Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Kate Middleton: Baby Gender, Name Revealed?!

The early months of Kate Middleton’s third pregnancy have been most challenging, but she’s over the moon over having another baby …

Due to hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition that causes severe morning sickness, Kate has been sidelined for much of the past month.

That’s tough for many reasons, but most notably because it caused her to miss Prince George’s first day of school three weeks ago.

Despite being “desperately sad” to miss her first-born’s “special milestone,” a palace insider said her latest doctor’s visit lifted her spirits.

And for very, very good reason:

According to the physician, Kate and Prince William found out the gender of their third child … and they’re expecting another baby girl!

“They are over the moon,” dishes the palace source, who adds, “Expect the whole family to start celebrating as soon as Kate is up to it.”

While the royal family won’t publicly state Kate Middleton’s due date, but it’s believed that she is just over months along as of now.

Given that we learned right after Kate got pregnant with her third, that would put the little one’s arrival date around early March.

In any case, the fact that it’s a girl has everyone abuzz, as “Once Kate told William and the kids, there was little hope for discretion.”

“Kate was overjoyed to have something to celebrate as a family, especially since she couldn’t be there for George that morning.”

She told William in a particularly intimate way, evidently.

While he was 
off taking George to school, the Duchess penned a handwritten note to her husband … in the voice of the new baby!

As if that weren’t precious enough, she signed the note using the name they had already chosen if they were to have another girl …


When the prince discovered the letter on his desk, he was moved to tears … after which they told the kids, via cupcakes with pink icing.

You can’t make this stuff up. Well, actually the palace insider quoted by OK! here likely did, but you gotta admit, they did a great job.

“George couldn’t stop rubbing his mother’s tummy,” the insider says. “He was too young to understand when Kate was pregnant with Charlotte.”

“But this time he’s excited.”

Who wouldn’t be?! Most of all, the news has been a welcome bit of relief for Kate, who’s battled this same health condition three times.

Alice, a family name for those who might be interested, is one of Queen Victoria’s daughters and the mother of the Duke of Edinburgh.

Her arrival will be a joyous occasion, as Kate wants “George and Charlotte to participate in making the baby feel welcome.”

As for William, he “desperately wants to keep Kate happy but he worries that she’s overtaxing herself,” the source explains.

“William believes Kate would benefit from having an additional nanny or housekeeper around, especially in these giant new quarters.”

While there has been talk of Kate hiring a supernanny, she says she’s been on being “as regular a family of five as possible.”

They’ll be an adorable one, that’s for sure.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I FINALLY Picked Out a Baby Name!

It’s been over a month since Kailyn Lowry welcomed her third child, and she’s been remarkably candid about the challenges she’s facing as a single mother of three. 

But there’s one detail on which Kailyn has remained adamantly tight-lipped:

No one knows the name of the child affectionately known as “Baby Lo.”

At first, it seemed the reason for this was the fact that Lowry hadn’t picked out a name, and thus, there was nothing to reveal on that front.

Now, however, it seems Lowry was simply playing coy with fans.

As she revealed last night on Snapchat, Baby Lo didn’t have a name when he entered the world, but a suitable moniker was selected before he left the hospital.

And, in keeping with her reputation as one of the quirkier Teen Moms, Kailyn chose the name in rather unusual fashion.

First, she enlisted help from her friend Bone Estrada.

Pro tip: when trying to name something, you should always request the assistance of your most awesomely-named friend, and it seems that’s just what Kailyn did.

“Bone and I are at the hospital trying to name Baby Lo,” Lowry she told her followers last night.

“We still don’t have a name so we’re going to go through these guys names on the wall.”

“Harry, John, Herman, Alan, Wallace, Maurice, Walton, James, that’s a no, Frederick is a no, Wayne, Edward, William, Robert, Tom … All these names are so basic,” she concluded.

Kailyn had several names in mind during her pregnancy, but it seems she was unable to decide on just one.

