagram, huge actresses and actors who don’t really have such big followings because their Instagram just looks really random, and they probably don’t take care of it whatsoever — or [they] just don’t know how to take a beautiful photo.

“But on her page you go there and you see everything, and it looks really amazing.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner Makeup Routine: A Step-by-Step, Very Expensive Tutorial

Kylie Jenner clearly is not an expert when it comes to running a business.

But the teenager behind the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit should be an expert when it comes to putting on makeup, right?

To educate her legion of followers, the reality star recently went through a comprehensive makeup tutorial on Snapchat.

What did we learn from it?

It"s VERY time-consuming to look like Kylie Jenner on a daily basis… and it"s even more bank-breaking.

1. The First Step

The first step

Mixing the items seen here – Make Up Forever Ultra HD’s ($ 43; with Naked Skin’s One and Done ($ 34; – will cost you $ 77. And we’re just getting started.

2. Step Two

Step two

Kylie then defines her brows, using Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Caramel to do so. This costs $ 21 at

3. A Product Placement

A product placement

Kylie was clearly paid a lot of money to include this close-up of Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in Caramel.

4. Step Three

Step three

Kylie then puts Becca Ultimate Coverage Concealing Cream ($ 32, on, directly below and above her brow to define them.

5. Here is That Becca Ultimate Coverage Concealing Cream!

Here is that becca ultimate coverage concealing cream

Another product placement for which Jenner earned serious bank.

6. Oh No!

Oh no

This is not a #FirstWorldProblem, people. This is serious!

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