Plagued by her own indecisiveness, Kailyn decided to leave the whole thing up to chance:

“We had all the nurses put the potential names in a bag and had a nurse pick one and my top choice was picked,” Lowry explained.

“Bone is pissed. She wanted to name him Benji and it didn’t get picked,” she added.

Uh … Benji was in the running and it wasn’t selected?!

Like Bone, we’re also pretty pissed about that.

So what name did Kail eventually choose for her third son?

Well, we’re afraid you may be a bit disappointed with how this epic saga concludes:

“Getting it customized on a blanket and posting,” Kailyn tweeted after her Snapchat video came to a close.

Yep, after all that, she’s still not revealing the name.

At this point, the kid better be named something wild like a random 78-character string of letters and numbers, or we’re gonna be disappointed.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Kailyn’s tumultuous pregnancy.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Baby Name: Finally Revealed?!

Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry has, as fans well know, referred to her son as “Baby Lo” throughout her pregnancy and his short lifetime.

Lo, of course, is derived from the first two letters of Kail’s last name … and the last name of the man who fathered the child, Chris Lopez.

Born one month ago, Baby Lo – who has appeared in many adorable photos – continues to be referred to as such … or has he? 

Has she finally decided on a permanent name for him?

Earlier this week, not long after the precious photo of Lowry’s son with Chris Lopez surfaced, the two appeared a second time.

This time it was on Snapchat instead of Kail’s Instagram story, and the caption to the image sparked all kinds of speculation.

“Murphy Nixon” was written on the photo. OMG, right?!

Wrong. “That’s not his name,” Lowry, 25, told Radar.

“He still doesn’t have a name.”

Okay then.

She swears she’s not holding back, either, and that the reason Baby Lo has been Baby Lo all along is still the one that applies today.

“Chris and I just can’t decide,” Lowry says of naming the child, who joined brothers Isaac, 7, and Lincoln, 3, back on August 5.

The MTV star admitted that week that she had no name picked out … and wasn’t really that close to choosing one either:

“We don’t have a baby name and we don’t have any ideas either. Everything we thought that we liked doesn’t fit him.”

Her fans have tried in vain to assist her.

Before BL’s birth, Lowry asked her online community for help. Top contenders at the time were Murphy, Ripkin, Griffin, Nixon and Silas.

Apparently, none of those monikers made the cut, although Murphy has been talked about within the family … before being shot down.

Lowry said she’s even asked her sons’ advice, and the feedback she received from that was pretty hilarious, because kids will be kids.

“Isaac said Murphy was ‘eh, ok… for a dog,’ and also suggested Francis,” she tweeted. “Linc is still adamant about naming Baby Lo ‘climber.’”

That’s a winner right there!

Climber Lopez has a certain ring to it; Kail’s other suggestions of Griffin, Ripkin and Nixon are reminiscent of Chelsea Houska’s baby.

Her Teen Mom 2 co-star teased earlier this year that her baby boy’s name was more common as a last name, but rarely a first name.

Watson Cole De Boer was born shortly thereafter. Nixon Lowry Lopez? Maybe not. Back to the drawing board once again …

Interestingly, the baby-naming process offered a hint as to who the baby’s father was, before Kail even confirmed that.

When a Twitter fan suggested Holden for the then-unborn child, Kailyn quipped, “Chris would say, ‘I’m Holden the baby."” 

That’s pretty good, whichever one of them came up with it … but more noteworthy at the time was the mention of Chris.

Lopez was totally MIA after they broke up, an event that took place not long after she got pregnant, but has come around.

While still under the radar and camera-shy, he’s been a presence in Lo Jr.’s life so far, which we all hope will continue.

We leave Kailyn and Chris with some baby name inspiration in the form of the gallery below. You’re welcome, guys.


Boomer Esiason: CBS Radio Scrubbed All Traces of Carton, Changed Show Name

CBS Radio wasted no time removing all evidence that Craig Carton ever worked at WFAN — with his old broadcasting partner, Boomer Esiason, even announcing the name of his show has changed. It all went down less than 24 hours after Craig Carton…


Craig Carton Resigns, Focusing on "Clearing My Name"

Sports radio host Craig Carton — one half of the famous “Boomer and Carton Show” — officially quit his job … amidst a federal investigation into an alleged multi-million dollar concert ticket scheme. As we previously reported … Carton was…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Serena Williams Debuts Baby Girl, Reveals Surprising Name

As you"ve likely heard, Serena Williams welcomed a baby girl earlier this month, and potential future competitors should be shaking in their tennis shoes.

Yes, we already have every reason to believe the little girl will excel in the sport that made her mother famous.

After all, at less than two weeks old, she"s already following in her father"s footsteps in more ways than one.

Serena"s bundle of joy is not only taking the Internet by storm, just like her daddy, she also shares the Reddit co-founder"s first name.

Serena uploaded a video to YouTube this morning, revealing not only the first images of her daughter, but also the baby girl"s full name.

Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. entered the world on September 1, weighing 6 lbs., 14 oz., and, as the video wryly notes, already having one Grand Slam title under her belt.

(Unbeknownst to the world, Serena was already 8 weeks pregnant when she won the Australian Open back in January.)

A daughter named after her dad, complete with the "Jr." suffix! We love it!

Serena is re-inventing the baby-naming game the same way she re-invented tennis.

“So we’re leaving the hospital after six, seven days,” Williams says in the clip below.

“It’s been a long time, but we had a lot of complications, but look who we got — we got a baby girl!”

Check out the full video below:

Serena williams debuts baby girl reveals surprising name

Eric Benet Says He"s Got No Beef With Jay-Z Over Name Drop

Eric Benet is AWESOME … and this clip proves it. It’s the first time we’ve seen him since Jay-Z dropped his name in “Kill Jay-Z,” so obviously we wanted to know how it sat with him. Jay made Eric the poster child for cheating men…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Reggie Bush: Third Child (With His Wife) Born! Learn the Baby"s Name!

Back in July of 2015, Reggie Bush and Lilit Avagyan welcomed their second child, a son named Uriah. In May of 2013, their daughter Brisels was born.

Though Reggie Bush’s personal scandal has almost certainly impacted his life and marriage, Lilit has now given birth to their third child.

And they’ve given this baby a very unique sounding name.

Reggie Bush is an accomplished football player.

I may not know much about sportsball, but even I know that it’s a big deal when I hear that someone won a Heisman trophy.

(That’s because I watched American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson, but still)

Just last year, a Miami waitress claimed that Reggie Bush had impregnated her while cheating on his wife.

Eventually, Reggie reportedly reached a settlement with the waitress — which is why we don’t know more about that situation.

It was claimed that Reggie’s first response upon hearing that his mistress was pregnant was to offer the woman a million dollars to get an abortion and leave him alone (and basically disappear).

Apparently this wasn’t some one-night stand, but the result of an alleged two year affair. The waitress got a lawyer.

There’s no telling how good a settlement she received, but Reggie Bush’s net worth is estimated to be at least $ 14 million.

Clearly, however, Reggie Bush and and Lilit Avagyan were able to move past that whole ugly business and leave it behind them.

(There’s a difference between one affair and having a string of affairs, and sometimes even serial cheaters get forgiven — just look at Sharon an Ozzy Osbourne after the rock star cheated with at least six different mistresses)

We say “clearly,” because it’s nearly a year later and Lilit has given birth to the couple’s third child!

E! is reporting that Reggie Bush and Lilit Avagyan have welcomed a baby boy into the world.

That boy’s name is reportedly Agyemang Bush.

It’s no surprise that they chose an “unusual” name for their child.

When your daughter is named Brisel and your oldest son is named Uriah, you wouldn’t be doing any favors to your kids if you name your next kid “Brian” or whatever.

The reason that we put the word unusual in quotation marks is because it looks like the name “Agyemang” and the very similar “Agyeman” aren’t uncommon at all in Ghana.

In many cases, people who are taken aback by names that they refer to as “strange” or “ethnic” would do better to look up a name’s origins.

Sometimes, what we perceive as a “weird name” is actually just a name that isn’t eurocentric.

Sure, there are a lot of celebrities (and non-celebrities) who want to give their children unique-sounding names.

But there are also a lot of people who, with very good reason, want to reclaim heritage that they feel was stolen from them and their communities.

Something as simple as a name can be very empowering.

And, when we’re talking about the children of celebrities, there’s usually less concern about not getting callbacks on job applications.

Anyway, this is fantastic news for this couple.

We don’t recommend having children to mend a marriage that’s struggling, for any reason.

But we don’t know that this is what was behind their union.

Hopefully, the family can find happiness without any further scandals.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Craig Carton Allegedly Considered Fleeing to Costa Rica, Changing Name

Craig Carton’s partner in an alleged ticket fraud scheme was so concerned about the million in debt they allegedly owed … he considered fleeing the country and assuming a new identity.  At least, that’s what investigators say they learned…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Corinne Olympios Finally Clears DeMario"s Name in "Bachelor in Paradise" Scandal

Corinne Olympios finally spoke out about her “Bachelor in Paradise” scandal with DeMario Jackson, and wanted it known … he did nothing wrong.  Corinne sat down with Chris Harrison on Tuesday’s “BIP” tell-all episode and confirmed…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In-N-Out Sues Smashburger for Playing "Double-Double" Name Game

In-N-Out is going all animal (style) on Smashburger for peddling a burger it considers triple the cheese, and double the theft … so In-N-Out’s suing. In-N-Out just filed suit against its burger rival for allegedly jacking their…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kardashian Sisters Score Victory in Makeup Name Game

The Kardashian sisters’ 3 year-long war over their makeup line is finally over — and the ladies are coming out on top … partly, anyway.  Kim, Khloe and Kourtney were sued back in 2014 by the European branch of Kroma Makeup because the K…


Audrey Roloff: Is She Exploiting God in the Name of Greed?

This is so not what Audrey Roloff needs right now.

Just a few days before she’s set to give birth to her first child, the Little People, Big World star is suddenly under fire from multiple fronts.

First, the excited mother-to-be somehow found herself facing criticism simply for… well… being an excited-mother-to-be.

After sharing a number of belly bump photos across her social media accounts, Roloff was ripped this week for this “disgraceful” show of semi-nudity.

We wish we were making that up.

But comments such as these have been showing up under Audrey’s Facebook images:

mean user

When certain followers are not (ridiculously) slamming Roloff for posting too many pictures of her bare stomach, others are taking her to task for the way she combines occasional tributes to God…

… with promotional messages about her online store.

Take something Roloff wrote online a few days ago, for instance.

The reality star admitted that she’s “nervous for labor and delivery” of her impending daughter, but added that he’s sort of cool and exciting to not know when she’ll arrive.

“It’s a reminder to surrender and trust God’s timing and plan because it’s far better than mine could ever be. It’s a reminder that God’s purposes will prevail even if my plans fail,” she wrote.

Concluded Roloff:

“Thank you Lord for being the author of life, my comforter, my strength, and my shield.”

Very honest and open and emotional and relevant, right?

Audrey has always been candid about her connection to Jesus Christ.

But then she ended this message as follows:

We can’t wait to meet our baby girl and dress her in all the new baby onesies that I launched in my shop yesterday!!!

ar fb

As you can see above, Roloff also included a link to her Internet business.

She even told fans to “#shopalwaysmore,” just a few words after she was praising the strength and power of God.

Even the most ardent Little People, Big World fans must admit, this is a little… strange? Tacky? Tasteless?

Or, to borrow a term from one of Audrey’s Facebook critics, it’s a bit exploitive.

“Did you really just praise God one second, and then link to your business the next second?” asked Brian Finnegan, whose question was basically echoed by Manion Dwyer, who wrote:

“L8me! its hard to take ur faith seriously when its used as preamble 2 ur business.”

Harsh words, but we can see where these folks are coming from.

Do we doubt Audrey is a dedicated Christian? Not one bit.

We’ve been fans long enough to believe she means every word of her tributes to The Big Man Upstairs.

However, we can also concede that talking about the beauty of God in a paragraph that immediately proceeds promotion of one’s money-making website is pretty tawdry.

It may be taken as offense to other religious people, even if Audrey did not mean it that way.

Still, this doesn’t mean she deserves the vitriol she’s received for simply sharing baby bump photos. That’s just insane.

So keep us apprised over that fetus, please, Audrey, but maybe keep posts about your God separate from posts about your website going forward.

Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


Monday, August 21, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Breastfeeds, Claps Back at Baby Name Haters

Kailyn Lowry wishes she could be at home resting comfortably with her newborn son.

But still people on the Internet won’t let her do so.

Back in early August, Lowry gave birth to her third child, a baby boy she created via sexual intercourse with someone named Chris Lopez.

We don’t know a lot about Lopez, but – as cited above – we do know his name. Which is more than we can say about Kailyn’s latest child.

The famous Teen Mom cast member has not yet selected a first name for her third son, prompting some to speculate that she’s drawing out the process simply to remain in the news.

Others, meanwhile, appear to think Lowry is holding out for some company to actually sponsor the name… which would be hilarious and almost admirable if true.

But Lowry insists this is complete nonsense, responding to a few critiques on her Instagram page as follows:

Kailyn Lowry defense

It sounds as though Kailyn legitimately has not come up with a name for her baby boy just yet, and she has many more days remaining, under Delaware law, to do so.

Lowry, meanwhile, has spoken a few times on the topic of Lopez and whether he’ll be prominently involved in his kid’s life.

Or whether he’ll be involved in any way, shape or form at all.

“Kailyn’s relationship with Chris has been like a roller coaster, an insider previously told Hollywood Life, adding:

“After he showed up for the delivery, and drove them home from the hospital, Kailyn thought there was going to be a good chance he would actually be in his son’s life.”

But the verdict remains out, although Lopez has given his baby mama a reason to be optimistic.

Last week, seemingly upon spending time with his son, Lopez Tweeted:

“My lil man put a smile on my face every time I look at him lol.”

Welcome to fatherhood, man.

As you can see in the cute photo above, Lowry has been posing for many photos these days with her newly-expanded family.

She’s also been posting many photos these days of her newly-expanded family, including one of her breastfeeding Unnamed Son Number-Three.

See for yourself:

This isn’t the first time Kailyn has snapped a photo of herself providing sustenance to a child.

Back in the day, she openly took critics to task for somehow finding fault with this course of natural action.

“Like I’ve said to many people, if my baby’s hungry then I’m going to feed my baby whether other people like it or not,” Lowry wrote in 2014, adding in a separate interview:

“I think it’s crazy and unbelievable that anyone would be offended by breastfeeding.”

We don’t agree with everything Kailyn Lowry says or does.

But in this instance, we’re totally on her side.

You keep doing you, K. Lo. And you keep feeding that precious baby at any time and in any place.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Mindy Kaling Breaks Pregnancy Silence; Did She Name Her Baby Daddy?

Let the speculation end and the celebration begin:

Mindy Kaling is pregnant!

This news was broken a month ago, of course, but the actress herself had not officially confirmed the blessed development until right now.

Excerpts from a Sunday TODAY interview with Willie Geist, which will air on September 10, were made public this morning, with Kaling talking openly about her knocked-up state for the first time.

The 38-year old said she’s “really excited” to become a mom, adding:

“It’s so unknown to me. I have a lot of control over a lot of aspects of my life, and this is one where I’m like, ‘OK, it’s out of my hands,’ which is kind of a fun feeling.”

Kaling does not have a steady or serious boyfriend.

She has not revealed the identity of her baby’s father, although the Internet is filled with questions and curiosity.

Could it actually be Cory Booker, the New Jersey Senator who asked Kaling out for a date in March and who is a legitimate contender for the Presidency in 2020?

Kaling isn’t saying a word.

When Geist asked if she knows what kind of parent she’ll be, the comic star responded in funny Kaling fashion.

“It’s so easy to criticize parenting until you’re a parent, so one of the nice things about becoming a parent is that I’ll be able to openly criticize other parenting because I will have a child,” she joked.

On a far more serious note, the former Office actress said her late mother, Swati Roysircar, set an incredible example.

She can only hope to follow it.

“My mom was incredibly fierce and so devoted to us, just loved us and really wanted us to be happy no matter what we did,” Kaling said.

“My career choice was not something that she was familiar with and she was just so supportive of that. And if I could give that to my child, just that open-mindedness, I’d be so happy.”

Back in 2015, Kaling spoke to Yahoo! Style about someday having kids.

She seemed extremely relaxed about the possibility, while also being very open to it.

“I think I’ve decided that unlike everything else in my life, I’m going to be fast and loose about kids,” she said, seemingly not kidding around and adding:

“I’m going to not actively plan, but if it happens, it would happen. I’m not cavalier about who I would have a kid with.

“But the thing I ask every parent that I really admire, the one comment they all have is that they wish they had kids earlier.”

We’ve never once heard a parent say that.

But whatever. You do you, Mindy!

And also: Congratulations!!!!!!


Monday, August 14, 2017

Donald Trump Belatedly Condemns White Supremacist Groups By Name 2 Days After Charlottesville

Donald Trump finally caved to the public pressure by condemning white supremacist groups at the center of the violence in Charlottesville. Trump announced Monday from The White House a civil rights investigation has been launched by the…


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Isiah Thomas Says He Loves Isaiah Thomas, Gives Name Blessing

NBA Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas says he no beef with Isaiah Thomas … and no this isn’t a ‘Good Will Hunting’ moment, he’s talking about the NEW Isaiah, the one who tore it up for the Celtics last year. Our camera guy spotted the original IT at LAX…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I Might Not Name My Baby For MONTHS!

We may not know Kailyn Lowry’s exact due date, but based on social media clues, it seems she’s set to give birth any day now.

It’s an exciting time for fans, especially as there’s an element of surprise involved.

As you may know, the Teen Mom 2 star has been so tight-lipped about her pregnancy that for the first few months, we didn’t even know the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy.

We still don’t know anything about the name or gender of Kailyn’s baby, but there’s a good reason for that:

It seems Kailyn doesn’t have that information herself.

As with her first two children, Kailyn won’t be learning the gender in advance of welcoming the baby.

As for a name, well … that’s a bit more complicated.

On Twitter, Kailyn has dropped hints about the baby’s name, revealing that she likes “last names as first names” and would consider a moniker like Murphy in the case of a girl.

But at the end of the day, she still hasn’t decided … and it might be quite some time before she does.

Kailyn tweeted the above screen shot over the weekend, and we think it’s safe to say she’s having some trouble zeroing in on a fitting moniker.

It seems Lowry was relieved to learn that she has 60 days after the birth to choose a name for her new son or daughter.

She seemed to have no such difficulty with her first two kids, but then again, in each of those cases Kailyn had some help.

Lowry has broken up with Chris Lopez, the father of ther third child, and it seems the former couple has little contact with one another these days.

Insiders say Kailyn and Chris only dated for a few weeks, and he has no desire to be a part of his child’s life.

Sources close to Kailyn say he has promised to fulfill his financial obligation to her, but wil not appear on Teen Mom 2, or serve as a father figure to the child.

So we guess it’s no great surprise that Kailyn is struggling to come up with a name for her baby.

The girl no doubt has an awful lot on her mind these days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to catch up on all things Kailyn.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Reveals Baby Name, Gender on Twitter?!

Kailyn Lowry is likely just days away from welcoming her third child, and after keeping a tight lid on the details for most of the past nine months, she suddenly seems eager to share the experience with her millions of social media followers.

At first, even the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy remained a mystery, but at this point it seems Lowry is focused on welcoming a happy and healthy child, and unconcerned about the opinions of the public.

Over the past 24 hours, tweets posted by Kailyn and her Teen Mom 2 co-star Leah Messer have attracted the attention of zealous super-fans eager to know everything about the new addition currently known only as Baby Lo.

Many have jumped to the conclusion that Kailyn revealed the kid’s name.

That’s not entirely true … but we do know what sort of names she’s considering.

“I like last name for first names, how do we feel about Murphy for Baby Lo?” Kailyn tweeted last night, along with a poll allowing fans to give their two cents on the unorthodox moniker.

The name didn’t go over well with her followers, as 78 percent voted “no,” and just 22 percent gave it a thumbs-up.

Many fans assumed that the name was an indicator that Kailyn is having a boy (Are none of these kids Murphy Brown fans?! God, we’re old.), but Lowry was quick to set the record straight:

“No I actually like it for a girl,” she tweeted. “But idk what I’m having.”

Yes, Kailyn says she doesn’t actually know her baby’s gender yet, as she wants to be surprised on the day of delivery, just as she was with her first two kids (both boys).

But naturally, there are plenty willing to offer surprisingly confident guesses about whether Kail will be welcoming a son or a daughter.

Leah Messer, for example, seems convinced that Lowry has a girl on the way.

Over the weekend, Leah reiterated her belief that Kailyn is having a girl.

Lowry gave away no information and simply laughed the remark off, tweeting:

“I’d be calling you cause idk how to dress myself let alone a little girl!”

Meanwhile, fans are on ‘round-the-clock Lowry labor watch, bracing for big news every time Kailyn briefly goes silent on social media.

“@KailLowry hasn’t tweeted in 11 hours. I automatically think Baby Lo is on the way!” tweeted one fan.

“I wish it were true!” Kailyn replied.

It seems Lowry is just as eager to deliever this baby as her fans are to hear about it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the hectic life of Kailyn Lowry.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: The Baby"s On Its Way & I Don"t Have a Name Picked Out!

Well, the big day is almost here.

Kailyn Lowry will welcome her third child sometime in the next couple weeks, and as has been the case throughout her pregnancy, she’s staying tight-lipped about the details.

Initially, Kailyn wouldn’t even reveal the name of her baby daddy, and now she’s keeping mum about her due date and the kid’s gender.

Obviously, it’s her right to decide what information about her personal life is made public, but considering how open she’s been in the past, we suppose it’s not surprising that fans have been caught off guard by Kailyn’s secrecy.

And since this is 2017, it’s equally unsurprising that those same fans are clamoring for information on social media.

Earlier today, Kail reveled that she was gearing up for her final doctor’s appointment before her due date.

“One more appointment today! Getting closer & closer,” Lowry tweeted.

Several of Kail’s followers sensed the opportunity to press her further information and pounced on it.

“You got your names picked out yet? Or will it just be ‘baby’? lol,” one fan tweeted.

“Still no names, baby Lo it is until further notice! Lol,” Lowry replied.

It’s unclear if Kailyn is saying she’s still not ready to reveal the name, or is she’s suggesting she has yet to pick one out.

The latter option is the more salacious, so of course, that’s the one fans seem to be favoring.

As a result, Kailyn is currently awash in suggestions and admonitions from fans who are shocked – shocked! – that she still hasn’t named her unborn child.

At this point, we’re hoping Kail is enjoying all the attention.

In fact, we hope she keeps it going and refuses to reveal the baby’s name and gender until the next season of Teen Mom 2.

Not the one that premieres later this month, mind you.

That one has already wrapped filming.

We’re talking about the season that doesn’t air until 2018.

It would be the ultimate power play, a reminder even though her personal life is integral to her career, she’s under no obligation to share everything with the public.

And, if we’re being honest, it would be fun to see her fans lose their minds.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the suddenly-secretive Kail.
